A Deep Dive into Enterprise Networking

4. Cisco Packet Tracer Project 2022 | University/CAMPUS Networking Project using Packet Tracer

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    Join Gurutech Trainer in this comprehensive Cisco Packet Tracer project focused on university campus networking. The video walks viewers through designing and implementing a complex network topology for Albion University, featuring both main and branch campuses. The detailed walkthrough includes configuring VLANs, setting up DHCP servers, and implementing routing protocols to ensure seamless connectivity across various departments. Subscribers are encouraged to engage with the channel for more insights into enterprise networking projects.


      • Starting from simple networking projects to complex ones boosts understanding! 📈
      • VLAN configuration is essential for maintaining organized network traffic 🗂️
      • Layered network architectures, like hierarchical models, enhance network stability! 🏢
      • DHCP servers provide dynamic IPs, easing the network management workload ⚙️
      • Implementing RIP routing protocol to aid in network communication is key 🔑
      • Completed network successfully simulates an actual university setup 🏫
      • Encouragement for community support to sustain content creation is emphasized 💪

      Key Takeaways

      • Start simple and advance step-by-step in networking projects 🚀
      • VLAN configuration is crucial for separating network traffic efficiently 🖥️
      • Understand hierarchical network design for optimal performance 🏗️
      • Dynamic IP allocation makes network management easier using DHCP 🚀
      • Routing protocols like RIP help in seamless inter-network communication 🌐
      • Troubleshooting initial setup issues paves the way for smoother networking 🚧
      • Community support and feedback drive continuous improvement and learning 💡


      In this engaging video, Gurutech Trainer breaks down a complex Cisco Packet Tracer project into manageable steps designed for effective learning. This project focuses on setting up a network for Albion University, demonstrating how to work through a detailed case study. With clear explanations, viewers get insights into network design, including the importance of hierarchical models and VLAN configurations.

        Gurutech Trainer showcases the complete process of configuring a university's network. By moving through stages like setting up DHCP servers for dynamic IP allocation and employing RIP for routing, the video ensures that even the most daunting tasks become approachable. Throughout the tutorial, the emphasis is on practicing good network management and problem-solving skills.

          This project isn't just about technical skills; it's also about community building. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe, engage, and contribute to the channel, fostering a community where knowledge is shared and grown collectively. The tutorial ends on a high note, emphasizing the project's success and urging viewers to look forward to future exciting networking tutorials.

            4. Cisco Packet Tracer Project 2022 | University/CAMPUS Networking Project using Packet Tracer Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 hi guys welcome back to my channel and thank you so much for clicking in this video we're going to announce the fourth enterprise networking project on our list so basically in the previous projects we have managed to handle the first second and the third projects on our list and we said based on the complexity we'll be starting from a very simple project to a much complicated one okay
            • 00:30 - 01:00 as we proceed the more complicated they become okay so if you've not watched the first second on the third networking project on our list guys we've already recorded the video and i will leave a link on the description part of the video kindly click on the link one of the three projects then come back to this one because it's very very important you start from the basic to much complicated one okay and also if you're new to this channel or even if you have not subscribed to our channel guys
            • 01:00 - 01:30 kindly kindly we really played with you support our channel click on the subscribe button like our video and leave a comment below okay thank you so much and let's begin basically we've been handling the projects from our clients all students okay and these projects normally come as a case study so we analyzed the case study a network and implement that network based on the
            • 01:30 - 02:00 requirement that is needed okay so on our fourth project guys you know consider it much complicated than the previous one and it will be less complicated than the next project okay so let's get to the business i have a case study here from a client you know it's a as you can see coursework brief albion university is a large university which has two campuses situated 20 miles apart the university's students and
            • 02:00 - 02:30 staff are distributed in four faculties these these include the faculty of health and science business engineering and computing and finally arts and design each member of staff has a pc and students have access to pieces in the lab okay now the requirements this is a case study that i received from my client okay so these are the requirements create a network topology with the main components to support the following
            • 02:30 - 03:00 in the main campus we have three buildings building a b and c and under building a we have at how many departments administrative staff hr and finance then we are told that the admin pieces are distributed in the building offices and it's expected that they will share some networking equipment okay then we have been told that in youth villain is expected here okay the faculty of business is also situated
            • 03:00 - 03:30 in this building so basically building a will host how many apartments four departments admin administrative staff hr finance and business departments okay then we go to building b under building b we have online department faculty of engineering and computing and faculty of arts and design two departments then building c how many departments do we have students labs and
            • 03:30 - 04:00 it department then the it department hosts the university web server and other servers very important then there is also an email server hosted externally on the cloud very important guys very very important main campus okay so let's go to this to branch campus or smaller campus we have our main department we have faculty of health and sciences under which we have staff and students labs are situated on separate floors
            • 04:00 - 04:30 very important then part b of the requirement you will be expected to configure the core devices and few end devices to provide end-to-end connectivity i mean and access to the internal and external servers okay each department of faculty is expected to be on its own separate network very important guys the switches should be configured with appropriate valence and
