Model Driven Power Apps FULL COURSE for Beginners [UPDATED 2024 Edition]

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In this comprehensive and updated 2024 edition, Lisa Crosbie guides beginners through the intricate but rewarding process of building a model-driven Power App from start to finish. She covers every aspect, from setting up a developer plan and creating tables in Dataverse to designing forms and views and adding essential components like business process flows and subgrids. The course includes real-time walkthroughs and practical examples, perfect for anyone looking to master power apps and manage enterprise-wide applications.


      • Lisa Crosbie offers a full-day training value for free! 🆓
      • Create a robust recruitment app to manage end-to-end processes. 🔄
      • Use Dataverse tables to hold critical business data securely. 🔐
      • Design interactive forms and views for user-friendly interfaces. 👨‍💻
      • Implement business process flows for streamlined operations. 📈

      Key Takeaways

      • Learn to build model-driven Power Apps from scratch! 🚀
      • Harness the power of Dataverse for database creation. 💾
      • Master the art of creating forms, views, and business process flows. 💼
      • Utilize advanced features like subgrids and lookup views. 🔍
      • Integrate co-pilot for AI-powered data insights. 🤖


      Welcome to Lisa Crosbie's full course video on building model-driven Power Apps, now updated for 2024. This video brings the immersive and detailed experience of a complete day's training directly to your screen, for free. Throughout the course, Lisa guides you through creating a recruitment management app using Power Apps' model-driven capabilities. From detailed table creation using Dataverse to leveraging business process flows, every step is covered with clarity and ease-of-understanding in mind.

        You'll explore the significant functionalities of Power Apps, such as Dataverse for creating sophisticated databases without extensive coding knowledge. Not only will you learn to manage your data effectively using tables and relationships, but you'll also dive into advanced components like subgrids and lookup views to enhance user interface interactions. With Lisa's expert guidance, you’ll understand critical processes and be equipped to construct enterprise-level applications.

          As a cherry on top, Lisa introduces Micorsoft's Co-Pilot, aligning with its 2024 advancements. This tool will empower you to gain AI insights on your data, making your apps intuitive and smart. As you follow along, be prepared to end this journey ready to share and manage apps fittingly with robust data security and user-specific permissions, ensuring your application not only meets but exceeds enterprise needs.

            Model Driven Power Apps FULL COURSE for Beginners [UPDATED 2024 Edition] Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 hello and welcome to my complete course on how  to build a model driven power app this is the   amount of information I would normally cover in a  full day of training so you are getting enormous   value watching this for free on YouTube there are  some supplementary materials if you'd like follow   the links in the description here if you'd like  to get those I am going to show you how to build   a model driven app end to endend our scenario  here is building out an app that can manage a   recruitment process if you've watched my previous  full course on model driven apps this is a whole
            • 00:30 - 01:00 different scenario with some different components  I didn't cover there all fully updated so you'll   find additional learning here and additional  skills to practice if you're new if you haven't   come across my tutorials or my other course before  welcome I'm very glad you found me either way if   you find this valuable and I really really hope  you do CU you're going to learn how to build an   app end to end here please give this video  a like that's the thing that really helps it   reach the most people and I would really like  to help more people learn about how to work
            • 01:00 - 01:30 with model driven power apps and how to build them  and if you feel so inclined please give it a share   among your community of people who you think might  also benefit from this so let's get started with   a demonstration here of what the app is that  we're going to build and why would you choose   a model driven app in the first place so here's  my opening welcome screen what we've got here is   an application that can manage a recruitment  process from end to end I've got a number of   things on the screen here which we'll come back to  this is a custom screen that we can put together   just to give give it a bit of a printy pretty  front face although I'm not actually winning
            • 01:30 - 02:00 any Design Awards here but we have a navigation  menu down the left hand side that navigates you   through all of the different tables in the app  and so a core concept of what we're doing with   model driven apps is actually building out  something that is a database of some kind   with tables and different table relationships in  it the app we're building out here is relatively   straightforward with just three tables but the  the concept here is that you can build this out
            • 02:00 - 02:30 to be an enterprise-wide application you can use  this to build Mission critical applications it's   something where back in the day people might have  used access as a database to do something like   this this is way more sophisticated maybe people  are building apps using SQL tables those kinds of   things as well so this is a complete system that  allows you to build out your data model with no   code you do not have to be an expert in databases  to be able to do this and the front-end user inter
            • 02:30 - 03:00 that goes on it all in one thing now this is  a premium capability within the power apps   platform you will need every license sorry you  will need every user to have a premium license   so you've got to be thinking about use cases  here that actually have high value in managing   an endtoend business process and where your data  needs to be stored in a secure scalable way you're   looking at applications here where you might  have thousands tens of thousands of rows dozens
            • 03:00 - 03:30 hundreds of tables with different relationships  automated processes needing to be able to have   different security roles to give different users  in your organization access to what they can do in   the app think about things like CRM applications  or customer service applications things that you   might use to manage a whole permit application  process a grants management process or for   instance here a human resources process these  are Big applications substantial applications
            • 03:30 - 04:00 with a lot of security data and process in them  if that's the way you're thinking you're in the   right place for model driven apps so what we're  doing here is managing a list of active roles of   jobs that we're recruiting for so we've got these  roles in the application we've also got a database   of contacts in here all the details are fake these  are not real people not giving away anyone's real   information all of these people who have applied  for jobs or put in applications of some kind and
            • 04:00 - 04:30 then we've also got applications in here if I  go into one of these you'll see that there's   relationships going on between these tables so  an application here is an application for a role   and that if I click through will open up let's  do that that opens up the actual rooll and from   the role I can see any related applications this  is a on to many relationship one role can have   many applications associated ated with it the  application also has a candidate and if I click
            • 04:30 - 05:00 through to the candidate here is my person who's  applied for the role and we've got all of their   details there we can navigate back again we've  also got here a business process flow across the   top which is guiding you into to end through the  different steps and stages that have to happen   we're going to go through screening into viws  reference checks right through to making an offer   so we've got three tables here one contact one  person could apply for many roles a role is going
            • 05:00 - 05:30 to have many applications and the application  is the part where we're going to manage that   endtoend process all the way through we've also  got a co-pilot on the side because it's 2024 and   it's Microsoft of course we've got a co-pilot on  the side that's going to allow us to ask questions   about our data and work through all of those  things in natural language but we will come back   to that all right what I'm going to do here now  is take you through how to build this application
            • 05:30 - 06:00 from end to end I am actually recording this video  in real time I'm not even going to pause or stop   for any of the spinning wheels cuz I want you to  be able to work through this with me and learn how   to build the app I'll put chapters everywhere  here so that you can jump ahead to what you   need to do and then you can pause or go back over  things if you like don't forget in the link here   there's some extra materials that you might want  to get and give this video a like if you're going   to find Value in it let me show you first what you  need in order to sign up to get started with this
            • 06:00 - 06:30 which the easiest way to do this is a power apps  developer plan now if you've already got access   at work to a power apps environment that has data  verse in it you're good you can skip this chapter   but you might want to watch this just in case  you can build for free and you can learn for   free by going to this link here and signing up  for a power apps developer plan now this is very   easy all you need to do is click on the start  free button you can pop your email address in
            • 06:30 - 07:00 there and click Start free so let's do that agree  to the terms and conditions and start free and   that will navigate you through into the power apps  maker experience takes a couple of seconds I think   it brings up another screen where it might ask  for your contact details which you can just skip   over if you don't want to do that it brings you up  into this maker experience where you have got an   environment at the top here that is just for you  this will deploy an enir environment that has data
            • 07:00 - 07:30 verse in it which is what you need in order to  be able to build out the application please make   sure that you are sitting in something here that  says something like this with your name and not   the one that says default you will not be able  to do the whole tutorial if you are in default   just check that you've got this right if you're  using your work environment you should have an   environment that looks like this and if you click  on tables on the side here you should be able to   see a whole bunch of tables in there that way you  know you've got data verse and you're good to go   there is one more thing that we need to do before  we get going with everything bear with me it will
            • 07:30 - 08:00 be worth it we need to put some settings in place  for this environment to make sure that you're   going to get some of the really cool new features  that just make this app amazing so what you need   to do is go to another tab in your browser and  you're going to go to this website address here P Pac which is short for Power Platform  admin Center you get a lovely welcome message
            • 08:00 - 08:30 here and we will just zoom this screen up a little  bit more you're going to click on environments   over there on the left hand side you'll see I've  got quite a few things going on here uh to make   this work click into the environment that you  just created that you're working with and then   click through to settings and there are two lots  of settings we're going to work with here this is   partly around enabling some of the new things  with co-pilot and also setting up some of the   search functionality that I highly recommend you  definitely want so we're going to click through   here into product firstly go into behavior and  you're going to set this to the release channel
            • 08:30 - 09:00 here says semiannual Channel by default we're  going to choose the monthly channel and click   save I'll just explain that while that's going on  that basically means that for this environment as   Microsoft is releasing new features and pushing  things through you're going to get those updates   much sooner in a real production environment  once you've got this app being used by lots and   lots of people in in your organization you might  not want to be doing that but for Learning and
            • 09:00 - 09:30 experimenting you absolutely definitely do want  to get your hands on those things so navigate back   in that breadcrumb trail we'll see this type  of experience as we go all the way through of   being able to navigate along here and again click  into product in this time you're going to click on   features and there are two different things we're  going to do here inside the co-pilot features here   this one is you're going to choose allow users  to anal data using an AI power to chat experience
            • 09:30 - 10:00 we want to switch that one to on that's the thing  that will enable the co-pilot that we saw earlier   inside the application and you definitely also  want to toggle this one on here data ver search   make sure that that is on that's going to give  you an experience where you can do Global search   across everything in your app scroll all the way  down you'll see there's a lot of other features   but that's a whole other world of things that  I'm not going to go into right now and click save   on that one and then once that is saved you have  done all of your settings see I told you it wasn't
            • 10:00 - 10:30 too pain oh no I tell a lie there is one more  sorry we're going to go back in here there is   something else we want to do here which is set up  your auditing because your app can actually have   automatic audit loggings timestamps of who changed  what and when which is a really useful thing to be   able to do so in audit and logs we're going to go  into audit settings click on start auditing and   save and now now you're done with the settings  I'm just going to check my notes here and make
            • 10:30 - 11:00 sure that we've got this right this time features  and settings yes okay now we're going to get right   into it and start with building out our tables in  dataverse so you need to navigate back to make.   Power if you get lost at any point or if  I say Return To Your solution this is the site you   want to be at make. Power always make  sure that you've got that environment selected   at the top here first thing we're going to do  is navigate through to Solutions on the side a   solution is basically a bucket a folder if you  like where you are going to put everything that
            • 11:00 - 11:30 you build into there so that you can package  it up and move it around so in a real world   scenario with model driven apps remember we're  building out things that are really Enterprise   wide critical applications here you would be going  through development user acceptance testing and   production and this is how you can move your  application around also while you're building   it just gives you that visibility and Clarity  of what you're working with and you'll see as
            • 11:30 - 12:00 we go through this all those pieces being built  out in that solution now that's a lot but it's   actually really easy to do new solution you're  going to give your solution a name here which is   Recruitment and we're going to select a publisher  here you're just going to for now select the CDs   default publisher you can if you like I won't do  this it's not important enough for the tutorial   we're doing here you can click new publisher  create one with your name and choose your own   prefix if you want to do that you don't have to  this is good enough for where we need to be right
            • 12:00 - 12:30 now and then just click create give that a second  with the wheel just spinning and then that will   come up on the screen here where now we've got our  solution there's nothing going on this will look   quite different by the time we're finished because  I've got my solution here and down the side here   all the different components at the moment I  have no apps no flows no tables that will not   be true by the time we're done we're building here  a database on Microsoft dataverse and dataverse is
            • 12:30 - 13:00 the heart of model driven apps if you're building  a model driven app that is where you're going to   be building all of your tables and relationships  and structuring out that data relationship so   the first thing we're going to build here is this  table around the roles that we're looking to hire   for including all of the different columns that we  want on that table so we've got a Rolls table that   includes what department it's in who it reports to  what the status of the role is so let's close that   down come back into the maker experience here and  inside my solution I'm going to come in here and
            • 13:00 - 13:30 say I want to create a new table and then we just  need to give it a name so we're going to call this   one not Rose roll roll and you'll see it gives  it a plural name automatically you can correct   that if it's not quite right and we also want  to select on enable attachments now there are   some Advanced options that we want to enable here  as well so the creating of a table you can just   give it a name and move on but we are going going  to check some of these Advanced options cuz we'll
            • 13:30 - 14:00 pick these things up later as we build out the  application so what we want to do here is click   on some of these things the first one is track  changes which is that auditing capability that   we uh put in before as well as the audit changes  to the data we want to leverage the quick create   form if available that will make more sense when  we come back to it and we also want it to appear   in search results make sure you've got those  four boxes tick and C save so now what happens
            • 14:00 - 14:30 is this opens the home navigation if you like for  this table so I'm still inside my solution which   is what's going on over here but now there's a  table in here called roll when we come back and   finish this that will up the count to one and  the table itself has got a bunch of different   things so we've got columns that we can create so  that those are the things like the reports to and   the department and and the level of the job or  whatever else we want to be doing and then forms   and views that allow us to build out the user  experience so let me jump back into my application
            • 14:30 - 15:00 before this is a view a view is a grid or a list  of rows if I go in and open one of these things   this part on the screen here is called a form this  is where we've got that view of a single I use the   word view to explain form but it's where we've got  that it's still the right word we've got that view   that enables us to see all of the specific things  about this one particular record in the database   so that allows us here to create forms and  Views we're not going to worry about charts
