Microsoft New Planner Tool-Comparison with Project Online etc. for Project Management
Estimated read time: 1:20
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The video discusses the application of Microsoft's New Planner tool in project management, comparing it with other systems like Project Online and Microsoft Project Server. The New Planner combines functionalities of Microsoft Planner and Project for the web, differentiating between basic and premium plans. It highlights essential features like task management, resource allocation, and project scheduling while emphasizing the tool's integration within Microsoft Teams. The overall objective is to offer a comprehensive project management solution with scalable and flexible usage options, depending on organizational needs.
New Planner is a mashup of Microsoft Planner and Project for the web, available in basic and premium versions 🚀.
It integrates neatly with Microsoft Teams but requires additional licensing 📜.
The tool facilitates project management with advanced features like Sprints and Gantt charts, focusing on both Agile and traditional methodologies 🏗️.
Co-pilot supports project managers by suggesting tasks and providing insights on project management efficiency 🔍.
Status reports and additional project artifacts can boost project tracking and resource allocation 🔧.
Key Takeaways
Microsoft's New Planner blends planner functionality with project for the web, offering a versatile tool for project management 🎯.
Integration with Microsoft Teams enhances accessibility, albeit requiring specific licenses 🔄.
The tool provides scalable options from simple task management to comprehensive project planning and resource management, tailored to organizational needs 👥.
New Planner offers features like Sprints, Gantt charts, and collaboration tools, making it dynamic for both Agile and traditional project setup 🛠️.
Co-pilot in Planner assists with task generation and project insights, adding a layer of AI support 🤖.
Microsoft's New Planner emerges as a robust solution for modern project management, merging features from Microsoft Planner and Project for the web. It offers both basic and premium plans to fit varying organizational needs. This combo tool is especially advantageous for teams using Microsoft Teams, though it requires some extra licensing. The emphasis is on integrating task management, resource planning, and collaborative project work all in one accessible platform.
The seminar covers primary features like Sprint management, Gantt chart visualization, and integration capabilities with existing Microsoft tools, thus supporting both Agile and traditional project management approaches. A significant point of interest is the use of AI, especially through Co-pilot, for task assistance, enabling users to optimize their project schedules and resource allocations effectively.
With support for project reporting and extensive customization options, New Planner aids organizations in overseeing multiple projects efficiently. Whether for small teams just managing tasks or larger teams needing full-scope project systems, New Planner adapts to provide critical insights and resource management features that promote scalable project development and completion.
Microsoft New Planner Tool-Comparison with Project Online etc. for Project Management Transcription
00:00 - 00:30 now we speak in the second part of today's serious miniseries about application of new planner in project management uh compared to task and Work Management as we did before we compared explicitly with two dedicated product management systems and Hans will take over the introduction with the slides I do most of the demo part so H over to you I give you control and please introduce us to the
00:30 - 01:00 topic yeah thanks yeah how can Microsoft new planner be used for project management good question yeah comparison with Project online the tool which is in place now for many many years and tpg project powerpack which is a an app uh built around the new planner premium or project for the web with its old name um with lots of other and extra project management me methodologies but yeah let's have a look at this um what's about the agenda so here it is what is
01:00 - 01:30 new Planner yeah what exactly is combined maybe You' have heard of it that um planner project for the weapon to do should somehow yeah be combined to a new application called new planner well let's have a look at this um in detail uh then we have a look at Microsoft planner premium so the old project for the web is now Microsoft planner in a Premium plan uh if it's not premium it's basic basic means this is more or less the functionality of the old planner but uh we will have a look
01:30 - 02:00 at this in in a moment um yeah but we focus in this webinar on planner premium uh once we have done this um we will proceed with a look at uh DPG project power pack and there are two possibilities you can run it uh around planner premium or you can run it with an own schu called DPG schedul which is more options for better G charts and um and dependencies between tasks and stuff like that uh yeah but let's have a look at this and
02:00 - 02:30 uh as we are comparing the planner premium as a new app also with established app with the established app called Microsoft Project server Project online um we will have a short look into this as well just to get an idea what's the difference and why you should look for the one or the other so at the end you should have an idea uh what's interesting for you um well we don't do a training here in this next 45 minutes or or never it's also not possible to cover all the features it's just for you
02:30 - 03:00 to get um an idea what tool is for what functionality buil yo what is new planner good question um as I said it is a combination of Microsoft planner um which exists for a few years now and Microsoft project for the web which is the successor of um a project online um and maybe if seen it should be