            • 04:30 - 05:00 security settings very important rib version 2 will be used to provide routing for the routers in the internal network and static routine for the external networks v for the external server i mean for the external server very important guys then the devices in building a will be expected to acquire dynamic ip addresses from a router-based
            • 05:00 - 05:30 dhcp server okay so these are our tasks your task is to plan design and protect the network topology for albion's network using cisco packages okay configure in packages of the network with the appropriate setting to achieve the connectivity and functionality is specified in the requirements guys very simple then part three produce a report
            • 05:30 - 06:00 not necessary here okay so we will go with the with the two tasks the first and the second task okay and you know the first task says we should plan descend and prototype the network topology okay based on the requirements and we have been told that albion university you know it has a main campus and a branch campus and on the main campus we have building building air building b and building c
            • 06:00 - 06:30 building a contains four departments admin hr finance and business building b contains only two departments building c also contains two department as shown here then we've been told that there's an external email server okay on the cloud okay under small campus or brown campus we have only two departments as shown here okay
            • 06:30 - 07:00 then there are some protocols or rather configurations that are required for this network to work okay all right guys so let's begin the task one of this case study plan design prototype the network topology okay i'll go back to our packet tracer and begin the decent part of our project
            • 07:00 - 07:30 okay guys so here we are on our pocket tracer and we have the workspace here to begin the decent part of the project okay so let me just open the case study again we have main campus and smaller campus and basically guys i'll start designing the main compass network okay all right so we have how many buildings building a b and c okay okay let me just go back to the
            • 07:30 - 08:00 packet tracer so guys you know we've been told to plan design and protect the network topology okay so guys to plan a network it's always very important to know what kind of devices cables or other domains that you're gonna use in your topology okay and most importantly for a good network practice for good design practice of a network we should apply hierarchical
            • 08:00 - 08:30 model okay and for an hierarchical model guys we have call layer distribution layer and access layer at the core layer we should have a router or a switch at the distribution layer we should have electric switch then at the access layer we should have access layer switch so i record network design approach for this case okay let's start main compass so we have a router
            • 08:30 - 09:00 we have a router here and let's name this router main compass all right then we've been told that you know we have departments and buildings we have buildings that contains departments okay and for hierarchical network design we might we should need we should have a layer 3 switch here okay at the distribution layer so i will go
            • 09:00 - 09:30 and choose 3650 24 ps multi multi-layer switch then say this one is main compass very important then we've been told that the main campus has three buildings the first building we have our main departments we have four departments so we will need a switch for each department that's the first department
            • 09:30 - 10:00 second department third department and fourth department so here we say this one is admin switch then here is hr hr this one is finance and finally this one is business sorry sorry sorry sorry busyness okay as indicated in our case study you know we have
            • 10:00 - 10:30 administrative staff we have hr finance and business then we proceed to building b where we have two departments so there are two switches here let it be there and this there okay and let's see this one is engineering and computing e and e e and c and this one is art and design
            • 10:30 - 11:00 this one is arts and design a and d okay that is building b very important guys step by step guys okay oh another thing building c now building c student labs and i.t department okay then the tdb apartment host university web service that's later so we have two departments under building c
            • 11:00 - 11:30 as shown here we have student labs and i t department so this one student lab let's say student lab this one is it department let's see that okay guys and now also another important part another important part i mean there is also an email server hosted externally on the cloud very important guys you know there is an email server that is hosted
            • 11:30 - 12:00 externally on the cloud guys guys to approach this we'll assume that there's another router on the cloud okay and those servers the servers that has been said here the email server as you can see is connected to that route okay so let's include another router 29 11 router and say this is cloud cloud router you know this is the cloud now okay and that
            • 12:00 - 12:30 server will be connected to this route okay all right guys so we said we'll be finishing on main compass fast then we proceeded to branch campus okay all right so let's go back again and now what's remaining is to include host devices host devices per department so for example at every department will have a pc
            • 12:30 - 13:00 and a printer pc and the printer is shown here this in the printer okay so we are done placing all the devices as per the department as you can see the email server will be connected to the cloud
            • 13:00 - 13:30 okay then as per the department you can see at least a pc and a printer then i t department we were told to you know there are some servers okay for example there was a web server and another server ftp server okay so what i'll do is to connect the devices the first connection guys will be between this route and this router and we are going to use serial connection okay all right so i want to show you something be very keen
            • 13:30 - 14:00 i'll click on connections then you choose serial dca try to click on the router you don't see any serial interface guys so this is the most important part okay you know you must include the serial interface on this route how are we going to do that click on the router then turn off this router there is a button here this is a button click on the zero then drag this model here
            • 14:00 - 14:30 the hw ic iphone 20 okay plays on an empty slot then turn on the route again and close this one then come to this route again guys turn off the router click the zero there then drag this module to an empty slot then turn on the route again and close that one and now if you try to click guys we'll see serial interfaces let's choose serial dc cable okay click that as you can see this one