            • 15:00 - 15:30 and dashboards in this course we're really  going to focus on columns forms and Views and   also relationships between the tables so these  are the core components so let's start building   out the table columns as a starting point we can  click here what is going on here you didn't see me   do all that did you so the thing with data verse  is that when you create a table it does all this   what I like to call scaffolding that goes with it  so it's got all of these things in here that are   managing the auditing and security and you do not  have to build those yourself this is what we start
            • 15:30 - 16:00 to mean by low code and not having to really  understand databases in order to be able to   do this if you've got your relationships a lot of  this stuff is done for you so we just go new table   rooll and it does all of this created by created  on Modified by modified on who the owner is which   is going to manage the security which we're  going to get to right at the end around who can   read write edit delete the rows in the table even  write down to individual columns on the table the
            • 16:00 - 16:30 status we can have things that are active or  inactive so there's a lot of sophisticated   database functionality going on in here that  you just didn't have to build it's just done   for you if you've worked with SQL or something  like that you'd be used to having to build all   of this stuff out you don't have to do that  so we're going to now add the columns that we   want to add and I'm just going to sort of follow  along on my notes here to make sure that I get   all of the things in the right in the right way  so the first thing that we're going to do is to
            • 16:30 - 17:00 add a column for the department so we're managing  recruitment across a whole organization here so   we're going to call this one department and then  you can choose what type of data it is so as we   go through this course in these three tables I've  designed it a little bit that you're going to get   a decent idea of some of the most commonly used  data types but you've got all of these things   here we can have text which goes into just sing  line of text through to Rich Text formatting and
            • 17:00 - 17:30 special text properties that have things like  email and phone number qualities that you can   use we can create numbers generally speaking  for most business applications whole numbers   or decimals but some other sophisticated things  there as well dates and times we will certainly   be coming back to lookups work with seeing the  relationships between tables we'll come back to   that and for now we are going to create a choice  so a choice is a drop- Down list of options where   you want to be able to say we want someone to  choose from the sales marketing customer service
            • 17:30 - 18:00 department not just type in whatever they want  now it recommends here that you sync this with   a global Choice usually you would do that I'm  going to do a little bit of a shortcut here to   make it a bit simpler and in the next part when we  create the next table we are going to come back to   this the thought process here is going to be am  I going to use this Choice again so on my table   of roles I've got a list of the Departments and  if I want to use that on another table somewhere
            • 18:00 - 18:30 in my application or even if I think I might you  should choose yes here because then you can reuse   it you won't have to do the work again and you can  also map those values across different tables if   you want to do that I'm going to do that one a  little bit later but for now I'm just going to   choose no and we'll create the table here so what  we need to do here is put in some options for the   choices each one has a label which is the piece  that's visible to the user on the front and a
            • 18:30 - 19:00 value this is the technical schema value that sits  underneath you don't need to do anything with that   just know that it's there it's got like a unique  technical value schem of value sitting underneath   it sometimes that gets used in some of the  automations and things that we're going to look at   later but just leave that as it is so go through  and do these choices and if you're following along   do the same choices that I'm using here because  if you grab the spreadsheets that I put in the   GitHub repo that's linked in the description I've  given you some spreadsheets that you'll be able
            • 19:00 - 19:30 to use to import data later which makes your app  look much better if you use the same values that   I'm using here you'll find that process a whole  lot easier sales marketing now I've got to get it   right myself otherwise I'm going to be in trouble  when we get to that point sales marketing Finance   operations and customer service okay and you'll  see here that you can move things up and down   we can choose colors we are going to come back to  that or not going to do that here but if you like
            • 19:30 - 20:00 to choose colors um by all means that won't affect  anything else later it'll just make your app more   colorful so go ahead and do that if you feel so  inclined all right uh we're going to click save so   we've just set up our first column there's a lot  of talk there but there wasn't a whole lot of work   work so in the roll table we've selected created a  new column and it's just popped up in there which   is the um which is the department now you notice  I didn't put in a column for the rle name which is   like sales manager account manager or whatever  because the other thing that the system has
            • 20:00 - 20:30 already done for me is given me a primary name  the primary name is something that you want to use   wisely that's the thing that's essentially your  heading it's like the title of the the record or   the row so that in this case the name of the job  rooll you might want to use it including an ID   number we'll have a look at that as we go through  and the implications of that um but that's that's   where the the name is there so I don't have to  do that so I've got the name and the department   I'm now going to create another Choice column  which is the roll status now if you want to put
            • 20:30 - 21:00 in a status for something in your application  which is what I'm doing here my roll status is   that the roll is either opened or filled it's  a good idea to not just call it status because   out of the box I'll just cancel out of that for  a second here yes I want to close that you'll   see that there's already a status field in there  that's the one that's used to make a record active   or inactive inactive is like a soft delete so you  don't want to use the try not to name it the same
            • 21:00 - 21:30 as something that's out of the box it's just going  to cause confusion later so this one is actually   the the role status which is my particular way of  um of of putting the status in that's not the way   the system status works you can put descriptions  in here about your intent of how to use these it   helps if other people are collaborating with you  on building the app or if you come back into it   later so this one is also a choice and this time  I am also going to say that we don't want to sync   this with anything else and I'm going to change my  options here let's just close that down into open
            • 21:30 - 22:00 and filled now this time I am going to choose  a color I would highly recommend here that you   choose colors that are pastel light colors because  what happens when we see them in the application   in the end if I go back to it here in the rolls  you will see that shows up in the application in
            • 22:00 - 22:30 the view over the top of the words and if you  choose something that's really very bright it   gets a little bit harder to read so you'll see  I'm picking similar colors here also going with   something that should be uh good for accessibility  by not using uh red and green together so we're   going to go with a bit of an amber color in there  fulfilled there we go and then I can just click   save you'll notice there there was a default  choice you could choose so if you wanted to   say every time a roll is added the fa is that it's  open you could set that there that would make some
            • 22:30 - 23:00 sense so that's something else that you can do all  right we're going to put in another column here   and this is going to be the first of our lookups  or relationships that we've got happening in here   so I'm going to put in a column called reports to  now this is going to look up to the hiring manager   and the concept of a look up here is that it's  like a little magnifying glass again let me let me   bring this one up and uh and show it to you in the  application if I come in here here and say Here's   my account manager role the reports to this is the  lookup Behavior here it's like a little magnifying
            • 23:00 - 23:30 glass and this allows me to search for and find  other people in the system or other records in   the system in this case what we're going to do  is use the entra ID forly known as Azure active   directory this is actually because it's Microsoft  thing it's actually connected to your Microsoft   365 all of the users that are in there in that  whole thing that's called entra ID which is what
            • 23:30 - 24:00 manages all of your users in there so let's just  close this so what we want to do is create this   column that's called a lookup column which does  that type of behavior and we are going to look up   to a related table now you can if you want use  the contact table in here you could look up to   you can do this however you want if you wanted to  create a custom table for managers or something in   this scenario though in a real world scenario you  most like likely to do this this would actually   connect to that person's record in entra ID and  then if you wanted to be sending notification
            • 24:00 - 24:30 emails updates and things like that it's actually  got all of that detail that's in your as your   active directory enter ID with their email and  contact details and Reporting hierarchy so it   can tap into all of those things so it's a really  useful thing that you can do in there and I don't   have to build that table out now in creating that  lookup that's also created a relationship between   the two tables we'll come back to that shortly and  you'll see that it's also going to be putting that
            • 24:30 - 25:00 into my solution so you'll see here I've got two  tables in my solution now because by creating that   lookup it's actually brought it into the solution  let's go and have a look now at the rest of what's   going on so if I go back a navigation menu this is  how we do this when we talk about the breadcrumb   trail there we're going to go back into the roll  we're going to create forms and Views but let's   have a look at the relationships that are there  and again wait what we didn't create we didn't
            • 25:00 - 25:30 create all of those things this is that same stuff  that happens when we build a table is that when we   enable the table to say that we want it to have  activities associated with it you get a whole lot   of other things in there we'll see that shortly  but even without that we've got a whole lot of   things in here that are relationships to the user  table in the system so all of the logged in users   because that'll allow us to track who created it  who modified it who the owner is you start to see   why this is not the same as building something  in Excel or even SharePoint this is very rich in
            • 25:30 - 26:00 its security and auditing and tracking capability  and we're going to be able to control right down   to the last column who can do what with what so  this is part of what you're getting when you're   paying that premium to work with a data verse  database application rather than putting things in   spreadsheets and SharePoint lists so let's go back  actually I didn't show you the thing I came here   to show you let's go back into the relationships  so we've got created by Modified by all of these
            • 26:00 - 26:30 things but we should be able to see here's reports  too and this is a relationship a many toone   relationship with the micro Microsoft entra ID so  there's a core concept of datab Base relationships   here one to many or many to one they're actually  the same thing depending on which table has   the perspective on the situation so this one is  set up in that there are going to be many roles   that can be pointing to one reporting manager  because a manager could have many roles reporting
            • 26:30 - 27:00 to it so that's that idea back and forth you can  also create many to many relationships that's a   whole other C of worms that we're not going to  get into here so we're going to focus on the one   to many and the many to one uh for this course so  let's navigate back to the role and now what we're   going to do is build out those forms and Views  those experiences that are now the user interface   experiences that sit over the top of this so the  first thing we're going to do here is click on
            • 27:00 - 27:30 edit to create a view and this is a little bit of  a shortcut that can help you with sort of putting   all of the things that you've just created in  there at once so I'm going to click here to   see all of the columns and you'll see there's  a lot of those I don't want to call them junk   columns because they're highly valuable but from a  front-end user point of view we don't need to see   all of that stuff so let's select all to unselect  all of them and then what we want to put in here   is just the things we want to be able to see in  the Upp application so the name the title of the
            • 27:30 - 28:00 job uh we are also going to not check on roll this  one here is actually an ID column that will give   you um the the sort of unique ID which we we don't  necessarily want to do in there so we're going to   put in just the name and then we'll scroll down  to we also want the department the owner who it   reports to and the role status so those are all  of the things that we clicked on in there love   and then if we go back into here what we get is  an option that shortcuts things a little bit with
            • 28:00 - 28:30 putting them on the forms and Views which is  this thing here that's called update forms and   Views now you might get them pre-populated in in  there if they're not already which is what I've   got here just Dro down and the ones we've just  selected there are all there so we can now just   click select all click kind of back into this  part to to apply that and then we're going to   click update and what that's done is put those  things on the form and the views I'll show you
            • 28:30 - 29:00 what that means and then when we do the next table  we're going to do it the manual way just so that   you know what you can do if you want to be able to  do that stuff yourself um okay this is an error I   haven't seen before but I did say I was going to  do this in real time including all of the errors   it just says doing the update button is going to  work again there we go all good just read what's   on the screen sometimes you get those little  glitchy things so that's all done so if I go   into my form here and let's have a look at the  form that's called main I'll come back to that
            • 29:00 - 29:30 in a moment what those things mean this is this  display so let me show you the final experience   of where we're going with this so this is where  I look at the role we're going to build out the   bottom part a little bit later so we're just doing  the top part at the moment where I've got the name   owner Department reports to and roll status so  that should come up here here we go name owner   Department reports to roll status you can drag  these things up and down we're going to do a   proper form design uh in the next section so don't  worry about that too much now these different
            • 29:30 - 30:00 types of forms the main form is that one that is  the main form there are other things here with   quick views and cards which we will have a little  bit of a look at the quick view later but the card   we're not going to worry about that that's not  used so much the other thing we've got here is   the views and so this has updated a bunch of views  in particular the active roles view so again let's   just go in and have a look at where we're headed  with that so if we come back here this is our   active rolls view which gives us the columns that  we've got in here so if I close that down again
            • 30:00 - 30:30 we'll give this a second to load up you'll see  that we've got those in there as well so we've   got name created on Department owner reports to  roll status and we can change those things around   if we want to let's make one change here so you  can see how this works if I want to take this one   and move it around I can just grab that and drag  it across to the end so I've changed the order of   things there and then we've got options at the top  here I'm going to click save and publish so we've
            • 30:30 - 31:00 got two concepts going on all the way through here  the first one is that we save changes publishing   kind of pushes them through to be live at this  stage that's a little bit meaningless because   we haven't actually published an app yet but I've  just kind of got to the hab you could just click   save at that point but I've just got into the  habit of save and publish it's the the way that   you're most likely to do it as you start building  things out now we can also create filtered views   this is a view of all of the active roles like  all of the things that we've got in progress
            • 31:00 - 31:30 at the moment and active in this state means this  idea again let me go back to the application here   that they're actually not necessarily like they  are still filled but we haven't deactivated them   so let's say I take something like this one here  the system actually allows you to this is outof   thebox stuff to say I want to deactivate a certain  role and then that means that that one is now sort   of it's almost like you're hiding it away in your  archive it's like an archive type functionality   it's not deleted but it's also sort of off the  main part of things and filtered out of a lot of
            • 31:30 - 32:00 things you can automate that process as well if  you want so this notion of active is all of the   things we still want to see in front of us but  let's say you wanted to be able to filter this   so for instance I only want to see all of the  open rolls I don't want to see those ones that   have got the filled status in there so we can  do that here so what we're going to do is say   let's do a save as and call this one open rolls  if I can type and click save and then what we're
            • 32:00 - 32:30 going to do is put that filter on it because that  is basically a view and this is a very Excel like   concept now that we're going to filter by the  roll status so we can click on that I am going   to filter by equals and you can see you've got a  whole bunch of other things you can play around   with here as well we want it to be equals open  once you've done that you just have to sort of   Click just sort of back outside there and then  click apply and now we've got that now I've got no   data in my system or in my app yet at the moment  if you've got data in your app and you're fiddling
            • 32:30 - 33:00 with things later you'll actually see preview of  things here that helps you validate and see what   you're doing but for now we've just got a blank uh  blank database save and publish that one as well   so now I've created two these are called system  views and I can choose who in the application has   permission to use which views we'll see a little  bit later the user can sort of set up their own   views as they're using the application but that  creates that experience in in the app where we can
