Exploring the Mysteries of the Third Eye

CONFIRMED STUDY: This Harvard Expert Shows How to Activate Your Third Eye

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In this enlightening presentation, Dr. Maro Zapatera reveals the scientific basis behind activating the third eye, linking it to cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) located in the brain's ventricles. The talk highlights the fluid's pivotal role in protecting, nourishing, and intuitively enhancing the nervous system. It delves into fascinating theories about CSF's potential as a conduit for spiritual energy, drawing connections to ancient yogic practices and modern scientific insights. The analysis unveils the fluid's amazing journey from embryonic development to its multifunctional adult roles, suggesting its profound importance in both physical health and spiritual awareness.


      • Dr. Maro Zapatera discusses how cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) might enable the activation of the third eye by nourishing the brain and influence spiritual experiences. 🧘‍♂️
      • CSF surrounds and protects the entire central nervous system, drastically reducing the effective weight of the brain within the skull. 🛡️
      • Advanced yogic practices and breathwork could facilitate CSF flow, potentially enhancing spiritual states like Kundalini awakening. 🧘‍♀️

      Key Takeaways

      • The brain and spinal cord are uniquely cushioned by cerebral spinal fluid, reducing their effective weight while protecting them. 🧠
      • CSF plays a vital role from embryonic development stages, continuing to bathe and support the central nervous system throughout life. 🌊
      • Breathwork might actively influence CSF flow, potentially facilitating spiritual practices like Kundalini awakening. 🌬️


      Dr. Maro Zapatera provides absorbing insights into how cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) could play a pivotal role in activating the mystical 'third eye.' Linking science with ancient philosophies, he unravels the fluid’s integral protective function for the brain and unexamined spiritual potential.

        From the early stages of human development, CSF assumes the role of a nourishing and protective agent, constantly circulating within and surrounding the entire central nervous system. Dr. Zapatera describes the journey of CSF from embryonic stages when it originates from amniotic fluid, highlighting its importance throughout life.

          The presentation emphasizes breathwork as a significant factor in potentially enhancing CSF flow, thus aligning with spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. This aligns with traditions suggesting that the CSF might channel divine intelligence or energies across the body, bringing physical and spiritual harmony.