03:00 - 03:30 the combination with Microsoft too as well and what is it now this is all together the new planner good question um yeah no it is not it is not the case that these three are now exactly yeah merged into one app no U the first two Microsoft planner and Microsoft project for the web are merged into the new planner but Microsoft too is still an extra application right um but you need different licenses so for Microsoft project for the web or the Premium plan
03:30 - 04:00 in the new planner you need an extra license um compared to um the planner basic plan which just offers the functionality of the old Microsoft planner so yes there is a new application called new planner it is the combination of Microsoft planner and project for the web and you need two different licenses so this as a start and um yeah um just for you to know we have two webinars today in a row the first we had already was in new planner basic so this
04:00 - 04:30 was the previous webinar which was all about task management and now we are running the webinar for planner premium um which is all about project management so if you want to see what's possible around task management just wait for the uh for the recording of the session we had before uh you can see this um in YouTube or the message you get from Aim um at the end of the week yes so let's stay with the topic of project management for the next minutes um and that means yeah if you want to
04:30 - 05:00 use it um and I said something about licenses Thomas there were different licenses yeah it's definitely repeating from what we said before but it definitely makes sense for the ones that just joined us now so every level of feat has its price and to do is includeed in business and Enterprise plans planner with basic plans is also included in the Enterprise plant at least D1 E3 and D5 which many of you might use for the office applications planner premium plans now we're getting
05:00 - 05:30 to the point requires Project online plan one or P1 which street price at least in Europe is something like 940 per month it could be different your location and co-pilot in planner is included so co-pilot only can be used in premium plans not in basic plans so far but it's included in the license here which is good again please check for overlap with other co-pilot licenses that you may have things are definitely uh moving there and Microsoft changes
05:30 - 06:00 them every now and then so you can look up all the prices for yourself and for your country and these different links that we have at the bottom of the page yeah once you get the slides you can use the links directly and check out what's your price so what exactly is combined as I said we have to look a little bit closer to the details so new planner um is a combination of planner and project for the web um and it offers a list of plans
06:00 - 06:30 so yeah plans H project for the web that's not a plan a plan was in planner okay lots of words with the same meaning meanwhile um a project in project for the web which is now a Premium plan in the new planner is at the end a plan so we don't talk about projects anymore we talk just about plans and these plans come from a basic template then it has the functionality of the old planner or you build your plan with a pre premium template then you get the functionality
06:30 - 07:00 of project for the web but at the end they all listed together in one list in the new planner so these two applications are combined in one new one and this is the focus for this webinar well the other things here all about tasks and where the tasks combined from um too and Outlook marked emails and one note and loop and lists and stuff like that we do not cover in this webinar
07:00 - 07:30 this was covered already in the webinar the hour before so in this webinar we focus on project management so we focus on new planner and project for the web functionality called premium template yeah let's go for this um and yeah just uh three slides about the data and stuff like that um and uh the first question is where do you find the new planner is this a new app Thomas how can I find it yeah unfortunately it's not an
07:30 - 08:00 app well unfortunately I would say because it takes away some of the screen by running in Microsoft teams so it's not yet available in all tenants in the meantime it should be by whatever 90 plus percentage available activation is still in progress so don't worry it doesn't show up in your environment there's no dedicated app it runs in Microsoft teams only um you basically select a new app on the on the left side in Microsoft teams where you have the different applications and here you find the new planner you can open it in a new window for sure but definitely there is
08:00 - 08:30 no pure web interface for it it's really tied into teams these days which definitely makes sense probably from a Microsoft point of view now that teams has extra cost and extra licenses involved with it so also the new planner um requires now a teams license that needs to be bought yes and the old existing apps for planner and project for the web are still in place nobody knows how long but for now you could reach these things from both sides but the new planner can be started from teams here thanks for
08:30 - 09:00 this um so how to move on yeah what's what's changing with plan and project for the web um I've seen in the in the first survey that there was no one uh who has used project for the web already I don't know if mean while someone has joined who does but uh let's have a look in in in some yeah feature comparison um so these two apps come together in the new one um yeah so plans in planner are basic plans in New planner right so okay
