Advanced Personal Branding in 2025

I NEVER SHARED THESE! My Top 25 Personal Branding Advanced Level Tips For 2025 - Video 8035

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    Loy Machedo shares 25 advanced personal branding tips aimed at serious professionals who want to stand out by 2025. These tips stem from his personal experiences and successful strategies that have worked for him and his clients. Machedo emphasizes genuine communication, maintaining personal values over market trends, and the importance of authenticity in both personal and professional life. He underscores the power of storytelling, mental resilience against criticism, and focusing on a targeted audience to build a solid reputation.


      • Always be cautious about what you share online; it can backfire. 🔍
      • Use AI tools wisely; don't over-rely on them. 🤖
      • Balance personal values with market trends. ⚖️
      • Authenticity trumps trying to be trendy. Be yourself. 🌿
      • Engage genuinely with an audience of one. 👥

      Key Takeaways

      • Personal branding requires a deep understanding of one's values and goals. 🌟
      • Avoid oversharing and consider the long-term implications of online posts. 🔒
      • Master communication, both in storytelling and direct engagement. 📚
      • Identify and focus on a specific target audience to establish authority. 🎯
      • Resilience and consistency build a strong personal brand over time. 💪


      In a world where everyone's competing for the spotlight, Loy Machedo shares eye-opening tips to refine your personal brand. Drawing from his personal journeys and client successes, Machedo emphasizes authenticity and consistency, urging his followers to be mindful of what they put online. He challenges viewers to reflect on their values and consistently align them with their branding efforts.

        Each personal branding strategy shared is rooted in practicality and foresight. Machedo advises against the overuse of AI tools and stresses the importance of personal touches in communication. He encourages setting boundaries and protecting one's reputation by being authentic and thoughtful in every engagement. According to Machedo, these practices ensure your brand remains not just memorable, but trustworthy.

          Ultimately, Machedo's video serves as a call to cultivate a personal brand built on a solid foundation of genuine values and targeted engagement. By identifying a niche audience and staying true to one's core principles, individuals can create a brand that resonates deeply with others. Machedo's insights remind us that branding is a personal journey that requires dedication, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth.

            I NEVER SHARED THESE! My Top 25 Personal Branding Advanced Level Tips For 2025 - Video 8035 Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 [Music] all right in this video I'm going to share with you 25 personal branding tips advanced level uh for those of you who are very serious about your career about
            • 00:30 - 01:00 your personal professional life and if you really want to stand out as a brand um generally if you check online you'll get very generic stuff so I didn't want to make this generic so what I did is I spent time looking into my own life and seeing what works um checking what worked with my clients and I compiled 25 of them and U I can assure you this much the stuff that I'm going to give you here
            • 01:00 - 01:30 if you really write it down okay do write it down because that is where you learn twice and you apply this I can openly challenge you and tell you this that you will achieve far more results better results than if you didn't know this okay I'm not looking for this U video to be viral or get many likes and shares and someone who's serious will watch this video and it'll make a difference to them okay so having said that um here are the 25 points points
            • 01:30 - 02:00 which are relevant for 2025 the first one is um whatever you put online whatever always ask yourself am I oversharing am I putting it out there can it backfire um is being authentic going to get me in trouble and where should I draw the boundaries okay because we live in a day and age where today people are just in to spoil your name to create
            • 02:00 - 02:30 some controversy to expose what you tweeted or shared or said 15 20 you know 10 11 15 years ago and they just take a great deal of pleasure of putting you down and especially if you're working in the corporate world and um you know someone sends something that you said to the hro he's anti-trans or his transphobic or his anti-semite or his anti-muslim them or this thing they can
            • 02:30 - 03:00 just twist your words it can destroy you just be careful so and also be careful what you share about you your family um like I said it depends from person to person I'm a YouTuber my criteria is different you are maybe you are an employee YouTube is just entertainment so it's different so know how much to share where to share and also keep in mind maybe there are some things you have to get rid of or maybe even shut down a social media that is number one
            • 03:00 - 03:30 point number two is the existing tools of the trade that are there please don't abuse it and please don't overuse it you know I I'll give you a very simple thing how have you received an email or a CV or an article or a comment and immediately you feel like man this guy is using AI you know this is copy pasted from somewhere I'll tell you immediately your