            • 14:30 - 15:00 you click there and you come here you take that one okay all right so let's proceed with the connection of the remaining devices so this one go here and guys i will do this one very fast to save time
            • 15:00 - 15:30 okay guys as you can see we are done connecting all the devices in the main compass network okay as per the requirement and as you can see we have a main compass router here it's connected to the cloud and the car cloud or a mail sub okay and under main campus network you know we have various departments for example
            • 15:30 - 16:00 let me just separate the borders we are told that there are buildings building hay b and c so i'll try to separate the borders come here and choose no fill then you say this one is that one is uh building a very important then this one is building b very important also and finally this one is building c
            • 16:00 - 16:30 very very important okay and this one is cloud okay all right so i'll just comment i'll just comment and say this is building a building a and i copy
            • 16:30 - 17:00 copy this one say building b b and this one is building c okay then you come here and say this one is the cloud sorry sorry solution cloud okay and uh something like a background boris background color oh
            • 17:00 - 17:30 building b and building c okay guys so pretty much simple we're going very very well so also guys you know under building hay we have how many apartments four departments so i'll try to comment again so we have this the first department is called administ admin the second department is called
            • 17:30 - 18:00 hr the third department is called um finance and finally the fourth department is business okay and under building b we have only two departments also we do the same we do the same we do the same and we do the same
            • 18:00 - 18:30 so allow me to adjust them very very fast so that we can move [Music] all right so i'll comment with departments are these so this is admin step by step guys quickly so i'll do this one very fast
            • 18:30 - 19:00 okay guys as you can see we have we have uh specified which departments are these and now a background fill color i'll do it also we'll fill the background color okay i will choose uh let me choose uh
            • 19:00 - 19:30 i choose pink color this one so this is admin hr finance business department engineering and computing arts and design student lab and it department very very important okay guys okay guys let me go up and see what's many let me
            • 19:30 - 20:00 okay that's also very important there so basically guys what's mining what's remaining guys this is a main compass network so let's connect it to so let's connect it to a branch network guys for a branch network guys obviously we should have a router we should have a 2911 router
            • 20:00 - 20:30 so let's read the case story again faculty of health and sciences only two departments but we are going to use hierarchical network model okay so this is let's see this is [Music] branch route okay brian compass route still the same thing right
            • 20:30 - 21:00 and it should connect to and you know for hierarchical network design we should have a layer 3 switch at the distribution layer then you know access layer should have layer 2 switches and we have been told that there are only two departments meaning we will we will only have two access layer switches let's say one is here and another one is there okay and let's see this one is uh
            • 21:00 - 21:30 branch l3 switch and now you know let me go back we have student staff and student labs departments under branch campus network okay so this is stuff let's say that stuff and this is a student lab student
            • 21:30 - 22:00 lab lb okay okay and now let's give the host devices as per department student lab on the printer and the printer here and let me see the case store again okay okay no problem it's okay then stuff we have a pc and a printer okay all right so let's connect these devices
            • 22:00 - 22:30 also the first connection guys we're gonna connect this router here to this router using which connection serial cable connection okay and you know we said that by default this router here you won't get the serial interfaces now you must add those serial interfaces to the routers okay we have already to this one so let's do today
            • 22:30 - 23:00 branch compass router you click on the router you turn it off click zero then you drag this hw ic fn2t then turn on the route again close it and now let's connect the two routers using serial dce cable okay take this one and this one will take this that one i mean okay so let's connect the devices on the branch network
            • 23:00 - 23:30 okay guys so we've connected the devices on the branch network side and basically what you're going to do we're going to separate the borders and see that this is brand new network this is it's i mean main network main campus network so that is there this is branch network
            • 23:30 - 24:00 so we will say that this is a branch network let me comment albion branch albion albion branch network albion compass branch network and this one should be albion compass main
            • 24:00 - 24:30 sorry it should be albion branch compass network so here should be let me just delete that one albion main compass network right and this one should be albion branch compass network not compass by network that's a wrong english
            • 24:30 - 25:00 branch yeah so we're done let's do the boundaries and i'll select yellow color so this is albion main campus network albion branch campus network so basically what's remaining let me check oh on this on this side you know we've been told that let me go back to this case study
            • 25:00 - 25:30 it's faculty of health and sciences okay all right so let me just go and draw another banner is here no fill and say say faculty of health and sciences contains almond departments we have a two department the first one is that one okay and the second one is this one and the second one is this one
            • 25:30 - 26:00 sorry all right so i'll adjust these devices okay so this is faculty of health and sciences i'll recommend health and senses and this one was still stuff stuff department and this one should be student love
            • 26:00 - 26:30 love will be just like that and you do this take it somewhere there okay then the boundaries for this one and this one i'm going to take this for this here and let's choose this one for this
            • 26:30 - 27:00 and this okay so that's it again all right guys so as you can see guys i believe our design has met the requirements okay as you can see the main campus should have three buildings abc
