Transformative Strategies for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
$100K in 30 Days (Business Ideas Backed By Trends)
Estimated read time: 1:20
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In an engaging conversation, AppSumo features Cody, a serial entrepreneur who has mastered the art of creating profitable online businesses quickly and effectively. Using data-driven approaches, Cody has built over 20 successful ventures, including a Chrome extension that funds his monthly rent. The key lies in identifying market trends and consumer needs, focusing on solutions that grant buyers time, money, or status. Cody emphasizes the power of small initial bets leading to bigger wins, and he shares insights into leveraging the right tools and strategies, like affiliate marketing and AI-powered services, for rapid revenue growth. His journey unveils the potential of building digital products and services atop existing technological trends, advocating for action and constant experimentation in the entrepreneurial space.
Cody's Chrome extension still successfully pays his monthly rent by tapping into cyclical e-commerce market demands. 💸
Building on rising trends and data can swiftly bring a startup to staggering revenues, as seen with Cody's ventures reaching 100K ARR in just four weeks. 🚀
Pivot and adapt approaches based on market data; Cody’s tool Extrapolator targets precise consumer needs effectively. 🎯
Entrepreneurial success often starts with mastering a single skill and building on it, as Cody did with data analytics. 🧠
The significance of creating productized services that tap into existing demand, showing with the booming Chrome extensions market. 🛠️
The rising trend of multi-preneurship exemplifies leveraging global talent and resources to run multiple ventures simultaneously. 🌎
Key Takeaways
Listen to the market and identify trends to create valuable business solutions. 📈
Small bets can lead to massive entrepreneurial success. 🎲
Data is key—use it to validate and guide your business decisions. 📊
Leverage existing technologies and platforms; no need to reinvent the wheel. 🔧
Capitalize on solving real-world problems using digital solutions. 💡
Constant learning and adaptation are crucial for success. 📚
Don't shy away from trying new things; failure is a part of the process. 🚀
Cody, a prolific entrepreneur highlighted in AppSumo's video, has mastered making businesses click in the digital world. Using data-backed strategies and identifying market demands are his core approaches. His strategy showcases that even simple ideas, like a Chrome extension, can become profitable when aligned with the right trends and executed with agility.
Through the interview, Cody unfolds how valuable focusing on trends and leveraging data can be. His journey from data analytics to a successful business founder underscores the importance of understanding market avenues and the increasing potency of digital products and solutions in meeting consumer demands.
Cody's insights delve into how potential entrepreneurs can harness current technologies, such as AI, to develop scalable businesses. He advocates for an experimental mindset, stressing the importance of learning by doing and adapting quickly to changes, which are essential for anyone looking to create an impactful digital footprint.
$100K in 30 Days (Business Ideas Backed By Trends) Transcription
00:00 - 00:30 we took Landing cap from non-existent to 100K AR in like 4 weeks our job as Founders is to scope waves and be like cool that one that looks good this is Cody After launching a simple Chrome extension he became obsessed with building online businesses it now has over 20 profitable businesses generating millions in Revenue the crazy part is these businesses are all just simple offerings on top of huge demand so much so that a small Chrome extension side project still funds his monthly rent today hey does around like on average
00:30 - 01:00 around like 8 to 9k a month it is literally a data extraction tool helps you just like pull data like basically get it out during the holidays it bumps you know it'll do like 14 to 15 grand a month like November December January Cody's model is simple build businesses on top of rising Trends always backed by data people are buying are like three things it's either they're buying time back they're buying money back or they're buying status I'm going to try 100 things we're going to see that 3% of that worked I'm going to put all of our resources the time money and mental
01:00 - 01:30 energy into those things he continues to quickly launch businesses in his latest Venture just hit 100K annual recurrent Revenue in only 4 weeks he shares his exact approach and how others can do the same people are looking for this can I build that all the big bets I flew out to Denver to sit down with him and learn his data first approach to finding huge business opportunities without any other special skills all of his favorite tools and resources he uses on his own businesses and his exact Playbook he us uses to
01:30 - 02:00 launch successful products in weeks let's dive in Cody thanks for having us at your house dude so to have you office so you do so many interesting things on the internet let's just Dive Right In can you talk about how you first made what was it 10K Mr in a couple weeks so company was called draft horse AI um we built it as an internal tool for ourselves initially found all these long tail keywords related to our product which is called swell AI talking about it in public on Twitter people were like hey I want to buy that thing so
02:00 - 02:30 naturally uh the capitalist that I am we're like cool we'll have it live in 3 days and so we spun it out over a weekend uh ended up going viral um there's so many of these now like we rode this initial wave that was happening um and there's actually way better ways to do this now how we took it to 10K Mr in 30 days um later on some cold email later on some paid ads on top of it um and uh yeah that was that was really it you said you were messing around a while ago and build a Chrome extension that still pays your rent today yeah totally yeah so it's in the e-commerce space so it's it's super cyclical um but it does around like on