            • 03:30 - 04:00 credibility goes down the drain please don't do this please okay spelling mistakes I can understand is this grammatically correct this sentence fine but have your personal touch like for me I don't you know when I write the me I don't know about others I always get to the point I said yes like if people send me a big long message I don't say dear sir Madam you know hope you are having a wonderful day this is for your perusal
            • 04:00 - 04:30 which I want to just get to the bloody Point here so you should know who you're communicating with obviously uh you have to be careful if you're talking to the CE of your company whether you're talking to uh client whether you're talking to uh you know uh your coworker or someone working under you so there you have to use your common sense but please don't use AI so much I'll tell you honestly whenever I get an email or a message or
            • 04:30 - 05:00 this thing and I I can see it in seconds okay I'm sure most of you can I just deleted and it'll destroy your brand one of my uh well-paying clients he did this utter mistake I don't know why he couldn't tell me he was doing this business deal with someone in South Africa he showed me later on when he didn't work out he he and I were talking and he sent me what he sent them boss this is bloody AI man what are you doing
            • 05:00 - 05:30 and immediately he said yeah but I use some places and then finally ask how did you know it's so bloody evident and I said that is why you didn't get the deal because you sounded like a fake don't do that please don't do that so you don't overuse and don't misuse AI to cover your shortcomings it's you'll destroy your brand number three is ask yourself what is important
            • 05:30 - 06:00 personal values or making money or market trends okay you can't be loyal to all three best example I'll give is Jaguar uh what a you know don't copy or whatever [ __ ] it is you you see how it backfired to them because they were just trying to keep the market Trend or the lgbtq the community happy because that was a trend they thought this will make us
            • 06:00 - 06:30 get back in the driver's seat and uh make us sell cars like crazy no it just backfired people now people are actually selling off their Jaguars because they're so embarrassed and the old models they are treasuring it because they realize who wants to drive a bloody pink neon pink color car which executive uh Jaguars were supposed to be like a Prestige business you know uh themed vehicle that showed power they made a complete joke of it why
            • 06:30 - 07:00 because they wanted to be part of the market trends and also just because something is making money fast uh please don't jump into it I see this with cryptocurrency I see this with the meme coins they jump into it and uh yeah you think you're smarter than the system ill backfire so as a personal brand don't be viewed as someone who will just kick out his values just for Easy Money nobody will trust you uh and uh that is a principle yes
            • 07:00 - 07:30 you will make less money but your reputation will be Rock Solid which you can never buy I'll tell you you'll not know what I'm saying until you lose your reputation just one small stain and that's the end of it number four is go beyond the guru image um you must have seen no all these guys J Shetty then um what's his name Tha Lopez then gr Cardone then Alex hormon they always show you their lives
            • 07:30 - 08:00 are perfect they're making hundreds of millions of dollars um then you can see even normal people using filters uh for their faces their videos are like production quality um females even if you see them their lips are like this and the breasts are firm and that is yeah it's attractive but it's not real it's you enhanced yourself with surgery and then you have these guys who come on WhatsApp and chat groups and try to show you such profound
            • 08:00 - 08:30 wisdom and expertise but okay you might say yeah you need to survive so you need to show all this but once a person comes to know who you really are minus all the facade the filter the a fake this thing you're putting so much of wisdom online but when they talk to you and you realize man you're talking garbage you know uh or you portray yourself as so successful but they realize they not what you claim to be that's end of it okay so please go
            • 08:30 - 09:00 beyond the guru image by you know not exposing not showing yourself completely naked to the world but talk to them as if you're talking to a family member who knows you in and out so don't put on a fake filter just as you wouldn't want someone to put on a fake uh accent when talking to you number five is always create content uh um that is
            • 09:00 - 09:30 Evergreen and Timeless now you must be asking yourself I'm not a social media guy well the communication that you have with people uh will expose what is it that you're saying very simple example I'll give when you go for a networking event and you meet someone hi my name is he'll say my name is Alex okay I'm the structural engineer for uh ABC group okay and then you meet an another guy hi
            • 09:30 - 10:00 my name is Rahul I work for ABB as the electrical engineer and next guy hey hi I work for um Demetrius uh group of companies and I um check on their logistical support okay you made like this 20 30 people all they give you the name designation simple question after 10 minutes can you recollect everyone's name everyone's designation everyone's company
