The 8 AI Skills That Will Separate Winners From Losers in 2025

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In "The 8 AI Skills That Will Separate Winners From Losers in 2025," Liam Ottley discusses the emergence of AI generalists, who will be vital across industries due to their adaptability and mastery of various AI skills. Through the analogy of specialists versus generalists in evolutionary biology, Ottley explains that those who can harness AI to acquire cross-disciplinary skills will thrive in the coming AI-dominated era. The video outlines eight essential AI skills across four fundamental powersโ€”building, automating, creating, and connectingโ€”necessary for becoming unstoppable in the future job market.


      • AI generalists are set to become key players in all industries by 2025. ๐Ÿš€
      • The future professional landscape favors those who adapt and learn rapidly. ๐Ÿ”„
      • Eight essential AI skills form the core of success in the emerging AI age. ๐Ÿ“ˆ
      • Traditional specialization is being challenged by adaptable AI skills. ๐Ÿ”„
      • Understanding AI's role in automating and enhancing creativity is crucial. ๐ŸŽจ
      • Building AI-powered personal brands can be a game-changer for professionals. ๐Ÿ†

      Key Takeaways

      • AI generalists will dominate future industries due to their adaptability. ๐ŸŒŸ
      • Specialists face challenges as AI systems outperform them in specific fields. ๐Ÿค–
      • The future job market requires rapid skill acquisition across multiple domains. ๐Ÿš€
      • Mastering AI tech, like building and automating, leads to professional survival. ๐Ÿ”ง
      • Creating and connecting with AI tools offer new paths for career success. ๐ŸŽจ
      • Adaptable individuals using AI will thrive in the evolving digital landscape. ๐ŸŒ
      • Liam Ottley provides a free resource guide to become an AI generalist. ๐Ÿ“š
      • Building a personal brand and AI skills ensures relevance in 2025 and beyond. ๐Ÿ”ฅ


      The video emphasizes the emergence of AI generalists, who will dominate industries by being adaptable and mastering a diverse set of AI skills. Inspired by evolutionary biology, it draws a parallel between generalists and specialists, highlighting how AI generalists can excel across multiple domains and outperform those who focus narrowly on one specialty.

        Liam Ottley outlines eight crucial AI skills that revolve around four cornerstone abilities: building, automating, creating, and connecting. These skills include AI-assisted app development, workflow automation, and AI-enhanced creativity. By harnessing these skills, individuals can significantly amplify their professional capabilities and impact.

          The content underscores the importance of developing a personal brand and continuously adapting to technological advancements. Ottley's advice includes leveraging AI tools to create content, automate tasks, and connect with audiences, ensuring that individuals remain competitive and capable in a fast-evolving job market.


            • 00:00 - 00:30: Introduction: The Rise of AI Generalists In 'Introduction: The Rise of AI Generalists', the focus is on the emerging trend of AI generalists who will be the key players in future industries. By 2025, individuals with a broad and adaptable skill set in AI will outperform specialists in fields like marketing and design. The narrator shares their personal success story of earning $4 million over two years by mastering AI skills, emphasizing the transformative power of becoming a 'one-person army'. The chapter promises to reveal the eight essential AI skills needed to stay ahead and provides guidance on mastering these, even for complete beginners.
            • 00:30 - 01:00: Meet the Host: Le Motley In this chapter, Le Motley introduces himself as the host. He shares that he has been an entrepreneur for six years, with the last two years dedicated to building AI businesses. Motley emphasizes the transformative impact AI has had on his life, stating that his company, Morningside, has grown into a billion-dollar AI business. His goal is to help others understand and benefit from AI opportunities by sharing his experiences and insights.
            • 01:00 - 01:30: Understanding Career Strategies The chapter, 'Understanding Career Strategies,' delves into the significant impact that AI and automation are expected to have on the job market and society by 2025 and beyond. It discusses the necessity of acquiring specific AI-related skills to succeed in future career landscapes, as highlighted in a 2023 report by MacKenzie.
