Reflections from 44 on Wisdom for 24

44 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew at 24

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In his video, Dan Martell shares 44 profound lessons he wishes he knew at 24, offering advice on humility, discipline, growth, and more. With a candid look back at his journey, he stresses the importance of authenticity, embracing discomfort as a growth tool, and the value of constructs like failure and success redefined beyond societal norms. His insights touch on the pivotal role of self-focus, gratitude, and understanding that personal growth often means evolving past conventional wisdom toward more self-driven fulfillment and happiness.


      • Humility is about elevating others, not putting oneself down. 🤝
      • Adversity helps you become a better sailor; seek challenging waters. ⛵️
      • Building discipline is like a muscle; it solves most life problems. 🏋️
      • People reveal who they truly are; trust your observations. 👀
      • Gut instincts about people often highlight critical red flags. 🚩
      • Comfort zones are dream-killers; leap into the unfamiliar. 🚀
      • Find purpose in your success, or it remains meaningless. 💡
      • To truly succeed, fall in love with the journey, not just the destination. 🛣
      • Owning your happiness frees you from external dependencies. 🗝

      Key Takeaways

      • True humility elevates others, not diminishes oneself. 🌟
      • A smooth sea never built a strong sailor; embrace adversity. ⚓
      • Discipline solves most problems; consistency is key. 💪
      • Trust people when they show you their true selves. 👥
      • Red flags are your intuition speaking; listen. 🚩
      • Your growth lies outside your comfort zone. 🌱
      • Success without purpose feels hollow; find your 'why'. 🎯
      • Joy in any pursuit is about loving the process, not just the goal. 🛤
      • Your happiness is your responsibility, not anyone else's. 😊


      Dan Martell, with the benefit of years of experience, brings together a tapestry of truths that form the backbone of successful living. He delves into the essence of humility, revealing that it's not about understating your capabilities but rather lifting others up. To navigate life's unpredictable seas, he suggests cultivating resilience through discipline and facing adversity head-on, becoming a stronger 'sailor' in the process.

        Another cornerstone of his philosophy is understanding and accepting people's true nature — once someone shows you who they are, believe them. By focusing on one's own growth and detaching from the neediness of external validation, Dan underscores the importance of self-sufficiency in happiness. He encourages stepping beyond comfort zones, as this is where real growth and the fulfillment of the extraordinary lie.

          Dan wraps his reflections around the pursuit of purpose and the joy of the process. Success without a sense of purpose can feel empty, and he stresses that falling in love with the journey rather than the destination is key to long-lasting fulfillment. To gain true inner peace, Dan advocates for releasing expectations from others and focusing instead on your own growth and personal contentment.

            44 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew at 24 Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 recording this right now I'm 44 years old but if I had to go back and give my 24-year-old self some advice on becoming successful even faster here's what I would say number one true humility isn't about diminishing yourself it's about elevating others I meet people sometimes and I give them a compliment and they go oh yeah but I actually suck at this and I'm like hm interesting see what they don't realize is diminishing themselves is not humility say thanks I've been working on this cuz I got some great help from this person here that's actually more impressive and the right way to work through life because if
            • 00:30 - 01:00 you're always talking down to yourself then why would anybody want to work up with you if you instead take that energy and shine it on other people that's humility saying that you're not that good giving somebody an open to criticize you is actually the opposite it's actually false humility and not a good look number two a smooth sea never made a strong sailor Jim rone used to talk about it all the time you can't control the wind but you can control how you set the sail a strong sailor understands how to set the sail
            • 01:00 - 01:30 everything gets better when it goes through some level of adversity if you want to be better don't wish the sea was smoother wish you were a better sailor number three discipline can fix 80% of your problems one of the most unique things in this world right now is consistency watching somebody be consistent go to the gym 30 40 60 90 days in a row most people don't realize if you can just build that discipline muscle and show up every day it'll fix most of your problems number four when
            • 01:30 - 02:00 people show you who they are believe them I've learned over the years when somebody shows up and they're disheveled they're untrustworthy they're confusing to talk to don't pretend like that's going to magically go away instead understand it won't number five red flags never go down anytime I've gotten into business with somebody and my gut told me probably shouldn't I've now realized if there's a red flag if I feel it in my soul I'm going to move on no proof needed number six the person who needs nothing can't be controlled your attachment to outcomes your attachments