            • 10:00 - 10:30 100 out of 100% you'll not remember anyone however if you share with other people something meaningful something worthwhile something that connects two people with a story or with something that is relevant the connection will be deeper for example but don't manipulate this because people can see through it use it intelligently and use it sparingly uh have you met someone whom when you spoke to them said by the way did you study in um
            • 10:30 - 11:00 Dubai oh yeah I studed in Dubai with School uh and then you tell the school and then all of a sudden you're like wow that connection the ice is broken so this is a Evergreen piece of information content and which is timeless then there is a bond that is created okay so don't try to be popular like a Logan Paul or Jake Paul yes these guys are menting money because they love it is just in
            • 11:00 - 11:30 their DNA like Mr Beast only what is power only what is popular relevant and viral but for majority of us if you share something that people can relate to they will trust you more why do you think so many people watch my videos about my life my failures my childhood and all they can relate mother father brother sister hopes dreams education failure first job second job
            • 11:30 - 12:00 so have something that is worthwhile that makes people connect to you Timeless as well as Evergreen number six is the three C's be a curator a curator is the one who collects content be a Creator one who creates his own original content but don't be a c that is a copycat okay uh what do I mean by by that again I'll give you the example of
            • 12:00 - 12:30 what's his name uh J Shetty he started copying he started giving wise quotes quotations and all that you can Google search on YouTube and then he got exposed by a couple of influences that he he will take the words of some famous person and instead of putting the name of that famous person let's say for example Thomas Edison said um you know try never give up try till you succeed for example and Thomas Edison said that instead of that he would say uh try till
            • 12:30 - 13:00 you succeed instead of Thomas Edison he'll say J Shetty so everywhere he was putting his name and he got called out for this and uh it it just destroyed his reputation at least for that point of time he has met a bounce back but that is different so don't be a copycat people will find out in today's day and age uh be a Creator create your own like I do sometimes and sometimes be a curator I take people's stories other
            • 13:00 - 13:30 people's experiences change the identity because obviously you need to keep them Anonymous so how can you use this in your workplace ideas uh learnings communication Styles leadership there's so many things you can do where you can bring together curate people's um uh strengths and weaknesses you can create your own kind of new project or style of doing things but remember if you try to to copy someone and you dress like them act like
            • 13:30 - 14:00 them behave like them yeah they will laugh at you number seven is find your North Star or at least your digital version of it um there there are two things one is doing things to stay relevant like a new handbag and the girl will buy new outfit and they'll wear it new Gadget oh I have the iPhone 16 I have the triple foldable phone okay that is to stay relevant the other one is you're not star do you
            • 14:00 - 14:30 really need it do you really need to do this if nobody was watching would you do it and that is why you'll realize man I need to like they use this word authentic no be real I many people make fun of my dress or place where I stay or my computers or my phone they say it's not the latest this hell with it this is who I am and that's one of the reasons why people connect to me because I don't pretend to show Perfection like when me
            • 14:30 - 15:00 and my wife and baby go we dress up something that's comfortable not something that will make us look like wow in front of other people that is why my wife never ever ever shows off what I've given her to her family her Village or other people and I'm very proud of that okay number eight is engage with the audience of one see now when I'm making this video I don't think that I'm speaking to a whole stage 10,000 people like sadguru sitting there
            • 15:00 - 15:30 and talking even sadguru he's he's a brilliant speaker Great Communicator one of the best in personal branding and business branding and I'm sure he uses the principle when he talks he talks to one person in public speaking advanced level when you talk you look at one person and then you just go on a V fashion so that whole group comes but you look at that one person and then when you look the other side you look at that one person we meet eyee to eye so
            • 15:30 - 16:00 when I'm talking to the camera I'm not saying ladies and gentlemen welcome and no I'm just talking to you okay because that way it'll come more naturally and that is why when people listen to my video they say man I felt like you are talking to me it's so common people tell me this okay so engage with others but by an audience of one number nine is which I've told you
            • 16:00 - 16:30 before your netw work your network of friends contacts connections clients is your net worth okay uh be careful who you surround yourself with um I always engage with people who know more than me people who are genuine people whom I know for a fact I can if not learn something or at least are financially beneficial mutually or someone who I know for a fact is not fake you can
