COLD-PRESS JUICING vs BLENDING... The BEST Option according to Research!

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In this engaging video, the debate between cold-press juicing and blending is thoroughly explored. Hosts Drs. Khalil and AJ discuss the mechanical processes, health benefits, and nutritional differences between the two methods. Through various studies, they find surprising results showing that blending may retain more phytonutrients compared to juicing, despite the loss of fiber. They also highlight the importance of fiber in maintaining gut health, pushing the idea that both methods have unique benefits suited to different needs. Engaging anecdotes, expert insights, and an array of juice recipes make this a must-watch for anyone in the juicing community. They conclude with guidance on which tool to choose based on nutritional needs and lifestyle.


      • Blending may actually retain more phytonutrients compared to cold-pressed juicing🍎.
      • Cold-pressed juices shine with their higher vitamin C concentration🍊.
      • The fiber in blending is crucial for digestion and gut microbiome health🌿.
      • Versatility of blenders extends beyond juicing, ideal for varied culinary adventures🥣.
      • Choose juicing or blending based on your specific health needs and lifestyle preferences🧘.

      Key Takeaways

      • Blending retains more phytonutrients compared to juicing, offering better nutritional value🍊.
      • Cold-pressed juices may have higher vitamin C content, making them another valuable option🍋.
      • Fiber in blended juices supports digestion and gut health, essential for long-term wellness🌿.
      • Blenders offer versatility, allowing you to create smoothies, soups, and even nut milks🥤.
      • Your choice should depend on personal health needs and goals, but both methods have benefits to offer🤔.


      The video kicks off with an introduction to the longstanding debate of whether cold-press juicing or blending is the superior method for nutrient extraction. As Drs. Khalil and AJ delve into the mechanics of each process, they debunk some common myths and shed light on some surprising scientific studies that challenge the traditional views in the juicing community.

        With a wealth of research at their fingertips, the duo shares insights into how blending, contrary to popular belief, might preserve more of the precious phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Despite losing some fiber, it turns out the blending process could potentially offer more nutritional value than juicing in certain aspects. The importance of fiber for gut health is underscored throughout the discussion, reminding viewers of its role in overall well-being.

          Finally, they offer practical advice, suggesting that the best choice between a juicer and a blender really boils down to personal health objectives and lifestyle. The video is peppered with humorous anecdotes and real-life studies, along with a section dedicated to delicious juice recipes to try at home, ensuring it's both informative and enjoyable for viewers.

            COLD-PRESS JUICING vs BLENDING... The BEST Option according to Research! Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 so our cold pressed juices healthier than juices made using a blender and should you opt for buying a cold pressed juice machine over a blender or is there a case for blending that's what we're going to be talking about in this video now this has been a widely debated topic over recent years in the nutrition space and also in the juicing Community if you're familiar with it juicing versus blending which one is better and
            • 00:30 - 01:00 obviously there is a lot of support for making cold pressed juices and their benefits their potential health benefits and so perhaps you're watching this video and you're currently in the market trying to decide whether or not you should purchase a cold pressed juice machine or if you you should use your money on a blender you're trying to figure out which one which one is better and so hopefully by the end of this video uh you'll have enough information
            • 01:00 - 01:30 to make a very well informed decision now just to give an overview of everything that we're going to be covering off on I'm first going to talk about the cold press juicing process how that works compared to blending I'm also going to share the pros and cons of each and then I'll look at what the research shows on this topic and you all might actually be surprised that there is some interesting research in support really
            • 01:30 - 02:00 of one of these options so you'll definitely want to hear that and then I will share which one I believe that you should buy if you are currently on the fence trying to decide between one or the other and again you'll probably see that based on the evidence that I'm going to share with you that perhaps one is actually a little better especially based on what parameters and and values you're looking for I'm also
            • 02:00 - 02:30 going to share which one we use and why we use it and then make sure you stick around until the end because I'm going to share eight very simple juice recipes that you can start incorporating into your weekly routine one of those being a recipe for a golden beetroot juice and y'all if you've never had golden beetroot juice um trust me you'll you'll definitely want to check that out I'm actually drinking some right now as you can see here just my little afternoon pickup but
            • 02:30 - 03:00 gonna share those eight juice recipes and then also I'm gonna talk a little bit about a recent 21 day challenge that I did where I drank beetroot juice every day for 21 days and I was pretty much looking at how it affected my body uh just kind of some of this is a little simple at-home experiment we recently posted a video on it and so I'm going to talk a little bit about that and how it ties into this topic at hand now I do also want to mention that uh if you're
            • 03:00 - 03:30 watching this on replay that we will have the time codes posted below so if you want to skip ahead to a section that interests you the most then feel free to do so but before we move forward uh if you are joining us for the first time my name is Khalil Lee and on this channel we provide recipes and resources for plant-based newbies and Veterans alike to help you meet your health and nutrition goals and also to help help
            • 03:30 - 04:00 you improve your overall daily well-being now as for what we share on this channel we typically will share plant-based recipe videos and we'll also do some nutrition education videos like the this one here so uh if you feel like this would interest you at all then we certainly encourage you to subscribe and join us along in this journey in terms of my background uh my background is in exercise and nutrition science I did my PhD in