            CONFIRMED STUDY: This Harvard Expert Shows How to Activate Your Third Eye Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 this doctor will explain to you step by step how to activate the third eye proving through science that it is real and not a myth you'll discuss how to move the cerebral spinal fluid and more this video answers many questions so buckle up and let's dive in in your brain there are fluid filled ventricles cavities at the center of your brain at the same location of your third eye your brow Center there is a cavity called the third ventricle the third ventricle is a midline space its boundaries are the
            • 00:30 - 01:00 pituitary gland in front the pineal gland in back and the thalamus and the hypothalamus on the sides the space between these structures has been called The Crystal Palace by daoists or the cave of Brahma in some Hindu yogic traditions this space is filled with fluid the cerebrospinal fluid what Dr Maro EPA just mentioned is an essential component of the human body known as CSF or cerebral spinal fluid this remarkable
            • 01:00 - 01:30 fluid plays a crucial role in the functioning of our nervous system let's delve deeper into what cerebral spinal fluid is and its importance the cerebral spinal fluid is a clear colorless liquid that serves as a protective and nourishing agent for both the brain and the spinal cord residing within the brain's ventricles which can be visualized as cavities shown here in this model it plays a vital role in cushioning these critical areas this fluid extends Beyond just the internal aspects it also develops the brain's
            • 01:30 - 02:00 external surface providing an additional layer of protection its Journey doesn't end there cerebral spinal fluid continues its path down the spinal cord flowing through the central canal and bathing the external surface of the spinal cord as well this continuous flow ensures that the brain and spinal cord are consistently surrounded by this protective fluid interestingly the human body contains about 150 ml of cerebral spinal fluid at any given time time this
            • 02:00 - 02:30 fluid isn't stagnant it's continuously replenished undergoing a complete turnover approximately 3 to four times daily this equates to the body producing between 450 to 600 mlit of cerebral spinal fluid each day in simpler terms every day our bodies generate about half a liter of this essential fluid highlighting its significance in maintaining the health and functionality of her central nervous system
            • 02:30 - 03:00 now let's return to Dr Maro Zara's presentation as we continue everything will start to come together offering a clearer understanding of the third eye and the pineal gland and their intricate workings so what you see here is a sagittal or side view of an MRI of an adult human the cerebrospinal fluid is colored in red from this image you can see how it bathes the entire outside of the brain as well as the spaces inside and the entire outside of the spinal cord cord our central nervous system is
            • 03:00 - 03:30 floating in and being bathed by CSF interestingly the spinal cord ends at about lumbar vertebra 2 but the CSF goes all the way down into the sacrum so it's important to know that the human's central nervous system is remarkably suspended in a column of fluid while the brain's actual mass ranges from 1,400 to 1500 G its effective weight when immersed in cerebral spinal fluid is significantly reduced to around 25 to
            • 03:30 - 04:00 5050 G this illustrates that the entire central nervous system essentially floats within this fluid there exists a central column of fluid aligned with their body's midline structure providing this unique suspension and support so where does this fluid come from well that little black spot in the middle of that image is U this was U as an embryo you can see above that the amniotic fluid below that you can see the Yol sac and and all around it you can see the
            • 04:00 - 04:30 chonic fluid look at how you are essentially developing surrounded by fluid enclosed in fluid and totally supported by fluid you are organized and created with fluid so where does the cerebral spinal fluid originate interestingly it is derived from amniotic fluid through a process known as neurulation initially in the embryonic stage we start as a simple sheet of cells as depicted in the image within this sheet there's a specific
            • 04:30 - 05:00 area called the neural plate which is a group of cells that undergo a process of invagination and neur relation during this process the neural plate folds inward creating what are known as the neural grooves and neural folds these folds eventually merge together surrounding the neural plate is the amniotic fluid which plays a crucial role in this developmental phase as the neurop plate undergoes invagination with the folds Rising and eventually fusing
            • 05:00 - 05:30 the Central Area transforms this Central area which was once part of the external amniotic fluid gradually becomes what we know as cerebros spinal fluid thus cerebral spinal fluid actually originates from the amniotic fluid during our embryological development it's a fascinating concept our brain and spinal cord are not just organized around fluid but are also initially bathed in it emphasizing the fluid's integral role from the very beginning of our development initially your embryonic
            • 05:30 - 06:00 brain is a hollow fluid filled vesicle with cerebos spinal fluid on the inside of the tube and amniotic fluid on the outside of the tube as you develop the brain and spinal cord enlarge and differentiate and cerebral spinal fluid continues to bathe the inside and outside of your entire central nervous system so picture yourself as a tiny embryo at the very beginning of your development when you start to develop awareness your enveloped in this Primal
