3 reviews
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a versatile Chrome Extension designed to generate quick summaries of YouTube videos and web articles. Users can add it to both Chrome and Safari browsers without any sign-up. With features like video transcripts, customizable prompts, and summaries in multiple languages, it helps enhance productivity and learning. Trusted by over 1.5 million users globally, the extension is known for its time-saving benefits and ease of use. It has also been featured in top publications worldwide.
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Video transcripts in multiple languages
Customizable prompts for AI models
Summaries available in multiple languages
Choice of AI models for summarization
Timestamped transcripts
Highlighting and note-taking within transcripts (Glasp integration)
PDF and webpage summaries
Follow-up questions for AI responses
No sign-up required
User-friendly interface
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Glarity: Summarize & Translate Any Page, Ad-Free
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Join 50,000+ readers learning how to use AI in just 5 minutes daily.
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