FlyLady's Routine Raves

FlyLady 101 Day 2

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    On Day 2 of FlyLady 101, TheFLYLADY dives into routines that transform chaos into calm by establishing habits like daily decluttering and laundry. With a focus on Zone 1—your front porch, dining room, and entrance—this episode emphasizes the power of getting dressed to lace-up shoes to kickstart productivity and eliminate "can't have anyone over" syndrome. The talk is full of practical advice and a fun soundtrack to help keep viewers motivated on their FlyLady journey.


      • FlyLady emphasizes the importance of developing routines through small, consistent habits. ✨
      • Day 2 focuses on getting dressed in lace-up shoes to empower your day. 👟
      • Decluttering is a key habit, which starts with your Zone 1 areas like the front porch. 🧹
      • Choosing clothes the night before can eliminate morning chaos. 👕
      • Shoes aren't just for looks—they enhance your confidence and readiness to tackle the day. 👠

      Key Takeaways

      • Establishing daily habits is key to maintaining a clean home. 🏠
      • Decluttering should be a daily mission, starting with Zone 1. 🚪
      • Getting dressed to lace-up shoes boosts productivity and confidence. 👟
      • Picking out clothes the night before eases your morning routine. 🌙
      • Setting a 'launch pad' by the door organizes your daily essentials. 🚀


      TheFLYLADY's Day 2 session is all about establishing the power of routines through consistent habits. She guides you to declutter daily, specifically targeting Zone 1 areas such as your front porch, dining room, and entryway. The approach is a series of baby steps aimed at making a house guest-ready gradually, rather than overnight.

        Another key highlight from the session is getting dressed to lace-up shoes. According to FlyLady, this seemingly simple habit packs a punch in terms of boosting your morale and organization. She emphasizes picking out your clothes the night before to remove one stressful decision from your morning routine. This small but impactful step can enhance both personal and family preparedness.

          FlyLady also talks about setting up a 'launch pad'—a space near your main exit where you prepare everything you'll need for the day ahead. The thoughtful preparation extends to not wearing flip-flops, pushing the idea that real shoes afford more safety and stability as you tackle your daily tasks. With musical notes and prayers, she ensures your motivation stays high throughout your journey.