            • 06:00 - 06:30 fluid within your mother's womb this journey begins with the amniotic fluid which gradually transitions into cerebral spinal fluid now within you this fluid plays a vital role bathing your entire central nervous system it encompasses both the internal and external areas of your brain and travels the entire length of your spinal cord reaching down to your sacrum additionally it flows within a central Hollow Canal located inside your spinal cord this fluid's presence throughout
            • 06:30 - 07:00 your central nervous system is a testament to its fundamental importance right from the earliest stages of development this understanding is very important and everything will make sense in just a moment this is a section through the head of a human embryo at 8 weeks of development here you see the developing brain there's a thin structure on top I did not know what this cauliflower like structure was seemingly floating in space so I asked my colleague who told me that was the choid plexus while the choid plexus
            • 07:00 - 07:30 produces CSF if the structure that makes the CSF was that large then the CSF must have an important role essentially our entire developing nervous system is bathed in cerebrospinal fluid that you see in blue martin marzulo director of the heart MIND Institute shares an insightful perspective on cerebral spinal fluid he explains that while CSF isn't the direct cause of Kundalini energy it serves as a crucial vehicle for this energy as it travels through
            • 07:30 - 08:00 the body this idea is further echoed by Dr Randolph Stone founder of polarity therapy a holistic health care System Dr Stone has two notable quotes on this subject he states that the soul swims in the cerebral spinal fluid suggesting a profound connection between our spiritual Essence and this fluid additionally he observes that the cerebral spinal fluid appears to function as both a reservoir and a conduit for ultrasound Sonic and light
            • 08:00 - 08:30 energy similarly Dr southernland has shared his insights building upon the thoughts of Dr Andrew Taylor still who had a unique version of the cerebral spinal fluid Dr still saw the CSF as an intermediary in the flow of divine intelligence channeling creation into embryological segments and infusing them with life form function and order this perspective presents the CSF as more than just a physical substance it's seen as a fluid imbued with intelligence and
            • 08:30 - 09:00 the capacity to shape our existence furthermore the CSF is believed to be a sensitive receiver and transmitter of energy vibrations and information this concept is similar to how flower remedies demonstrate water's ability to absorb store and transmit plant energies in the same vein Dr masu Otto's work showed that water could retain the energy of words thus the cerebral spinal fluid may also have the capacity to
            • 09:00 - 09:30 absorb store and transmit the essence of the source enabling us to experience and be consciously aware of our beingness as I mentioned the cerebros spinal fluid covers the entire outer surface of the brain let's take a look at where the cbos spinal fluid is stored inside the brain and allow the structure to guide us it is stored in What's called the ventricles of the brain these are fluid filled spaces on the left you see an image of the brain as if it's looking towards you the blue is where the
            • 09:30 - 10:00 cerebros spinal fluid is held on the right you see an image of the brain on its side as if it's looking to the left those are the ventricles as they appear inside the brain why does the why are the ventricles of the brain form the way they are why does the lateral ventricle make contact with the frontal lobe the parietal lobe the occipital lobe and the temporal lobe of the brain why does the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle need to send a projection to contact the
            • 10:00 - 10:30 visual areas of the brain look at the third ventricle in the middle this is a midline space why does the third ventricle have these two beaks one that contacts the pituitary gland and the other one that contacts the pineal gland it's like it has to make contact with these essential glands so let's allow the structure to guide us in understanding its function so what do the cells look like that contact the CSF well this is a scanning electron microscope image of the wall of The ventricle the inside of the ventricle
            • 10:30 - 11:00 making contact with the CSF what we see is that the walls of the ventricles that are contacting the CSF has these cyia or Slender hairlike structure the cyia can beat to actually create fluid movements they are also like little antenna monitoring the fluid that have receptors on them to pick up information in the cerebral spinal fluid so what's what receptors are found on these cells there are photo receptors that transmit light there are chemo receptors that transmit
            • 11:00 - 11:30 information from growth factors ions hormones and mechano receptors that transmit information from flow movement and vibrations so the CSF can transmit information from light vibration movement and molecules to provide a clearer understanding let's discuss two significant molecules present in the cerebral spinal fluid melatonin and DMT both of which originate from from trypt fin it's believed that these are