            • 27:00 - 27:30 and the branch campus should have all natural departments and remember in the main campus each building has several departments and that has been implemented successfully on our packages as you can see okay so basically guys let's finish with the comments part so such that when we start configuring such that when we start the configuration part we won't comment anything okay
            • 27:30 - 28:00 all right let me proceed you are expected to configure the code devices and few end device to provide end-to-end connectivity and access to the internal and external servers each department should is expected to be on its own separate ip network very important guys the switches should be configured with appropriate valence and security
            • 28:00 - 28:30 settings very important the tools the two are comments that are gonna include let's command the two we've been told that each department should be in a different network okay so let's assume admin department it should be a different villain and a different network so let's say admin is in villain vlan 10 and the network should be 192. sorry
            • 28:30 - 29:00 24. very important guys then you copy you come to hr department and you paste the same thing then here we land 20 let's say hr department is involved 20 then the index is 2.0 plus 24. then finance department same thing vlan 30 vlan 30
            • 29:00 - 29:30 3.0 then business department should be in vlan 40 4.0 so let me do this one very very fast okay so on the branch network also we're gonna do the same thing let's say this is vlan 100 vlan 100 a network of 10.0
            • 29:30 - 30:00 then this is 90 villa 90 90 a network of 9.0 9.0 okay guys so basically i think we have included all the comments that is this all the comments that are necessary and what i'll do is to at least fill the background color with the comments that we've just included right now and i'll
            • 30:00 - 30:30 use let's use the green for this case click ok then you come and draw formula 90 draw for glen 100 that is branch network then you come to main network draw here
            • 30:30 - 31:00 okay guys so basically guys we are done with the comments part so what's remaining okay the networks between the routers it's always very important to include the networks between the routers okay all right so i'll include the network between the routers let's say this is 30 because there are only two interfaces and then i come back this side and say this is uh
            • 31:00 - 31:30 10.10.10 study you know subnetting i believe you already know how these things are coming okay and let's use the serve to be okay submitting very very simple guys all right and i'll draw the boundaries for the network comments release the same background color okay
            • 31:30 - 32:00 and finally here by finally here so we are done with the this planning decent and the producing a prototype that fulfills the requirement guys so guys if you look in this design guys there's nothing that you like basically everything is included and everything is explained
            • 32:00 - 32:30 as you can see building a we have these departments building build these departments within network and vlan also and so on so forth guys all right guys so basically let's get into the configuration part okay guys so let's begin the configuration part of the project so i'll go back to the case study and see what we should start with so that is basically the first
            • 32:30 - 33:00 configuration that you are gonna make here you know to turn these interfaces up you know by default the router's interfaces are in shutdown state so that's the first interview so that's the first configuration that you're gonna do to make this network look at least very beautiful so i start with this router here and let me check enable config t
            • 33:00 - 33:30 then interface gig 0 0 no shutdown good right so another interface interface serial zero slash one slot zero no shutdown another interface is zero slash one slash one then no shutdown then do right okay so we're done with this data here let's go to this router here and do the same
            • 33:30 - 34:00 no interface gig sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry enable config t then interface gig 0 0 no short another interface is interface serial serial let me check let me check serial this one serial 0 1 0 interface
            • 34:00 - 34:30 interface serial 0 1 0 then no shut and do right okay then you go to the third router here we say here no config and up enable config t then interface gig zero zero
            • 34:30 - 35:00 no shot okay then another one is interface serial let me check again serial serial 0 to 0 0 0 2 [Music] 0 then no shut do right then finally let's turn on
            • 35:00 - 35:30 the layer 3 switch by default the layer 3 switch is turned off okay so we must plug in an ac power supply to make it home okay so click on the layer 3 switch and if you try to go to cli you see you will find this warning device must be powered on okay so what you do just drag this ac power supply to an empty slot then close that one give it time you will see all the
            • 35:30 - 36:00 interfaces turning to green also this one you do the same thing and you close guys so let's go back to this one as you can see there they have now turned from red to orange and from orange to green very very very important guys very important and as you can see guys now the links between the routers are showing a green indicators okay
            • 36:00 - 36:30 all right so also the most important part guys you know we've used a serial dca cable and for a ca cable when you connect it to a device there is a part that comes as a serial dc okay for example when we used a serial dc cable between this router and this router one part of the cable should be a serial dc here and on that part guys we should configure
            • 36:30 - 37:00 a clock rate okay to enable traffic to flow through that cable okay right so to know which interface is a serial dc interface guys just over the the serial cable and which side has a clock before serial interface i mean the serial comment for example this one you see a clock here and a serial meaning
            • 37:00 - 37:30 the interface here is a serial dc interface okay let's check this one also this one is also a serial dce interface this one is not because it doesn't have a clock this one is not because it doesn't have a clock so we must set a clock rate on this interface and this interface to enable traffic to flow through those interfaces all the cables right okay click here
            • 37:30 - 38:00 so exit interface serial 0 slash one slash one you say clock rate and specify sixty four thousand okay another interface is serial zero then clock rate should be 64 000 and do right exit okay so guys as you can see our design is looking pretty much simple and you know
