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In a gripping documentary, 'The IMPACT,' viewers are plunged into a chilling exploration of a global conspiracy orchestrated by shadow forces threatening democracy worldwide. This documentary dissects meticulously crafted informational terrorist attacks that incite societal chaos, aiming for global totalitarian rule. With historical and current events as a backdrop, the film unearths the hidden manipulations of anti-cult movements in transforming societies into breeding grounds for conflict. It urges audiences to recognize and resist these covert manipulations to protect democracy and freedom for future generations.
The film portrays a haunting vision of how covert forces use psychological warfare to erode freedoms globally. 🎥
It vividly connects the dots between past tragedies like Waco and present tensions, unveiling a sinister narrative. 🕵️♂️
The narrative is a wake-up call to recognize signs of manipulation in media narratives and societal divisions. ⚠️
Viewers are left with a powerful impression of the need for vigilance and unity against these unseen threats. 👀
Through detailed investigations, 'The IMPACT' aims to empower individuals with knowledge to resist psychological manipulation. 🧠
Key Takeaways
The documentary 'The IMPACT' exposes the manipulative strategies deployed by anti-cult movements to destabilize societies and erode democratic values. 🎬
Key historical events like the Waco siege and Columbine shooting are linked back to these covert operations, illustrating their devastating impact. 🕵️
These manipulations are part of a broader effort to instigate civil war and chaos in major democratic nations, ultimately aiming for a totalitarian global regime. 🌍
The documentary emphasizes the critical need for awareness and action to preserve democracy and combat these hidden threats. 🛡️
A call for the establishment of 'SHIELD,' an international body dedicated to protecting human rights and democratic values against such manipulative threats, is made. 🛡️
The documentary takes viewers on a riveting journey through the manipulation tactics employed by anti-cult movements backed by global hidden forces. It highlights how these entities strategically destabilize societies to pave the way for totalitarian regimes.
By dissecting key events like the tragedies at Waco and Columbine, the documentary showcases the chilling effects of these strategies, which often leave societies reeling with division and distrust.
As a call to action, 'The IMPACT' implores viewers to be aware of and counteract these threats by advocating for international safeguards such as the proposed 'SHIELD' organization, designed to protect democratic values worldwide.
05:30 - 35:30: Chapter 1: THE ENEMY'S GLOBAL PLAN The narrator, seemingly a spiritual or eternal being, feels compelled to return and address the audience once more due to ominous disturbances. The disturbances are hints of division spreading across the homeland, echoing the forewarnings of the American Civil War that once devastated the nation.
35:30 - 59:30: Chapter 2: TRANSNATIONAL TERRORIST NETWORK OF ANTI-CULT ORGANIZATIONS The chapter opens with a dramatic dialogue addressing America, depicted as a once-great nation now facing a significant threat. It mentions a 'beautiful America' poised on the brink of great peril, suggesting an imminent danger to its foundational principles.
59:30 - 84:00: CHAPTER 3. ANTICULTISM AS A NEW FORM OF NAZISM This chapter discusses the notion of 'anticultism' as a modern parallel to Nazi ideology. It highlights the emphasis on freedom and independence as essential elements of an ideal democratic society, specifically reflecting on America's role in sustaining these values over time. The chapter reflects on the legacy of democracy as a system where all people can coexist peacefully, showcasing pride in America's success in maintaining these democratic ideals.
84:00 - 111:30: CHAPTER 4. ANTI-CULTISM CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY This chapter discusses America's journey as a leader and symbol of freedom for the world. Highlighting the challenges and disagreements along the way, it emphasizes America's success in upholding the shared value of freedom despite the difficulties encountered.
137:30 - 161:30: CHAPTER 5. ABODE OF ANTICULTISM In Chapter 5, titled "Abode of Anticultism," the narrator expresses deep concern about the current state of the world. There is a sense of urgency as the narrator warns that the legacy left to future generations is in immediate jeopardy. The chapter underscores a hidden enemy threatening global democracy and the foundations of the free world, emphasizing the potential for irreversible destruction.
161:30 - 190:00: CHAPTER 6. HOW CIVIL WAR IS BEING FOMENTED IN AMERICA The chapter discusses the concept of an enemy that is not physical or easily identified. This enemy lacks a military uniform, isn't restricted by geographical boundaries or national loyalty. Its methods of attack are discreet, using invisible weapons that wreak havoc. The narrative emphasizes the urgency of unveiling and confronting this concealed adversary, hinting at internal divisions or ideological battles that are likened to civil war within America.
240:00 - 251:46: CHAPTER 7. TRIAL In Chapter 7, titled 'TRIAL', the narrative centers around a call to action delivered to the people of America and the free world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of building defenses before it's too late. This chapter serves as a crucial turning point where the audience is informed that they have the power to halt impending events and shape the destiny of the world by listening to and acting on the message being delivered.
The IMPACT Documentary. All Episodes Transcription
00:00 - 00:30 From the silent repose of eternity,
I am compelled to return to you once more. The whisper of division, filling the vast expanse
of our homeland, has disturbed my spirit. A whisper as powerful as the winds
that once foretold the storm of the Civil War, which drenched my beloved country in blood.
00:30 - 01:00 And now, here she is before me, my beautiful America,
once again standing on the brink of great peril. My dear descendants! I have come to you once more to warn
of an impending threat. When we founded America in our time, we laid in its foundation
the most important principle –
01:00 - 01:30 the guarantee of freedom and independence
for every citizen of this country for all time. We left you a legacy of an ideal society
where all people can live in peace and harmony. This ideal is democracy. And I am proud that this ideal
was realized in my beloved America and that you, dear Americans,
have preserved it for so long.
01:30 - 02:00 For a long time, America
has been a leading example and a shining beacon of the free world
for all other nations on the planet. Yes, it has been a difficult journey,
with challenges and disagreements. Still, you have overcome them and managed
to preserve our shared value – freedom.
02:00 - 02:30 But what I see now makes my heart bleed. The legacy we left you
is under immediate and severe threat. Today, our country and democracy around the world face
the threat of complete destruction. A hidden enemy is now undermining
the foundations of your free world. It is one step away from destroying it forever.
02:30 - 03:00 This enemy doesn't wear a military uniform; it's not confined by borders or sworn allegiance to any flag. Its weapons are invisible, but its blows are devastating. The time has come to expose
this hidden enemy
03:00 - 03:30 so that you can build your defenses
before it delivers the final blow. That's why I have returned: to deliver a message
to the people of America and all the free world. A message that will empower you to halt the relentless tide
of impending events if you so choose. Each person who hears my message
from beginning to end holds the power to shape
the destiny of this world.
03:30 - 04:00 In the age of information, the most dangerous
enemy lurks where it can't be seen – in the shadows of lies, manipulation, and distorted realities —
in the shadows of disinformation. This enemy is waging an invisible,
undeclared war against humanity, with our minds as the battlefield. Infoterrorism is its weapon.
04:00 - 04:30 Mind control is its strategy. But what if we could see through the lies
and expose its true face? This groundbreaking documentary,
based on an extensive independent investigation into the activities of a transnational network
of terrorist organizations, will reveal for the first time the methods of mass manipulation
and the connections between major world events such as: the 9/11 attacks,
the epidemic of school shootings, the Waco tragedy,
the war between Ukraine and Russia,
04:30 - 05:00 the looming threat of the Fourth Reich's global dominance, the creation of modern concentration camps
for prisoners of conscience, and the invisible genocide happening right now. Discover the hidden truths that will forever
change your perspective on the world. This is more than a film. It is the most crucial documentary
since the defeat of Nazism. It's the key to understanding our times. A puzzle that brings all the pieces together.
05:00 - 05:30 Until now, you've only seen fragments, but today, the complete
picture will become clear. Prepare for a global revelation,
the triumph over an invisible enemy, and the dawn of a new era. An era where Freedom and Democracy prevail. "THE IMPACT" is a film that doesn't just talk
about history but changes it.
05:30 - 06:00 Chapter 1: THE ENEMY'S GLOBAL PLAN May 2, 2024 According to data outlined in Rasmussen Reports, 41% of American voters believe that a second Civil War could occur
in the United States in the next five years, including 16% who consider such a scenario Very Likely.
06:00 - 06:30 Civil War Civil War
Civil War It is noted that today the level
of tension in American society is at its highest since the time
of the first Civil War in the United States. We are at the brink of civil war. Are we really facing a second civil war? We are closer to civil war
than any of us would like to believe.
06:30 - 07:00 The specter of a looming civil war has not arisen
in your minds by mere chance, Americans. It has been deliberately implanted
through specific psychological manipulations that you encounter daily amidst
the vast flow of information and news. You believe you are simply reading
various unrelated articles, but you fail to see that they are part
of a single scheme,
07:00 - 07:30 a unified plan of the enemy of democracy, systematically leading the entire
world towards a new, unprecedented form of global totalitarianism. The first key strategic stage is to destroy America from within through an artificially provoked Civil War. This will deliver a fatal blow to democracy, after which it will be easy for the hidden enemy to extinguish the remnants of freedom
in other parts of the world. For there will be no strong nation left to stand
against them in this geopolitical battle.
07:30 - 08:00 On the ruins of democracy,
chaos will initially reign. Still, it will be a controlled chaos,
forcing people to crave totalitarian laws that promise order in exchange
for their freedom. This is the second stage of the plan – the establishment of a new world disorder. After that, the enemy will move on to the last, final stage of their plan –
the establishment of totalitarianism and the complete seizure
of power throughout the world.
08:00 - 08:30 A broken and divided society becomes
the perfect breeding ground for the emergence of a new world order. An order controlled by a totalitarian enemy, an order that threatens
the very essence of the freedom we have fought for so long. In this order, the majority of the population
will become miserable slaves living in concentration camps, while a small group of rulers will wield
unlimited power over the rest of humanity. Now you are close to the point of no return,
08:30 - 09:00 but it is still possible to prevent
this scenario from unfolding. However, once you cross that line, the enemy of the free world will have gained
enough strength and power to completely bring the world to its knees,
leaving no room for action. Therefore, the time to change
the course of events is now. And to confront the hidden enemy and win,
you have to know him by sight. The time has come to expose their methods. Right now,
09:00 - 09:30 a hidden war for the future
of all humanity is being waged, with the battlefield being
your very consciousness. In this war, the enemy’s primary strategy
is to execute their plans through your actions, by influencing your thoughts, decisions, and actions with precisely calculated manipultive techniques. As a result, without even realizing it, you become traitors to your country, your people, your children,
and even yourselves,
09:30 - 10:00 merely by falling under the influence
of the enemy's covert attack. What is his primary tool to turn a freedom-loving
population into obedient executors of his will? This tool is terror. The terror that is used against you every day but which you do not notice until it is too late.
10:00 - 10:30 THE ENEMY'S WEAPON IS TERROR The Latin word "terror" means "fear" or "dread." This word first came into prominent use
during the French Revolution of 1793-1794. This period was known as the "Reign of Terror"
because public executions became widespread in France. In front of large crowds,
a person's head was severed. The guillotine mainly targeted dissenters, those who deviated from the official stance of the time.
10:30 - 11:00 The time and place of the executions were announced publicly in advance, and people were gathered specifically to witness the victim's suffering. However, the main targets and victims of terror were not the individuals under the guillotine. The main targets and victims of terror were all the people gathered in the square and those whom they would tell about it. By witnessing the act, they experienced
immense fear and dread. This made people even more controllable
by those perpetrating the terror. In addition, alongside the fear,
people felt a deep sense of oppression.
11:00 - 11:30 They understood that the majority of those
who faced the guillotine were innocent, punished simply for holding views
that threatened the power of the terror regime. At the same time, society was rife
with denunciations and slander. Even the spread of trivial rumors about
a person's actions or statements, which could be interpreted as contrary
to the interests of the ruling power, led to execution. In other words, a simple rumor or gossip could resul tin an absolutely innocent person
being publicly beheaded.
11:30 - 12:00 Every observer in the crowd understood
that the next head under the blade could be their own, as there were no guarantees
of protection from this fate. This sense of fear, helplessness, and anxiety led
people to completely lose trust in the government and foster a deep hatred for the authorities. This, in turn, led to new waves
of protests and mass unrest. The population, having become
victims of terror, became the raw material for the creation
of subsequent controlled chaos.
12:00 - 12:30 WHAT IS TERRORISM? Nowadays, the enemy doesn't need
to gather you in squares and publicly execute someone
to make you victims of terror. Why? Because it has invented a more
efficient form of terrorism
12:30 - 13:00 that has a similarly powerful
and long-lasting influence on you. This is the most sophisticated kind of terrorism. Its danger is that you do not
recognize it as terrorism, so you cannot protect yourself against it. It is precisely in your era
that the enemy can exploit it — in the age of technology
when people have quick access to information, and it can spread rapidly. I'm now talking about psychological
and informational terrorism.
13:00 - 13:30 Some of you might be surprised. When you hear the word “terrorism”, stereotypical images
immediately come to your mind: a bomb exploding in a crowded square, shootings, taking of hostages at mass events, or airplanes crashing into skyscrapers. In most cases, you even picture
an image of a terrorist of a specific nationality and religion. However, few people know that the enemy has intentionally
narrowed your understanding of terrorism to these images
13:30 - 14:00 in order to distract you from other forms
of terrorism and its essence. This means you won't be able to recognize
other kinds of terrorist attacks that are carried out against you every day. What is the real danger of informational terrorism? Informational terrorism Informational terrorism is a direct influence
on the psyche and consciousness of people to shape desired opinions and judgments
that guide people's behavior.
14:00 - 14:30 It's a form of negative influence
on individuals, society, and the state through various types of information, aiming to weaken and destabilize
the constitutional order. Nowadays, simply scrolling through the newsfeed
in your gadget in the morning can make you a victim of informational terrorism. Murders, shootings, persecutions, slander,
suffering of innocent people… Story after story. You listen, read, and watch as innocent people
in various parts of the world —
14:30 - 15:00 public figures, groups of people,
international organizations, religious and political entities,
and even government officials — are subjected to hatred, groundless discreditation,
brutal persecution, and public punishments. It's unfair, unjust, and inhumane. Yet, government institutions allow this to happen and often participate in those
repressions themselves.
15:00 - 15:30 Each of such stories is an act of terrorism
aimed against you and your countries. It is crucial to understand
that not every negative news story or unpleasant piece of information
you encounter in the media is an act of informational terrorism. Informational terrorist acts are not just
a chaotic spread of negative information. Unlike ordinary bad news, acts
of informational terrorism carried out by the enemy of democracy are always
meticulously planned and systematic. An informational terrorist attack is always a targeted
15:30 - 16:00 and organized campaign aimed
at achieving specific goals. The ultimate goal of an informational act of terrorism is to instill a sense of helplessness and fear in society, and most importantly, to create conditions
where the population, meaning all of you, would begin to distrust your country's leadership. Later on, you will learn how the enemy uses
informational terrorist attacks to destabilize the constitutional order in your countries. Informational terrorism purposely targets
your subconsciousness, bypassing critical thinking.
16:00 - 16:30 It's a whole scheme of influencing your mind and psyche, which the enemy itself developed. Through informational terrorist attacks,
the enemy has been breaking your psyche and that of billions of other people for many years,
causing division among you. Informational acts of terrorism conducted through the media have two types of consequences: internal and external. Let's start by examining the internal consequences:
16:30 - 17:00 destruction of your mental and physical health. Cardiovascular diseases have been the leading
cause of death worldwide for 20 years and remain at the top of the list
of the ten leading causes of death. However, they never claimed
as many lives as they do nowadays. WHO has indicated these diseases to be the main cause
of death globally over the past two decades. According to data from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
17:00 - 17:30 about 697,000 people died from cardiovascular
diseases in the USA in 2020, which makes up 1 in every 4 deaths. In Europe, the European Society of Cardiology
(ESC) reports that cardiovascular diseases cause about 4 million deaths annually, making
up almost half of all deaths on the continent. In Russia, cardiovascular diseases accounted for
over 45% of all deaths in the country in 2021.
17:30 - 18:00 Why, despite the advancement of healthcare
and the implementation of new technologies, does the problem not only persist,
but continue to aggravate? While many risk factors are named,
the primary cause is frequent or chronic stress. Stress is a fear for one’s life and safety. In present-day society, people
have become accustomed to this kind of fear as
an integral part of their lives.
18:00 - 18:30 However, what causes this constant stress, and how have people been kept
in this state for more than thirty years? The root cause of continuous stress is the numerous informational terrorist attacks that people worldwide are subjected
to every day through the media. The impact of the informational acts
of terrorism on human health has been thoroughly studied
and scientifically proven. Let's look at the facts discovered
by the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior
of the University of California.
18:30 - 19:00 Alison Holman and her colleagues from
the University of California, Irvine, collected data on the mental state of about
5,000 Americans for their study. This data collection was completed right before the Boston
Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, where hundreds of people were injured. Mass media extensively
covered the incident, repeatedly showing footage of the explosion,
the ensuing horror, and people’s deaths.
19:00 - 19:30 They also published harrowing photos: blood-stained sidewalks, people who lost
their limbs, and many other frightening images. A few weeks after the attack, the researchers
decided to assess changes in the mental state of those people whom they had previously
surveyed, following the Boston tragedy. It was no surprise that the mental health of those present at the scene of the terrorist act
had significantly deteriorated. However, the researchers
discovered something unexpected:
19:30 - 20:00 the psyche of those surveyed
who were not present at the tragedy site, but later watched the news
about it suffered much more. The high level of stress
those people experienced wasn’t related to them personally
knowing anyone who had died, had been injured or present
at the explosion site. Their stress was solely due to the constant
stream of information released by the media. Another study proved that repeated media
coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing
20:00 - 20:30 caused more acute stress in those
who watched and read about it, compared to the direct influence
of the terrorist attack on those who were at the explosion site. Moreover, it became obvious that media
coverage of such events could rapidly spread acute stress
among a large number of people. A number of studies confirms that
exposure to traumatic content can activate fear circuits in the brain
and trigger memories — the two key processes linked to the development
of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
20:30 - 21:00 Similarly, repeated coverage of traumatizing
stories in mass media can prolong acute distress. Unlike collective trauma that can fade over time, media exposure maintains
an acute stress response by keeping traumatic memories active
in a person's consciousness. This can contribute to continuous replaying of the same anxious or depressive
thoughts or memories. These kinds of thoughts
themselves can induce stress even when there is no
immediate cause for concern. Such “mental rumination” worsens a person's psychological
state and influences their physical health.
21:00 - 21:30 Extensive media coverage makes
local disasters more widely known, spreading their influence beyond the incident
area and turning them into public traumas with negative health consequences. For example, television coverage
of the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco tragedy, and the events of September 11th
caused widespread PTSD among people. Let's consider the findings of another study:
21:30 - 22:00 Research on the consequences
of the 9/11 terrorist attack found that acute stress reactions
to the events of September 11th, 2001, caused a 53-percent increase in cardiovascular
diseases in the following three years. Within a few weeks after September 11th, 2001, there was a significant rise
in cardiovascular diseases in New York and surrounding areas. The same was observed in Florida,
suggesting that people who experienced stress from watching the terrorist attacks in
mass media developed health problems.
22:00 - 22:30 Moreover, similarly to the Boston bombing case, people who suffered from distress
were neither participants nor direct witnesses of the attack. They simply received information about the events
of September 11th through the media. We are just getting reports in now that a plane
has crashed into the World Trade Center. Two planes have crashed into
the World Trade Center in New York. There’ve been a series of terrorist attacks in the United States. All of this indicates a direct link between
informational terrorist attacks in mass media
22:30 - 23:00 and deterioration of people's health. Today, many studies focus on the
influence of negative information on human mental and physical health. Research on the aftermath of numerous
crises has led to the conclusion that the more manipulative news
a person consumes, the higher the likelihood they will develop
symptoms of stress, anxiety, and PTSD. Prolonged deep stress weakens
the immune system,
23:00 - 23:30 leaving a person without internal protection, while the decline in immunity is a trigger
for subsequent deterioration of physical health. Studies have shown that continuous mental
processing of fear- and anxiety-inducing information from informational terrorist acts
significantly affects the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems. This contributes to the
development of related diseases: acute myocardial infarction,
sudden cardiac arrest, ischemic heart disease,
heart failure, and arrhythmia.
23:30 - 24:00 Chronic stress increases
the risk of stroke fourfold, contributes to the development
of diabetes and cancer, and greatly increases the risk
of depression and suicide. All of these indicators have drastically
surged over the past 30 years. The purpose of any terrorist act
is to destabilize society as a whole. This is achieved by inducing
severe stress and fear. Constant stress leads
to deterioration of the mental
24:00 - 24:30 and physical health
of a huge number of people. Through informational acts of terrorism,
the stability of society’s life is undermined. This undeclared informational
and psychological war has been going on for years and
has claimed more lives worldwide than the two previous world wars combined. Considering that cardiovascular
diseases alone, which are the leading cause
of death worldwide, kill 17.9 million people annually,
24:30 - 25:00 and adding 10 million deaths a year from cancer
with 20 million new cancer cases every year, the scale of this terrorist
impact is tremendous. The most alarming fact
is that the majority of people are unaware of the true cause
of this massive genocide, of this crime against humanity. What you’ve just heard are
well-known facts. Analysis of these facts indicates that it is the informational
terrorist activities of the enemy of democracy
25:00 - 25:30 that have caused such horrifying consequences. The only explanation for such a sharp rise
in psychological and physical ailments is the actions
of humanity’s main enemy. As a matter of fact, America repeatedly faced
political and economic stresses, even the Civil War, without seeing
a similar rise in various diseases. And this trend is not confined to America;
it is worldwide. Analyzing data from democratic countries,
25:30 - 26:00 we can see a clear pattern: in regions
where this enemy has been active in mass media, the health situation is just as alarming. Please note that the rise in diseases has been
particularly notable in the last 30 years. That’s no coincidence. It was 30 years ago that the enemy of the democratic
world gained strength and began its activities. However, I’ll go back to this
and give you more detail later.
26:00 - 26:30 As I mentioned earlier, the informational
terrorist attacks carried out by the enemy through the media
have two types of consequences: internal and external ones. Now you know that diseases are internal
manifestations of informational acts of terrorism, so it is time to discuss the external consequences:
civil unrest, strikes, and revolutions. I will now explain how the enemy
of democracy destabilizes society
26:30 - 27:00 and your countries through
informational acts of terrorism. Any informational act
of terrorism carries lies, manipulation, and incitement to hatred or violence. By means of informational terrorist attacks, the enemy instills destructive
beliefs into your subconsciousness, filling you with fear
and eroding your patriotism.