            • 04:00 - 04:30 exercise physiology some years ago and I've worked for the past eight years as a research scientist for a food and beverage company focusing primarily on nutrition and hydration research and athletic populations outside of that my wife and I are just bona fide Foodies we eat you know primarily a plant-based or slightly flexitarian diet but we love all things making plant-based recipes and of course eating good plant-based recipes it's definitely a passion of
            • 04:30 - 05:00 ours and we also just like studying food and nutrition and just studying some of the different foods and nutrients and ingredients that are out there to help to help maximize life and longevity so again certainly encourage you to subscribe if you haven't done so already now back to this whole topic of juicing versus blending now this really arose out of a recent conversation that Adrian
            • 05:00 - 05:30 and I were having where you know we were just talking about uh if we should you know eventually get a juicer we you know talked about well maybe it'd be nice to to get a juicer we actually just took a trip to Saint Augustine Florida recently and went to a nice nice spot for brunch and you know they made us a nice cold pressed juice talking about the benefits of it so on and so forth and so that kind of got us talking in from that conversation I was like hmm let me look into this a little bit more because you
            • 05:30 - 06:00 know I really wanted to see uh what if there was any science to this this whole topic and I saw that okay this has been you know kind of a debated topic for quite some time and so I was just curious to learn a little bit more about it and so for many of you you know I'm sure you probably have been to a restaurant or maybe a juice bar uh maybe some of you all drink juice on a daily basis and that's your thing and so you know a lot of what we are are going to share in here will be very relevant and
            • 06:00 - 06:30 and perhaps will open your eyes to some things that perhaps you weren't even aware of and so jumping in to this whole topic of cold press juicing now cold pressed juicing has generated a lot of buzz if you will over the past uh several years but it's definitely been around for quite some time right um so the whole process of cold pressed juicing works as you see here where uh the person the individual you'll take
            • 06:30 - 07:00 some fruits and vegetables you'll put it through this feeder system that will then either cut up or kind of grind up the fruits and veggies and then that those those contents are then pressed very tightly all right between two surfaces and then what you get out on the other side is the juice and so you know maybe you've maybe some of you all have a juice machine like this at home or you've seen it done and you'll see something like this where the juice comes out on one side and then it
            • 07:00 - 07:30 rids up or excretes all of the solid sediments the skin and the pulp on the other side I mean I will say that it is kind of cool seeing the I do like seeing you know when people make videos of them making juices and and you'll you'll see the fluid kind of build up and then they flip open the top and then it just kind of pours out I will say that that is pretty dope like I do like that that's that's cool um but yes in essence when you are juicing uh specifically with cold pressed juicing you are doing just that
            • 07:30 - 08:00 you're extracting the juice getting rid of all of these solid components and so I do want to uh just establish that for the majority of this video I'm going to be addressing the primary method or tool of cold press juicing there are other types of juicing methods out there such as uh centrifugal there's also masticating um but those juice processes also kind of follow the same uh method of just
            • 08:00 - 08:30 extracting the juice getting rid of the pulp and the skin but the cold press uh juicing method has been kind of purported to be the most beneficial or the gold standard method when it comes to juicing now blending on the other hand I mean I don't really have to describe what blending is sure perhaps some of you all watching this or many of you have a blender um you kind of know how that process works it uses uh blades spinning at a
            • 08:30 - 09:00 very high frequency to to blend or to you know liquefy whatever it is that you're putting into it and so the thing to note is that you know you you can make juices using a blender you'll obviously just have to use more fluids okay more water or whatever fluid it is that you're putting in and so just to give a quick breakdown of some of the methods and pros and cons of juicing versus blending shout out to uh
            • 09:00 - 09:30 Barone's juice bar for this graphic that I found but as you can see on the screen here so when it comes to juicing as I mentioned before the whole idea is that it leaves the pulp and the skin behind so um not as much fiber there uh benefits or purported benefits include improved absorption of the nutrients juices are easier to digest because they don't have the fiber component and you can also take in more fruits and vegetables and
            • 09:30 - 10:00 so you'll hear you know people will often talk about how it is more nutrient dense because of the fact that there's a higher concentration of fruits and vegetables in it and so it is just a more concentrated fluid and that can help with things like the absorption as well of those nutrients vitamins minerals phytochemicals things of that nature but blending on the other hand it's blending up the whole fruit and vegetable it's keeping everything in there and this is assuming that you're
            • 10:00 - 10:30 not straining it off at the end afterward um so you know it's gonna it's gonna have fiber which is going to support digestion uh helps to satisfy hunger and also helps with balancing blood sugar and some other benefits which I'll comment on a little bit later but that's just the general breakdown of juicing and blending now when it comes to the research let's take a look at what we see the research
            • 10:30 - 11:00 showing in this area because um again you know I wasn't really aware of if whether or not there was any research in this area so I was quite quite surprised by what I found but before we hop into the research just very quickly would love to know uh for those of you all out there watching what do you use okay do you use a cold pressed juice machine do you own one or are you quote unquote team blender or do you have both all right let us know in the comments would love to know which