            FlyLady 101 Day 2 Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 they do of fly lady one-on-one and today we're going to be talking about some wonderful stuff and until everybody gets in here um here's what we're going to be discussing how fly lady works I told you we were going to go over this and over this and over this so so it's going to get ingrained in you it's going to be part of your operating system but we establish habits and we string those habits into routines and then
            • 00:30 - 01:00 those routines become habits and that your morning afternoon and evening routines we're going to be decluttering every day and we're going to do a mission and this week we are in zone one Zone one is our our front porch our dining room and the entrance of our home yeah it's just that simple and we're going to have a mission in there uh that comes out in the flight plan you
            • 01:00 - 01:30 got it last night at 5 30 so get signed up for our emails we've put together a playlist for fly lady 101 and this video will be going up on that playlist decluttering every day is important to all of us because our house didn't get dirty in a day and it's not going to get clean overnight it's just not going to happen but with baby steps we can get there so please throw don't throw the
            • 01:30 - 02:00 baby out with a bath water don't crash and burn because we are going to create something in our home that is going to eliminate the chaos and Chaos stands for can't have anyone over syndrome our habit for this month is doing a load of laundry every day we're going to reinforce that as part of our fly lady one-on-one we're going to
            • 02:00 - 02:30 doing a load of laundry every single day so let's get started so here's what we're going to talk about today getting dressed to lace up shoes I know you you want to hang out in your downtown that's what my granny called it your gown tail every you want to hang out in your in your jammies for as long as you possibly can
            • 02:30 - 03:00 but that's not how it works around here it doesn't get you getting things done you know when you're in your bathrobe and please don't take your children to school in your bathrobe or your or your sleep sleep pants and shirt don't do that don't do that you'll embarrass them so get up and get dressed to lace up shoes 15 minutes before the flow of the family and you will feel so
            • 03:00 - 03:30 good about yourself now how do you do this it's better it's not as hard as it seems because this month's habit is going to help you get dressed to lace up shoes are you listening to me I need a t-shirt that says do you hear me do you hear me so open up those ears right now right we got laundry everywhere we got clothes and drawers that don't fit kids
            • 03:30 - 04:00 anymore we've just got so much stuff and decluttering a little every day but we got to stay focused on what we got to do we got to get up and get dressed every morning we don't need to wait we just need to do it and to do to get dressed every morning without stumbling around trying to figure out what you're going to wear what we do is we pick out our clothes
            • 04:00 - 04:30 the night before yeah you heard me we pick out the clothes the night before now why do we do that because it's one less thing to think about a lot of us can't even think straight until we have our first cup of coffee but hey if our clothes are picked out we we can put them on and this goes for your children too have them
            • 04:30 - 05:00 have them pick out their clothes I know for the first day of school a lot of kids pick out their clothes and have them all laid out ready to go because they're excited now when they get older they won't be excited so enjoy it while you can enjoy it while you can and if you're just jumping in here drag the show back to the beginning and start it over so you don't miss anything I'm trying to keep this within 30 minutes so that you can feel like you
            • 05:00 - 05:30 can watch it now picking out your clothes the night before is so easy when you've done the laundry so I've got a tip for you today gather up an outfit out of the dirty clothes for each kid and you and your family and put in the washing machine put in the washing machine do that load of laundry today then fold everything up nicely or put it on a hanger and put it
            • 05:30 - 06:00 in their room where they can find it for tomorrow your clothes are already picked out ready to go ready to go it's one less thing you got to do this evening because you've done the load of laundry and everybody has their clothes ready for tomorrow now if you've got picky kids you're gonna have to deal with that but right now they just need some clothes to wear to school tomorrow and you need something to put on when I get ready to take my bath in the evening that's when I pick out my
            • 06:00 - 06:30 clothes and I I have a hook on my bathroom door I hang them up there or I lay them over my over my basket that I have that I keep all my clothes in so you see picking out your clothes is not hard we just have to do it and that's part of our before bed routine because when they're picked out you don't have to think in the morning and a lot of us can't think in the
            • 06:30 - 07:00 morning so pick your clothes out the night before everything from hair bows for little kids to um shoes and socks you have no excuses now I have set up a playlist on the YouTube channel that is for fly lady 101 I put some odds and Anne's little things shiny sync videos that was yesterday's habit