09:00 - 09:30 it's just a plan is a plan but now it is a basic plan um uh in projects in project for the web are now premium plans in new planners so that's it um but there are other things uh like you can copy a basic plan into a new Premium plan so this is nothing else and maybe you're wondering why you have to copy it yeah the data storage in the background is different still so um uh the planner is still uh has its data in Azure and
09:30 - 10:00 project for the web has its data in in data verse so yes there is really copy data in the background from one template to another one um and what's also new is that plans do not have to be assigned to uh to a team you can have your private plans that yeah can be good if no one else should see your plan before maybe it's ready you can assign these plans to groups other later on so that's not an
10:00 - 10:30 issue um it's just for you to know that you can now have plans which are not assigned to a group automatically which was done in the past so until you do it they stay remain they stay private so you can only see them for yourself so this is one thing um the next thing is that I clicked sometime yeah uh task from to-do are displayed in new planner not not yet from project for the web that's it uh so um in the past um the uh
10:30 - 11:00 tasks from project for the web were not showed in planer so this is a new feature so that these two tasks um coming from or that these task coming from to-do are now shown in planner and um in project for the web so for both templates so it's premium and basic Okay now what's the real difference which new enhancements are coming with Premium versus basic Thomas told us before that we have to pay more so do I get more for my money uh yeah you do so
11:00 - 11:30 there are boards with Sprints right you have in planner boards that's okay uh but these are just Group by buckets by progress or what else but you can't have Sprints in planner basic Sprints with a start and finish date can only be set in uh planner premium uh then you get a g chart well I don't need to explain Garts hopefully uh then you can have a structure with summary task tasks and Milestones uh in mentioned in the webinar before that uh planner just
11:30 - 12:00 offers a flat list of tasks uh with no possibility to build any structure um but in plan planner planner premium you can have summary tasks uh normal tasks and Milestones so yes you can build the um a structure as you need it for your work packages faces or whatever in your project so just build your work breakdown structure as you would have would like to have it you can have links between tasks and Milestones so you get your schedule so you have successors and predecessors you have um a history of
12:00 - 12:30 operations so that means whatever you edit um and you do you can see what happened to your tasks um maybe someone entered the duration someone changed the name or whatever so you get all the history of your edits you can chat um on an individual tasks or maybe you can ask a colleagues hey why do you think these are 10 days I think it's less than 10 days what do you think and the colleague answers and no no it has to be 10 days because of whatever so you really can chat uh not for about the whole project
12:30 - 13:00 you can jet um in your plan per task so that's a very nice thing um the next thing um is uh that you can have custom fields for tasks we said that the planner basic doesn't offer any custom field uh project for the web or planner premium Now offers the functionality of custom fields for tasks um so but is are these are local custom Fields so you have to enter these if create these custom
13:00 - 13:30 Fields per plan or per project now um there are no Enterprise custom Fields available at the moment like you could have known this from a project online or project server but it's on the road map so Microsoft said that they will come up with a Enterprise custom Fields uh during this year what we also have is conditional formatting of sales in the task TBL so we get some background if some values um um yeah hit any um yeah any value that is defined you can
13:30 - 14:00 have green blue red whatever or just the colors of your traffic lights um for different thresholds different colors so easy thing but looks good um definition of capacities for people by calendar so you have no possibility in the basic plan um to add resources right you can have um users so you can add people who work on the tasks yes but these are not no resources in terms of Microsoft Project as you may know it with a capacity but in planer premium you can
14:00 - 14:30 have a capacity that means they have I don't know 40 hours week to work and once they have more hours assigned then the capacity um offers they get the different colors or they are marked as as yeah having too much work assignment of resources into um to tasks with working hours yeah as we said um coming back to plan up basic you can't add a single number on your task you can't add hours for work that's not possible in plan a premium you can do it you can
14:30 - 15:00 have hours to work actual hours and remaining hours so what else you can have a definition of goals that can be linked to task yeah but don't expect too much it's not Viva goals it's just an extra list that comes with PR planner premium um that allows you yeah to to have a list of goals and you can assign these goals to tasks so you know what you're working for and what's the L last thing yeah you can use co-pilot for generating some operations and detail operations or
15:00 - 15:30 detail tasks you can you can Define for example a work package and then ask co-pilot for some uh some details so you could have uh the question I would like to write an an app on Azure that does whatever synchronization with SIP watch please provide me some steps for details um 10 of them so co-pilot will deliver 10 tasks as you asked for and will place them in your plan you can accept it or revise it so yeah you can build your