            • 33:00 - 33:30 switch back and forth here between active roles  and open roles and as you're designing out your   application you want to think about what views  you want to be able to use we are actually when   we create this custom page also going to use this  open rolls view on the front screen there when we   come back to it we'll give that a second to load  up the speed of this is not indicative of what   you might experience in a real scenario I'm in a  developer environment developer environments don't   get the fastest speed on things plus I'm running  my video editing software over the top of running
            • 33:30 - 34:00 this with my window open with my instructions on  the side I've got a lot of things going on here   the video editing software does uh video recording  software does tend to to sort of slow the pace   down a bit so all good so now we want to come back  and use this navigation here to navigate back and   we have got our rolls and we're going to navigate  back into the roll table so the next thing we're   going to do here is set up which columns we want  to enable for search so this actually impacts a
            • 34:00 - 34:30 couple of things let's take a look back in the  app again here the co-pilot search if we want   to be able to do things in here so for instance  we can say things like how many rolls are filled   and it will actually be able to find that because  we've got that data in the system and there's also   a search at the top here that allows you to search  for things and find things in the system including   using uh fuzzy logic so let's say I wanted to  search for an account manager and I didn't spell
            • 34:30 - 35:00 it correctly I can type in account uh and then it  will actually find those things so you don't want   everything in the database to be indexed for the  search because that affects the performance of all   of the things plus you'll get irrelevant search  results so you actually have control over what you   put into the search so that's what we're going  to do here so the way that you find and set up   your search is to go back into your views and you  want to work with the view that's called the quick   find active view so what this does is sets up the  sort of the results screen from the sort of an old
            • 35:00 - 35:30 school search experience that we're actually not  using much anymore but you'll see here that you've   actually got the edit find table columns and  this allows you to choose which columns you want   enabled for that search so I don't necessarily we  might want created on because that's you know we   want to search for when things were created I want  my department in there there the name what else
            • 35:30 - 36:00 do I want the reports to and the role status and  click apply and that's all done and again save and   publish when that's finished so from there we'll  wait for that to happen we're going to navigate   back into the solution you've created your first  table I've given you a lot of other explanations   around dataverse and relationships and auditing  and and security and things in there as well so   we're going to pick up the pace a little bit now  and create another table with with a little bit   less explanation so hopefully that's all been  useful again please give this video a like if
            • 36:00 - 36:30 you're getting something out of it and help me  to get it out to more people to share the love   and skill of building model driven apps so what  we want to do now is go back up the breadcrumb   trail a step further into tables here and what  we're going to do is create a table that is using   is for the application so that thing where we're  saying here's an application someone submitted an   application and it's going to have relationships  to the role and also to the contacts which are the
            • 36:30 - 37:00 people who are playing now I haven't created the  contacts table yet have I you'll see what happens   here we've actually got let me show you if I go  I'm going to just navigate back out of all of   this into the main area here and go into tables  dataverse actually comes with a stack of outof   thee boox tables for things you might use commonly  we've got account contact for a lot of other   things in there as well so the contact table is  already in here cuz all almost every application   you're going to have people or organizations  of some kind so unless there's a good reason
            • 37:00 - 37:30 not to the core people that you're working  with in the application or the organizations   you're working within the application there is  a whole lot of stuff in here already hundreds of   different columns you don't have to use all  of these but like all of this work is done   for you you don't need to create it yourself so  for the people who are are going to be applying   for the jobs I'm going to use that contact  table now to get back to where I was solution recruitment and this is now the top level of my  solution so I am going to create a new table and
            • 37:30 - 38:00 this one is going to be called application plural  name applications I want to enable attachments and   we're also going to go in here and have a look  at some of these Advanced options again and I'm   going to choose the same ones plus another one  that we did before so we want to track changes   audit changes to the data leverage the quick  create form if available we also want this one
            • 38:00 - 38:30 to appear in search results which we did before  and I don't think we did this one before we want   this one to be available when we're creating a new  activity that is going to enable a whole lot of   other out of thebox things which I'll show you  in a moment there's a lot that comes with this   that's just there for you like all of these common  things that we don't have to set up clicking that   little box is going to set up a timeline  and the ability to have emails phone calls   tasks notes all of that stuff just with a one  little check box there so make sure you've got
            • 38:30 - 39:00 that one that's really cool and then we're going  to click save and so now what we're going to do is   create the columns that we want on the application  table so I can go into columns which is what I did   before if you prefer you can go new column from  there same same so what we want to do here is   actually sorry we're going to cancel out of that  I'm going to go back into this thing because we're   going to make a change to an existing column  so remember I was telling you earlier that the   primary name column is like your heading so if  I go back into my application for the role this
            • 39:00 - 39:30 makes a whole lot of sense because this is the  main thing you click through see how it's like   the heading here if you do any kind of lookup if  I'm on an application and I want to look up that   relationship to the account manager to the role  the thing that you're going to see there is that   primary name column so you need to be careful  about what you're doing with that now for a job
            • 39:30 - 40:00 role or a person for the person it's the full name  by default for the role the name of the role makes   enormous sense but for an application it still has  to have a header a title of some kind this primary   name of some kind you don't necessarily want it  to be populating with things like you could have   it being um Account Manager application for Maria  Rodriguez or whatever it is but honestly having   some kind of reference number here and this is  an auto number number makes more sense plus I   wanted to show you how to do the auto number cuz  it's a good thing to know how to do so what we're
            • 40:00 - 40:30 going to do here you can't get rid of the primary  name column you have to have one but here are the   flexible options you've got with it so you could  change what it's called so this one is called name   I'm going to change it to be called application  number or you could call it application reference   or something if you wanted to the data type  I don't have all the options here it has to   either be just a single line of plain text but  I do have another option here to say I want this
            • 40:30 - 41:00 to be an auto number and you'll see that some new  things pop up on the screen when that happens so   it's going to be either a date prefix number or  a string prefix number I'm going to go with the   string prefix number my prefix is going to be a  and then I want four digits and you can make that   more or less if you want and the value is 1,000 so  let's say I wanted this to be three digits you'll   see that you get the um you get the preview if you  change it in there but I'm going to say I want a   minimum of four and I want to start from there but  you can play around with those options and have
            • 41:00 - 41:30 it do what you want the other thing you want to  do here if you're doing an auto number is change   this so that it's not business required business  required makes it a mandatory field it means that   if you create an application you won't be able to  actually create it until that's filled in because   it's data validation rules are enabled in in  that in that option to say something's business   required so any of the columns you're creating  you want to put in business business required if   it's mandatory if you if you actually want to do  that whereas business recommended or optional you
            • 41:30 - 42:00 won't have to put it in and that also means that  when the record is saved that will do the auto   number in the background so if you're doing this  Auto number make sure you change that value as   well and then we're going to click save in there  we are now going to add some date columns here   because the application process comes with a bunch  of dates of things that we're tracking that end   to-end process of what's happening so I'm going  to create a column here called screening call date
            • 42:00 - 42:30 the first time we call up and sort of check if the  person's in the right zone for the role so that   is going to be a date and time column and I don't  necessarily need a time stamp on that I just want   to know what date it happened so I can choose that  the format will just be a date only and click save   we're also going to put in an interview start time  and end time you may not need the end time but I   want to show you cool things so we're going to put  in interview start time this one is also going to
            • 42:30 - 43:00 be a date and time and I do want a date and time  because for an interview I want to know what   time they're coming in for the interview that's  actually kind of important so let's click save   there and then I'm going to put in the interview  end time mostly because I want to show you that   you can put in Formula columns here so if you are  familiar with power effects good luck to you cuz   you've got some skills here that you're going to  use again if you're not Don't Panic it's all good   so this is also a date and time so we could leave  that blank but in fact instead of making it a date   and time column I'm going to come down here and  say this is a Formula column and the formula the
            • 43:00 - 43:30 format of the formula is going to be actually no  sorry we're not going to do that yet we're going   to put the formula in first and then come back to  it so the way we're going to do this I'm going to   type it out to show you and this is where with  power effects you need to just be learning power   effects honestly things like Microsoft copilot  chat gbt are very good for looking up formulas   heaps of community things around but if you want  to add something to a date and if you know Excel   this you'll get a bit of a leg up here it's not  exactly the same as Excel but as you start typing
            • 43:30 - 44:00 things you'll find things in here so the thing  that I want is called Date ad now even if I didn't   know that I've put in data even if I put in date  you'll start to see options you could calculate   the difference between dates or we're going to  add dates to something so we're going to go date   add open your parentheses there to get some more  clues so you can see here's my formula the date   and the number of units so we are going to start  with the interview start time comma and now the
            • 44:00 - 44:30 number of units I'm going to put in 60 minutes  so I'm going to put in 60 comma and then if I   start typing in minutes you'll see that we've got  time unit minutes and that's it I'll leave that on   the screen there a second so that you can copy  that but you'll see as you start to type these   things out the formula has quite a lot of built-in  help to make it easy for you to get to that result   and you'll see there I tried to do the format  before but I didn't need to format date and
            • 44:30 - 45:00 time excellent and now we can just click save we  are now going to do a global choice so something   that we're going to use more than once in the  application so we're going to come in here now   and choose a column called inter interview outcome  so this is going to be did we succeed or not with   the interview but we're also going to use this  Choice somewhere else when we do reference checks   so this one is going to be a choice and I'm going  to stick with the yes recommended for the global
            • 45:00 - 45:30 Choice here so we need to choose a new choice so  you need to set up the choice and then you need to   put that Global Choice into this particular  choice column so this choice is going to be   called outcome because we're going to use this  for reference checks as well as interviews so   the labels here we are going to call this one what  have we got here this is going to be successful   and another new choice is [Music] unsucessful all  good don't worry about the value same concept we
            • 45:30 - 46:00 talked about before give this some nice colors  again if you want remember to choose nice sort   of pastel colors so that it becomes easy to see  um we're going to kind of go with pink and blue   this time because why not and we'll click save  on that now remember we haven't finished we went   I need a choice column I want to create a global  choice now we're going to link those two things up   again so when need to sync this choice and if you  just start typing outcome you'll see it there and
            • 46:00 - 46:30 now we've got those things together and we've got  our column created we're going to go through this   again for the next one you'll see we don't have  to do that setting up of the choices every single   time if we set it up as a global choice so what I  want to do now is set up something called comments   so we might want to have comments about what's  happened with the interview and this one instead   of a single line of text I'm going to come into my  text field here and choose Rich Text which allows   us to put some things in there that we can do bold  and highlighting and italics and colors and cool
            • 46:30 - 47:00 things like that click through into your Advanced  options here your default maximum character count   is 100 characters which isn't really going to  be enough let's set that to the maximum of 4,000   and we're going to click on that one to save  that one as well now we're going to move on so   we're sort of going through the process here of  setting up for the application all of the stuff   about an interview we've got a place to say when  the interview was whether it was successful or   not what the outcome of the interview was and uh  what what the comments were so now we're going to
            • 47:00 - 47:30 put in some things around reference checking  as well just give this a second to catch up   with me sometimes I can talk for as long as it  sometimes I can talk for as long as it goes and   sometimes it takes a second there we go so now  we're going to put in uh the display name here   is going to be reference reference check required  and this is another different type of data which   is again a type of choice but it's a special type  of choice it's just a yes or a no I don't have to   set those things up this you can use for any kind  of binary true false yes no any of those things be
            • 47:30 - 48:00 aware that this one has to have a default choice  so if you want blank yes or no you have to do it   the way that I just showed you because you can  have a blank option whereas this is just yes   or no so reference check required we're going to  say the default is that no it's not but we'll put   in some conditional branching later that says if  a certain thing is true then you want to be able   to to add that in so you could put colors in here  if you like I'm just going to keep going with that
            • 48:00 - 48:30 and now we want to put in the reference check date  and the reference check outcome so we'll come in   here reference oops reference check date again we  move fairly quickly on this one because we've done   this before that's a date and time don't really  care about the time date only all good and now   the reference check outcome I can use the same  outcome that we had before reference Che check   outcome and this is going to be data type choice  I want to sync it with a global choice and I don't
            • 48:30 - 49:00 have to create it anymore cuz remember I created  it before if I just start to type sync this Choice   with outcome if I hover over that it gives me a  little preview make sure I'm choosing the right   one and we're done so that's that concept of the  global Choice it's a bit confusing the first time   you have to click around but then when you want to  come back and use that one again you saw how easy   that was what else do I need ah whether or not  we made an offer last one so we're going to say
            • 49:00 - 49:30 offer made question mark and this is going to be  a choice which is a yes or no and that's done all   right so that's quite a lot we've set up on that  application table there what we've also got if we   come into the application table and have a look  at the relationships as I said earlier because I   set up that piece where we wanted to enable it for  activities there's a heap of things here look at   this regarding email fax does anyone does anyone  still send faxes it's still in there phone call
            • 49:30 - 50:00 task appointment recurring appointment note so  there's a bunch of things in there we'll have a   look at the Timeline you can remove the ones you  don't want but just by clicking that one box all   of those features and relationships have been set  up without needing to do anything else you can't   undo that though so you going think carefully  about whether you want that in there you can come   back and add it later you can't undo it so let's  do a little bit more on the relationships here   and I'm going to create relationships so we've got  this application needs to have a relationship with
            • 50:00 - 50:30 both the applicant the candidate and the job and  they are the same thing where you've got one role   can have many applications one person can have  many applications or from the point of view of   here it's a many toone relationship there are  two ways that we can create that relationship   I'm going to show you both of them they will  both result in exactly the same thing I prefer
            • 50:30 - 51:00 the second one but if you prefer this one and  this probably depends on whether you come from   a database way of thinking or a low code kind  of way of building applications so we're going   to do it the kind of database way first so what  we're going to do here is come back into this   application and we're going to say I'm going  to create a new relationship and this is a many   toone relationship many applications mapping to  one one roll so we can choose the related table