02:30 - 03:00 average around like 8 to 9k a month it is literally a data extraction tool helps you just like pull data like basically get it out during the holidays it bumps you know it'll do like 14 to 15 grand a month honestly the first kind of Fay into software was really that and uh open my eyes for like oh if you have just a small tool that solves a huge problem it can you know people will pay for that you just layer on like funnel and marketing how did how did you like spot that problem honestly it was my own challenge so I was selling a a a bunch
03:00 - 03:30 of print on demand products um across Etsy across Amazon across red bubble basically anywhere I could get my greasy hands on um we were we were doing stuff and my background was in like data analytics uh so I would go and I would basically scrape all the platforms but find bestselling products do remixes of them um based off of like the keywords and how they looked aesthetically Etc and so then this tool was a way to analyze basically like recurring purchases and understand like who my like best customers were and how could I then go and sell them more on like get them off platform on an e-commerce
03:30 - 04:00 channel so you know getting him into Shopify Etc solved my own problem wrote a blog post about it had a person messaged me on Facebook again this was like 2015 2016 we're like hey can you do this but for me and I was like yeah we'll have it live in seven days so I called everybody and knew that like could program because at the at that point I was pretty non-technical I was you know very much a marketer and understood like you I could write Python scripts Etc but I couldn't build a you know a product um hacked it together got it out got first paying customer and was like all right this is the craziest
04:00 - 04:30 thing I've ever seen like you just you know you're selling no physical product it's just pixels that you're moving and you get paid for that and so I mean I was I was addicted right I was just JY so you take a unique approach in terms of how you look at small bets versus big bets and how you have this massive bias towards action to Tinker in with a bunch of stuff and then once something works like double triple down you described these levels maybe if we start off with this first level of somebody's watching this video they're maybe working full-time job they just want to get
04:30 - 05:00 something to replace their income let's just call it 10K Mr what would what opportunities do you see right now for for someone quit your job first off uh second the easiest ways to go about this right now are typically product High services that are powered by some type of AI tool um so we'll break down what that means um so what I would go do is try to learn some type of skill set that is uh not geographically constrained so anything that you can do on the internet I think that that's the first thing find some skill double down what I always
05:00 - 05:30 advocate for is like everything that you learn just literally make a YouTube video of that exact thing and put it on your channel and put it in public through that alone you're going to solve the cold start problem of how do I get distribution for the skill that I'm trying to sell so once you've done that uh you're going to naturally start getting inbound you know say during the Google ads thing right you can do Google ads for automotive shops right and then Fred is going to come and he's going to be like watch this video and he's like I don't want to do this I don't want to spend the time thinking this or managing
05:30 - 06:00 this can I just go hire this person boom you have your first customer but say you know you charge three grand a month you're trying to get to 10K you know 10K recurring Revenue all you need is three clients right like if you make a video a day with like Google ads for automotive Google ad whatever that is and you do that for 90 days straight like I guarantee you you can get you know three people to pay you three grand a month there's another path that you can go down if you are more of like a you have programming experience and the Chrome extensions one it's like a classic just just easy win anything that is data
06:00 - 06:30 extraction that is like a perfect Chrome extension there's this one it's called email extractor I'm obsessed with it I have been for like 10 years because it's just amazing to me and like it has 300,000 monthly active users and that thing probably I mean I'm just thrown down numbers can easy probably make 2 million a year right so say you're someone that's interested in making a a Chrome extension how would you like look at search dator how would you approach that you could either go and use a tool like semrush or ahrs find all the longtail keywords that are related to
06:30 - 07:00 like Chrome extension scraper or Chrome extension extractor the scraper or extractor words that has a high search intent for this is like I'm trying to get this outcome to occur you've already done Market validation and I think this is the thing that a lot of people mess up with uh when they initially start their first company they try to invent something new and this is actually the worst thing that you can do the best thing that you can do is pick a play that's already been ran before and then you just execute on that and you're going to get more experience it's going
07:00 - 07:30 to be a way faster success you're just going to get to success way quicker and then the push back I always get immediately when I say that is well there's already people doing this like there's no way I'm like yo there's 100 window washing companies in my city and they're all making money at different levels but they're all successful so why are we thinking about internet businesses in a different way than that that's they should be approached in the same kind of mindset in my opinion right right for whatever reason when someone says internet they're like oh I should have thought of that first late but like
