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This chapter explores the intricate relationship between health, lifestyle, and stress, delving into the biopsychosocial model of health and how stressors impact our well-being. The discussion covers stress responses, coping mechanisms, and historical comparisons of stress levels. It addresses the physical and psychological effects of stress, highlighting early studies in stress research. The importance of exercise, diet, sleep, and social interactions are examined, offering practical suggestions for stress reduction and healthy living. The chapter also touches on personality traits, locus of control, and their influence on stress perception and management.
Learn stress-reducing techniques and actually try them out! 🧘♂️
Find out why the biopsychosocial model is vital for understanding health! 🌿
Explore the impact of both daily hassles and major life events on stress. 😅
Discover various coping mechanisms for stress management! 🌟
Consider historical perspectives; are we really more stressed now? 🤔
Exercise and diet play essential roles in managing stress and well-being! 💪
Take control of what you can—your perception matters! 🧠
Social connections aren’t just nice-to-have, they’re essential! 👥
Understand how personality traits influence stress reactions and management. 😎
Your internal or external locus of control can make a big difference! 🎯
Key Takeaways
Jumping chapters can sometimes make learning more efficient! 📚
Try stress-reducing techniques and see what works for you! 🧘♂️
The biopsychosocial model of health is complex but fascinating! 🤯
Daily hassles and major life events are both stressors! 😅
Managing stress is a personal journey, find your coping style! 🌈
Perception of events can greatly influence stress levels. 🧠
Stay hydrated and eat well; it’s crucial for body and mind! 💧
Personality types can affect how stress impacts you. 😎
Control what you can, and let go of what you can’t! 🌊
Social interactions are key to mental health—talk more! 💬
In the whirlwind of academic learning, sometimes you have to jump straight into the exciting parts. That’s exactly what happens in the chapter on stress, lifestyle, and health. We explore why understanding stress is crucial not just for academic pursuits but for enhancing everyday life. Stress can come from daily annoyances like misplacing keys, or major life events, even joyful ones. The key is to find effective techniques and personal strategies to mitigate its impact.
The chapter dives into the biopsychosocial model, illustrating how biological, psychological, and social factors collectively affect health. It's not just about stress; it’s how we respond to it. Coping mechanisms like problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies are highlighted, offering insights into how different personality traits, like Type A and Type B personalities, can influence stress management.
Health isn’t just about reducing stress but improving lifestyle choices. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential elements for mental and physical health. Social interactions further bolster our well-being. We’re also urged to ponder our locus of control—how our perception of control affects responses to stress. By understanding and applying these concepts, we’re better equipped to manage stress and lead fulfilling lives.
00:00 - 03:00: Introduction to Chapter 14 Chapter 14 focuses on health, lifestyle, and stress management, highlighting its importance in the course's curriculum. The decision to discuss this chapter earlier than others, like the extensive Chapter 3, is due to its concise nature allowing coverage in a shorter time span, around a lecture and a half, unlike Chapter 3 which requires more time.
03:00 - 05:00: Biopsychosocial Model of Health In this chapter, techniques for controlling stress are introduced. It encourages readers, especially online students, to actively try these techniques as they may beneficially help in stress reduction, an essential need in current times.
05:00 - 10:00: Stressors and Stress This chapter explores the various stressors and stress responses, examining the biological, psychological, and social factors that impact health. It challenges the assumptions about which model is predominantly used in understanding stress, dismissing common guesses about psychological or biological models and inviting deeper exploration into how these factors interplay in the context of health.
10:00 - 20:00: Coping Strategies The chapter discusses the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, and social factors in the biopsychosocial model of health, emphasizing the importance of this model in understanding health comprehensively. It hints at a video clip that provides further insight into psychological approaches aimed at enhancing health.
20:00 - 25:00: Health Habits and Stress The chapter introduces the topic of stress, distinguishing between stressors and stress itself. Stressors are defined as threats to our peaceful existence, including both daily hassles and major life events.
25:00 - 35:00: Type A and Type B Personalities The chapter titled 'Type A and Type B Personalities' explains that even positive major life events can cause significant stress. The discourse encourages reflection on daily hassles, inviting learners to identify their own while acknowledging the ease with which such stressors can be recalled. Examples of daily hassles include misplacing keys or discovering a stain on clothing.
