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In this transcript, Herbert W Armstrong passionately speaks about faith, prayer, and the ultimate promise of God's kingdom. Throughout the message, Armstrong underscores the power of faith in everyday life and the spiritual journey. He reflects on common human struggles such as financial troubles, pride, and the reluctant journey towards spiritual surrender. Armstrong also shares personal anecdotes of how faith brought him from vanity and material pursuits to a humbling realization of God's infinite love and wisdom. Central to his message is the reassuring promise of a heavenly city prepared for believers, a kingdom to inherit by surrendering to God and living in faith.
Herbert W Armstrong emphasizes that good news is possible through faith and understanding God's plans. 😊
Spiritual surrender is often difficult, requiring acknowledgment of past wrongs. 🛤️
Prayer is described as a practical and powerful tool, more valuable than wealth. 💎
By trusting God, we can receive wisdom, guidance, and the solutions to our problems. 🌟
Armstrong shares personal stories of overcoming pride and financial difficulty through faith. 📈
Key Takeaways
Faith has transformative power and can guide us through life's challenges. 💪
Prayer is invaluable and can lead to results money can't buy. 🙏
God's kingdom is prepared for those who surrender to Him. 👑
True surrender requires acknowledging and correcting lifelong wrong beliefs and actions. 🔄
Faith is evidenced through actions, not just beliefs. 📜
Herbert W Armstrong kicks off his message with a hopeful tone, encouraging listeners to believe in the good news brought by faith in God. Despite prevalent challenges and negative news in the world, Armstrong suggests that hope and solutions are accessible through understanding divine prophecy and faith.
The narrative deepens as Armstrong discusses the difficulty of spiritual surrender. He candidly shares his own experiences, illustrating how pride and material success were shattered, leading him to a path of humility and faith in God. Armstrong challenges listeners to confront their own beliefs and make a genuine surrender to experience spiritual fulfillment and guidance.
Concluding with a focus on God's kingdom, Armstrong speaks of a kingdom prepared for those who wholeheartedly surrender to God's will. He describes it not just as a promise for the future, but as a guiding principle for living a life filled with faith, wisdom, and the assurance of divine support. The message is one of encouragement to look beyond material wealth and seek deeper spiritual truths.
A Kingdom Prepared For You by Herbert W Armstrong Transcription
00:00 - 00:30 the world tomorrow Herbert W Armstrong brings you the plain truth about today's world news and the prophecies of the world tomorrow this is Herbert W Armstrong with the good news of the world tomorrow and you know we could have good news today in spite of the fact that you don't read very much good news in your newspaper and you don't hear very much in
00:30 - 01:00 newscasts either on radio or television you know things could go very well for us we all have a lot of troubles we all have a lot of problems most of us have a lot of financial troubles and I've been telling you the way out of a lot of them but you know we've been going through this book here to find out where Jesus Christ has been for 1,900 years and what's he been doing and what's he doing today apparently he left the earth here 1,900 years ago we find in the Bible
01:00 - 01:30 that he did that he went to heaven and a lot of people don't seem to think that we've heard anything about him since he just gone way off somewhere and so they talk about a dead Christ hanging on a cross and once a year talk about a Christ child a little baby in a manger because there wasn't any room in the end but not very many people think about the Christ at the right hand of the throne of God in heaven and what he's doing up
01:30 - 02:00 there now now is there anything to prayer does it do any good to pray is it really practical that is do you really get an answer is there anybody there listening is Jesus Christ alive is he at the right hand of God is he our high priest now is he on the job now or is he like the professor emeritus that used to do great things but it's grown old and feeble or else he's gone way off so far that he just isn't around anymore or
02:00 - 02:30 that he can't hear you maybe he's too far away to hear you he tells you to come Bowl into the throne of grace in a time of need when you get in trouble or anything that he's right there to help you do you believe it my friends did you ever try out and do get the result now if you don't there's a reason but I want to tell you it is a practical thing and it's the most valuable thing in our life it's something that let me tell you all the
02:30 - 03:00 money of the Ford and the rockefeller millions or billions or whatever they may be could not buy oh you'd think it was wonderful if you could have all of that you know my friends if you had all that money you couldn't buy with it the benefit of answered prayer if you only know how it works but not very many people know how now there isn't any real trick about it the only real trick is that you have to
03:00 - 03:30 do something that is a little more difficult than most people are willing to do in fact it's the hardest thing for anyone to do now that you have to do first and it's the toughest hardest thing for anyone to do you have to admit you've been wrong all your life you have to admit you've been thinking wrong believing wrong doing wrong or all your life well maybe that's a little too tough for you that's too tough for most people I think frankly it would have been too tough for me if God Almighty
