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The AI Content Detector tool, available on InterestedInAI, allows users to check whether any given text has been generated by artificial intelligence. It is especially useful in an environment where AI-generated content is often penalized. The tool supports analyzing up to 1,000 characters at a time, but registered users can unlock analysis for up to 5,000 characters. This free tool provides a probability percentage of the text being AI-generated, aiding users in verifying content authenticity.
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AI detection
Probability percentage of AI generation
Free to use
1,000 character limit
5,000 character limit with registration
Immediate results
Easy to use
No text storage
Broad text type usability
Verification of text authenticity
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Boost Your Visibility with AI Checker Tool
Detect AI-Generated Text with Ease
Unveil the True Origin of Text with AI Detector
Transform AI Text to Human Text with AI Humanizer
Accurately Detect AI-Generated Content with TheChecker.AI
Detect Human vs. GPT-Generated Text with GPTKit
Detect AI & Human Content with Precision!
Ensure Text Authenticity with AI Detector - Text Validator
Effortlessly detect AI-generated content with our AI Plagiarism Checker
to ensure that their work is not flagged as AI-generated and to comply with platform guidelines.
to verify the authenticity of submitted articles and maintain content integrity.
to detect if students are submitting AI-generated essays or assignments.
to check the originality of their work before publication.
to ensure that promotional content is human-written for better audience engagement.
to verify the authenticity of news articles and reports.
to prove that their content is original and not AI-generated.
to maintain trust by ensuring their content is human-generated.
to ensure posts are authentic and not flagged by platforms.
to check the originality of their academic papers before submission.
Get the latest AI workflows to boost your productivity and business performance, delivered weekly by expert consultants. Enjoy step-by-step guides, weekly Q&A sessions, and full access to our AI workflow archive.