            • 01:30 - 02:00: Specialists vs. Generalists In the chapter titled 'Specialists vs. Generalists,' a discussion is presented on how AI is projected to automate a significant portion of current work, drastically impacting employment by 2030. Research indicates a potential for up to 50% of work activities to be automated and up to 80% of workers to experience wage stagnation or displacement. The chapter explores how individuals can strategize their careers amidst these changes, drawing insights from evolutionary biology. Emphasizing Darwin's theory, it concludes that adaptability, rather than strength or intelligence, is crucial for survival in a rapidly transforming job market.
            • 02:00 - 03:00: Historical Patterns of Adaptation The chapter discusses how organisms adapt to massive environmental changes, emphasizing that the most adaptable organisms are the best survivors. The author introduces two distinct strategies for adaptation: specialists and generalists. As an example, the giant panda is presented as a specialist that has evolved to consume exclusively bamboo, highlighting its specific adaptation for survival in stable environments.
            • 03:00 - 04:00: The Job Market Transformation The chapter discusses the concept of specialization in the job market by contrasting two animal examples: pandas and raccoons. Pandas have specialized feeding habits reliant on bamboo, making them vulnerable to changes in their environment. In contrast, raccoons are highly adaptable, capable of surviving and thriving in varied environments and conditions, even amidst human development. The narrative implies the importance of adaptability over specialization in the face of a transforming job market.
            • 04:00 - 05:00: The Power of AI Generalists The chapter discusses the concept of generalists versus specialists, highlighting how adaptable generalists have historically thrived in changing environments. A key example provided is the mass extinction 66 million years ago, where highly specialized dinosaurs were wiped out, while adaptable generalist mammals, our ancient ancestors, survived. These mammals were not the strongest or most specialized, but their adaptability allowed them to endure drastic changes in their environment.
            • 05:00 - 06:00: The Four Fundamental Powers The chapter discusses the similarity between the extinction event of the dinosaurs and the current shifts in the job market. The author highlights that just as dinosaurs faced environmental changes, today's workforce faces technological changes that demand quick adaptation for professional survival.
            • 06:00 - 08:00: The Power to Build The chapter discusses the evolving landscape of careers and skills in the context of economic survival. It highlights the traditional path of specialization, where individuals like corporate lawyers, radiologists, and software developers spend years mastering a specific area to become irreplaceable and ensure a stable and prosperous career. However, there is an implication that this paradigm might be shifting or facing new challenges.
            • 08:00 - 10:00: The Power to Automate The chapter titled 'The Power to Automate' discusses the transformative impact of AI systems across various specialist fields. It highlights how AI is beginning to match or surpass human experts in diagnosing diseases, reviewing legal documents, and writing code, with capabilities doubling every six months. The chapter suggests that this rapid advancement poses a threat to job security across many professions over the next decade.
            • 10:00 - 13:00: The Power to Create The chapter titled 'The Power to Create' discusses the emergence of adaptable generalists in today's world who leverage AI to gain skills across multiple specializations. It examines how these AI-driven generalists, while not reaching the peak of specialists' skills yet, can rapidly achieve around 80% proficiency in various domains. This capability allows them to quickly become proficient in new skills without dedicating a decade to mastering each one.
            • 13:00 - 17:00: The Power to Connect The chapter titled 'The Power to Connect' discusses the transformative impact of AI technologies, which enable users to rapidly gain new skills and capabilities across various domains. These AI tools allow individuals to create professional artwork, develop software, and write in versatile styles effortlessly. The concept of 'AI generalists' is introduced, emphasizing their significant potential in reshaping industries. Sam Alman, CEO of OpenAI, is mentioned, highlighting discussions among tech leaders about the future implications of these AI advancements.
            • 17:00 - 19:00: Comprehensive Resource Guide The chapter titled 'Comprehensive Resource Guide' discusses the transformative impact of AI, likening modern AI generalists to Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance. It highlights how AI enables people to amalgamate different disciplines, leading to the creation of significant value and innovations in unprecedented ways, including the development of billion-dollar companies operated by a single person.
            • 19:00 - 20:00: Conclusion and Call to Action This chapter highlights the empowering potential of AI tools available today, drawing a contrast with historical figures like Leonardo Da Vinci. It emphasizes the rapid learning curve and accessibility AI provides, allowing individuals to accomplish tasks that once required specialized teams and significant resources. The key message is that thriving in the future, specifically from 2025 onwards, will depend on developing a broad skill set as an AI generalist, capable of leveraging AI to perform complex tasks across various business domains from a single laptop.