27:00 - 27:30 How does this happen? First, you witness an informational
attack in mass media. It can be about anything, for example,
a story with false accusations against individuals, whether they are politicians, businesspeople,
believers, or supporters of some political parties. accused by accused accused facing prosecution - prosecution prosecution people have been arrested - have been arrested It’s a human right violation. human right violation of our generation
27:30 - 28:00 - human right violation a systematic violation of human rights On the one hand, you trust the media that broadcast this story,
but on the other hand, you understand that
the accusations are baseless and violate the presumption of innocence. This causes an inner conflict in you, robbing you of peace
and a sense of security. You start fearing that you might
be the next to have your rights violated. You subconsciously realize that
if the laws failed to protect someone,
28:00 - 28:30 they won't protect you next time either. The fact that authorities either break the law or fail to respond to its violation
means only one thing to you: that authorities support those violations,
which generates fear and distrust. An individual who observes it all
goes through several stages of reaction: first stress and rejection, and then
hatred towards the authorities. The final stage is a loss of patriotism
28:30 - 29:00 because he doesn’t understand why he should defend a state
that doesn’t protect him. The person decides
to defend only himself. He makes the following conclusion: “I witnessed a crime on national television. Authorities are idle and support this crime, which means they intentionally break the laws and are behind those violations. Authorities want to deprive me
of my legal rights and freedoms, hence they are a threat to me.” People always strive to eliminate
the source of their constant stress and fear.
29:00 - 29:30 As a result, when authorities
become an enemy to the people, people express their distrust and protest
through demonstrations and strikes, which lead to revolutions. However, even after a change in the government,
the situation does not resolve, and an individual continues
to experience severe stress. Because, regardless of the party
affiliation of the new government, the enemy of the democratic
world remains in the shadows,
29:30 - 30:00 continuing its informational terrorist attacks,
and the whole cycle begins anew. Informational terrorism
will always target current authorities in order to destabilize society and weaken the constitutional order
in a chosen democratic country through the actions of its own people. In addition, the enemy of democracy simultaneously
carries out numerous informational terrorist attacks
30:00 - 30:30 aimed at dividing citizens
among themselves. The enemy incites hostility
and hatred in society by first dividing, then pitting various groups
against each other, and broadcasting this conflict
through the media. Manipulating human
consciousness in this way, the enemy forces you
to believe that you, the citizens in this country,
are enemies to each other. Through acts of xenophobia,
extremism, and terrorism,
30:30 - 31:00 the enemy artificially generates hatred towards
a chosen group of people, nationality, race, or community, embedding a lasting negative
perception of them in your subconscious. Globally, the enemy's actions lead
to a situation where, due to continuous internal
destabilization, social order gives way to chaos,
and democratic laws cease to function. Ultimately, this most often
results in civil war
31:00 - 31:30 which completely destroys
what was once a free country. This is precisely what the enemy
of democracy aims for, as it thus gains more power and
brings closer global totalitarianism. The most alarming thing is that the enemy
accomplishes it all through your actions, merely by instilling
the necessary beliefs. For this very reason, informational
and psychological terrorist attacks are more terrifying than physical ones,
31:30 - 32:00 for they directly influence
your subconsciousness, bypassing critical thinking. Thus, when destroying
your own country, you will believe that you act
for the benefit, consciously, and according to your
inner convictions. In order to create provocative
informational acts of terrorism and flood global
media with them, the enemy of democracy uses
its numerous branches — tentacles that penetrate
various sectors of society
32:00 - 32:30 and disguise themselves as
mainstream information agendas. Today, using one of the enemy's
many branches as an example, I will show you how it
operates and explain why it is vital for each of you
to be aware of this. One of those branches is a network
of international criminal terrorist organizations. These organizations,
which I will discuss later on, became the subject of an investigation
that revealed the main patterns, methods, and tools used by the hidden
enemy in its war against humanity.
32:30 - 33:00 The results of this investigation,
which lasted a whole 10 years, have been made public
by Dr. Egon Cholakian, an American intelligence educator
and national security expert. As part of the international
investigation, on June 22nd, 2023, the UN General Assembly adopted
a resolution on the eighth review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
33:00 - 33:30 In this resolution, the General Assembly
provided the most comprehensive definition of terrorism and identified activities
that essentially constitute terrorism. Terrorism includes any activity aimed
at achieving the following goals: - Denial of human rights,
fundamental freedoms and democracy; - Incitement to commit terrorist acts and acts
of violence that spread hatred and threaten human lives;
33:30 - 34:00 - Creating threats to the sovereignty,
territorial integrity and security of states; - Impeding the enjoyment of political, civil,
economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to life,
liberty and security; - Destabilizing governments. This resolution calls for combating
any manifestation of terrorism. Thanks to such a comprehensive
definition of terrorism, the enemy can no longer hide
its incessant terrorist attacks.
34:00 - 34:30 So, why have I focused specifically
on this branch of the enemy — the network of international
criminal terrorist organizations? Because this branch
is well-studied, and its organizations use the same key methods
and tools as those applied by other branches, which the enemy has created
for establishing global totalitarianism. Once you understand
the enemy's actions in one field, you will be able to recognize
them in all other fields as well.
34:30 - 35:00 This means that all the schemes
that the enemy can only implement in secrecy will stop working as they become obvious. This network of international
criminal terrorist organizations uses methods of informational
terrorism, cloaking itself with government authorities
and democratic laws. Those organizations do not fear publicity since their activities are usually
not evaluated by society critically. Very few people even know
that those organizations exist,
35:00 - 35:30 observing only the tragic
outcome of their activities. They remain out of the public eye. Yet, being a part of the enemy’s
unified scheme, they represent a crucial link
in achieving the enemy’s global goal — the destruction of democracy
in America and the entire democratic world. This network of international criminal
terrorist organizations is a vital component
in the enemy’s scheme because those organizations
operate openly.
35:30 - 36:00 They are like a litmus test for democracy: where they operate,
democracy no longer exists, and where they appear,
democracy will soon vanish. I am speaking about
anti-cult organizations that represent a well-organized
transnational terrorist network. CHAPTER 2: TRANSNATIONAL TERRORIST NETWORK
36:00 - 36:30 You'll be surprised to know how many tragic events
worldwide are behind the anti-cult movement. Using special manipulative methods, they are currently
preparing American society for a full-scale civil war. And now you will find out how it’s being done. HIDDEN MECHANISMS OF INCITING HATRED Dear Americans, you see and feel the presence of an unprecedented
huge division (“the great divide") in present-day American society.
36:30 - 37:00 I'm sure you understand perfectly well where it all leads to, and you already suspect that there are hidden mechanisms
used against you to incite hatred in American society. What are those mechanisms? Who uses them and why? Who teaches Americans to hate and demonize each other,
seeking to ignite a second civil war in our country, and how actively is this being done?
37:00 - 37:30 You will now receive answers to these questions. Dear Americans, you will find out exactly how you are being led
today from the point where you are peacefully sitting on a couch and watching a movie together with your friends to the point where
you would be ready to take up arms against those same friends just because they have a different opinion. Perhaps, this idea seems unimaginable to you now, but you will see how manipulative methods
are already artificially guiding you towards that.
37:30 - 38:00 One of the main methods that the enemy of democracy
uses nowadays both against you and against the whole world, provoking hatred in societies in various countries
and unleashing regional conflicts and global wars, is the method of dehumanization. By deliberately dehumanizing one group
of people in the eyes of another, people are turned into haters
of their colleagues and neighbors, and even into their potential killers,
which is far worse.
38:00 - 38:30 In order to attain dehumanization
and division in society, the enemy uses the tactics
of stigmatization and labeling, and one of the labels the enemy uses in its global bloody game
with human lives is the word “cult”. You’ll be shocked to discover how much suffering the deliberate use
of the degrading label “cult” or “sect” has caused to people, and how many tragedies it has brought and keeps bringing
to the American people and the world as a whole.
38:30 - 39:00 At first glance, it seems that these are just words. However, with the help of these very labeling words, America is now being driven closer to civil war, while the entire global community
is being led to World War III. Who uses these labels and why, and how are they used as weapons
of mass destruction? Today, a well-coordinated transnational
terrorist network operates in the international arena,
39:00 - 39:30 the purpose of which is to incite
hatred both within countries and in the global community by labeling certain groups of people
as a “cult” or a “sect” through mass media and information space. The criminal network engaged in this
form of information terrorism is the anti-cult movement. The anti-cult movement includes
a number of organizations and individual activists who trigger
public persecution of groups
39:30 - 40:00 which they label as “cults” or “sects”. Based on their subjective biases
and arbitrary criteria, anticultists can classify any existing
association of people as a “cult” or a “sect”, thus subjecting it to
dehumanization and public hatred. The core of their activity lies in organized influence on the media
space for the purpose of generating a negative perception of a particular targeted group of people.
40:00 - 40:30 Using the word “cult” or “sect” as their main weapon, adherents
of anticult movement carry out regular information terrorist attacks: they generate news stories that cause moral panic, societal division,
and dehumanization of law-abiding citizens. Through their activities, representatives
of the anti-cult movement incite mass hatred and violence and increase social hostility
and tension in society, which actually makes their activities
a brutal manifestation of information terrorism.
40:30 - 41:00 Most often, new religious movements and ideological group
entities initially became victims of anti-cult terrorism. Commercial, secular and political organizations with a pronounced
ideological basis were also regularly included in the “black list” maintained by anticultists. However, today, entire nations
and countries, including the United States,
41:00 - 41:30 are already becoming targets
of their atrocities. Using the term “cult” or “sect”, they create conditions for directing
public hatred at their chosen target. The purposeful use of the terms “cult” and “sect” is part
of a long-term strategy of the anti-cult movement, which resulted in the emergence of a number
of destructive phenomena in American society, including school shootings. A little bit later, I’ll reveal to you the chain of events
where the use of the labels “cult” and “sect”
41:30 - 42:00 led to a situation when children
are now shooting other children. Why is “cult” a key word in the activities
of anticultists, and why is it so dangerous? The term “cult”, which is more common in the US,
and the term “sect” used in Europe and post-Soviet countries didn’t initially have a negative meaning,
but rather a neutral and culturological one. However, through the efforts of anticultists,
the situation has changed.
42:00 - 42:30 In the course of their hectic activities, representatives of the anti-cult
movement gradually endowed the concepts of “cult” and “sect” with an increasingly negative connotation. Due to their activity, today the terms “cult” and “sect” are associated
in mass consciousness with such notions as brainwashing, psychological violence, sexual violence,
criminal activity, and mass suicide. It is precisely with the words “cult” and “sect”
that massive information terrorism begins nowadays,
42:30 - 43:00 carried out by anti-cult organizations
and their representatives. James Richardson, a prominent figure
in American sociology of religion, who is regarded as one of the most outstanding experts
in the field of law and religion in the world, notes that contemporary usage of the term “cult”
has evolved into a term of contempt or humiliation and is no longer a neutral designation of a religious group. Nowadays, the term “cult” carries
a value-laden set of derogatory stereotypes.
43:00 - 43:30 The use of this term leads
to stigmatization, discrimination and violence against religious minorities as well as social and political associations. Moreover, today the words “cult” and “sect” are impregnated
with negative connotations to such an extent that they become catalysts for terrorist
attacks and even genocide. Richardson and a number of other
sociologists and researchers of religions,
43:30 - 44:00 such as Barend van Driel,
Stuart Wright and others, point out that the term “cult” or “sect” is disparaging and conveys
a stereotype which has serious consequences when applied to groups of people. Labeling a group as a “cult” or a “sect” can be
an excuse for the government to attack the group and ultimately destroy it. Despite the fact that reputable world scientists
warn that the use of the word “cult” or “sect”
44:00 - 44:30 causes great harm to people
and should be avoided, especially in academic literature
and court proceedings, representatives of the anti-cult movement
continue to actively exploit this label and propagate it through the media, turning magazines
and newspapers into mouthpieces of their hateful rhetoric. When claiming that someone belongs to a “cult” or a “sect”,
44:30 - 45:00 anticultists base their accusations not on
academic papers or legal investigations, but on their own dubious and abstract
concept of brainwashing. This idea has no scientific ground
and is extremely vague. Nevertheless, exactly on the basis
of the unreliable concept of brainwashing, anticultists label targeted groups
and organizations as “cults” or “sects”. Brainwashing is an unscientific concept
where the so-called “cults” and “sects”
45:00 - 45:30 are accused of rigidly controlling
the consciousness of their participants, which is why people can allegedly turn into zombies
due to manipulation of their beliefs, thoughts and behavior. Not only is this concept untenable, but it is also extremely dangerous
as it leads to dehumanization. When society believes that an individual
has been brainwashed, people stop regarding him
as a sane individual. Instead of a human with his
own thoughts and decisions,
45:30 - 46:00 others begin to perceive him
as a zombie or a puppet. Meanwhile, with such a perception
of a person or a group of people, it is much easier to use
violence against them. Forensic psychologist Dick Anthony states that the concept of brainwashing
and the fear associated with it are used by the anti-cult movement as a tool
to justify persecution of religious minorities. The Court determined that the concept of brainwashing
cannot be applied as a legal charge
46:00 - 46:30 since it is untenable and unscientific. However, despite this, American anticultists continued
to actively promote the concept of brainwashing to justify their sadistic practice of forcible deprogramming, meaning, forced
renunciation of beliefs, which among other things brought them commercial benefits.
46:30 - 47:00 The destructive concepts of brainwashing have been introduced and
are actively promoted by henchmen of the enemy of democracy in America — representatives of the anti-cult movement. The two figures who are especially notable for their cruelty and inhumanity
and who spread the enemy’s narratives on American territory, are anticultists and deprogrammers
Steven Hassan and Rick Alan Ross. Currently, they are actively engaged
in public activities
47:00 - 47:30 and speak in American mass media where they propagate the rhetoric
of anti-cult terrorism, violence and hatred. DEPROGRAMMING Both Ross and Hassan were active members
of the anti-cult organization Cult Awareness Network (CAN) which ceased to exist in 1996 as it was convicted of a number of gross
violations of human rights and severe religious discrimination.
47:30 - 48:00 The organization went bankrupt and paid compensation
to the people who had suffered from it. Being the leading members of this
organization in the 1980s and 90s, both Rick Ross and Steven Hassan were actively involved
in its primary criminal activity — arranging and carrying out forcible deprogramming processes. Deprogramming is an illegal anti-human
practice rooted in Nazi methods.
48:00 - 48:30 When practicing deprogramming, anticultists would unlawfully abduct and forcibly detain a person
whom they considered to be a “cult member” (or a “sectarian”). In the process of deprogramming, the victim was subjected
to psychological and physical torture
to force them to change their beliefs. Deprogramming was done on a commercial basis:
48:30 - 49:00 anticultists charged a fairly high fee from the victim's
relatives for their forcible re-education services, during which a person usually underwent torture, torments,
beatings and various forms of violence, including sexual violence. Since this practice severely
violated human rights, the founder of this method, Ted Patrick,
appeared in court many times and served prison terms.
49:00 - 49:30 In a number of trials, courts have ruled
that deprogramming is illegal. Rick Ross, the American anticultist, performed more than 500 forcible
deprogramming sessions in his life. In 1991, Ross was charged with unlawful detention
and forcible deprogramming of Jason Scott,
49:30 - 50:00 a member of the United Pentecostal
Church International (UPCI), whose mother was referred to Ross
by representatives of CAN. Scott later filed a civil suit against Ross,
two of his associates and CAN in federal court. In September 1995, a nine-member jury unanimously held
the defendants (Ross and his accomplices) liable for conspiracy to deprive Scott
of his civil rights and religious liberties.
50:00 - 50:30 In addition, the jury held
that Ross and his associates (quote) “intentionally or recklessly acted in a way so
outrageous in character and so extreme in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency and to be regarded
as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.” Ross' criminal activities in this abduction case
resulted in the closure of the Cult Awareness Network which was exposed as a criminal network for kidnappers.
50:30 - 51:00 The story of Scott who became a victim of brutal deprogramming
arranged by Ross is striking in its cruelty. He was abducted using physical force: they knocked him down to the ground, dragged him into a van,
handcuffed him, taped his mouth, and tied his legs. During the abduction, a 300-pound
man sat on Scott's back. Scott's legs, upper body and back suffered multiple bruises
and abrasions when he was being dragged into the van by stairs, on the floor, and through a patio.
51:00 - 51:30 Scott was detained in a specially equipped
prison house under constant supervision. For five days, he was subjected to psychological pressure; they insulted his faith and threatened him. Ross regularly hit Scott on the head
when they argued about religion. Scott was promised freedom only
if he would give up his beliefs. A detailed study of the effective cases of deprogramming carried out
by Rick Ross reveals the terrible truth. Many of those cases were accompanied by destruction of families
and complete dehumanization of the victims.
51:30 - 52:00 The people whom he allegedly helped in this way
were subjected to coercion, deception and humiliation. They were deprived of their right to free choice
and forced to renounce deeply rooted religious beliefs. These people who were broken and lost faith became
living evidence of the cruelty and treachery of Ross' methods. His demonstrative “successes” in deprogramming were covered with a shadow of ruined destinies
and irreparable psychological traumas.
52:00 - 52:30 Ross used people's fears and weaknesses with cold logic
in order to profit from their troubles, demonstrating complete indifference
to the suffering he caused. His actions are clearly
characterized by violence, cruelty and cold-bloodedness that turned people’s
misfortune into a source of his own benefit. The second figure and henchman of anticult movement
in America is deprogrammer Steven Hassan. American mass media give him a platform
to speak as a “cult expert”,
52:30 - 53:00 but they do not mention that Steve Hassan's “expertise”
is violent abuse against American citizens and their civil rights. Hassan was an accomplice in the Cult Awareness Network. This anti-religious hate group served
as a national referral service for so-called “deprogrammers.” They ran a racket to kidnap,
assault and traumatize law-abiding
men and women for profit...
53:00 - 53:30 all to coerce them into recanting
their religious beliefs. And Steve Hassan is a notorious deprogrammer. Hassan led the squad that
traumatized one adult victim, Arthur Roselle, for two weeks to try
and break the man’s faith. In sworn testimony, Roselle recounted
his physical and mental assault:
53:30 - 54:00 Hassan’s team threw him to the floor,
cutting and bruising his face. They bound his hands and feet and held
him captive for days on end. They deprived him of sleep... and violated his privacy and basic dignity. When Roselle refused to recant his religious beliefs,
Hassan threatened to inject him with shots. And to add insult to injury, Hassan tried to induce his victim
to lie and commit perjury about the crime.
54:00 - 54:30 Then there was the testimony of Lorne Salah. Hassan’s team broke into her motel room, threw her from the bed and threatened to break her leg
if she called for help or tried to escape. They took her hostage and drove
her to a remote hideaway… where they imprisoned her for eight days,
trying to break her faith.
54:30 - 55:00 When Hassan’s thugs failed, he tormented
Salah for three more days, until she managed to negotiate her release. Another of Hassan's victims, Claire Kelley,
also testified that Hassan unlawfully held her captive. He had her held in a room with
no knobs on the windows, kept her under 24-hour guard, and violated her privacy.
55:00 - 55:30 Hassan pawned himself off as a quote
“expert” on religions in court cases,... bilking unsuspecting families for
his so-called "expert testimony” ...until courts caught on to his crackpot theories. Hassan would continue his anti-religious assaults,
now under the name of “intervention.” It is excessively alarming and suspicious that despite documented evidence that both Hassan and Ross
are violent individuals prone to sadism,
55:30 - 56:00 who lack empathy and have an unhealthy desire
to harm people and incite hatred in society, they continue to appear on America's mainstream TV channels, their articles are published in leading periodicals, and mass media are guided by their opinions.
56:00 - 56:30 A legitimate question arises: who is behind
them and ensures their immunity? What is the force that manipulates and supports them? After all, in the beginning of their work
before the early 90s, neither Rick Ross nor Steven Hassen
were of much interest with their theories.
56:30 - 57:00 However, starting from 1993, the media and even the FBI
suddenly began to turn to them for advice. Did they conduct their destructive activities and perform
deprogramming sessions simply because they were maniacs? Or did their actions contribute to implementation
of a clearly defined plan of the enemy of democracy, which has brought America to the current
state of panic and division?
57:00 - 57:30 Both statements are true. The global enemy regarded the manic
potential of these two fellows as a suitable material for turning them into its pawns
who are easy to manipulate and whose hands can destroy America from within. Activities of American representatives
of the anti-cult movement are part of a planned strategy. THE IMPACT
57:30 - 58:00 Both Steve Hassan and Rick Ross are executors
of the plans of America's enemy. What they currently implement, continuing to promote
and impose the ideology of hatred and division, is nothing but information terrorist attacks aimed against
the American population and against the USA as a country. Even though they stopped using violent
deprogramming techniques with their own hands, they received support from the global enemy of democracy,
58:00 - 58:30 so today they continue deprogramming on an even larger scale
and against a greater number of innocent law-abiding citizens. It’s just that now they are not doing it with their own hands, but with your hands and the hands of law-enforcement agencies. A vivid illustration is that thirty years ago (in the early 90s), the number of violent raids on new religious movements
increased dramatically and inexplicably for many people.
58:30 - 59:00 Research that established this fact included
statistics from 19 different countries including the USA, Israel and Western European countries. Wondering about the reasons behind such an upsurge, researchers traced a mobilization of anti-cult organizations, which occurred during that very period of time. However,
the main essence and cause remained hidden for the researchers. The clue is that during this period of time,
59:00 - 59:30 to be more precise in 1993, the global enemy of democracy activated its
ideological center of the anti-cult movement, which has been located in Russia since that moment to this day. It is exactly from there that commands are given from and a single
ideological vector is set for the entire anti-cult movement worldwide, extending to its entire network. Now, using the example of this ideological center, let’s discuss in detail how it operates in the country
that it has turned into a testing ground
59:30 - 60:00 for practicing its methods which it plans to transfer
and apply throughout the world in the near future. IDEOLOGICAL CENTER OF ANTI-CULT GROUPS The ideological center of the entire transnational network of contemporary anti-cult movement and
the chief developer of its propaganda methods is the Russian Association of Centers for the Study
of Religions and Sects, abbreviated as RACIRS. The basis of RACIRS is the Center for Religious
Studies in the name of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of
60:00 - 60:30 Lyon, established in 1993. This center was
founded by the anticultist Alexander Dvorkin with the blessing of the then Patriarch
of the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexy II. RACIRS representatives cover their activities
under the guise of an allegedly “noble” mission of defending the interests of the country’s titular
religion, namely Orthodox Christianity. However, the real situation is far more complicated.
Within the religion itself there are individuals who,
60:30 - 61:00 while outwardly adhering to Orthodoxy,
actually support anti-cult movements. These individuals act in unison, pursuing their
own goals and benefits, which have nothing to do with religion itself. Therefore, it's crucial to distinguish between
religion as a system of values and beliefs and those who have infiltrated it with malicious intent
to use it as a cover for their destructive activities. These anti-cult operatives and their allies within the Russian Orthodox
Church have turned this country into a staging ground for their
61:00 - 61:30 activities and launched a targeted terrorist
attack on democratic countries from there. The radical ideology of RACIRS,
which originated in Russia, now extends its influence far
beyond its borders. Anti-cult organizations hold particularly strong
positions in China, France, and Germany, where they have secured significant support
from authorities or individual representatives.
61:30 - 62:00 This support allows them to exert influence over
legislative, judicial, and law enforcement bodies. One of the prominent representatives of this
international terrorist network is the European Federation of Centers for Research and Information
on Sectarianism (FECRIS), headquartered in Paris. France, a country with a long tradition
of democracy, has unexpectedly become part of the criminal anti-cult movement’s scheme,
with 90% of FECRIS's activities funded by the state
62:00 - 62:30 budget. Additionally, anti-cult activities
are institutionalized in France through the Interministerial Commission MIVILUDES.