            • 11:00 - 11:30 one you use how you use them which one you prefer um definitely would love to know that but this whole idea again of juicing and blending and the cold pressed juicing uh being in a sense better than blending just to look at some of the common claims that are out there and kind of talked about some of them but so there's a claim that cold pressed juice contains more nutrients than Linda juice so more vitamins more minerals more phytonutrients again as I
            • 11:30 - 12:00 mentioned uh more concentrated you pretty much have to use more a higher volume of fruits and vegetables in order to extract the liquid so there is that claim that it contains more nutrients than Blended juice there's also the claim or the belief that uh when you blend a juice or when you make a juice from blending that it reduces the nutrient quality of the juice because of the heat that is
            • 12:00 - 12:30 generated from the blender so if you know for those of you all who own blenders you'll see that or you know that the high frequency of the Blaze and also the motor generates heat during blending and so you know people believe that this uh basically this application of heat is diminishing in some way the the Integrity of the nutrients in the fruits and vegetables whereas with a cold press hence the term cold cold pressed juice
            • 12:30 - 13:00 um it's not really using any heat or really generating any heat which you know again that's kind of why people tend to lean more towards cold pressed juices there's also the claim that the fiber kind of as we talked about before that it reduces the ability to absorb the nutrients from Blended juice because some of those nutrients are bound to the fiber and that just inhibits the absorption of the nutrients which is why again people uh will will claim or will
            • 13:00 - 13:30 prefer that they use a cold pressed juice machine so that it's just smooth there's no pulp or anything so that the person can absorb the nutrients more easily all right and so let's take a look at this because I mean it it it's it's it's really interesting here so just gonna pull up this first study just to show now this is one study uh from 2012 that I found and in this study uh they were looking
            • 13:30 - 14:00 at and testing two different extraction methods for grapefruit and just to give you the heads up pretty much all of the studies that I'm going to share here what they all did in essence was they compared uh different extraction methods blending versus you know juicing all right and sometimes different types of juicing juicing methods and then they would test them in terms of their nutrient quality so they would run different uh chemical
            • 14:00 - 14:30 assays to measure the antioxidant capacity as well as other nutrients within the juice like vitamin C and so in this study I'm just going to try to highlight the main findings here so what they did is they used mature Texas Rio red grapefruits any Texas folks out there you know about Rio red grapefruits let us know in the comments so they were processed by some of the common household processing practices blending so they actually did blending
            • 14:30 - 15:00 juicing and hand squeezing techniques and analyzed for their phytochemical content by what's called high performance liquid chromatography it's a type of assay device hplc I won't go into all the details there and this says cuts to the chase research or the results suggest that grapefruit juice processed by blending had significantly higher levels of flavonoids and lamonin compared to juicing and hand squeezing
            • 15:00 - 15:30 all right so uh it's they didn't waste any time folks um they found out right that the blending seem to be better in that in that variable or in that measure than the actual cold press juice so let's take a look back at a little bit more so said ascorbic acid which is vitamin C and citric acid were significantly higher in Juice processed by juicing and
            • 15:30 - 16:00 blending respectively so so it looks like uh the level of uh vitamin C was higher in the Pressed juices um whereas the level of the phytonutrients like the antioxidants as we see the flavonoids those were higher in the Blended juice all right so one one you know you guess you can kind of say one and one here it says furthermore hand squeezed fruit juice has significantly higher contents of those compounds blah blah blah and it
            • 16:00 - 16:30 says here therefore consuming grapefruit juice processed by blending May provide higher levels of Health beneficial phytochemicals such as I won't list all of those in contrast juice processed by hand squeezing or and juicing provides lower levels of lamonin and those compounds that you see there the results suggest that processing techniques is significantly influence the level of chemicals and blending is better is a
            • 16:30 - 17:00 better technique for obtaining higher levels of Health beneficial phytochemicals from grapefruits I almost feel like we can stop this live right now y'all I'm just playing no there's there's more to look at here I definitely didn't not not gonna just go off of one study and so um the only thing unfortunately that I was wasn't able to uh confirm here was uh whether or not they used an actual
            • 17:00 - 17:30 uh whether or not they use an actual cold press machine I'm assuming that they did unfortunately wasn't able to get the uh full text article for this but uh but yeah I mean this is a case right here for for blending let's look at another study right here so this is a 2014 study uh comparing the effects of blending and juicing on the phytochemical contents and antioxidant capacity of Korean kernel fruit juices
            • 17:30 - 18:00 and so what they did in this study was uh so they looked at a number of different fruits so they looked at apple pear persimmon and mandarin orange love Mandarin oranges by the way and so they used blending versus juicing okay and so uh what they did was they measured the antioxidant capacity of each Juice by uh these two types of assays one is the frap the other is dpph
            • 18:00 - 18:30 results revealed that juices that have been prepared by blending whole fruits hatch stronger antioxidant activities and contain large amounts of phenolic compounds than juices that have been prepared by juicing the flesh fraction of the fruit all right so again we're kind of seeing here these antioxidants the phenolic compounds which if you've heard the term polyphenols that's a type of phytonutrient all right again seem to
            • 18:30 - 19:00 be higher here in the Blended juice and it says here however the concentration of ascorbic acid again that's vitamin C was significantly higher in the juice that had been processed by juicing rather than blending so again we see another case here where uh it seems like extracting the juice using a press machine or cold press May yield higher vitamin C however the other phytochemical compounds appear to be higher in the blender juice and just we're going to scroll down here just to