            • 51:00 - 51:30 here you can just actually type it in helps if you  spell it correctly choose oops choose the r let's   just scroll down and find it okay and you'll  see that's done a bunch of other things it's   created a lookup column for me with a name and  a schema name it's telling me asking me whether   or not it's op optional or not or required and  whether it's searchable and there's a bunch of   other options there but we're just going to  say done I'm worrying too much about making   things mandatory but that option to set things as  business required is always there as part of what
            • 51:30 - 52:00 you can design in your application so that's done  if I come back into my columns now we will see   that on the application table there is a lookup  column to roll remember how we created a lookup   before so that's one way of doing it create the  relationship the lookup is created for you I'm   going to do it for the contact now but I'm going  to do it the other way around this is how my brain   likes to think about it cuz I'm it's a little  bit easier if you're not used to dealing with the   relationships if I come back into my application  here and go into the I've gone into my application
            • 52:00 - 52:30 to look at an application into my app I just zoom  this up a bit this role is a lookup so if you're   thinking about it more from that sort of user  experience point of view the I'm going to do the   candidate this time so the candidate I want to on  my application table add a lookup to a candidate   so we're going to do it that way new column candid  did it and that is a lookup to which related table
            • 52:30 - 53:00 and this is the contact table I'm using that  contact table that is out of the box let me   try and get that right click on the right thing  and click save now that's going to do a couple   of things that's created the lookup for me and  it's also if we look over here did you see that   rewind a bit if you missed it that went from 3 to  4 and it added contact it's actually added that   into my solution for me because I've grabbed that  pulled it in that's it I don't have to actually   do anything else with creating the contact table  you can go in and edit the layout of it add extra
            • 53:00 - 53:30 pieces you want using all the same skills we seen  here but I'm not going to do that we don't need to   do that to uh to build the app that we want to do  here and so as a result of that if I go back to my   application table click on relationships here you  will also see that we have candidate and that's   the same thing we created earlier but did it the  other way around so you do you next thing we're
            • 53:30 - 54:00 going to do is to build out those forms and Views  so we saw a little bit earlier with the roll that   we could sort of just grab all of the things and  put them on there but with this one we actually   want a much sort of more sophisticated layout  with these things so let me show you how we   put together something that looks like this where  we've got the three columns and we've also got a   tab in here for interview to put that information  in so we're going to actually do some design work   on the form now so the the first thing we're going  to do is go back into the application table and   we're going to set up the view so that we can see  the the grid of applications we've got the active
            • 54:00 - 54:30 applications in there already so because I didn't  go through that other process of update forms and   Views you can do that if you like sometimes I  find that easier sometimes I prefer to do it   this way what you can do is actually just choose  the columns you want from down here and put them   on The View you don't you can drag and drop  you don't even need to drag and drop so let's   get these in order if I click them in the order  I want is really easy so we're just going to go candidate interview start time interview outcome  and offer made not bad hey and then I don't really
            • 54:30 - 55:00 want created on so I can remove that job done save  and published this is the easiest part honestly   creating views and you can drag and drop and  move the things around and add the filters and do   whatever else you want in there change the column  widths I tend not to worry about the widths it's a   responsive application in the end out of the box  so it will usually sort itself out with the with
            • 55:00 - 55:30 the column wids you really don't need to be doing  much there so the other thing I want to do though   is sort this in order by the interview start  time so we'll come in here and say I actually   want this one to be older to newer so that when  we're looking at the applications it's going to   be sorted in order so that we see the people who  are being interviewed coming up first as good a   way as any and again if I've made a change I can  just click save and publish and go back to that
            • 55:30 - 56:00 we also need to set up our columns for search  again so we'll go back into here and remember   that is the quick find view where we can do that  down the bottom here edit the find table columns   and we want to add a few other things in here  so we've got the application number let's also   grab the candidate comments created on so this is  different from what we see interview outcome start time offer made oops offer
            • 56:00 - 56:30 made roll screening call date that'll do now  I've just realized that I've made a mistake   here because I've got interview start time and  interview date time I think that was the one was   meant to be interview end time so let's pretend  I did that on purpose to show you how to fix   something we'll do that save and publish that one  so it's good if you notice your mistakes before   you've gone too much further we'll just go back  and change the display name of that if I wanted
            • 56:30 - 57:00 to be really fussy about it I could delete it  and change the schema name and and do all of   those things but uh we'll just make sure that  the display name makes sense so let's come back   into the application table here into our columns  interview date time laser laser laser interview   end time oops interview end time and and we'll  just save that all good I haven't actually kind   of put it in the application or done anything too  much yet so I've corrected that one before we've
            • 57:00 - 57:30 gone too much further let's create the form now so  if we go back into application and click on forms   this is this nice sort of three column layout  that we're going to be able to uh to work with   so again we want to work with the main form make  sure that you're clicking on the one that's called   main form and we've got a few different concepts  here around components tabs sections columns we'll   go through all of the the thing here first thing  I want you to do depending on the size of your   screen at the bottom here responsive I want you to  choose desktop because for me that sort of gives
            • 57:30 - 58:00 the full screen layout of what I want to do and  then depending on what you're working on you can   zoom up or down here to sort of get the the detail  that you need now if you're familiar with canvas   apps this is not the same thing this is not down  to the last pixel of what you can do this is all   built with components on the screen so we can  choose different tabs and layouts and columns   but you can't go oh I just want to make that box  like one pixel wider it's it's not that kind of
            • 58:00 - 58:30 design this is a component driven design when  we get to custom Pages at the end you'll be in   your happy world of being able to get down to  the last pixel but this is not the moment for   that what you want to do first is click on the  whole form so you watch as we go this sort of   magenta colored outline shows you where you are  this is me clicking on the whole form if I click   here I'm clicked on a section so you'll see it  tells me I'm going to section whereas here I'm   on a whole tab so just watch where you're clicking  if you get unexpected results so the first thing
            • 58:30 - 59:00 we want to do here is change this whole tab to  have three columns so we're going to change the   layout here to three columns and then see now  I've got three sections across the screen now   what I can do is change the properties of this one  here so this one is called a section so we click   in there and that one is now highlighted let's  give that one a different name so instead of   calling it General let's call that one summary we  also need to give it a schema name there so we'll
            • 59:00 - 59:30 just call that summary and see how hide label is  checked can't see it uncheck that right there we   go so now what we want to do is bring some other  things in here so we're going to come over now if   I've got this selected we just drag that and put  it where we want it so I can just drag that and   put it in between the application number and the  owner and there's the roll in there next thing I'm   going to do is make the candidate in the middle  section so if you can see what I'm doing here if
            • 59:30 - 60:00 I go back to my finished app see what I've done  summary application number role owner candidate   we're going to put that in there this is very like  what you see is what you get it's very much the   same as you're designing it out you're really  getting a sense of what it looks like so now   what we're going to do here is come in and call  this one candidate that one's already displayed   so I don't need to uh change it again what did I  do wrong there no we just clicked away so we've   got the candidate and now what I want to do is  drag the candidate across hot tip for you here
            • 60:00 - 60:30 you don't even have to drag if you don't want  to put it in a particular position like I just   did with that one highlighted click on candidate  and it will just pop up in there which sometimes   is a little bit easier than dragging things around  over in the final section here we want to add our   timeline which is that control that allows us to  bring in all of those notes and things like that   so again let's let's go back to the app this is  the timeline control I can add appointments emails   phone calls Tasks and notes so as the application  process is going through I might say you know we
            • 60:30 - 61:00 made a phone call to the applicant on this date  or a task is to send them a job description or a   signing someone else to do the reference check or  whatever it is so all of those things are there   that will natively connect with your exchange  Outlook out of the box because Microsoft so let's   uh let's close that so what we can do here is come  in and we want to bring the timeline here that's a   component so on the side here this leftand menu  this is my table columns that I've created if I
            • 61:00 - 61:30 click on this little I don't know window jigsaw  kind of piece I've got components which shows   me all of the different things that I can drag in  so what I want here is the one called timeline so   let's just take that one across into the section  there and then that's the timeline there it's got   its own nice heading I don't need this other one  so we're going to click outside of the component   into the section and hide that label and now we've  got our three columns all set up in there so the
            • 61:30 - 62:00 next thing we want to do is clean up the timeline  so depending on how your environment was set up if   you deployed sample apps or there's sample apps  and data in there you might have a bit of a mess   here which is what I've got so we're going to come  into the timeline and you'll see there's a bunch   of things in here appointment fact letter so some  of them are already unchecked fax and letter so   we've got appointment email phone call recurring  appointment social activity is something that we   don't even really use in the system anymore so if  there's anything you don't want you just check it
            • 62:00 - 62:30 and un enable those things task invite Redemption  is a portals related thing that we're not working   with here portal comment the same we don't need  that in there donation is part of a sample app   which we're not using here it's a fundraising  sort of sample application uh that's pretty much   it so just clean that up get rid of the things  that you don't want that are that are sitting   in there and then the next thing we're going  to do is to add another tab into the form so
            • 62:30 - 63:00 if I come back into my app again you've got the  general tab which is what we've been working on   and I've also got an interview tab which is a two  column tab that has a couple of details about the   interview start time and comments with that rich  text box so let's just scroll back over here so   we can see what we're doing if you come back  into this components menu what we want to do   is create a two column tab so Watch What Happens  here when I click on on that it's going to pop up   with new tab we click on new tab let's give this  a name interview oops give this a name called
            • 63:00 - 63:30 interview all right and then on this section  what we're going to do is call this one details and I want to bring in the interview  start time and the interview outcome here   so if I go back to my table columns  on that leftand navigation menu and   again with this one selected I can make  it easier for myself by just clicking on
            • 63:30 - 64:00 interview start time interview outcome  you'll see I fixed up the end time that   that's coming through correctly now and then  this one we want to change this label to be comments and I am going to find my comments again  select where I want it to go make it easy for   yourself and click on that one in there so then  what we can do here is change the properties of   this one a little bit because I want this nice  layout where I've actually got as much space as
            • 64:00 - 64:30 possible for my comments so you'll see what I've  got here I've just got comments in the heading and   I don't need the label sitting off to the left  as well that's just annoying so if I come in   here and say hide label that gives me more space  for that and then you've got the option as well   to play around you get 50/50 with your column  widths but if you wanted to you could change   that to be more Less on the screen so let's say  maybe I want that one to be 30 and this one to be
            • 64:30 - 65:00 70 so again I don't need that much space for the  the interview start time in the outcome and I've   giving myself some more space for the comments  all right that is form design so while that's   saving and Publishing we've been through there  how to create a whole tab how to create columns   on the tab how to work with sections naming new  sections bringing those table columns in moving   things around in the layout you can drag and drop  to your Arts content here and sort of make some   really nicely designed things this is where you  know some people are talking about with model
            • 65:00 - 65:30 driven apps it's like oh they're not beautiful  look I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder   to be honest I mean yes we're not dragging and  dropping every little thing on the screen but   this is such a really nice just clean simple  interface and it really took very very little   time to build any of that we're just going to  drop that into this application and and it's   going to be good to go what have we got left to  do that's all of our tables now so we've got our   table that we've brought in to put the people  in we've got our table to store all of the
            • 65:30 - 66:00 roles we've got this application table with the  relationships between those things let's go back   into the solution the next thing we're going to  do is create that business process flow so this   is the process across the top here and this has  actually got some branching logic in it so what   we've got here is a screening call date so let's  say we're coming in here and the that was the date   of the screening call we move to the next stage  so we've got screening interview and offer by the   way the co-pilot on the side here if you want to  get a bit more screen real estate you can open or
            • 66:00 - 66:30 close that interview start time so let's schedule  an interview in for next week at uh maybe not 800   a.m. in the morning maybe 11:00 a.m. and then what  we can do is say is a reference check required or   not so there's some decision process perhaps  on the level of the job you could have other   automations and rules that help automatically  set that but Watch What Happens to my business   process flow when I choose yes did we see that  pops up with reference check so it brings up a
            • 66:30 - 67:00 whole other stage to work with so we're going to  build out this piece now so to do that we will go   back to our solution back to the top level of the  solution and from here we're going to say that we   want a new Automation and it's actually a process  business process flow now this is going to need a   name so we're going to call this one recruitment  Pro process oh let's spell it correctly you can   update that before you've saved it and this  is going to work on the application table so
            • 67:00 - 67:30 you can start typing it to find it and put it in  there and click create please make sure that you   have got popups enabled there's a couple of places  in here where it will open a new browser window   so for instance popup blocked right if you've got  this problem enable it better if you've done that   before so if you do get into that situation I'll  show you what to do if you've being smart enough   and you had your pop-ups enabled before you'll  just go straight through to this part so we're
            • 67:30 - 68:00 just going to click done in here uh and I am  going to need to find my process there so you   give it a second it's actually sort of initiated  it and created it so give it a second to come up   if I click on that it will now just open that in  the other window now there's nothing to say here   other than that this is an old part of the user  interface it's slow it's a bit clunky I've been   hoping for ages that this might get an overhaul  but it is what it is itun well you're just going   to have to kind of uh roll with the fact that it's  not as nice to use as as some of the other pieces
            • 68:00 - 68:30 so essentially we have stages which are those dots  along the top the stages of the process and then   steps which are the pieces that sit underneath  that so we click on the first one here which is   the stage that we've been given and what we want  to do is change the name so we'll change this to   screening now this is where you get caught out so  you've got to do this every time this is not how a   modern user interface works and why we get caught  you need to click this apply button every time you   make a change I'm enough said so now what we need  to do is open up the details and say underneath
            • 68:30 - 69:00 the application so again I'm just going to go back  to the app so you can see what we're doing here   underneath the one that's called screening these  are the stages so screening interview reference   check offer underneath screening we're going to  put in the screening call date under interview   we're going to put all these things in so this is  the part that we're building out here so the data   step here we click here don't do the name first  come in and choose screening call date because see