15:30 - 16:00 plan with with um Artificial Intelligence coming yeah from all the people out there out there having done some plant before okay Thomas I would say that's enough let's have a look I guess it's more than enough so let's directly jump into that and understand where we are in terms of what is possible so that's something for later let me briefly jump over to my other user here here and we
16:00 - 16:30 will start in the new planner that's just the remainder of the last webinar that we had before I'm going to my plans now you see there are a number of plans already and I'm going to create a new plan and again you see what you just pointed out there are basic plans and premium plans so the correct wording that we had to learn from Microsoft is this is not planner premium it's planner with a Premium plan okay let's do this let's look again into product management M activity this time I'm not going to
16:30 - 17:00 pick a basic plan but a Premium plan you see it's a template that comes with a certain number of activities and tasks already let's just open it and start from here and we just take this as our project management um premium I call it so I know exactly what I'm doing and I take today's date so I easily find my Premium plan later on again the assignment to group is optional if I want to share it with
17:00 - 17:30 other people or assign other people so they can access their task I need to create a group um to allow access so it's creating my Premium plan on the fly now shouldn't take too long and then we directly jump into it you see it's already showing up in my pin plans here on the back end and again this is not only showing up in the new planner it's also showing up in Microsoft project for the web let's briefly refresh it in here let's look into what
17:30 - 18:00 detail information I can get across all my different projects and you see this is now the Premium plan that I just created again it lives in Microsoft product for the web but of course it also lives in Microsoft um planner the new planner a little refresh in here um again it's still a preview but finally we should be there and now I can use my project scale schedule in here I see it in here I can
18:00 - 18:30 open in here and do all the things that I'm probably interested in which means let's reduce a little bit in here I start with a grid View and you see there's a structure right away there are summary Tas there are work packages maybe there are individual steps in here I could still add milestones and do additional things so maybe I want to have a new task just below or new task just below um so different things that are available in here and you see this
18:30 - 19:00 is kind of the complete functionality shown in the context menu on the right hand side so let's just go maybe to the summary task in here we want to have a new task above and this is let's say Milestone one um and of project Charter for example a milestone as we all know is zero day functionality again I can now go in here and show some of the additional data that already are
19:00 - 19:30 available so of number of columns already are in there for example a depends on yeah so we do have a logic between these different um tasks in here we could look at the total effort for example and for sure we should look at the start date and we should look at the Finish date of the individual task in here the Milestone looks a little strange why is that because it has not been connected and of course I can go in here and say okay wait a second this
19:30 - 20:00 belongs to row number six develop the project Charter and you see I even have the fullblown set of dependency types so quite comfortable quite a luxury in terms of let's say different connections between uh links between different task and different lags even if you want to have it let's really go quick in here and say okay for sure this a finish to start and then it recalculates my schedule as I would expect it so grid view for many data that I need to digest
20:00 - 20:30 and of course I can look at the Timeline which shows me if everything has been done correctly the timeline itself cannot be configured at all just to be aware the ones that have been using Microsoft Project maybe for the past or the last 25 years there are no colors at the G chart the um table part on the left hand side is restricted to the task structure only so you cannot somehow add any additional tasks any additional columns here for more information which
20:30 - 21:00 I think would be nice but maybe it's the next step on the road map for the development of all that so timeline is definitely in here again chart and of course we have the grid view that we started with now let's look into something that I find especially more appealing which is a board view a board view really allows us to structure and look at the project in many different ways yeah it's a bucket it's just a column of activities and tasks that belong together this looks like a project Face bucket here initiation
21:00 - 21:30 planning execution definitely makees sense the more or less standard vanilla five project phases that all of us know maybe from a PMI model so we can structure it differently we can look into maybe the Finish date of something like that yeah it comes out of the box these groupings we can look into maybe priorities of the task why are they different because we started with a template it had some of this assigned before long story short if I click on a task from a schedule now from a Premium
21:30 - 22:00 plan it looks much more complete and offers many more functionalities compared to um planner basic first of all same functionality here I can assign it to myself I can add a label again this could be the pink label for example and I can go in here and again say okay for the label I'm going to add let me Bly kick on it I'm going to edit the name and this now means okay this again is it as an example sorry for keyboard