            • 38:00 - 38:30 it's very beautiful okay everything is green green although we've not configured much on the routers switches and the devices and let's begin and let's now begin the configuration on the layer two switches will begin configure figuring from layer two switch to layer three switch then to the rounds okay access layer distribution layer and the
            • 38:30 - 39:00 co layer okay so let's let me see vlans we'll begin with the vlan configuration okay so are we going to configure valence we're only going to configure vlans on the layer 3 layer 2 switches access layer switches okay and also here so this switch here all interfaces should
            • 39:00 - 39:30 be in vlan 10 as specified here as you can see vlan 10 okay this switch here all the interfaces should be invalid 20 okay so guys basically configuration i'll do configuration here and here while explaining such that the remaining one i can go very fast to save time okay so i'll click on this switch you can't see larry and you say enable
            • 39:30 - 40:00 then config d [Music] interface range you know we always use interface range when you want to configure the same parameter on many interfaces multiple interfaces 0 1 24 okay switchboard mod access then switchbot access vlan 10
            • 40:00 - 40:30 okay then do right okay all right so i'll proceed to the next device so i'll just do something here notepad you know there are many switches and basically we're going to configure almost the same thing so we say interface range fa 0 1 2 24 then you attend switchbot
            • 40:30 - 41:00 switch switchboard mode access then switchbot access vlan 20 so i'll copy this one copy i hope everything is right so for admin switch it's done so we proceeded to hr switch of which we'll do the same thing enable config t
            • 41:00 - 41:30 hr switch should be invuln 20 and the configuration i've already copied here so it'll do paste hit enter alright and now you go to finance switch click on the finance switch and enable config t then they can we just modify this one and say here is now 30 mark call copy
            • 41:30 - 42:00 and paste do right okay then we go to vlan 40 40 let me do right here then exit okay okay we go to the fourth switch okay business switch then you say enable
            • 42:00 - 42:30 configity then i hope you have um changed let me see okay vlan 40 that's okay then paste good close this one you come to the fifth switch which is uh engineering and electric and the computing i mean run config d i go back to the configuration and change here to 50 copy
            • 42:30 - 43:00 then i paste here i close this one i keep this to 60 i might call them copy i come to the sixth switch and enable config you paste you close this one you come to seventh seat then you come here and modify it to be 70. my call copy come to cli of the seventh seat enable
            • 43:00 - 43:30 config d then you paste you close this one you modify for the eighth switch copy all you come to the last switch under the main campus network enable config t okay and you know you paste i hope it's been an 80 code good good okay guys you know
            • 43:30 - 44:00 we've made all the parts in the access layer switches to be in access mode and we have assigned those part two with various villains for example this part two vlan 10 this one 20 and so on and so forth so the connecting part from layer 3 switch should also be an access point having the same vlan as the connecting the corresponding layer to switch
            • 44:00 - 44:30 for example this spot here which is a phase 0 1 is connected to gig one zero two and this part here is an access port accessing vlan 10 so this one also should be an access part accessing vlan 10 same guys very simple guys very very simple okay i'll go
            • 44:30 - 45:00 and say no enable config t good so interface interface say interface gig 102 gig one zero two sorry solution gig one zero slash two then switch part mode access
            • 45:00 - 45:30 okay then switch part access vlan chain very very very good then you exit then you come to the next interface so this interface here this one is connected to gig one zero three okay and so gig one zero three should access vlan 20 because hr is in vlan 20 as you can see as you can see okay so let me do this
            • 45:30 - 46:00 zero three switchboard mode access then switchbot mode access will on train okay exit you go to another interface so this one should be in vlan 30 so guys let me do that one very fast because you know i believe you have understood how to do that
            • 46:00 - 46:30 okay so we have configured vlan 2. this switch or all these interfaces of the multi-layer switch have accessed a villa that is corresponded to the connecting plan okay collecting department okay
            • 46:30 - 47:00 for example this fa gig zero gig one zero nine i've accessed vienna eight okay very simple guys i hope you understood that one okay so let's proceed to did i say really okay okay very important let's proceed to brands compass network the first thing we configure access layer distribution layer then finally to
            • 47:00 - 47:30 call it so i'll go there and say this one enable config and now we have con configuration copy there that one should be vlan 100 you might call copy sorry sorry sorry you copy then you paste good you close that one and now you modify this to 90 formula 90 copy
            • 47:30 - 48:00 [Music] copy and you come to this switch here and saying enable config and you paste so valence configuration on the access layer switch switches are done okay such that all the interfaces of this switch are in vlan android all the interfaces of this switch
            • 48:00 - 48:30 are on vlan 9th and we see when we are conf while we are configuring this layer 3 switch that the connecting interface should have the same wheel and number as by the department okay so for example this one is uh zero three this is gig zero two so gig zero two should be line 20 90 i mean so interface say in no
            • 48:30 - 49:00 enable config t so interface gig z gig let me check it's gig one zero two it's a sorry it's a it's a sorry sorry sorry it's gig one zero two separate mod
            • 49:00 - 49:30 access then switchboard access vlan [Music] 90 that's it then we go to gig one zero three switchboard mode access then switchbot mod switchbot access vlan android okay exit and do right and guess also the most important part guys you know
            • 49:30 - 50:00 these devices we need to communicate with the main campus network okay you know they have vlan numbers so for them to communicate they will be going from the various departments to business three streets then to the route okay but you know an access port cannot access more than one villa so if this is a an access spot
            • 50:00 - 50:30 all these villains will not be able to communicate will not be able to be transported via this connection okay so meaning this part here on layer 3 switch must be a tranq port such that all the vlans will be transported to the route okay so let's make gig 101 a transport click on the left 3 switch again then you say interface gig