03:30 - 04:00 had not beaten me down beaten me down to a pulp so to speak literally beaten me clear down into poverty after I had been making more money than the governors of most states when I was still in my 20s I thought I was somebody I was a cocky conceited young fellow that was well I was just simply the most important man in the whole United States will not only that my whole world as a matter of fact when I was in my 20s I was doing alright so I thought and God had to knock me
04:00 - 04:30 down he had to take all that away and take all the conceit and all of the self-confidence out of me and everything else until I felt I was not only whipped I was a failure I woke up now and I never had been important or able or any of these things I thought I used to think I was brilliant and all that sort of thing and now I came see I wasn't I was just a burned-out hunk of junk so finally I
04:30 - 05:00 and I'd been wrong when I was meeting down and most of you have to take a beating like that before you'll do it and I can't say that I am any better I don't know maybe you're better than I am maybe you've been willing to make a real surrender to God Almighty and admit how wrong you've been and take your licking without having to be beaten down first I've known people that had been wealthy and as long as things were going along all right they didn't need God they had no use for God at all and then adversity
05:00 - 05:30 comes along and ill fortune and they lose everything they had their start stone broke they hit the gutter then they began to cry out to God for mercy then they'll turn to God but even then not all of them are ready to really surrender they just want God to come to their rescue and rescue him now when you surrender to God he's your Lord and Master you have to obey Him but he's the kind of a lord and master who loves you
05:30 - 06:00 and real love is the kind of love that respects and honors and serves and wants to help that's the kind of love God has he'll respect and honor you insignificant and little as you are by comparison to God he will and he will love you and he will want to serve you and he'll want to help you that's the kind of love God Almighty has for you and he's there to serve you but he's your Lord and Master and ruler but he's the kind of a ruler who serves as a
06:00 - 06:30 servant those whom he rules but he only serves you while you obey Him and he rules you for your good because he has infinite knowledge he has a mind so much greater than yours he has wisdom that is perfect and all-encompassing knowledge and power and he ruled you for your good not for his good he's got everything God is joyful God is happy God possesses
06:30 - 07:00 all this universe he created it all he sustains an opposed at all he set in motion every force and energy and every power he controls them from him by heaven and his headquarters up there he's at the controls he directs everything he isn't in need of anything you have but you need everything he has and when you put yourself in his hands to obey Him and to accept him as your ruler well he doesn't need to use you
07:00 - 07:30 like a slave and take something away from you because he's got everything in the first place now we read that what things we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight then he gives you what you ask as long as you ask according to as well and you're told in Ephesians not to be ignorant but understanding what the will with the Lord is because the Bible explains his will and reveals it to you where are you
07:30 - 08:00 just too busy to study it find out every one of us has 24 hours a day but you know we just don't have time to get this done and that done on the other thing we need to get done or we're in such a hurry running around on this treadmill going nowhere back and forth back and forth in a hurry nervous high tension where are we going not going anywhere are you really are
08:00 - 08:30 you going anywhere you're getting anywhere why don't you stop and analyze it my friends and see if you're getting anywhere I don't think you are you're not unless you have found the way to happiness unless you found the way to success unless you found what your life was put here for on this earth was put here to grow and to develop in spiritual character that means capacity and ability to accomplish and that kind of accomplishment is the kind that becomes a blessing to everybody that helps
08:30 - 09:00 others that is doing good then you share in it oh I want to tell you there's the greatest thrill in the world when you've done something that has brought blessings and good and help to a lot of other people that's really worthwhile but as I say you need wisdom and you need guidance and you need help and you need answers to prayer from God quite often and you can have them and all the money in the universe couldn't buy it but there is a price
09:00 - 09:30 Jesus Christ had to pay a price he had to give his life for you to make it possible and you have to pay a price you have to give yourself to him because he bought and paid for you and his life he owns you but you're holding out on him and trying to steal yourself back from him so you'll have to give him what is his because beyond you ee he owns you because Jesus Christ is your maker because God created all things by and through Christ and without him was
09:30 - 10:00 nothing made that was made and you're one of those things that was made and he gives to our breath and has made us all of one blood and so on that's right and also he owns you again because he bought you back and purchased you with his own death on the cross he owns you because he made you he owns you because he bought you again and yet most of you were holding out you don't want to give
