Shining Your Sink and Building Habits

FlyLady 101 Day 1

Estimated read time: 1:20

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      • Begin by shining your sink as a metaphor for starting a new habit. โœจ
      • Set up automatic routines and minimize chaos with the 'Autopilot' method. ๐Ÿš€
      • Start simple with one load of laundry a day and work routine into habit. ๐Ÿงบ
      • Use calendars and stickers for planning and motivation. ๐Ÿ“…
      • Emphasize self-care and prevent burnout by taking baby steps. ๐Ÿ›€
      • Transform chores into opportunities by cherishing small achievements. ๐ŸŒŸ

      Key Takeaways

      • Establish easy-to-follow daily and monthly routines for a harmonious home life. ๐Ÿ 
      • Start simple: a shiny sink represents order and accomplishment. โœจ
      • Treat yourself with kindness and avoid burnout by taking baby steps. ๐Ÿ‘ฃ
      • Routines can put your household on 'autopilot', creating peace and efficiency. ๐Ÿš€
      • Use daily habits like laundry and decluttering to reduce chaos. ๐Ÿงบ
      • Reinforce habits with fun tools like stickers and gold stars! โญ
      • Don't rush, and allow time for self-care and relaxation. ๐Ÿ›€


      The first day of FlyLady 101 invites us to jump back on the 'bandwagon' of cleaning with excitement and anticipation. The FlyLady emphasizes that creating a happy and organized home starts with the small yet powerful gesture of shining your kitchen sink. This method isn't just about cleanlinessโ€”it's the foundation for developing habits that create lasting peace and order in your home.

        Every month in the FlyLady program focuses on cultivating a different habit. For August, it's about managing laundry with ease. Instead of letting laundry pile up, the FlyLady suggests doing one load a day, folding it, and putting it away as a means of establishing peace in one's environment. This simple routine is symbolic of a larger philosophy that aims to incrementally transform your space.

          Beyond organizing, FlyLady 101 is infused with messages about self-love and patience. FlyLady insists that we can't expect a tidy home overnight but encourages a gentle, forgiving approach to building routines. It's about understanding that perfectionism is the enemy and embracing progress no matter how small. This approach fosters a peaceful and efficient household routine.