            • 50:30 - 51:00 one zero one let me check it again gig one zero one yeah and you hit enter then switch port you know in layer 3 switch guys how to configure trunk interface is a little bit different you just type switch port trunk encapsulation okay then dot one key switch port rank encapsulation dot one key when you hit enter then report mode
            • 51:00 - 51:30 track and hit enter then exit do right okay so we are done configuring everything on access layer and the distribution layer of the branch campus network so let's configure this interface to be a trunk interface because you know we have almost eight
            • 51:30 - 52:00 valence here and we they will be passing through this interface if that interface is an access interface they won't pass okay so we have to make it a trunk interface click and say interface gig let me check it gig one one gig one zero one then switch part we say how to configure transparent layer three switch six part
            • 52:00 - 52:30 trunk encapsulation dot one cube then switch part mod trunk very simple and hit enter exit do right oh guys basically we are done with access and distribution layer configuration there we have configured the we have configured both access and distribution layer okay so basically
            • 52:30 - 53:00 the configuration that r remaining are on these routers here the three routers okay so let's go back to our case study guys it's step by step i hope you understand how i'm going through this problem in a much simplified way step by step when you start configuring start from the access layer you move to distribution layer and finally the cool layer okay all right so what are we going to
            • 53:00 - 53:30 configure here rip version 2 okay and dhcp server right and you know we will need the devices to communicate but you know by default devices in different vlans cannot communicate so we must implement in turbulent route okay before that let's go back to this router before that we need to configure an ip address to this interface this one and
            • 53:30 - 54:00 this one then this one and this one but this one in this interface we won't configure and appear this to this interface we will create some other sub interfaces to assign a peer desk because how many department does it have eight okay meaning if you assign an ap address to this interface you know only one department will access this interface so we need to create sub interfaces on this interface okay then also here we need to assign a peer
            • 54:00 - 54:30 address of this interface then we don't assign a period space interface because we will create sub interfaces for each department okay all right so let's begin configuring i paired this to these interface this one this one this one this one and uh and this one okay so i'll start with the main compass router click on the main campus router and say enable then config t
            • 54:30 - 55:00 okay then this interface should be 0 0 1 1 interface serial 0 1 1 then ip address 10 10 10 dot 1 sub mask of 255 255.24 [Music] as you can see this is the network okay so the first valid last id will be dot
            • 55:00 - 55:30 one the second valid os id will be that two only those two because the subnet mask is slash starting notation very important subnetting then you hit enter exit then you go to the second interface which is this one 0 0 1 0 interfaces zero one zero then ipad s should be in this network this is the network tender tendon the obtained or further
            • 55:30 - 56:00 network shall start subnetting very important so the first only dose id will be dot five and another one will be dot six only those two so let's let this one take dots five and this one will take dot six so click and say appear this should be 10 or 10 or 10 dot 5 okay exit and do right so we're then configuring appearance this to these interfaces
            • 56:00 - 56:30 this one we have left painting because of some underlying reason that uh we will see later so let's assign ipads to this interface also 0 0 2 0 enable config t then interface serial 0 to 0 hit enter then ip address should be 10.10 sorry dot 10 dot so if this one 2.1 this one must take the two because there are only two valid
            • 56:30 - 57:00 osid why submit mask of schloss starting notation subnetting very important you have two then seven mass is two five five dot 2.5 the 255 255.252 hit enter and that's it do right so we're done because it has only one interface that we need to configure and i appear this the other one is for interview and routing okay so let's go to this router here
            • 57:00 - 57:30 for this letter we're gonna configure two intervals this one and this one okay all right so enable config to all right so which interface is this serial 0 0 so interface serial 0 1 0 then i p address should be in this network so these are 2.5 based
            • 57:30 - 58:00 on my stack.6 i mean this one should take note 6 okay so it is a 10.10.10. subnet mask of [Music] and you hit enter exit then you go to this interface which is the interface gig zero slash zero then ipa address ip address should be
            • 58:00 - 58:30 20.20 sorry services 0.0.1 shall i start annotation okay separate mask of and you hit enter exit and do right so you know we have assigned an appearance to this interface under this interface so meaning this interface will act as the default gateway to the server here okay
            • 58:30 - 59:00 so we must assign a peer desk to this server statically i click on the server then you come to desktop i pick configuration and you start configuring appearance which is because the default gateway 2.1 okay copy that subnet mask should be five five two five five dot two five five dot two five two as you can see slash that notation okay
            • 59:00 - 59:30 then now the default gateway should be they appeared as that router's interface this one okay and let's try to ping it we have saved it so let's try to ping if it will ping the default gateway and good so it's done guys basically what's remaining guys is to configure dcp server in interview and routing for those two configuration we're going to do them on this router and on only
            • 59:30 - 60:00 this route then finally we are going to configure a routing protocol rip version 2 and the static route okay let's start with the with this router here okay this one click on the router and start configuring interval and routing and dcp server you know those two things always go hand in hand okay so to start configuring
            • 60:00 - 60:30 let's start with the interval and routing then finally we do for dcp server configuration so click on the switch and start configuring interval routing how do you configure integration routing we create sub interfaces for example these interfaces this interface here is gig zero zero so we keep sub interface on gig zero zero that correspond to the vlan id okay for example it's always recommended like
