Reflections at 70

I'm 70. Things I No Longer Believe In...

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    Reaching the age of 70 brings with it a wealth of experiences and insights that reshape our beliefs and values. Key themes include letting go of societal expectations, the pursuit of perfection, and material wealth, and embracing authenticity, presence, and meaningful connections. The idea that time is infinite, the fear of aging, and the illusion of control are all challenged, leading to a newfound appreciation for the unpredictable nature of life. This reflection encourages embracing these insights to live authentically and joyfully.


      • No longer seeking to please everyone liberates your true self. πŸ¦‹
      • Imperfection opens the door to joyful, authentic living. 🎨
      • True happiness lies in love and shared moments, not possessions. 🎁
      • Break free from the 'shoulds' and find your own path. 🌈
      • Time is finite; make each moment count. 🌟
      • Resolve conflicts to release the weight of resentment. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ
      • Rest is essential, not a sign of weakness. 🌺
      • The wisdom of age is learning to value the present moment. πŸ•ŠοΈ
      • Honoring your journey over blind obedience to authority. πŸ’‘
      • Aging offers the freedom of self-acceptance and inner peace. 🌸
      • Accept life’s unpredictability and find joy in the unknown. 🎒

      Key Takeaways

      • Letting go of the need to please everyone brings freedom and peace. 🌟
      • Perfection is a myth; embracing imperfections enriches life. ✨
      • Material wealth doesn't equate to happiness; meaningful connections do. πŸ’ž
      • Societal 'shoulds' can limit us; listen to your heart instead. πŸ’–
      • Time is precious, not infinite; live intentionally. ⏳
      • Resolution brings freedom from conflict and regret. πŸ™
      • Productivity isn't the only measure of worth; rest is vital. 🌿
      • Aging is a privilege; each line, a story of life lived fully. πŸ•°οΈ
      • Trust your critical thinking over blind authority. πŸ”
      • Embrace aging; it's a beautiful part of life. 🌼
      • Control is an illusion; acceptance brings peace. πŸ•ŠοΈ


      The journey to 70 is a transformative one, filled with lessons of shedding old beliefs and embracing what truly matters. Many discover that striving for others' approval, chasing perfection, and accumulating material wealth are pursuits that can leave you empty. Instead, embracing authenticity, imperfection, and meaningful connections can lead to a richer, more fulfilling life experience.

        Aging brings the realization that time is finite, encouraging a focus on living intentionally and valuing experiences over things. This phase of life is about finding peace with unresolved conflicts, understanding that constant productivity doesn't define your worth, and realizing the privilege and freedom that comes with growing older. There's power in letting go of societal 'shoulds' and living life on one's own terms.

          Embracing aging and the unpredictability of life with acceptance rather than control can bring profound peace and joy. It's an opportunity to reflect on life's journey, to release the illusion of control, and to find beauty in every phase of life. Aging is not just the passage of time but a celebration of life lived and the wisdom gained along the way.