            FlyLady 101 Day 1 Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 a big day at fly lady come on in have a seat we're going to get started in just a minute or two but we're ready are you ready are you ready it's the first day of a month the month is August and we are getting back to basics jumping back on the bandwagon whatever you want to call it we're going to do it we're going to do it because we're tired of living in
            • 00:30 - 01:00 chaos can't have anyone over syndrome we are tired of it and we want to jump back in with what we know works and it's going to be a lot of fun y'all it's going to be a lot of fun so come on in we're getting some people in here and we're just gonna gonna start we're just going to jump in if you need to drag it back to the beginning then so be it but we are going to get this done
            • 01:00 - 01:30 so welcome everybody uh first I'm going to go I'm I'm we're going to pretend that you're brand new to fly lady and some of you may be but we're going to pretend that for for the sake of this show and you don't know where to start you don't know what to do um you think who is this woman and why is she talking to me this way but we we are going to
            • 01:30 - 02:00 get started and uh it's going to be a lot of fun it's going to be a lot of fun here it is the first day of August and you can do this anytime you can jump back on the bandwagon anytime you want to you don't have to wait till the first of the month or whenever you can jump back on and let's do it so here's how it all works I started with shineing my
            • 02:00 - 02:30 sink that that was the beginning of fly lady because I tried to figure out why I couldn't keep house I sat down one day and just well I didn't sit down I was standing at my kitchen counter and I had my card file system and I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work for a very long period of time and and now it's been working almost 25 years y'all almost 25 years and and then once I got
            • 02:30 - 03:00 it down I started teaching others and that's kind of how I became fly lady but that's a whole another story that I'll probably tell you this afternoon so here's how it works we establish habits well my first habit was keeping my sink clean and shiny but I also know how we act we get upset with ourselves we beat ourselves up we treat ourselves with disrespect and at the same time I was a establishing the habit of keeping my
            • 03:00 - 03:30 sink clean and shiny and we got a shiny sink video um it's it's about two minutes long I'll share it a little later today when I put all of this together and the main thing here is we don't beat ourselves up we're not mean to ourselves we learn to love ourselves that's what flying's all about but you wouldn't come to find me on
            • 03:30 - 04:00 YouTube or Twitter or Tik Tok or wherever you're finding me you wouldn't come if I said we're going to teach you how to love yourself because you're going to think that's narcissistic and and we're not doing that but that's not what it's all about it's about lifting yourself up and taking care of you because most of what's going on in your house is you've crashed and burned over and over and over again and we're going
            • 04:00 - 04:30 to stop that right now right today we're going to put it to an end because we're going to take baby steps we're going to take baby steps to establish simple habits and string them into routines and then those routines become habits that put your put your homeown autopilot and that autopilot is just an amazing road to
            • 04:30 - 05:00 peace in your home you can do this you really can do this so with it being the first day of August our habit for this month and this habit is because people are starting school they got to have clean clothes for their kids they've got you got to have clean clothes for yourself and it's so much easier to do your routines
            • 05:00 - 05:30 when you have clean clothes in your drawers hanging in your closet for me I have um a a tub I have drawers in my bathroom that keep my clothes file just like um just like hanging file folders practically so here we go our our habit for this month is doing a load of laundry every day now if you've got a family of 10 you may need to do three loads of laundry every day but guess
            • 05:30 - 06:00 what it works it works whether you're doing one load or three loads I did one lo I did one load last night and folded it the secret is folding it and putting it away you know laundry has five parts this is what we're practicing this month give yourself a gold star on your calendar and guess what this is a key to love loving yourself because you're going to give
            • 06:00 - 06:30 yourself gold stars on your calendar it is big enough let me show it to you we teach you how to use a calendar we give you tips to use a calendar but this thing is big enough it's got room for gold stars it's got room to put your um menu plan on here it's got room to tell you which zone you're in you just got to mark it and if you get our stickers to go with it there's Zone
            • 06:30 - 07:00 stickers so folks we can do this we can practice this habit of doing a load of laundry a day and by the end of the month you're going to be looking for things to put in the washing machine I promise you your every every Stitch of clothing you own is going to be clean you'll have the drawers cleaned out you will have room to put your clothes away because you're going to make it easier on yourself to do
            • 07:00 - 07:30 laundry now with establishing these habits now we have a different habit each month and I know here we are in the the eighth month of of this year and we've already been through seven habits uh the first habit was keeping your sink clean and shiny the second habit was decluttering every day the third month was getting dressed to lace up shoes we're it's a focus it's it is a
            • 07:30 - 08:00 concentration on that habit for the whole month and we give you about you know psychologists tell us it takes 21 days to establish a new habit well no it doesn't it takes a month we need Little Grace in our lives we need to love ourselves through missing a day instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water so here we go um March is getting dressed to lace up shoes every day April is making your
            • 08:00 - 08:30 bed May is moving your body you know getting some steps in 15 minutes that's all we ask June is drinking your water because most of us are dehydrated July is swishing s August is doing your laundry a load of laundry every day not every not everything but when the basket gets full put it put it in the the water wash machine
            • 08:30 - 09:00 there's five steps to laundry sort and I sort when I take my clothes off Robert does too sort wash the machine does that the machine does that dry the machine does that unless you hang it up and it's something that doesn't need to be dried but I dry everything on low heat I don't dry on high heat because it sets wrinkles like you're ironing it and I don't do that I just dry on low heat and