            • 02:00 - 02:30 to goals your attachments to how other people need to behave for you allows that person to control you your need of anything from anybody else is their ability to control your emotions your happiness your life if you can get to a place which I encourage you to consider of showing up being involved but being unattached then you can't be controlled and you get to create from a place of Freedom number seven everything you're insecure about is what makes you you think about this there's no other person on Earth right now that is you there
            • 02:30 - 03:00 will never be somebody that is uniquely you and the things that you're scared about you have shame around you're insecure about is actually your superpower because if you had the courage to share that out loud with other people that would be the thing that their insecurity would resonate with you're watching other people and you admire them because they share these areas of their life that you're like I can't believe they just said that cuz it resonates with you that is actually what makes you unique number eight behind every strong person is a story that gave them no choice I work with some
            • 03:00 - 03:30 incredible men in my office and some of them are massive bodybuilders like crazy and I know that the way they look their discipline in the gym is a byproduct of some really really deep pain it's a trauma response in many ways it's their adaptations to some of the challenges they went through and that story gave them no other choice it was actually what was required for them to deal with the situation they found themselves in it's actually not a bad thing you can use it to your advantage number nine never use words like could and would the reason I don't like these words is they
            • 03:30 - 04:00 have the Assumption of failure in the language right off the bat as soon as you hear something say that would be nice what you're saying is probably not going to do it that could be nice what you're saying is probably not going to show up it's interesting how your language will dictate your commitment to a future so those words I just crumple them up and throw them out it's either no or yes but there's no could or would or should number 10 confidence isn't about being loud it's about knowing your worth what I love is when I meet people and they don't say a lot but they have this quiet conf confidence about them
            • 04:00 - 04:30 because they've shown up and gone to the gym they've shown up and done the work they know they're rich they have nothing to say they already know what they know so they don't even talk think about if you had a $100 million in your bank account cash how would you walk around the world what Essence would you give off to other people sometimes the people that are the flashiest the loudest they're the ones that are the most insecure before I move on to brutal truth number 11 we've got a goal of hitting a million subscribers so if you haven't already click subscribe and turn on notifications number 11 you can't shoot a cannon from a canoe build the
            • 04:30 - 05:00 foundation as much as you want to come out running fast as you can some of you guys are shooting cannons on a canoe and what happens the whole thing topples over you fall into the lake sometimes people want to take a bite out of something that's too big because it forces them to show up the problem is is that the bite's too big which then creates a scenario where they're going to fail because they don't trust themselves they take Massive Action and take risk around things that doesn't make sense where if you just showed up and created the discipline the foundation then that massive action's
            • 05:00 - 05:30 got some footing to sit on it might feel slow at first but trust me be impatient with action and patient with your destination and build a foundation where you can set up and load up and shoot a massive Cannon number 12 you can't use someone else's map to find yourself I believe that every person is here on Earth to go on the journey to discover themselves in many ways goals are only as useful as they guide you to discover who you are other people trying to tell you the path the journey giving you
            • 05:30 - 06:00 their blueprint it might give you Clues but the only place you should be looking is inside number 13 if you're not constantly contradicting yourself you're not growing fast enough if you think of the idea of growth being changed learning new things you're getting New Perspective then by the fact that you're learning and growing things you used to believe decisions you would have made in the past are no longer true which means you're going to have to contradict yourself there's a direct correlation the faster you grow the more you realize that that the way you used to do things
            • 06:00 - 06:30 can't work anymore I always say to people often wrong never in doubt I know what I'm doing isn't going to get me to where I'm going I have strong opinions about what that might look like today but I'm on a growth game which means I'm going to contradict myself 6 months from now I'm going to say something and it's not going to align with what I shared today but that's okay because that's the whole point if you are on a constant growth game it will feel contradicting number 14 true abundance comes from appreciating what you already have you don't need need anything to be happy