            I'm 70. Things I No Longer Believe In... Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 I'm 70 things I no longer believe in reaching 70 is a profound Journey filled with Lessons Learned experiences cherished and beliefs reshaped with Decades of life behind us it's natural to look back and realize that some things we held as truths in our youth no longer hold the same weight life at this stage isn't about regrets but about Clarity letting go of what no longer
            • 00:30 - 01:00 serves us and embracing what truly matters here are 11 things I no longer believe in after 70 years of living loving and learning if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss an update one the need to please everyone for much of my life I wore the mask of a people pleaser I sought
            • 01:00 - 01:30 approval in every interaction molded my choices to fit others expectations and found myself apologizing even when I wasn't at fault at the time I thought this was kindness a virtue worth nurturing but as the years passed I began to see the cost of constantly seeking validation the slow erosion of my own desires my voice my identity at 70 I Now understand that living for others approval is like chasing the Horizon no no matter how far
            • 01:30 - 02:00 you run it's always Out Of Reach people's opinions shift like the wind and trying to satisfy everyone only leaves you drained and unfulfilled the truth is you'll never be enough for everyone and that's okay I've learned that true connection doesn't come from bending myself into shapes that please others it comes from authenticity from showing up as I am flaws and all and letting those who value me for who I am stay in my life the people matter the ones who love you
            • 02:00 - 02:30 deeply don't need you to be perfect or selfless to the point of self-sacrifice they just need you to be real at this stage in life I focus on pleasing the person who matters most myself this doesn't mean I've stopped caring about others it means I've stopped betraying myself in the process I give where I can love deeply and share generously but only from a place of a abundance not obligation the peace I
            • 02:30 - 03:00 feel now is a gift I wish I had understood decades ago the freedom to let go of the impossible task of pleasing everyone is one of the greatest rewards of getting older two Perfection as a goal in my youth Perfection was the north star that guided me a constant unreachable standard I felt compelled to chase I believed there was a perfect way to live
            • 03:00 - 03:30 love and succeed whether it was keeping an Immaculate home raising ideal children or presenting myself in a way that left no room for judgment I thought Perfection was not only achievable but necessary but over the years life has taught me that Perfection is not only unattainable it's an illusion no matter how hard you strive The Perfect Image is always Shattered by reality life is messy unpredictable and beautifully perfect the moments I cherish most
            • 03:30 - 04:00 aren't the ones where everything went according to plan but the ones where imperfection brought unexpected Joy a burnt birthday cake that became a family joke a trip derailed by rain that turned into a cozy day of stories and laughter at 70 I've let go of the belief that life needs to be Flawless to be fulfilling in fact I've come to see that it's the imperfections the cracks in the veneer that make life richer they allow for vulnerability growth and connection
            • 04:00 - 04:30 when we stop hiding our flaws and start embracing them we create space for others to do the same and in that space we find the real beauty of Life Perfection I've realized is not a standard to reach but a prison that keeps us from living fully it stops us from trying new things for fear of failure from expressing ourselves for fear of judgment and from taking risks for fear falling short letting go of perfection has been like laying down a
            • 04:30 - 05:00 heavy burden I didn't know I was carrying now I aim not for Perfection but for presence to show up in life as I am to embrace the mess and to find joy in the unexpected if I could speak to my younger self I tell her this Perfection is a lie and chasing it will only leave you exhausted instead aim to live authentically love fiercely make mistakes and Savor the imperfect moments
            • 05:00 - 05:30 they're the ones that truly matter three material wealth equals happiness for much of my life I bought into the idea that material wealth was a gateway to happiness the bigger house the newer car the designer clothes all of it seemed to promise a life of fulfillment and status I worked hard spent harder and measured success by the things I could accumulate each purchase came with a
            • 05:30 - 06:00 fleeting sense of Joy but it never lasted the happiness I thought I was chasing always felt just Out Of Reach like a mirage in the desert now at 70 I understand the LIE hidden in that belief material wealth might bring convenience and comfort but it doesn't bring meaning or connection a spacious house is empty without love a sleep car feels Hollow without someone to share the journey the things we own can never fill the spaces in our hearts that long for for companionship purpose and
            • 06:00 - 06:30 peace looking back I find that my most Treasured Memories have nothing to do with money the laughter of my children echoing through a modest home a road trip with friends in a car that had more dense than seats the way a simple meal shared with those I love tastes richer than any feast in the finest restaurant these are the moments that have stayed with me far outlasting any material possession
            • 06:30 - 07:00 at this stage of life I value experiences over things relationships over possessions and time over money the pursuit of material wealth often comes at the cost of what truly matters our health our relationships and our joy I've seen too many people work themselves to the Bone for wealth they never get to enjoy only to realize too late that they were rich in money but poor in life