            • 11:30 - 12:00 released by the pineal gland into the CSF melatonin plays a key role in regulating our sleep wake cycles and circadian rhythms while DMT commonly found in various plants is often used in shamanic rituals for its potent psychedelic effects which can induce near death and mystical experiences the exact endogenous function of DMT in the human body is still being researched recent Studies have indicated that DMT is produced in the pineal gland choid
            • 12:00 - 12:30 plexus and brain intriguingly its levels were observed to increase in the visual cortex of rats during Cardiac Arrest leading to hypotheses about its potential role in near-death experiences imagine then the CSF as a conduit for the transmission of information when a substance like melatonin or DMT is released into the CSF it can quickly disperse the signal throughout various parts of the brain and spot simultaneously this transmission occurs
            • 12:30 - 13:00 without the need for synapses allowing for a total synchronization of information this process can involve not just molecules like melatonin or DMT but also growth factors crucial for brain development or health or even frequencies and vibrations that contribute to our F sense of connection to a greater Source energy it is my hypothesis that the biological occurrence of a Kundalini Awakening is the rising of sacred energy from the sacrum to the head through the cerebros
            • 13:00 - 13:30 spinal fluid let's take a look at this closer the Kundalini and yogic theory is a primal energy located at the at the base of the spine some say residing in a sacrum like a sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened from yogic practice Kundalini is awakened and physically moves up a central Canal the shishna to reach the third eye and subsequently this the crown chakra for awakening to occur could the CSF be a transporter for this Primal energy well let's take a look at some of the anatomy the sacrum is a large triangular bone at the base
            • 13:30 - 14:00 of the spine the origin of the word comes from the Latin OS sacrum which means sacred bone the end of the spinal cord is approximately at L2 and the CSF goes all the way down to about sacral level two or three interestingly there's a f filament called phym terminal that goes all the way down from the bottom of the spinal cord to the coxics remember within the spinal cord there's a canal filled with fluid that goes all the way up the spinal cord to the third
            • 14:00 - 14:30 ventricle some people claim there's a small fiber within the central Canal of the spinal cord made of condensed CSF protein that goes to the pineal gland called risner's fiber Swami vivanda a revered Yogi and teacher offers profound insights into the yogic understanding of the human body he explains according to the yogis there are two nerve currents in the spinal column called pingala and AA and a hollow Canal called sushumna
            • 14:30 - 15:00 running through the spinal cord at the lower end of the hollow Canal is what the yogis call the Lotus of the Kundalini they describe it as triangular in form in which in the symbolic language of the yogis there is a power called the calini coiled up when that calini awakens it tries to force a Passage through this hollow canal and as it rises step by step as it were layer after layer of the mine becomes open and all the the different visions and wonderful powers come to the yogi when
            • 15:00 - 15:30 it reaches the brain the yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind and the Soul finds itself free the left is the Ida the right pingala and that Hollow Canal which runs through the center of the spinal cord is the sushumna where the spinal cord ends in some of the lumbar vertebrae a fine fiber issues downward and the canal runs up even within that fiber only much finer the canal is closed at the lower end which is situated near what is
            • 15:30 - 16:00 called the sacral plexus vivanda mentions the AA pangala and shishna which are considered the three main nadis in yodc Tradition the term nadii originates from taml meaning nerve blood vessel or pulse and from Sanskrit meaning Channel stream or flow in this context AA is positioned to the left of the spine pingala to the right and the Shuma runs along the center of the spinal cord in some illustrations AA and
            • 16:00 - 16:30 pingala are depicted as intertwining around the shishna in a helical pattern intersecting at points that correspond to the chakras in the body this intricate system highlights a deep connection between our physical and subtle energy bodies as understood in yogic philosophy to me the AA and the pingala represent the pineal and the pituitary glands the shishna coming up from the center of the spine in the tube full of cerebos spinal fluid all meeting at the third ventricle the fluid filled radiant space in the middle of our head
            • 16:30 - 17:00 the Crystal Palace the cave of Brahma it is the space where the marriage of the yin and the Yang energies of the pineal gland and the pituitary gland come to form a perfect harmony it is my belief that this is the place for the birth of the I am in physical form where through dispersion of the energy within the fluid our entire brain is simultaneously bathed with the differentiated energy from the source providing the synchronous unified experience and
            • 17:00 - 17:30 awareness of our true Essence but this leads us to an important question how does one actually move the CSF what causes CSF to move in the first place many people have asked me what causes the cerebos spinal fluid to move my theories in addition to the ones that we're going to go on are any sort of parasympathetic activities such as rest meditation cranos sacral therapy massage movements such as dance exercise yoga yoga vibration such as sound and light