            • 60:30 - 61:00 that okay so for example interface gig 0 0 dot 90 for vlan 90 here see here okay and you hit enter now encapsulation you enter this command dot one queue the villain id 90 very simple guys 19 19 90 okay and detent and now i p address the ip address of this sub interface
            • 61:00 - 61:30 will act as the default gateway okay when we are configuring this cpu server don't forget this part guys the ip address of this sub interface will act as when we are configuring this episode for vlan 90 okay so i p address [Music] dot okay submit mask of two five five two four five two five five dot two five two no no
            • 61:30 - 62:00 dot zero okay classy it's crazy okay and you hit enter exit then another sub interface which is a dot 100 like this one for this vlan okay and you hit enter then encapsulation.one q 100 then appear that should be 10.1 10.1 okay exit do right so we are done configuring
            • 62:00 - 62:30 interval and routing on this switch the branch campus switch so basically what's remaining let's configure dhcp server such that these devices on these departments can be allocated at the address dynamically how we're going to do that how to configure dtp server the first command the first command i need is to enable that service you know you know sometimes this cp service might be disabled on and out so it's your job
            • 62:30 - 63:00 to enable it but on the cisco routers i believe mostly packet tracer they are enabled by default so suppose they were not enabled just type this command service dhcp and hit enter and now what drug we gonna do guys there are things that we call pools okay we create pools for example this was student lab staff this was this was stuff this is student love so we create pools as per the
            • 63:00 - 63:30 department okay i p bhcp pool okay stuff stuff pool okay hit enter for this department okay a pool for this department very simple guys kindly it's very simple then you are saying an enterprise pool network it's 192.168.9 [Music] this network now this one don't forget
            • 63:30 - 64:00 nine dot zero okay then the subnet mark which is uh classy address okay then now default router default gateway the default parameter should be the p address of that sub interface that we created it was i believe you remember that guys then dns
            • 64:00 - 64:30 should also be and exit do right so let's test oh we have not configured this episode for student lab department so we create another pool that will be called ipd's cp pool student student lab lab like that pool kit another pool for
            • 64:30 - 65:00 this department here the student lab department i believe you understand these things guys and if it enter you sign the network with that pool so here the network was 10.0 okay 10.0 then the default gateway was there and appeared as that sub interface we created which was 10.1 okay default router default gateway 10.1
            • 65:00 - 65:30 dns let's make it uh similar to default router 10.1 guys please don't forget exit and now do right guys let's test the configuration we go we're going to test if these devices are located ip address dynamically for example i'll go to and recipe let's give it time requesting my p address oh dcp request successful
            • 65:30 - 66:00 it took 9.2 because 9.1 was taken by default router remember now let's test on the other side also and remember we have configured interval and routing meaning these devices the devices on vlan 100 should be able to communicate in the devices on villa 90. and as you can see the dcp configuration here was successful so i'll
            • 66:00 - 66:30 try to ping 9.2 give it time leave it will successfully ping as you can see bcp server and interview routing configuration is successfully okay so let's go back to
            • 66:30 - 67:00 the branch i mean the main campus nato so this is where we have a lot of work you know we have almost how many departments eight departments so we need to create how many pools eight pools plus eight sub interfaces i'll go and try i'll do for the first two so that the remaining one i can go first to save time enable config so we create sub interface for you know we
            • 67:00 - 67:30 start with the interval and routing first so interface gig 0 0 dot 10 because you know admin admin was in vlan 10 okay all right okay and hit enter then encapsulation dot one queue then [Music] network i mean i p address should be based on dot one okay
            • 67:30 - 68:00 [Music] separate mass of [Music] it exit you could not you could create another sub interface from hr okay so a calculation i mean interface gig zero zero zero zero dot twenty then encapsulation dot one q 20
            • 68:00 - 68:30 and then i appear that should be 2.1 and that's it so guys let me go faster for the remaining six departments to save time okay okay guys so we managed to
            • 68:30 - 69:00 configure interval and routing for all these vlans okay so meaning after we have assigned ip address to these devices they will be able to communicate okay so let's configure the cp sub you start with interview and routing then you configure this episode okay step by step guys so you know we also have eight departments here so meaning we'll create eight pools we'll create eight pools on this router
            • 69:00 - 69:30 okay and each pool you know will be the name will be as uh here for example the mean pool a charcoal so on so forth okay so let me do for the first two while explaining such that the remaining six i can go fast to save time i believe you understand what i mean so how do we configure dcp server okay it's very simple we said you enable the service service dhcp
            • 69:30 - 70:00 then you click the post dhcp dcp pool admin pool let's say admin pool for this one don't forget pull then using a network network 1 and 2.168 let me show you yeah 168 [Music] 168.1.0 submit mask of 255.255.255
            • 70:00 - 70:30 default router should be guys don't forget that dns should also be [Music] and uh exit then let's create another pool for hr i pretty simply pull attach it to the pool
            • 70:30 - 71:00 hr pool okay and the network you assign a network to this pool which is 2.0 2.0 and then default router the full data should be that i appear this with the sub interface we created guys don't forget that because if you get that if you forget that nothing will work exit all right so for the remaining six guys let me do it very fast to save time
            • 71:00 - 71:30 i hope you understood how to configure dcp server on this two explanation okay all right another pool okay okay guys so we are done configuring dhcp server and interval routing on this router okay meaning
            • 71:30 - 72:00 these devices under main campus network will be able to communicate to each other okay so let me go to this pc here and try to check if the dhcp configuration is successful uh-huh let me wait for it good 8.1 or 8.2 with the other parameters that successfully listen uh let's check let's just give do that and wait we do this and wait we close