            • 69:00 - 69:30 it automatically updates that you are good as long  as you do what click apply when I do this stuff in   person there's always a point where someone hasn't  clicked apply for something and I do it myself so   hopefully hopefully we'll get it right here so  now what we need to do is get the next stage so   this is the properties of that there's another  little option here called components let's grab   that stage drag it over to where you can see that  button highlighted that one's highlighted now so   this one is going to be called the interview stage  apply and we're going to add a few different data
            • 69:30 - 70:00 steps into here so let's open the details of  this one click on the first data step and we   are going to put in the field called reference  check required apply oh I missed it thought I   was too busy looking at the looking at my notes to  see what comes next we're also going to bring in another component here stage and we're going to  call this one offer and apply and this one will
            • 70:00 - 70:30 have in it more details so this one is going to  have whether or not there was an offer made and   we'll click apply there now I've missed a few  things in the interview stage let's just come   back to this so we'll come down here so we had the  reference check required we also want to to bring   in the interview outcome and the interview start  time so no drama what we want to do is go back to
            • 70:30 - 71:00 components and click on data step or you'll notice  if you come over here no we can't do it from there   we click on components and bring the data step  so there you go see the little pluses that come   up so I can put things above or below that so  let's put this one above that that is going to   be the interview start time and then components I  was too busy explaining apply and missed a couple   of things here so interview start time and then  we want the interview outcome apply okay so now
            • 71:00 - 71:30 we're good so we've got our screening interview  and offer stages all ready to go now the next   thing we want to do is to add that conditional  Branch where we wanted the reference check build   out your main flow first and then come back and  put that conditional branch in there so what we   do is come to the components grab this condition  and we want to drag that between the interview   and offer stages so you're going to drag it until  that little piece is brighter and now we've got   that condition in there condition is highlighted  we're going to call the condition reference check
            • 71:30 - 72:00 now importantly whatever you want the condition  to be branched on needs to be something that sits   in the stage before it so this one we put in  reference check required yes or no in that one   so now that's available to us so we can come in  here and choose reference check required and we   want to say if reference check required equals yes  then we will get to the next stage what next stage   I might ask you it's not there yet don't panic  we're going to click apply you need at this point
            • 72:00 - 72:30 to save and when I click save Watch What Happens  so saving kind of activates the conditional logic   I did say this is an old user interface and it  is what it is that will then activate the the   piece that gives you the branching logic so  now if we come along here you've got a little   sort of diagram there but we can go along and  you'll see that it's put in a new stage of the   conditional branching so this new stage is going  to be called what did we call this one reference
            • 72:30 - 73:00 check apply and then what we want to do is  add in the details here so the data step here   is going to be the reference check date apply  that components and drag another data step in   here and the reference check outcome and one  final apply for good measure how did you go   just just double check before you go any further  that you've got all the right names of things that   you're not still sitting with something that's  called news stage that's a really easy step to
            • 73:00 - 73:30 miss so I'm just going to double check my work  here we've got screening interview reference check   offer all good let's save that one and then what  it will do is check that it's all valid so you'll   get like a little sort of validation successful  lovely and the last thing we need to do is   activate you'll get a message here that asks you  to confirm now depending on how lucky I am this is   either going to work or not this is a known issue  so don't panic if this happens to you this should   take about 30 seconds hands off keyboards here I'm  going to let this actually happen or not in real
            • 73:30 - 74:00 time about 30 seconds later this should disappear  and then you will see ah here we go now I've got   the thing I've kind of shown you the error without  even meaning to if this happens I would suggest   clicking wait once if it happens more than once  don't sit here waiting forever for this this whole   process takes about 30 seconds in the background  but sometimes it's worked but the message just   hasn't cleared properly so I reckon I'm almost at  the point that I'm going to give up on it okay so
            • 74:00 - 74:30 we're just going to click wait on that oh there we  go we clicked wait so that worked what I was going   to do then if it didn't come up just refresh the  screen you'll know if it's worked don't worry too   much about the confirmation messages if this now  says deactivate instead of activate you're good to   go if it still says activate click it again and  do it again but you should be fine now remember   this popped up in a new tab when I had to set my  popups so let's just close that and it comes back   here currently editing a business process flow  and we just say done and we're ready to go and
            • 74:30 - 75:00 you'll see that the process is now sitting as part  of your solution all right what's next now what   we want to do just this is a little optional thing  just for tidiness and completeness of the solution   this actually creates another related table that  you don't really need to know about but if you   want to be able to bring this solution across in  in a proper real world scenario into a test and   development environment you're going to want want  to bring that across otherwise you'll have to pick   that up later so what we want to do is to say that  we're going to add an existing table and the table
            • 75:00 - 75:30 will have the same name as the process that you  just created so if you just type in um recruitment   recruitment process there we go there's a  table that's there we just click that click   next include all objects which basically means  all of the pieces associated with that whatever   they are let's bring them in and you'll see there  we've got another table so just be aware there   if you are doing any editing that you want to  edit your process you don't actually need to do   anything with the table we're just bringing that  in for completeness of that whole solution all
            • 75:30 - 76:00 right we are done with kind of building out the  stuff let's hit publish all customizations and the   next thing we're going to do is bring this into  a model driven app now the building of the model   driven app is actually really easy because we've  built the tables we've built the business process   flow the forms and the views and all of those  components the model driven app is actually just   bringing all of those things together so while  that's waiting to publish it can take a minute
            • 76:00 - 76:30 or so let's have a look here all of the stuff the  other stuff you see in here the welcome page we   are going to come back to a little bit later in  the course here but all of this other stuff around   let's say I come into the roles here the fact that  we've got a search bar at the top the parts where   we've got all of these different menu items let's  just zoom this up a little bit so things like you   know settings the co-pilot in here all of this  show chart new delete refresh visualize and power   bi import from Excel we're going to use that one  in a moment too you don't have to build any of
            • 76:30 - 77:00 that when we go new model driven app it does all  of that and then all we do is pull these pieces   in so this is where we've done all this work but  this comes together really really quickly the app   itself is actually the easiest part of all of this  so let's do this new app model driven app and we   are going to give it a name did I go too fast then  in my excitement no there we go okay we're going   to call this one recruitment app and click create  and then what we need to do is to bring basically
            • 77:00 - 77:30 just the data tables in here a lot of the other  things will just come across at the same time as   we do this because they're all associated with  each other so all we need to do is come in here   and say we want to add pages we're going to start  by bringing in the data verse tables so let's   click next and we want to bring in the tables  application contact and roll so you can search
            • 77:30 - 78:00 for them or you can just scroll down and find them  so let's go Application contact that's where we're   putting our people and roll see how many out  of the box tables are in here there's a lot of   depth in here if you really want to get into this  stuff and you know it's it's cool there's there's   a lot of complexity and depth that you can pull  in here uh we want to leave sh in navigation cuz   we want those things to be in the navigation and  click add to see what's happened here this starts   to look like the app all of these things I didn't  build them they're all just there so now we've got
            • 78:00 - 78:30 applications contacts and rolls new group we got a  little bit of tidying up to do so let's just tidy   up the navigation menu here what you want to do  if I want to reorder things so let's say I want it   rolls at the Top This is a little bit clunky but  you just have to come in here and say move up and   do this again move up and so now it's in the right  the right spot let's give this one A different   icon so you'll see what happens the contacts  isn't outof thebox table it's got a nice little   icon for a person but roles and applications get  these sort of little clipboard generic icons if
            • 78:30 - 79:00 you've created a lot of custom tables that  doesn't look so nice in the application so   with rolls selected what we can do over here  where it says icon default icon drop down and   say use a web resource now you can actually bring  your own icons and things in here I'm just going   to keep this fairly easy and uh and use this with  some of the ones that are already here so you can   browse around I'm there's one here that's called  email template high contrast which looks like I
            • 79:00 - 79:30 don't know something that sort of makes sense to  me for a rle so we'll click that and you won't   see it there straight away Don't Panic it's it is  going to it is going to come in so now what we're   going to do is do the same thing for applications  so let's click on applications you'll notice this   came up with something different on the side  here so to get back to where we were if you   just click settings you get the same thing and  again I'm going to use a web resource there and   I'm I'm going to search for one that's called  analysis job. SVG there we go that'll do so
            • 79:30 - 80:00 we've brought in two different things there once  that's published and played we'll be able to see   those uh come up in the application it just looks  little things it makes it look a whole lot better   new group we can't have new group so let's click  over here and give this a name let's call this   recruitment so you can actually if you have an  application that has lots of different sections   you can arrange your tables into these sort of  sections and subsections and give them different   columns this one isn't a navigation point it's  just a a grouping and you have to have some tables
            • 80:00 - 80:30 underneath it but you could have different levels  of of groups in the navigation menu if you wanted   to Mark around with that one more setting we need  to fix and this is something that sometimes can   mess up the search bar at the top depending on  when you're watching this you may or may not still   need to do this but let's uh just go through  this now so we're going to go into settings   features and then wait for this to come come  up we'll scroll down there's one in here that's called enable offline classic no and click save  that actually at the moment seems to be stopping
            • 80:30 - 81:00 the the global search bar from working so for now  if um if you want to follow along with what I'm   doing and get that Global search bar working  that's a safe option just to make sure that   that one is Switched Off hopefully that won't  always be the case all right so we have built   theel model driven app I didn't time how long  that took and honestly I think I spent more   time explaining it to you than doing it when I'm  doing this part it's like a 5-minute job so save
            • 81:00 - 81:30 we' got three stages here save publish play we've  already published all of the other customizations   all of the tables and things this actually has  brought in all of those views I will actually   just show you that before we hit play so if you  want a choice about what's in here if I go into   rolls view you'll see here these are the rule the  rules the roles that have come in so active rols   there's always active and inactive out of the box  open rolls is that other one that we created the
            • 81:30 - 82:00 rolls form is the one that we created so you can  see it there so if you've built out a whole lot   of different forms and Views and things you'll  see them here you'll notice this one looks like   it's three even though we created it three across  that's because this is a fully responsive app so   you'll see at the bottom here it says responsive  if I just choose this to be desktop that's what we   were looking at before so all of that is ready  to go we already published so let's play this   thing and see what we've got now first thing  that's going to happen is we're going to have
            • 82:00 - 82:30 this beautiful fully functional application with  no data in it CU we haven't actually put any data   in the system so I'm going to show you how you  can add Rose records in here manually and then   you can grab the spreadsheets out of the link that  I've given you in the description so that you can   upload some stuff and learn how to import data and  also have a nicely populated app without having to   do a whole lot of data entry but um go ahead and  and do what whatever you like so first thing I'm   going to do we're just going to pop co-pilot  off to the side for now because I want a bit
            • 82:30 - 83:00 more space for what I'm doing here and we're going  to bring that back a little bit later so the first   thing I can do here is to let me show you how we  create things so let's talk around the app we've   demonstrated a little bit already search bar at  the top there's my navigation down the side that's   the view that I created so plus new will bring  up my form to do the data entry in it so let's   call this one let's create something for a a sales  manager this is where you can get a feel for the   user interface that you built the owner is Me by  default you don't always necessarily need to show
            • 83:00 - 83:30 that stuff in there but we've got that sitting  there and that's you know good to go department   sales reports to this is a lookup now depending on  how your environment is set up if it's a developer   environment you might not have anyone else in  your environment other users are set up in the   Microsoft 365 admin Center so if you've got a  trial if you've got like a Microsoft 365 trial   environment you can go into that portal and just  add users in there and give them licenses Honestly
            • 83:30 - 84:00 though just put yourself if if you've just sort  of working on your own and you don't have any   other options in there and we're going to choose  that the role status is open good now normally I   would save and close but I'm just going to click  save to show you what happens because remember I   said the primary name comes up as the heading so  once it's saved now we've got that in there so   there's our sales manager and then this one allows  you to navigate back and look at this now I've got   some data in my app a couple of other things here  with your settings so this is actually uh clearly
            • 84:00 - 84:30 I'm I'm I'm very dedicated it's actually not 6:37  a.m. where I am so we can come in here and click   on personalization settings and this is something  that you can do from each user so the data is all   sort of stored in UTC format but different users  can see it in their own time zone so you'll see   it's in GMT which is not where I am I am in fact  in the future in canra Melbourne Sydney when I   do this I also usually prefer to switch away from  English United States and choose English Australia
            • 84:30 - 85:00 that will change my date and form time at I'm just  going to leave it as United States cuz most of   you watching are from there and so I'm going to  leave it in your format with the month day year   even though many of the rest of us do it the other  way around so we're good so now you'll see that's   actually the real time and date that I'm recording  this which I mean it's 4:37 p.m. on a Saturday   that's much better than 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday  isn't it all right so let's have a look at the
            • 85:00 - 85:30 other two tables that are in here let's click on  the contacts table next depending on what you've   done you might have a lot of contacts in here or  not just go in and check active contacts there's   actually a bunch in there that sort of came with  the sample data so that's a sort of different view   on the system that you can play around with some  of those people in there regardless of whether   you've got that or not let's just play with the  contact table so this is the outof the-box one   that we didn't make any any changes to let's put  in a person here so we'll call this person uh so   you see this is mandatory actually let me show you  what happens if I try to save and the mandatory
            • 85:30 - 86:00 field isn't filled it actually won't let you do  that so you can set up your own data validation in   there let's just give this a obviously fake email  address and a business phone number that's also   just obviously fake and save that and again you  could do save and close but I want you to see what   happens it will put in the person's name first  name last name as the as the sort of the header
            • 86:00 - 86:30 the title and now let's do an application so we  can see the relationship between these things so   let's say we have a new application remember the  application number is going to be Auto number so   we don't need to fill that in but I'm going to  look up and say that we've got an application   from David for the role of the sales manager and  save that now the time line see how it says almost   there you actually have to do that save in order  to then be able to work with any other related
            • 86:30 - 87:00 records so all of the things in the timeline here  we could come in and say you know I made a phone   call to him on this date to sort of say uh so we  call this one um salary expectations or something   perhaps we're doing some kind of initial screening  call and we can save that one in there and that's   going to show up in the timeline so we'll see  some other things come up in the timeline later   but those are all related records one application  can have many tasks many phone calls many notes if