            • 09:00 - 09:30 then dry fold or hang up and the fifth thing is put it away put it away so that's our habit for this month we practice routines we practice the most important routine which is in September we practice your before bed routine October we deal with paper clutter we're so afraid somebody's going
            • 09:30 - 10:00 to steal our identity it's no longer paper that causes your identity to get stolen it's computer trash people get into your computer and steal your passwords and get that's that's how it happens nowadays so we got to get rid of this paper clutter that's October November is menu Planet no one whats for dinner is going to make you feel so so peaceful we're going to have spaghetti for
            • 10:00 - 10:30 dinner just uh Robert and I discussed it this morning I said How's spaghetti sound for dinner and he said you know that sounds pretty good so he's going to grab me a fresh bell pepper at the grocery store because he's gone grocery shopping and he's taking off our trash we do that every Tuesday and some Recycling and we know what's for dinner it's a calmness that comes over us that gets us prepared for we don't have to wait until 5 o'l to
            • 10:30 - 11:00 start cooking we can start right now especially with our appliances crockpots bread machines that sort of thing and then December's habit of the month is pampering yourself now what does pampering yourself have to do with getting your house in order well if you don't take care of you who will you hear me if you do not take care of you who
            • 11:00 - 11:30 will I'm telling you it's time for us to love ourselves now our routine let's talk about our routines the before bed routine what do we do on that it's real simple you pick out your clothes for tomorrow you look at your calendar do you have your calendar yet this one started today you get this calendar you can start using it
            • 11:30 - 12:00 immediately pick look at tomorrow see what's on the counter for tomorrow do you have a doctor's appointment do you need to fast in the morning before your doctor's appointment do the kids have have to go to to the doctor to get physicals to start school or to do Sports look at your calendar see what's going on and then the last last thing you do before bed is make sure your sink
            • 12:00 - 12:30 is clean and shiny yeah make sure your sink is clean and shiny and pick out your clothes clean off a hot spot or two in your home get your launch pad started so that you won't forget anything in the morning and you're on your way morning routine get up 15 minutes before the flow of the family this is this is going to give you a
            • 12:30 - 13:00 freedom like you've never known 15 minutes before the flow of the family so you get up you get dressed to lace up shoes you don't drag around getting your coffee made when you leave your bedroom or your bathroom you're fully dressed then you can go and and you might need to practice setting your
            • 13:00 - 13:30 coffee up the night before so all you got to do is flip it on and if it's got a feature that let you um automatically make the coffee in the morning practice using it it'll make your life easier it really we've got we've got appliances that will help us if we will do it you know thinking about what's for for dinner the night before helps you get things out of the freezer so that you
            • 13:30 - 14:00 can cook them and uh it's just keeping it keeping it keeping it simple so we don't crash and burn that's the key because our perfectionism has thwarted us many times we give up before we ever get started so your afternoon routine soon as you come in from work or as soon as that afternoon gets gets change your
            • 14:00 - 14:30 clothes if you've got dress clothes you have to wear to work then put them put them away not everything is dirty that has to go in the dirty clothes so hang things up don't put them on the clothes horse that's in your bedroom whether it's a chair or a treadmill or whatever don't do that don't do that put it where it actually goes
            • 14:30 - 15:00 your be that before bed routine is going to get you ready the next morning you're going to get up and get dressed to lace up shoes and I know if you can't wear lace up shoes those dress shoes you have to wear to work are sitting on your Launchpad in a in a tote bag ready to go but you got your tennis shoes on until you get to work and then that way if you need to run to catch a bus or whatever you can do it you can't do it in high heel shoes you can't do it in flipflops
            • 15:00 - 15:30 you can't do it in pumps but you can do it in lace up shoes so lace up shoes tell our head it's time to get something done and if you're going to be home all day I want you getting dressed to lace up shoes not dragging around till 3 o'clock in the afternoon just before the you go get the kids and you don't want to be taking the kids to school in your robe and house slippers do you hear me this is when you're going to have an accident because you're in a hurry so
            • 15:30 - 16:00 stop it stop it stop it get dressed to lace up shoes first thing in the morning and then as part of your before bed routine you've you've put things on the launch pad that are ready to go but you may need a checklist right at your launch pad get the lunches out of the refrigerator or make your lunches but if you make them the night before and put them in the refrigerator all you got to do is grab and go grab and go put them on the Launchpad first thing when you
            • 16:00 - 16:30 get into the kitchen in the morning and then set a time for you to leave the house if you have to take the kids to school and it takes you 10 minutes to get there and they have to be at school at 8:00 leave at 7:30 I know you don't believe me but you won't be rushed you will not be rushed most accidents happen when you're in a hurry I don't
            • 16:30 - 17:00 want you to be in a hurry I don't want that adrenaline pumping through your veins you've been living off adrenaline your whole life it's time to nip it in the bud quit tanking that intravenous feeding of adrenaline and just take it slow and steady slow and steady will get you there but decide what time you're going to leave set an alarm on your phone for you to leave at 7:30 if You'
            • 17:00 - 17:30 got to have the kids at school by 8:00 then you can take your time you don't have to be in a hurry and you're going to get the kids to school 15 minutes early instead of five minutes late can you imagine that feeling these kids are going to have time to go to their lockers and do what they need to do and not be rushed because mama's been uh dragging around we've been hunting for socks and clean jeans and it's all
            • 17:30 - 18:00 done and you can have a peaceful morning with no mama yelling so then you get back home if you're going You're a stay-at-home mom or you got to go on to work you got everything you need so your afternoon routine is start cooking start putting a meal on the table for your family family do what you need to do to make
