Embarking on a Year-Long Dream Pursuit

I actually tried chasing my dreams for 365 days.

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In this inspiring video, Andrew reflects on a transformative year dedicated to chasing his dreams. He candidly shares the highs and lows of his journey to document his life through weekly videos for 365 days. Despite hitting numerous personal and professional roadblocks, Andrew learns valuable lessons about self-worth, motivation, and the importance of not placing the success of his dreams in the hands of external validation. He emphasizes the significance of focusing on what he can control and reminds viewers of the hard work and realistic expectations necessary for achieving their dreams. Ultimately, Andrew expresses gratitude to his supportive community and invites viewers to share their dreams, encouraging a collective pursuit of personal goals.


      • Pursuing dreams for 365 days can be challenging but rewarding. 📅
      • Understanding why you're chasing a dream is crucial for perseverance. 🔎
      • Burnout is a real challenge; balance is key. ⚖️
      • Support and encouragement from others can make all the difference. 💬
      • The realization that dream fulfillment doesn't solve all personal insecurities but provides purpose. 🧘‍♀️

      Key Takeaways

      • Dreams require dedication and persistence. 🏃‍♂️
      • It's essential to understand your motivations. 🤔
      • Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. 🛣️
      • Support from others is crucial in pursuing dreams. 🤝
      • Chase dreams for personal growth, not external validation. 🌱


      Andrew begins his journey with a reflective mindset, questioning the true motivation behind his aspirations. From the outset, doubts and uncertainties cloud his thoughts, but he remains steadfast in his mission to document his life through film and share meaningful stories with the world. He starts this endeavor with a clear plan: produce a video every week, eager to see how dedication to his passion could transform his life and those of his viewers.

        As the journey unfolds, Andrew faces numerous challenges, from battling burnout to confronting his insecurities about perception and success. Despite feeling isolated and discouraged, he learns to focus on what he can control and shifts his mindset from seeking external approval to embracing personal growth. The support from loved ones becomes his anchor, reminding him that while dreams are important, they should not dictate self-worth.

          By the end of the year, Andrew has a newfound understanding of his journey's impact on him and his community. He expresses gratitude towards his supportive viewers, acknowledging them as a crucial part of his success. This heartfelt video concludes with a call to action, urging his audience to pursue their dreams actively while maintaining realistic expectations. Andrew looks ahead with hope and determination, celebrating how far he's come and excited for the future.

