Leveraging the New Places SDK

How to use the new Places class for JavaScript

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    The new Places SDK for JavaScript has made it easier to integrate the Places API into web applications, eliminating the need for server calls by providing SDK support. With features like more place types and attributes, users can find places more easily. The SDK simplifies app development, allowing developers to focus on core functionalities. It includes importing the Places Library, performing searches, and retrieving detailed place information. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on implementing the Places class in applications, including using features such as text and nearby searches, accessing place details, and visualizing them on maps using the JavaScript API. Check out the open-source library for pre-built UI elements to enhance your applications further.


      • Integrate the new Places SDK with ease for your web apps! 🌟
      • Say goodbye to server call complexities with SDK support! 🌐
      • Focus on your app's functionality, not the API intricacies! πŸ”§
      • Seamlessly search for places and get details with place class methods! 🌍
      • Use JavaScript API for visualizing places on maps effortlessly! πŸ—ΊοΈ

      Key Takeaways

      • The new Places SDK provides easier integration with web apps πŸš€
      • SDK support eliminates the need for cumbersome server calls 🌐
      • Focus on your app's core functionality without complex API handling πŸ› 
      • Efficiently search and retrieve place details in your application 🌍
      • Visualize places effortlessly using the JavaScript API's native features πŸ—ΊοΈ


      This video introduces the new Places SDK for JavaScript, which makes it simpler for developers to bring places functionality into their web applications. By integrating the latest SDK, developers can bypass direct server calls, streamlining the development process and allowing them to concentrate on the core aspects of their applications. The tutorial provides a clear guide on how to utilize this new framework effectively.

        With the release of SDK support for the Places API, Google has enhanced the developer experience, providing tools to easily search for and retrieve information about places. Whether it's fetching details using text search or nearby search, the new Places class offers methods that make the task straightforward, ensuring users can access the data they need with minimal effort.

          Visualizing places on a map is now more accessible with the native functionality of the JavaScript API, integrating seamlessly with the places you display. Developers are encouraged to explore the open-source extended component library, which offers pre-built UI elements that can be implemented to enhance the user experience on their sites. With these tools, developers can build more interactive and user-friendly applications.

            How to use the new Places class for JavaScript Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 [Music] ready to put your app on the map with our new places SDK it's easier than ever to find your place in the world earlier this year we launched a new version of our places API bringing features such as more place types and attributes helping your users more easily find the places they are looking for to find out more about the features of the new places API check out the launch video linked below when these new apis were launched they were only available using a direct call
            • 00:30 - 01:00 this meant that when implementing in your application you would have to perform a server call yourself now we have exciting news SDK support has been launched for the new places API by providing SDK support for places API we are helping to simplify your app development allowing you to focus on the core functionality of your application without needing to understand the complexities of the underlying apis ultimately you can get your app into the
            • 01:00 - 01:30 hands of your users faster now I'm going to show you how to use a new place class in your web application before continuing ensure that places API new is enabled on your Google Cloud project to load the places Library first load the maps JavaScript API by adding the inline bootstop loader to your application code as shown in the following snippet remember to add your API key at this point next use the await operator to call import Library library from within
            • 01:30 - 02:00 an async function this is used to import the places Library into your application with the places SDK imported in your application you can use it to either search for places or get details about a place to search for a place use either text search or nearby search these can be accessed by calling the relevant method on the place class and passing through a request containing the search parameters to get details of a place create a new place object using a place ID and the Constructor then call fetch
            • 02:00 - 02:30 Fields passing through the required fields to return this can be used to retrieve details such as a place location and it's attached photos and reviews in this example we are requesting the name location and address of a place using the place ID as a Constructor when creating the place object the place object created can then be quered for the data return by the API for example if we wanted to get the name of a place we would use Place do display
            • 02:30 - 03:00 name as the map's JavaScript API you loaded already has native functionality to display a map on the page it is easy to visualize the places on a map and provide their details either nearby or within info windows for pre-built UI elements to show places on your website be sure to take a look at our open source extended component library on GitHub follow the link below to check it out now you know how to use places new in your application check out the the link in the description below to see the
            • 03:00 - 03:30 documentation and we can't wait to see what you build [Music]