            • 16:30 - 17:00 surround yourself with Yes Men you can surround yourself with people who will blow smoke up your ass or uh hot girls or oh the Rich and Famous and all that I'll tell you these people are not dumb that is why you can have on your LinkedIn all the CEOs of all the companies maybe nobody will respond to you so understand this much that it has to be genuine and uh you have to clearly choose so choose carefully instead of having 100 cosos have maybe one but whom
            • 17:00 - 17:30 you have time to interact with okay so uh number nine is your net worth network is your net worth so learn learn from those who are surround yourself with people who are better than you or people who are genuine or people who are worthwhile number 10 is there is transparency and there is perfection choose one um
            • 17:30 - 18:00 there are some people who will wear the latest Armani shoes or they'll have the Gucci handbag or they'll wear the latest dress or they'll go to a barber and they look perfect their hair everything now that is good I'm not saying that is bad but then you have to maintain it forever so if I were to make videos that had super high production value and an amazing team and brainstorming and giving you world class stuff I have to Main maintain it that's why Mr who's the
            • 18:00 - 18:30 boss maintains his standard Mr Beast M maintains his standard um but don't push yourself to such a level where it is either too expensive or you know you can't maintain my videos just like this sit here talk plop the uh microphone camera's here and talk I keep it consistent so people know when I switch on to Loy Mido what to expect so make sure that you have a standard you maintain that standard but
            • 18:30 - 19:00 don't try to overdo it targeting Perfection and then burn yourself out okay and over here one more thing is avoid by transparency I mean avoid trying to be fake fake accent fake looks fake appearances fake toys fake money fake cars yeah there are some influences get away with it I don't think you'll have the same luck uh number 11 is um use social
            • 19:00 - 19:30 media um use the online tools use whatever your smartphone or videos or MP3s or whatever that you use to communicate use it with a planned purpose or agenda like many people have Facebook I asked them why do you have Facebook yeah it is to connect with my family okay then why do you have like 3,000 or 4,000 your family how many members are there they then find finally come down I have six uh family members and 14 are
            • 19:30 - 20:00 this thing so total 20 and who are these remaining 3,880 so be you know understand what you're doing if you want to just randomly add Tom Dick and Harry or hot females or hot looking guys or rich people then use it for that don't mix don't put your business contacts where your friends are don't put your friends where your business contacts are for me YouTube is for my personal brand that's
            • 20:00 - 20:30 it Facebook just private uh social you know moments that I can look through and smile even Instagram so many people add me they want to see what is part of my life so I put stuff that I know the world is seeing but I'm not active that people ask me why don't you put more don't do that okay just figure out what are you using each platform for if you're using LinkedIn specific my career okay which
            • 20:30 - 21:00 industry okay which group of people and if you're targeting decision makers then don't add every Tom Dick and Har Tom Dick and Harry below you you know so be smart be sharp number 12 is um stand up for something see the problem with the rock he's always trying to please people if you write and say I'm offended by this he'll apologize um when he appeared on Joe Rogan he was praising Joe Rogan and
            • 21:00 - 21:30 saying this is the man and this is you know I respect him and then someone bought up a old video where Jo Rogan had used you know some of the terms that people find offensive okay he he said something about lgbtq he said the word [ __ ] mean when they're joking so rock immediately instead of standing up and saying he's my friend that is his career he can do what he wants with me he is good immediately The Rock said thank you for educating me on this I now realize
            • 21:30 - 22:00 where I have to keep him and where I have to stand and where I have to position him he sounded so bloody fake and here's the funny thing the irony of the whole thing later on he ended up adding him back and networking with him to promote his brand if you're fake like that now and people know you're fake they'll not deal with you so even with me my stands on lgbtq my stands on transgender um surgeries on children my opinion
            • 22:00 - 22:30 about religion my you know marriage and alpha male and it'll be unpopular but I keep it real and I'll tell you longterm people will respect you for your stance they may not like you but they'll respect you number 13 is um connect with people in a genuine fashion instead of being a seller see for example when you go for an interview what are you trying
            • 22:30 - 23:00 to do sell sell sell I am this I am that I am that interviewer knows that but for the the guy who goes for an interview and the interviewer feels a sense of connection he will maybe not talk to you about work maybe will talk to you about something else but the connection will be formed and maybe he'll not give you the job but he'll never forget you I have had so many so many clients customers whom have helped them you know