            The 8 AI Skills That Will Separate Winners From Losers in 2025 Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 in 2025 the winners won't be the marketers the developers or the designers there'll be AI generalists who can do it all I know because I've done it over the past 2 years I've made almost $4 million by mastering a specific set of AI skills that have turned me into a one person Army and in this video I'll show you why AI generalists will dominate every industry in the coming years the eight AI skills that anyone can learn to become one and exactly how to master these skills yourself even if you're starting from zero this video isn't just another learn
            • 00:30 - 01:00 AI guide It's Your blueprint to becoming Unstoppable in 2025 and Beyond before we get into things if you are new to the channel and don't know who I am my name is Le Motley and I've been an entrepreneur for the past 6 years the past two of which have been fully focused on building AI businesses and for me going all in on AI has completely changed my life so on this channel I help others understand the AI opportunity and make more money from it by sharing my learnings from building my company morning side into a billion dooll AI business if you want to learn more about me and my my story you can
            • 01:00 - 01:30 check out my My Story video which I'll put in the description below but without further Ado let's get into the eight AI skills you need to crush in 20125 and Beyond to understand how to be one of the few winners in 2025 regardless of your career path you need to understand the Dynamics of the period that we're entering into and over the coming decade the job market and Society itself will be completely transformed by Ai and automation according to MacKenzie's 2023
            • 01:30 - 02:00 research AI could automate up to 50% of the current work activities by 2030 and similarly Bane's research shows that up to 80% of workers will face wage stagnation or displacement by 2030 due to Ai and automation so in this era of radical transformation how can you develop a winning strategy for your career to navigate through these uncharted waters Believe It or Not evolutionary biology actually holds a lot of the answers we're looking for here as Darwin said it's not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent it's the one that's the most adaptable to change and
            • 02:00 - 02:30 so during periods of massive environmental change like this Rocky period that humanity is entering over the next decade and Beyond the most adaptable organisms survive best and nature gives us two distinct strategies for adapting as an organism we have Specialists and we have generalists now give me a sec I will bring this back around but stick with me okay so consider the giant panda it's evolved over millions of years to eat only bamboo with a thumb that's specifically designed to strip the bamboo leaves off the bamboo and now in stable times this
            • 02:30 - 03:00 specialization is actually incredibly successful there's a lot of bamboo they can tap into this food source right but if something happens to the bamboo forests these pandas basically face extinction because they can't adapt to other food sources they are overly dependent on the specialization now if you look at something like the raccoon it can eat almost anything live almost anywhere and adapt to new environments rapidly and when their habitat and environment changes say there's billions of upright Apes walking around and driving SUVs and living in houses raccoons don't just survive they've
            • 03:00 - 03:30 actually thrived with this changing environment the most dramatic example of this specialist first generalist pattern playing out is over 66 million years ago when a big asteroid head Earth and wiped out all the dinosaurs it wasn't the T-Rex that survived it wasn't these specialized marine reptiles or flying pterosaurs these incredibly specialized and beautiful creatures that were perfectly adapted to their niches they were wiped out almost overnight and who survived it was the small and adaptable mammals our ancient ancestors and they weren't the strongest or the most specialized they were generalists who
            • 03:30 - 04:00 could eat anything live anywhere and quickly adapt to changing conditions in their environment we're witnessing a similar extinction level event in the job market right now and just like the dinosaurs there's a gigantic meteor coming right for us in today's world thankfully we are not competing for physical survival we're competing for economic and professional survival just as environmental changes once determined which B's thrived technological changes
            • 04:00 - 04:30 are now determining which careers and skills will prosper in this competition for economic survival the Specialists are the corporate lawyers who spent s years mastering contract law or the Radiologists who dedicated a decade to reading medical images or these software developers who invested years in learning a specific programming language and for the past 80 years specialization like this has been the safest career strategy you get to go deep in one area and become Irreplaceable and enjoy stay stable and prosperous career right but
            • 04:30 - 05:00 that equation is being flipped on its head over the coming decades as AI systems are now matching or exceeding these specialist performance in countless different fields they are diagnosing diseases as accurately as doctors they're reviewing legal documents faster than lawyers and being able to write code better and faster than many developers and this is just the beginning these AI capabilities are literally doubling every 6 months so it's pretty safe to say that no career is safe over the next 10 years so we know what a specialist is but what does