35:00 - 45:00: Locus of Control This chapter discusses the concept of locus of control in relation to life events. It highlights how both negative and positive major life events, such as going to college or graduating, can be stressful. It invites readers to reflect on positive major life events and recognize their potential stressfulness.
00:00 - 00:30 in this chapter we're going to learn about health lifestyle and stress now you might be wondering why did we jump from chapter 2 to 14 well I thought it'd be more important to upload this earlier in the course rather than late and also chapter 3 is a very big chapter and it needs more than if you're in a face- tace class it needs more than two lectures versus this one we can definitely get done in a lecture and a half maybe in a lecture
00:30 - 01:00 so that's some of the reasons why I loaded the order a little bit funky as you've probably noticed there's also some interesting uh techniques for helping to control stress in this chapter so I hope if you're uh an online student that you just don't maybe just merely listen to them but you actually give them a try you might find some of these techniques if you're faithful about them be very useful and can't we all need a little stress reduction especially in these times so take care and I hope you find this chapter to be
01:00 - 01:30 interesting and somewhat useful biological psychological and social factors all Impact Health take a moment and think which model do you think we use if you want the guess psychological well great guess is is a psychology class but no that is not the answer you thinking perhaps biological also reasonable guess but no
01:30 - 02:00 and you think it must be social factors well again no it is the biopsychosocial model of Health may be a trick question but really not Additionally you can arrange those words in any order but biopsychosocial seems to flow off the tongue just a little bit easier a related question well is there a psychological approach devoted to enhancing Health go to the video clip attachment and listen and your answer will be there
02:00 - 02:30 I assume from the previous slide you concluded that stress will be our next topic indeed you're correct let's start with the basic stressors versus stress as you can see we'll start with stressors these are threats to our peaceful existence really anything that can threaten to rock your boat stressors include both daily hassles which are everyday irritations and major life events and
02:30 - 03:00 maybe you're surprised to learn that even very good major life events are significant stressors if this was a live class I'd ask every student to share a daily hassle they've had today or at least in the last week it's not hard to think of many so perhaps take a moment and think of what daily hassles you've had already today daily hassles might be everything from not being able to find your keys to finding a stain on your shirt to find
03:00 - 03:30 that your milk is spoiled to just hitting every red light as you go to school and many more now as I mentioned major life events could be good or bad and still be stressful let's take a moment and think of positive life events that are major life events that are indeed highly stressful take a moment and see as as many as you can come up with the list is endless going to college graduating from college getting
03:30 - 04:00 your first job getting married having a baby getting promoted retiring and so many more so we consider stressor the threats to our peaceful existence now let's consider stress stress refers to our psychological and physiological reactions to those threatening events the physiological effects include fight
04:00 - 04:30 ORF flight system which includes the major stress gland and two of its major hormones stress also can affect the brain's glands which control this gland and also in the previous chapter that is chapter three we learn the branch of the nervous system that's involved in the stress since we're getting very very close to the test and I assume that you've been studying regularly hopefully you'll be able to fill in all these blanks take a moment and see what you can do
04:30 - 05:00 so we learned in chapter 3 that the adrenal gland is the major gland related to the stress response and its hormones include adrenaline and cortisol what glands in the brain involve controlling the adrenal gland and all the other glands but we know that the hypothalamus controls the pituitary and the pituitary controls all the other glands so hypothalamus and pituitary and which is the stress branch of the nervous system remember we had pneumonic
05:00 - 05:30 we said it would only work though if you're a nice person if you're a nice person you see somebody all stressed out or having emergency you should feel great sympathy so that would be our pneumonic so it would be the sympathetic branch of the nervous system most people believe we live in highly stressful times I'm rather dubious let's consider people of the past that live locally we're very close to The Stockade
05:30 - 06:00 so let's consider how people lived in the stade and their stressors and are our Liv really that much more stressful let's consider the temperature of your home in the winter 60 to 75 I assume well people who live in the stade during the day their house would get to a bommy if they were lucky in Winter mid 40s at night it would go below freezing the water they had of course would freeze solid are you cold 24/7 in the winter
06:00 - 06:30 people back then were cold all the time do you have running water in your home of course hot water of course back in colonial times you might have to go to the well and break the ice you might have to go down to the river so running water in a home would be a unimaginable luxury to these people do you have clean clothes they would not are you always hungry if you are please visit our food pantry you can go there up to three times a month please remember to bring your bags and we'll