            • 07:00 - 07:30 happiness I've learned isn't something you can buy it's found in The Quiet Moments of gratitude the love we give and receive and the peace that comes from knowing we've lived a life true to our values at 70 I no longer Chase material things instead I seek the wealth of a Life well-lived Time with loved ones memories that warm the soul and the kind of contentment money camp by for shoulds
            • 07:30 - 08:00 and social expectations for decades my life was Guided by an invisible script of shs I should go to college build a career get married have children and live a life that checked all the boxes of societal approval I should say yes when asked for help even when my plate was already full I should smile even when I was hurting I should follow the well-trodden path
            • 08:00 - 08:30 because that's what everyone expected of me and I did I followed the script met the expectations and lived the life I thought I should but somewhere along the way I lost sight of the most important question what do I want what makes me happy at 70 I finally stopped letting the shoulds dictate my choices I've come to see them for what they are social constructs often arbitrary and outdated that don't account for the individuality of a person's heart and soul
            • 08:30 - 09:00 the shoulds may work for some but they aren't a one-sized fits-all blueprint for a meaning meaningful life I've also realized that the people who impose these expectations whether intentionally or unconsciously are not the ones who have to live with the consequences I spent too many years saying yes out of obligation only to feel resentment and exhaustion now I say yes only when it aligns with my values and my joy and when I say no I do so without
            • 09:00 - 09:30 guilt at this stage of life I no longer measure my worth by how well I meet others expectations instead I measure it by how true I am to myself I've given myself permission to rewrite the script to pursue the things that bring me happiness and fulfillment even if they don't fit the mold whether it's traveling instead of settling down taking up painting instead of something practical or simply saying no to things that drain me I live my life for myself
            • 09:30 - 10:00 now the freedom to let go of the shoulds has been one of the greatest Gifts of growing older it's given me the courage to live authentically to choose boldly and to embrace the beauty of a life lived on my own terms at 70 I no longer believe in the weight of societal expectations instead I believe in the power of listening to my heart and living a life that feels true to who I am
            • 10:00 - 10:30 five time as infinite when I was younger time felt endless there was always tomorrow a tomorrow to mend relationships Chase dreams or simply enjoy life's Simple Pleasures days blurred into weeks weeks into years and I moved through life with the Quiet assumption that I had all the time in the world the future felt like a vast past unbroken stretch of possibilities
            • 10:30 - 11:00 waiting for me to catch up but As I Grew Older the illusion of infinite time began to dissolve each passing year brought the sobering realization that time is the most finite resource we have at 70 I no longer take for granted that there will always be another tomorrow the truth is life is fragile unpredictable and achingly short we don't know how many moments remain and that understanding has shifted how I live each day this isn't a cause for despair but a
            • 11:00 - 11:30 call to presence knowing that time is limited has made me more intentional with how I spend it I no longer squander hours on trivial worries or meaningless Pursuits I've stopped saying someday to the things that truly matter calling an old friend writing that letter watching a sunrise with no agenda but to Marvel at its beauty these are not grand gestures but they are moments that make life Rich I've also let go of the belief that time heals all wounds time by itself is passive healing comes from
            • 11:30 - 12:00 the effort we put into forgiveness closure and moving forward relationships left untended don't naturally repair themselves over time they wither I've learned to act while I can while the people I love are still here and the opportunity to say what matters still exists at 70 I treasure time not as an infinite resource but as the most precious gift I have I no longer waste
            • 12:00 - 12:30 it on grudges regrets or the things that don't bring me joy instead I invested in love kindness and moments that make life worth living time may not be infinite but the beauty it holds is boundless if we choose to see it six conflict without resolution in my younger years I believe that holding on to resentment or anger gave me power I thought that unresolved
            • 12:30 - 13:00 conflicts whether with friends family or even myself were just part of life some wounds felt too deep some wrongs too egregious and I Justified my silence or distance as a way of protecting myself I believed that time on its own would eventually dull the pain and that avoiding confrontation was easier than facing it now at 70 I see conflict without resolution for what it truly is a bird that weighs down the soul
            • 13:00 - 13:30 carrying unresolved anger or hurt doesn't protect us it chains us to the very pain we wish to escape I've learned that holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer it drains our energy our joy and our peace letting go of conflict doesn't mean excusing bad behavior or pretending nothing happened it means freeing ourselves from the grip of bitterness sometimes it's about having the hard conversations acknowledging hurt seeking