            • 19:00 - 19:30 confirm the type of device that they used uh just confirmed so care was taken inclusion of the seeds uh so okay yeah so Juiced samples were processed with a mechanical press juice extractor okay so uh even though it's not using the exact term cold press I'm assuming that this is a cold press machine of some sort hence you know it's mechanical press or kind of the same uh or method
            • 19:30 - 20:00 there so yeah again this is another one that seems to validate the case that uh blending juices or blending fruits and vegetables produces a higher yield of the phytonutrients versus the cold press let's look at another study and in this one so it's looking at the effect of cold press and normal and normal centrifugal juicing on quality attributes of fresh juices
            • 20:00 - 20:30 so in this study it doesn't really say that reflected in the title but what they did was they compared different extraction methods they looked at three different types I'm just going to go ahead and scroll down here so that you can see so um first and foremost they they tested this in different fruits all right so they looked at pineapple guava carrot red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit okay and they used three different types
            • 20:30 - 21:00 of devices so they had a centrifugal juicer which basically a centrifugal juicer is in some ways kind of like a blender but it does extract the pulp for you all right um it uses you know very high speeds to kind of produce if you see here 800 watts uh so they use that they also use a cold pressed shoes device and then they use the blender all right so they use the blender and they tested all of these different fruits and one vegetable with the carrot
            • 21:00 - 21:30 and so I'm just gonna go ahead and scroll down to where we see the uh the results all right uh so it says interestingly anytime someone starts off a sentence in research with interestingly uh you can bet that it's going to be interesting um so interestingly no significant differences were observed among the different types of extraction methods in terms of contents of bioactive compounds including ascorbic acid and the phenolic
            • 21:30 - 22:00 and carotenoid content so carotenoids that would include for example vitamin A or beta-carotene okay that would that would be included in that and antioxidant capacity our observation herein get this question the claim that cold pressed juice contains higher antioxidants and bioactive compounds compared to that of normally extracted juice all right uh I didn't say it y'all they said it
            • 22:00 - 22:30 they said it all right uh if there are any you know juicing cold pressed juicing fanatics hey if you have a problem with this talk to the researchers don't shoot the messenger that's all I'm saying but very interesting that you know they just kind of say outright uh that you know they really do question that claim and whereas in this study they didn't find that the Blended juices were were better um like the other two studies that I
            • 22:30 - 23:00 just highlighted they did find no uh significant differences um or no really differences worth reporting here's some of the graphs right here I'm just going to blow these up a little bit just so that you can see so each of these graphs just to kind of break them down for you are each one is is looking at a different nutrient component and comparing the three different juice methods so this graph right here on the top left is looking at Vitamin C there's one for the phenolic content one for the
            • 23:00 - 23:30 carotenoid content and so the solid gray bars that you see are the juices that were extracted using a blender the striped line bars are the ones for the cold pressed juicer and the the polka dotted one is for the centrifugal juicer but uh as you can see here folks I mean you know no no real significant difference even if you look at it numerically it definitely just varies
            • 23:30 - 24:00 based on you know which fruit or vegetable that they were looking at uh let's look at carotenoid content if you see carotenoid content if we're just looking at it numerically all right not not in terms of statistical significance uh you even see that numerically the average all right carotenoid content for the Blended care was higher than the juices all right if we go down here the the antioxidant capacities uh no major differences there so uh yeah folks I mean
            • 24:00 - 24:30 this is this is shaping up to kind of build a case you could say for blending let's look at this one other study right here this was looking at uh chemical characteristics of juice extracted by blender and mechanical press again probably very similar or in essence the same as a cold press uh from in pomegranate so they they were looking at this in pomegranates and so just to skip down here to highlight the main findings
            • 24:30 - 25:00 okay and so uh what they found here total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity and anthocyanin levels of the juice uh sorry so this there was they were different when comparing the two methods used for juice extraction the blender consistently had significantly higher yield antioxidant capacity total phenolic content and total monomeric anthocyanins then mechanical press oh wow anthocyanins by the way it's another
            • 25:00 - 25:30 phytonutrient that's what makes blueberries blue for example all right those are those are anthocyanins um it says this may be due to the presence of seeds pith and carpillary carpillary is is basically the white membrane part inside of a pomegranate if you've seen that before but um again people another another case and um now mind you these were the main
            • 25:30 - 26:00 studies that I found but I mean that's what you know four studies that I've just shared where it either found no significant difference or a significant difference in favor of the Blended juice specifically along the lines of the phytochemical or phytonutrient content which again the claim for you know doing cold pressed juices are that it has you know more robust um content of those phytonutrients so
            • 26:00 - 26:30 uh let's look at one a couple more studies here because I don't want to clearly leave out the the other possibilities particularly when it comes to cold pressed juicing so this is one study that I found looking at uh antioxidant activity in grape juice using different processing methods so in this they they didn't even look at a cold pressure so they look at low speed masticating uh juicing versus high speed