06:30 - 07:00 also give you resources for the local food pantries too what time do you go to bed 9:45 10 11 11:30 well colonial times people would go to bed at dusk because there was no light in the homes they could not afford oil they could not afford candles candles were made from Tallow fat and if you're on the verge of the starvation you can't take the fat which could have been calories and use it in terms of a candle so people went the bed at dust they moved the Furniture
07:00 - 07:30 to the center of the room and you put your gun or your rifle into place easy to access place if you had a second floor you knew how many steps were up and down in the stairway because you could not see right now as I narate this we're in the middle of the uh covid epidemic hopefully you don't know anybody that died from it and if you did I'm very sorry and I do extend my sympathy to you in colonial times you would know somebody that died every spring it might be two houses down 10
07:30 - 08:00 houses down maybe in your house but even young people were regularly dying which is a rarity in our current times so are our modern lives truly that stressful compared to people the past I do not think so let's now consider some of our stress related responses starting with problem Focus coping this will be coping with direct steps to confront the
08:00 - 08:30 stressor one gender is more likely to use it do you think men or women of course everybody uses it but men use it more often it's their go-to strategy now different response which we all use is called the tend and be friend response this is a tendency more often seen in you think men or women indeed women to re to react to stressors by focusing on social ties stopping somebody's house texting phone calling
08:30 - 09:00 uh asking for a hug now let's go to our next related slide let's think of two examples a man and woman are chanting in one example the man has an issue and the other example A woman has an issue what problems can we predict based on the previous slide take a moment and see if you can identify again based on
09:00 - 09:30 the previous slide so the man is much more likely when discussing his problem with a woman to expect problem Focus coping and yet she as she's being typical will focus more on his feelings and his support needs so this might be frustrating for him now flip it the other way if the woman's talking she's not expecting him to fix the problem she wants support she
09:30 - 10:00 wants friendship she wants nonfixing the problem that he is very likely to try to fix it for her and of course men and women their behaviors overlap tremendously but in general men are more likely to problem focus and women are more likely to use T and bef friend so how can we avoid this issue no matter what the person's sex or gender simple ask the person what can I do to help you what can I do to support you and ask them
10:00 - 10:30 let's continue to explore our stress related responses another one is emotion Focus coping this is coping by minimizing emotions avoiding emotions minimizing another strategy is downward comparisons this one's fun to talk about this coping is by comparing yourself to somebody worse off isn't they always somebody worse off let's say that you uh took your first exam in a class and it's not not all you hope to be how could you
10:30 - 11:00 use downward comparisons well maybe you said well at least I didn't fail it oh perhaps you did well at least you didn't get the lowest grade in the class oh well maybe you did well at least you took it well maybe you didn't and so on so there's always somebody worse off so you temporarily feel better by comparing yourself to that person not very effective strategy but don't people do it indeed they
11:00 - 11:30 do so let's review for a moment please identify the coping strategy used by the woman on the left and the gentleman on the right well if you're for the woman on the left going for the alcohol based I don't remember lecturing about that one so that would be a bad answer you've got to choose from the choices uh offered apparently it's a motion focused apparently she's trying to numb her motions with apparently a white line the gentleman it looks like he's focusing on a manual so he is definitely engaged in
11:30 - 12:00 problem focused is it the life events that determine our happiness or is it our perception of them definitely our perception for example two students might each get a c on the test one might be overjoyed that they passed another one might be inconsolable because they usually get the highest grade and for them a c is totally unacceptable same event very
12:00 - 12:30 different perceptions or consider in this example a parall pgic has additional burdens in life but their level of happiness is not different than ours again it's the perception of the event not the event itself that is critical many times we can't change our life events but how we perceive them well that is somewhat easier to change so you're just saying that the
12:30 - 13:00 perception of the event rather than the event itself is key so maybe let's put that into motion I'll give you an example I use on myself last semester I was teaching at Center City for the first time and to be honest I wasn't thrilled with dealing with the parking the extra changing of parking places a learning new facility and so I kept telling myself change is good I am looking forward to change and I said with a really change is good I am looking forward to change but as I kept saying to myself I can feel my attitude