            • 13:30 - 14:00 understanding and extending forgiveness where it feels right other times it's about making peace with the fact that some people won't change some apologies won't come and some wounds will remain in those moments forgiveness becomes an act of self-care a way of saying I choose to set this burden down there's also a kind of resolution we must find within ourselves I've had to forgive myself for mistakes I made words I wish could take back and
            • 14:00 - 14:30 opportunities I let slip by self forgiveness has been one of the hardest lessons to learn but also one of the most liberating carrying guilt serves No One releasing it opens the door to Grace at this stage in life I no longer have the energy or desire to let unresolved conflicts take up space in my heart instead I prioritize peace both with others and within myself I found that resolution doesn't always mean reconciliation but it always means
            • 14:30 - 15:00 freedom and at 70 freedom from the weight of anger and regret is a gift I give myself daily seven the need for constant productivity for most of my life I believed that my worth was tied to how much I could accomplish productivity became my measuring stick for success and I wore busyness like a badge of honor whether it was advancing my career keeping a spotless home or or saying yes to every obligation I was always
            • 15:00 - 15:30 striving to do more achieve more and prove my value to the world rest felt indulgent laziness felt shameful and slowing down felt like falling behind but as the years have passed I've come to see The Emptiness in that belief the Relentless pursuit of productivity left a little room for the things that truly matter relationships reflection and simply savoring the moment at 70 I no longer believe that constant productivity is a requ requirement for a meaningful life in fact I've realized
            • 15:30 - 16:00 that some of the most profound moments happen in the quiet spaces where nothing is being accomplished the truth is we are not machines our purpose is not to churn out results but to live deeply to love freely and to experience the richness of life in all its forms I've learned to embrace rest not as a luxury but as a necessity rest gives us the strength to keep going the clarity to see what truly
            • 16:00 - 16:30 matters and the presence to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us this doesn't mean I've stopped doing the things I care about it means I've redefined what productivity looks like sometimes it's as simple as spending an afternoon reading a book walking in the park or having an unhurried conversation with a friend these moments don't generate accolades or checkboxes but they fill my soul in ways no accomplishment ever
            • 16:30 - 17:00 could at this stage of life I no longer equate my value with how much I do I see my worth in the love I give the kindness I show and the moments of Joy I create the need for constant productivity is a lie that steals our time and peace letting go of that belief has allowed me to truly live eight youth as the Pinnacle of life life for much of my life I believed in
            • 17:00 - 17:30 the cultural narrative that youth is the best time of life we're told to cherish our younger years because they're the peak the time when we're strongest most beautiful and full of potential this belief creates a quiet fear of Aging as though life diminishes with every passing year and the best is always behind us but now at 70 I see just how wrong that narrative is youth has its Joys but
            • 17:30 - 18:00 it also comes with uncertainty insecurity and a weight of trying to figure out who you are and where you belong the years that have followed each filled with lessons experiences and hard one wisdom have brought a depth of joy and peace I could never have understood in my youth at this stage of life I've let go of the belief that aging is something to fear I no longer see wrinkles and gray hair as signs of decline but as markers of a life lived fully each line Tells a Story Each Silver Strand a testament to
            • 18:00 - 18:30 the years I've endured and the love I've given and received growing older isn't a loss it's a privilege denied to many every year every moment is a gift there's a confidence that comes with age a freedom from the insecurities that once held me back I no longer feel the need to prove myself to anyone I no longer obsess over appearances or chase after the fleeting approval of others instead I focus on what truly matters
            • 18:30 - 19:00 connection gratitude and leaving the world a little better than I found it youth is not the Pinnacle of life it's just one chapter at 70 I see the richness in the chapters that follow the way they weave together into a story that is uniquely mine the later Years bring their own kind of beauty a beauty rooted in wisdom in acceptance and and in the quiet contentment of knowing who
            • 19:00 - 19:30 you are I wouldn't trade this stage of life for anything nine unquestioning belief in Authority in my younger years I believed in the steadfastness of authority I trusted institutions leaders and the systems they upheld thinking they had the collective best interest at heart whether it was political figures religious leaders or even societal norms forms I rarely questioned the motives or
            • 19:30 - 20:00 the structures that guided my life I assumed that those impositions of power must know what they were doing and that their Authority was inherently just but Decades of life experience have opened my eyes to the flaws biases and self-interest that often underly authority authority I've learned is not inherently right or wise it is human and humans are fallible people in power can be driven by ambition ego or greed just as much as by a genuine desire to serve
            • 20:00 - 20:30 institutions can become rigid failing to adapt to the needs of the people they were created to support Traditions while comforting can sometimes hold us back from progress at 70 I no longer believe in unquestioning loyalty to Authority instead I've learned to ask questions to think critically and to trust my own judgment blind obedience is a dangerous path it robs us of our agency and our ability to discern right from wrong it's