            • 23:00 - 23:30 I worked with them and helped them achieve the job of their dreams because I told them listen stop being perfect at the interview stop putting on an act stop trying to impress don't impress Express and I guide them based on which interview they going which company because there are some companies which are too stuck up some are too creative some are very traditionalistic some are very modern so there the flexibility is required but be in intelligent and connect with people Here's the final
            • 23:30 - 24:00 example I'll give for this one all all my clients not even 99 100% of my clients pay me 100% of the money in advance even before I give them even a phone call or even a chat for the service people do this because they connect to me they trust me nobody is going to give money just like that to a total stranger almost all nobody has met me they trust me so be a connector not a
            • 24:00 - 24:30 seller uh number 14 is please don't be on all social media there are people who are on Rumble YouTube um Facebook Instagram LinkedIn CH what is that Snapchat and I've even had people tell me Lo be on Rumble Lo be on Snapchat La you'll get new target audience Lo be on Spotify be yeah there are some people who are on all this like
            • 24:30 - 25:00 for example diary of the CEO is on Spotify is on uh YouTube uh then Nas daily he's on Facebook he's on YouTube he's on shorts he's on Instagram if you have a team and you can afford to do that and you can do every social media properly with the tags description creativity thumbnail everything fine because your seeking popularity you need to have a team but if you are a single
            • 25:00 - 25:30 person choose your social media carefully there are so many of my clients I've told them delete your Facebook just be on LinkedIn and then there is reverse I've told people don't working C delete your uh LinkedIn just Facebook just keep it family so it all depends from person to person with me uh before I think I'll be on everything now YouTube is enough my website enough that's it I rest Facebook Instagram I
            • 25:30 - 26:00 don't even bother Tik Tok I don't even bother when I feel like I just put something there um number 15 is um you know this is famous book The checklist Manifesto by Atul gande he has a it's a beautiful book small book must read if you can listen to the book summary all it says is for Airlines which are the safest means of travel before the Boeing fa ASCO they have a checklist all you have to do is from zero to the 100% if you follow that
            • 26:00 - 26:30 there'll be zero accidents okay so for you and your life have a checklist for the to-do list have a checklist for daily routine have a checklist for the dos and don'ts and keep it for you it's very important for my personal brand there's a checklist I'll give you maybe two three points I never offer discounts never if someone really can't for we try to work things out never give discount
            • 26:30 - 27:00 um only the only time I remember I did offer a discount is year end uh but that year end was not like if someone came to me for $1,000 service I would give it for $2 or 500 based on what they wanted we' work together to find something because let's say for example I'm charging you 200 just educating you $237 us follows an hour um there is always a possibility
            • 27:00 - 27:30 the person can speak in 40 minutes and finish it off um so during that that promo time I told them okay this is what I recommend and instead of paying me the full amount you tell me what is your problem we'll try to fix up where I can bring it down uh based on my options so you can also save money and I can stay true to my word okay so these are certain principles you need to have uh other things like uh no matter how
            • 27:30 - 28:00 much money people pay me I'm not going to travel abroad I got offers for five star accommodation Airlines they'll travel business class first class uh they'll pay me for giving a two-day workshop 3-day Workshop good money sometimes it's good money uh they even offered holiday with me my wife and kid i' made it a point never going to do this no so have your checklist and Manifesto have your two List have your
            • 28:00 - 28:30 rules regulations do and Don write it down it's very important um some one one final part um like for example you I follow this in my WhatsApp groups I never give people Second Chances and uh through painful painful realizations I realized once someone is blocked and deleted never bring them back no matter how good they are no matter how much they beg or they even ready to pay number 16 is is enjoy the journey not the
            • 28:30 - 29:00 destination yes you want to have uh CEO position yes you want to have six figure income yes you want to buy um let's say Rolls-Royce or Bugatti or um McLaren or uh whatever the car is uh Aston Martin yes you want to get married to that particular girl all these are the end result I'll be happy when I get that trust me when I I say this enjoy the process of getting
            • 29:00 - 29:30 there because after you get there that that happiness is very shortlived so I've bought so many toys so many toys I'm so excited until I get it but after I get it it's like buying a new car you're very happy one week one month after that you're like H enough of this number 17 is have a target market for your brand your behavior your communication your style I if you ask my target