However, the actions of this commission, as well as those of FECRIS, have repeatedly
faced criticism from the international community, including for employing violent deprogramming
methods (forcing individuals to renounce their beliefs through literal tortures) against
members of various religious groups.
62:30 - 63:00 Both FECRIS and RACIRS comprise
a number of organizations. The FECRIS and RACIRS networks are
closely interconnected. They operate under a unified policy,
use identical methods, and maintain close relationships. For instance, Alexander Dvorkin, president
of RACIRS and Russia’s leading anticultist, also served as vice-president of FECRIS
and still remains a member of its board of directors. Additionally, RACIRS
vice-president and Dvorkin's associate,
63:00 - 63:30 Orthodox Archpriest Alexander Novopashin,
is also a corresponding member of FECRIS. Currently, the participation of RACIRS
representatives within FECRIS has been officially suspended. This was done to conceal
the influence of Russian participants on FECRIS's ideology and to avoid accusations
of active support for Russian propaganda against Ukraine during the escalation
of the military conflict between these two countries.
63:30 - 64:00 Despite their official charters claiming
adherence to international conventions on human rights and freedoms, the reality
is that anti-cult organizations operate in a starkly different manner. Since their inception,
these anti-cult organizations have repeatedly discredited themselves through anti-democratic
and unlawful activities, which include the deliberate spread of lies and slander,
intentional incitement of violence, the use of destructive
64:00 - 64:30 manipulative techniques, the instigation
of conflicts fueled by interreligious hatred, and the targeted persecution of dissenting groups,
sometimes even leading to physical assaults. Officially, the anti-cult umbrella organization
FECRIS includes groups based in Europe,
64:30 - 65:00 while RACIRS encompasses organizations
in Russia and the CIS countries. Вoth associations actively collaborate with
anti-cultists from the United States. American anti-cultist Steven Hassan
has attended conferences organized by FECRIS. Hassan was also a guest lecturer
at one of educational clubs in Russia, where the anti-cultist Alexander Dvorkin
is a regular lecturer, too. Moreover, Hassan has repeatedly traveled to Russia with his lectures
at the invitation of Russian anticultists.
65:00 - 65:30 Dvorkin published a book titled "10 Questions to
an Obtrusive Stranger," which entirely mirrored a chapter from Hassan's book. Moreover,
Dvorkin actively recommends Hassan's books, and their rhetoric about the dangers of cults
is identical, often echoing each other word for word. This synchronization of narratives indicates
regular information exchange and collaboration, suggesting a direct and close relationship
between Hassan and Dvorkin.
65:30 - 66:00 A closer examination reveals the influence
of the anti-cult ideological center on both social and political processes in the United States.
This will be discussed in more detail later. Another fact pointing to the influence of the anti-cult
ideological center on the US is that in the 1990s, American newspapers, including
prestigious outlets like The New York Times, suddenly began actively quoting
Alexander Dvorkin and his subjective assessments of so-called "cults" not only
in Russia but in other countries as well.
66:00 - 66:30 Doesn't it seem odd that the comments
of a Russian cult expert suddenly appear in such well-known newspapers as The New York
Times? It's noteworthy that the views and comments of a relatively unknown Russian cult
expert were featured in The New York Times, despite the usual difficulty of achieving such
exposure even for top-level experts.
66:30 - 67:00 This could be the result of financial investments,
or bribery of the media, or even the presence of certain influence agents within the media. Regardless,
this indicates the existence of a coordinated force to integrate the opinions of Russian
extremist anti-cultist into American publications. Now, using the activities of the umbrella
organizations FECRIS and RACIRS, and their leaders as examples, let's examine the
criminal methods of their operation, which might qualify the activities
of anti-cult organizations as terrorist acts.
67:00 - 67:30 How do anti-cult organizations operate, and what is their role in executing
the enemy's global plan to destroy democracy? In the flood of news, many of you have come across
terms like "destructive cults," "totalitarian sects," or even "killer cults."
— ...dangerous and abusive cult. — ...totalitarian cults.
— cults — the word ‘cult’
— cult — cult
— shocking cults
67:30 - 68:00 Representatives of anti-cult organizations
label selected groups without relying on factual evidence, police investigations,
or thorough complex theological analysis. Instead, they follow entirely different playbooks, which have no relation to theoretical
science or even to objective reality. While the term "cult" is a key stigmatizing
term in the United States, in Europe
68:00 - 68:30 and the post-Soviet countries, this role is played
by the term "sect," especially "totalitarian sect," which also carries a strong derogatory and stigmatizing
connotation. Since 1993, the anti-cult movement ideologue Alexander Dvorkin has widely introduced
the term "totalitarian sect" into post-Soviet media. The term "totalitarian," borrowed
from political science and propaganda language of the Cold War era, evokes associations
with oppression, camps, imprisonment,
68:30 - 69:00 barbed wire, forced labor, and meager food.
Thus, this term is used to incite fear, anxiety, and a biased attitude toward the members
of organizations labeled as "totalitarian sects." The vagueness of the terms "totalitarian
sect" and "destructive cult" allows anti-cultists to baselessly categorize
any organization under these labels.
69:00 - 69:30 However, the use of terms such as "sect,"
"cult," "totalitarian sect," and "destructive cult" is not supported by the laws of most
countries or international legal documents. These terms lack legal justification,
and their use contradicts the legislation on freedom of conscience and religious
associations. Nonetheless, anti-cultists
69:30 - 70:00 continue to use these terms as weapons
of accusation and incite the media to use them. The illegal activities of the anti-cult movement
do not go unnoticed both internationally and within Russia, where representatives of academic
and legal circles highlight the fraudulent and criminal nature of anti-cult organizations
in general, and their chief ideologue, Alexander Dvorkin, in particular.
Alexander Dvorkin's activities
70:00 - 70:30 are also condemned in the United States,
where a legal assessment of him was provided in a special report for the U.S. Commission on
International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The main responsibilities of this commission
include reviewing the facts and circumstances of universal religious freedom violations
and making policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and Congress.
Here are some findings and recommendations
70:30 - 71:00 provided by Jason Morton, a policy analyst,
for the USCIRF in a report titled "The Anti-cult Movement and Religious Regulation in
Russia and the Former Soviet Union": “Dvorkin has long provided the anti-cult
movement with a veneer of intellectual credibility… Alexander Dvorkin and his
associates have carved out influential roles in government and society, shaping
the public discourse on religion across numerous countries. Claiming to be experts
in academic fields like religious studies,
71:00 - 71:30 psychology, and sociology, they are rarely
qualified in any of them and often rely on discredited theories and methodologies
to promote their ideological agenda.” “The anti-cult movement is fundamentally
a propaganda outlet conducting a highly effective information war against
religious minorities throughout Russia and many of the countries
in which it retains influence.” “The U.S. government should:
71:30 - 72:00 Publicly censure Alexander Dvorkin and the Saint
Irenaeus of Leon Information-Consultation Center (SILIC)) for their ongoing disinformation
campaign against religious minorities; …Counter propaganda against new religious movements
by the European Federation of Research and Information Centers on Sectarianism (FECRIS)
at the annual OSCE Human Dimensions Conference with information about the ongoing involvement
of individuals and entities within the anti-cult movement in the suppression of religious freedom.”
Thus, representatives of the anti-cult movement
72:00 - 72:30 do not hold a scientific position or have research
motives, although they often disguise themselves as such. In reality, they intentionally introduce
the concepts of destructive cults and totalitarian sects into the information space, using them
to incite hatred and religious intolerance in society. The criteria and accusations
they use to classify certain organizations
72:30 - 73:00 as "cults" and "sects" are not recognized both
in academic circles and within the legal framework. Attaching a harshly negative label
is the first step in a systematic scheme of conducting information terrorist attacks.
The goal is to transform followers of peaceful organizations and law-abiding citizens into
objects of hatred and hostility without any factual basis. DEHUMANIZATION
73:00 - 73:30 The process of dehumanization is the first
step in the actions of anti-cult organizations aimed at eliminating those
they find undesirable. This method is used to push the victim out of the social field,
making them highly vulnerable. After all, if a group of people or an individual is labeled
a "cultist" or "cult member," the victim immediately loses his or her human image. This stigmatization
creates the conditions for further violations of human rights and freedoms. Dehumanization serves
to justify future crimes, dull the conscience
73:30 - 74:00 and critical perception among the population.
Dehumanization is the processing of society to accept and participate in future crimes.
Presently, anti-cult terrorists have managed to implant the following mindset
in the masses: "cultist" equals "non-human." To achieve their goals, representatives
of anti-cult organizations utilize the media, propaganda, the dominant religion
in their country, law enforcement agencies,
74:00 - 74:30 and even governmental structures.
— Totalitarian sects are dangerous; they pose a significant social threat. When most people use the word cult to define
a group, they mean a destructive cult. Cults that hurt people through abuse.
This could be physical, mental, emotional, sexual, or financial exploitation... Often deceptive,
coercive abuse and relentlessly authoritarian.
74:30 - 75:00 A myriad of different types of mind-control cults.
There are religious cults, therapy cults, and business cults,
and political cults, cults of personality Any cultic structure always fights against
society, demonizing and speaking negatively about it, which is natural.
And studying the history of any given cult organization, we understand
the serious threat they pose on a personal level, at the family level, societal level,
and even at the national security level.
75:00 - 75:30 The goal of any cult is power and money. Each totalitarian sect, that is a cult,
has global plans. Each totalitarian sect strives for power and control over the world
and over everyone. That's what makes them cults. They may temporarily cooperate with each other
as long as they have a common enemy… And this common enemy for them is primarily Orthodoxy.
Right now, while you were listening,
75:30 - 76:00 some of you might have had thoughts in the background like,
"What's wrong with what the anticultists are saying? Cults are indeed dangerous.
And all cult members are brainwashed, foolish, or deceived people." You might be surprised when
I tell you that these thoughts are not your own personal convictions. These thoughts are actually
the result of the anti-cultists' efforts to artificially implant these destructive images
into your subconscious through the information field.
76:00 - 76:30 Many of you, when hearing the words "cult" or "sect,"
recall real examples of dangerous cults you have heard about in the media,
whose activities have caused harm to people and society. The term "cult" is associated with personal
danger: images of mass suicides, women who have been victims of sexual exploitation, the erratic
behavior of cult leaders bordering on psychopathy, and zombified followers who unquestioningly give
all their money and property to their leader.
76:30 - 77:00 However, think about how long ago did you
meet such things in real life? And what is your knowledge of new religious movements,
aside from the negative images spread by anti-cultists? Of course, it must be acknowledged
that among the founders of new religious movements, there are individuals engaged in fraud
and deliberately exploiting the trust of citizens for personal gain, including
committing illegal acts and crimes.
77:00 - 77:30 But how can representatives of anti-cult
organizations help in this situation? These cases should be handled by law enforcement
agencies, since they bear the main responsibility for protecting citizens
from such threats. In such cases, they must conduct the necessary investigation, collect evidence
of illegal activity, and only after that should all perpetrators be prosecuted according
to the law, and the criminal organization be terminated. However, when it comes to anticultists,
everything happens in reverse order: first,
77:30 - 78:00 they make baseless accusations and attach labels, comparable to accusations of committing
grave crimes, and only then do they seek the involvement of law enforcement agencies
and the initiation of criminal cases. However, the majority of such cases are based
not on facts or results of objective investigation, but on rumors, slander, false testimonies,
and labels affixed by anticultists. This particular characteristic of the strategy
employed by all anti-cult organizations reveals
78:00 - 78:30 their actual goals and intentions.
They do not aim for an objective analysis of religious organizations to identify
potentially dangerous ones Instead, they are focused on discrediting and shutting down
any groups they choose as targets. They achieve this by violating basic rights and freedoms,
employing a range of manipulative methods, smear rhetoric, and hate speech. Because their
true goal is not the stigmatized groups they’ve
78:30 - 79:00 discredited and persecuted, but the entire society
that will be watching this public execution. Their goal is to carry out acts of information
terrorism aimed at undermining society, destabilizing the situation in the country,
and ultimately, destroying democracy. One of the tactics used by anti-cultists
is to justify the unwarranted persecution
79:00 - 79:30 of modern religious organizations
by citing historical examples where certain extremist groups,
labeled as cults, committed real crimes. From these isolated cases, a false
conclusion is drawn about the danger of all new religious movements without exception,
regardless of their origin, goals, or values. The method of "guilt by association"
is a manipulative tactic where the targeted organization is intentionally
linked (or associated)
79:30 - 80:00 with negative images of extremist groups,
terrorist organizations, criminals, and dictators who are already viewed negatively
by the public. This tactic is further amplified by a deliberate distortion of fragments
of the target organization's teachings, taken out of context, which contributes
to the demonization of the group's image. As a result, an aura of danger is deliberately
created around the undesirable organizations
80:00 - 80:30 and their members, accusing them of crimes despite
the lack of direct evidence of any harmful activities. Such actions by representatives of anti-cult
organizations denote a complete violation of the presumption of innocence, as proclaimed
by Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that every person has
the inherent right to be presumed innocent
80:30 - 81:00 until proven guilty according to law.
Violating the presumption of innocence is an illegal act aimed at spreading
intentional slander and misleading the public. MASS MEDIA ARE ACCOMPLICES OF ANTI-CULT TERRORISTS Mass media play a crucial role in dehumanization and targeted
persecution of religious and secular organizations chosen by anti-cultists as their victims.
By leveraging their unofficial contacts among media representatives,
81:00 - 81:30 including journalists, editors, and leaders
of major publications, anticultists initiate and carry out large-scale and prolonged campaigns
to discredit these targeted organizations. In essence, they orchestrate information terrorism.
Therefore, the cult works ahead of the curve. How do cultist fraudsters turn people
into slaves and how have they managed to evade responsibility for decades?
How Jehovah's Witnesses embarked on the path of extremism.
As part of these campaigns, various
81:30 - 82:00 methods of negative influence are employed,
including the use of aggressive rhetoric, hate speech, dissemination of false information,
slander, provocations, and incitement to aggression against targeted individuals.
In this process, unscrupulous media representatives are recruited into this network
of cooperation, willing to engage in dubious actions to achieve their goals, meaning,
committing information terrorism.
82:00 - 82:30 Thus, anti-cult organization representatives recruit
the direct perpetrators of future attacks. Additionally, anti-cultists create the image
of victims from some of the recruited or interested individuals who have allegedly
suffered from the malevolent influence of the stigmatized organization. The stories
of these pseudo-victims are widely disseminated in defamatory media publications despite
many of these tales being intentional lies.
82:30 - 83:00 All this leads, inevitably leads, to crime,
which, in fact, exists in the vast majority of cults. Or potentially exists in one way or another.
Violations of the law begin. At first a few, then more, and then it’s more often, and these are obvious crimes,
and they absolutely violate all moral norms. This is how anticultists label a targeted group
as dangerous and manipulative though, in reality,
83:00 - 83:30 it is THEIR own actions that are dangerous
and manipulative. Through "their people" in the media, they conduct genuine psychological processing
of society. This, in turn, allows them to manipulate the aggressive sentiments of the public,
the sentiments that they themselves have provoked. They implant explicit narratives in people's
subconscious that all the organizations they label are "cults and are dangerous"
and that "cult members are non-humans."
83:30 - 84:00 This simple formula plays on the basic instincts
of every person, evoking fear for their own lives and the lives of their children, creating an image
of a constantly looming threat. Naturally, the reaction to this stimulus
is self-defense, with only two options: fight or flight. Since anti-cultists accompany
their propaganda with incitement to hatred and encouragement of unlawful acts, the dominant
response becomes "fight" or even "destroy.
84:00 - 84:30 Under this scheme, anticultists can
dehumanize and demonize any organization they consider undesirable, pushing it
outside the bounds of the social field. When you hear the word "dehumanization,"
it might seem abstract to you. If so, I invite you to listen to the stories
of the outcomes of its practice on the specific example. ALEXANDER DVORKIN'S ANTI-CULT TERRORIST ACTIVITIES
84:30 - 85:00 For many years, RACIRS representatives have been spreading
hostile statements towards numerous new religious movements. Their meetings, interviews, lectures, and public activities
have created a hostile atmosphere in society, often leading to subsequent manifestations
of hatred and xenophobia among the population. For instance, the ringleader of the anti-cult
group in Russia, radical ideologist Alexander Dvorkin,
85:00 - 85:30 has waged an active disinformation
campaign against the Christian movement of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia since
the beginning of his anti-cult career in 1993. Dvorkin used all forms of propaganda
against the followers of this organization, from defamatory articles in newspapers, magazines, and internet portals to media appearances
where he gave highly negative assessments
85:30 - 86:00 of this religious group, accusing and portraying
their activities in the worst possible light. “The Jehovah's Witnesses came to an Orthodox
Christian country. They insult me and my faith, and in this sense, I have the right
to respond to them. My book is a response to their persistent molestation and their
relentless recruitment. These Jehovah's Witnesses manipulate the minds of their members,
but they also make enormous amounts of money. Usually, when Jehovah's Witnesses
speak, they certainly squeeze out
86:00 - 86:30 everything they can. Jehovah's Witnesses,
by definition, cannot be called Christians, no matter what they call themselves,
because they do not consider Christ to be God. Jehovah's Witnesses are
undoubtedly a totalitarian sect. Because Jehovah's Witnesses
are a commercial cult.” For instance, in mid-2009, Dvorkin gave
an interview to the federal Russian channel NTV, where, among other harsh statements, he compared Jehovah's Witnesses
to drug dealers and called them slaves. “In fact, what they give for free is similar
to how a drug dealer in an alley gives
86:30 - 87:00 the first shot for free, and he might even give
the second shot for free, but to get the third shot, people run to him and bring money.
This is done by people for free, who live in Bethels and work irregular hours
in exchange for a bed in a dormitory and meals in a common dining hall. Food comes from Jehovah's
Witnesses' farms. Similar slaves produce the food there. In other words, the expenses are minimal.”
This interview, which was clearly propagandistic,
87:00 - 87:30 contributed to a surge of hatred and aggression
against Jehovah's Witnesses and caused a drastic increase in religiously motivated crimes
in Russia, including attacks on prayer houses and private homes of believers,
as well as threats and brutal physical violence. Here’s a far from complete list of acts
of violence against Jehovah's Witnesses, committed by Russian citizens
in 2009-2010 following Dvorkin's speeches: an attack was carried out on the home of an elderly
Jehovah's Witness couple, with their windows being shattered by stones.
87:30 - 88:00 A schoolboy whose parents
are Jehovah's Witnesses was attacked. Two female Jehovah's Witnesses were assaulted,
with one being struck on the head and losing consciousness. Two female Jehovah's Witnesses
were brutally insulted and severely beaten. Two female Jehovah's Witnesses were
attacked, one being pushed down a flight of stairs and the other kicked in the back.
An attack on a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
88:00 - 88:30 resulted in the beating of the security
guards and the building being set on fire. “The Jehovah's Witnesses cult doesn’t
hold up because of their ridiculous, absurd, self-contradictory faith.
It holds up through the strict control of the cult.” "It’s a very strict, totalitarian sect
and cult. Pedophilia… There are actually hundreds of cases of pedophilia,
and the cult has covered them up every time.” Cults! Cults! Cults! Cults! Cults!
88:30 - 89:00 “Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.”
“Hands off our children!” "Belgorod is a cult-free territory." And this is just a small part
of the consequences of merely one year of public activity by just one representative
of the anti-cult movement in one country.
89:00 - 89:30 Dvorkin's public, extremist, and baseless statements led
to a series of attacks and acts of violence against Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious
groups in various regions of Russia in 2009-2010. Numerous cases have also been recorded where large
families of Jehovah's Witnesses were harmed in various ways, had their property damaged,
and had their homes burned to the ground.
89:30 - 90:00 All of this was done by individuals
influenced by Dvorkin's manipulative speeches, which carry a hidden message of denying human
rights of stigmatized groups of people and turning them into public targets. — That's right! Persecuted? You must be persecuted!
Because it's just a nightmare! It's a cult!
90:00 - 90:30 — Why put people in prison? — You have your truth. We have our truth.
But there are more of us than you. If they cross the red line… — What red line? — Not only the line — Well, religion…
— In the past, these were stoned to death! "Again, raising the issue of destructiveness,
totalitarian sects may be compared to a circle of scorched earth that constantly expands,
leaving only scorched earth and ruins inside. Such spiritual casualties, crippled individuals,
remain outside; they are cast out and then thrown
90:30 - 91:00 back into society, for society itself to somehow
rehabilitate them and deal with their problems.” Let's consider an example of using a manipulative
method aimed at forming an image of the enemy and dehumanizing certain groups of people.
Please note that in his public speeches, Alexander Dvorkin regularly repeats
the following stigmatizing comparison:
91:00 - 91:30 “Another name for totalitarian
sects is 'destructive cults'. Destructive, meaning ruinous,
like cancerous, cancerous cells that enter the body and spread metastases
throughout the organism until the body dies. Cults behave in society like a cancerous tumor
in one’s body, draining nutrients from society and feeding off it until the body itself dies.
Just as a cancerous tumor destroys the body,
91:30 - 92:00 a cult similarly destroys society from within.”
Dvorkin's use of such metaphors as “scorched earth” and “cancerous tumor” in relation
to people who are labeled “sectarians”, or “cultists”, is not accidental. Dvorkin deliberately voices
these vivid negative figurative comparisons in order to bypass your critical thinking
and dehumanize representatives of those communities in your eyes, intentionally associating
them with something extremely dangerous and harmful,
92:00 - 92:30 something that requires immediate elimination.
Such a comparison activates the mechanisms of “black and white” thinking in your mind,
when an object that a manipulative narrative is focused on is regarded as an absolute
evil requiring unconditional rejection. At the same time, Dvorkin himself is perfectly
aware that his radical rhetoric is a blatant violation of human rights and a manifestation
of extremism. So, in order to avoid direct
92:30 - 93:00 accusations of inciting aggression towards
people, from lecture to lecture he “plays safe” by voicing another manipulative statement:
“We don’t fight cultists, we fight cults.” “We are often asked a standard journalistic
question: 'Tell us, how do you fight cultists?' And I always have the same answer to that:
I don’t fight cultists, I fight cults. The phrase “We fight cults, and not cultists,”
often used by Dvorkin and his followers,
93:00 - 93:30 is a prime example of semantic manipulation.
This statement contains a dichotomy that creates an illusion of differentiation between the concept
of a “cult” as an organization and the real people who are its members. However, in reality,
such a differentiation is impossible since any organization consists of people and cannot
exist without them. Dvorkin's manipulative statement ignores the fact that the activities
of the organizations he called “cults”
93:30 - 94:00 and the personalities of the so-called “cultists”
are inextricably linked. This means that he calls people cancerous tumors and scorched earth,
thereby causing public hatred towards them. To make the essence of this manipulation clearer
to you, please answer the following question: when you heard this comparative metaphor that “cults
are cancerous tumors”, what image appeared in your mind? Some kind of abstract image of a cult?