22:00 - 22:30 here and so here we are good depends on start and finish date duration complete priority something I can change the buckets I can assign there's a Sprint even assigned right away there's a checklist in here and finally there are number columns yeah effort for completed and remaining which is a total and some custom fields that may have been added based on the template again so maybe that as a risk associated with the
22:30 - 23:00 individual task maybe I put this to a medium information some color coding and you see some of the additional things that are interesting in here so I think quite complete in terms of functionality to not only build a schedule but also for example to see the history of the individual task every change and when it had been done and who changed it in here so it's really a full audit if you think about it on all the change that have be done at the individual task in the
23:00 - 23:30 project schedule few other things to mention but for now just to mention Thomas and that's a big difference for the audience here knowing Microsoft Project online in Project online you open your plan and you are the only editor right uh this here makes definitely sense to get the history because you can always work together on that plan so you should know if you're wondering about the data who has changed it it could be your colleague absolutely it's co-authoring which I
23:30 - 24:00 think on one hand is a nice thing on the other hand it requires a little more discipline maybe and control and good point H actually uh if I'd like to see who changed what when definitely makes sense to have it built into that let's look it little bit into the other things that you have pointed out before so the Sprints are definitely in here there a default Sprint that just has been added which maybe is a little bit too long yeah maybe for one months so let's go in here and say okay maybe the Finish date when we start let say the 1st of May um
24:00 - 24:30 now let's start here on the Monday and we put the Finish date let's say finally let's go into May down here let's go for three week Sprint I would say something like that and we go on this one so this is done now I can add another Sprint after that and say okay the next one starts then on the 20s and so on and so on you see where it's going to so I can easily build the Sprints in here and finally the task can be just pulled into the Sprints as I did before the back is still here so I can kind of structure
24:30 - 25:00 myself it's not full agile definitely not yeah you don't have story points you don't have any of the other things um that usually um show up in a let's say Ang environment but at least you can structure your things that you need to work on in a Sprint mode um question we always are in doubt about why do I create a timeline with dependencies and everything else and and still use a Sprint view maybe I have to make up my
25:00 - 25:30 mind and not connect my task to each other by linking them in a logical sequence but really just create a list of things that need to be done and then organize myself in a Sprint but maybe that's just a personal perception at the end of the day it's quite flexible in what should be shown let's say at the individual project level based on the different buckets in the different boards that we have in here they are flexible they can be extended and nice piece this is living in dataor yeah which is the Power
25:30 - 26:00 Platform database for Microsoft in the web there's a full-blown report pack for free for Microsoft that you can download for powerbi you just connect it into your environment you refresh it and you see all that and really I think quite goodlooking reports um that not only roll up into a single project but even at portfolio level so a list of projects for example that has always been missing in these environments is definitely something that the report pack can solve let's look at two or three additional
26:00 - 26:30 things that come on top of it there's a builtin reporting as well as we have seen in planner basic before very simple not customizable but okay if you want to get an overview on things that are happening and of course you can look into a number of activities in here now let's go maybe into one additional task in here I want to assign it to someone else and I maybe search for hunts that should show up in here so I'm giving this task to him and
26:30 - 27:00 just by adding him okay did it not work so maybe I made a mistake okay could be good no it doesn't allow me that maybe because I didn't share the plan oh yeah yeah good point it still is a private plan I definitely need to share it yes and that's exactly what it's telling me here um so I can just assign him now later when hun should be able to see these activities assigned to him and work on them I need to add a
27:00 - 27:30 group and just share it to for the moment I'm just sharing and that's basically what you can do with the people view in here so the people view is the view from a single project yeah and if I now go into let's say to what has it been assigned and what else is let's say maybe interesting in here I could see the number of working hours that comes from the project schedule or the number of tasks unfortunately this is not enough for any Resource Management activity why not I
27:30 - 28:00 couldn't look at the hours here but I don't see on a timeline if this works out in let's say a capacity point of view do they have enough capacity to work on that in the time frame of these activities there's one Improvement already in here I can look into this from a daily and weekly point of view ah monthly and yearly has shown up now okay this was different last week it's really work in progress here for Microsoft thumbs up very good so I can look into