            • 18:00 - 18:30 yourself feel good about being a good mommy you can do this and if you're alone and you're you don't have children at home you deserve to have a decent meal you deserve to be fed well you can do this y'all you can do this then you don't have to wait until bedtime to start your before bed routine
            • 18:30 - 19:00 your before bed routine starts right after dinner get your bath get get you know get the dirty laundry in the wash machine that'll that'll get a load of laundry started before you get up in the morning it's really simple now where does decluttering fall into our system we need to de clutter every day our houses are filled every
            • 19:00 - 19:30 every nook and cranny in our house every closet and drawer every rubber made bin is piled to the piled high this room used to be piled to the ceiling and I did a five minute room rescue and got rid of the things in this room you cannot organize clutter and one other thing I want you to remember is your house did not get
            • 19:30 - 20:00 dirty in a day it didn't get built in a day it didn't get dirty in a day the Clutter didn't pile up in one day unless you brought everything from your mama's house into your house because you couldn't get rid of anything and it's not going to get clean overnight this is a baby step process it's a baby step process to get this done it's a baby step process and keep
            • 20:00 - 20:30 reminding yourself you don't have to be perfect it's about progress not perfectionism perfectionism stops you in your tracks progress means I did a little more than I did yesterday we can do this so what's what's the first thing I want you to do for fly lady oneon-one I want you to go shine your sink and if it's if it's been shiny for many years
            • 20:30 - 21:00 then just go wipe it dry maybe put a spritz of Windex on it and and just sit back and enjoy it you don't have to empty your dishwasher you just have to shine that sink even if you just put the dishes on the floor shine that sink and practice keeping that sink clean and shiny going to bed with the shine sink now don't get up in the morning and get
            • 21:00 - 21:30 mad at the kids because they put some dishes in the sink that's happened a whole lot be thankful that your kids found the sink because it's real easy for you to put those dishes in the dishwasher and then maybe next week you can show you can start emptying your dishwasher so they have a place to put those dirty dishes even if you have to rearrange them they don't put them in there quite right but they got them to the kitchen
            • 21:30 - 22:00 which is better than playing scavenger hunting their bedroom for Forks cuz you only have one left in the drawer y'all know who I'm talking about this is this happens a lot some people go through their trash before they empty their trash can because there's Forks missing so folks this is going to be fun I'm going to give you these marching orders and if you just joining I'm probably going to go over things every day and it's going to be redundant but guess
            • 22:00 - 22:30 what repetition is good for the soul repetition is it it it helps us to understand how the system works so I got me a little outline right here and I'm going to I'm going to be harping on not harping reinforcing this every single day because this is what we do this is what we do
            • 22:30 - 23:00 because developing these rout developing these habits and stringing them into simple routines becomes a habit to do these routines morning afternoon and evening so what are some of the things you can do every day to make your life easier what's for dinner yeah pull it make it be part of your
            • 23:00 - 23:30 before bed routine what's for dinner tomorrow write it on your calendar so somebody else sees it having having that menu plan is is going to be wonderful takes you two minutes to sit down and and come up with the rest of this week and next week we'll we'll work on that more but right now I just want you for today to go shine your sink if you're not dressed to lace up shoes right this minute go do
            • 23:30 - 24:00 that fix your hair fix your face even if you just put moisturizer on and a little bit of lip gloss my lip gloss is popping except I got lipstick this way you don't scare yourself when you're walk in the bathroom and you look like your mama yeah that's what I see every time I walk in the bathroom we can do this I'm here to cheer you on
            • 24:00 - 24:30 Patty and Justin are here to cheer you on we are here to love you till you can love yourself this is going to work you're going to be so excited to have a home that blesses you when you walk in the door you really can do this if I did it anybody can I used to beat myself up all
            • 24:30 - 25:00 the time cuz I did I couldn't keep pass it when it was because I never established a habit I never established a single habit so get dressed to lace up shoes and our habit for this month is doing a load of laundry every day a load of laundry every single day if you don't have a place to put the laundry away then take five minutes and
            • 25:00 - 25:30 empty out one drawer every hour one drawer for each member of your family get rid of the clothes that don't fit them anymore and empty out this drawer so you have a place to put their clothes so that they can pick out their outfits tonight and when this evening rolls around right after you've cook that dinner you've planned you can start that most important routine of the day establishing your Launchpad what where
            • 25:30 - 26:00 you put things that you're going to need for tomorrow maybe it's the first day of school who knows whatever it is put it on the launch pad so you don't have to think about you think about it when you're calm not when you're rushing around in the morning so go shine your sink we'll talk about the little things we do getting ready in the morning that become part of your morning routine like
            • 26:00 - 26:30 Swish and Swip you can be a part of something bigger than you are so jump in with us I think my son just drove up he's going to take my car to town to sit in a Sunbeam all day disinfectant with sunlight anyway thanks for all a wonderful comments yesterday it was
            • 26:30 - 27:00 um tough day but I did it I love you all I'll see you at 3 o'clock this afternoon if you're new here we have a a tea time Edition at 3 o'clock Eastern time so get in here and we're GNA have fun with fly lady 101 it's going to keep me focused it's going to help you so declutter something today day too just pick five things five
            • 27:00 - 27:30 things that are in your entrance that you just need to get rid of I love you all I'll see you later and let me pray over you right quick dear father in Heaven please be with all my fly babies who are jumping back on the bandwagon to get their homes and lives in order so they can Vanquish out the chaos that has come into their home lift them up keep them from evil in Jesus name we pray
            • 27:30 - 28:00 amen and amen I'll catch you later bye please like subscribe and share everything