            • 87:00 - 87:30 you add things in here like a note you'll actually  get like a time and date stamp on the note this is   Rich text as well so this is a complete way of  tracking everything that's going on this whole   thing is fully responsive as I've mentioned a  couple of times if I boosted up another level   look at that fits the timeline if you sort of  go ridiculous it'll get to you know that point   if you are working on a massive model you can  bring it right down and fit a whole lot on the   screen I'm sort of working slightly bigger than  normal here just so that it's a little bit easier
            • 87:30 - 88:00 to see on the screen so we have now got some  data in our system we've created a role we've   created an application we've created a contact  let's go and test this business process flow so   we've got the screening interview offer let's do  the screening so let's say we did that screening   call on Friday and we're going to go to the next  stage we're going to schedule an interview for   next Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. and Watch What  Happens here if we say reference check required
            • 88:00 - 88:30 the same thing we saw earlier and this next  stage moves it along so you can start to do   sort of visibility and pipeline reporting and  things on this this is one where we're going   through a certain process so the idea of this  is that it allows the user to follow a certain   path of steps and stages they should follow but if  you're a manager overseeing this process it gives   you visibility on where things are up to you'll  see it's also timing how long it's been at each   stage so you can get a sense of where you might  be getting blocking things in the in the process
            • 88:30 - 89:00 as well so it's designed to give you that guided  consistency and Reporting mechanism on what you're   doing let's bring some more data into the app  now what I want to do and it's important that   you start from the table you're importing the  data into so what we're going to do is import   roles then we're going to import contacts  and then we're going to import applications   linked to rolls and contact so you'll see how that  works so you need to start by being on the table
            • 89:00 - 89:30 that you want to import into and then there's an  option in the toolbar here if you can't see at the   three dots because I'm zoomed up a bit I'm just  going to zoom down so you can see there is import   from Excel it's there but let's keep it sort  of at this higher Zoom so it's easier to see so   if you can't see it we go here we go import from  Excel don't click on that just yet there another   step we want to go another layer and choose import  from CSV so make sure you've done that rather than   clicking on import from Excel grab those files  from the GitHub repo that is linked in there
            • 89:30 - 90:00 we're going to say choose file and then upload  that rolls. CSV from your documents there and   let's click on next and then what this is going  to do is go through a process of importing and   mapping things we don't want to allow duplicates  we can click on review mapping here and this is   now going to show us what's in that spreadsheet  now I've made this nice and simple because I've   used the same titles in the spreadsheet as what  we've got in the database here so let's just take
            • 90:00 - 90:30 a look at the spreadsheet you'll see that I've got  name Department roll status I've used exactly the   same column headings in my spreadsheet as I've  used in the column table names in the app that's   going to make it easier if you haven't done that  it's not the end of the world it just means you   won't get this automatic mapping so then you come  along here and choose what goes where and do that   mapping for you so we've got name the things that  are these you'll see this is a mandatory field I
            • 90:30 - 91:00 have to have that one optional field so these are  the things that are the option set or choices if I   click on that little sort of set of choices icon  you'll see that it's mapping them all across and   once again if you typed those values when we set  up the Departments exactly as I did you'll have   a nice easy experience here if you didn't just  choose the right ones and click okay same with   the roll status that should be fine and just click  okay there if in the real world you wanted to be   importing this kind of stuff on the regular you  can actually give it a name and save it and use it
            • 91:00 - 91:30 over again finish import now this is an optional  step that you can click track progress I'm going   to do this here because I think it is actually  useful to see what's going on this will help you   to see the import working in the background and  going through the processes and see whether you've   got any successes or failures coming through  everything else is gone at a speed that I've been   able to talk to and this is going to go slow and I  did promise you we would do this one in real time
            • 91:30 - 92:00 so we'll have a little chat this is my uh co-pilot  drink bottle it's bright and fabulous and I love it how are we doing are you enjoying building a  model driven app I I hope you are I hope this is   starting to make sense and come through for you I  feel like maybe the uh this this one isn't going   to load let's uh let's just try that and click  done we'll do it for the next one let's give   this a refresh and see if it's actually worked  because those rolls should have come through by
            • 92:00 - 92:30 now there we go it has actually worked you  don't have to do the tracking we'll do the   tracking next time so there we go we've got all  of those things in there I imported 50 and there's   one row left I am showing you some things that  can go slightly Ary in real life let's do the   contacts now and see if we have better luck  visualizing it so click on the table that I   want to work with we are going to come in here  import from Excel extra button there import from   CSV choose our file let's grab the contacts CSV  click next and review the mapping again and this
            • 92:30 - 93:00 one is going to have so we've got last name to  last name business phone email first name all   nice and clear finish import let's see if  we can track progress this time and click okay please work I'm going to have to be patient maybe I will  do a little bit of an edit here or not let's see
            • 93:00 - 93:30 how we go all right that doesn't seem to want  to come up for some reason so let me just show   you what it looks like this is not something  you have to do but it's interesting to see so   what we've got here is my imports and you'll see  the ones I've done sort of in my other previous   system this is the one that I've just started so  we've got total process 0000 0 if I give this a   refresh you'll see there we go we've got 50  being processed you probably shouldn't just   sit and click and hit the refresh button over and  over again it doesn't make it go any faster so
            • 93:30 - 94:00 but it changes status here so we've gone from  preparing to importing and now it's completed   with 50 successes you'll see we've got some other  things in here where I've done this in the past   with errors so this is your import log don't know  why it's not working here but it actually doesn't   matter we don't need to click through to that  every time it is in fact working if I just refresh   the app so we've now done an import of roles and  an import of contacts let's now do the final step   and this is the most fun one where we're going to  import applications because we're going to connect
            • 94:00 - 94:30 them so if you want to do any kind of import  where you are actually bringing in related tables   make sure you've got those other ones in there  first and then bring in the one that needs to   be related to the ones that are already in there  so again click on the table you're importing to   import from Excel import from CSV choose the file  we're going to choose the application CSV now let   me bring this one up for you in Excel so that we  can see what it's doing because this is the sort
            • 94:30 - 95:00 of concept that I want you to get around here so  what we've got is the role and the role name is   going to be an exact match to something that's  already in there now it's risky doing this with   free text but I've got nice clean data you know  real world scenario you probably want to got   some sort of ID the candidate however I haven't  got the person name I've actually just got their   email that's important so I've got my applications  let's click next review the mapping and this one
            • 95:00 - 95:30 now has got candidate is a candidate lookup  we're coming back there the interview outcome   so this has got these pieces that we saw before  where successful unsuccessful and I've got some   blanks in there because we don't have all of the  results coming through on this yet so that just   won't map to anything that's okay offer made  yes no or blank that's okay as well the roll   is actually a lookup to the role name and so what  it does remember we talked about the primary name
            • 95:30 - 96:00 before and how important that was when you're  doing that lookup it wants to match against the   primary name for my roles that's fine cuz I put  those names in there that are unique but remember   with the candidate I use the email address not  the person's name so this is something you can   do if you've got something that's more of a unique  identifier first name last name not likely to be a   unique identifier let close cross that one out and  then let's start typing email find the email and
            • 96:00 - 96:30 then we're good we click okay so what I've done  now is I've got an import that is going to map   the role to the primary name the name of the role  and map the candidate to the email address on the   candidate so if you're doing this kind of thing  I'm not even going to try and track progress this   time we'll just click done and wait for it to come  through so if you're doing something like this   week you want to be mapping and importing those  things just make sure that you've got something   that's unique that it can make that relationship  with the related table in the data that you're
            • 96:30 - 97:00 importing and then point it to that column it  doesn't have to be the primary name column even   though that's what it will do by default and then  we'll give this a second it usually takes a minute   or so we'll see all of those applications come  through and I will check where we're going to   go next while we're waiting for that to  happen navigate back all right let's um H come on impatient impatient impatient there we  go so it's in progress now cuz that's seven and I
            • 97:00 - 97:30 think I had more than seven so there's 22 and I  think that's about all I had so there you go so   there's our view that has the application number  the candidate the interview start time sorted by   most recent like oldest to latest so you'll see  we've got some of those in there it's coming   up with these ones blank so that's also drawing  my attention to things there that might need um   those things in there is there an offer made we  might want to bring the the role name in there as   well so we can play around with that in fact let's  do that so if you notice something in your app
            • 97:30 - 98:00 that you've missed so I've clearly missed in here  in my applications I want to see which role it is   in this view so let's go back into the solution  we'll go back into my application view active   applications we have got in here the roll so if I  just grab roll let's drag and drop this one and I   can put it where I want it to be so I now want the  application number in the roll let's kind of drag
            • 98:00 - 98:30 and drop that a little bit to make it fit save  and publish I don't have to go back and change the   app or do anything else you can do something like  that if you want to put it into the app and make a   change so any of those forms or views you want to  make a change you can just do that we'll come back   in here give it a refresh at the browser level  if you want to pick up those changes it can take   a minute or so or not see some things are with  me in the speed and now I've got that in there   so it's actually quite easy if you are working on  this and you start to visualize it on the screen
            • 98:30 - 99:00 and you miss something or you add something later  to go back and and change that you can also play   around with the views so just because we've got  this done by interview start time you can actually   sort that the other way around we can do this kind  of filter by let's only filter by the ones that   were successful and apply that or sort from older  to newer again remove the filter and then the   individual user can actually do things themselves  so let's come back into the rolles view for
            • 99:00 - 99:30 instance we gave them the active roles and also  the open rols but let's say I wanted something   different here as a user I can come in and say I  want to edit the columns I actually don't want to   see the reports to or the created on I can remove  those things or I could add something else in   there so let's say I wanted to I didn't really  give myself much else to work with here let's   say I wanted to put in created by or something  like that and click apply then this is now going
            • 99:30 - 100:00 to give me that view that I want and then I can  come in here and say I want to save that as a new   view obviously as a user if I've got permission  to do that so people can actually do that sort   of thingss those sort of things themselves with  the sorting and filtering and creating new views   which is a very Excel like way of doing things  incidentally also export to excel is an option   single click and that will download a spread sheet  let's take another look at our co-pilot now that   we've got more to work with in here so co-pilot  can do things where it helps you find information
            • 100:00 - 100:30 in the app you can search for things in natural  language it's actually also very good at being   able to sort of add up things or find things for  you so we might want to say I think I said before   something like how many roles do we have but  let's try something like this how many roles do we   have in the sales department because this is not  something that's sort of not easily visible on The   View and this will come in and find those things  have a bit of a play around with some questions   here that you can think of how many roles are  filled which department has the most roles this is   fast evolving stuff so you'll sometimes find that  you'll get answers sometimes that won't be quite
            • 100:30 - 101:00 the expected results but this is a really really  cool use of AI that allows you to do this natural   language searching and finding information on all  of those things that we put into the dataverse   index as we were setting up we put in those search  columns those things are there and the co-pilot   is aware of those things this is a really cool  space to watch early days but uh make sure you   have a play around with this so where we're at now  honestly is your core application you're good to
            • 101:00 - 101:30 go you've got all the pieces but let's step it  up a couple of levels with some of the sort of   more intermediate things you can do to just really  bring out more value from the app especially where   you're working with these relational tables and  databases to give you more visibility of things so   I'm going to go back into my solution and navigate  back up here and the first thing we're going to do   is to create what's called quick create form  which makes it easy for the user to do let's   have a look at what a quick create form looks  like something like this so from inside the app
            • 101:30 - 102:00 you could say I just want to create an application  and then that will just pop up with an experience   on the side here so rather than sort of having to  navigate around we can just come in here and say   quick create application and then it will give  us that data entry experience where I can say   let's look up a roll put that in in let's look up  the candidate and and just do that in there so we   will uh discard the changes there we'll go back  into the maker experience and make one of those
            • 102:00 - 102:30 so on application what I want to do here is to  choose a new form and this is called a quick   create form when we first set up the table we  said leverage quick create form if available that   means I can do this if you didn't do that then it  means that you've missed that step and it will be   gr out so go back and and do that so what we've  got here quick create application this is like a   miniature version of the form so I can click on  this first section here and we can bring in the
            • 102:30 - 103:00 columns we want so let's say I want the role the  candidate the interview start time and then I can   click on this whole first section here let's click  on the section and hide the label cuz new section   isn't very useful to me and I don't need one there  you actually can't get rid of these sections on   here you just want to hide them if you don't want  other sections on your quick create form just get   rid of them in there and then you can save and  publish that form so that's an experience that
            • 103:00 - 103:30 will allow you to just do that sort of quick and  easy data entry for any table if you want to go   ahead and do that on some of the other tables  to get some extra practice pause the video and   come back when you've done that so the next thing  we're going to do here is create a quick view form   this is the most confusing terminology that we've  got in here but this is something that allows you   to see what's going on with let's cancel out  of that where I go into my application and I
            • 103:30 - 104:00 have for instance this one here and I've got my  candidate with that lookup but this is actually   going to show those details from that related  table so from here I can see things this is read   only but I've got that information on the screen  so that's called a quick view form as opposed to a   quick create form which is what we did here so in  order to do that I want a quick view form for the
            • 104:00 - 104:30 contact because we're bringing in pieces for the  contact so you start with the thing you're trying   to display so we'll go back to the tables click  on contact here and what I want to do is go new   form quick view form it's because it's got View  and form in the one place that it's confusing so   again this is the same concept now as creating  uh a view uh is creating a form so what we want   to do again we can have sections in here if you  don't want the label on that let's just uh get
            • 104:30 - 105:00 rid of that and we want to bring in so this is a  lot of like this is the contact table out of the   box there a lot going on here so it's probably  easier just to start typing so you want to find   the first name column and you want to find the  last name so you'll see I can just sort of type   them in here to make it easier to find them and  just click on what I want and let's say there   are some other things that we want to see here  that we are bringing across actually I think I   wanted the business phone in there let's get rid  of that so if you do something you don't want just