07:30 - 08:00 any physical product I feel like they've been brainwashed you know like it's like you you they've been brainwashed that it's a win or take all and and in reality that's not the case like think how how many email sending companies there are like MailChimp clav yo I mean beehive is moving into that market and taking over more market share they're all H having different levels of success it just depends on the wedge that you get into that space you're very well versed in all like okay this is specifically how I would do this and I would use this tool can you just like walk through how you maybe scrape Google
08:00 - 08:30 Maps and like like what would you do yeah F first thing I would do um so I would go and I would find say we're just using the auto body shop again you can go to Fiverr you can pay a guy in Pakistan like 20 bucks he's going to go scrape 100,000 listings for you right uh tell them hey I want everybody with auto body shop and their title that's one way another way is outs scraper I actually bought the lifetime deal from appsumo which uh was it was awesome I'm stoked about it but basically what they do is uh you can go and it's basically a scraping tool that allows you to give
08:30 - 09:00 like a Target keyword and a geography it goes find to everybody um all you're trying to do is just get the URLs once you have the URLs then you can do two things uh you can use a tool called which will allow for you to go and find uh the emails anywhere that you know they're basically referenced on other websites for that website it's going to help you identify those um and then the other thing that you can use is called Phantom Buster Phantom Buster there's a um a phantom within it which is basically just an automation that will go and uh go to every one of those websites scrape the entire website and
09:00 - 09:30 extract any of the emails out of it CU a lot of these local businesses like they're you know he's still using an at gmail but they're doing 2.5 million a year right like that's how they're running this company and so by doing both of those things you take those emails you then go and use a tool like zero bounce or like million verifier those will validate those emails um so what that means is uh basically you're trying to prove that this email is real number one it's still active also uh when you're doing cold email if get bounces or you you go into like what's
09:30 - 10:00 called catchall um which is basically like a honey pot to say that that domain is sending spam um you're you're circumventing that by just doing those verified emails and then use a tool like instantly AI or smart lead and uh that's how you can do that sending um I would just go by like I mean this infrastructure we're sending at a way larger volume right but like the infrastructure I'm doing right now is 30 domains you can buy those through pork buun just get a variation of whatever your company's uh domain is so imagine um you know uh SW AI software swell AI
10:00 - 10:30 Etc buy those 30 domains you build five inboxes per domain so in total you'll have 150 inboxes that you can send from and and you used to have to do that all separately in a different tool you could do these now in these yeah totally yeah instantly I think has one built in um I'm using this tool right now it's called mail Reef um I I just got early beta access so that's that's why I'm there um but basically uh they set up a AWS server um that is
10:30 - 11:00 specialized for this you can send 50,000 cold emails with mail re for like around 400 bucks a month get a smart lead account uh you can hit 25,000 people in a month I I guarantee you if you go and cold email 25,000 people that you do Google ads as an offering uh for you know auto body shops a certain percentage is going to respond back and because you already have like data to show because you have these three clients or whatever like because you got that inbound from YouTube or whatever that ends up being that's that way that you can grow this agency that how you can build that out that's like specific
11:00 - 11:30 and I think that these are actually some of the best like types of companies or agencies to run is when they focus on a specific Niche because as soon as you identify an Arbitrage for one client you can apply that to everybody and so it creates the stickiness within uh your your you know client ecosystem the company I always go back to it's called Suds creative it's this like no-name company if you look on like USA or whatever the the um the sites are that you can like look up the the revenues like of what people estimate it say I think it's like six to seven million is
11:30 - 12:00 what it do I know it's like double that because we I had a friend that worked there and uh they all they do is just basically digital marketing for uh for car washes that's their entire game plan and it's probably doing 15 million a year and an 80% margin with like 50 employees like half of them are offshore I mean this is the this is the game you can play now and uh I I think anybody can go and do this because the really the pandemic like changed all the how
12:00 - 12:30 people are willing to be sold like I'm way more willing to buy you know you got a good mic a good camera and good lighting like I trust you now because like I've kind of been trained over the last four years that uh this is how like we basically purchase things so can maybe talk about how you look at building businesses in general of like starting with these having them cash flow and then building other businesses one of the themes is you just don't know what those clients like problems are going to be and so getting really close to an automotive sh or a car wash shop