            • 29:30 - 30:00 market 30 to 40 year olds okay 30 to 40 year olds male Indian uh based in the Middle East okay that is the core demographic you noticed I didn't say females I didn't say college students I did not say people above 50 I did not say people in USA it's not that I don't get these people I do get but I specialize only on this okay uh and I'll
            • 30:00 - 30:30 tell you I make literally 80 85% 90% of the revenue from them now does that mean I can't do anything I can't do life coaching I can't do mentoring I can't do uh maybe advice on bodybuilding steroids or there's so many things I do know but you'll confuse the person so when you're going go for your Target mind go for specialization that is why when you go to a restaurant which is a generic restaurant H there's nothing but if you
            • 30:30 - 31:00 go to Italian or you go to say a fast food or you go to uh highend fine dining there is there you'll be recognized as a brand so for me the way I look the way I am it's totally unique and it's for a specific audience okay don't try changing every one day dress up formal one day dress up flry one day dress up you know pleasing everyone you're going to
            • 31:00 - 31:30 destroy yourself I think there is that saying if you uh like when you write a book if your book is for everyone nobody will buy it uh number 18 just a few more points number 18 is um what has to be automated putting in automatic mode what has to be personalized it has to be that way by automation yeah you can give this job delegated to this guy this job delegate
            • 31:30 - 32:00 this guy uh this one just buy a machine it'll do all the calculation okay that is automation but for a simple person like you automation how I'll make you understand is uh whenever people ask me La and they ask me FAQ frequently Asked question like there are the typical ones like uh can you tell me about a service can you tell me about your rates can you tell me about the job in Dubai uh what is the final price I have standard answers which I have carefully
            • 32:00 - 32:30 written down all I do is copy paste someone wants to join my group the rules regulations send one go if I have to get your resume and ask these questions I have it copy paste go but on the other hand when I'm sitting and speaking to a client or I have to give them my personal attention that is where nothing is copied nothing is automated I talk to them one to one so always keep automation separate
            • 32:30 - 33:00 individual separate okay number 19 is uh uh you you'll feel funny me saying this but the greatest teacher in this world was the myth of Jesus Christ every lesson that Jesus Christ wanted to tell someone he never said be good he never said follow God's uh you know uh Commandments or whatever he
            • 33:00 - 33:30 always give you example there was once a rich man there was once a poor man and the rich man had so many sheep and the poor man had only one uh sheep okay and then one day when there was a party he took the poor man sheep and he killed it and the poor man that sheep was like his child so then when God came to know this he destroyed this rich man with all his sheep and he gave the poor man more sheep than he could ever dream of morel
            • 33:30 - 34:00 of the story don't be greedy don't take advantage of the poor you know whatever the morel of the story so I told you a story you'll never forget be a Storyteller on my YouTube channel I always give stories okay of clients of people of individuals and um and then I tell them the message and remember have the story without trying to be manipulative to sell like if I were to keep telling people stories oh you know there was this guy but he didn't take my service and he lost his job and he
            • 34:00 - 34:30 failed and uh there was this person who took my service and achieved the dream people are not stupid so your stories have to be powerful without having the agenda of selling and they have to be genuine okay that is why even sometimes I tell them I failed I've messed up I [ __ ] up so then people will trust you more and that helps your personal Brand number 20 five more are there number 20 is in today's DNA if you want to be a personal brand
            • 34:30 - 35:00 remember there will be people who will be jealous of you envious of you who will hate you who will troll you who will try to bring you down who will give bad words who will try to make your life miserable okay so you can't help it you can't get rid of them so develop that mental and emotional resilience be tough develop a tough skin I've been doing this for 20 plus years so for me it doesn't impact me so have that mental and emotional resilience number 21 is
            • 35:00 - 35:30 the most powerful way to communicate is not through articles is not through uh you know automated videos where you have a voice and AI it is through genuine self videos of yourself where you're talking like this to people um and I'll tell you you want to build your trust um that's the only way but the only drawback here is if you don't have experience you'll come across very bad
            • 35:30 - 36:00 and uh your flaws will be absolutely visible but then my counterargument to this is then you must improve because what you showed on video is what is in real life but you're not aware of it because there you don't have a camera here you have camera and feedback so Master the art of communication please Master the art uh of communication written as well as spoken that's a bonus point but use video to communicate your