            • 06:30 - 07:00 when I work with clients one-onone I always ask them to make a list 25 years from now Dream a Little Bit what do you want to accomplish what do you want to create with your life and they make this magical list of things that they Envision and I love that for them I love that they took the space to download create from their creator design this life but then shortly after we're going to sit down and I'm going to remind them that all those goals those dreams those outcomes you want to achieve are just criteria you've made up to give yourself permission to actually be happy to be content to feel fulfilled and the truth
            • 07:00 - 07:30 is none of those need to be there for you in this moment to feel that way you can literally go to gratitude you can go to abundance you can go to appreciation it doesn't mean you don't create it doesn't mean you decide to say okay well what I got is all I need cuz you're here to create you just don't create from a place of lack you create from a place of abundance and that is 10 times more powerful number 15 assume the best in others until proven otherwise My Philosophy when I hire somebody somebody comes into my life a business partner a
            • 07:30 - 08:00 new friend I just assume they're awesome I just assume they're trustworthy I just assume from day one that they're great at what they do and I give them the responsibility I assume positive intent and I allow them to go out into the world that being said if they show me who they are I believe them but I just think too often because we have trust issues that usually come from trauma that we hold off from letting go and it has nothing to do with the individual has to do with us and our inability to assume the best in others is actually 100% reflection of who we are and that
            • 08:00 - 08:30 one's a tough one to realize because you're like what if they mess up what if they embarrass me what if they cost me money maybe what if they never do that and you didn't get the opportunity to go as deep or get as much support as you want because of your own fears number 16 fear will always give bad advice write this one down tattoo it on your body fear will always give bad advice because it's based on a past that isn't true anymore false evidence appearing real that's what fear stands for and things happened to you in the past at a younger age at some other point with different
            • 08:30 - 09:00 people and you're still operating from some projection of that situation happening again when the whole scenario is completely different new girlfriend new business partner new economy new industry all these things are new yet you're responding out of fear because of something that happened in the past that isn't even possible anymore often times our rumination around fear actually sets up the situation for it to repeat itself not cuz it was because of how you showed up number 17 your comfort zone is is where dreams go to die who you are today
            • 09:00 - 09:30 and what you want to achieve your dreams is not who you need to be to achieve them period full stop if you were then you'd have those things in your life if you had the mindset of a millionaire you'd be a millionaire and being able to go outside of your comfort zone is the only way you're going to grow in many ways I like to tell people once you see it you can't unsee it once you expand you can't contract and to go to those places to experience those things to be pushed you have to be willing it's scary but if you can jump outside that comfort
            • 09:30 - 10:00 zone sometimes it's a running Ninja Kick I get it it's so scary you're like if I don't do it now I probably won't do it hey start running make that jump but I promise you your dreams your goals your outcomes live on the other side of you making that leap way outside your comfort zone number 18 surround yourself with people who challenge your beliefs not just reinforce them this is the way I look at my friendships there are people I know that are cheerleaders they're incredible people they want to see the best for me they always want me to do well and I love them for that the
            • 10:00 - 10:30 challenge with those people is that they're never going to push me to think differently because they don't want to create conflict so what do I do I have to fight to get in a bigger room I have to fight to get on a smarter Street I have to fight to get in a better peer group of people that are way further along than me why because they will challenge my beliefs they will look at my strategy and go that's cute that's not going to get you anywhere's interesting and the truth is is they're saying that because they see my potential so if you accept the people around you which I get could be really
            • 10:30 - 11:00 great people you're just going to have the same people reinforcing what you already know and believe you're not going to be pushed to go find and discover New Perspectives on life and it's in those new opportunities those new beliefs where you're actually going to grow the most number 19 if you want to be extraordinary you'll need to be extra which will feel uncomfortable so many people tell me then you're a lot then you're too much guess what if I'm too much go find less I don't want to be less I know that if I want to live an extraordinary life I have to show up in ways that other people think are extra I