12:30 - 13:00 maybe that uncovers the idea for a SAS versus just like oh maybe I'll randomly come up with an I was doing I was working at this company called Rupa health I was like employee six there uh we ended up taking it from like 10 or it was a $20 million valuation to 110 and about six months it was insane it's a Marketplace for like lab test ordering we realized that like content was going to be this way that we were going to have to sell to this audience so we spun up a podcast we spun up a live class series all this other stuff but um the whole purpose with that was like hey we can build this long form piece of
13:00 - 13:30 content and then chop it up into all these small bipsiz pieces that we could distribute across all the platforms and like it's a perfect example of like oh when I solve problems for like these whatever it is I was just going back to like biology like atrophy is actually how things die if you just keep moving you are are 100% going to figure something out the only reason they die is because they stop existing that first company we were talking about that was like still like nine grand a month right if I stopped that month too because it was only doing like $300 a month none of the benefit that has happened in the
13:30 - 14:00 last whatever you know six years existing would have ever happened and so like these things can limp along too they don't have to be these like I I don't know I'm just I just have a different view on this of like how like all the bets also Compound on each other I I kind of think about like I these small bets that I know are like easy wins and then I have these like you know almost like Black Swan events that I'm like trying to bet on of like cool can I like make this huge platform or like this thing that's in a mass Market with a huge Tam that I can approach all these other things like I'm I'm going to live a good life no matter what but if one of
14:00 - 14:30 if this thing hits like one of these big bets hits It's game over like you know I just made it so my kids have to get my kids kids have to go to therapy because you know they went to private school for too long and don't know how to interact with the real world so uh what are some of those bigger bets that that you're placing right now yeah the the biggest what I'm really excited about this a new company we're building called Landing we basically uh build out collection landing pages for Shopify or they're called category Pages for WordPress based off of uh the company's product Catal so uh traditionally like
14:30 - 15:00 you'd have to go and do this all manually um we built this tool set that allows for us to like index an entire product catalog we then can take that c that whatever that product catalog is we go and find all the longtail keywords related to that product catalog and then we can programatically generate these landing pages um these collection Pages based off of the product catalog and then those keywords we basically do that matching process and how do you go about launching something like that yeah so I did it on Twitter I called some friends that own me Commerce companies um and
15:00 - 15:30 basically was just like Hey we're doing this thing I don't know if it's going to work um can we run some tests and see what happens uh got initial great data and again this is like comes back to like when you've done these other things and you have that history you have all these doors open that you never would have previously right like we took Landing cat from non-existent to 100K AR in like four weeks and like the only way that you could do that is if you had like all of these relationships four weeks in four weeks yeah um I just had a
15:30 - 16:00 call this morning with like a huge you know conglomerate out in New York they're a holding company for like all these like Classic Brands and they're like yo this is a massive issue right because like they they're just trying to get as much basically traffic as they can to the site because they know that that like directly translate into purchase Revenue it translates into emails that turn into uh you know email Revenue pipeline through clavio or you know whatever they're using as their tool set that's what I'm I get most excited about is when you're talking to these companies that are like yeah this
16:00 - 16:30 is a massive problem that we're facing and you can solve it in a way that's like way less it's painless basically in comparison what to what they're doing currently so what about moving playing like progressing along to 20K 50k what are some of the business ideas you have for yeah yeah yeah um I think there's a huge opportunity right now in like anything related to content repurposing um for Founders or for companies two examples um that I think are just you know right for the taking are one is is uh basically doing like unlimited
16:30 - 17:00 webinar repurposing for a any B2B company so like if you look at the data it's like 80% of B2B companies do webinars it's just nuts right like it's like almost all of them so if you just gold email like every Mark every person like that has a marketing job title right and you're like hey we do unlimited webinar repurposing we'll turn it into ebooks we'll turn it into white papers we'll turn it into blog posts like you're going to get people that want this because a lot of them this like back catalog of you know whatever
17:00 - 17:30 500 webinars they've ran over the last five years and they're it's sitting there you know it's just rotting and so if you can resurrect that I think these companies also just the price point like you could come in easily and be like yeah it's 5K a month we'll do as much as you want right and like all you're doing is building AI like workflows to do this yeah so uh the other one is newsletters for Founders um and so newsletters for Founders like all of them are trying to create a personal brand they have no idea where to start for this and uh if you just go to them and you're like hey I'm going to interview you 30 minutes of your week we take that transcript we're