            I actually tried chasing my dreams for 365 days. Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 hey I hope you're good it's wild to think that it's been a year you'll have either spent the last 365 days pursuing your dreams or allowing time to pass either way a year has come and gone and I'm hopeful that you've stuck with it and just know that whatever happened I'm proud of you
            • 00:30 - 01:00 dreams are a funny thing I don't even know where they come from but the thing is we all have them and the question is do we dare to go after them we've all heard those weird motivational gurus tell us how and why we should go after our dreams but I think when it comes down to it we simply don't know how I mean sure it's so exciting to talk about how you want to go and achieve all these great big things but where do we
            • 01:00 - 01:30 start before I set out to achieve this dream I wanted to get honest with myself what was the motivation behind all of this for as long as I can remember I've always thought that I wasn't good enough was this pursuit of something great to convince myself that I was good enough or maybe it was for those watching I've carried so much stress for years worried about what others perceive me as successful a failure maybe achieving something I worked so hard for would silence my thoughts I knew that as the
            • 01:30 - 02:00 days and months would go on I would eventually have to come face to face with the true motivation either way it's time to move forward in the Journey of creating something new it seems like inspiration plays hide and seek surrounded by what seems like everyone doing something incredible I find myself stuck unable to take my first step forward due to uncertainty lack of vision but more importantly unsure that whatever I do will ultimately be worth it
            • 02:00 - 02:30 but instead of letting those thoughts lead me it was time to make a change and embrace them not waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself but to create the opportunity and to step into the unknown KCK it our Story begins on July 1st 2023 it all started with an idea an idea to document my life and share it with others but the idea didn't start here we have to go back to January the first half of 2023 had led me to re-evaluate my life it's not that my
            • 02:30 - 03:00 life was falling apart in fact it felt like my life was overall pretty good I felt like I was going down a path I once recognized but now I no longer find familiar and inwardly my childlike passions were slowly dying and I realized something needed to change I slowly started to think about films and how I could share and document my life in a way that I could use real stories and lessons I've learned to share with others this idea slowly grew for 6 months and on July 1st 23 it was time to
            • 03:00 - 03:30 make it a reality the plan was simple post a video once a week for a year how hard can it be turns out it's really hard waking up early every day coming up with new ideas every week filming editing working balancing relationships it all starts to pile up until eventually [Music] burnout running is a practice I implemented a few years ago it allows my
            • 03:30 - 04:00 mind to slow down and it gives me a sense of moving forward it had been 152 days since I first started and up until this moment everything had been centered around me it had led me to a lonely isolated and dark place 5 months into this journey I had hit what felt like Rock Bottom I had been non-stop with little to no results and I was completely depleted in these moments of Solace and silence old thoughts of motivations would arise
            • 04:00 - 04:30 why am I doing this and more importantly who am I doing this for in the silence I found that My reasonings weren't fueled by the desire to achieve something great because I loved it it was to prove to others that I was something more than my own perceived thoughts of how I was viewed these insecurities had driven me to an unhealthy routine where work seemed to take more of a president than anything else and because of this wrong motivation it had led me to the point of
            • 04:30 - 05:00 exhaustion and emptiness nothing would be enough until I could finally be proud of who I [Music] was it's been a busy year full of highs mixed with a lot of lows I've had to learn Who I Am by going through discomfort Challenge and a lot of struggle I'd be lying if I told you all of this happened because of me the reality is that's not true
            • 05:00 - 05:30 [Applause] [Music] I've been able to Chase my dreams for the last 367 days because of the people who have encouraged me loved me and told me to keep moving forward even when I didn't know how I've had to borrow faith and strength from others in this Pursuit Of My Dreams I've learned a valuable lesson there's no dream fulfilled that will prescribe a greater identity it won't remove your deepest insecurities and it won't fill any emptiness that you may feel dreams however give purpose
            • 05:30 - 06:00 they give you a reason to move forward to challenge yourself and to allow you to see who you really are if you step into the unknown it invites others in and allows them the courage to go after theirs but overall the last 365 days were amazing and here's to the next 365 days ahead of [Music] us so one year ago I decided to upload a YouTube video and it was in hopes that a
            • 06:00 - 06:30 year from then which would be now I would be able to look in front of the camera and say I'm a YouTuber I remember just thinking this is not going to work this is definitely not going to work and I was putting in about 12 hours not I was probably putting in about eight eight targeted hours like really efficient hours where it's like I'm filming I'm writing I'm editing once all the excitement and um like I feel like when you start a new dream or you're like I'm actually going to go after this
            • 06:30 - 07:00 it's really exciting for the first like month but then when you continuously wake up and you continuously don't see results that excitement starts to kind of like dwindle I remember I called my dad and I just I I kind of asked I was like I just don't think it's going to work he told me he's like the the the reality is it might not work it might not work and when I heard that I kind of was like a little bit taken back cuz you want to hear from the people that like support
            • 07:00 - 07:30 you like it's going to work you just got to keep going it's going to work it's going to work and I remember he just told me it might not work like it might not and when I heard that it kind of just changed my perspective because so often we hear from these motivational gurus and these people that really want you to succeed like just keep going just keep going like it's going to work all your dreams are going to come true yada y y but there is an aspect where it it might not work and I remember
            • 07:30 - 08:00 hearing that three months in and thinking look it it might not work but I said I was going to do this for a year and no matter what happens if it works or doesn't work I want to stay true to doing it for a year and that actually shifted something in my mind because instead of like my goal being that something I can't control happens like views and people liking my stuff and being able to do all this stuff because of other people I I was able to
            • 08:00 - 08:30 then shift my focus to maybe it doesn't maybe this doesn't work but I can control posting a video like once or twice every month for a year I can control that and if my dream is to be a YouTuber then it requires something I can control which I can do and that's posting a video so when my dad told me that it really put my expectations into
            • 08:30 - 09:00 check and I was like that's that's true your dreams might not come to pass but that's probably because your dreams are constructed in a way where it's dependent on other people and so my question to you is what if your dreams weren't dependent on other people's reactions to said thing but what if whatever your dream was was dependent on the ability that you have to wake up in the present moment and make a choice to
            • 09:00 - 09:30 go after something you can build and that you can control I don't know that was something that I I experienced three months into this dream journey and I think if I didn't make that shift I would have burnt out and I would have stopped but because I decided to stop worrying like if other people will like my stuff it it it like it did something so I just finished editing the video and I was just watching it and I just wanted
            • 09:30 - 10:00 to talk about brick really quickly I'm fully sponsored by them I'm not trying to like hide that fact but over the last year it's been hard to stay focused especially when you start to lose the momentum that you started with and I find myself getting distracted with my phone a lot or I use Instagram to get inspiration and then all of a sudden I'm like scrolling so much um that's why I use brick physical device you get the app you brick your phone you put it up to the device it's brick and now when I go to Instagram or
            • 10:00 - 10:30 something I literally can't until I like physically touch this device again so I'll do this and then I'll take this guy and I'll throw it away and I'll put it in the kitchen I'll put it in my car and I'll literally not be able to use my phone it's allowed me to stay super focused I just wanted to mention them because they really have like helped me a whole lot and I'm not going to bark on and on about them but definitely check them out um I'll put a link in the description destion I'll try to get a
            • 10:30 - 11:00 discount code as well if you guys want to use it technically I am living out my dream right now that I had a year ago where I'm making enough money to pay my bills off of YouTube which allows me to make more YouTube videos but still I'm looking forward and thinking oh but I'm not there yet oh I need this oh I need that and it's like there's this carrot dangling in front of me and I'm just like trying to grab it trying to grab it but I forget to look in the past and think wow I've literally
            • 11:00 - 11:30 come so far I should be proud of myself I don't feel that way I don't feel that way at all which is crazy all I can see is forward and what I don't have I just hope that you hear these things that I'm saying and realize like your dreams are important and there's something to be gone after but at the same time you have to have like realistic expectations and realize like it takes a lot of hard work and
            • 11:30 - 12:00 you just have to like when you get to that place that you always wanted to to take a moment and be like man this is like this is really powerful and this is really great because I think a lot of us do get to places we once dreamed of and instead of looking back and thinking wow I've like come really far we kind of look forward and say like dang I've I'm missing so much and I have to do so much more work but um yeah I think if if if you've made it
            • 12:00 - 12:30 this far in the video only about 20% of you will make it this far um and if you are a part of that 20% I actually just want to say thank you I want to say thank you because the 20% that have stayed for these videos are the ones that have actually increased the video projection and the algorithm to pump it so you guys genuinely have changed my life and I'm so grateful to say that you know we're we're a 20% family um and if
            • 12:30 - 13:00 you're a part of the 20% leave a comment letting me know what your dream is where you want to be one year from now and I'm so excited to make another video one year from now and seeing where you guys are and how far you guys have come so I love you all and I'll see you in the next one one sip of coffee really quickly peace