13:00 - 13:30 changing in the end I enjoyed teaching down there and I enjoyed my students and I enjoyed the class so again it's our perception of events so please pick something in your life right now that you're not thrilled with and say the Mantra to yourself I am looking forward to change change is good actually do it so and pause this if you need to so whatever this is I'm looking for to change change is good do this several times a day remember the do
13:30 - 14:00 it and you might actually feel your attitude changing it's a simple way to feel better about life now let's consider the two early great figures in stress studies the pioneer of stress studies the guy who got the ball rolling so to speak be Walter Canon he coined the fight ORF flight response before you go to the next slide take a moment and see if you can list many of these factors it should not be
14:00 - 14:30 difficult since we've already done chapter three so we noted changes in BP and blood pressure you know to increase respiration uh perspiration pupils dilating uh more sugar being released into the blood more adrenaline being released into the blood digestion will be slowed you can't afford to use calories and digestion when you're fighting for your life so these and many other respons are the fight ORF flight
14:30 - 15:00 response although Walter can and pioneered stress studies the father of stress studies is another individual Han seal he coined the G general adaption syndrome its stages as you can see are alarm resistance and exhaustion we'll see what these actually are on the next slide so stage one alarm full out fight
15:00 - 15:30 or flight response stage two it's being attenuating it's being weakened so for example less hormones hopefully the stressor is stopping if it doesn't the person goes on or the animal goes on to exhaustion exhaustion is physically damaging and actually can be lethal so three stages of the G alarm resistance and hopefully not getting that bark exhaustion
15:30 - 16:00 let's continue our discussion of the stress response research on the HPA axis in other words the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis has been ongoing and we're learning more and more about its importance we now know that exposure to either an very extreme stressor or a chronic stressor or stressors can alter the brain permanently and affect how we react to stressors later in life so the
16:00 - 16:30 effects can be permanent this area is currently generating considerable search in the focus of children and in children it's referred to Aces which are adverse childhood experiences so again adverse childhood experiences so we noted in the previous slide that significant stress Alters the HPA axis take a moment I hope you know
16:30 - 17:00 those three uh letters hypothalamic or if you prefer hypothalamus is okay pituitary adrenal axis and here's a picture of Aces on the picture on the left is a uh facility in Texas in which uh legal and illegal immigrants and I will stress legal also were being housed imagine the stressful nature of that event to all the individuals but especially children and
17:00 - 17:30 on the right a child's drawing so children often draw houses and dogs and all sorts of fun thing this is that child's experience again uh definitely a visual of Aces let's continue and see how stress affects the body what family disorders are caused or made greatly worse by stress the current term would be Psycho physiological
17:30 - 18:00 disorder if you look at the major categories heart gut breathing muscles skin stress affects different people differently which one of those are the areas that you are affected the most in on this and the next few slides we're going to look at some of the basic behaviors of health and and perhaps reflect on the way we live our lives and
18:00 - 18:30 seeing how well we're meeting them or maybe not let's consider exercise exercise is not only obviously necessary for good physical health also for mental health low levels of exercise are associated with higher levels of depression anxiety so really critical but let's focus maybe on physical health if you walk a mile every day it cuts your risk of heart
18:30 - 19:00 disease dramatically and you might be young and say I'm fine but how about taking a walk with your parents maybe uh if you walk a mile and 3/4 every day it cuts your risk of dying from anything medical it's amazing so think for a moment and examine how you are inm this this area this area good okay poor
19:00 - 19:30 next let's consider the stressors in your life and how you cope with them do you actively do things meditation or yoga is certainly one way so as exercises we just noted stress is inflammatory and that's a major enemy of every organ system of your body including your brain it's also oxidative uh you know in metal oxidation leads to rust well think of it is the biological equivalent to
19:30 - 20:00 rust with that in mind consider if you're doing anything for stress reduction and how you're doing there you know strong poorly okay and then next please click on those two links and uh listen to them for maybe a minute next let's consider your diet and remember if you do need help nutrition Ally food pantry three times a month no
20:00 - 20:30 shame and it's a great resource so is your diet high on processed junk food or is it pretty high and healthy food nutritious often ask this do an 80 20% ratio which means yes you're allowed to eat some of the bad stuff but at least have 80% of the good stuff let's consider proteins as your diet protein deficient proteins are needed for not only muscle but for are enzymes and they're needed in the production of