17:30 - 18:00 going to turn it into a written newsletter then we'll also like grow that newsletter for you and distribute it out to your whatever your target audiences they're going to say yes in a heartbeat there's this ego that's built into that right it's like if when you have bigger follower following uh across all these channels like all these things and it is actually valuable I think that's the thing that people don't realize like if I C DM from an account with 500 followers on Twitter the response rate is going to be lower than if I call DM from an account with 30,000 like followers on on Twitter there's a million different ways honestly just go
18:00 - 18:30 YouTube how to grow email newsletter list and you you can find you've started a bunch of these businesses some of them are really working others are cash flowing nicely how much do you think like you're just smarter than other people versus you just don't stop trying stuff I I think I'm I'm I'm definitely a big numbers person it's funny I've worked for people where they're like no everything has to be perfect and they have and they're great at it right you know they're very refined and I'm definitely not that I'm more like I'm going to try hundred things we're going to see that 3% of that
18:30 - 19:00 worked and we're going to I'm going to put all of our resources like you know limited resources into those things like all the time money and mental energy into those things so right so way more on the side of just like letting the market dictate and trying a bunch of things knowing that most I can't convin like Coca-Cola is one of the biggest companies in the world and they can't convince people to drink more soda with all the money in the world and we think that like in our just ant form of us that we're going to be a the change no
19:00 - 19:30 the the only thing that is going to be possible for us to do is ride a larger wave than us so our job as Founders especially if you're bootstrapping or you're self funding your job is to scope waves and be like cool that one that looks good how do I get there and as you get more time in the water you start to understand oh these types of waves are going to be a better ride okay so but the only way to get that is by spending time in the water you spend a lot of time in the water what other waves do you see I think the the other thing that
19:30 - 20:00 I'm realizing is becoming just like man I I don't even know if you need funding in the same way that you used to I'm personally obsessed with like can a company Market itself right we have some tests that we're running of just like you know random stuff of like cool like this AI is deciding on the products we build and like you know on the e-commerce side and like it just print on Demand right it's like it's low risk but it's like you know can it do that can it like run a company and like this this is a more philosop iCal thing and that I find interesting like all the
20:00 - 20:30 data exists and all of the like decision making exists for like a decent okay company to just run itself and so that's kind of what I'm obsessing with that's like the larger thing this the scale down version of that uh from like the bigger trends that are happening I think that what you're going to see is way more like multi- preneurship I think that that is just going to become a standard especially with the ability to get Global Talent as you can now um You can just you know run these companies and start these companies at a at a
20:30 - 21:00 scale at a pace and at a volume that you I mean over the weekend I built a Chrome extension that we're going to launch right like it was me you know messing around for hour and a half over coffee and like I already know that there's keyword volume for it I'm going to like buy a domain and spin it up and within like two weeks we're going to have like our initial people using it and like that whole thing was just like AI generated code I'm going to know within a month whether we can turn this into a company or not yeah or just like specific big waves it sounds like you make these calculated bets but the
21:00 - 21:30 reason that you did a Chrome extension in the weekend is because you saw the search volume before and so like like step one have search volume or step one have somebody paying you for it to solve a problem all the small bets are there like I'm just it's transactional right people are looking for this can I build that all the big bets like what we're saying with that is okay people are doing it this way it's very resource intensive like can I cut that resource intensity down by like you know to 10%
21:30 - 22:00 of what it was previously or or down to 1% and then I charge them 10% of like whatever they're paying for like for example if somebody's you know if say they're investing $300,000 a year into whatever activity that they're doing maybe it's salaries maybe it's software all these other things if I can go to them and be like yo I'm going to charge you 30 grand and we're going to be 10x better like they're going to say yes every time and then your job is just how do I get in front of them how do I figure out how to get in front of them so right so constantly testing different offers and then figuring out ways that you could fulfill that for sure yeah
22:00 - 22:30 first off you're an idea machine so let's just rattle off a few more of these I think it's really helpful just theistic of I think you've said just fine wealthy people or fine business owners like how can you walk through a few examples of where you can maybe find those people you can find literally the ZIP codes of the wealthiest people in like every area in the United States right so like number one you already know where they live so if you're like trying to start like even a service business like say you're like power Wasing or something like go to those