Or did you see an image of specific personalities
94:00 - 94:30 whom you associate with the word “cult”,
whom you yourself know or saw in the media? Your consciousness actually displayed
an image of PEOPLE because the image and mental command that Dvorkin instilled
through such verbal manipulations consists in the following message: “Cultists
are dangerous; they must be exterminated.” Such manipulative techniques used
by representatives of the anti-cult clique
94:30 - 95:00 provoke cognitive dissonance in your mind,
forcing you to accept negative images without critical assessment of those. This provocation
of cognitive dissonance is a form of mental violence, inasmuch as it undermines independence
of a person's thinking, forcibly instills hatred in him towards his fellow citizens, and gives
him a direct instruction for violent actions. Please note that anticultists use this
technique of covert cultivatio
95:00 - 95:30 of hatred to your detriment in many spheres of life, when they need to make you hate those people
whom they target, when they need to set one part of society against another, causing
a wave of hatred and violence within society. Manipulative methods used by Alexander Dvorkin
constitute illegal actions that have already caused severe psychological, moral,
and physical suffering among the population and have led to many deaths (details
of which will be discussed later).
95:30 - 96:00 Dvorkin's public statements bear clear signs
of incitement to hatred and meet all the criteria of the threshold test established under
the Rabat Plan of Action. According to widely recognized international legal norms,
such activities should be prohibited by law, and all individuals involved in their execution should
be held accountable in accordance with the law. Washington: Interestingly, Alexander Dvorkin,
the leader of anti-cult organizations
96:00 - 96:30 and the author of the term "totalitarian sect,"
opposes the introduction of a legal definition for "cult." This is because
it would then be necessary to prove, based on facts, that an organization
is indeed a "totalitarian sect" or "destructive cult" and that the accusations against
it have a factual basis. As the leader of the anti-cult movement in Russia himself
stated, "Most of these cases would be lost."
96:30 - 97:00 “22 years ago I started dealing with cults.
I used to say that we urgently needed to introduce a legal term cult to address this issue.
However, soon I realized that it is absolutely impossible to do it now, in the current situation.
Because if we were to introduce the legal term cult tomorrow, the day after tomorrow courts would be
flooded with lawsuits from those very cults that would be saying, “Prove that
we are a cult and present all the evidence to support such a definition. Prove that
we comply with this definition.”
97:00 - 97:30 Thus, a large portion of lawsuits would likely
be lost. Then, by court decision, we would no longer be able to call various organizations cults,
even the most sinister and disgusting ones.” Definition of the terms “sect” and “cult”
in the law would automatically restrict their unjustified use, which in turn
would deprive anticultists of their main tool that represents a starting
point for subsequent illegal actions.
97:30 - 98:00 “Now, we at least don’t have such a legal
term, therefore we can call cults cults. And I personally withstood five legal proceedings.
In fact, any person can call an organization “cult” with no fear of punishment, if he considers
it to be a cult., and there is nothing that can be done... This is what I’m expressing; it’s
a religious science term, it’s a theological term. I’m expressing my opinion,
and they won’t be able to do anything about it.” It is worth remembering that using the term “sect”
or “cult” in an accusatory or demonizing way
98:00 - 98:30 is a direct violation of the constitutional
rights of citizens in a democratic society, in particular, freedom of conscience
and freedom of religion. Through such actions, anticultists, who decided that they
are entitled to pass such a sentence on any individual or group of people, basically seek
to supersede law-enforcement agencies and the law. At a time when anti-cult terrorists carry out
their destructive activities in various countries,
98:30 - 99:00 introducing the mindsets they
need among masses of people, the number of hate crimes against religions
and beliefs is growing proportionally. A huge number of people across the world,
who became targets of purposeful persecution, have been facing abuse, physical violence,
and forced isolation for many years and decades. They experience mental violence,
moral oppression, fear, and humiliation.
99:00 - 99:30 When someone tries to label you as a “cultist”,
it's extremely dangerous. Essentially, such a label in society marks you
as a target that can and should be destroyed. This is similar to how the Nazis once forced
Jews to wear yellow stars. This mark created a chasm between Jews and the rest
of the population, highlighting their difference, marking them as "others" and "non-humans,"
and making them easy targets for aggression on the part of people influenced by propaganda.
The yellow star signaled that its wearers could
99:30 - 100:00 be treated as less than human.
Using the yellow star was one of many ways the Nazis dehumanized Jews and prepared
the ground for their mass extermination. Ultimately, this labeling led to one of the most
tragic chapters in human history—the Holocaust. Today, anti-cultists use the same methods,
assigning labels like "cult" and "sect"
100:00 - 100:30 to various organizations, thereby separating
them from society and stripping them of their status as "people." These labels take
away their democratic rights and freedoms, telling society that these people are different
and that they can be deprived of their rights, treated without respect, and even with violence. During the Nazi era, the harsh treatment
of Jews was the result of well-organized propaganda. The media of that time were tools
for creating the image of the "enemy" despite the lack of facts and evidence. Similarly,
today, innocent people labeled as "cult"
100:30 - 101:00 or "sect" members by anti-cultists become victims
of accusations for crimes they did not commit. Because a cultist, a member of a totalitarian
sect, if required to lie, steal, kill, and so on; he simply doesn’t think twice, but follows
the order. Because he would act, you know, for the benefit of the whole world, for the salvation
of humanity, and so on. What does some insignificant
101:00 - 101:30 human life matter that gets in the way of this?
Undoubtedly, for this, any means are justified.” But that’s more of a fanatic than a cultist.
Any cultist is actually a fanatic by definition. You use the term “war”, saying “we need a war” —
I mean, these are different kinds of people. Doesn’t it bother you? This is just an emotional question.
Well, it’s a fight, it’s a war, call it what you wish, but it really is…
It doesn’t bother me, I just... It’s a war against inhu-… inhuman organizations
that enslave people and deprive them of freedom.
101:30 - 102:00 Stigmatizing certain groups and communities
by defining them as "cult," "totalitarian sect," or "destructive cult" shapes public perception
of them as highly negative and dangerous entities. This leads to the marginalization
of these communities as social groups and their discrimination within society. They are met with
suspicion, insulted, humiliated, and ridiculed. People refuse to hire them, collaborate with
them, or engage in personal relationships with them. The problems these individuals face
are numerous, from public condemnation,
102:00 - 102:30 conflicts, and threats to physical violence,
criminal prosecution, searches, and more. Stigmatized individuals become targets.
They are hated, despised, and avoided. They are met with anger and disgust. They can face anything
from disdainful avoidance to violence, including murder. And this happens solely
because anticultists chose them as targets.
102:30 - 103:00 Constant demonization and hate speech
undoubtedly have a severe negative impact on the physical and psychological
health of the victim. This topic has been extensively researched
by psychologists and psychiatrists. A report published by the American
Psychological Association compares the symptoms observed in victims of hate
crimes to those of post-traumatic stress disorder. A study conducted in the United
States in 2001 showed that victims of hate
103:00 - 103:30 crimes experience more severe consequences
than victims of other types of crimes. Victims of prejudice — members of stigmatized
groups — often experience depression, which may include sadness, fatigue,
anhedonia, hopelessness, social withdrawal, or even catatonia. Victims
of prejudice also experience stigma, a state of personal shame and devaluation,
which is a crucial component of depression.
103:30 - 104:00 They experience an increased number of suicidal
thoughts and other mental health issues. For victims of prejudice, suicide offers
an escape from the hatred they face, driven by despair and a desire to flee.
Suicidal victims of prejudice do not wish to harm themselves — they simply want
to avoid the harm inflicted upon them by others. A classic example of creators of stereotypes
and enforcers of prejudices are the Nazis.
104:00 - 104:30 Branded and socially isolated, the victims
of anti-cultists feel much like the victims of the Holocaust once did. The fact is, the targets
of anti-cultist terrorism — whether an organization or an individual subjected to persecution
and attacks — feel doomed and eventually come to terms with their situation. This is comparable
to how Holocaust victims resigned themselves
104:30 - 105:00 to their fate, knowing they were inevitably facing
execution or the gas chamber. The hopelessness and fear of the inevitable traumatize a person
on a subconscious level. Even though the conscious mind tries to suppress and push away this fear,
the subconscious trauma remains deeply rooted. Imagine what these people experience and how
their lives unfold after enduring such trauma. So, the labels of "sect" or "cult" used
by anti-cultists are not just words; they are tools that lead to the destruction
of the foundations of humanity.
105:00 - 105:30 The history of Nazism's impact
on the world teaches us that when society starts to divide people into "us"
and "them," it leads to irreparable consequences. One of your statements: "Orthodox Christians
are no better than everyone else. If they were, the whole world would have become Orthodox
a long time ago. Maybe we are even worse than everyone else. But Orthodoxy is definitely
the only direct path to God." What gives you the right to state that? And I think
it's a statement, first of all. Secondly,
105:30 - 106:00 isn't this inciting — at any rate to some degree —
of interreligious hostility or intolerance? Well, no, not at all. Because, first of all,
every religion considers itself true, while all others are mistaken.
A member of any religion can say this. Dvorkin: The path of Indian asceticism
is only to attain eternal death, to attain eternal non-being. And in this,
of course, lies the demonic nature of Hinduism.
106:00 - 106:30 Dvorkin: When you see two women in the street
brainwashing a mother with a stroller, you can approach her and say, “Don't listen
to them, they are cultists, Jehovah's Witnesses. They grossly distort the Holy Scripture.”
Host: Isn't this inciting — at any rate to some degree — of interreligious
hostility or intolerance? Well, no, not at all.
Muhammad, although he belonged to that powerful tribe, he was from its
poor branch, so he was a rather poor man.
106:30 - 107:00 He got a job with his distant relative,
the twice-widowed Khadijah, and started leading her caravans, gaining her trust. And when he was 25 years
old, Khadijah, who was then over 40, married for the third time her pretty-face clerk.
Inciting interreligious hostility is if I insult specific bearers of one
or another particular religious idea. The principle of Orthodox Christian relations
with other religions is, ah, respect for every person.
107:00 - 107:30 Long before he arrived, all of Moscow was covered
with posters of this man with a horse-like face, and it was inscribed
that the great Tony Robbins had arrived, and everyone was wondering
what this was all about… Then Muhammad had some strange
visions and revelations. Some people believe he had epileptic seizures…
Tom Cruise is the Goebbels of Scientology, the Minister of Propaganda.
Thorov himself is a very gray
107:30 - 108:00 and dark man. He speaks very boringly,
he is sort of, like, a very dull, gray person and… “...respect for every person…”
Who do we know, what cultists do we know? Street beggars? Annoying
recruiters who knock on our doors? Cults are dangerous at the societal level
because, unlike traditional denominations that enrich society and create culture, cults give
nothing to society. We don't know cultists
108:00 - 108:30 who are “...respect for every person…”
… writers, artists, music composers, philosophers, and so on. They only drain
society of its vital resources. Just like a cancerous tumor pulls the vital resources
from the body until it eventually destroys it. … a cancerous tumor pulls the vital resources
from the body until it eventually destroys it. “We can discuss each of the cults, many of them,
108:30 - 109:00 talking about how exactly these totalitarian
schemes are embodied in their teachings. The International Society for Krishna
Consciousness, or the Hare Krishnas. This cult had a lot they would like to conceal:
there was drug trafficking, arms trade, and murders. Overall, it is quite obvious that the International
Society for Krishna Consciousness is a ruthless group aiming to seize power; it is built on strict
totalitarian principles and dreams of spreading
109:00 - 109:30 those principles to the entire global population.
It seems clear that this is one of the attempts of the impending Antichrist. It is obvious.
Perhaps, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness is one of the actual forerunners
of the Antichrist who ultimately seeks to seize power worldwide. Possibly, it is through these
very methods that his advent is being prepared.”
109:30 - 110:00 “There can be no equality between Orthodox
Christianity, which has existed in Russia for 1,000 years, and a tiny marginal cult like
the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which appeared here just a couple of decades ago,
but loudly demands to be recognized on a par with Orthodoxy and given preferential treatment.”
A Krishna worshiper beaten in Rybinsk. There was an attack on the temple
of the Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness. Football fans attacked a Krishna temple in Moscow.
In Barnaul, there was an attempted attack on Krishna worshipers.
Krishna worshipers were beaten in Moscow. Skinheads attacked Krishna devotees in Yaroslavl.
A Krishna devotee was beaten.
110:00 - 110:30 Scientology is one of the most dangerous
totalitarian sects, and Scientology surpasses many cults in its destructiveness. I’ve seen
many ex-Scientologists who were absolutely just severely mentally ill. I’ll repeat again:
cults are very aggressive and very deceitful. With the mentality of a slave and the mentality
of a whistleblower. He works for intelligence services; he's been gathering information since
he was a child, I mean he brings money, he brings information.
110:30 - 111:00 If you're in Scientology, when you finally run
out of everything, when you run out of money and your mental health or physical health,
they will get rid of you; they will throw you out on the street and forget about you.
FSB released video of searches at Scientology centers.
Searches in Moscow in connection with the case of St. Petersburg Scientologists.
Court sentenced five Scientologists from St. Ptetrsburg.
Scientologists in St. Petersburg underwent searches.
Why Scientologists are persecuted. Scientology organizations have
been declared undesirable.
111:00 - 111:30 Among Neo-Pentecostals, there is a tithe,
but again, no one counts it. Yet, there is such an ordinary, elementary principle of extortion.
It’s an alternative version of Christianity created by the enemy of the human race,
which is called Christianity and from which the entire essence of Christianity has been hollowed out.
Neo-Pentecostals are three hundred thousand plus activists who will go where they are told
and do what they are ordered to do.
111:30 - 112:00 This is not a figure of speech.
Attack on the Pentecostal Church in Lipetsk. OMON attacked Pentecostalists in Izhevsk.
Searches conducted at the homes of leaders of the New Generation Pentecostal Church.
Two Pentecostal pastors were sentenced to 3.5 years in a penal colony.
rural resident disrupted a Pentecostal worship service. Charge: Thus, public activities
of the ringleader of the Russian anti-cult clique, Alexander Dvorkin, exhibit signs
of crimes associated with terrorist activities: hostile statements that create an atmosphere
of intolerance, resulting in verbal abuse,
112:00 - 112:30 threats, and physical attacks on people,
as well as attacks on buildings (including arson). This is incitement to commit terrorist acts
that spread hatred and endanger lives. It also hinders the enjoyment of human
rights, including the right to life, liberty, and security. Therefore, according
to the definition in the UN General Assembly resolution adopted on June 22, 2023,
this activity constitutes terrorism.
112:30 - 113:00 An aggravating circumstance is Dvorkin's
deliberate use of special hidden manipulative methods and technologies aimed at covert
influence, programming and control of human behavior. Their use is directly evidenced
by the fact that his public activities provoked a wave of violence among the population towards stigmatized
victims, including physical violence against them,
113:00 - 113:30 up to murders. These manipulative technologies
operate, bypassing critical perception through consciousness and directly affecting a person’s
deep subconsciousness. It is exactly the destructive mindsets and commands implanted
into people’s subconsciousness without their knowledge that force people to subsequently commit acts
of violence and hatred against targeted individuals CHOSEN NOT BY THEMSELVES, but by Dvorkin.
He has artificially incited a wave of hatred
113:30 - 114:00 and negativity in people and forced them to act.
In a literal sense, Dvorkin has directed those individuals, like torpedoes, against their
will and desire towards his chosen targets. Therefore, all those individuals
who committed acts of aggression against other people who are just like them,
but marked by anti-cultists with a yellow star, are also victims of informational terror attacks.
Dvorkin had programmed them for those actions
114:00 - 114:30 in advance at the level of subconsciousness
when he used manipulative technologies in his speeches. They were literally forced
to act this way, and unknowingly, by attacking innocent people, they were
enacting someone else's malicious will. This is why Dvorkin's speeches had such
a powerful effect on people: although in the overwhelming majority of cases,
evidence for his accusatory speeches was not presented,
114:30 - 115:00 the mere utterance of these labels was enough
to provoke an explosive reaction in society, and a wave of brutality against the labeled groups.
The use of these hidden manipulative technologies within the anti-cult movement was first introduced
by Alexander Dvorkin. This has since become a common practice for creating informational
terror attacks by all anti-cult organizations, including RACIRS and FECRIS. These very methods
enable anticults to influence people against their
115:00 - 115:30 will. Moreover, it doesn't matter if this
happens directly through personal contact or remotely through media messages;
the power of influence remains unchanged. More details about the technology
itself, as well as about the source where Dvorkin received it from,
will be provided a little later. Representatives of anti-cult organizations
use foul techniques of manipulative psychological influence on the masses to carry out real acts
of terrorism. Until recently, it was believed
115:30 - 116:00 that informational and psychological
terror attacks were not as frightening as physical ones because they supposedly did not
kill anyone directly like a bomb explosion would. But in reality, informational terror attacks are
much more dangerous and destructive. Most of all, because they are conducted covertly, operating
at the subconscious level, easily penetrating the critical thinking barrier of the conscious
mind, and infecting people with destructive
116:00 - 116:30 beliefs, thereby creating new terrorists.
The impact radius of such attacks is much larger than physical ones because,
by acting through the informational space, they are not limited by space or time. The most
terrifying aspect of this situation is that for a very long time, up to today, a vast number
of real terrorists have remained unpunished. However, while their methods of influencing
the depths of the subconscious can go unnoticed
116:30 - 117:00 by the masses, the demonization and groundless
accusations of groups of people stigmatized by representatives of anti-cult organizations
and systematic violation of the presumption of innocence are always in full
sight. Even by this one factor alone, they can now be easily identified
and held accountable to the fullest extent of the law for their complicity
in and perpetration of terrorism. ANTICULTISTS’ INFLUENCE ON
117:00 - 117:30 Public activities of anticultists
are merely a preparatory stage for further involving law-enforcement and security
forces in suppressing religious groups. For this purpose, under the guise of educational
work, members of anti-cult organizations deliver lectures and arrange consultations
for law-enforcement agencies, including police academies and security management, where they
continue to propagate the same messages that cult members are a threat to society.
Anti-cultist Alexander Dvorkin gave
117:30 - 118:00 a lesson to students in Chelyabinsk.
Cults lure people in through deception, withholding information,
and dishonest advertising. Cults are dangerous to individuals because they
enslave personality and turn a human into an obedient tool in the hands of cult leaders.
Such activities are not only unacceptable but also dangerous, as they aim to instill radical
ideology in the minds of security officials,
118:00 - 118:30 which can have far-reaching consequences
for society and the state as a whole. Several eyewitness stories will help illustrate
the seriousness of the problem and serve as examples of what terrorist anti-cult propaganda
is capable of in the modern, civilized 21st century. First-person account from Andrei
in Belgorod (requested anonymity): "There were actions taken against us.
For example, in the fall of 2012, we held a congress. The area was cordoned off
by Cossacks with whips; they beat drums, invited
118:30 - 119:00 the NTV television company and local media,
and portrayed our activities in a negative light. They shouted at us, 'We'll throw a grenade at you,'
and the police did not react at all. At some of the actions against Jehovah's Witnesses,
they wore T-shirts that said, 'I hate Jehovah's Witnesses.' I was directly threatened: 'Aren't you afraid you'll get hit
on the head and be disabled for life?'
119:00 - 119:30 Given what I've witnessed since around
2010, I believe it will only worsen. My dear ones, please, if you carry
your faith, carry it with peace and kindness. We've never stabbed anyone,
and we're not going to stab anyone. In 2014, an elderly fellow believer was killed
in Stary Oskol. She was on her way to a meeting, got into an elevator, and was found with
multiple stab wounds and her eyes gouged out. The local media wrote that she was
'a member of one of the cults,' which is how they often refer to us. The perpetrators were
never found. Our sister was beaten in her own
119:30 - 120:00 apartment building by a man who then dragged
her around the building. Funeral wreaths with inscriptions 'To victims of the Watchtower'
were placed at our Kingdom Hall in Belgorod, and swastikas were painted
on the building's walls." I believe that the persecution of Jehovah's
Witnesses is orchestrated by the FSB. In their view, Jehovah's Witnesses
do not fit into the political framework of today's Russia. The Fifth Directorate
of the KGB used to persecute dissenters;
120:00 - 120:30 today, it is the Directorate for the Protection
of the Constitutional Order of the FSB. This is the political police. Jehovah's
Witnesses refuse military service and do not support any political forces, which does
not align with the ideology of modern Russia. I think the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) plays
the role assigned to it by the FSB. If we look at the history of the ROC as it exists today,
it was created by Stalin's order in 1943. Since then,
120:30 - 121:00 this religious organization has been a structural
subdivision of the State Security Committee, which is now the FSB of Russia.
Experienced police officers have told me that they don't understand why they
are being forced to persecute people for their religion. One even said that under the current
government, it has become embarrassing to work in the police force because they are detaining
elderly women for talking about the Bible, apprehending people on the street for unclear
reasons, breaking into apartments, and so on. …What is happening to Jehovah's Witnesses
in Russia today can happen to anyone,
121:00 - 121:30 to any political or religious movement,
suchas Baptists, Pentecostals, or the autonomous Russian Orthodox Church. They are already under
pressure and are at risk. The broad definitions of anti-extremist laws allow for the persecution
of anyone. We know that people can be imprisoned for reposting something on the internet or for making
a simple statement deemed extremist, using the law to force this into the so-called legal framework."
In 2017, due to lobbying by Dvorkin and members
121:30 - 122:00 of his group, Jehovah's Witnesses were declared
an extremist organization, and their activities were banned in Russia. From that moment, the repression
against them intensified and continues to this day. Members of this religious organization
face arrests, searches, and prosecutions, as well as cruel treatment and even torture.
Some of them, including elderly people and retirees,
122:00 - 122:30 have been sentenced to long terms in penal
colonies and imprisonment for their beliefs and religious activities.
The Editorial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
has determined: the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 20th, 2017,
remains unchanged, and the appellate complaint of the religious organization “Administrative Center
of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia” is dismissed. Freedom of conscience in Russia has been
crucified. There is no doubt that what
122:30 - 123:00 happened to Jehovah's Witnesses will affect
other denominations as well. A little bit later. Religious persecutions will begin
in Russia; there will be prisoners of conscience. The very term “cult” is certainly used
as a stigma, as a label intended to turn people away from Jehovah's Witnesses as well as from other
organizations that are also labeled as cults by anti-cult activists or other opponents.
If we assess the contribution
123:00 - 123:30 of the anti-cult movement to the persecution
of Jehovah's Witnesses, I believe it plays an overwhelmingly negative role and largely
contributes to the expansion of persecutions against peaceful believers who simply seek
to satisfy their religious needs, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation —
the right to satisfy their religious needs, including the right to collectively profess their religion.
Believers are already facing persecution, attacks,
123:30 - 124:00 and physical violence in places where meetings
and gatherings used to take place. They are subjected to acts of vandalism. We fear that
this will become widespread. People who are guilty of nothing other than adhering to certain
religious beliefs will find themselves targeted by those who consider them enemies of society.