            • 05:00 - 05:30 an adaptable generalist look like in today's world these modern-day generalists are individuals who harness AI to acquire the capabilities of multiple different Specialists simultaneously while these AI generalists may not match the absolute Peak Performance of true Specialists right now they can very quickly achieve up to say 80% of the capabilities of specialist across multiple different domains in specialization so instead of spending a decade mastering just one skill these AI generalists can become proficient in New and new
            • 05:30 - 06:00 specializations in literally weeks so they're using image generation to create professional artwork they're using AI app Builders to create software and using language models to write in any style or format they want they're basically acquiring these new powers through Ai and allowing them to do more with less effort across many different fields and we'll get to what these powers are exactly in a minute but just a little bit longer you need to stick with me the potential of these AI generalists is so profound that Sam Alman the CEO of open AI recently shared that among his Tech CEO friends they're all taking bets on when we'll see the
            • 06:00 - 06:30 first one person billion dollar company and that's something that would have been unimaginable without AI according to them this is because these AI generalists are like modern-day Leonardo da Vinci and we're essentially in a digital Renaissance right now and just as Da Vinci was able to combine both art and engineering and anatomy and Mathematics to see connections that others of his time in the Renaissance Mist today's generalists use AI to bring multiple different disciplines together and create value and entirely new ways
            • 06:30 - 07:00 that weren't possible before the tools at our disposal these days would seem like complete magic to Leonardo D Vinci and what took him basically years to master we can now learn in weeks and what used to require teams of Specialists you can now do alone with AI and what once would have cost millions in equipment and stuff people can now achieve from their laptop on their own and so the path through thriving in 2025 and Beyond isn't through deeper specialization it's through becoming an AI generalist who has the power of entire departments of business in their
            • 07:00 - 07:30 fingertips and this requires mastering four fundamental powers in the AI age that are each unlocked by specific set of skills that anyone can learn which we're going to jump into in a second it may seem daunting to have to pick up all these skills but learning them is what it's actually going to take to be able to thrive in the AI AG but don't just take it from me take it from Peter teal and the advice that he gave to Mark Zuckerberg and Peter teal is an absolute legend in the tech space multibillionaire Etc so take a listen to this I think Peter was the person who who told me this really pithy
            • 07:30 - 08:00 quote that in a world that's changing so quickly the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk so if you're ready to lean into taking some risk and picking up new powers in the AI AG let me show you exactly what these powers are and how you can Master them the key to becoming an Unstoppable AI generalist lies in the mastering of eight different AI skills which can be grouped into the four fundamental powers
            • 08:00 - 08:30 of the AI age that generalist can acquire firstly we have the power to build which is creating software and tools then we have the power to automate which is creating AI agents and automating workflows then we have the power to create generating professional grade content and finally the power to connect building influence and audience in this section I'll show you exactly what each of these powers are why they're so powerful and the specific AI skills and tools needed to acquire each starting with the most fundamental the power to
            • 08:30 - 09:00 build software runs the world every app website digital tool that you used started with someone first building it and so for most of us this world of building has been locked away behind coding skills that we don't have so think about the last time you had an idea for some simple tool or website maybe you had like a calculator for some specific needs you wanted a a custom booking system or a unique way to organize information just for yourself so the old old way would be to have hide
            • 09:00 - 09:30 a developer and pay them thousands of dollars and then wake weeks of constant back and forth and communication before you finally get what you actually want now using AI tools like bolt and repet agent you can build working software just by describing what you want in plain English just the other day I saw someone in my free community who built his own AI voice agent Roi calculator thing that he intends to use for lead generation for his AI automation agency and he said that in just 5 minutes he made this pretty clean looking website that allowed him to generate more leads for his business and this is just of
            • 09:30 - 10:00 course a basic example but this guy would have normally had to go on upwork and hire a Dev and spend weeks getting this thing made now of course these AI built tools and and softwares aren't as polished as professional software but they do work and you can create some simple websites or calculators or trackers or or just tools for yourself in general or for your small business in just minutes instead of months and with thousands of dollars spent and these kind of tools that allow you to build the software are only getting better and better and better so soon people will be able to cre entire businesses around AI