            • 07:00 - 07:30 um I got it in there for you we're gonna do this y'all and it's gonna be so much fun but if you're going to drag around in your gown tail and your your house slippers and um your robe you're not gonna get anything done so getting dressed to lace up shoes those shoes tell your head it's time to
            • 07:30 - 08:00 do something yeah those shoes Empower you like nothing else we have um in our sink Reflections book there's a testimonial in there about a lady who was pregnant and she went to her birthing class and there was a bunch of other uh new moms our moms getting ready to give birth in this class and they went around the room saying what empowered them and this
            • 08:00 - 08:30 came to this one lady and she said my shoes Empower me and that testimonial went in my first book my shoes Empower me now there are lots of ways to pick out your clothes lots of ways some people have a tomorrow drawer and they put together the outfits in the drawer this is great for children a closet organizer that has um the days of the week on it or you can
            • 08:30 - 09:00 label it a sweater organizer that you can put whole outfits together in a cubby they're all together and then they can just pick one of them you can do the same thing decide on what your uniform is I like black pants a lot of times a black tank top that I can put a shirt over it's my uniform it works it works for me today I have on shoes
            • 09:00 - 09:30 that I can't take off without bending over they are not lace-up shoes they are velcro sandals that keep my feet cool in the summertime not that we ever get real hot around here but it still works having something you just can't kick off is is it is just that's the secret to tying them to your feet because we are we're so used to being Barefoot those shoes on your feet will
            • 09:30 - 10:00 keep your feet nice and soft and wonderful I went for several Summers just wearing Burks I mean and my feet my heels were cracked uh it it hurt terribly and Justin went through this a couple of weeks ago they were on vacation and he went barefoot
            • 10:00 - 10:30 for a week and he said Mom my feet really hurt and I said yeah that's because you're not wearing your lace-up shoes and socks it's it was hard to do when you're around water but hey putting those shoes on you if when you get in the habit of putting those shoes on you're gonna feel like you can't do anything without those shoes off you have no excuses to when it it's time
            • 10:30 - 11:00 to meet the trash truck and you haven't gathered up the trash but when you've got your shoes on you can grab that trash bag and tie it up as you're running out to meet the trash truck those shoes on your feet Empower you to get things done being dressed to lace-up shoes many years ago when we first built our website we had an image of a lady
            • 11:00 - 11:30 on the website we named her Franny and she had sponge rollers in her hair and sweatpants one leg hyped up higher than the other house Slip fuzzy house slippers and and she was just a wreck she was a wreck and the doorbell rang it was a little cartoon I don't know that I still have that cartoon but it
            • 11:30 - 12:00 was a little cartoon and she hid behind the door because she wasn't dressed she couldn't open the door to somebody because she wasn't dressed yet and she had rollers in her now I don't know if people still do that anymore I'm not going to sleep in any rollers Carla remembers Franny but getting dressed to lace up shoes not running around the house in your
            • 12:00 - 12:30 gown tail being ready to start your day and it's it begins with being dressed now getting up 15 minutes before the flow of the family gives you the opportunity to get dressed in peace without somebody yelling for this that and the other thing there's nothing worse than starting your day with yelling at your children are them yelling Mom I don't
            • 12:30 - 13:00 have any clean underwear what am I gonna do this is where laundry comes into play please take a few minutes to get this done pick out these outfits when you're doing a load of laundry when you're doing laundry when you're Folding It fold it into whole outfits you take it off in whole outfits why not fold it into whole outfits or put it on a hanger for whole outfits you can get these little clip on
            • 13:00 - 13:30 a little um clothespin hangers that you can hang shorts and stuff on and put the shirts over it yeah put the whole outfits together as you're doing laundry you put it in the washing machine all together you can do this so please
            • 13:30 - 14:00 don't throw the baby out with the bath water and say I'm not wearing shoes in my house I don't wear shoes in my house well you do now Sister you do now because shoes will keep you from getting hurt in the kitchen I went into the kitchen yesterday to cook dinner we were going to have spaghetti and I had all my sandals I should have changed to my tennis shoes I should have changed to my tennis shoes I didn't get hurt
            • 14:00 - 14:30 but I thought what if I dropped a knife my my the tops of my feet are are open and I could injure myself so now I have a rule I've always had a rule not to go into the kitchen barefoot you know I just don't do that but the the rule is I've got to have my feet covered um I there's um a podcast I follow out of Oklahoma and it's Walker Family Farm