10:00 - 10:30 yourself to him well you have to become like you're his bond slave and he is then your Lord and Master all right but he's the kind of Lord and Master that isn't trying to last you on to take away from you because he needs what you've got he doesn't need anything from you the one thing that he needs is to manifest his love on you just shower it on you and his blessings and give you wisdom where you need it so you'll do the right instead of the wrong thing make the right decision
10:30 - 11:00 show you the way out of your troubles deliver you out of all of them supply your every need see that you get the breaks that you want to have but you have to pay the price and then you have to really believe and trust you all those things you have to do and still now some people will do all of those things not very many but some and they find they have their prayers answered and they find that God is really there I found it and then a time comes someone
11:00 - 11:30 is lying very desperately ill and you can find a promise in the Bible that God has promised to now if you want to know what the Bible does teach about it and whether God heals you know Christ healed the sick when he was on earth and as he still do it today or was that just something for the time then is it all a thing of the past right in for our booklet on healing I mention that every little while on this program and if you don't understand that
11:30 - 12:00 right in for our booklet on healing and you will it'll make it plain if you you should read a lot of it in your Bible beside and you'll see right there in your own Bible that God has promised to heal you of course you have to obey Him and you have to believe and trust in that's true well now here we are in the very faith chapter of the Bible that tells you about faith we've been on it now for several broadcasts there's so much about this thing is nothing more important in your life than this thing
12:00 - 12:30 of faith why faith my friends is the thing that will free you from your fears and worries you know you're lugging them around now let's just go through this 11th chapter Hebrews we've been taking a lot of parts of it and I've been bringing in other scriptures and other things that are related but now let's just go through it and see if we can summarize it real quickly now we spent a great deal of time on this first verse which gives you the Bible definition of faith it is the substance or more
12:30 - 13:00 correctly the assurance the assurance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen in other words my friends you don't see what you have faiths are going to have it means you haven't got it yet then when you have faith so after you get it you don't need to have faith now some people have faith for maybe 5 or 10 seconds some people will have faith for perhaps an hour some people may have faith for
13:00 - 13:30 one or two days but if God doesn't get busy and jump to the cracker your whip them do just what you've asked God to do as if you're giving the orders to God and if he doesn't do it right away you say well God just didn't hear me answer me oh how many times he's delayed the answer for me and I've had an answer so quick quicker and you could snap a finger where I had to have it where it was necessary and God knew it was he gave me the answer immediately I remember one thing it was the one of the greatest trials and problems I ever
13:30 - 14:00 had in my life when I took it to God I always do and I had his promise I could find many promises in the Bible I'd get the answer but I wasn't getting it and a month went by and six months went by in a year went by and I didn't have the answer and then two years went by and he hadn't done a thing about it yet and you know I used to turn back here to the Psalms where I found many promises for the same kind of the trial that I was
14:00 - 14:30 going through David had had the same troubles I had and I certainly can understand why David had prayed how long O Lord how long before you're going to answer by just seeing the David that God was never going to listen an answer so I began to pray like that I said how long O God are you're going to keep me waiting well I read that this test of faith was going to work patience and I certainly had to learn that have a lot
14:30 - 15:00 of patience well I don't know it was three or four years or maybe five finally God answered in such a dynamic manner it really astounded me it wasn't the manner in which I thought he would at all it wasn't the way that I expected or had asked at all you know you can't tell God how to do it if he's promised to do something you rely on him to do it and he'll do it but he'll do it his way you'll do it in his time not when you want so faith is what you have to have
15:00 - 15:30 till you get it it's the evidence of things not seen faith is the evidence on the witness stand do you believe it you're going to make the decision you're like the judge and the jury and you're going to make the decision and you're going to make it on the evidence now one evidence is doubt one evidence is what you see and if you depend for evidence on what you can see you haven't got it yet you say well I'm going to
15:30 - 16:00 render a verdict God didn't God was unfaithful God made a promise in the Bible God lied he didn't keep his word and it's a written promise are you going to make that kind of a verdict against God Almighty or are you going to say I'm going to believe the evidence of faith God has promised God can't lie God is faithful I believe God well if you do that and you stay with it with your importunity your persistence God will answer if you have asked according to his will and the
16:00 - 16:30 Bible tells you what his will is plain language alright through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God well I had to take that on faith but I've been able to prove it now I've even been able to prove that to atheists it's coffers and didn't believe it so that the things which are seen were not made of the things that do appear in other words matter which is seen was not made from matter it was made from things but the things that don't appear in other words