22:30 - 23:00 neighborhoods if you can get into them right and like sell those types of people really fascinating the data like whatever economic level that you're in you only interact with that economic level it's like very rare that you engage outside of that because you're uninteresting at all those other levels like you're under interesting to the higher level you're under interesting to the lower level like you just like have different problems and and different kind of aspects but I would go and look for the companies that like rich people go to right like estheticians or like cross gyms or you know any of these
23:00 - 23:30 things that are like service businesses that like have a high ticket price on a monthly basis that are there as a barrier to entry right and all you know they're servicing those types of people they typically have money that they can spend and it's it's one of the best ways that you can go and about creating a company servicing those types of businesses so like go to CrossFit gy and be like yo like we handle all of your digital right like we do lead gen you know we're going to run Google ads we'll do Facebook ads we'll grow your Instagram account we'll handle all of your scheduling and then we'll also do like you know eBook download and do an email nurture and send out an email on a
23:30 - 24:00 weekly basis talking to you the founder of the CrossFit gym about like whatever it is that you're thinking about or what's working in in your space and I mean ran a small little agency doing this exact same thing right like literally just for CrossFit Gyms same playbooks like we using the exact same like strategies and tactics just applied in these different locations and all of that information like I I literally just youtubed how to do all that and like there's great channels out there like if you're trying to figure out how do I run like PPC ads or Google ads for a any
24:00 - 24:30 type of service business there's this it's called like Surfside PPC just this dude has been doing it for like 15 years and like I don't even know I think he has like 200,000 subs or something like that but every variation of what you're trying to Target he's probably done it at some point and then from a data analytics standpoint like also other great channels that all this can be learned from like one's called loves data the other one's called uh analytics Mania um and basically they just like teach you how to actually do reporting and then like share that information back to your client and I think that's
24:30 - 25:00 the thing that most people mess up on when they're initially starting these agencies is like how do I create a Northstar metric and get Buy in from the client so that we're both on the same page of this is our measurement of success everything else is superflous and then just constantly you know basically report on that information earlier we were talking about like just different potential clients or opportunities and we're were talking about Farmers a little bit what um do you think there's an opportunity having Farmers be your client totally like anybody that has a ton of capital and the challenge with those types of
25:00 - 25:30 Industries is that it's like good old boy handshake style stuff right so it's a lot of who you know you know you have to be dancing with Wolves you become a part of that culture right so a lot of the times it's very hard to break into that's the only thing I would say and I've seen people make these mistakes in the past where it's like I've haven't even done it as well there was this moment where I was we built this like Funeral Home software right just a vertical sass we're going to go sell it and I was like I'm you know this is going to be kick dude way harder than I thought just hard to sell it's just an industry I didn't understand deeply and it was it' probably be the last time
25:30 - 26:00 that I ever do that unless I partner or like buy a portion of a company that has some type of deep domain knowledge so if you have some domain knowledge in that way different but if you can't speak that language the hurdles that you're going to have to go through is just going to be hard to cultivate trust and build that one of my favorite sayings is start where you are use what you have so say for somebody who maybe has a relationship with farmer or maybe has you know we talked about the CrossFit example just for the context like how would you apprach Ro adding value to a farmer if you had that relationship
26:00 - 26:30 service businesses are the best way to understand people's problems so if you can come in and you can do something for them and then you're going to really quickly realize like oh this is another massive problem that I had no idea existed but until I got in relationship and started talking to them about their company about their business also it's like you can immediately sell that person that thing like looking back I was in that in that CrossFit space at one point I was early but I was dumb like I didn't realize like what I was doing really right like now I'm like oh my God but it's just the Market's changed right like the wave has passed
26:30 - 27:00 and like there's new ones that are coming in so I'm looking for that those next sets but there's probably an opportunity I remember I had this conversation with this guy and he was like I hate my website like management company it was like watify or one of these you know the custom builds and he named all these problems and I was like I can build that like this is just a simple like website building software right like here's this whole like category that you can go into again there's opportunities probably gone but in that moment like you had an Insight you had like specific details of the
27:00 - 27:30 things that they hated and really that is the best products when somebody's like I hate doing this I mean again that is money like if you hear that and they have Capital you are green lit go like as fast as you can and so I think it's the same thing with the farming side like it's going in it's seeing their problems if you can figure out how to service them in some way like whatever that ends up being I mean it could even just be like accounting or something you know something like that providing some type of value to them will open up these doors into all these other things that you can do you talking about some of the other do you think there's anything