            • 72:00 - 72:30 we're done let's do this and wait do these wait to see if they have been signed appear this dynamically do this and wait do these and wait do this very very fast to make it very very fast be this and wait so let's start checking
            • 72:30 - 73:00 on this one this one took seven or two as you can see there and this one took uh six to two as you can see there this one should take five for the two as you can see there and this one should take four or two as you can see there this one should take three to two as you can see there this one two dot two as you can see and this one one or two i mean as you can see there guys dcp server configuration is successful
            • 73:00 - 73:30 so what i'll do guys is to test interval routing interval routing enables devices in different divi lands to communicate so i'll try to ping from this pc to 8.2 this one this one is 1.2 as you can see and i'll try to pin 8.2 which is this pc okay okay so let me click that and try to pin
            • 73:30 - 74:00 and do it give it time guys the first packet might always fail but the subsequent ones will be successful as you can see dcp server configuration is perfectly working together with intervenor routing guys so guys basically we have configured dcp server interval routing vlans and what else the earth devices okay
            • 74:00 - 74:30 so basically what's remaining guys is to configure routing protocol to enable devices from this side to communicate with the devices on this side guys and we've been told to use rib version 2. okay very simple guys very very simple you know by default this these devices will not be able to communicate with
            • 74:30 - 75:00 these devices let's try this one is a 10.2 so i'll try to ping sorry sorry sorry what am i doing so let me try to ping from pc0 here to 10.2 here from this one this one is 1.2 so i'll try to ping tender to which is in a branch network okay so i'll go here and try to pin 10.2
            • 75:00 - 75:30 destination host unreachable it cannot be because we've not applied a routing protocol every 9.2 will not communicate okay so what do we do guys let's implement rip version 2 routing information protocol okay in this router here we are going to implement rip to advertise how many
            • 75:30 - 76:00 networks three networks this network this network and this network okay this one this one and this one so let's begin remember config the first command guys to make the router aware that it's using rip routing protocol to advertise routes okay then which version of it
            • 76:00 - 76:30 should be version 2 okay then the networks now very simple it's a one entity 168.9.0 without subnet mask you just hit enter another one is 10.0 and finally that one was 10 10 10 10 10 it should be 10 10 10 00 hit enter exit do right
            • 76:30 - 77:00 guys we have done configuring rip on this data almost everything we have done configuring on that router okay all right all right all right so let's go to this is what i have to configure rip version two okay don't worry about this one this normally happens when you don't execute the range of ip address that
            • 77:00 - 77:30 should not be assigned to the os devices okay but when you exclude that kind of range you know you won't see these warnings okay all right but it all it have no effect it has no effect on our configuration so let's configure it version 2 on main compass router so make the router aware that it's using grip and it's ripped version 2 network we have 10 networks here guys
            • 77:30 - 78:00 you have to advertise how many talks on this route 10 1 2 plus the 8 that's 10 very very awesome 10 10 10 00 then another standard 10.4 then 192 so let me just begin one and two versus a dot one or zero
            • 78:00 - 78:30 then another one is 2.0 another one is 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 7.0 i mean and finally 8.0 okay exit and do right so guys we have configured a routing protocol on this router and this is another so let's try to communicate again remember the first
            • 78:30 - 79:00 time to it we tried to communicate it was destination host and reachable because we didn't configure a routing protocol as you can see here it was all destination lost and reachable so let's try to play again the same 9.2 what's happening what's happening and now let's start to pin 10.2 again what's happening replay successful
            • 79:00 - 79:30 routing information protocol has been configured successfully rip so let's set the pin from this pc to even further true pin for the two which is located on the main compass network let's give it time the first forget might fail but the subsequent one i believe they won't have what's happening guys just very successful guys our configuration
            • 79:30 - 80:00 are working perfectly fine so basically what's remaining here basically oh we have not configured a routing protocol on this data let me just do it very fast enable then config [Music] then rotary version 2 sorry solution version 2 then network
            • 80:00 - 80:30 the first one should be 20.00 hit enter the second one should be [Music] here the red connected networks these are this one okay and hit enter is it do right and now let's test our configuration let's try to ping
            • 80:30 - 81:00 this server okay the server was uh 20.002 i'll try to pin the server from albion branch compass network this pc here [Music] okay see you guys successful guys everything is working perfectly fine guys
            • 81:00 - 81:30 okay so i believe guys you know with this network design and implementation let's go back to the case study you know i believe we have implemented almost everything okay we've implemented almost everything and for the kosovo aquino it was 70 percent so imagine everything is working as expected you've garnered all the marks even if you don't garner all of them but i
            • 81:30 - 82:00 believe you are 60 and above over 70. okay so basically guys that will mark the end of this project and guys really need your support we we still haven't got enough subscribers so guys we depend on you for the support don't close the video before you subscribe to our channel guys it's very important that you promote us as we promote each other
            • 82:00 - 82:30 we work for you we want the best for you we're doing the best for you guys so that you can have a full understanding how to approach any enterprise networking project so this project guys was very very important guys it was very very important it's one of the best projects that we have ever recorded and everything is working perfectly fine all the points are explained in a very simplified manner that even a baby can understand so who are you man
            • 82:30 - 83:00 who are you my sister this opportunity for you follow us for the next project you'll find good projects on our page share with your friends so that they can also benefit and lastly buy and see again this project thank you [Music]