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OpenArt's Stock Image Transformer is a powerful AI tool that allows users to upload a stock image and create customized variations to meet their specific needs. The tool offers various creativity adjustments—Similar, Creative, and Very Creative—along with the ability to generate two images per session for free, consuming two credits per generation. Users can share their creations, see what others are making, and even access related tools like Custom People Stock Photos and Sketch to Image. Additionally, resources such as blogs, tutorials, and prompt books are available for further guidance.
Get the latest AI workflows to boost your productivity and business performance, delivered weekly by expert consultants. Enjoy step-by-step guides, weekly Q&A sessions, and full access to our AI workflow archive.
Creativity adjustment options: Similar, Creative, Very Creative
Two image generations per session
Free sign-up with two credits per generation
Share and view creations
Related tools available
Guidance resources like blogs, video tutorials, and prompt books
Required sign-in for image uploads
Prompt for optional image description
Disclaimer for usage rights
Support via email, Discord, and FAQ
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Create customized versions of stock images to better fit project requirements.
Generate creative variations of stock images for different campaign needs.
Quickly create personalized stock images to enhance blogs and articles.
Produce tailored image variations to suit various advertising formats.
Optimize product images to attract more customers and highlight different features.
Generate unique images for social media posts to increase engagement.
Create specific image versions for web design needs without extensive photoshoots.
Use as a tool for artistic inspiration and variation.
Craft customized visuals for educational materials and presentations.
Enhance the type and quality of stock images offered to clients.
Get the latest AI workflows to boost your productivity and business performance, delivered weekly by expert consultants. Enjoy step-by-step guides, weekly Q&A sessions, and full access to our AI workflow archive.