27:30 - 28:00 there with that magazine company yeah we we go there have like um meeting your customer where you are maybe that's the segue yeah so ultimately figuring out who's the customer and where do they spend time 100% I get asked this question constantly where should I Market should it be Facebook should it be Google ad should be LinkedIn like where is your customer like that is the first question I ask any founder that I ever talk to and if they answer I don't know then it's like cool like figure that out once you have that figured out be in front of them every day every every week every month indefinitely
28:00 - 28:30 until the company dies like you want to build a brand that is the only way that I've ever seen people do it is you have to show up where they are on a consistent basis like we saw for this trailer company like all these farmers were out and they were out of selfservice right so like it was just very hard to get in front of them so we already doing research for the client realized that oh this gas station is where they hung out let's just like can we make like just like a you know a little Simple magazine that we can just put like at this place place and like see if they can take it and then the
28:30 - 29:00 angle that we ended up finding that works was oh what if we go interview the people that are showing up there right so if you profile an individual and then they're like oh I know Cheryl like Cheryl's awesome right and then the whole Community gets excited about magazine was just like little stories about the industry like in that local area but then they saw that oh Jim's in this like why am I not in this but it creates that conversation and then you have ads within that right it was just like a super simple Playbook and you got to be agnostic to the platform to the channel it's just wherever they are again just meet them where they are it's super simple what are some of like the
29:00 - 29:30 either software tools or some of these other examples that people don't necessarily realize even if they're like you know have an online business yeah yeah I think I've heard you talk about like super metrics or like what what are some of your favorite tools that most people don't know oh I live by super metric I have this grandfathered an account please for the love of God don't take it away from me super metric is a data pipeline tool it basically allows you to uh transfer data from like all these different sources into a single dashboard so that you can do like business intelligence analytics so to
29:30 - 30:00 make that more concrete I can take Facebook data Google ads data my search console data my LinkedIn ads data if you're doing like email marketing or using lob to send direct mail you can pipe all of that into a single dashboard now called looker Studio it used to be called Google data Studio it's a free tool that anybody can plug into and what that then allows for you to do is you can see all of this data in a single place that's coming from all these different channels which traditionally is siloed right like they comes hard to do reporting and there's a bunch of other tools that do this I just simp use
30:00 - 30:30 this because that's what I know you're trying to just understand like what is the heartbeat of your company and these allows you to do that the pipes are so important also if you can translate that if you can take that data and tell the story with it to somebody you have just become god tier in whatever industry whatever business you're in because that is so hard how does the data tell that story and if you can figure out how to learn that and all this is learnable right like you can all those YouTube channels I just talked about all they're doing is just like we have raw data and we're turning it into information and then we're going to tell a story about
30:30 - 31:00 what that information means if you can do that you are going to become the most valuable person within your company you're also going to become incredibly valuable to other companies and you're probably going to just evolve into a Founder because it's just naturally where this goes you mentioned a lot of these tools like it's almost as if these tools give you superpowers you mentioned super metrics what are some of the other ones that are like core part of your stack of how you find keywords how you find demand how you do other things yeah yeah so keywords everywhere is a great tool for anybody that's just like entry level SEO um it's a Chrome extension I
31:00 - 31:30 would love to clone it just cuz I use it so much but uh it's super approachable on the price point I think you can pay like 18 bucks and get 100,000 credits for a normal person that'll last you probably 10 months for me it's like 30 days but and then another cool sem rush or sem rush I use them largely for they have this specific feature called keyword magic basically it finds all the longtail keywords within whatever you provide it so say you're doing something you know like dresses right it'll go fine like every variation like black cocktail dress like emerald green you know so that's you
31:30 - 32:00 know daily part of my stack just like everybody using figma constantly using uh web flow constantly all of these AI tools are just like a a beginning point to get it 80% of the way there and then how do I like come over the top of that and improve that piece of it you know whatever it initially provides there isn't a good graphic designer yet the only one I've seen that I'm like pretty excited about is called basically you can like give it tiger SVG and it goes and like generates that right but it's like pixel per it's pretty on point those are the kind of