            • 11:00 - 11:30 might think they're absolutely normal getting up early going to the gym every day showing up as a leader all these things might feel extra but guess what if my goal is to have an extraordinary life it means that I have to make decisions or show up in a way that is extra that is different from everybody else and I never ever ever make myself feel bad for being extra if anything I'm looking for opportunities to actually Separate Myself number 20 happiness is fleeting focus on fulfillment a long time ago I was taught this concept
            • 11:30 - 12:00 around fulfillment cuzz everybody always says when I'm older I want to be happy you ask your kids what do you want to be when you're older I want to be happy happy happy happy people say this I want to be happy is it okay if I'm happy here's what I know about happy happy is a moment in time it's not a place of feeling and guess what when I was doing Iron Man when I was in the thick of the work and it required a piece of me that I didn't even know was there was I happy no was I proud of myself afterwards you better believe it fulfillment is a byproduct of feeling useful nobody wakes up every day day and says I just want to
            • 12:00 - 12:30 be happy and I'm going to lay on the beach and drink my ties no cuz in 3 weeks 4 weeks at some point you're going to ask yourself what is the point of my life I guess I'm supposed to be happy but for some reason I feel empty inside because you're going to die one day you're going to take that last breath and you're going to look back and say did I feel useful did I contribute did I show up was I example to other people did my life mean something and that is what fulfillment is all about so focus on fulfillment number 21 put your own mask on before trying to help others
            • 12:30 - 13:00 when I got out of rehab I'm 17 years old I suffered with addiction my whole life and I wanted nothing more than to help all my friends and family members it also struggled but it occurred to me and I was taught this if I went out there and I started trying to do that I would actually risk stumbling and relapsing myself cuz I didn't have enough time sober to actually be strong enough to even be in a position to help somebody else and it felt really weird because I'm like I know these things I want to teach it and everybody kept saying focus on yourself focus on yourself focus on yourself and it felt very selfish here's where I've gotten to if I want to help
            • 13:00 - 13:30 other people I love at the highest level then the best thing I could ever be is the best version of myself and if I know right now I'm not there then I just got to wait I got to do the work I got to create the resources the opportunities for myself so that when that other person is ready and they come to me I will be ready to help them if I go too soon then it's like two sinking boats trying to help each other focus on you and once you're good you'll be better for everybody else around you number 22 no one needs a change for you to win nobody this one's going to be hard you
            • 13:30 - 14:00 might be in a relationship right now have a parent or a friend and you wish that they would change you wish that they saw things the way you needed them to see it you wish that they supported you you wish that they were more motivated I don't know what it is but you have a wish and a desire for somebody else and you think if they were only that way then maybe you would win how about you get to this place nobody needs to say yes to you nobody needs to change nobody needs to do anything for you to win cuz that gives you 100% control that puts you in the driver's seat that makes you 100% accountable for
            • 14:00 - 14:30 your life and that's actually a winning proposition number 23 you're responsible for your own happiness not anyone else to the same token of nobody needs a change for you to win I don't require anybody to make me happy I realize that my happiness is a byproduct from the stories I tell myself from the events that happen in my life somebody cuts me off in traffic I could easily get upset I can decide that person cut me off they're a ding-dong not cool or I can tell myself a more empowering story that maybe somebody that they love is sick in the hospital and they need to get there
            • 14:30 - 15:00 and making that move they didn't even mean to do it they got to go see that Lov one if I was in that position I would love some Grace around the people on the street to get me into the place I need to get to see my loved ones those are all choices that I can make and that's why I think a lot of people put their happiness into somebody else take that power back realize that your story you tell yourself is going to make you happy not the activities or actions of other people number 24 not all feedback is valuable learn to identify the helpful from the harmful I always ask myself when some somebody's giving me feedback who is this person why are they