            • 105:00 - 105:30 click on delete and that's probably enough in  there so we can save and publish that one and   now we've got that so that's the first part of  it so the first thing you need to do is create   that quick view form on the table that's going  to be displayed and then we need to put it on the   application table connected to that lookup so that  it knows where it's going so once that's saved   and published we will go back in the navigation  back to our tables in the breadcrumb trail here
            • 105:30 - 106:00 and into the application table the application  form and you'll see the quick create form we   created there is already there so we want to go  into the main form and then that middle column   on the form which is where we put the candidate  we're going to bring that component in so I'm   going to click on that section and then we come  across here actually sorry what I want to do make
            • 106:00 - 106:30 it a bit easier let's click on the lookup it's a  bit of a shortcut here come into the components   and what we want is a display component and there  are lots of components here like many more things   than I can show you in uh in what we're doing with  this course but click around have a look at what   else is there we're going to bring in a quick view  so if I click on that you'll see that because I've   already selected candidate it already knows that's  the lookup and then which one do I want I'm just   working with the contact quick for quick view form  which is the one that I just created I think let's
            • 106:30 - 107:00 do that you can have different versions of this  to use in your application and different places   so there it is first name last name business phone  that comes up with exactly what I wanted it to be   save and publish and that's now going to come up  on my application there is one other little sort   of clever trick that's worth knowing about which  is working with a lookup a lookup view so if I
            • 107:00 - 107:30 come back into my application here and if I'm  coming in and having a look at this rle let's   sort of get rid of this if I do this lookup what  happens is in here by default you will actually   get if you start to sort of try to type something  you'll get the name of the role you'll see I've   got the department there I've configured that  otherwise what you'll get is the primary name   and the created on which honestly isn't always  the most useful thing so if you want to choose   what shows up here and you can have sort of three  things you have the primary name and two other
            • 107:30 - 108:00 things that can make it a whole lot easier to work  with that is on the that's on the roll we go back   to the tables and into the roll here and that is  a view and that is called the lookup view so if we   go into the lookup view when you create the table  all of these views are just done for you like we   didn't have to create all of those things but you  can come in and change it so you'll see by default   you've got the name and created on I don't want  created on but I want the department and maybe the
            • 108:00 - 108:30 reports too so you can have up to three in there  if you put more in there you just won't see them   but that will give you a much nicer experience  with the lookup so we will save and publish that   one as well now the other thing I really want to  show you this is a really cool component is the   idea of what's called a sub grid this allows you  to see in that relationship where you've got one   to many all of the related records so if I come  back here into my roles and you might have noticed
            • 108:30 - 109:00 in my app my demo app here that there's some color  going on that you haven't seen in your app we are   going to come to that shortly so if I click on  the account manager R see how we've got here's   the account manager and here are the related  applications this piece here is called a subgrid   this is allowing you to see the related records  and this is a really cool thing that that just   the benefit of having that database relationship  setup that you really want to take advantage of   so this one is going to be on my rooll I want to  add a sub grid showing applications so in my rle
            • 109:00 - 109:30 form main form we're going to open that one  up again and I'm going to add another section   to bring that in now I'm just going to use the  active applications view but you could configure   a special view with particular columns you want  to see there so all the skills you've learned so   far you could just go save as and create another  another view and do that if you want so I'm just   going to keep it nice and simple here what we're  going to do is come in here into the components   menu where you can click on components there I  want a one column section so this is a section
            • 109:30 - 110:00 I'm going to add another one column section and  that will come in into the form here we will call   this one applications and then clicking in here  we're going to come over to the side and this   is a grid this is a sub grid an editable sub grid  will allow you to kind of make changes in line if   that's something you want to do but this is just  a display element you have to say show related   records honestly I don't know why you wouldn't  want to show related records but make sure you
            • 110:00 - 110:30 check that you'll have a much easier experience  so we want to see the related records and this is   giving me the options of what's related to roll  so there's a bunch of sort of system things in   here but applications is actually what I wanted  and then there's my active applications view if   you've created another view for this you can do  that as as well and we will click done that will   come up now the subgrid itself kind of has its  own name this new SG control blah blah blah no one
            • 110:30 - 111:00 ever wants that you could have like another little  subheading there or you can just hide that if you   prefer the heading to be in the section up to you  save and publish how's our app looking now we've   got a few other things going on that are starting  to bring it a little bit more to life and do some   uh do some fancy things so that's quick uh quick  view forms quick create forms look up views and   subgrids so those are all kind of like next level  things that are just going to really make your app
            • 111:00 - 111:30 absolutely shine let's go back now did I save and  publish I think I saved and publish uh we'll come   back into the app let's give it a refresh and  check out these experiences let's have a look   in particular at the roles and the applications  to get those things working the piece here where   you can do that quick create that's come up nice  and fast I have actually seen that sometimes just   takes a few minutes but there we go I could  quick create an application and now if I look   up the rle that part hasn't come through yet with  the um with my lookup view maybe I didn't publish
            • 111:30 - 112:00 that one so you can come in here and say Here's  my account manager look at that now I've got all   of my applications sitting in there and I can go  in and have a look at an application and there   we go there's the information about the person  that's sitting in there so those things make a   huge difference those four sort of components to  really make your app much more useful because you   can see all of the related information about  what's going on without so many clicks but you
            • 112:00 - 112:30 want the color don't you we want to get these  colorful things in here so let's go and bring   that in as well so we're going to come in back  into the solution we go back into here and we   need to bring in What's called the power apps  grid control so this is going to be we first   want it on the successful and unsuccessful on the  applications and I also want it on the rolls so   this is done at a table level so we're going to  come into the roll the way you get to it is to go
            • 112:30 - 113:00 into a view and just pick the active roles view it  doesn't really matter you just sort of pick one of   the views and then you've got this option up here  called components add a component and you want to   choose powerups grid control but it's not there so  you can actually get more components and there's   a whole bunch of other things that are just not  there so scroll down and find the power apps grid   control and add that in you'll find that's in  there for other things you want to do now let's
            • 113:00 - 113:30 click on that and so now there's a lot of options  in here of ways that you can configure and change   that grid that you might like to play around with  but mostly now what we want to do is to say so   this one is this is on the roll and remember back  in my demo app here I had that experience on the   roll where we could do this sort of opening it  up that's not a good example here opening it up   and seeing the related applications so that's  what this part is doing here is I want to say
            • 113:30 - 114:00 uh when I click away it gets a bit upset with  me let's discard this and do this again add the   power apps grid control so the child items what  I want to do is to say I want to see the related applications I clicked away too fast then  come back applications which view do I want   to see again if I've got something different and  then what is the parent ID back the other way so
            • 114:00 - 114:30 related back to Applications the lookup column was  called roll from the application we look up to the   roll go down there's a bunch of other things here  that you can do with filtering sorting grouping a   aggregation that you can have a play around with  you want but what we want here is enable option   set colors yes we definitely want the Colors  Let's click done on that save on that and save   and publish on that and let's see what happens  now back to my app refresh it at the browser
            • 114:30 - 115:00 level and look at that now I've got my status  coming up in a nice colorful situation I can   open account manager and those colors are there  too so this is back to those colors that we   chose at the start hope you took the advice to  use nice pastel colors that make it clear so   that's what you can do with that and have a play  around with some of those options there now if   you really want to level up your app and you  want to start getting into some Custom Design   maybe you've got canvas app skills or you want  to start bringing specific pixels and images and
            • 115:00 - 115:30 things onto the screen you can do that with what's  called a custom page I'm going to take you through   how to build this one here this is a fairly  straightforward example because I'm assuming that   not everyone is coming to this with the skills  of building canvas apps but if you have those   skills you're going to be able to do great things  here so this is essentially something where we've   got a label on the screen I can make that whatever  size I want I've sort of done a bit of a oversized   font just to sort of prove a point here this is  actually a list this is actually one of the same
            • 115:30 - 116:00 things that's in the app so I can click through  to here and that will navigate me through into   that R so we've got some functional navigation  happening there we've also got the image on there   and in the GitHub repo that's linked below I've  put some images in there if you would like to use   any of those as well as these pieces here that are  buttons that allow you to navigate around the app   so we're going to go back into the solution again  as we always do let's go to all here now this is
            • 116:00 - 116:30 really important thing if you are a canvas apps  person and even if you're not just to understand   the concept that power apps allows you to create  different kinds of apps what we're building here   is a model driven app a canvas app is a standalone  app connected to any data source where you can   drag and drop everything on the screen what we're  building here is something that kind of sits in   between it's actually called a custom page so  we start with new app page don't click canvas   app here that's a different standard Lo piece  there are options for bringing those things in
            • 116:30 - 117:00 here but if you want this sort of easy integrated  experience of bringing it in you need to start   with a custom page the custom page doesn't have as  much functionality at the moment as a full canvas   app so depending on what you're doing you might  want to choose one or the other too much for this   course I just really want to show you how you  can build a basic custom page and then please   go ahead and make beautiful designs make more  beautiful things than the one I'm showing you   here and then share it with me share it on social  or wherever you want to do because honestly the
            • 117:00 - 117:30 beauty of the canvas app design not the reason  you're going to ever watch me there are people   better at this than I am so what we do here we're  going to start with a template Let's uh sort of   scroll this up a little bit I'm going to start  with layout and then you've got a bunch of cool   layouts and responsive layouts and things we can  use here I'm going to use this one that's actually   just a really super simple one called tutorial  that gives me a starting point of a template that   has a blank on one side and an image on the other  because you know why not but I'm going to get rid
            • 117:30 - 118:00 of a whole lot of stuff because I'm actually not  building out a tutorial but if you did want to   build a tutorial as a custom page this is how you  could do it I am actually going to come in here   and on the screen here the only things I want to  have left are the rectangle text and the tutorial   image so all of these other things I'm just going  to click on these things and make a bit of a Mess   by clicking the delete key and getting rid of all  of them and now I've just got tutorial image and   rectangle box left of course an error because I've  deleted a dependency of some kind but don't worry
            • 118:00 - 118:30 about that we're going to say edit in the formula  bar and just delete that formula and look at that   now I've got um basically a nice template that I  want to work with so the first thing I'm going to   do is bring an image in here so we go over to  the navigation here into the section that says   media I want to add media and upload something so  grab an image from the files this is the one that   I'm going to use which is uh sort of nice little  welcome I'm building this page out that looks like
            • 118:30 - 119:00 it's all very power apps themed but if you want to  add more color there's some other choices in there   as well I've added my image and now what I need to  do the the canvas apps piece of the custom Pages   piece here is quite different from what we've been  doing where you've got many more properties and   controls to work with so I am selected here on if  I pop this out a little bit actually we want to   see the tree view I'm selected on tutorial image  that's what I've got here and then there's a bunch
            • 119:00 - 119:30 of properties about what this image can do and  there's so much you can get into here what I want   to do though the formula for the image just needs  to be the name of the image I just uploaded which   was called Welcome something so if I just start  typing it welcome power apps color ah there it is   all right so far so good so now what we want  to do is deal with this pale blue background   because that's not a good situation even with my  Poe design eye I can see that so let's click on
            • 119:30 - 120:00 that component so always click on the component  and then work with the formula so what we've got   here is properties so you can see there's a color  property there that has a formula if I click on   that it'll pop up in here and this is showing  you that it's a color fade against that color   I am going to give you the rgba for the powerups  color that I'm working with here let me just copy   paste paste this across we'll put it on the screen  you can choose whatever you like but that's the   formula you're going to need if you want to have  this exact color the 30% here is the fade rate if
            • 120:00 - 120:30 I make that higher the thing will fade down more  if I make it less it will fade up it'll be darker   so you choose whatever you like there or pick a  different color if you want it to be something   different so now we've got our image and our  background color we will add a greeting for   the user so we're going to work in this section  now I am going to come back to this little icon   here which is my insert menu that allows me to  insert different components and I want to insert
            • 120:30 - 121:00 a label so this label can have a formula in it  or it can just have a name in it so I have this   one that is a welcome formula that brings in the  name of the user it knows who I am as the logged   in user so the text of this formula you can just  have a word with quotes around it I'll show you   one of those in a moment or we can get rid of that  and put a formula here so again I'll leave this on   the screen so you can copy it welcome space user  full name and you can see it's got that in there   and now I can mck around with my font size with  my any of these other things I want so let's sort
            • 121:00 - 121:30 of bring this out a little bit more and there we  go it's welcoming me to my app let's grab another   label in here you'll see it just puts it over  the same spot this one is going to be a heading   for the open rolls so this one we're just going  to put text in here we don't need a formula you   can change it here or up in the formula bar there  I am going to just put in open rolls and that's   nice let's make that one a little bit bigger maybe  make that 15 and again you can this is where we're
            • 121:30 - 122:00 Pixel Perfect now I can drag this wherever I want  on the screen and put it exactly where I want I   could also make this one you know bold or whatever  whatever I like to sort of bring it out so just   play around with some of the formatting there as  you like it I am now going to add a gallery which   is that vertical list of the rolls that we saw  in there so back over on this part of the screen   let's grab a vertical gallery and you'll see  it just kind of plunks it in a weird spot but
            • 122:00 - 122:30 that's okay and I'm going to search for my rolls  table in Microsoft data verse you'll see this is   where I could actually bring in data from other  data sources to display that in my model driven   app so you might want to have like a news feed  or I don't know something from another system   that you can bring in there so that's an option  as well I going to just choose this one for now   and then let's grab this and while it's bringing  the right data in move it around and sort of move   the layout so that it fits I'm going to put  a couple of buttons underneath the gallery so
            • 122:30 - 123:00 let's uh bring that let's bring that up a little  bit there it's not ready for that yet so it's   still loading I'm trying to do too many things too  quickly at once we'll give it a second to to come   up there we go please wait please wait I get a  bit impatient all right so now we've got our data   in there you can you know sort of scroll this so  that it fits fits quite nicely but you'll see it's   bringing in roles with the name and the created  on date which I don't really want so over here