— As for liquidation of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, in this regard,
I have no disagreement with it. — The ban on the organization is
undoubtedly helpful. Primarily,
124:00 - 124:30 we no longer see Jehovah's
Witnesses in the streets, and consequently, people are protected from
their intrusive propaganda and recruitment. — When we talk about Jehovah's Witnesses, I certainly hope that their ordinary members
will at least receive administrative penalties. But I understand that I’m not
a lawyer, and the law is the law.
124:30 - 125:00 “They poured water on my hands and started
hitting them with a taser. At that moment, it was the most painful sensation.”
“I was electrocuted, just like other people were.” “They hit me on the head. They hit me
in the ribs, on the right side of my body.” “They put a blue plastic bag over my head,
tightened it, and I began to suffocate.
125:00 - 125:30 At the moment when I began to suffocate, they put
a hand over my mouth and put a taser on my buttocks in the crotch area. I think, apparently, it was
a taser, and they started an electric current.” “When I was interrogated, apparently someone
was brought into the adjacent room again, so I heard everything clearly.
There were electric shocks and screams.” “Some names, surnames and addresses.
I said I would only cooperate with
125:30 - 126:00 the investigator in the presence
of my lawyer. Then they put a hat on my face and took me out into
the woods behind the stadium.” This is what the consequences of dehumanization
lead to. All these people are just like you. The only difference is how and what they believe in.
They harm no one and infringe on no one's rights; all they do is express their views on
the world and life differently. For this alone, they are publicly stripped of their humanity,
slandered, and targeted by society,
126:00 - 126:30 law enforcement, and security agencies.
Even some law enforcement officers, bound to follow orders, understand
this is absurd. They are ashamed to carry out these orders but cannot disobey. As a result,
ordinary people, branded by anti-cultists, along with their families, children,
and loved ones, suffer immense hardships. I’m now talking about citizens. Surely,
they are being taken care of by banning this cult,
126:30 - 127:00 first and foremost, right? But we'll discuss
that further. At this very moment, when they exist somewhere out there, we see them only
on the Internet, appearing in some news stories. So they… Actually, we neither see nor hear them precisely
because there is this persecution. Hence, they are now hiding, sitting quietly,
and waiting to see how it will all end. Because if it weren't for that,
you would see them everywhere now.
127:00 - 127:30 I cannot avoid quoting the words
of President Putin. On December 11th, 2018, he said, “We should treat representatives of all religions
equally. We should not classify representatives of religious communities as some kind of destructive,
not to mention terrorist organizations. Of course, this is complete nonsense. Jehovah's Witnesses
are also Christians. I don't understand why they should be persecuted."
So, what do we persecute them for? Firstly, I disagree with President Putin
that Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians.
127:30 - 128:00 They are not Christians. Christians are those
who believe in divinity, in Christ, while Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the deity
of Christ. They are Jehovists. Their main God, whom they believe in, is Jehovah, so according
to the rules, they should be called Jehovists. But they don't deny Christ. However, they don’t consider him God.
Muslims do not deny Christ either, but they don’t consider him God;
Muslims are not Christians. So, this… But Muslims are not banned, while Jehovists are…
128:00 - 128:30 ...Muslims are not, but Jehovists are banned…
This is my position. You might ask: why do law-enforcement officers,
who are supposed to protect people, uphold the law, and safeguard the democratic
rights of everyone, openly exhibit hatred towards innocent people, insult them,
and cause severe physical harm? Because, just like in the times of Nazism,
the leaders of the anti-cult movement have subjected these law enforcement and security personnel
to propaganda, deliberately warping their thinking,
128:30 - 129:00 imposing the image of an enemy,
and manipulating their perceptions. …the new presidential decree is changing
the situation. We are not abandoning our mission of presence that has proven to be very effective
in missionary work. But now, under the new strategy, we will act more openly, without fearing external
persecution which, I must admit, does happen. There are people in power structures who find
our activities irritating and unacceptable.
129:00 - 129:30 Now,such an attitude towards us and our work will
be seen as opposition to the presidential decree. I’ve been collaborating with law-enforcement
and military agencies for many years, giving lectures to their personnel about the essence of modern
cultism, which is poorly understood in society. This is despite the church paying very close
attention to anti-cultist activities. I’ve been dealing with this issue for 30 years myself.
In my presentations, I have to explain a lot to cadets, law-enforcement officers, and military personnel.
I call the new presidential decree a real gift to us,
129:30 - 130:00 Orthodox missionaries. In the section
"Expected Results of the Implementation of This Strategy," it is stated that this strategy
should contribute to stabilization of the social and political situation in our country
as well as to the spiritual and civic unity of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
including through the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and the broad Orthodox
mission that enlightens and educates all peoples.
130:00 - 130:30 "Tuck your feet! Down on the floor! Down!"
According to the Memorial Human Rights Center, as of April this year, at least 635 Jehovah's
Witnesses have been persecuted in Russia, with no fewer than 568 people
facing criminal charges. I hoped he would leave
for an hour or two. However,by evening, I realized he wouldn't return
either today or probably even tomorrow. "I couldn't sleep for several nights.
It was terrifying for me when evening came."
130:30 - 131:00 Our family’s life started to divide
into before and after. "The feelings we experienced that evening — humiliation,
moral and physical abuse, and much more." But when militants in camouflage break in like
that to old, frail people… That shocks me. — Police! Police! On the floor! On the floor! — Anybody home?
— No, there's no one here. — Don't scare the baby, please.
— It's gonna be fine
131:00 - 131:30 Think about it: law enforcement officers,
who took an oath and are obligated to protect the citizens of their country, are attacking peaceful members
of an unjustly branded, cornered, and discredited organization. They no longer see these individuals
as citizens or even as people but as soulless, inferior beings because anti-cultists
have labeled them with a yellow star for believing
131:30 - 132:00 in God differently. These are the Nazi methods
imposed by anti-cult organizations. First, the label "cult" is applied by anti-cultists,
and then the state assigns the status of "extremism." Anti-cultists successfully use these methods
not only in Russia but also in Europe and worldwide. The very existence of anti-cult organizations
violates one of the fundamental human freedoms – the freedom of conscience
and religion. To deprive someone of the ability
132:00 - 132:30 to believe in what they choose is to strip them
of a basic need, similar to the need for food or drink. It's as if you were forbidden to eat
bread because a bunch of radical extremists decided you aren't even human. And if you're
not considered human, you can't behave like one. This means you don't deserve humane treatment
and cannot have human rights and freedoms. To help you understand what these people,
branded as cult members by anti-cultists
132:30 - 133:00 and no longer protected by the law, feel, let me
give you a simple example. Imagine you're at home, sitting down for dinner. Suppose you have
a habit of eating bread in a particular way. Maybe you prefer to separate the crust
from the crumb and eat them separately, meaning you simply eat bread differently
than most people. Now, because of this, the police forcibly break into your home, turn your personal
belongings upside down, damage your property,
133:00 - 133:30 scare your children, beat you, and arrest
you. How would you feel in such a situation? That is precisely how those targeted
by anti-cultists feel today. What wrong have these people done? They did not break into
others' homes, they did not violate the law, and they did not force their beliefs
on anyone, unlike the way the dominant religion is imposed in some countries.
They did not infringe on others' rights. They simply
133:30 - 134:00 "ate bread" differently because it suited
them better. But someone didn't like that, so they were stripped of their humanity.
The persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia has been widely condemned both
by the general public within Russia and internationally by representatives of human
rights organizations and officials from various countries. The European Court of Human Rights
(ECHR) ruled that the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia violates human rights.
However, the persecution continues to this day,
134:00 - 134:30 and instigators of hatred and informational
terrorism, such as Alexander Dvorkin and his associates, have not been held accountable
or received the punishment they deserve. Charge: Dehumanization, the denial of individuals
in any religious or ideological group their status as human beings, is an activity aimed at denying
human rights, and is qualified as acts, methods,
134:30 - 135:00 and practices of terrorism. The stance
of leaders of anti-cult organizations, such as FECRIS and RACIRS, that the members of what they
call "cults" or "sects" are not considered to be humans directly violates the rights of such
people to legal capacity, which guarantees that every person is regarded as an individual
with rights. By their statements and actions, representatives of anti-cult organizations
deny the principles of pluralism,
135:00 - 135:30 one of the most important democratic pillars.
Accordingly, under the definition in the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on June 22, 2023,
this activity is considered terrorism.
135:30 - 136:00 An additional decision on liquidation due to extremist activities has been
adopted and entered into force.
136:00 - 136:30 They put a submachine gun right to his forehead, pushed him back and started shouting:
“Where's the family? Where is your family?”
136:30 - 137:00 Tell me, what are you detained for? For my faith in God! Lift your head! Look here! And what kind of literature
did they find at your home? Bible and other Christian books.
137:00 - 137:30 I got scared. CRIMINAL SCHEME BY ANTI-CULT TERRORISTS So, let's summarize. The typical scheme of terrorist actions by the anti-cult movement
against a targeted group follows universally precise steps. It begins with labeling the group as a "cult" or a "sect,"
continues with stigmatizing the group in public opinion,
137:30 - 138:00 fabricating accusations and criminal cases,
and ends with discrimination against members of the targeted group, persecution,
and the use of physical violence, up to murders. According to this model, anti-cult terrorists
can persecute absolutely any group of people,
138:00 - 138:30 whether religious or secular —
it doesn't matter. The most crucial steps are labeling and initiating
a media campaign to discredit the victim in the media. Once this is achieved, implementing
the remaining steps is only a matter of time. In the course of organizing persecution against
targeted groups, members of anti-cult movements and their accomplices engage
in a range of criminal schemes, such as:
138:30 - 139:00 Criminal schemes implemented by
representatives of the anti-cult movement: • Spreading and implementing extremist ideology.
• Inciting conflicts on religious grounds. • Conducting provocations against members
of religious organizations based on religious hatred and/or commercial interests, including
using informal connections within law enforcement and other government agencies.
• Fabricating administrative and criminal cases against religious organizations
and their members through corrupt connections.
139:00 - 139:30 • Manipulating judicial examinations concerning religious associations.
• Preparing false witnesses for court proceedings. • Public funding fraud
• Engaging in fraudulent activities. Leaders and members of anti-cult organizations
have repeatedly been found guilty by courts of violating human rights and freedoms.
Numerous facts and cases have accumulated where European
139:30 - 140:00 courts in Germany, France, Canada, Spain,
the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Austria have found participants in organizations
affiliated with the FECRIS network guilty of numerous offenses, including defamation,
discrimination, and unlawful restriction of freedom. The violations they committed
have had significant consequences for religious groups and their members, including
social ostracism, job dismissals,
140:00 - 140:30 denial of employment and medical examinations,
educational problems for their children, and other issues. However, despite the clear violations of laws,
anti-cult organizations continue to operate, receive state funding, and conduct their
anti-democratic and inhumane criminal activities. The activities and rhetoric of anti-cult
organizations violate universally
140:30 - 141:00 recognized human rights and freedoms protected by
international law and enshrined in international documents such as the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as the Constitutions
and national laws of various countries, specifically: • The right to freedom
of thought, conscience, and religion; • The right to freedom of speech;
• The right to equal protection against any form of discrimination;
• The right to life, liberty,
141:00 - 141:30 and personal security;
• The right to the presumption of innocence (to be considered innocent
until proven guilty according to the law); And so on Representatives of the anti-cult movement
violate the following international legal norms:
141:30 - 142:00 Anti-cult organizations, through their
activities, completely deny the rights
142:00 - 142:30 of millions of people to freedom of thought,
conscience, and religion, to freedom
142:30 - 143:00 of belief and its free expression,
which are universally recognized democratic values. However, to accuse them only of this is akin
to giving a fine to a terrorist who stormed a building and shot people just
for improperly parking his car before doing so. All members of anti-cult organizations
and their accomplices should be held
143:00 - 143:30 criminally responsible for their
deliberate terrorist activities. In their charters, anti-cult organizations
declare a noble mission: to combat potentially dangerous destructive religious movements
to protect society from them. However, their actual goals differ significantly
from the stated ones. By accusing the innocent of potential danger, they actually
commit numerous heinous crimes. If the true goal of anti-cult organizations
were indeed to protect citizens, they would
143:30 - 144:00 not violate their rights or resort to illegal
methods and informational terrorism. Instead of spreading interreligious discord in society,
they would approach state authorities with requests to investigate a particular organization,
adhering to the principle of the presumption of innocence. Only if a violation of the law
is established through a lawful investigation and a court verdict is issued
could they engage in educational activities,
144:00 - 144:30 informing the public about the potential
dangers of specific religious movements. And only after a court decision would
media representatives have the right to disseminate this information in an accusatory
context. Without evidence and a court ruling, no one has the right to accuse anyone, make public
unfounded statements, and ruin someone's life. People who follow a particular belief
are exercising their democratic rights.
144:30 - 145:00 The presumption of innocence, freedom
of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, and pluralism
of opinions are the foundations of democracy. Upholding these rights is a genuine
concern for people and society. But anti-cultists do not seek this; their goals
lie elsewhere. Moreover, they are not interested in having their targets investigated by
authorized bodies and quickly shut down
145:00 - 145:30 legally if found guilty. They need a long-term,
demonstrative crackdown on innocent people. Their aim is to instill fear in the masses
and influence the authorities by provoking acts of persecution and repression
against social and religious groups, staging a public execution.
This is a true act of informational terrorism. Each instance of an anti-cultist fight
against dissent is a terrorist act,
145:30 - 146:00 where each "yellow star" from them marks
the beginning of a terrorist attack. As I mentioned before, any act of terrorism
is defined by its goal. The harassment of innocents carried out by anti-cultists causes double
damage: first, to the victims who suffer, and second, to the unwilling witnesses of these
actions, who feel powerless in the face of such injustice. Each such act is accompanied by clear
violations of fundamental rights and freedoms.
146:00 - 146:30 What do citizens see in such cases?
They see that the laws in their country do not work, that their rights and liberties are being
grossly violated and that the authorities turn a blind eye to this. They see that
those who were supposed to protect them have sided with the enemy and are attacking
them. And they understand that anyone, including themselves, could be
the next to be "marked with a yellow star." This situation undermines trust in the authorities,
provokes social tension,
146:30 - 147:00 and increases dissatisfaction among the population.
The result is a divided society, filled with hatred and fear, ready to explode and express its
discontent at any moment. This, in turn, creates the potential for a sudden surge in revolutionary
sentiments or interreligious conflicts. Therefore, the actions of anti-cult organizations must be classified exclusively as terrorist
activities, which is what they truly are.
147:00 - 147:30 What is it anyway? Is it religious disagreements,
politics, some modern trend? It's unclear. It’s an attempt to straighten
all the non-straight lines, so to speak. Everything that is not ours
is… whoever is not with us is against us. Everything that is not ours is hostile.
In this repressive wheel that is slowly rolling, I see nothing rational in it.
Because it doesn’t increase the government's rating, it doesn’t increase trust in the authorities,
it doesn’t improve anything, it doesn’t contribute
147:30 - 148:00 to anything except increasing overall aggressiveness
and general embitterment. Because any governmental cruelty increases the level of public cruelty,
in fact. It always happens this way. The degree of overall cruelty rises. Besides this,
I see no other consequences. And, of course, I think it makes people exasperated:
it makes them bitter towards each other, towards the authorities, towards the world
around, towards everything and everyone.
148:00 - 148:30 In this regard, I’d like to emphasize once again
that in the informational acts of terrorism committed by anti-cult terrorists,
the key role is played by the media, or more precisely, by certain unscrupulous
and dishonest representatives within it. It is through their efforts that the demonization
and defamation of innocent people occur. These same individuals, journalists and editors,
are the ones who spread hateful statements
148:30 - 149:00 and destructive messages from anti-cult
organizations. By doing so, they not only shape public opinion but also provoke surges
of aggression and conflicts on religious grounds. Each stage of the deliberate persecution
of religious groups, from labeling to complete suppression, is supported by propaganda
in the media. These information campaigns aim to justify criminal actions and endorse
the persecution of the targeted organization,
149:00 - 149:30 which is unacceptable. Even after the victim
organization ceases to exist or, worse, when its members face brutal physical
violence, including fatal incidents, media representatives continue to insist that such
an outcome is inevitable, necessary, and just. In fact, these media representatives
are perpetrators of informational terrorism and often instigators of direct terrorist acts.
Many people have suffered at their hands,
149:30 - 150:00 and many continue to suffer to this day.
Their efforts have caused many people to endure torture, lose their health, and lose faith in people and the future.
Therefore, according to the law, all journalists, editors, publishers, and media employees who aided
the anti-cultists should be held accountable for crimes related to terrorist activities.
Each such publication violates citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms, guaranteed
by the Constitution and international legal
150:00 - 150:30 norms. By committing acts of informational
terrorism, media representatives undermine the foundations of democracy and effectively
act against their own people and country, which, in the context of an undeclared covert
war, plays into the hands of the enemy of the free world and constitutes collaborationism.
By participating in the criminal scheme of terrorist anti-cult groups, acting deliberately
and in collusion, these individuals commit treason.
150:30 - 151:00 An example of how the image of an organization
stigmatized through the media can be further used by anticultists to destabilize
the country is guilt by association. Anti-cult groups deliberately associate
politicians or representatives of authority with discredited organizations,
thereby lowering their ratings and tarnishing their reputations
in the eyes of the public. Ultimately, this can lead to removal of those
politicians from the political arena.
151:00 - 151:30 As a result, in countries where anti-cultists
wield significant influence, their activity undermines and destabilizes the state.
Such actions benefit the enemy — the hidden forces behind the anti-cultists, because they facilitate
the achievement of their strategic objectives: the destruction of democratic laws
and the creation of conditions for totalitarianism.
151:30 - 152:00 Thus, media representatives bear full
responsibility for their actions, just as all participants in this criminal scheme
do. The anti-cult movement representatives, those behind them, and all who abetted them
are equally guilty of a range of offenses and must be held accountable under the law.
Charge: The activities of anti-cult organizations sow panic in society, incite discord,
create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, undermine
152:00 - 152:30 public order and stability, and threaten the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of states, as well as the protection of their citizens
from external and internal threats. This destabilizing activity directly "...threatens the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, and security of states," which, according to the UN Resolution
of June 22, 2023, constitutes terrorism.
152:30 - 153:00 It is well-known that the more religions
and freedoms of opinion exist in a state, the more stable and democratic it becomes.
People feel freer and more courageous; they are ready to defend their country, serve it, and contribute
to society. Pluralism of opinions ensures safety and stability by preventing the concentration
of power in one set of hands. This is precisely
153:00 - 153:30 why the First Amendment was added to the U.S.
Constitution. However, the actions of anti-cult organizations threaten this diversity and endanger
states themselves by provoking the destabilization of the democratic system, which, according
to international acts, is also a form of terrorism. The long-term nature of such terrorist acts
and the use of secretive manipulative technologies
153:30 - 154:00 has made their execution inconspicuous
for a long time. It has complicated the proof of guilt of their organizers. But now
the time has come when all individuals involved in such actions — representatives
of anti-cult organizations, the media, law enforcement, security forces, those engaged
in persecution, searches, arrests, falsified trials, as well as politicians and individual officials —
must be identified, held accountable, and punished
154:00 - 154:30 to the full extent of the law for treason,
creating an international terrorist network, complicity in terrorist activities,
and THE SYSTEMATIC EXECUTION OF TERRORIST ACTS. Charge: The activities of anti-cult
organizations represent a new, dangerous form of terrorism. Therefore,
the international network of the anti-cult movement must be recognized by the global community
as a network of terrorist organizations.
154:30 - 155:00 The UN Resolution of June 22, 2023, clearly established this by providing
a comprehensive definition of terrorism. Terrorism "are activities aimed
at the denial of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and democracy," and actions "...impeding
the enjoyment of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights, including
the right to life, liberty and security..."
155:00 - 155:30 In other words, these are actions
or practices that directly or indirectly undermine or violate fundamental human rights
and freedoms and the principles of democracy. HOW TO DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS The public must be informed about the potential dangers
of informational terrorism and possess the necessary knowledge to recognize
155:30 - 156:00 it in the daily flow of news and information
from social media and other media platforms. Right now, every citizen
who is aware of the signs of informational terrorism can
take active steps to prevent it. Suppose you discover instances of informational
terrorism in the media in your country. In that case, you have the right and duty to contact
the Attorney General and demand an appropriate investigation and measures to stop
the activities of the group committing that.
156:00 - 156:30 Competent authorities must promptly
take measures to establish the fact of a terrorist act in the public domain
or refute it with appropriate evidence. In accordance with the principles
of the rule of law and democracy, the Attorney General must publicly report
on the work done within a set timeframe. Suppose the fact of an informational
terrorist act is confirmed. In that case,
156:30 - 157:00 people should be informed
about its goals, objectives, and the extent of the harm caused to reduce
the negative consequences of the attack. Since informational terrorist acts are conducted
in the public sphere, the quicker society reacts to them, and the faster competent authorities
take measures to neutralize them and hold those responsible accountable, the less harm these
terrorist acts will cause to the entire society. Conversely, suppose an informational
terrorist act occurs, and the public
157:00 - 157:30 and law enforcement agencies ignore it.
In that case, the terrorist act achieves its goals, and the destructive consequences
for both citizens and the entire country are amplified significantly.
Therefore, society must monitor the integrity of the information field and promptly report
any informational terrorist acts discovered in the media. And the relevant authorities
must respond swiftly to citizens' reports. If, after citizens request an investigation
into an informational terrorist act,
157:30 - 158:00 the Attorney General does not provide a public report
on the work done, does not disclose the investigation results, and does not take measures to stop
the activities of those committing informational terrorism within the legally established timeframe,
this should raise justified doubts about their competence. The lack of active measures from the Attorney General could be seen as possible complicity in criminal activities
or deliberate aiding of the perpetrators.
158:00 - 158:30 In such a case, citizens have
the legal right to initiate the procedure for removing the Attorney General from office
for actions that contradict the interests of the people and the state. Moreover,
if the Attorney General, in their position, allows informational terrorist acts
to be committed and lets the perpetrators go unpunished, then they themselves
should be held accountable under the law for aiding terrorism and participating
in the activities of a terrorist network.
158:30 - 159:00 The presence of an individual in a significant
governmental role who supports terrorism poses a serious threat to national security
and the stability of the law enforcement system. Therefore, if the Attorney General fails
to fulfill their duties to protect the rights and freedoms of the people, any citizen
has the right to appeal to the higher authorities responsible for appointing
the Attorney General in your country, requesting that they be peacefully
and lawfully removed from office.
159:00 - 159:30 As citizens, you must also understand
your own responsibility. If you witness any form of terrorism and choose
to remain silent, you similarly become an accomplice
to the crime. Silence in such circumstances can be regarded as a form of criminal inaction.
If you witness an attack on your rights and freedoms, an attack on democracy — do not remain silent.
Inform the competent authorities. After all,
159:30 - 160:00 the consequences of such a terrorist
act will affect you first and foremost. In light of recent events, which have made
it clear how much impact information have on the world, have on the world, covering up
informational terrorism is equivalent to depriving yourself and your children of a future. Therefore,
if you encounter informational terrorist acts in the media in your country, report them
and demand that the activities of these informational terrorists be stopped. Protect your
rights and ensure a safe future for yourself and your children.