            • 26:30 - 27:00 centrifugal and a blender so no cold pressed juice in this case but you know we can probably assume that the the low speed masticating is most similar you could probably assume too like a cold press all right and it says here that the total polyphenol total flavonoid monomeric anthocyanin and vitamin C contents were highest in the low speed masticating grape juice Okay so
            • 27:00 - 27:30 so yeah so this is one uh it looks like the total antioxidant activities the LSM juicer is strongly recommended for making and healthy grape juice rich in antioxidants so that is one that kind of you know presents a potential case and I think again the thing to remember here is that things can sometimes vary based on what type of fruit or vegetable that is being used but you know it is um really interesting to see what the research does show in terms of the
            • 27:30 - 28:00 widespread or the number of different fruits and vegetables that have been tested um and then also on this whole idea about fiber so that probably comes from this study or this is one example of a study that supports the claim that you know fiber kind of reduces the body's ability to absorb some of those key phytonutrients like we were just talking about and so this was a study from 2012 looking at
            • 28:00 - 28:30 the associations of soluble fiber and juice with beta-carotene concentrations all right looking at this in breast cancer survivors okay and so what they did here was they these analysis investigated their relationship between soluble fiber and Juice versus whole fruits and vegetables the plasma beta-carotene concentrations and just a skip down to the results here says fruit and vegetable juice have the
            • 28:30 - 29:00 largest positive correlation to plasma beta-carotene concentrations followed by whole fruits and vegetables conclusion soluble fiber May inhibit beta-carotene absorption therefore consumption of juice may increase beta-carotene concentrations more than whole fruits and veggies and Free Living populations and so one caveat I would say with this study is that um you know even though they were looking at juicing versus fiber they they were actually eating the the food
            • 29:00 - 29:30 in this case so they weren't blending it up so that is one thing to consider is that you know the the what they were consuming the carrots in that case or whatever they were consuming uh were not Blended but very interesting I must say real quick if you feel like you're getting value out of this video so far then would appreciate if you would you know give us a like or let us know in the comments um what do you think so far other results uh that definitely goes a long
            • 29:30 - 30:00 way in helping us to create more content like this because we know that it is something that you all value and enjoy but a case for blending do we have one folks um I mean the the evidence is is very compelling I must say and one other thing that I do want to mention on the whole claim that you know the the amount of the the blending process creates heat that diminishes the uh the nutrient
            • 30:00 - 30:30 quality of the fruits and vegetables you know I I really didn't find any evidence to support that claim and one thing we have to realize when it comes to heating or the heat that is applied to a juice or or a vegetable juice you don't really get the amount of heat nowhere near the amount of heat from blending as you would from the processes that are used in factories so you know I
            • 30:30 - 31:00 work for a food and beverage company so I'm a little little familiar with these processes so when the juices that you see in stores have been pasteurized so they have been heated up multiple times and in fact the temperature is so high that they're you know basically boiling the fluids and they do this in order to sterilize the the juice and also to help preserve their shelf life so because of those processes you're going to see very high high very high
            • 31:00 - 31:30 levels of heat being used in order to kill all of those microbes and you know it kills the enzymes and the good some of the good stuff as well but the amount of heat that you get from blending a a juice in this case is nowhere near that level of heat that you would see in a factory because when you're blending a juice you're probably blending it for about 15 to 20 seconds all right and I mean that's not really generating much heat at all if any heat and if
            • 31:30 - 32:00 you're very concerned about you know heating up your your juice or that you're making in a blender just use cold ingredients which you're probably going to be using anyway right you're probably getting your fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator you can even use some frozen fruits and veggies we like to use you know Frozen pineapple Frozen mango for our juices all right you you'll use cold water cold fluids and that will most certainly help to act as a buffer to any potential heat
            • 32:00 - 32:30 that you might get from the motor or the blades of the blender all right and so if you are someone who's been concerned about making juices in a blender because of the potential of heating up the ingredients too much I would say it's not something that you should be concerned about um just based on the evidence and and what we know and so again this whole thing about heat is definitely nowhere near the level of heat that you're going to get in a
            • 32:30 - 33:00 factory setting and then let's talk about fiber a little bit more because this is another key piece that um really catches a lot of heat when it comes to the quality of a blended juice in terms of you know whether or not it inhibits the absorption of certain nutrients but one of the things that I do want to mention is the simple fact that
            • 33:00 - 33:30 fiber is a nutrient okay let's not forget of the fact that fiber is a key nutrient that our bodies need they play a critical role in many bodily processes and we're starting to uh there's been a lot more research done on fiber and the importance thereof and seeing how critical it is for our health and especially long-term health just to see show a little bit right here this is a quick diagram shout out to
            • 33:30 - 34:00 very well uh for this this graphic um but just to kind of show you if you're not familiar with the health benefits and how fiber uh impacts the body so you know with fiber you kind of have two subsets of fiber you have the soluble fiber which is which basically dissolves in water and you have the insoluble fiber or the roughage with the soluble fiber that's what's going to help slow digestion it can also help to lower blood cholesterol levels the