20:30 - 21:00 neurotransmitters neurotransmitters are basic to the brain's functioning and that affects how you think act and feel so consider proteins and let's maybe consider a few sources of protein uh take a moment sources of protein obviously meat or soy cheese is a great source yogurt is a great source peanut butter is a great source nutritional drinks protein drinks are
21:00 - 21:30 also a great source and that's just some and for those of you that think coffee is a breakfast I feel your pain but coffee is not a breakfast so consider what you could do perhaps to make your diet just a little bit healthier most people have a lot of room for improvement myself included part of nutrition is eating fruits and vegetables uh the idea of eating a rainbow so hopefully every day you'll get at least or almost every day something
21:30 - 22:00 from every color group of the rainbow you might thinking uh the bluish purple well blueberries I know they're expensive buy them Frozen much cheaper put a little theal them put a little honey on them maybe some flax seed or or a chia seed if you want to be fancy but a nice source of a blue food and you all are probably have tricks related to the other few groups as well so eat the rainbow so let's consider how well hydrated you
22:00 - 22:30 are many many people are insufficiently hydrated it leads to all sorts of problems from uh UTI in other words bladder infections to constipation your body works better your thinking will actually be clearer if you're not dehydrated which means you'll also learn better flavored beverages are not great because it act activates the pancreas consider using maybe lemon or Mint or sliced cucumber in your water that's fairly cheap in that last cucumber lasts
22:30 - 23:00 more than a week uh CAF beverages uh not so good for dehydrations so uh the decaf coffee much better than the regular coffee for example or the regular soda uh the dkf soda over the regular soda but soda's again not great A lot of times when you're forging the kitchen hungry your brain is getting confused with thirst with Hunger so a lot of times uh it's really your body's need for high hydration it'll actually help
23:00 - 23:30 you lose weight I found that I get up in the morning drink a glass of water go take care of my animals in the barn come back in drink another glass of water I'm already on the right path so consider your hydration consider where you stand in terms of sleep most people need 7 hours if you don't get what your body specifically needs you're going to learn less effectively and if you're trying to learn and having difficulty that could be no small part of the
23:30 - 24:00 problem it's also very unhealthy for your body it causes you to make poor behavioral choices including nutrition but it just causes a significant pment so consider that avoid CAF things before bed also alcohol also blue light is also for example cell phones and computers is also a sleep impair we're finding that we finding
24:00 - 24:30 that mammals including people have plastic in their bodies and you're wondering why maybe there's a picture of credit cards people consume apparently on average a credit card of plastic every year how can you cut down your Plastics well don't use plastic water bottles especially the type that are really cheap and the go crinkle crinkle crinkle when you you push it on them that is just breaking tons of plastic into your water but also try to use uh metal in
24:30 - 25:00 particular uh water containers coffee containers do not cook in plastic uh be careful about using black plastic uh cooking potentials that's usually made from non food grade plastic cheap China stuff so again use the colored plastic or even you better yet silicone is much safer so try to cut down the plastic that you're consuming your body and brain will be healthier we're just starting to learn about the
25:00 - 25:30 negative effects here so in 10 years when they'll know so much more and I'm sure nothing good so cut down on your Plastics let's consider another basic habit of Health meeting our social needs so talking with people shown on the left texting cell phone not nearly as good people who have high levels of cell phone use score higher in anxiety and higher in depression so if you can't go through a class without texting in all
25:30 - 26:00 seriousness you should reach out to our counselor if you have to look at your phone in the middle of the night again you should probably reach out to our counselor keep the it shouldn't be the first thing you do in the in the morning the last thing you do before you go to the bed in the middle of the night again not not healthy just not healthy humans are social and we need human interaction people that are isolated die earlier they have lower physical health and mental health so cultivate what friends
26:00 - 26:30 you have and maybe try to cultivate new friends same with your family work on strengthening your relationships if you can if it's possible and healthy and the last slide we're going to see if we can apply some of this okay let's try and apply what we've learned pick one of these areas pictured here that you are deficient in and that you could easily make a change that you'd be willing to do I'm going to pause for six or 7 seconds and have you
26:30 - 27:00 select one of these areas you can always pause this if you need to so now that you've picked it share the particular behavior that you're going to engage in Daily now if you're in the classroom I'm going to have you share it with your neighbor if you're not maybe text it to a friend uh after you master it remember to do it daily this could really make a difference in your life after you've master Master pick another area so for example if you're bad on uh drinking
27:00 - 27:30 enough water like I mentioned maybe get up in the day drink a glass of water before you leave for college drink a glass of water before you go home drink a glass of water and you're already probably well on your way to doing well or do a daily meditation if you need a stress reduction uh do a little bit of walking there's so many areas so pick one and actually do it it will make a difference