32:00 - 32:30 the tools that I I'm using constantly and like starting to experiment with more but yeah so you have your hands on a lot of things right now or is there anything if you're like man if I just had more hours in the day like that you you'd be itching to do I'm obsessed with this unstructured data the structure data thing all this information is locked up in like video and in audio that that never used to be really accessible because it was just very expensive to pull out really the transcripts is really what it came down to an example is horse betting so my brother is like a degenerate
32:30 - 33:00 Gambler he's G I love him basically to find uh like Arbitrage within that you have to understand all the kind of information about the course and the horse and all this other stuff that's going on all that's just locked up in like streams that have happened previously but if you can go and unlock that like you suddenly have an angle and like you can play that margin game when you look at all of these companies that are providing like business intelligence data this is really a lot of what they're doing they're just like aggregating all these sources organizing it and then they sell you some report for like 300 Grand AI is unbelievable at
33:00 - 33:30 taking unstructured things and then structuring those and so this is like again a larger idea not so much of a concrete one but if you can find any of those types of industries that were like all this almost like a mess of information and then how do I organize that how do I turn that into structured data that I can use and then analyze that's where the billion- dollar companies are in my opinion over the next 10 years right and then maybe just quick rapid fire a few lwh hanging fruits I think you've talked about QuickBook apps yeah like they like any other like things like that where
33:30 - 34:00 there's just like high probability of success I think that any large product that has an app store like massive opportunity still to this day WordPress plugins are still a massive one right like just the other day I saw like uh the search volume or like WordPress banner and there's like exact match domains that you could go by and an exact match domain what that means is like there's a keyword that somebody's searching like a keyword phrase and you can go find that exact domain to purchase like the do and then if you throw like 10 back Links at it you can get those things to rank for that Target
34:00 - 34:30 keyword that's like pretty competitive but because it's that exact match and so like I buy a bunch of exact match we get each of those to rank for the whatever that Target keyword phrase is it'd be hard to get a single site to rank for it for like the cost but then I can point those all back to a single like tool product and like just a tactical way to like you know kind of get that initial inbound you pixel everybody across all those so they enter with Google search you get that free first traffic pixel them on Facebook and on Google and then you remarket to them like constantly about whatever that product is the Quick Way apps one is just a classic it's like people just want Integrations right like
34:30 - 35:00 email marketing is probably another huge one like looking at like omnisend or like any of these these types of companies people are just trying to like pipe data from a super metrics is this is all they're doing right it's moving data from here to there I think that these are some of the best companies to own just because it's like a very specific thing that is business critical that it's trying to solve and when you don't have that anymore it suddenly becomes very apparent to the company very quickly right probably a big one actually is the Zoom app store again obsessed with these types of spaces where it's like huge user bases no
35:00 - 35:30 applications like you could just go look like zoom apps for XYZ okay last thing do you have any contrarian views or high convictions of of things that you believe I think that distribution is more important than product and if you tell anybody that especially if they come from the valley or traditional companies they're like no product is King and rules dude worst product wins all the time like constantly like net s is the perfect example massive company
35:30 - 36:00 makes tons of money terrible product unbelievably terrible to use and for people that know it's like basically just like it's almost like a CRM or email sending I I don't even know I don't even know what category you put it in I think that so often you have great products that never get into orbit CU they just have terrible distribution but companies that have good distribution but okay product they can survive they can live and so I think that it's more important it's more valuable Cody Schneider the master of distribution where can people check you out any any final message that you want to give the viewer who had loves these ideas and
36:00 - 36:30 wants to apply them for their own business yeah yeah yeah so active on uh Twitter and Linkedin those are probably the two places uh on the social side and my YouTube as well if you Google my name I should come up if I don't I'm really bad at my job the final thing that I'll say is like just start the thing literally today like right now like whatever that thing is and it can be small like it's like literally just like go learn something on YouTube and then whatever you just learned teach it and record that like in a loom video that's
36:30 - 37:00 a business and if you do that for 180 days like you will get enough subscribers you will get enough views that you will make Revenue off of that YouTube channel and you make your first thought online and that's just a gateway drug like that is actually the gateway drug to all of this is like that first time that you get paid from some random stranger random thing on the internet like it's you're done it's game over so start the thing right now thanks dude thanks for having me check them out