            • 34:00 - 34:30 insoluble fiber is what adds you know is known for adding bulk to the stool or bulk to the feces it helps to draw water in to help with that process of getting rid of waste all right preventing constipation and both are important for helping to minimize the rise in blood glucose levels so without that fiber when you drink just a regular juice you're not really going to get as much of that blunted effect of that rise in blood sugar level so if you're someone
            • 34:30 - 35:00 who's perhaps trying to watch your you know blood sugar levels maybe you know you have a history of diabetes in your family this is really something to consider and then also both again as I mentioned they're going to help with blood glucose control as well as the insulin's response and so that's a quick uh quick overview of that feeding your gut microbiome why focus on fiber this is uh one article looking at the importance of fiber on
            • 35:00 - 35:30 the gut microbiome where there's a growing body of research obviously on the gut microbiome itself and a lot of research has found recently that fiber plays a critical role in your gut health specifically with the gut bacteria so what fiber does is that it actually feeds the good bacteria that is in your gut all right so it's kind of like the food just like we eat food for energy the you know to grow and to help with
            • 35:30 - 36:00 all bodily processes fiber is what the bacteria in your gut the lining of your gut that's what it feeds off on in order to produce a strong healthy lining of your gut which is going to help in so many different areas this is just a quick little image to show the difference between a a gut that is eating a more fiber-rich diet versus a gut that you know is kind of devoid of fiber and so this is giving you an image
            • 36:00 - 36:30 of inside of your colons or your large intestine so if you see on the with the image on the left uh the fiber-rich diet is going to lead to a healthier mucosal lining so that's that big pink thick pink layer that you see right here in the middle so as you as you eat more fiber as you get more fiber into the diet it's going to feed those healthy microorganisms to help give a nice thick mucosal lining of the gut or of the
            • 36:30 - 37:00 large intestine and that's going to help you know not only from a digestive standpoint but it also helps to protect you against pathogens and infections so these little yellow dots you see are examples of pathogens and so if you look at the diagram on the right I mean that is an example of a gut lining that's just totally damaged and it's getting torn up you know Every Which Way by those pathogens and infections and you know for many people if you're trying to do things like reduce infection reduce
            • 37:00 - 37:30 inflammation there's definitely a case for fiber here this is just another quick diagram from I think it might be from that same study or maybe it's a different research article just showing how the presence or the the greater diversity in fiber you consume then the more diversity that it leads to in terms of your gut microbiome so the more fiber you can get from many different types of fruits and vegetables especially Blended ones then the better
            • 37:30 - 38:00 that can be for the diversity of your gut all right another thing that we do know is that most Americans American specifically and this is perhaps the case for many other Western countries or countries in the western world not getting enough fiber in our diets all right this is an article from the American Society of nutrition so according to this publication just seven percent of adults meet fiber
            • 38:00 - 38:30 recommendations raising risk of chronic diseases all right so about five percent of men in an estimated about nine percent of women all right that's huge that's less than 10 percent y'all like for real a quick article here on closing America's fiber intake Gap this not an experimental article this is just a kind of a I think some of the findings from a food and fiber Summit that was done but
            • 38:30 - 39:00 uh what it highlighted here was kind of the same thing National consumption surveys indicate that only about five percent of the population the other article says seven percent either way it's not that much about five percent of the population meets the fiber recommendations which are by the way anywhere from about 25 to up to about 40 grams of fiber needed daily depending on your age and whether or not you're male or female for men our fiber needs are
            • 39:00 - 39:30 much higher than it is for women we need closer to that almost 40 gram a dayside so about five percent of the population meets the recommendations and inadequate intakes have been called a public health concern all right so folks when you think about that public health concerns uh the need for fiber less than 10 percent of the U.S population is getting enough fiber daily uh it again begins to build Perhaps Perhaps more of a case for consuming
            • 39:30 - 40:00 juices by a means of blending all right but the whole million dollar question right which one should you buy okay let's say and for those of you all watching right now if you already own a juicer and you use it consistently and it works for you awesome if you own a blender and you use it consistently and it works for you you're able to get plenty of fruits and vegetables from it awesome stick with it all right you don't have to I'm not this is not an attempt to try to you know deconvert
            • 40:00 - 40:30 anyone one way or another this is just uh going to be a matter I'm just simply trying to provide evidence in order to help people make informed decisions particularly those who might be on the fence between whether or not they should purchase one over the other maybe you're someone who you know you saved up two or three or four hundred dollars five hundred dollars or more and you're like should I spend my money on a blender or should I get a juicer
            • 40:30 - 41:00 should I get that Vitamix right or should I get that you know whatever it is ninja Breville you name the brand all right so which one should you buy well obviously as with anything it often depends right that's that's kind of the case for a lot of different things but if you're someone who is looking for nutrient density all right we saw in the studies before that uh there there seems
            • 41:00 - 41:30 to be overwhelming evidence that by blending you get more of the phytonutrients and the antioxidants from blending versus juicing okay because again we have to understand as well folks that most of the nutrients especially those phytonutrients are found where they found they're found in the skin they're found in the pulp they're found in the more fibrous parts of these fruits and vegetables I mean