            • 20:30 - 21:00 not about being distrustful of everything it's about being Discerning about holding Authority accountable and about seeking the truth even when it's uncomfortable this change in perspective hasn't made me cynical It's Made Me free free to challenge outdated ideas free to align with values rather than hierarchies and free to carve my own path true respect I've realized is earned through integrity and trans transparency not through titles or
            • 21:00 - 21:30 tradition and true Authority is shared it uplifts it listens and it evolves at this stage of life I hold on to these truths as I navigate a world that is always changing 10 fear of Aging itself when I was younger the idea of Aging loomed over me like a shadow I feared the loss of Youth the slowing of my body in the inevitable passage of time aging
            • 21:30 - 22:00 seemed like a thief that would rob me of beauty strength and relevance Society reinforced this fear with its Relentless celebration of Youth and its Silence about the value of growing older I watched others try to resist aging with creams surgeries and desperate attempts to cling to their younger selves I thought I might have to fight that same battle but now at 70 I no longer fear aging instead I see it as a natural even
            • 22:00 - 22:30 beautiful part of life growing older has brought me a kind of freedom I never knew was possible I've let go of the pressures of appearance the weight of comparison and the endless striving for what Society deems success aging has allowed me to strip away the superficial and focus on what truly matters love connection and the Legacy I leave behind there's a peace that comes with embracing age each year is a gift a privilege denied
            • 22:30 - 23:00 to many my wrinkles are not something to hide they are maps of my journey etched with the laughter tears and wisdom of a life well- lived my body may not move as swiftly as it once did but it carries the strength of endurance and the grace of survival and while my reflection may have changed the person I see in the mirror is more authentic more grounded and more at peace than ever before for aging isn't something to fear it's
            • 23:00 - 23:30 something to embrace it's not the end of Vitality but a shift in Focus I've traded youthful ambition for a quiet confidence the rush to achieve for the joy of Simply being I no longer fear the passing of time because I've learned to cherish the time I have each day is an opportunity to love deeper to laugh louder and to leave the world a little brighter you 11 the illusion of
            • 23:30 - 24:00 control for much of my life I believed in control the idea that if I worked hard enough planned well enough and made all the right decisions I could shape my life exactly as I wanted control felt like safety a way to guard against the chaos of the unknown I clung to it tightly thinking that meticulous planning and unrelenting effort would ensure stability success and happiness but life as it does taught me otherwise unexpected twists unplanned
            • 24:00 - 24:30 losses and moments of sheer unpredictability have shown me that control is more illusion than reality the truth is no matter how carefully we plot our course life unfolds in ways we can't always predict or influence loved ones leave too soon plans fall apart and the world shifts in ways we never imagine at 70 I no longer believe in the illusion of control instead I've embraced acceptance a quiet steady acknowledgement that life is as much about adapting to
            • 24:30 - 25:00 the unexpected as it is about pursuing our goals this doesn't mean giving up on dreams or living passively it means learning to flow with life rather than fighting against it it means finding peace and uncertainty and understanding that letting go of control doesn't mean letting go of Hope what I've learned is that the only thing I can truly control is my response I can choose to face challenges with grace to seek Joy even in difficult times and to find meaning
            • 25:00 - 25:30 in the twists and turns of life this shift has been liberating I no longer carry the weight of needing everything to go perfectly I've learned to trust the journey even when I can't see the destination life is a dance between intention and surrender and at this stage of life I've come to cherish the beauty of that balance control may be an illusion but acceptance is a gift a gift that has brought me peace resilience and
            • 25:30 - 26:00 a deeper appreciation for the unpredictable wondrous nature of Life final thoughts at 70 I find myself lighter not in the physical sense but emotionally and mentally letting go of these outdated beliefs has been a gift freeing me to live authentically and joyfully life may not be perfect but it is Rich mean meaningful and mind to
            • 26:00 - 26:30 embrace if you're reading this and find yourself at a similar stage of life I encourage you to reflect on the beliefs you've outgrown what have you let go of what lessons has life taught you sharing these insights not only enriches our own Journey but can Inspire others as well here's to the clarity wisdom and freedom that come with 70 and Beyond these lessons are meant to inspire you to live fully and authentically now I'd love to hear from you take a moment to reflect and share
            • 26:30 - 27:00 one thing you've learned and plan to apply in your own life let's support each other on this journey toward embracing these truths if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment with one if not feel free to comment with zero your feedback means a lot to us don't forget to like share and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content like this thank you for watching and here's to living life on your own own terms