            • 15:00 - 15:30 saying this and if I implement it what do I assume the results would be because often times it's more harmful than helpful some people mean well these are people that love you and they're giving you advice but they've never done it before they just don't want to see you hurt so they give you advice it might make it safe for you to move forward but it's not going to get you to where you want to go if an enemy purposely puts sugar in your water would it harm you nope what if a friend accidentally put poison in your water would it harm you yeah it'd kill you sometimes the feedback that people are
            • 15:30 - 16:00 giving you is well-meaning well intended and is actually harmful so instead what I want you to ask yourself is who is this person have they achieved that result why are they telling me this are they telling me this cuz they want to sell me something or are they telling me this because they want to see me win and if all things being equal the person's been to where I want and I feel like the feedback comes from a place of positive intention then it's worth considering number 25 you don't need to justify your choices to anyone but yourself you are living your own life and as much as you want to please people around you cuz you want them to be proud of you you want
            • 16:00 - 16:30 them to support you I want you to understand someday those people will not be in your life and so often we're trying to justify our choices to other people when we start off in life we don't know any better so we're always looking around and saying does this make sense does this make sense does this make sense and then you realize that nobody else understands this is a crazy part if you are successful you will learn really quick that your parents and people you looked up to at some point actually didn't know any more than you and you need to live with your decisions so if you don't check in with yourself
            • 16:30 - 17:00 and say hey does this light me up does this make me happy if I fast forward 5 10 years will I be happy about this choice if the answer is no then you're living for somebody else and that is a losing recipe number 26 you're allowed to love someone from a distance there's a lot of great people well- intended that I love that I have created space from intentionally the reason why is their journey and their energy isn't align with mine and that's totally okay I can decide not to be so quick on a
            • 17:00 - 17:30 response to a text message I can decide to say no to an invitation to go on vacation I can decide to create some space and just not always be around on weekends whatever the scenario is I'm allowed to protect my energy nobody is entitled to my presence if I want to have a relationship with somebody I can choose to express what my desires I can express to them when these things are said or this situation happens I don't like it I don't enjoy it but if they don't hear that that's cool I can love them from a distance number 27 discomfort is often a sign of growth not
            • 17:30 - 18:00 failure when I'm uncomfortable I always go to myself o wory opportunity we're the opponent it's in that discomfort where I'm like ooh impostor syndrome that I'm like I'm about to grow I don't beat myself up anymore I don't tell myself I'm not good enough sometimes people are like oh I feel so scared to do this I suck oh my gosh I can't believe I feel this way I'm not worthy and it's not failure your discomfort is actually like a compass to point your you in the right direction it is a sign
            • 18:00 - 18:30 of growth number 28 the pursuit of perfection will lead to a life of misery it's kind of funny cuz Perfection is nothing more than procrastination in Disguise I see people all the time they're like I would do this but this and this and this need to happen no it doesn't well I mean I could do it but then uh what would people think oh interesting let's talk about that who are those people what people your friends cuz I learned a long time ago people that care don't matter and people that matter don't care I'm going to move forward if I'm not embarrassed by the first version of whatever I'm about to
            • 18:30 - 19:00 do I waited way too long it doesn't mean that you put it out to a thousand people you put out to 10 get some feedback put it out to 100 get some feedback if you don't do it that way you'll always live in this life of regret because your best work or any work never actually got to help anybody think about it your worst video trying to teach something to somebody is better than the perfect video that took you 10 years to help because nobody saw it it was 10 years of Nobody seeing it versus hey maybe it wasn't the best version of it but you got it out you did another one and for 10 years this content lived out there
            • 19:00 - 19:30 and was helping people and you waited till it was perfect that is a life of misery number 29 success without purpose feels empty even if it looks good on paper I know people that are so poor all they have is money they don't realize that these things that we look up to possessions Prestige power the money side of things it might look good on paper it might make you feel good telling somebody at a party how much money you made but the truth is is none of those dictate the quality of your life they don't don't talk about the character or who you are in many ways