            • 36:00 - 36:30 ideas your feelings your thoughts who you are and that will Eclipse everything else uh number 22 is um this might sound strange but your relatives and your friends the people you love can either make you or break you I know I've said about your net workor is your net worth but here it is the people who you love your relatives people you trust your friends uh people with common interest
            • 36:30 - 37:00 they will Define you either they'll depreciate and destroy your talent your skills your chance of success or they'll bring you up if you don't have good ones then stay alone but if you're worthwhile ones even few even two three keep them so close okay it's it's Priceless that is why a woman if you marry can either make you or break you okay they always say that you know uh number 23 is future
            • 37:00 - 37:30 proof your brand don't run away from technology see before I spoke to you about misusing and overusing AI over here what I would say is don't boycott uh something that you know can really help you like for example when uh there were hashtags I was stupid I thought who wants to use hashtags but then when I started I realized okay I was not getting viral understood why it's important and today if I'm visible
            • 37:30 - 38:00 online it's because of 10 15 years of using the same loyo hashtag um so future proof your brand by learning new skills like how you can use AI to further yourself you further your education further your learning uh because remember in the 80s when the computer was there people try to you know fear it or get rid of it no I'll do manually the accounts I'll do a data entry manually it will overtake you eventually
            • 38:00 - 38:30 so don't try to be scared of it and don't avoid it unless of course you are in your 50s and 60s but then again there also you need technology like Zoom Skype um you know computers okay so future proof your brand and if you're not too sure meet someone who's better than you most successful and figure out how it can help you number 24 last two uh consistency is the key but don't fear
            • 38:30 - 39:00 change okay I'll give my example so you'll understand every single day three videos no matter what happens sake not sake good mood bad mood don't feel like like today I was in really bad shape very bad shape it's uh now it's 11:15 in the night right from morning I've been wanting to make this video I've failed miserably but no matter what I didn't give up any came out so that is is consistency okay um but the second part
            • 39:00 - 39:30 is um don't fear change is you know this camera that I'm using is insar 360 when it launched it was the latest the microphone that I'm using is the road it's not the latest but it was the best for me I've changed like six seven mics the machine that I'm using is an Apple Mac andosh okay so when these Technologies changed I was unafraid to try them so always when
            • 39:30 - 40:00 there's a new technology don't U don't buy to show off like the new SM Galaxy phone or the iPhone if you're not going to use it like I don't see the difference between the iPhone 13 versus iPhone 16 whatever so that is not what I'm talking about rather if there's new way of speaking communication video editing learning um you know new way of doing things study that it'll really help you
            • 40:00 - 40:30 on the long run maybe maybe it was end of the day maybe it's it was overhyped but at least you learn something new so those brain cells always keep using them um last if not the least uh purpose over profit um you know I've said this so many times I got offers for uh big boss Big Brother whatever I got offers for uh promoting some cryptocurrency meme coin and the money
            • 40:30 - 41:00 was good I was offered you know certain types of sponsors which I never used but they said they'll pay me like $500 to $1,000 but I had to reach a certain uh threshold in terms of views um the problem was this is not who I am these are not the products I use this is not what I believed in even health and fitness and some education websites so yes if IID said yes I to get
            • 41:00 - 41:30 the money my wife personally told me when that uh uh deal came for that big uh meme coin uh tie up she said it's good money life-changing money money that you'll make maybe 2 three years uh she was telling me but when I explained to her the dangers she said no so this was only possible because I was clear about like I told you before my North Star have your purpose ask myself what is the purpose of my brand what is
            • 41:30 - 42:00 the purpose of what I do what is the purpose of me living uh you know so once you're clear about it nobody can change you and that is exactly the reason why today don't cheat on my wife I don't sleep around I don't uh short Change clients I stick to certain standards I'm not saying I'm perfect but it's very clear I know my purpose I know who I am question is do you so these are 25 points for 2025 I
            • 42:00 - 42:30 don't know if you listen to it I don't know if you're going to use it uh but if you're one of those who is serious about his life these are game changers anyway uh if you watch the video to the end let me know who you are so I know who are the serious people and um yeah I would love to know if you're are one of those who watch the whole video any questions comments let me know down below this may signing off you guys take care [Music]
            • 42:30 - 43:00 he [Music]