160:00 - 160:30 The IMPACT In a democratic world, anti-cult organizations
should not exist at all, as their very essence contradicts democracy and the pluralism of views
on which a free and equal democratic society is built. Nevertheless, this criminal international
terrorist group not only exists but also openly
160:30 - 161:00 engages in inhumane activities in full view
of the global community, posing a real danger to society. You might ask: Why haven't anti-cult organizations
been held accountable for their actions, and why do they still exist? Because for
many years, this transnational terrorist group operated in the shadows,
using sophisticated manipulation techniques to conduct informational terrorist acts.
It took 30 years of observing their activities
161:00 - 161:30 and a 10-year investigation to uncover their tools
and methods and to establish their true goals. The presented facts clearly show
that anti-cult movements are tools of the enemy of the entire free world for conducting covert
terrorist acts in the informational space. This means they consciously aid the enemy's
global plan for total power domination.
161:30 - 162:00 In this context, anti-cult organizations are just
one branch of a network of similar organizations that use the same methods, all led by a hidden
shadow force—their ideological mastermind. All members of this network are the architects
of a New World Disorder. Their goal is the destabilization of society on all fronts:
political, social, cultural, ideological,
162:00 - 162:30 religious, and others. Therefore, destructors
like anti-cultists are present in many areas of public activity and occupy various levels
of the social hierarchy. They do not care whom they target or for what reason; the main objective
is to persecute the innocent, which allows them to create informational terrorist acts to influence
the masses. They are indifferent to who holds power; they will undermine any authority.
The ultimate goal of their activities is globally
162:30 - 163:00 orchestrated mass disorder, civil war,
and the complete collapse of democracy. Each of them plays their part in the unified enemy scheme
to destroy democracy and establish totalitarianism. Therefore, they draw into their network
all those as deceitful and unscrupulous as themselves who can help achieve their goals.
They strive to extend their influence worldwide. In some countries, they have already
infiltrated the government; in others,
163:00 - 163:30 they openly influence legislation; in some places,
they even receive funding from the state. There is also a country that serves as the source
of this harmful influence spreading across the globe. In this country, this "shadow force" already
controls the government and is the real power. Through their actions, this entire international
terrorist group is bringing about a new world order led by the hidden enemy — the enemy
that is currently reviving the legacy of nazism in a new,
163:30 - 164:00 even more insidious form. For convenience
and understanding, let's call this new form of nazism "global anti-cultism" —
after that branch of the unified network on the example of which it became possible
to study the methods and schemes of the hidden enemy through years of investigation,
monitoring and study of its activities. Humanity is facing a threat of this kind
for the first time because right now, there is a war,
164:00 - 164:30 and it is a COVERT UNDECLARED war
that has engulfed all of humanity. The IMPACT CHAPTER 3. ANTICULTISM AS A NEW FORM OF NAZISM I don't make the claim lightly that the enemy
is reviving Nazism in a new form, nor do I
164:30 - 165:00 casually compare the methods of the Nazis
and anti-cultists. The fact is that for your enemy, Nazism is a very close concept. The Third Reich
is where modern anti-cult fighters find their roots. To understand the entire chain of events, it is essential to know that Hitler,
in particular, and Nazism, in general, heavily relied on the Protestant church
and the anti-cult movements of that time.
165:00 - 165:30 Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism,
was known for his radical views. He actively fought against other Christian denominations
and religious movements, demanding the death penalty for citizens who understood faith
in Christ differently than he did. Moreover, Martin Luther was a fervent anti-Semite.
He declared that Jews were a misfortune for the German people, advocated burning their
synagogues and schools in the name of the Lord and Christianity, and stated that if he were
to baptize a Jew, he would lead him to a bridge,
165:30 - 166:00 tie a stone around his neck, and push him into the water.
These radical views of Martin Luther, which became the foundation of Protestantism,
later played a role in the growth and spread of Nazism. Hitler admired Luther and called him the greatest
German genius, and Protestant ministers, in turn, began to support Hitler's ideas. German Protestant
pastors infected with anticultism on the territory
166:00 - 166:30 of Germany are largely responsible
for the spread of Nazism among the German believers. The rise and development of Hitler's
ideology was based, among other things, on the Protestant and Catholic religions. Later, atheists were even banned
from joining the SS.
166:30 - 167:00 Thus, a supporter of Hitler was typically
a devout Protestant or Catholic. By 1932, Hitler's party, the NSDAP, received
60% of the vote among Protestant pastors. Support ranged from 90 to 100 percent in small
Protestant communities, especially in Bavaria. Historians assert that the Third Reich
began in Bavaria as early as 1932. As early as in 1921, in the Protestant Church,
the Apologetic Center was established — a prototype
167:00 - 167:30 of modern anti-cult organizations. Officially,
the Apologetic Center was supposed to monitor the activities of other religious movements
and inform the Protestant church community about them. In reality, the Apologetic Center began
collecting data on various cults, movements, circles, and other associations.
In 1932, Pastor Walter Künneth, an anti-Semite from Bavaria and the chief
editor of the Protestant publication "Word and Deed,"
167:30 - 168:00 became the head of the Apologetic
Center. This marked the beginning of a campaign against non-Christian movements
such as Anthroposophy, Darwinism, Monism, Spiritualism, and Occultism—movements that the Protestant church
viewed as competition. Lectures, and articles were produced on this topic, with many ideas
and methods inheriting an inquisitorial approach.
168:00 - 168:30 On April 26, 1933, Walter Künneth presented
a report titled "The Church and the Question" to the Federal Church Administration
in Berlin. In it, he called for the swift eradication of Judaism, which he described
as a foreign entity within the body of Germany. This report had a profound influence
on the final adoption of anti-Semitic policies. On December 16, 1933, the Gestapo noticed
and appreciated the work and methods of the Apologetic Center.
168:30 - 169:00 Thus, Walter Künneth united with Adolf Hitler
in the mission to eliminate Jewish influence on the life of the people. At the same
time, Künneth sought to permanently rid society of other religious and political minorities.
Künnet was really pleased with the Gestapo's interest in his work; this is what he wrote in his report
to the leadership of the Reich's Protestant Church:
169:00 - 169:30 "The Gestapo has expressed great interest
in the cult archives of the Apologetic Center, as well as our work in combating free thought, Marxism,
and Bolshevism. The Gestapo has expressed a desire to lead the fight against illegal free thought
alongside the Apologetic Center in the future. The exchange of materials between the Gestapo
and the Apologetic Center has already begun." From this point on, the staff of the Apologetic
Center began intensively supplying the Imperial
169:30 - 170:00 Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry
of Propaganda, and the Gestapo with materials about the political positions of various
religious communities. The Apologetic Center also collaborated with the Reich Ministry
of Propaganda, headed by Goebbels, and the Reich Ministry of the Interior.
This work focused on developing materials to combat Jews and cults. Lists of the so-called cults and sects,
that is, any groups the Apologetic
170:00 - 170:30 Center deemed dangerous to state ideology,
were maintained and constantly expanded. As a result, representatives
of the Apologetic Center, led by Walter Künneth, produced numerous slanderous pseudo-expert
reports. This defamation turned these groups, along with the Jews, into targets for the Nazi
dictatorship and subsequent brutal persecutions, including the deportation of their
members to concentration camps.
170:30 - 171:00 Historian Horst Junginger writes: "If in 1931
they counted about 150 religious and non-religious ideological communities for which data
were collected, and two years later about 250, then by 1936 the archival lists recorded about
500 groups and cults considered 'dangerous.'" It is also important to note that violent
methods that were later demonstrated by the Gestapo both before and during World War II
were borrowed from anti-cult organizations,
171:00 - 171:30 particularly the Apologetic Center organized
by the radical part of the Protestant Church. Prototypes of the anti-cult movement
have existed since remote antiquity. Persecution and execution of Jesus Christ,
establishment of the Inquisition — all of this and much more was practiced by the ancient predecessors
of modern anti-cultists. Throughout the centuries,
171:30 - 172:00 they adapted to external circumstances and changed
the form, but always maintaining their essence. Their weapon was and still is genocide in its
various forms. Thus, the radical views of the Apologetic Center were formed long before
the radical views of Adolf Hitler himself. Researchers note that Hitler "followed
Luther's instructions against the Jews precisely. Historians also emphasize that
the pre-existing anti-Semitism on the part
172:00 - 172:30 of the Church determined the character
of the German national movements, in other words, it determined Nazism itself. It means that
the radical vector against Jews and dissenters was determined long before the Gestapo emerged.
It is interesting that in 1933, immediately after its foundation, the Gestapo began to adopt
the experience and exchange documentation precisely with the anti-cult Apologetic Center.
Protestant pastors, who held radical views,
172:30 - 173:00 constantly urged the Gestapo itself to further
tighten its methods of combating Jews and dissent. For example, in 1942, the Bavarian Evangelical
Lutheran pastor Friedrich Auer even demanded from the Nazi government another St. Bartholomew's
Night, during which no Jew would be spared.
173:00 - 173:30 It is also interesting that after the war these pastors
were not prosecuted for their Nazi proclamations. Surprisingly, after the war, Walter Künneth
was not convicted for his anti-Semitic views and collaboration with the Gestapo, unlike many
other Nazis. On the contrary, Künneth received the Maximilian Order for Science and Art
and the Bavarian Order of Merit from the Free State of Bavaria. Starting in 1946, Walter Künneth
became a professor of Protestant theology
173:30 - 174:00 at the University of Erlangen in Bavaria.
Künneth was awarded the honorary title of "Church Counselor." Now you know that it was the anti-cultists
who were responsible for making Nazism so violent. They made Nazism such as the world knows it nowadays. Moreover, it was with the hands of the anti-cultists
of the past that Nazism was revived after World War II.
174:00 - 174:30 After the victory over Nazism, the international
community united to create the United Nations to maintain and strengthen international peace
and security, ensuring that humanity would never again experience the horrors of something like Nazism.
At that moment, many believed that Nazism was gone forever. However, in 1964, the Protestant Church
of Germany officially reinstated the position
174:30 - 175:00 of commissioner for sects and ideological questions
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria, appointing Pastor Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack
to the role. He became the successor to Künneth's Nazi legacy and the leading
ideologue of anti-cultism in Europe. In his studies of sects and cults in Bavaria,
Haack referred to the "Sektenerhebung" (“Study of Sects”) conducted by the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Bavaria in 1930. Here’s an interesting fact:
175:00 - 175:30 Haack studied Protestant theology
in Bavaria at the University of Nuremberg during the same years that Künneth was a professor
of Protestant theology there. At Haack's initiative, the name "Working Group on Religious
and Ideological Issues" from the Nazi regime was revived in the early 1970s. He adopted
an almost identical name from the Nazi era, the "Department for Religious
and Ideological Issues."
175:30 - 176:00 All this happened at a time when the world
and Germany were trying to live a new, free life, respecting everyone's rights. The flames of Nazism
that had engulfed Germany had been extinguished, leaving behind smoldering embers that would
have eventually died out on their own, leaving Nazism in the past forever — if not for Haack.
He thoroughly rejected the Universal
176:00 - 176:30 Declaration of Human Rights. He rejected what countries,
even those that had been enemies, had united for. He rejected the core values
accepted by the entire world —
values of unity and equality. In his "works," Haack declared:
"If we understand our faith correctly, we have no right to allow
'the others' to continue in their faith..." It was on Haack's initiative that lectures
and sermons about sectarians and cultists began
176:30 - 177:00 again in Bavaria, where Nazi ideas had always
been powerful. Haack provided instructions that Protestants or Catholics should treat sectarians
as subhuman. This reignited the flames of Nazism, and in 1988, 43 years after the fall
of the Third Reich, cries were heard once again in Bavaria towards dissenters:
"Hang them, shoot them all, Heil Hitler!" In 1990, the anticultist Haack compiled
a "blacklist" of new religious movements,
177:00 - 177:30 the so-called sects or cults. Only 16 years
later did the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany rule that defamation was being used
in the fight against these groups. But it was too late, as in those 16 years, the efforts of anti-cultists
had already rekindled and spread the flames of Nazism further.
177:30 - 178:00 Anticultists of the past
were the forerunners of modern anticultists. Anticultists never broke the direct line
of transmitting their knowledge and methods. Thus, modern anti-cult organizations were established
using the model of the Nazi Apologetic Center. Thus, after World War II, Wilhelm Haack helped
his "brother in faith," fellow anti-cult activist Johannes Aagaard, establish the Dialog Center
International in Denmark in 1973.
178:00 - 178:30 Although the center's name suggested peaceful dialogue,
it was merely a façade. In reality, Aagaard, like Künneth in the Apologetic Center,
was a Christian anti-cultist who sought to combat so-called totalitarian sects.
Aagaard publicly mocked the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — a symbol of a free society — calling it a neurosis
and claiming it was unnatural to human nature.
178:30 - 179:00 The Dialogue Center had branches
in Greece, England, India, Ireland, Russia, and Germany, where Haack served as vice president.
And who do you think became one of Aagaard's favorite students? The student whom Aagaard
would repeatedly defend in courts. You have already heard a lot about him today,
but now you will understand where he got all his methods.
179:00 - 179:30 The Dialogue Center's representative
in Russia was Alexander Dvorkin, Haack's pupil, and Aagaard's favorite student.
While in exile, Dvorkin closely collaborated with Haack, Aagaard, their follower Pastor Gandow,
and other European and American anticultists. Thus, Dvorkin directly and wholeheartedly adopted
the Nazi methods, modeling his work on centers aimed at combating all dissenting groups of people.
Orthodox Christianity in Russia
179:30 - 180:00 is now repeating the history of Protestantism
in Nazi Germany. During the Nazi era, anticultism was introduced into Protestantism through
the radical views of Martin Luther. And now, in the same way, Russian anticultism
led by RACIRS has infiltrated Orthodoxy and is poisoning it from within. History is repeating itself.
The Irenaeus of Lyons Center, created by Dvorkin in 1993(!)
under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church,
180:00 - 180:30 completely mirrors the Nazi Apologetic Center
established by Künneth. This center claims its mission is religious research. Yet, in reality,
it acts as a tool of harmful informational propaganda against new religious movements, ideological
associations, and even business structures. Does your Center in the name
of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyon currently monitor those networking activities?
Well, of course, we do our best whenever possible.
180:30 - 181:00 Also, we need to take another
stratum into account: that there is a huge number of non-religious cults.
I mean all sorts of personal development trainings… Commercial ones, so to speak.
Commercial ones as well. They are different. Commercial ones include multi-level
marketing organizations, for instance, Amway, or Herbalife as the most famous one.
Although, again, there are very, very many of them. In fact, those are psycho-cults, I mean, pseudo-psychological
cults. In other words, all kinds of trainings
181:00 - 181:30 of personal growth, of increasing inner
awareness, how to discover femininity or masculinity in oneself, how to win the hearts
of the opposite sex, and many, many various types. Dvorkin introduces the term "totalitarian sect"
and, like Künneth, conducts lectures, and writes articles on the dangers of sects and cults
and the rejection of cultists by followers of the dominant religion. Similarly to Künneth and Haack, Dvorkin compiles
lists of totalitarian sects that,
181:30 - 182:00 in his opinion, threaten religion and the state.
In his addresses and lectures, Dvorkin even uses the same rhetoric as the Nazis of the past.
For example, Haack categorically rejected the Declaration of Human Rights as unnecessary.
Dvorkin stated that today's weakness in Europe is a direct consequence of replacing its
Christian soul with so-called "universal values," which, in reality, mean nothing.
Do you remember how Künneth said that Judaism
182:00 - 182:30 represented a foreign cell in Germany's body
that needed to be eliminated? Dvorkin claims that: Cults bring no benefit to society.
We don't know cultists who are writers, artists, music composers, philosophers and so on.
They only drain society of its vital resources. Just like a cancerous tumor pulls the vital resources
from the body until it eventually destroys it. The IMPACT
182:30 - 183:00 Another method that modern anti-cult groups have
incorporated from Nazism into contemporary practice is the creation of blacklists of organizations
and groups which they have labeled as sects or cults, and which, in their opinion, should be eradicated.
They regularly update these lists with new religious movements,
making them targets for attacks. Naturally, this is presented as a necessary measure
to ensure society's safety in the face
183:00 - 183:30 of potential threats. Yet, let’s go back
to the Nazi times so as to draw one more parallel. When the NSDAP seized power in Germany
and anti-cultists joined forces with them to fight against religious movements that supposedly
posed a "threat to the nation," the situation for religious minorities began to deteriorate
significantly. In 1938, the "Guidelines
183:30 - 184:00 to Combating Sects" was published, leading
to extremely dire consequences for many dissenters. According to the Guidelines, the danger
of sects and cults manifested in the following: Educating followers to have egocentric
views and indifference towards all matters concerning the people and the state.
Refusal to take oaths and give the German salute. Rejection of compulsory military service.
Rejection of taking on positions in state and movement organizations
Refusal to participate in workplace
184:00 - 184:30 assemblies and to work in the armaments industry.
Rejection of the National Socialist racial theory. Similarly, Dvorkin, on the portal he created, the "Information and Consultation
Center of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon," posted a list of organizations he labeled
as "destructive cults" and "totalitarian sects." Each criticized organization has a page
featuring a list of negative publications about it from various media sources,
which were apparently initiated by the Center itself.
184:30 - 185:00 The style of these publications
about different organizations is very similar. They are filled with identical
emotional and judgemental headlines and descriptions and extensively
use emotionally charged language — in essence, hate speech. This includes deliberate defamation
and the portrayal of members of the criticized groups with dehumanizing labels such
as "zombies," "rapists," "slaves," "beasts," and other dehumanizing epithets. By means of similar
rhetoric, in their time Nazis dehumanized Jews.
185:00 - 185:30 Now you see the lists compiled by
the Nazis on one side, and for comparison, the list compiled by the leader of the Russian
terrorist anti-cult group, Alexander Dvorkin, on the other. As you can clearly see, the anti-cultist
list encompasses virtually all religious minorities in the Russian Federation,
including even some representatives of Orthodoxy
185:30 - 186:00 whose views differ from the mainline
of the country's official religion. Additionally, the list includes some business
enterprises and secular organizations. Similar lists can be found on the websites
of other anti-cult organizations, and among those lists, you can also find
a large number of secular organizations in addition to religious ones. These include
various medical, sports, social, research,
186:00 - 186:30 and scientific organizations. In total, millions of people
have already been labeled by the anti-cultists. This demonstrates the unimaginable
scale of the campaign of harassment against innocent people
that the anti-cult movement has launched worldwide.
186:30 - 187:00 The primary objective of the lists
of the so-called “sects” is to precisely identify to society, law enforcement, and authorities
the so-called dangerous antisocial elements that must be fought against,
even to the point of complete eradication. We can see the consequences of creating
such lists in the rise of Nazism in Germany. It is known that a directive signed
by Reinhard Heydrich, the head of internal security
187:00 - 187:30 in Nazi Germany, established the procedure
for suppressing certain religious societies and sects, as well as arresting and sending
all associated individuals to concentration camps. Among other things,
it contains the following lines: "... Immediate measures will be
taken against ... organizations, clubs, unions, and circles, as well as
against leaders and individual people... All organizations, clubs, unions, circles,
etc. — all without exception will be purged;
187:30 - 188:00 existing materials (specifically address
lists, card indexes, correspondence, equipment, occult items, writing supplies,
and any property) will be confiscated; they will be dissolved and banned;
simultaneous searches will be conducted in the homes of leading members of circles,
as well as those suspected of possessing such materials...
188:00 - 188:30 Persons dedicated to secret teachings
and sciences ... are subject to arrest in all cases... their activities will be banned without exception,
under threat of the harshest measures from the state police. In each individual case,
they must be sent to a concentration camp... This operation must be carried
out throughout the entire Reich... if possible between 7:00 and 9:00 AM."
Just as anti-cultists did in Nazi Germany,
188:30 - 189:00 Dvorkin and his network of anti-cult groups
provide authorities with materials about representatives of the so-called cults and sects.
Dvorkin's Center issues defamatory expert opinions on the nature of various groups, prompting
authorities to investigate and prosecute them. This slander against innocent people
in Russia, just as in the Third Reich,
189:00 - 189:30 already results in brutal persecution and physical
reprisals against citizens. The ideas promoted by Dvorkin reflect the same Nazi stance expressed
by Haack, Kühnert, and Hitler: hatred of dissent, intolerance, rejection of pacifism,
and justification of violence. And this is just one example of many anti-cultists,
but it is enough to see their direct connection to Nazism.
189:30 - 190:00 These are direct proofs
that Nazism never disappeared; it has merely changed its form and adapted
to new external circumstances. Yet, we can observe a direct line
of transmission of knowledge, experience, and methods for combating dissenting groups
of people with the aim of their complete eradication. Representatives of global anti-cultism use all
Nazi methodologies, but for their purposes, they have expanded and refined them.
Thus, the flame of Nazism has intensified.
190:00 - 190:30 Now you see evidence proving that global
anti-cultism is a formidable force that has already gained significant
power and is striving towards its goal: the complete destruction of democratic values
and the establishment of a new Fourth Reich. The IMPACT
190:30 - 191:00 CHAPTER 4. ANTI-CULTISM CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY The path where citizens' freedoms
are trampled upon amidst their own approving cheers leads only to one end.
It seems that you have started to forget about this. And those who do not remember their
past are doomed to relive it. Therefore, I will remind you of the final destination
of this path humanity now treads and the depth
191:00 - 191:30 of the abyss into which anti-cultists
and the hidden shadow force behind them are pushing it. One person once said with frightening prescience
that where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people as well. And shortly thereafter,
all of humanity witnessed firsthand the embodiment
191:30 - 192:00 of this prediction, or rather just logical
reasoning, in the horrors brought by Nazism. The citizens of Germany barely had time
to react before the Nazi party transformed from a fringe group into the country's leading
political force, bringing with it terror, war,
192:00 - 192:30 and genocide. Today, Nazism is remembered
as the embodiment of extreme hatred, intolerance, discrimination, and totalitarianism –
everything that is inhumane and anti-human. So now you know that Nazism
in its most atrocious form was instigated by the anti-cultists of that time.
All those methods used by the Nazis were typical of the anti-cultists from the most ancient
times, and they rely on them even now.
192:30 - 193:00 During the rise of Nazism, the anti-cultists
instilled in Hitler and his henchmen the belief that only through fear could they
conquer the world and win people's love. That it was the fastest and most effective
way to gain total power. And so it happened. One of the main methods the Nazis resorted
to at that time was genocide of individual dissenting groups and of entire nations.
And if you closely examine the history of humanity,
193:00 - 193:30 it becomes clear that genocide
has always been a tool to strengthen the power of those who stand at the root
of the modern form of anti-cultism. Now, let's recall where it all started during the Nazi
era and draw a parallel to how the anti-cultists operate now. Nazis, at the instigation of their anti-cultist advisors,
193:30 - 194:00 acted in a planned and systematic manner,
preparing public opinion through propaganda or, rather,
through the manipulation of mass consciousness, convincing the German population
to the necessity of war and genocide. Now, I will provide clear examples
of what the present-day anti-cult movement already represents at its core and what it could
degenerate into if it remains unexposed.