            • 19:30 - 20:00 those are great ways for you to measure the value create in the world but if you don't focus on that then you're going to feel empty cuz you're always building from a place of not enoughness trying to use paper to fill that hole is like trying to fill a void that has no bottom it'll never happen yet if you find your purpose you can feel fulfilled you can feel absolutely full of grace and it takes nothing to feel that way number 30 your boundaries can make other people feel uncomfortable and that's their
            • 20:00 - 20:30 problem express your preferences express your boundaries let somebody know if they've crossed them hey I just want to let you know that kind of language doesn't fly with me hey I hear what you're saying we don't need to use other people's names we can have this conversation without disclosing who is involved cuz honestly I feel uncomfortable when you share that I'm a big fan of saying this is who I am this is what I'm about and I have no problem sharing that with other people the ones that resonate with that game on we're going to be great friends the people that have a problem with that that's their story and journey and it's not my problem I don't need to be friends with everybody the longer you go trying to be
            • 20:30 - 21:00 liked by everybody the longer you will stay in your Prison number 31 not all pain is meant to be resolved some is meant to be felt had a friend recently had a massive realization and they shared that with me and I said feel the feels there was nothing for me to do there was nothing for me to say there was no thing to try to fix all I shared with them is feel the feels often times those feelings show up because it's allowing us to process it's all allowing us to clear it's allowing us to make
            • 21:00 - 21:30 sense of the situation and I know we have this tendency to always want to either stop hurting or fix problems or Find the meaning of the insights in why I'm going through this sometimes it's just to feel the feels there's no place to get to just allow yourself to not push the feelings away let them come to the surface cuz sunlight sanitizes when we take the things that we're scared or ashamed of and we allow ourselves to feel that and if we have the courage to share it with other people like my friended with me I'll tell you on the
            • 21:30 - 22:00 other side of that is a feeling of lightness number 32 Conformity is the silent killer of creativity and Innovation doing things as you've been told as they've always been is where Innovation goes to die if you actually want to do something that doesn't exist you're going to have to break the mold you're going to have to push the boundaries you have to go test there's this thing in science called the local Maxima and essentially it's the concept of the mountain that you're climbing having a peak you could find out that there's a bigger Mountain that you could
            • 22:00 - 22:30 go discover but to get to that bigger Mountain you have to go down the Valley of the current one to go through that Valley to come up the other side that's Conformity that's doing things unlike everybody's done before willing to potentially find something bigger and better but being okay that if you don't you just learned a lot and I think too often people are like this is how it's always been done this is how I have to do it you want to innovate you want to create you have to be willing to be misunderstood that's by going on a journey that nobody agrees with number 30 3 not everyone will be happy for your
            • 22:30 - 23:00 success and that's okay if you crush it and I hope you do here's what I know at that level of success what you'll be doing is you'll be living your truth you will discover internally what lights you up where your value is how you show up and you're going to live that truth and in that moment of you shining your truth you will show people where they've been living a lie your success is going to shine a bright light on the parts of somebody else's life where they gave up where they decided not to push as hard they're going to see see you and they might even say it to your face I'm so
            • 23:00 - 23:30 happy for you congrats behind your back Unfortunately they won't say the same thing and it's not their fault I'm not upset when I see this happen it happens all the time I understand it I have a lot of Grace for them and I want you to know that it will happen and it's absolutely okay number 34 sometimes failure is more valuable than success in the long run sometimes God's rejection is God's redirection you weren't meant to go down that path and at the time it might feel really hard cuz you put your life in Soul into the project into the
            • 23:30 - 24:00 thing to the business to the relationship whatever it is and everybody else sees it as a failure you might see it as a failure I've just been doing this long enough to know I want you to hear this that that rejection that failure is God's way of redirecting it's all he's got he's like look I know you wanted to go do this but it's very unlikely that in the long run that's the right move there's this other opportunity that's right there that if you just created some space you'd probably see and in the long run that is the move Steve Jobs said in his commencement speech that you can't