            • 10:00 - 10:30 generated software and so now is the perfect time to start learning how to use these kind of AI assisted development tools and therefore the only skill required to gain the power to build is AI assisted app development with Builders like bolt and repet agent in the final section of this video I'll explain how you can learn this skill and all of the others rapidly with a couple of resources that I've put together for [Music] you building your own custom tools is really just the start of soft Ware the
            • 10:30 - 11:00 real power comes from automating repetitive work think about all the repetitive work that you do every day you've got answering similar emails scheduling meetings creating social posts managing tasks and updating spreadsheets the old way was to either just do all of the stuff yourself or to pay someone and hire a virtual assistant to do it for you which can be both expensive and timeconsuming the world famous investor philosopher nvar ravikant explains that success in the modern world comes down to leverage ways to multiply your effort without multiplying the time we put in
            • 11:00 - 11:30 traditionally there are three forms of Leverage you have Labor which is hiring people you have Capital which is using money and you have products with marginal cost of replication which he puts down to being as code or as content this means that with a piece of code or software once you create it once replicating that out to thousands or millions of users basically costs nothing to reach another user right and the same thing goes for Content because once I've created this video it doesn't cost me anything extra in terms of effort for it to be shown to one or more or thousands more people the creation of AI agents are a completely new form of
            • 11:30 - 12:00 Leverage which essentially combines code leverage and labor leverage into something that's entirely new you're essentially creating digital workers that you can spawn instantly for a fraction of the cost of a human and they can work for you 24/7 with no complaints and creating your own AI agents is getting easier and easier every day I've actually got an entire 1 hour long special on AI agents being released very shortly after this video is posted so if you aren't already subscribed I highly recommend you sub for that because I put so much work into it and it's going to cover all of the AI agent information you need to know to succeed in the coming decade but building and managing
            • 12:00 - 12:30 AI agents are just one part of the power to automate the other half is AI based workflow automation so that's creating systems that connect your tools and handle routine tasks for you automatically and in the background when you combine both of these you can build entire automated systems that will basically do your job or run your business while you sleep 2025 and the future that lies ahead belongs to the people who can create and deploy these AI workers because it's like having a superpower where you can multiply yourself through technology in order to gain this power of automation you need
            • 12:30 - 13:00 to master the following skills firstly no code AI agent development so that's using things like open Ai gpts and relevance AI to be able to create these digital workers secondly it's no code AI workflow automation so connecting tools and building workflows using zapier or third skill of course is prompt engineering being able to craft powerful prompts and the best way to do that is using tools like prompt mythus which is my personal favorite and we have API Integrations which is understanding basically how all of these automations can connect together which has made a lot easier when you've mastered tools
            • 13:00 - 13:30 like Postman all of these skills combined to let you build sophisticated automated systems that basically work for you 24/7 and I've got some incredible free resources for you to learn all of these very rapidly to share with you at the end of the video think about all of the content that a modern business or a Creator needs you need designs you need videos you need music you need writing even simple projects need basically professional grade content to stand out these days the old way was either to learn these complex creative tools yourself or to hire expensive
            • 13:30 - 14:00 Freelancers or agencies to make this stuff for you like a a single video ad or a new ad campaign could cost thousands of dollars to get done with a creative agency or something now ai creative tools allow you to generate professional content in minutes as Kevin Kelly said the printing press democratized knowledge the camera democratized images and AI is democratizing creativity itself whether you are an employee or a business owner knowing how to use these creative AI tools and the skills to use them appropriately and effectively they make make you so much more valuable because
            • 14:00 - 14:30 if you need a logo you can use mid journey to create one for you in a few seconds if you want a professional looking video you have Runway AI that can generate it it in seconds if you want your own music tracks there's apps like suo which create original songs in any style you want and if you're struggling with video editing you can use the script and its AI features to handle all sorts of stuff automatically with these kinds of tools available you're only limited by your prompting ability and your creativity in order to create new works of art I trained my own AI image generation model on a platform called replicate in order to create
            • 14:30 - 15:00 pictures of me in any pose for my thumbnails I used to have to mess around with taking new photos pretty often and now my graphic design team can just generate hundreds of new images of me and any post they want for whatever video we're doing so it's so much better for both me and for them these kinds of AI tools aren't just faster they're giving us creative capabilities that would have seemed impossible to us just a year ago and like everything else in the AI space they're improving every single month so to gain the power of creation as an AI generalist you need two call four skills firstly AI content