            • 14:30 - 15:00 and Cassie got hurt last last weekend doing a chore for her dad she had on flip-flops she got she was on a four-wheeler and she got hurt and it's not fun the tops of her feet she she was thrown from the four-wheeler and she said it probably wouldn't have happened if she'd had on shoes real shoes flip-flops aren't huge y'all flip-flops
            • 15:00 - 15:30 they may feel good but they don't say on your feet you know if you had to run to catch a baby running down the driveway you can't do that in flip-flops so protect your feet don't get in a hurry change put on shoes that that fit and if you don't have a pair of
            • 15:30 - 16:00 shoes you know I was talking about not wearing shoes in the house go into your closet and find a pair of shoes that you love that fit you and put them through the washing machine and let them dry let them dry I think Justin's here I don't know for certain but I think he is he's got to head home a plumber's coming they got plumbing
            • 16:00 - 16:30 problems nothing worse than plumbing problems so flip-flops they're not cheese they are not shoes I know people who've worn flip-flops trying to exercise at all why are they called flip-flops y'all because you're going to flip and flop into the floor they're dangerous so wear shoes that keep you stable on your feet and the older we get
            • 16:30 - 17:00 the the balance has issues you need a firm footing so get dressed to lace-up shoes so that you know what you're going to do today now how do you how do you know what you're going to do today what's what's it all about getting dressed to lace-up shoes check your calendar and if you don't have this year's calendar it started yesterday it started August 1st get your calendar look at your calendar
            • 17:00 - 17:30 and see what you've got to do for today do it the night before check your calendar and see do you have an appointment do the kids have appointments do the kids have soccer practice and then start building your launch pad for tomorrow the launch pad there can be a um as one kid put it he has a tomorrow drawer in his in his bedroom that's where he has everything he needs that's his launch
            • 17:30 - 18:00 pad the clothes he's going to put on his backpack all the stuff he needs for tomorrow think about tomorrow think about tomorrow and that's what the calendar is for helping you to think about tomorrow put it up put things on your calendar don't try to remember everything I need another drink of coffee
            • 18:00 - 18:30 getting dressed is is one of the keys we have a ring of keys yesterday was shining your sink today we're getting dressed to lace up shoes are part of your outfit yep shoes protect your foot they also give give you encouragement they give you a little bounce in your step
            • 18:30 - 19:00 so please don't wear flip-flops they're not they don't make your outfit now I'm not telling you to wear dress shoes unless you got to wear them at work but I would still wear my lace-up shoes to get to work because you never know when you might have a problem when you might have an issue and you might have to walk to town
            • 19:00 - 19:30 because you've had car trouble have on your lace-up shoes it's going to change your life and you're going to have the prettiest feet ever I mean ever y'all the prettiest feet ever because you're going to wear your shoes and your socks and you're going to feel like a million bucks in your outfit and your shoes so what are your marching orders for today do a load of laundry
            • 19:30 - 20:00 pick out your clothes for tomorrow put them in your tomorrow door wherever that is pick your tomorrow drawer set up a launch pad for you and your family so that when it's going to be beside the door you go out to get in the car set up your launch path it can be as simple as a a wooden crate turned on its side with shoes inside them and a a 3M hook on the on on the wall
            • 20:00 - 20:30 hang a backpack on or nail I don't care we're not talking about pretty here we're talking about function now if you want to make it pretty and functional that's that's another thing but school's going to be starting before we know it and we don't want to forget anything we don't want to have to run to run back home to get the clarinet for band practice because you didn't put it on the launch pad now we got a song about the launch pad
            • 20:30 - 21:00 but I think I'm gonna play a different song right now and I know some of you don't like my music but I don't care I don't care this is um it's going to be an up kind of day do you want to make your day an up kind of day well I'm gonna teach you how to do it and it's gonna it's gonna be um where is it and then we'll play another song and
            • 21:00 - 21:30 this is going to reinforce there it is here we go it's gonna be an up kind of day this is for you come on [Music] you're gonna love this song [Music] sometimes I think the sun is rising to you can I just pull the covers overnight
            • 21:30 - 22:00 then I think of all I've got to do now thirsting is to get my body out of this bed so I get up up here I go even if I'm starting to look I'm smiling gotta get this body moving my way
            • 22:00 - 22:30 with those shoes on [Music] I know sometimes there will be things my day won't always go the way that I plan [Music]
            • 22:30 - 23:00 and in no time at all things what's up [Music]