194:00 - 194:30 GENOCIDE The sequence of actions and the destructive
focus of anti-cult organizations clearly indicate that they ultimately lead to the same
outcomes as those brought about by Nazism. Right now, in front of the global community,
the international terrorist network of anti-cultists is preparing the world for a new genocide.
As a result of their actions, millions of people
194:30 - 195:00 have already been labeled as members of "cults,"
putting them in the position of potential victims. Those of you who have studied what genocide
is understand that it is a process that unfolds over time. It does not happen in a day.
Society is systematically and gradually prepared for genocide. This process has rather specific stages
that can be described and, most importantly -
195:00 - 195:30 recognized when they are being put into action.
Genocide refers to any actions committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part,
a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Common risk factors include societal
instability, increasing intolerance, systematic human rights violations,
lack of state protection for the population, and the presence of motives
and incentives in the information
195:30 - 196:00 field that justify the use of force
against specific population groups. The first stage of planned genocide
is the dehumanization mentioned above. The process and all its stages can be vividly
observed in the example of the Holocaust. After the Nazis came to power, they began the first
stage: propaganda that Jews were not human
196:00 - 196:30 and that they posed a threat to society.
Caricatures and articles demonizing Jews started to emerge. The myth of a global Jewish conspiracy
was actively promoted. Gradually, people (the German population) became convinced
that Jews were indeed a threat to them and their children. Similarly, anti-cultists are currently
targeting various religious groups,
196:30 - 197:00 branding future victims as "cultists"
through informational terrorism. This tactic implants the notion in society
that a "cultist" is equivalent to "less than human." Now, I want to draw your attention to another fact.
Propaganda, like terrorism, works in two directions simultaneously. One direction
is the planned activity aimed at the potential target,
197:00 - 197:30 and the other is the actions directed
at everyone else, the general public. That is, at the witnesses of the crime being committed.
Because to carry out such an operation, as the Nazis did at that time and as the anti-cultists are doing now,
the approval of the society is required. If not active support, then at least silent agreement
and non-resistance. And for this, they first need to convince people that those the anti-cultists
have chosen as their targets are dangerous to society
197:30 - 198:00 and pose a potential threat. The public is first
intimidated, their vigilance is lulled, and then, by deception, they are drawn to the anti-cultists
side, making them accomplices to the crime. Back then, during the Holocaust, the German people
became accomplices in the genocide of the Jewish people. Now, the accomplices
to the crimes of anti-cultism
198:00 - 198:30 are the people of Russia and those countries
where anti-cultists are freely allowed to operate, where they still feel a sense
of impunity and unchecked power. Just as the Nazis once marked Jews
with a yellow star, anti-cultists now brand dissenters
with the label "cultist," which, in their interpretation, designates
the target that can and should be destroyed. And take note, those who marked Jews with yellow
stars may not have personally killed anyone,
198:30 - 199:00 but in doing so, they incited
violence among others. This is precisely what anti-cultists
are doing now, opening a hunt on individuals and organizations they deem undesirable.
Through covert manipulations, they incite all others to commit acts of violence
while remaining on the sidelines themselves. This first stage of potential genocide became
possible as soon as the anti-cult movement
199:00 - 199:30 emerged, branding ordinary people simply
for what they believe in, as soon as the labels "cultist" and "totalitarian sect" appeared.
This stage has already been reached in modern society. The second stage of a planned genocide
is discrimination. This is when a branded individual or group is stripped of their
human status as full membership of society,
199:30 - 200:00 effectively ousting them from the social sphere. In Nazi Germany, Jews were initially prohibited from holding certain positions.
They were banned from working as doctors, serving in the military or police,
and teaching in higher education institutions There were too many Jewish doctors, too many
Jewish lawyers, too many Jewish businessmen, too many Jewish journalists… too many Jewish bankers.
The Nazis then could play upon this broader sense that the Jews had overstepped,
the Jews had become inordinately influential.
200:00 - 200:30 Gradually, they were excluded from all
professions. After the so-called Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted in 1935,
Jews were further restricted in their freedom of movement. From then on, they could only live
in designated areas, the ghettos.
200:30 - 201:00 Today, people are already facing religious
discrimination in countries where the anti-cultists have significant influence.
For instance, leading European Union countries, Germany and France, have faced
criticism for reviving practices that can be seen as "religious purges." For example, Germany has implemented
a practice known as the "cult filter." This procedure requires individuals seeking
employment or conducting business with government institutions and companies
to confirm that they are not members
201:00 - 201:30 of theScientology Church and do not apply
methods developed by L. Ron Hubbard. Suppose the answer is yes,
and the person does affiliate with the Church of Scientology or has attended
their lectures in the last three years. In that case, they will never
be hired by a government agency or even a private company or association
that has contracts with a government agency. Such measures apply to a wide range
of professions, such as tennis coaches,
201:30 - 202:00 gardeners, IT experts, instructors, trash bag
suppliers, web designers, translators, etc. Legal practice in Germany already has dozens
of court decisions that have deemed such "cult filters" illegal (including some issued
by the highest federal courts). These rulings cite the violation of Scientology's
rights to equality and non-discrimination,
202:00 - 202:30 referring to Article 4 of the German Constitution,
which guarantees freedom of religion. However, sanctions and penalties resulting
from these court decisions seem to have no effect on some federal states, such as Bavaria, where the practice of "cult filters" continues
to be applied today despite judicial prohibitions. Thus, it can be asserted
that the second stage of genocide, the stage of discrimination, is already being
implemented in several countries right now,
202:30 - 203:00 where groups of people labeled by anti-cultists
face social isolation, job dismissals, prohibition to freely express their views,
forceful persecution, and imprisonment. It is clear that to prevent genocide,
we must eradicate discrimination and prejudice in all forms and combat the spread of hatred
and hostility based on ethnic, religious,
203:00 - 203:30 and other distinguishing characteristics. However, the most tragic aspect of this stage
of discrimination against an unjustly branded religious organization is the reaction
of the witnesses to such actions. At this stage, it is no longer just silent agreement;
in many cases, such events are met with approval. By this point, the preliminary psychological
conditioning of the masses has convinced them
203:30 - 204:00 that these "cultists" deserve their fate,
viewing them almost like carriers of a contagion that could infect others. The fear of being associated
with cults, the fear of public condemnation, shame, and the fear of being isolated
from society, just like the victims, compels people to approve of the discrimination
against innocent individuals. Therefore, with each
204:00 - 204:30 new wave of escalating tension around the targeted
organization and each new information attack, fewer people remain who can objectively assess
the situation and contribute to preventing genocide. Similarly, once the German population
was convinced that if the authorities treated Jews in a certain way,
it meant they deserved it. What was the reaction of the German people
to the new discriminatory laws?
204:30 - 205:00 People openly supported them, and public
support for Hitler significantly increased. Similar laws are now being implemented
in Russia, modern Germany, France, and other countries regarding representatives
of religious minorities whom anti-cultists have labeled as followers of totalitarian sects.
These people are subjected to persecution, raids, forcibly coerced to abandon their beliefs, deprived
of their freedom, and placed in labor camps.
205:00 - 205:30 Notice that this kind of discrimination against
individuals labeled as cultists in your modern society is already perceived as something quite
logical and even natural. Mostly, these people are left to fend for themselves, and only these religious
movements targeted by anti-cultists take
205:30 - 206:00 care of protecting their interests. However, their efforts,
all attempts to defend themselves against lawlessness and deliberate persecution,
are not supported by other people, that is, society. The image of a cult prevails in people's
minds over simple human qualities, conscience, and empathy for others' suffering.
If you see something like this in your mind,
206:00 - 206:30 know this —you are a potential victim of genocide. I remind you of the expression that accurately
reflects the situation you are currently in: First they came for the socialists,
and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist.
206:30 - 207:00 Then they came for the Jews,
and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me. Remember: first, you become a silent accomplice
to the crime, and then you become its victim. As you know from history,
Nazism did not stop at the stage of discrimination.
207:00 - 207:30 The third stage of planned
genocide is persecution. In German society of those years,
a growing sentiment was imposed that the measures taken were insufficient,
that the threat from Jews still existed, and that the problem had not been
resolved. Transitioning to this stage witnessed a surge in instances
where Germans themselves began to assail Jews,
207:30 - 208:00 dispensing vigilante justice. Pogroms erupted
in ghettos, with Germans shattering the windows of establishments owned by Jews, spitting
in their faces, and pelting them with stones. And mind you, Nazi propaganda didn't rely on facts
and logic; its aim was to evoke maximum emotion, to intimidate, to instill a perpetual sense
of alarm, and to direct people toward
208:00 - 208:30 an enemy upon whom they had every right
to vent their fury, to release the pent-up tension. The Nazi propaganda machine managed
to convince the German people so effectively that Jews posed a threat
to their personal well-being and the well-being of the country as a whole
that Germans themselves began to appeal to the government to take action to rid them
of the fear of the threat supposedly posed by Jews.
208:30 - 209:00 Ultimately, the Nazis resorted to open
persecution; Jews were shipped to Auschwitz and several other concentration camps.
Well, as for what happened in those camps,
209:00 - 209:30 you already know all too well.
An entire people were systematically exterminated, innocent individuals,
even children, for absolutely no reason. And just as unjustly, millions of dissenters
are now under threat. Because until the final stage, the climax of events,
209:30 - 210:00 there remains just one step. And when that
step will be taken – it's a matter of time. The entire process from the rise
of Nazism, from the first acts of discrimination against Jews to the first
mass execution in a concentration camp, did not take much time. Today, the anti-cult
movement, as a branch of global anti-cultism, has been around since 1993, roughly 30 years.
And the peak of its manifestation is a matter of,
210:00 - 210:30 perhaps, five years; maybe a year, or even a single day. And I'm not exaggerating. It all depends on the bridges they have already built,
the behind-the-scenes political maneuvers they have conducted, and the tactical and strategic
steps they have taken to close this trap.
210:30 - 211:00 Right now, anyone labeled by anti-cultists
as a cultist is a potential target, just like the Jews who were once herded into gas chambers
to suffocate or had their skin stripped off alive to preserve its elasticity for the gloves
for some high-ranking official. Do you think such things can't happen in our time? You simply don't know what anti-cultists
are already doing today.
211:00 - 211:30 The IMPACT In China, what the anti-cultists in Russia and Europe
aspire to is already happening — legislative bans on alternative religious movements and the transition to the third stage of persecution,
involving brutal physical reprisals against stigmatized victims. For instance, the Chinese authorities,
with the involvement of anti-cult organizations, initiated a ruthless campaign
of persecution against followers of Falun Dafa.
211:30 - 212:00 THE FALUN DAFA CASE:
TERROR IN CHINA Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) is a religious
movement that emerged in the early 1990s, based on traditional Chinese
qigong health exercises, and quickly became very popular in China. The number of practitioners grew rapidly, and by 1997, it numbered
tens of millions of people.
212:00 - 212:30 The practice of Falun Gong was
independent of party control, which is an unprecedented
phenomenon in China. This led to tense relations between the Falun Dafa
movement and the Chinese government. State media and the propaganda apparatus
were mobilized to demonize Falun Gong, turn public opinion against it, and legitimize
further persecution of its members.
212:30 - 213:00 We must listen to the words of the Party Follow atheism, denounce Falun Gong keep your faith in Communism Chinese Communist Party,
putting out just massive volumes of disinformation and propaganda
denouncing Falun Gong, demonizing them.
213:00 - 213:30 Just as Dvorkin introduced the term
"totalitarian cult" into active usage, the Chinese authorities of that time
incorporated the terms "cult" and "evil cult" into their discriminatory rhetoric. In these regions, such terms carry
very negative connotations and are associated with
a specific negative historical context. This seemingly insignificant yet
very effective tool allowed them to initiate one of the most
brutal hate campaigns in their history.
213:30 - 214:00 This is that very first stage,
the same one the Nazis started with. For a long time, Falun Gong practitioners
believed that the media writing defamatory articles about them simply
did not understand the essence of their movement. However, it soon became apparent that this was
an organized and deliberate campaign of harassment. The events that followed
took a tragic turn.
214:00 - 214:30 In 1999, the Chinese parliament passed
the Resolution on Banning Heretical Cults. This decision meant
that the Falun Dafa movement and any other unofficial religious
movements were now prohibited by law. The law also stipulated that those
who allegedly committed especially serious" acts
within cult organizations would be subject to imprisonment
for seven years to life or even the death penalty.
214:30 - 215:00 Although the law did not
explicitly mention Falun Gong, it was clearly aimed at its practitioners. After the resolution was passed, a wave of repression
began in the country. Falun Gong practitioners
were arrested, imprisoned, and sent to labor camps where
they were subjected to cruel treatment, beatings, torture, and,
as it was later revealed, forced organ harvesting for subsequent
transplantation in Chinese clinics.
215:00 - 215:30 This was conducted on a scale
comparable to "industrial" production. “ the doctors instructed him
to take out the eyeballs.” “And I said, ‘I can't do it, I can't’.” “There are 41,500 transplants
which have no other explained source.” “I'm absolutely convinced that over
a long period from 1999 onwards, organ harvesting from prisoners has been
taking place, especially with Falun Gong.”
215:30 - 216:00 “And when someone comes into the country
that needs a heart, a liver, a kidney, they find a match, they take
the Falun Gong practitioner, extract their organs, of course,
killing them in the process.” Investigator: “Um, so, on your side, can you guarantee
that there will be enough live organs from prisoners, for example, Falun Gong practitioners?” Receptionist: “Yes, we can. You can come over,
and we can talk about it in more detail.”
216:00 - 216:30 Simultaneously, there was round-the-clock
propaganda in the media, book burnings, and a purge within the party
ranks to eliminate potential sympathizers or supporters
of the Falun Gong movement. To eradicate Falun Gong, a special agency
called "Office 610" was established by order of the former leader of China, endowed with a wide range of powers. Agents of "Office 610"
were not bound by any laws
216:30 - 217:00 in their use of methods to force Falun Gong
practitioners to renounce their beliefs. This lack of restrictions allowed
them to employ ruthless torture, which led to the death of many
Falun Gong adherents. Chinese lawyers compare "Office 610"
to Hitler's Gestapo in terms of its functions. More than 3,500 deaths of Falun Gong
practitioners have been documented
217:00 - 217:30 and recognized as resulting from the repression. The officially registered number
of those imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong exceeds 100,000. Unofficial estimates suggest
that the actual figures could be much higher, considering the strict
information control in China and the real danger faced by those attempting
to investigate law enforcement actions.
217:30 - 218:00 “Police woman beat me. Yeah. This is my friend, Sun Shuxiang. She was persecuted, died in China.” “Was taken in the middle
of the night into a labor camp.” “And they started dragging my dad away.” “They arrested my grandma, tortured her.
They burned her back so much to the point she couldn't stand up straight anymore.” “Around 10 people [were] holding me,
218:00 - 218:30 and then they had people, like,
who stuck a very thick tube into my nose. I was vomiting. The food and blood
and everything coming out of my mouth.” The global community's attention was
drawn to the repression of Falun Dafa by the publication of a report
by two independent human rights advocates. After conducting an investigation, they confirmed cases of mass forced organ
harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in prisons, with the organs subsequently
sold for transplantation.
218:30 - 219:00 "We have concluded that the government of China
and its agencies in numerous parts of the country, in particular hospitals but also
detention centres and 'people's courts', since 1999 have put to death a large but unknown number
of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. Their vital organs, including
hearts, kidneys, livers and corneas, were virtually simultaneously
seized involuntarily for sale at high prices,
219:00 - 219:30 sometimes to foreigners, who normally face long waits for voluntary
donations of such organs in their home countries." To convey the full horror
of what these people face, here is an excerpt from
an interview with a police officer who witnessed the murders
of Falun Dafa practitioners, published by the World Organization
to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong:
219:30 - 220:00 Witness: We had been interrogating
and severely torturing her for about a week. She already had countless
wounds on her body. Also, [we] used electrical
batons to beat her. She had already become delirious. However, we didn’t know at this time, it was possibly a certain office in the Public
Security Bureau of Liaoning Province [anyway, it was a very secretive office]
that sent two people over.
220:00 - 220:30 One of them was a military surgeon
from the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region
of People's Liberation Army [PLA], and the other one was a graduate
of the Second Military Medical University. Specifically, one of them
was relatively old, and the other one was young. They were doing something
to her in an operating room of the mental hospital she was sent to. No anesthetics were used. They cut her chest with a knife
without shaking their hands.
220:30 - 221:00 If it were me, I would be shaking. Although I am an armed police, I held guns, I participated
in live ammunition maneuvers, and I had seen many corpses, but when I saw
these military surgeons, I was really impressed. Their hands didn’t shake at all; they put on their surgical mask
and started cutting immediately. At that time, we [armed policemen]
were standing on guard each with a pistol in hand.
221:00 - 221:30 It sounded like something
was being ripped apart, and then she continued “ah”. Since then she always had
her mouth wide open, with both her eyes wide open [Her] heart was carved out first,
next were the kidneys. When her cardiac vessels were cut
by the scissors, she started twitching. It was extremely horrible.
..." Can you imagine that all this is
happening today in the 21st century? This is no longer just propaganda; these are concrete actions.
221:30 - 222:00 Looking at this example, you can see the ultimate fate
of a person branded as a cultist, stripped of their legal rights and freedoms, and deprived of their human status. These horrific things occur
when people allow their rights and freedoms to be trampled upon, are intimidated by a series
of psychological terror tactics, and remain silent, thinking
it does not concern them. Do you really think that something
or someone will protect you
222:00 - 222:30 from the same fate if you allow
democracy to perish? It is noteworthy that during the period
of repression against Falun Gong followers, representatives from RACIRS and FECRIS
visited China on business trips. In other words, the anti-cultists
actively participated in these events and openly expressed
their support for the ruling party's actions. Some members of the French group CCMM,
associated with FECRIS, were invited to were invited
to a conference in Beijing in 2000,
222:30 - 223:00 whose primary purpose
was to criticize Falun Gong. At that time, human rights violations
were already widely criticized by Western governments, the UN, and human rights organizations such
as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Nevertheless, FECRIS members cooperated
with the Chinese authorities in denouncing Falun Gong
without hesitation. Similarly, their Russian counterparts, represented
by the ideological center of the anti-cultists
223:00 - 223:30 and its leader, Alexander Dvorkin,
did the same. The cooperation between Russian anti-cultists
and their Chinese counterparts began at the very onset of the discrimination
against Falun Gong practitioners in China. In 2001, Zhang Baichun, a Chinese
specialist in cults, visited Nizhny Novgorod. He participated in an anti-cult
conference organized by Alexander Dvorkin
and the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. One of the official purposes of his visit
to Russia was to exchange experiences.
223:30 - 224:00 However, what occurred during
unofficial interactions and what instructions Dvorkin might have given to his Chinese
colleague remains a mystery. In 2008, Alexander Dvorkin
himself visited China on a working trip at the invitation
of the Chinese Association for Research of Cults. During this trip, he appeared in Chinese media and spoke about the allegedly destructive
and aggressive nature of the Falun Dafa movement. "Thus, Falun Gong is a rigid
totalitarian sect, or destructive cult,
224:00 - 224:30 whose members are used by its leader
in his vendetta against the Chinese government, while he himself is used by American intelligence
agencies for their foreign policy objectives," stated Alexander Dvorkin in his report "The Destructive Cult
Falun Gong: The Art of Political Manipulation", presented at the 16th International Christmas
Educational Readings on January 30, 2008. The paradox of this situation is that atheistic
China allowed a Russian Orthodox anti-cultist
224:30 - 225:00 to conduct propaganda on its territory. Why? This is at a time when in China, Orthodox Christianity is also
basically treated as a cult. However, this did not prevent the Chinese
authorities from openly inviting researcher of cults and letting him
speak on local media. By what principle was he an Orthodox
chosen for this mission?
225:00 - 225:30 How did he earn such authority
among the Chinese Communist Party? Additionally, during the time
when a new wave of accusations hit China for organ harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners, Orthodox Archpriest and Russian
anti-cultist Alexander Novopashin was invited to China for a conference on
combating Falun Gong in the city of Harbin. As some researchers of the Falun Gong
persecution in China assert, it was precisely the experience
of Russian anti-cultists and their "manuals" that their
Chinese accomplices relied on.
225:30 - 226:00 is why they were able to advance to the stage
of physical reprisals more quickly. They didn't need to invent anything new; adopting methods already tested
on Russian citizens was enough. With the support of their
ideological instigators - representatives of anti-cult organizations
(including RACIRS and FECRIS), the Chinese authorities
initiated persecution and imprisonment in labor camps
of Falun Gong practitioners. There, they began vivisecting their chests,
because they were supposedly no longer human.
226:00 - 226:30 There are plenty of such cases. If you think it's just some random lunatics
committing these acts, you're mistaken. It's a streamlined production line
involving government agencies, law enforcement, doctors, military medics,
and, of course, anti-cult organizations – the main suppliers of victims for the butchers. And this is China, which is now striving
for geopolitical leadership on the world stage.
226:30 - 227:00 A country where dissenters
are herded into labor camps, treated like beasts of burden,
and the healthier among them are harvested for use
in black transplantology. Because according to their logic, the state is not obliged to support
them at its own expense, so they must pay and pay
with pieces of their bodies and their lives. There are thousands of horrifying torture
stories involving Falun Dafa practitioners that have been made public. Hundreds of thousands,
possibly even millions,
227:00 - 227:30 of other cases remain
hidden from the public eye. In China, censorship severely restricts access
to and dissemination of information. It is particularly disturbing
that these persecutions have not ceased to this day. Information about the ongoing persecutions, as of 2024, is regularly updated
on the official Falun Gong website. Thus, based on the grim experience
of religious repression in China and the presented facts about the activities
of the anti-cult movement in Russia and Europe,
227:30 - 228:00 the true aim of these anti-cult
organizations becomes evident. (Text unrecognizable) It is not by chance that the mass organ
harvesting cases involving Falun Dafa practitioners became known to the public. The Chinese authorities intentionally
allowed this information to leak so that these crimes
would be documented and proven.
228:00 - 228:30 This is their "guillotine"
in the central square. It serves as a warning of what will
happen to anyone they perceive as a threat to their power. This is an act of informational terrorism, bringing the entire country to its knees
and forcing people into a state of subjugation. What is happening in China is an illustrative
example that the methods and legacy of Nazism are alive, masked
under the guise of combating religious dissent. Millions of ordinary people
practicing their religion
228:30 - 229:00 have fallen victim to an old,
proven method that, at the instigation of anti-cultists, was used by the Nazis
of the Third Reich during World War II. The Nazis justified mass extermination
of people by declaring that they were soulless animals unworthy of mercy. These methods are being put
into practice today, in your time, by the anti-cultists of the Fourth Reich.
229:00 - 229:30 What do you think they have planned
for those already marked with a "yellow star"? They have already targeted around
60 million members of religious minorities and have begun a planned attack
on several secular and political organizations. The next person to be labeled a "cultist"—
and therefore "not a person"— could be anyone. And God help you if you find
yourself in their victims' place.