28:00 - 28:30 how many hours should hun spend on that in this week to work on one or many activities but it does not show me any color coding red green or am or whatever it takes if it's too much based on his capacity your working model that would be the logical Next Step but again as I said before this is really developing a lot Microsoft has been has released this let's say Premium plan or old project for the web about four years ago and adding functionality over functionality
28:30 - 29:00 while we speak I would say almost so really surprising to me that monthly and yearly is now in here very good so it wasn't there last week when you did the first webinar in German one more thing to point out maybe on this one on the Premium plan what else can be done as H pointed out I can assign this to a goal so the goal is just another pick list in here the goal would be probably something nice let's say efficiency [Music]
29:00 - 29:30 increase by 10% yeah so whatever beside my typo is in here and then I could go in here and add new tasks to the goal but I can also start from the other point of view and I can go in here and say okay definitely it makes sense to work on that and go into the details and finally say okay what goal does this belong to to the efficiency increase for example and as you may guess this can be now used for uh grouping by the
29:30 - 30:00 individual details again so long story short I'm quite nice to show all that in here and finally I can go into maybe another board view again and now we say okay maybe show it by the codes so another piece of data that lives in here let's go into maybe one last thing I'd like to show you in here because I have a schedule now the timeline and I assigned myself this goes back into the
30:00 - 30:30 new planner again so new planner we are anyway we just look at the plans right now but it's not just another plan that has been added in here it also adds the tasks in here yeah so the task from the schedule is automatically showing in here in my own task again it's signed to me depending on the due date it will show up in my day and so on and so on and so on you get it quite enough funny enough you have the same let's say task
30:30 - 31:00 in here on one hand from the Premium plan the other one from the basic plan that we created earlier but that's the nice story about all this it all comes together in new planner independent from where you have created your individual to-do items action items task however you should call them so this is the the good thing about bringing all these different pieces finally together let's close it with the new functionality that again has appeared
31:00 - 31:30 just about two weeks ago so right now we do have baselines available in Pro and planner premium Baseline means I can create a new Baseline which saves the start and finish date of my task and of my project also the duration and the Baseline effort for example there's one Baseline you can save not more it's you can name it in here um what's a little confusing about all this is that the baselines that you store in here saves
31:30 - 32:00 data on the back end yeah which is a good thing but the Baseline information at the moment is not yet visible in here yeah so while you can save the data and use it in reporting you cannot add it in your let's say grid view in your let's say table view in here and you also cannot show the Baseline in your G chart which I think is a logical Next Step um that Microsoft should add to make it really a good solution with the Baseline
32:00 - 32:30 long story short this was kind of a deep dive um to some limit into a Premium plan did I forget something H based on the long checklist that you presented earlier uh well you could use co-pilot uh to um to ask for criteria for Milestone one or you you develop project Charter maybe you ask co-pilot what the project Charter should contain or whatever so these are things um yeah that could create extra task last time have not been successful but I would say
32:30 - 33:00 please add five tasks to develop Charter let's see if it's smart enough to detect project Charter and add five subtasks to it it really depends on the prompter usually it's not copilot it's the prompter who makes a mistake usually it's me okay sorry for that um then I ask for something else and I say
33:00 - 33:30 which task has the longest okayest duration so it could be an analysis it could be adding additional data into it but it really depends on the very correct usage of the prompt and it takes me okay product management premium yeah good one I depends on what you ask for definitely they right that the project itself is the longest task which is the
33:30 - 34:00 pro summary task anyway that's okay yeah so finally I need to probably prompt a little more in detail and ask for a detail task or a phase or let's say level one task or whatever it might be long story short yes co-pilot preview as you can see comes with the planner premium that we just are looking at and I would say with that probably unless I find something else I'd like to point out noise think we're good for the time being um yeah that should be it about
34:00 - 34:30 kind of premium and I think we have one to other things to discuss right yes yeah planner premium well it's more or less the schedul um and what we would like to to offer um in terms of project management is uh yeah things around risk management the project chart the status report um stakeholder analysis whatever so things that you um yeah should use if you if you do good project management
34:30 - 35:00 you need more than a schedule definitely um and this is the reason why we built the project power pack um that offers all these things around a project or planner premium for for the new name um and this is just one slide to get an idea what's in so kinds of functionality for for multi project management so portfolios uh programs we also have a budget in cost planning actual cost and controlling um we have um variance of the project so we can have um some some