            • 15:00 - 15:30 generation so that's using things like mid journey and Dolly and replicate for your images Runway AI for generating videos and creating custom music with apps like sooner and the second skill is AI editing and enhancement so that's polishing content with tools like descript and Opus because the stuff that comes out of these AI content generators that we just covered typically not really out of the box you need to have some help to buff them up into shape in order to be able to get the most value out of it so AI assisted video and photo editing softwares is also a really important place to brush up on your skills so regardless of your career path
            • 15:30 - 16:00 having the powers of a creative agency at your fingertips makes you insanely valuable success in 2025 and Beyond will go to those who can connect with others those who can successfully build an audience and this ability to stand out from the crowd isn't just optional anymore it's actually a a basic need for survival in the modern world building a following used to be reserved for just like natural writers or or char atic personalities but AI has changed
            • 16:00 - 16:30 everything on this front right now basically anyone can build a personal brand through text based content like Twitter and Linkedin or through video here on YouTube but at the end of the day building a following always comes back to having interesting ideas and communicating them clearly and doing this requires a skill of writing as David McCulla says writing is thinking to write well is to think clearly that's why it's so hard but thankfully today's AI tools make writing easier than ever for people they don't need to replace your thinking they just kind of amplify
            • 16:30 - 17:00 it they help you explore your ideas faster structure your arguments better and express your thoughts more clearly and I mean I've experienced this firsthand the moment I started building my personal brand here on YouTube 2 years ago My Success took off I've got 270,000 subscribers I've made millions of dollars in all in less than 2 years because I was able to write my ideas down clearly here on this and then communicate them by a video here on YouTube like this so I use AI heavily when I'm doing this writing process to kind of throw ideas at it and combine these different together and basically
            • 17:00 - 17:30 do a lot of the heavy lifting for me so while it is still me writing it I'm definitely being helped in and doing a lot of the heavy lifting thanks to AI so long story short without a personal brand you will fade into the background in 2025 and Beyond While others rise and capture all of the opportunities it's really that simple so to gain this power of connection you only need one core skill and that's AI enhanced writing using tools like clawed by anthropic to write better and write faster and to help you reach more people with the same amount of work you can also use your AI
            • 17:30 - 18:00 automation skills from the power to automate to create content repurposing systems using AI to amplify the impact of your writing by allowing you to reach more people with the same set of ideas basically and just with that simple example you start to see how these four powers of building and automating and creating and connecting they all kind of work together each one amplifies the others and if you can Master them all then you'll become Unstoppable in 2025 and Beyond now normally learning all these skills individually would take months or years that's why I've put together a comprehensive resource guide
            • 18:00 - 18:30 specifically for becoming an AI generalist so I've personally spent thousands of hours testing all these different tools and strategies and trying to make money and build businesses and I've distilled everything I've learned over the past 2 years into a clear road map for mastering each of these four powers and the eight skills that come with them you can access this road map completely free on my school Community which will be the first link in the description then you can head to the YouTube resources section and find this video and in that post will be a link to the road map which covers the exact tools I use for each power that I've covered in this video the best free
            • 18:30 - 19:00 step-by-step guides and YouTube videos and resources in order to master these skills quickly and I've also included real examples of how I've used these skills to make millions of dollars online now as you go through 2025 remember what we learned from Darwin it's not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent it's the one that's most adaptable to change I've just given you the blueprint to maximizing your adaptability in 2025 and Beyond as an AI generalist and explain the theory behind why it will dominate the entire next decade AI is creating a new class of people that are
            • 19:00 - 19:30 better adapted to this digital age and the question for you now is will you be one of them so that is all for the video guys if you want to hit down leave a like on the video if you got something out of it and also if you want to subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on how to use the AI opportunity to get the most out of life over the coming next few years and decades that's what this channel is all about and sharing my learnings on my journey as well so if you haven't already go down there do all that fun stuff I'm going to put a video up here breaking down some of the most important lessons for Learning and building AI agents let me know your thoughts down Below in the comments and I will see you inside the free school
            • 19:30 - 20:00 community