            • 41:30 - 42:00 I'm just getting flashbacks right now to you know my my mother and father growing up especially my father you know he was a big proponent of anything any juice it's going to have the pulp in it like my dad was one you know rest in peace uh but he was all about some eating the skin not getting rid of any skin I remember at times I used to you know be like man I wanna I wanna apple I want to eat an apple that where the skin has been peeled he'd be like oh
            • 42:00 - 42:30 no uh-uh that that skin he would always say the skin is the healthiest part of that fruit or that veggie where if it was potatoes no matter what like potatoes the skin that's where the most nutrients are he was big on that um same thing with juice like we were we were that family where if we got juice from the store if it was orange juice OJ uh we were getting some poke you know what I mean we we were getting support we were poked up you can ask my brother my sister all right yes shout
            • 42:30 - 43:00 out to D Lee um but yeah we were getting some Pope all right there were maybe a few instances where you know I might beg my mom uh to get to get us some orange juice without the pope like please please can we get can we just get a break from some Pope for one time please but yeah no but now I understand I I understand the importance um based on what he taught us based on what they both taught us uh shout out my mom as well she might be watching um but if you're looking for
            • 43:00 - 43:30 greater nutrient density again remembering that fiber in and of itself is a nutrient if you're looking for something that contributes more to gut health all right because again that fiber is going to be very important for gut health and this the healthier our gut is the healthier your gut is as we've seen within the research and impacts so many different areas of our health that impacts brain
            • 43:30 - 44:00 health that can impact skin Health Muscle Health cardio metabolic Health um you know so on and so forth right immune Health especially immune health because we know that the gut plays a critical role within our immune function so if you're really trying to think more about that gut health if you're perhaps looking for something that is a lower cost on average okay not always but on average and if you're looking for more versatility and more
            • 44:00 - 44:30 capabilities than probably want to opt for the blender all right and so again with the blender you're going to get a a there's a lot of Versatility there so whereas with a cold pressed juice machine for the most part you can only just make one thing right and that's a juice but with a blender you have the ability to make juices you can make smoothies you can make frozen desserts you can make soups you can make
            • 44:30 - 45:00 vegan cheeses for example we got a recipe for uh Vega we got a vegan queso cheese that we like to make and put it on nachos we'll put a link into to that in this in the description below but you can make all of those things now I will say that I have seen some very high-end juicers out there that can also uh make some of those other things but um you're probably going to spend uh upwards of maybe I don't know six seven or eight hundred dollars on a juicer like that that can do all of those
            • 45:00 - 45:30 things and it'll probably come with a number of different attachments that you have to use uh not to mention you can make nut milk so you can make nut milks with a blender as well so you know you can make your own almond milk oat milk so on and so forth all right another thing that I do want to say with this whole argument about fiber and you know does it reduce the level of uptake you know of of certain nutrients I'm gonna share just a very quick analogy with you all and remember this that 60 of a
            • 45:30 - 46:00 hundred is greater than a hundred percent of 50. what do I mean by that well if you just look at the simple math of these two sixty percent of a hundred is what 60 and 100 of 50 is 50. 60 is obviously greater than 50. so tying this to the the whole uh debate or the whole topic of juicing versus blending you know with juicing it's amazing right because you're gonna get a higher
            • 46:00 - 46:30 concentration of the nutrients in the amount that you have um person in a certain sense because you're you're kind of pressing it and squeezing it all out um but you are getting rid of some of the very nutrient dense components as a result or in the process so liking that to a hundred percent of 50 whereas with the blending process even though I might be losing the
            • 46:30 - 47:00 ability to absorb some of those nutrients due to you know let's say the fiber content or due to let's say maybe a slight bit of heating maybe we don't know really that for real even the amount of nutrients that I'm missing is still going to yield a greater end result than what I would perhaps with the juicing all right again sixty percent of a hundred is greater so
            • 47:00 - 47:30 because I'm starting or because I'm blending the whole fruit and vegetable I'm starting off with a higher uh potential I'm starting off with that 100 and even just sixty percent of that is still going to give me more than that 100 of 50. so just wanted to share that real quick hope that makes it makes sense to you all but yeah so if you're looking for I would say more nutrient density greater impacts on gut health lower costs on average greater versatility and
            • 47:30 - 48:00 capabilities you can also add powders into your juices something that we love to do we like adding things like Baobab powder Moringa powder all right um you know spirulina you can do that in a blender because it's all in one however now before you know the the juicing Fanatics out there jump jump down my throat in the comments section I'm not leaving y'all out okay calm down all right I got love for we got love for everyone here all right we're definitely I mean we like we like eating cold pressed juices too or drinking cold
            • 48:00 - 48:30 pressed juices so just relax uh but I would say that if you're looking for perhaps something that is easier to do too to digest let's say you know maybe you have a certain health condition where it's more difficult for you to absorb or to break down certain nutrients uh like fiber you know maybe you have certain GI issues and you need something that digests a little bit more easily or if you're looking for something that has
            • 48:30 - 49:00 let's say more palatability you don't like the pulp you want something that goes down a little bit uh more smoothly then of course juicing or cold pressed juice machine is probably your best bet now again I will say here if you're someone who uses a juicer and it's worked for you by all means keep at it I can't say that enough um whereas if you're someone who uses a