35:00 - 35:30 certain scenarios and save it as a variant and open it up later on and compare with your original schedule and stuff like that so we built in a lot of functionality around uh the premium planner and um even action items into to do and stuff like that uh but yeah Thomas just give us a short intro how does it look like so this is a the advantage of the Power Platform where they where the planner is built in and
35:30 - 36:00 we can really have a low code no code thing around it but we packaged it in a solution which is more than low code um yeah there's lots of functionality built in the main reason that we initially build it when Microsoft released then project for the web now planner premium is there is no way to structure the list of projects you are seeing not in plan on new planner not in Microsoft project
36:00 - 36:30 for the web yeah just have a plain list projects driven by name and maybe when you last access to them you have a little filtering in here you can type to filter the list that's perfectly okay but wouldn't it be nice if we could see a project status in here if you could see the customer behind maybe some other information that just makes sense because usually I have more than maybe seven or eight projects and that was exactly the purpose when we walked into the let's say um creation of um project
36:30 - 37:00 power pack called PPP again there are two flavors one with the Schuler one with Microsoft project for the web let's just go in here and say how does it look like when I log into that one so first of all I have a personal entry portal for myself which we called my work which shows me things I need to work on my action items I have a number of projects that belong to me I have a number of risks and issues I need to work on how does it all come together let's briefly jump into to one project for now and
37:00 - 37:30 look into some of the details again this is one project out of many how many do we have maybe I have my own projects ah but I get additional data for these projects how does it look like in an overview maybe at company level yeah where we usually have many more projects many more information pieces I'd like to see like a status like an overall kpi like a budget information for example and so on and so on so multiproject management definitely is in scope of the solution we're looking into but it's
37:30 - 38:00 living on the data in the individual projects which means there are some project details like project Master data or project attributes that we can use to filter group sort and report on all these different project there are traffic light indicators or kpis there's a roll up of different numbers and different data items from the product itself one the schedule and guess what the schedule in here exactly is the
38:00 - 38:30 schedule that we have seen before in planner premium which means Microsoft product for the web so it's seamlessly integrated into that one and just the schedule part is being taken care of by Microsoft um planner premium but the financials for top- down planning at project level for Budget numbers actual numbers forecast for example is something that comes on top of it which cannot even be extended into Microsoft product for the web or pler premium because it doesn't allow any currency
38:30 - 39:00 fields for example we do have a number of options for the resource planning the resource management it could be done in the schedule as we have seen in here I can assign people to task but we also have a different options which means a top down resource plan living at project level asking for people with a certain percentage a heat map a graphical indication of over allocation and not the necessity to do a resource management at individual task level
39:00 - 39:30 which for many of our customers is just to cumbersome so the first five items in here are for planning the project but of course we have a number of additional data items that make sense like risks assigned to a project like issues assigned to a project like change requests assigned to a project and so on and so on and so on you get it you see quite a number of additional data items that have been added into the environment because the schedule is one
39:30 - 40:00 piece but all the other pieces also contribute to the projects last but not least we not only have the schedule Who belongs to the project manager we also have the so-called action items which is our Work Management to-do management inside the project where the team members that belong to my project team can organize themselves and assign each other small action items that needs to be taken care of last but not least all this comes together in a status report
40:00 - 40:30 that lives in powerbi and the status report definitely pulls all the data from the project it knows anyway so the project Master data the financials the schedule information and all the product artifacts let me briefly log on here shouldn't take more than a second so I have not been using this probably for the last few hours so I need to log on again and now we getting into uh step status report for one single project project Master data kpis the last status
40:30 - 41:00 from the project and our project artifacts and the last status that I show in here is coming from a historical project status reporting that over time will be added to the product itself for the ones who don't like all the information in here it's very very easy to cut it down to what you need so you say oh no no that's way too much for me let's go for a smaller um project type in here let's go for a
41:00 - 41:30 small details project let's save it real quick and let's refresh it real quick and now watch the number of TS I have in here just by refreshing I drastically reduce what I need for this specific type of project and maybe not anything else I think with that the time has gone anyway and I would say back to you Hans and maybe back to ahim uh yeah but we have two things left uh which um Worth to mention um the one