            • 24:00 - 24:30 connect the dots looking forward you can only do it looking backwards and trust me when I look at my life and all the crazy failures and redirections it's bananas and yet perfect perfect everything I know today all the people I know the city I live in the relationships the winds perfectly timed any one of these things that happened any sooner I wouldn't have been ready going on Ed melet's podcast I shared on the Pod I wasn't ready 34 5 years ago Tony Robbins speaking on stage
            • 24:30 - 25:00 a year prior I wouldn't had the experience I needed to be able to be in that environment in a virtual environment the first talk I ever gave 40ft ceilings TV cameras all that stuff it was crazy but I had the Reps sometimes we feel in the moment that that failure means I failed and I'm telling you it's not you learn the lesson you move forward and you will wake up in the long run and realize that was what you needed to be successful number 35 friends come into your life for a reason season or Lifetime and and understanding the difference is a
            • 25:00 - 25:30 beautiful thing for example just cuz you went to high school with somebody 27 years ago and you haven't seen them in 20 years does not mean that you have to still be friends with them on Facebook just saying I continuously curate especially when the birthday notifications come up I'm like why am I friends with this I don't know them I've just accepted that some people come into my life for a reason they teach me something it might be a hard lesson it might not be fun at the moment but I learn something other friends come into my life for a season maybe a specific phase in my life my relationship status
            • 25:30 - 26:00 or the journey I'm on and the kind of work I'm doing that's a season a city I live in that's totally fine and then there's those people I don't know if you've ever felt this but I know it's true for me where I meet them and I go this is a lifetime person this is somebody who's got a big heart incredibly talented cheerleader somebody I want in my life for the rest of my life and those people you have to cherish my mom used to say if you could just find five people fill up one hand folks that you would consider best friends that you lived an incredible life that that was a life fulfilled and
            • 26:00 - 26:30 I just think that's what I'm always looking for and I use the fact that some people need to be removed out of my life the reason or season so that I can make space for those that are a lifetime number 36 what you focus on expands it's just true Focus stands for follow one course until successful if you want to win focus focus means the decision to go all in Focus means that you say no to 99% of the stuff Focus means that you've given yourself no other option when you hear burn the boats the boats have been exploded there is no other option
            • 26:30 - 27:00 there's only one potential outcome and it's winning and when you do that when you focus on it it will expand see most people want their bank accounts to expand but they don't focus on them they haven't looked at their bank account they don't measure it they don't look at it I look at all of my goals three four times a day why what I focus on expands if I want these things to come true I got to get eyes on them I got to connect with them say does any of my time in my calendar reflect these priorities so don't tell me that you want to expand your life if you don't focus on the activities that actually would do that number 37 the freest person in the room
            • 27:00 - 27:30 is the person with no secrets if you think about it the person that has no secrets nothing they're ashamed about nothing that nobody knows about they are open about who they are then they walk around with this lightness there's no ego they're not sarcastic they're not jokey I mean I see these people and I know they're hiding stuff why would you say that why would you act that way why would you have to wear that why do you look this way somebody said something to me I asked myself why did they want me to know that and often times it's cuz they're trying to hide something the more more you do the shadow work it's called the more you go to the depths of
            • 27:30 - 28:00 the bottom of the sea and you investigate what's down there and you give yourself permission to bring it to the surface and get some sunlight on it you will feel so free and if you're feeling like a prisoner of your life it's probably because you haven't done that work number 38 don't make the mistake of becoming good at something you hate I see people all the time they're like I'm not good with numbers I'm going to go become great at numbers no you don't have to you need to be able to do something with it especially if it's part of your work but you don't have to be good at it I can be in
            • 28:00 - 28:30 business and not be good at something I could own a restaurant and not be a good cook I could own a mechanic shop and not know how to change my own tires and what's crazy is that I could go learn how to do that but I probably hate myself having to spend the time to learn that because I can't see how it would add any value to my life especially if I'm going to eat at the restaurant and get the mechanics at my shop to change my tires too often people spend a lot of time trying to get good at stuff they don't enjoy at all and that holds them back from spending the time on things that they could actually be exceptional