27:30 - 28:00 let's consider type A and type B personality type A personality was coined by two cardiologists by the name of Freedman and rosenman the discovery came because they listened to an observation made in their Lounge their Furniture was worn and they were using the repol that all the professionals use in the building and he made an off-hand comment saying his their off office had a different wear pattern than the rest of the building in
28:00 - 28:30 their office the only thing that was worn was the edge of the seat not the back of the seats not the armrest as if the people in their office sat on the edge of the seat the entire time but there are many professional medical offices in that building but that wear pattern was specific to their office it got the two cist to thinking about the personality style of heart patients and they devised after research type A personality people with heart issues especially
28:30 - 29:00 early onset heart issues in life are more likely to be type A they're time pressured people highly work oriented they live to work they're often perfectionists type B on the other hand are people people easygoing laidback they work yes but they work to live they don't live to work you might know where you stand on this dimension but let's quantify it and if you don't all the better please go to
29:00 - 29:30 this link and see if you're a type A or type B personality or is it possibly to be a mixture we'll have to see so let's start with people high in extroversion in other words the extroverts they are energized by other people they get their energy from being around others they are sociable more flexible spontaneous so if you want to do something last moment an extroverted friend would be more likely to say yes
29:30 - 30:00 they're also high energy people maybe this describes you well or perhaps not at all let's consider the introverts you notice that shyness is not in this list shyness is not an essential feature what defines them is that whereas the extrovert is energized by other people the introvert is tired out by other people they require much more private time they're cautious in their nature they let people in but they're much
30:00 - 30:30 slower to let others in and they tend to self-evaluate a lot asking themselves why did I do that often for years so go to the website listed and determine if you are more of an introvert or extrovert or perhaps you're a blend of each so are you a type A personality a type B personality or are you a Type A SLB next let's consider extroversion and
30:30 - 31:00 introversion the person though would be an extrovert or an introvert think about each of those terms and then see if you can identify major traits associated with each style so did you say parents employer God your particular uh villous institution teachers perhaps so on so
31:00 - 31:30 whether you have an external or internal locus can have a profound effect in your life do you try to take control of situations do you think that your behaviors matter how easily do you give up on things very much influenced by your locus of control go to this website if you will please and determine your locus of control let's say these three students took their first test in whatever class math economic psychology and
31:30 - 32:00 unfortunately they all failed it determine which locus of control each student has and then let's consider the implications of their Locus so jod blames her grades on her teacher internal or external definitely an external locus I would not be hopeful for jod passing the course because if she sees her teacher as being the fault she's not going to alter her studying and approach the class and probably will get the same result on the next test s
32:00 - 32:30 is blaming his great on his poor tenants and study habits s apparently has an internal locus I'm hopeful for S if he realizes his attendance and study habits are the cause maybe he will alter his attendance missing noal classes and maybe he'll go to the Learning Center and they give all sorts of private workshops on study skills let's consider rapael he blamed his grade on his usual bad luck clearly an external Locust and I'm not hopeful
32:30 - 33:00 for Raphael either uh he will not attempt to change his behavior if he thinks everything is being controlled by his look so let's consider implications students with the internal or external locus are less likely to do homework and more likely to skip class could it be internal or external it would be external because
33:00 - 33:30 they do not think their behaviors have much an effect on their Chan of success your success at college is largely largely largely in your own hands what are some of these behaviors well attending every class humanly possible promptly knowing your syllabus keeping track so the dates that our assignments are due knowing the nature of the assignments when you're confused reaching out to the teacher to tutoring and to the many services at the college studying regularly and sufficiently not
33:30 - 34:00 being the student that waits to the weekend of the test or the night before the test so with proper behaviors you will succeed in college and we want to help you succeed so we are there for you so please do all you can do and also reach out to the people who are there to help you so here's a little review for for you don't save your learning to the
34:00 - 34:30 moment for a test learn regularly as you go along so you should at this point be able to do this material if not take a few minutes and study so you can and no I'm not going to fill in the blanks for you this time