            • 17:30 - 18:00 visualized intention and love given the potential that CSF is activated by light and sound one of my business partners and I created the metatronics vibrational medicine light and sound machine depicted here essentially meta is beyond Tron is subatomic particle so it's beyond the subatomic particle Beyond form a machine that works on the energetic levels and vibrational levels prior to form so what causes the CSF to
            • 18:00 - 18:30 move from a what has been shown in the research sleep has been shown to move the cerebrospinal fluid through the brain tissue well the research shows that the heartbeat has been shown to move the cerebos spinal fluid however one of the major drivers of CSF movement is our breath this is an MRI image of the brain and in image D there you see that is the image of what is enlarged in in image B that is an enlarged view of the third vent vle here is a series of
            • 18:30 - 19:00 pictures depicting the CSF flow which is the bright spot that you see coming into the third ventricle during forced inspiration this depicts one inspiration lasting 2.5 seconds so it' be something like this inspiration actually drives the CSF into the third ventricle the cave of Braham the fluid filled space in the center of the brain this is a diagram of the CSF flow during forced breathing at
            • 19:00 - 19:30 each spinal level bars above the line indicate movement towards the head and the bars below the line indicate movement towards the sacrum the in in in red is forced inspiration and the ex in blue is expiration the red bars show that forced inspiration leads to an upward flow of CSF at all spinal levels that were tested the blue bars show that there's that forced expiration leads to a downward flow only in the mid and
            • 19:30 - 20:00 lower spinal cord regions the amount of research linking breath work with the brain activity is truly astonishing recent findings have revealed that our breathing can actively influence the flow of cerebral spinal fluid consider the various breath work practices like holotropic breath work the whm halfof method pranayama or even just deep breathing exercises aimed at relaxation now Envision how each each Breath You Take could be actively circulating the
            • 20:00 - 20:30 CSF within your spine and brain this concept opens up exciting possibilities such as the idea of cosmic Consciousness spreading throughout your being synchronized with the movement of this vital cerebral spinal fluid our central nervous system is in an entire column of fluid this fluid may be an intermediary between the infinite and the finite a condensation of a less condensed form of energy a breathing by breathing we can create a rhythm in the fluid an undulating process with oscillations
            • 20:30 - 21:00 this has the ability to bring vibrations and energy frequency to the fluid which can transmit The rhythms of life and The rhythms of the infinite evolutionarily the CSF system evolved as a way to receive signals and transmit information our ancestral CSF is seawater so connect to the fluid that surrounded you as an embryo to the fluid that is bathing the inside and outside of your entire central nervous system right now to all
            • 21:00 - 21:30 the fluid in all the oceans that have ever been present in history the fluid is bathing the inside and outside of your brain and spine imagine it being a perfect vehicle to transmit information to the brain whether that is melatonin to help us sleep or DMT or as a fluid conductor of source energy to our physical bodies to transmit the experience of I am our being is as well as a vehicle of cosmic Consciousness that awareness Ness of the universal mind and one's Unity with it in
            • 21:30 - 22:00 conclusion we owe a profound depth of gratitude to Dr Maro zapatera for his Illuminating discoveries and contributions in the field of cerebral spinal fluid research his insights have not only enlightened us but also opened up new vistas of understanding about this vital fluid the Journey of CSF from its embryonic Origins to its multifaceted roles in adulthood underscores its profound significance in our bodily functions and perhaps even in
            • 22:00 - 22:30 our spiritual experiences as a medium that nurtures and protects our central nervous system and potentially serves as a conduit for higher energies in Consciousness CSF Bridges the gap between the tangible and intangible aspects of our existence it's clear that the CSF is much more than just a protective fluid it's a vital component of our being integral to both our physical health and spiritual well-being the exploration of its roles and functions greatly aided by Dr zapa's
            • 22:30 - 23:00 work opens up New Frontiers in understanding the human body and Consciousness in appreciating Dr zapa's work we recognize the importance of ongoing research and inquiry into this fascinating aspect of human physiology how do we harness and understand the full potential of this incredible fluid this is the challenge and opportunity that lies ahead for us in the Realms of Medicine Science and spirituality thank you Dr zapatera for enlightening us and
            • 23:00 - 23:30 helping us learn something new your work has truly enhanced our appreciation of the cerebral spinal fluid's integral role in our journey from the finite to the infinite thank you for joining me on this exploration of the cerebral spinal fluid and its critical place in our lives