            • 28:30 - 29:00 at because they love to do it that's a better trade number 39 pain is inevitable suffering is optional it doesn't matter what life you're going to live where you come from you will feel pain period full stop however suffering is an option because suffering shows up when you don't have purpose if you don't have a reason for why you're going through the pain suffering is going to show up number 40 be blissfully dissatisfied with where you're at in life it's it's okay to be dissatisfied
            • 29:00 - 29:30 with your accomplishments so far in your life it's okay to say hey I think I can do better it doesn't mean you're not grateful for where you're at it just means that you know your potential and you want to create and there's opportunity for you to be better at creating I always tell people we're here to become the best version of ourselves our 10.0 selves in that Journey we then show up and we share ourselves with others it doesn't mean the desire to do more that we're not grateful for what we have it just means that we're blissfully happily joyfully satisfied with our situation because we know we can do more
            • 29:30 - 30:00 and that pursuit of growth is actually where fulfillment comes from number 41 your work ethic is a reflection of your gratitude I see people that say they want big things they have Big Dreams big goals and they show up small small action small consistency small attitude it's crazy yet they want big things Here's My Philosophy the reason I get up at 400 in the morning and I work really hard and I show up and I do right by other people is because my work ethic is 100% a reflection of my gratitude for my life the reason I show up is not from a place of lack it's from a place of
            • 30:00 - 30:30 contribution I feel personally I've been giv this freaking opportunity to do good to help other people I don't want to waste it my Creator said hey you've got these skills I've given them to you you worked on them please use them and guess what because I do more great stuff comes into my life because I'm useful I'm giving more things that I can use to do more number 42 if you don't learn to love the work success will always Escape you see there's a saying that says the person who loves to walk will walk further than the person that's motivated
            • 30:30 - 31:00 by the destination and that's true the person who learns to fall in love with the process the infinite Game of Life of showing up every day to do the work because the work instills the worth my self-worth is going to be a byproduct of me showing up and loving that process that I'll get results in my life because whether I got them or I didn't get them I'm still going to do the work and that's what happens a lot of people they fall in love with the destination they fall in love with the money they fall in love with the accolades and then they get them and then they set up shop they
            • 31:00 - 31:30 stop growing they sto grinding because the whole point for them at the time was to get to this place and now they got something to lose but they forgot that it wasn't the place they were trying to get to or the thing they were trying to get it was who they became along the process that is the work you should fall in love with you should fall in love with the process of becoming more that'll set you up for an incredible life number 43 peace begins when expectations end most people can't delegate ask for help share anything with somebody else because they have expectations about how that person will
            • 31:30 - 32:00 perform what they should say back to them and the truth is is your inner peace will only begin when you don't have expectations from anybody around you when you don't expect the world to be a certain way that's where peace is I don't care what happens in the politics or in the geopolitics or in the government I am grateful for what I have because guess what in a different scenario different situation different place I was born I wouldn't even have these how about we just get grateful and have peace with what I have that's where my expectations are my expectations are me cuz I can control that number 44 don't compare your chapter 1 to somebody
            • 32:00 - 32:30 else's chapter 44 a long time ago I realized that in the game of success there are different chapters different ages if you think about it how long have you been consuming content like this if you started last year then you're at chapter 1 so for you to compare my chapter 44 cuz I've been literally grinding my whole life to try to be better to overcome addiction to come out some dark periods to finally having some success to then trying to help other people for you to just start a year ago or not even start yet and compare
            • 32:30 - 33:00 yourself to me that's just crazy it makes no sense and I just want you to understand that everybody out there in success world you can't compare yourself to them they're not you and you're not them and they've been doing it for a different amount of time and the truth is comparison is a thief of Joy are you better today than you were yesterday even a little tiny bit if you are Rejoice be grateful for where you're at be proud of yourself if you want to learn the eight Money Rules I wish I knew in my 20s click the link and I'll see you on the other side