            • 23:00 - 23:30 those are my dreams to go I'll still reach for the sky it's time to watch [Music]
            • 23:30 - 24:00 foreign [Music] okay folks that'll get you moving won't
            • 24:00 - 24:30 it no pulling it putting your head under the covers we gotta get up we gotta get moving we gotta get dressed to meet the day not hide don't don't be be lazy by staying in your in your sleeping clothes I know a lot of people a lot of people go to the airport in their pajamas I think that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard we need to be ready to start our day dress to lace up shoes every single morning
            • 24:30 - 25:00 before the rest of the family you can do this I know you can if I can do it anybody can I used to get up at 5 30 every morning and I would get I would make a homemade breast breakfast homemade biscuits whatever sometimes it was cake yeah let them eat cake and I would cook that in the morning but I'd get dressed first I'd get dressed
            • 25:00 - 25:30 so folks don't hang around waiting for your to waiting for clothes to magically fall on your body have an intention of getting dressed to lace up shoes every single day your life is going to change your life is going to change we've had people in the chat posting about how plane crashes happen because of flip-flops people falling and and losing
            • 25:30 - 26:00 flip-flops in New York City it's all coming through don't wear flip-flops put on your shoes get dressed the lace-ups fix your hair fix your face so you don't scare yourself when you walk in the bathroom you're going it's going to change your life it's going to change your life so get dressed to lace up shoes and You're Gonna Love It I know you are I
            • 26:00 - 26:30 want to I want to hear your testimonies about how you're jumping in with us with those shoes on I want to hear them send them to fly lady at and and put you know fly lady one-on-one in the subject line we're going this is it's a New Year y'all our calendar started yesterday it's a brand new year for us yeah it's a school year
            • 26:30 - 27:00 it's not January 1st but it's August the 2nd and we can jump in right now right now so please when people are having trouble when they're falling off the fly lady wagon what we usually find out is they've decided that they're not going to wear shoes or or they have um gotten it in their head
            • 27:00 - 27:30 but they don't have to get dressed in the morning they decide they're going to rebel against what I'm saying if you don't want to follow me that's fine there's plenty other people out there but this system works it does we've had millions of people go through it and we're looking at almost 24 years now coming up on 24 years of doing this
            • 27:30 - 28:00 and we've been here for you we've been here for you and we're going to be here for you even long after I'm gone because we got all these videos on YouTube all these videos on YouTube so jump in Where We Are and today we're getting dressed to lace-up shoes not just for today but this is something you're going to do
            • 28:00 - 28:30 every day we're going to keep our sink clean and shiny and we're going to get dressed to lace up shoes every single day I told you I was going to leave you with one more song and this is the launch pad song because we all need a launch pad to start our day I have one at going down into the basement door Robert has one and I have one by the front door because that's where I go out the door and let me find the launch pad there it
            • 28:30 - 29:00 is so I want you to listen to the words of this song and it's going to help you build your launch pad we made it for kids but you're my fly kid sing it up there's a place
            • 29:00 - 29:30 [Music] [Music] [Music]
            • 29:30 - 30:00 [Music] do astronomy [Music] [Music] walk or take the bus
            • 30:00 - 30:30 if you know who's coming so much because [Music] oh
            • 30:30 - 31:00 six five four three two one [Applause]
            • 31:00 - 31:30 [Music] my life [Music]
            • 31:30 - 32:00 okay folks let me pray a blessing over you this morning dear father in Heaven please bless all my fly babies who are jumping back on the Fly lady bandwagon help them to get dressed to lace-up shoes give them strength to fight against the evil spirit of laziness and
            • 32:00 - 32:30 dragging around thank you Lord for giving them wisdom and helping them to find something that is going to change their lives thank you Lord for giving me my mission in life is to help all of these fly babies give them strength Empower them with the shoes on their feet and help them to be safe protected from evil this is my prayer for for all my fly
            • 32:30 - 33:00 babies in Jesus name we pray amen and amen okay folks you got your marching orders have you got your marching shoes on let's get it done I love you all I'll see you at three o'clock this afternoon yeah we're going to talk about some things it's always fun and we'll catch you later be good kind and sweet be good to yourself by getting dressed
            • 33:00 - 33:30 and putting on those shoes be kind to others by not falling out when you got flip-flops on because then I'd have to help you be kind to others let Joy and sweetness that is in your heart overflow and show the world that you're a child of the most high The Only Living God in the universe
            • 33:30 - 34:00 God bless you I'll see you at three o'clock bye