            • 123:00 - 123:30 we can choose something different so I'm actually  going to say I can choose my view because I've got   this as a custom page and directly connected to  that dataverse table these are the roles that I   chose before and remember we created an open rolls  view so that's now going to apply that filter that   I made earlier and then I can also come in here  and choose something so instead of having those   things there let's change as a starting point the  layout instead of image title subtitle cuz there's   no images with this I just want title and subtitle  so that's going to clean it up a little bit and
            • 123:30 - 124:00 then I can come in here and say What fields do  I want so this item name as the starting point   is fine but I don't really want created on I want  Department look at that that's looking a whole lot   better so now what I can do is change the color  of some of these things so if I come in and click   this little icon now I can format what's in there  and if I click on that heading you can come in   here and change the color of that font choose  whatever you like custom but if you want to
            • 124:00 - 124:30 play along at home with the same color that's  the hex code that's in there and see how it's   changed so now we've got that all lined up and  then the other thing I want to do is bring in a   little sort of navigation Arrow to encourage  people to see that they can click through so   again if I click on my gallery click on the the  pencil icon that goes in you're basically just   doing it looks like you're editing the first row  but it actually flows all the way through we saw   that with the color change what I want to do now  is bring in an icon so there's a bunch of icons
            • 124:30 - 125:00 in here so let's scroll down and find the one  that is called right and it'll just pop it in   in a weird color in a weird location don't worry  about that drag and drop that to where you want   it to be and they'll all follow along if you want  to make it a little bit smaller we can do that or   a little bit bigger you can sort of fiddle around  with uh there we go that'll do and then what we   can do is also give that another color so I'll  give you another sort of hex color code in my
            • 125:00 - 125:30 color scheme here you'll see that's blue at the  moment we'll go in here and put that one in and   we're getting a nice pink color is it all too  pink I don't know I quite like making it look   like it fits the theme but uh you know you do  you so then what we can do is say what I want   is for when somebody chooses is that icon so  again let's go back into the the gallery and   click on that that should navigate them to that  record remember that was a navigation piece that
            • 125:30 - 126:00 we're allowed to do in there so on select is what  happens when they click on that and we actually   want to change this formula here so let's get rid  of that formula and there's again when we looked   at Power FX formulas before this is a whole other  world of learning and language but you can follow   along with what I'm doing here when it's selected  I want to navigate and what I want to navigate to   is the item that's been selected in the gallery  so if I come back here into my tree view you'll
            • 126:00 - 126:30 see these are the names of the things this thing's  just called Gallery one you can actually give it   a more sensible name than that if you like but I'm  I'm being a bit lazy here so what we want to do is   to say navigate to Gallery 1 and it's highlighted  it and I want to navigate to the selected item in   that gallery and close the parenthesis there  so now I've got a formula where that's going   to create that navigation experience I'm going to  put a couple of buttons here at the bottom to be   able to sort of navigate to the different tables  in the system so to do that let's make sure I'm
            • 126:30 - 127:00 sort of clicked out of the gallery now I can  come back into my insert menu or you can use   insert from the top here and I want to insert a  button again kind of in the wrong spot I'm just   drag that down let's make it a little bit bigger  and then I want this button to be the applications   so we can come in here and just change the text  so we'll go applications and I would like that to   be a different color and a different font so let's  make that a bit of a bigger font size to make it a
            • 127:00 - 127:30 little bit easier to see let's grab that same hex  color that we were using before so we can come in   here and I want to actually change the fill color  so the colors here that is the text color and that   is the fill color of the button you'll notice  you can also change the hover and the Pressed   color I'll just do this one for now so let's come  in and put that one in so we've got another nice   pink button in there and what I want to happen  is when this one is clicked on it will navigate
            • 127:30 - 128:00 to the applications table actually one more thing  border radius make that 10 that gives it slightly   sort of rounded Corners which is quite nice when  we click on this button I want it to navigate   to the applications table so the way we do that  with the buttons selected is to come in here and   the property so this is just all these different  properties all these things you can do we actually   want to choose the on Select Property on select  of that button what should we do this is navigate
            • 128:00 - 128:30 again it's one of the most useful things you  can learn in this part of it we want to navigate   where do we want to navigate we actually want  to navigate to the name of the table now again   because I've created it as a custom page and not  a standalone canvas app it's ready to rock and   roll with that thing without any effort at all  so I'm going to just type in applications and it   should find ah I've missed a step my bad all right  let's get rid of that we need to add the tables in
            • 128:30 - 129:00 there first so let's come back into the section  over here called Data at the moment my app only   knows about roles we need to add a couple more  things so we need to add in the applications table   and I'm also going to add another button for the  interviews which we haven't done done yet but this   is just appointments we're just going to use outof  thee box appointments because you know that's in   the platform so why not so we'll wait for that one  to come up and then we can probably add it while
            • 129:00 - 129:30 we're waiting I'm also going to add appointments  from Microsoft datae as well so we'll wait for   those things to come through and then we'll have  more success with the navigation on the button   because uh it knows about that table and when I'm  looking for a formula it will be able to do it so   on select now for our button we're going to say  navigate open the bracket applications there we   go that's a whole lot better and close the bracket  lovely let's duplicate that button so we can do   another one so instead of having to do all that  again I can just right click on that copy right
            • 129:30 - 130:00 click again and paste and move that along a  little bit change the name of this one to in interviews we're going to  change the on Select Property   this one to go to the right table so we'll  come back here and say on select we're   going to navigate to now the interviews we're  actually using appointments we've just given   it a different name but that's where we want  it to go and do I have another color for you
            • 130:00 - 130:30 do I what of course I do let's grab another  one here and choose this custom put that one   in there and we are on theme so now that's  it it's a nice simple sort of opening page   play around with this if you've got the canvas  app skills you know do some fancier things but   that should give you a sense of the kinds of  things you can do here which is enough for   now let's click on Save we give this one a name  we're going to call this welcome page and save
            • 130:30 - 131:00 it and then we just need to wait till that's  finished bit patient Lisa and then we need   to publish it so as you're going through this  you'll see we're going to bring this into our   model driven app so this ort of a couple of  steps to this we publish the page and then   you need to bring it into the model driven app  and publish the app so if you do want to come   back and make changes to this later you're going  to need to navigate back through the main menu
            • 131:00 - 131:30 into the pages and make the changes and publish  and then republish so you just need to be aware   of that sort of publishing cycle if you like of  those things and then the last thing we need to   do is bring it into the model driven app so we'll  navigate over here into apps open the recruitment   app and we just need to bring that page in so  what we did earlier when we built the app was   bringing in pages that were actually dataverse  tables now we're bringing in an actual actual   page so we click on new here we are going  to choose custom page and click next use
            • 131:30 - 132:00 an existing custom page notice you can actually  create one from here if you prefer we're going   to choose that welcome page and make sure we show  it in the navigation and click add and from there   we want to push it up the navigation so we will  click here and move move up move up move up to   get it up to the top and now what we need to do  is save publish and play so there's always these   two layers of saving and Publishing when you're  working with a custom page you need to save and
            • 132:00 - 132:30 publish it in that canvas where you were working  bring it in here save and publish it if you do   need to make changes you do need to go through  that again so you will need to make the changes   to the custom page publish them there bring them  in here actually the page would already be in here   and you'd need to publish it again so we've done  our first page there save publish are we excited   about how this is going to look if you get any  error messages that come up in this process that   says you know warning you sometimes it comes up  on the screen with a big like warning your app
            • 132:30 - 133:00 needs to be republished that's just all the things  I was talking about that will go away once you've   done this process and you're good to go give it  another second here and then we should be able to   play it and we are nearly done we're also going  to talk about security roles before we finish   cuz that's a really important part of what we can  do with model driven apps as well don't forget if   you've come this far give me a comment I know a  lot of people will watch the whole thing all the   way through uh but give us a bit of a shout out  if you've come right through to the custom Page's
            • 133:00 - 133:30 end of things especially if you've done it all in  one sitting well done I've had a couple of breaks   in in recording it we will click play and see what  we have got now in our wonderful beautiful custom   page so now I've got all of these buttons here  that I can navigate around to my applications   page and I can go back and scroll through all  of those things I can jump straight into the   account manager so this can serve as a really good  overview navigation welcome tutorial as heaps of   things you can do with this so the last thing I  need to show you really important thing is around
            • 133:30 - 134:00 security roles and how you're going to share  this app so we go back into the Power Platform   admin Center the core part of sharing an app and  making it available with model driven apps right   back where we started is around the dataverse  tables the security model who has access to what   so this isn't just about sharing an app this  is actually about giving people roll access to   what they can do what they can read write edit  delete in the app so this is really important
            • 134:00 - 134:30 ppac right back to where we started if  we go into environments choose the environment   that you've been working with let's just zoom  the screen up a bit so it's a bit easier to see   we're going to go into settings and this time  we're not just doing all the feature switches   we did earlier we are actually going in here to  users and permissions security roles now out of   the box this comes with a stack of different  security roles but when you have made custom
            • 134:30 - 135:00 tables you want to be able to assign the right  security roles to those things so there are out   of the box security rolls in here that you can  work with one of the things that's good to do   is to take one of those and duplicate it and use  that as something that you can do for your app we   will give different users different roles so for  this recruitment app for inance you might have   a uh a user a manager user who can perhaps create  a role or edit a role but maybe only someone with   a human resources role could do the application  process so you can set up all of those kinds of
            • 135:00 - 135:30 things to control exactly who can do what so these  are the ones we've got out of the box let's take   a look at this one here called basic user this  is the basic security role you actually Can't   customize this one but you'll see the Privileges  here about being able to create read write and do   all sorts of things not just with the tables but  all of the other kinds of functions that go with   the app let's make a copy of this security role  so we'll call this one recruitment basic role and
            • 135:30 - 136:00 this might be the Baseline level of the role that  we give to people to be able to access tables but   then you want to build out other security roles  if you want to make that more complex just be   careful that when you're assigning people multiple  roles that it changes the privilege they've got   there's a whole world of complexity here I want  at least get you across the basics of setting up   a security role and sharing it with the users but  what we're going to do here once this recruitment   basic role comes up is go in and put in those  custom tables that we've created to make sure
            • 136:00 - 136:30 someone has access to them because that's core  to how we actually go about sharing the role so   now we are still stuck in the basic user role  let's navigate back to security roles find the   one we just created here which is the recruitment  basic rle and now what we want to do do is have   a look in here at the different permissions so I  don't need to change anything about the business   management the business process flows we've got  in here the core records so those are the various
            • 136:30 - 137:00 sort of core tables so for instance contact you  might want to say who can change things in here   so user privilege means just the individual user  my records that I own so remember whenever we're   looking in the tables in the database it's like  owner Lisa Crosby that means I could create read   write delete write is edit a pend and a pend to  is things like where we've got related records and
            • 137:00 - 137:30 can we add related records assign or share with  other users so this gets quite comprehensive here   so for instance I might say that I can create  things but I want to be able to allow this role   to see everything all of the contacts in the  organization they should be able to see them   but they should only be allowed to edit the ones  they've created or maybe they can only edit the   ones in their own business unit so you've got this  hierarchical security model that's around saying
            • 137:30 - 138:00 you've got individual users and users belong to  business units and then there's a parent child   hierarchy that goes on there and that sets all of  these permissions so the delete permission could   be none you're not allowed to delete anything and  then once you've got that duplicate role set up   what you want to do is go in and make sure you've  given permission to the tables and the business   process flows that you created so you can come in  here and type application to find that application   table come through there and then set those create  read write delete permissions the same as we did
            • 138:00 - 138:30 before perhaps you want them all to be at the  organization level or whatever things you want   to do and repeat the same thing for the business  process flow and the roles once you're done with   that you click on Save and close and then the  next step is to assign those security roles to   the users so we're going to come back in here into  the users and permissions and select users and   this is where we add those security roles and this  is what's going to give them access to the app so
            • 138:30 - 139:00 we come in here from each user you choose manage  security roles and this will give you the roles   that are available so if I come down here I should  be able to find my recruitment basic role maybe we   don't want system administrator or whatever it is  you can see you can add in any combination of all   of these things system admin will basically give  the person access to everything in the system so   if this was a basic user you'd just give them that  role and that will give them access to the things
            • 139:00 - 139:30 that we have just provided and you go through and  do that for the rest of your users now if your   demo environment your trial environment doesn't  have other users in there again just sort of click   on your own user that you've set up for yourself  and you should be able to at least click through   and go through and understand what has to happen  there one final step then which is that we need to   put that security r roll back into the solution  and Associate it with the app so we're going   to come back into our solution here we go to the  top level here and we're going to add an existing
            • 139:30 - 140:00 security roll find that security roll so that one  was called recruitment I think yes recruitment   basic roll add that one in and so that's also  part of the whole solution when we bring this   across to different environments we want that to  be part of it and so then the one final part now   is to share this app with the people who have that  security role so we're going to go back into our   apps check the three dots here and click share  and now what we can do is choose to share to the
            • 140:00 - 140:30 apps now I'm in a developer environment it has  sharing permissions you obviously won't get that   in a a real scenario but we're going to say the  recruitment app and then we manage which security   roles the app will use so the whole process here  is you're setting up a security role the role has   permissions for all the tables and functions you  give that security role to a person and then you   also say that security role applies to this app  and then that combination of things sets up all   the access it's all very comprehensive in how  these things come together so we can come down
            • 140:30 - 141:00 here now and choose another role I wish this one  was in alphabetical order it always takes me a   bit to find it there we go recruitment basic role  and I can click share and then that will mean now   that anyone who has that role will get that as a  final stage then you really want to give them the   URL for the actual app itself so you can just  come in here and grab that and copy paste and   send that through to someone that's it thank you  so much for watching thank you so much if you've
            • 141:00 - 141:30 got this far like share subscribe all of those  things and have a look at the other videos here   that can take you another level further in things  that you can do to help your understanding of   model driven apps as always thank you so much  for watching and thank you for your support