16:30 - 17:00 it's speaking of invisible things or a spirit by faith now we come to the case histories here starts out with Abel by faith Abel did something here was a faith that was active here was a faith that was proved by the works of backing it up and doing something about it he offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain he offered the blood of a lamb which is a type of Christ he believed God that the Messiah would come and he showed that Billy but taking a substitute and offering if that was
17:00 - 17:30 faith Cain didn't believe it at all Cain said I don't have to trust in the dead Christ that maybe will come some day and maybe won't I doubt it Cain said I doubted Cain said I think I can work out my own salvation Cain said I'm going to lean to my own human reason I'm going to work out my salvation myself by my own works and what I can raise out of the ground so he brought the fruit of the ground what he had
17:30 - 18:00 raised his own efforts didn't save him Cain was a murderer he was a liar he did a lot of things he shouldn't now a lot of people say well you see Cain stood in his own works there are no works is that so cane dust didn't believe God he lacked the faith this is a faith chapter Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice Abel did something there was works only Abel's works where the right kind of
18:00 - 18:30 works that showed faith in God and obedience to God in doing what God had said Cain showed disobedience clean showed lack of faith Cain had works but his works were the wrong kind Abel had works but Abel's works were the right kind do you see that right there in that verse all right so that even though he is dead and he is dead yet he speaks by his faith to you and to me and here it is in the Word of God speaking to you right now now by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death
18:30 - 19:00 he was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God but without faith that is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him now we find that back in Genesis that Enoch walked with God so he was doing something about it you see every one of these men my friends were doing something about it now here comes Noah and we'd gone over
19:00 - 19:30 that before Noah being warned of God of things to come he believed God he prepared an ark he did something about it now we come to Abraham and all the rest of them scoffed at old Noah back there building that Ark it did look like a silly thing they didn't wine no flood had ever happened it couldn't happen here I guess you think maybe the things that are in prophecy for the United States just can't happen here they're going to happen by faith Abraham when he
19:30 - 20:00 was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed notice that my faith Abraham obeyed and you read back in James that Abraham proved his faith by his works don't tell me that it's faith without works faith without works is dead here's the faith chapter in your Bible read it my friends every one of these men given is a case history here every one of them proved their faith by their works but it was the right kind of
20:00 - 20:30 works by faith he sojourned in a land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise he looked for a city that had foundations whose builder and maker is God a city that have come down prepared Jesus is in heaven preparing it now and it's going to come right down here on this earth and we're going to get into it if we have that kind of faith the faith that comes as a result of surrender of having
20:30 - 21:00 been conquered and really believing in Christ and of obeying God through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised there for spring there even of one and him that's Abraham as good as dead so many as the stars of the sky and multitude and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable as a result of
21:00 - 21:30 that faith my friends you and I wouldn't be here alive today except for that faith that they had believe it or not now these all died in faith not having received the promises Christ said they will he said to the Pharisee you are going to see Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of God and all the prophets and you yourselves cast out or they're going to be there but they're not there yet they died in faith that prayer has not been answered yet after all these
21:30 - 22:00 centuries and millenniums of time but it's absolutely assured you see faith is an assurance I have faith I know Abraham Isaac and Jacob we're going to be in that Kingdom I have the same faith I'm going to be there to have you got it you're not there now you don't see it faith is the evidence of what you don't see now then but they saw these things afar off by faith you see even though
22:00 - 22:30 they didn't have it literally and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth sometimes it says in the earth this time it said on for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country now this country is the kingdom of God oh how much more wonderful than this world today you love this world you think this is a pretty good world huh that what you think but all of it takes and pains and
22:30 - 23:00 sorrows its unhappiness its suffering its empty lives yeah I suppose some of the gadgets and toys and things you tinker around with and some of the pleasures and amusements have got you all interested they glitter and they have a lot of glamour for you but they're going to leave you with a headache you know they're going to give you a hangover they're going to boomerang this world isn't any good why don't you wake up and learn magic but here is one they had faith in they look forward to whose builder and maker is