            • 49:00 - 49:30 blender and you like using a blender then keep at that with as well whatever it gives you the the the ability to create those sustainable healthy habits over the long term those sustainable healthy behaviors keep at it with those again this is just based on what it is that perhaps maybe you're looking for or maybe that you value if you're looking for one or the other or hey if you got the if you got the bread to to spend money on both to buy uh one of both maybe some of you all do them by all means you know go for it
            • 49:30 - 50:00 but that's kind of the the breakdown of that right there and in terms of what we use I mean I'm sure you all could could probably guess this but I mean we we use a blender uh that is our main tool of choice when it comes to making juices uh that picture that you see on the right there is from you know one of the beet juice recipes that that we made but yeah and you know I'm sure you might be watching and you might
            • 50:00 - 50:30 be saying well of course you're you're you know trying to trying to make a case for a blender because you own a blender but you know no that's really not the case because to be honest when we bought our blender we've had our blender since 2016 so you know we've had a blender for quite some time we had an old Vitamix model and then about two years ago we upgraded our Vitamix model but when we when we've got our first
            • 50:30 - 51:00 blender y'all we weren't thinking about juicing or which one was better for you know better for making higher quality juices to be honest we really haven't started getting more serious about making juices until about the last year and really within about the past eight months I would say so you know even though we I'm grateful that we have a blender um it's more so in hindsight I'm glad we ended up getting a blender but at the time y'all we were just like we just want a Vitamix we were just like we just
            • 51:00 - 51:30 want to buy the mix because of what all it can do we can make all of these different things we were looking at it more from a user capability standpoint not so much a uh you know nutrient quality in juicing versus blending so you know just want to just want to clear that up all right uh but you know this this is indeed what we use but like I said as well folks like we we do enjoy juices that don't have pulp from time to time even though most of the time we might keep the Pope in
            • 51:30 - 52:00 sometimes we like a juice that doesn't have any pulp in it we want something that goes down a little bit more smoothly this is a picture of me using one of our fine mesh strainers to strain out the pulp all right now what I will do after the fact later on is I'll probably use that pulp to make a smoothie out of or or use it in some other way later so that that fiber doesn't go to waste but do we like a a nice poult-free juice every now and then absolutely so you
            • 52:00 - 52:30 know kind of to each their own when it comes to this all right so really quickly I'm just going to share a few or a number of different juice recipes for you all to check out and all of these you all can find on our uh on our YouTube channel we have a whole playlist with different juices and smoothies um so and actually I counted on here we actually have we have nine uh different juices I was wrong it's not it's not eight it's nine but we have everything
            • 52:30 - 53:00 from uh a we have this turmeric turmeric and orange carrot juice with mango and Ginger uh we also have a pineapple spirulina juice recipe with Baobab so let's just take a glance at one of these just to give you an idea in this week carrots oranges mango all right turmeric obviously and so you all can find we had a ginger in there as well okay gonna show you all one of these others this green kiwi celery juice
            • 53:00 - 53:30 recipe this one you know very good celery we had a celery kiwi Apple spinach um number of different things made this nice vibrant green color uh kind of talked about the you know the benefits of it for you know skin health things like that obviously gut health but you all can find again it's it's kind of freezing there you all can find all of these juice recipes and more on our website uh sorry or on our Channel if you go to
            • 53:30 - 54:00 uh our juices and and our smoothies so yeah so you know when you're making the juice with a blender again all you have to do is just add a lot more fluid in there and again if you want to strain off the pulp you very well can do that um just use a fine mesh strainer or you can use a metal strainer something of that nature look at that nice vibrant green color y'all that that just it goes hard it goes hard all right um and so yeah so definitely check those
            • 54:00 - 54:30 out we'll probably leave links to some of these as well in the and the uh this the description below and one final thing that I want to touch on real quick that uh we just posted on was this whole 21 day beetroot juice challenge now I will say that this just I like doing you know food and nutrition challenges just to see you know trying out different ingredients just kind of seeing how they work that's just you know I'm a researcher it's I mean it's what I do I like doing anecdotal at home
            • 54:30 - 55:00 stuff as well uh kind of just makeshift makeshift little studies but uh what I did in this this whole little you know project if you will was I wanted to see you know just how drinking beetroot juice for 21 days How would how it would impact uh you know or how it would make me feel over the 21 days would I notice any differences um this you know video has been been getting a lot of views lately so major prop you know much respect much thanks
            • 55:00 - 55:30 to those who have taken a look at this video but one of the things you will see in this video that did happen to me because I also wanted to see if it would just be safe to do is it a safe thing to do and there was actually a moment where I did encounter some uh challenges with getting a little nauseous uh along in the journey but in the whole video you know I just kind of I kind of take you along the whole journey this is me talking about yeah when I got I started feeling nauseous from this last in the last few days but
            • 55:30 - 56:00 um you know I kind of take you along the whole journey you know you get to see you get to see me and and just kind of how all of that worked out but um if you want to take a look at that video and see exactly what happened over the course of that 21 day time span as well as uh four key things that I learned or took away from that whole experience then encourage you to click on this video that you see over here on
            • 56:00 - 56:30 the top right to take a look at that or if you want to take a look at one of our other recipes or videos and click on the one that is right below it we'll see you in the next video peace