41:30 - 42:00 thing is if the project uh if if the project premium um is not good enough for you um because in terms of the uh the missing functionality in the G chart we have the the schul maybe you could open the schul for for a minute that people see that we don't have to rely only um on uh on the on the project on the project for the web it's the old name right uh the planner premium so we have built uh this project power pack
42:00 - 42:30 with uh our own schedul which offers the same functionality around the Gen chart but the Gen chart itself um is based um on an on an extra component um and this extra component as you see offers yeah a colorful G chart with more options you can see a baseland and all the other things so this is just just for you to know that there are more possibilities here um in the cloud and the last thing that
42:30 - 43:00 we want to tell you is uh yeah regarding the cloud um if you are not allowed to go to the cloud um there is still Microsoft Project online in place or Microsoft Project server well online is still in the cloud but yeah the the same functionality is still available with the Microsoft Project server it's the um um it's this the old thing uh still alive it's a desktop um application that you know so this is Microsoft Project
43:00 - 43:30 professional um and there is the project web app beside um and there is a database um there where the data is stored in SQL Server um and we have just the SharePoint server and there in the project server um is working so if you have uh yeah projects which are yeah not allowed to be stored um outside the company so you would like to run a local system so it is still still available um in um yeah as as Microsoft Project
43:30 - 44:00 server always was available the last 20 years um and there is no date announced that it would um expire so you can have the subscription edition of Microsoft Project server for the next years and even Project online um is uh is announced at least for the next five years so um you can run you can run your project desktop client against the database in Project server and project online um if you would want to have a
44:00 - 44:30 full-blown scheduling engine U or you want to have a desktop client and you want or you need to send a plan uh to a customer or you get plans from other guys so the MPP files you know from the past this is still working but what Microsoft is uh not offering is that uh the project professional uh desktop application is working together with the new project premium or the planner premium you can only import MPP file
44:30 - 45:00 once so there is there is no way in and out like you know it from from Project online or project server uh this is just not the case um in the new world uh but yeah there are many options to decide and now let's come to the end um I hope you have got an idea about the new planner um and the possibilities around it like in Project power Peg offered from us um or at least a few sentences and um and differences to project server
45:00 - 45:30 Project online so yeah if you're not allowed to go to the cloud you still can live with the version that's existing yeah that's it for today it was 45 minutes no it was 40 49 minutes a little bit overtime but I hope it was good for you hun we have one question when you can hear me can he you um now I have to select here my screen so you know that we are now in the question section there is only one
45:30 - 46:00 question so far which is uh how do you make sure that tasks created in planner basic or to do LS in the correct plan in planner premium um good question um in in in planner premium um well in general in the new planner you get on the left hand side a menu that shows just the private tasks and the tasks from the
46:00 - 46:30 plan where that that's currently opened or your flagged emails right so you just need to click on the right place and there is no way that the to-do is moved into a plan out of Microsoft too right that that just doesn't work it is just the case that this data is synchronized or let's say it is um it is shown in one user interface where you can select which kind of tasks you would like to see so the other way around works so you
46:30 - 47:00 have a plan in sorry have a task in planner premium or planner basic no matter um it will show show up in uh in in Microsoft to-do because there is only your to-do right so every task that comes from anywhere is just listed in yeah in my day in planned in important or wherever but the other way around where you would have to select a project or a plan these these data coming from from to-do is not um transported in another
47:00 - 47:30 plan it's just shown in the user interface of planner premium of of of the new planner at all so it's there this the data of to do is not copied into a plan it's just the other way around from plans they are shown into do I think that's an important point because the functionality in these apps is different and the data storage is different it's just as I said shown to you one single user interface which makes it more convenient to work on
47:30 - 48:00 these different types of task from different applications so yeah to to do is for your private use more or less right so this is the main reason is you get all the things in one place out of plans basic premium and you manually enter things into do by yourself if you want to work with some colleagues you choose planner um basic maybe if you want to have some extra functionality you choose planner premium and if you want to have real full-blown Pro project management solution yeah maybe you go for Project online project server or DPG project
48:00 - 48:30 power pack um and and and then our schedul for example um and uh yeah it's yeah first think about your requirements um and then maybe ask us to help you find the right way and I'm sure we will find a way