23:00 - 23:30 God and they sought a country that was really something and you can have it too with him and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out that was this world Babel they came out of Babylon all it was rich they had their amusements and entertainments too they just didn't have the same kind of gadgets we have today but they had things we don't have today you just don't know anything about it you weren't there were you well they had
23:30 - 24:00 them but Abraham gave all that up to come out and with God and you're going to have to give up some things if you're going to walk with Christ so they gave all that up mindful of that country from once they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better country also much better listen I'm not offering you something worse than this world I'm offering if you think this world is good
24:00 - 24:30 well just bear this in mind that what I'm telling you about is something infinitely better a better country that is a heavenly wherefore it doesn't mean in heaven either it's a heavenly that's an adjective form my friends telling you what kind of a country it is where for God is not ashamed to be called their God for he prepared for them a city he has prepared for them a city when you read about that city that he is prepared back here in
24:30 - 25:00 the 20th the 21st chapter I mean of Revelation have you ever read it here it is John's telling what he saw in vision and I saw a new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband jesus said I go to prepare a place for you well actually the place was not just this but if you think it
25:00 - 25:30 meant a literal in a material place why here's the only material city or place prepared that you find in your Bible and it's the kingdom of God and the capital of the kingdom of God and then in the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew the 31st 32nd 33rd verses along there you will find that when Christ comes back to earth he's coming to the earth and all nations will be gathered before him and he's going to come as the king of kings and the Lord of lords he's going to sit on the throne of his glory and he's
25:30 - 26:00 going to say to those on his right hand that have faith and that learn what faith is and that become saved he'll say come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared prepared for you from the foundation of the earth yes the place prepared right here on this earth that isn't the way you've been thinking is it well that's what your Bible says so here it is a city by faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac he didn't doubt he obeyed all here was
26:00 - 26:30 obedience he's doing his works the right kind of works that's obedience obedience and faith go hand in hand you have to prove your faith by your obedience and that he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten Son of whom it is said that in Isaac shall thy seed be called accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead if he killed him because all the promises had to come through Isaac and Abraham had that much faith from whence also he received him in a figure that was faith
26:30 - 27:00 in something he couldn't see that was just faith in the veracity of God's Word in the truth that God why in the power of God if you got that kind of faith my faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come things they couldn't see yet things he just hoped for this was the assurance by faith Jacob when he was a dying blessed both of the sons of Joseph and worshiped leaning upon the top of his staff by faith Joseph when he died made mention of the departing of the children of
27:00 - 27:30 Israel and gave a commandment to concerning his bones my faith Moses when he was born was hid three months by of his parents because they saw that he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the Kings commandment by faith Moses when he was come of years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the children of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season and look what happened to him do you have that kind of faith my friends I want you
27:30 - 28:00 to write in for the booklet but I have on what kind of faith is required for salvation a lot of you have been hearing that there is no works you think you can be saved by the kind of faith that does nothing and you couldn't be more wrong I tell you some of you need to check up a little bit and see what kind of ground you're standing on because your Bible says that all nations have been deceived in this day and age they have been deceived now a deceit person is an
28:00 - 28:30 honest person I don't doubt that you're perfectly sincere and honest but how do you know what's right actually you'll have to study your Bible if you're going to really know because God Almighty the creator is the one who set down these laws of right and wrong those are laws that are living there in motion they're real they live they're alive they were set in motion for your happiness if you live according to them you'll be happy
28:30 - 29:00 and if you break them you're going to be miserable and unhappy and most of your recurring around a lot of misery a lot of headaches a lot of heartaches a lot of troubles now if you just had the right kind of faith you could be rid of them right in for this booklet on faith right in for that booklet on did the Elijah go to heaven and Enoch why are they do they go to heaven now right in for those booklets there's no charge but tell me first the call letters of the station to which are listening and send your request to Herbert W Armstrong Pasadena California
29:00 - 29:30 Herbert Armstrong Pasadena California until tomorrow then goodbye friends you have heard the world tomorrow with Herbert W Armstrong poor literature offered on this program send your requests along with the call letters of this station to Herbert additional programs and literature available at hwa library calm