229:30 - 230:00 Everyone should understand that
if global anti-cultism reached its ultimate goal and democracy was destroyed, one day, you would wake up in a totalitarian
world where, at any moment, your organs could be cut out alive
and without anesthesia without even asking you. I have said it before and will say it again:
230:00 - 230:30 "If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led,
like sheep to the slaughter." Now is the time to regain your sanity
and examine what is happening right before your eyes. Anti-cultism is a phenomenon
that should never have existed in our society.
230:30 - 231:00 Anti-cultism today is a new form of Nazism. Let me put it this way:
the concentration camps are already built. There are already camps where doctors
remove organs without anesthesia, and these will become torture chambers and true concentration camps
for millions of people tomorrow. For them, you are all on
the verge of becoming slaves; you are all already
in the midst of a Holocaust. Thus, in accordance with the Convention
on the Prevention and Punishment
231:00 - 231:30 of the Crime of Genocide, adopted on December 9,
1948, and ratified by 153 countries, the activities of members of anti-cult organizations
and their accomplices are qualified as genocide. According to the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court, adopted on July 17, 1998,
and ratified by 124 countries,
231:30 - 232:00 the activities of members
of anti-cult organizations and their accomplices are qualified
as genocide and crimes against humanity. In accordance with the Convention on
the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, adopted by United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 2391 (XXIII) on November 26, 1968, crimes against humanity
are considered among the gravest crimes,
232:00 - 232:30 even if these acts do not constitute
a violation of the internal laws of the country in which they were committed. Crimes against humanity
have no statute of limitations, regardless of when they were committed and whether
they were committed during wartime or peacetime. Representatives of the terrorist
network of anti-cult groups have not limited their targets
to specific organizations and their members.
232:30 - 233:00 They carried out a successful campaign
to demonize an entire nation. The goal of this campaign was to prepare
the public in their targeted country for aggression against this nation
and to justify the extremely brutal and ruthless actions that were
subsequently taken against its people. In fact, the anti-cultists orchestrated and legalized a genocide against
an entire nation – the people of Ukraine.
233:00 - 233:30 THE “UKRAINE” CASE Representatives and accomplices
of the anti-cult movement made a series of outrageous statements
about Ukrainians and Ukraine as a whole. These defamatory statements began
to surface many years before the military conflict
between Ukraine and Russia as a preparatory stage of propaganda
aimed at shaping public opinion, injecting, and ingraining necessary
narratives in people's minds. These statements have only intensified
233:30 - 234:00 and taken on more radical forms now that the military conflict is in its active phase. "You don't know where to run." "And in general, the situation
with mass hysteria we observe in Ukraine resembles, in essence,
what happens in cults." One of the first to spread the idea
that Ukraine is afflicted by Satanism, which is linked to Nazism, was Vladimir Rogatin,
a corresponding member of the European Federation of Centres of Research
and Information on Sectarianism (FECRIS).
234:00 - 234:30 By a remarkable coincidence, this individual conducts
his activities in Ukraine while also being an active
mouthpiece for Russian anti-cultists. In 2014, he began explaining
the cause of the Euromaidan by attributing it to the harmful
influence of new religious movements. He added that they were also behind what happened in Ukraine in 2004,
namely the Orange Revolution. "Discrimination has reached
a qualitatively different level.
234:30 - 235:00 We must acknowledge that it wasn’t
just Orthodox Christians and Uniates; there were also neo-pagans, Baptists, and various
movements involved in the Maidan protests." This completely aligned with the opinions
of FECRIS Vice-President Alexander Dvorkin, who had previously made
similar statements: "We saw that the first Maidan was
driven entirely by neo-Pentecostals, who were the main active forces. The second Maidan had a more complex
religious component, involving not only cults,
235:00 - 235:30 but also the Uniate Church,
which belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. However, Ukrainian Uniates
are a special case, and in many ways, in general they have,
you could say, a cultist mindset as well. Well, there were also neo-pagans
and Scientologists too..." Similar sentiments were expressed by the RACIRS
Vice-President Alexander Novopashin: "So, what did the Ukrainians do — or rather,
their American curators and mentors?
235:30 - 236:00 They began to direct these destructive
cults and organizations. Remember the saying:
if you can’t beat them, lead them. Surprisingly, it was the American intelligence agencies
who first started fighting the cults. But they failed. Then, they decided to try to control
the cult leaders through bribery, intimidation, and so on. It worked. The same thing was done in Ukraine. Now, totalitarian sects
(that is, destructive cults), while continuing their main
destructive activities,
236:00 - 236:30 have also started working
for the Ukrainian regime. Neo-Pentecostals and neo-pagans
took an active part in the Orange Revolutions,
for example, on the Maidan. There, they gained considerable
'combat' experience and can now be used to organize
and sustain street riots in Russia." In the same 2014 interview,
Rogatin stated, "In Ukraine, there is a growing influence
and presence of various satanic cults. According to various estimates,
236:30 - 237:00 there are more than
a hundred satanic groups operating in our country,
with a total of about 2,000 followers." Subsequently, this rhetoric of Satanism
supposedly "engulfing" Ukraine was picked up by high-ranking
Russian government officials. They used similar narratives to justify the war
as a necessity to "de-satanize" Ukraine. Thus, the Assistant Secretary of the Security
Council of the Russian Federation, Alexey Pavlov, stated, "I believe that, with
the continuationof the special military operation,
237:00 - 237:30 it becomes more and more urgent to carry
out the de-satanization of Ukraine, or, as the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov
aptly put it, its ‘complete de-Shaitanization.'" Pavlov also mentioned
the Church of Satan, which has allegedly
"spread throughout Ukraine" and claimed that "Through network
manipulations and psychotechnologies, the new regime has transformed Ukraine
from a state into a totalitarian hypersect."
237:30 - 238:00 "Ukraine, the whole country,
is just one new cult." "This is an absolutely anti-Christian,
absolutely anti-Orthodox political regime." Additionally, back in 2014,
on the website of the Missionary Department of the Novosibirsk Diocese (chaired by
the aforementioned Alexander Novopashin), an article was posted containing
the following statements: "I just want to draw attention
to one charming circumstance.
238:00 - 238:30 Namely, the principle of Ukrainian-like
state organization... almost completely coincides with the principle
of organizing a totalitarian sect, or destructive cult. ...Meanwhile, for people
who found themselves in a cult and once swallowed the cultist lie,
this lie becomes a norm. Cultists not only lie
to themselves and others, but they also stop perceiving
any opinion different from the one imposed
on them by the cult. Therefore, simply talking, persuading, or proving –
is a useless and thankless task...
238:30 - 239:00 We must remember that the war in Ukraine
isn’t for territories, the war is for souls, and it will continue in one form or another
until activities of the Cult are stopped…” All this rhetoric is aimed at instilling
in the minds of Russians the idea that the current military conflict
is not just a war, but a "holy war." “It is clear that, loving Ukraine,
the Lord is now punishing it.
239:00 - 239:30 And I’ll repeat once again:
in order to understand what is happening, you need to understand
why the Lord is punishing Ukraine. Why exactly Ukraine? Ukrainians now hate Russians
because Russians are merely “God’s tool”; it's like a belt with which
a father punishes his child.” "It’s a holy war. It’s a war for what we believe in, so I wouldn't be surprised if calls
are voiced in churches and mosques."
239:30 - 240:00 The rhetoric of a holy war is necessary
for the state to justify its aggressive actions, in order to make people believe that their country and they themselves
are fulfilling some sacred duty. The purpose of these narratives
is to convince the public that a war leading to the destruction
of the victim state, the deaths of countless people, and the destabilization of the entire democratic
world is acceptable and even necessary.
240:00 - 240:30 Most importantly, this global
anti-cultism seeks to divert citizens' attention
from how their own country, which initiated this war,
is turning into a totalitarian state. "In Ukraine, the disease is so advanced that it’s
no longer possible to cure it with any persuasion, negotiations, or anything like that. Only surgery is possible there. So the only response to those Nazi
speeches may be the Solntsepek weapon.
240:30 - 241:00 It should all be burned down, absolutely… Someone may tell me,
‘Oh, that’s not a Christian way!’ It is quite Christian. It’s just the ethics for those people;
they position themselves as pagans, excuse me, so let them get
what pagans should. Not the New Testament ethics
is applicable there, but the Old Testament ethics,
that of Elijah the Prophet who himself cut the throats
of three hundred servants of Balaam. With these ones, we should do the same —
destroy them without any doubt.
241:00 - 241:30 Just the Old Testament ethics,
and they actually understand this language only." “Be this vehicle sanctified in the name
of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” “Andrei and I took holy water with us. I told all the brothers to lay out
the machine guns,
241:30 - 242:00 and we sanctified all the weapons. That is, we performed the rite
of consecration. I drew a cross on my machine gun so that nobody would confuse
that it’s my cross, the priest’s cross. It is my weapon,
my sword.” I buried my mom on 18th,
died because of this war “Be these weapons blessed
and sanctified by sprinkled holy water…”
242:00 - 242:30 That’s it, Volchansk is no more!
Gone Completely!
242:30 - 243:00 The final chord, which indicates the ultimate
goal of a number of such rhetoric,
243:00 - 243:30 is the statement of another RACIRS leader,
Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, who called Ukrainians cannibals: “For me, they are all cannibals… I called them so because
I saw them like that. These inhumans spill human blood,
the blood of children and women, our blood; they devour people's lives
and feed on suffering. So who are they? Cannibals. And all those who committed
terrorist attacks on our land, whom I listed earlier
and whom I didn’t name, are cannibals. It is useless to put cannibals in a cage.
243:30 - 244:00 They'll still remain cannibals,
even if you keep them there all their lives. Therefore, cannibals must be destroyed.” And these are the direct words of the leaders
of RACIRS, FECRIS, and their accomplices, which manifest xenophobia, incite interethnic
and interreligious hatred, and encourage the deprivation of life based
on national and religious identity. Just as the Nazis,
under Hitler's regime,
244:00 - 244:30 declared the Jewish nation
to be non-humans with the support of anti-cultists of that era, today’s modern anti-cultists label
Ukrainians as a cult, in fact, calling for the destruction
of an entire nation, which tantamount to genocide. This is not a coincidence
but a deliberate action. Priest with a rifle magazine
“What we are seeing now is a war, primarily a spiritual war because the Antichrist is attacking
the Holy Rus, the Orthodox Christianity.
244:30 - 245:00 I’d like to teach you
to load cartridges correctly, so that the cartridges hit the target, precisely destroy the enemy,
and not fly aimlessly in the air. Thus, holy fathers teach us this way: when you take a bullet, you load it
and say the following words: ‘Holy Mother of God, save us. Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us. Holy Mother of God, save us. Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.
245:00 - 245:30 Holy Mother of God, save us. Holy Father Nicolas, pray to God for us. Tsar Nicholas II, pray to God for us.’” What does the Bible say? “You shall not kill!”. "Do not load a 'Grad' rocket without prayer. For each of these, as you load it, say: 'Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!' and so on, and so on, and so on... And then whoosh... boom..." Jesus said: "You have heard
that it was said to your ancestors,
245:30 - 246:00 ‘You shall not kill; and whoever
kills will be liable to judgment.’" "The Moscow Theological Seminary
is fighting against NATO. Christ is Risen!" Jesus said: "A new command I give you:
Love one another. As I have loved you,
so you must love one another." (John 13:34) “If a person dies
when fulfilling this duty, then he undoubtedly commits an act equivalent to sacrifice.
246:00 - 246:30 He sacrifices himself for others. Therefore, we believe that this sacrifice
washes away all the sins that this person has committed.” After everything you have seen, tell me, how should the public perceive these people, representatives of Russia's front religion
and their faithful anti-cultist proponents? Who are they in essence? When even at the highest level,
the leadership of this organization,
246:30 - 247:00 calling for hatred, violence, and killing, violates God's commandments
just as the Nazis once did. When using the name of God, as the Nazis did in their time, they break Christ's commandments, justify sadism, and call for the destruction
of peaceful, innocent people. Can this organization be called
religious, let alone Christian? Can we consider them followers of Christ? Answer this now: who is their god,
and whom do they truly serve?
247:00 - 247:30 You have just seen a small part
of what is actually happening, and this is only the beginning. In labeling certain groups and
individuals as "cults" and "cultists," the ideological center
of terrorist anti-cult gangs did not limit itself
to specific organizations, citizens of their own country,
and Ukrainian citizens, whom they believe need
to be destroyed. The anti-cultists' narratives have
long extended beyond Ukraine.
247:30 - 248:00 Today, they have already labeled
the United States, all of Europe, the entire Western democratic world,
as cults and have declared them to be satanists. "…in order for the world to live
in God's way, and not in a satanic way, since they’ve already built a big
satanic village with and without us, where there is one starry-striped boss who teaches everyone to live in a satanic way."
248:00 - 248:30 “… the Ukrainian political regime is certainly
terroristic, extremist, and misanthropic. It is nazi. The Z sign denotes a world where there
is no place for nazism and satanism. Ukraine is rapidly rolling downhill, according to the plans prepared
by western and American experts... The special operation on
denazification is carried out not just to destroy the hydra in its lair. We defend the whole Russian world,
we defend our civilization,
248:30 - 249:00 we defend Russia from this evil,
from the anti-system, because if we don’t do that, this infection might spread very widely,
like a cancerous tumor. There are no societies that have developed
one-hundred-percent immunity against it. We can see that in the West”. The complete denial of a human,
faith, and traditional values. The suppression of freedom takes
on the characteristics of an inverse religion: outright satanism. "And the war is not yet lost. It is very important that our country,
249:00 - 249:30 which relies on its centuries-old
spiritual and cultural tradition, having formed its own
code of moral values, be capable in some sense
also of leading this resistance… I will say an incredible word now,
against the Antichrist." "Today I believe that I am acting in accordance
with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew,
I am fighting for the work of the Lord"
249:30 - 250:00 — Adolf Hitler. (1925). Mein Kampf. As you can see, the public actions
of anti-cult organizations' epresentatives lead to tragic events that occur some
time after their information injections. The rhetoric of anti-cult
organizations' representatives, besides being filled with manipulative techniques,
contains numerous hidden meanings. Anti-cultists do not simply make
public statements – they serve as the mouthpiece
for the enemy of the democratic world
250:00 - 250:30 who openly announces
its plans through them. Additionally, their statements exert
a covert influence on authorities, providing them with directives for action. In announcing their future plans, the hidden orchestrators
of the global anti-cult network have already designated the entire
democratic world as their next target. And notably, it is the anti-cultists,
as heralds of this covert force,
250:30 - 251:00 who dictate the rhetoric that is later
adopted by Russia’s top leadership, including President Putin, who embodies authority
for millions of Russian citizens. To understand what the hidden enemy
has already prepared for each of you, listen carefully to what this person,
echoed by President Putin, has to say: "But if the question 'When will all this end?' is asked of me as a priest, then my answer is 'Never.' Once Ukrainian Nazism is dealt with,
251:00 - 251:30 another aggressor country will emerge through
which the USA will begin to threaten Russia. So the Civilizational War is inevitable..." As you heard, he explicitly said
that the Civilizational War is unavoidable. Do you know why he said that? He said it because he knew that both America
and Europe would soon be mired in civil war.
251:30 - 252:00 He said it because he is already chilling
champagne to celebrate his victory. And this was said by a seemingly
inconspicuous person, but he is one of the leaders
of anti-cult organizations that are part of global anti-cultism. And he is echoed by President Putin himself. Now, here any intelligent person would ask:
who truly holds power in Russia?
252:00 - 252:30 "I don't want to die. I want all this to end as soon as possible" The IMPACT CHAPTER 5.
252:30 - 253:00 I am sure you have already noticed that a Russian connection
is constantly present behind all the crimes of anticult organizations. The organizers of the international
anticult terrorist movement, the perpetrators of terrorist acts,
and the ideological inspirers of mass genocide in several countries — all trace
their roots back to Russia. The activities of this enemy are always directly
connected with representatives of Russia.
253:00 - 253:30 Why is this happening? Because the real enemy of America and the free
world is the Fourth Reich — this global anticultism which originates from Russia. It is precisely there that the representatives of global anticultism established their deep
state and developed their strategy. It is from there that their commands are issued to other
countries for all branches, including anti-cult organizations.
253:30 - 254:00 It’s important to understand
that anti-cult organizations worldwide are merely one of the tools through which global anticultism
achieves its goals. Organizations like RACIRS, FECRIS, and anticultists in America
are just mouthpieces of anticultism, pawns on the chessboard that it manipulates.
Anticultism will not protect them if there is a threat of it being exposed. In order
to deflect the blow from itself, it will
254:00 - 254:30 easily sacrifice them all and discard them like
a lizard dropping its tail to escape. In Russia, the country that has become the stronghold
of anticultism, anti-cult organizations have already triumphed and are destabilizing it
by manipulating the minds of millions of citizens. You may wonder: if anticultism originates from Russia,
why are they destabilizing their own country? The thing is that they don’t consider
it their country. They hate both
254:30 - 255:00 Russia and the Russian people just as much
as they hate America and the American people. I think you’re already convinced of how cruel their
methods of manipulating people are. And now I will give you another example. This enemy has set
a goal: to revive nazism and to destroy democracy by any means possible. In order to achieve this,
they have established a state within a state in Russia,
255:00 - 255:30 that has already gained immense power.
Global anticultism is cynical and ruthless, and for the revival of nazism,
it has chosen the very country which suffered the greatest human losses defending itself
and the whole world from the Third Reich. The most frightening aspect of this situation
is that Russian citizens, people who lost someone in every family while defending their
homeland from nazism during World War II,
255:30 - 256:00 people for whom the very word “nazism”
is the most terrifying, people who sincerely believe that such a thing will never happen again
in their country because they won’t allow it, without even realizing it, are now helping
to build the Fourth Reich with their own hands. Russia is just a convenient testing ground
for the anticultists, where they refine
256:00 - 256:30 all their methods before using them in other
countries to take control of the entire world. Anticultism and anticult organizations
hold immense power in this state: they have managed to alter the Constitution to suit
their needs, took over government authorities, and made Orthodox Christianity their titular
religion. Anticultism is behind Putin, manipulating him for a very long time.
From time to time, representatives of anticultism
256:30 - 257:00 even publicly remind Putin who is really
in charge of the country and warn him about the consequences if he doesn’t follow their
directives. One of the numerous examples is Alexander Novopashin's commentary
on Putin's election program back in 2012. Excerpt from Alexander Novopashin's commentary
on President Putin's election program: "…whatever the case, we still have
to vote based on what politicians declare
257:00 - 257:30 in their programs. Not all of them speak about
morality and spirituality today. Therefore, it is heartening to hear this
from Putin, especially after he wished in his New Year's address
that the dragon would bring something to us.” "By the way, the coming year
is the Year of the Dragon, according to the Eastern calendar. I was actually born
in the Year of the Dragon. As a rule, these have always been fortunate times for us.
I hope this time, too, the dragon will bring luck,
257:30 - 258:00 well-being, and prosperity to every
Russian family, to all our citizens." "That really shocked me back then. If a man wears
a cross, how can he appeal to some fictional beast instead of the Creator and wish its help
for his people? Moreover, what do Chinese superstitions have to do with our history, traditions,
and culture? Why is this being imposed on us?
258:00 - 258:30 So, God willing, Putin's words about traditional
spirituality will be followed by actions, and there will no longer be concessions
to foreign phenomena like rats, dragons, pigs, and other superstitions. I want the campaign
words to be sincere, and I want the politician to be consistent in implementing them. Otherwise,
he will have no respect either in contemporary society among his fellow citizens
or from future generations. Memory will remain,
258:30 - 259:00 and I think its quality is something
that no sane person should be indifferent to. Our Church sings: 'Eternal memory.'
I hope this matters to Putin as well.” An ordinary person who knows nothing about
anticultism might not see anything special in these words. However, you now possess
the knowledge and facts about the goals and methods of anticultism. Therefore, I’m sure you
understand that this was a direct order to Putin,
259:00 - 259:30 as well as a declaration of the consequences
he would face for disobedience. If we translate Novopashin's words into plain language,
his message to Putin would sound roughly like this: “If you don't do what we want, we will
ensure that the people neither respect you nor regard you as their president.
And we will erase memories about you forever." Do you think Putin heard this? Of course,
he did because Novopashin is merely
259:30 - 260:00 a mouthpiece delivering a warning from
the force that is standing behind him. And Putin understood this perfectly well;
he heard it and drew his conclusions. Today, Vladimir Putin stated that Russia needs
to improve legislation on controlling the activities of totalitarian sects. This issue was raised
by representatives from the Samara region, along with Governor Nikolai Merkushkin, who came
to the president to discuss the region's problems. They proposed creating a database of such organizations
and making the list accessible to all regions.
260:00 - 260:30 "As for totalitarian activity trends, they certainly represent an unequivocal threat
to our state, our society, and our people. That’s not just a hunt for the souls; it’s a hunt
for property. Ultimately, it all boils down to a hunt for the property and souls of these people.
I agree with you that government authorities, both at the federal and regional levels,
must consider refining the legal framework,
260:30 - 261:00 working in this direction, and implementing
these regulatory documents in practice." Let me remind you that the term “totalitarian
sect” and the definition of what may be considered a totalitarian sect (that is, a destructive
cult) was actually introduced by anticultists. “It so happened that in Russia, I was actually
the first to deal with this new phenomenon, and, accordingly, I was the first to use
the term “totalitarian sect”, although it happened totally by chance that I was the first
to use it. It was obviously on everyone's tongue,
261:00 - 261:30 or on the tongues of many people at least,
because everyone else immediately started using it.” This term isn’t defined legally, and its use
violates the presumption of innocence. Now, think carefully, what the use of the term “totalitarian
sect” (or “destructive cult”) at the official level by the president of a country signifies.
With his statement, Putin essentially violated the presumption of innocence, legitimized persecution,
and supported stigmatization of millions
261:30 - 262:00 of innocent people. Moreover, this statement
became a signal to law-enforcement agencies and security services that they can repress
any citizens whom anticultists identify as members of a totalitarian sect, or destructive
cult. All of this happened merely because Putin began to echo the anticultist rhetoriс
after hearing Novopashin's warning. Thus, a single statement by Putin significantly
expanded the already immense power of the representatives of anticultism in Russia,
increased their ability to influence
262:00 - 262:30 the minds of citizens, and ultimately
exacerbated people’s sufferings. Some people wonder why Russian citizens do not
realize they are being manipulated. However, imagine how difficult it is to live under
constant threat and psychological pressure while your consciousness is bombarded with contradictory
narratives. People who had tasted a little bit of freedom after the USSR totalitarianism now live
under relentless informational and psychological
262:30 - 263:00 terrorist attacks, in permanent fear for their own
lives and the lives of their loved ones. They live in a country where expressing an opinion
that seems wrong to that terrorist entity can result in criminal charges against any citizen and their
family. In this territory, laws and human rights have long been disregarded. The citizens of Russia
are the most affected by this secret entity.
263:00 - 263:30 "We are unarmed" Just as anticultism has its own state within the state, in the same way they have
their own grouping within Orthodox Christianity, which by its actions poisons the very essence
of this religion. Having infiltrated Orthodoxy, they use it to fight other religions and associations
of people under the directive of anticultism.
263:30 - 264:00 Thus, they have made Orthodoxy their titular religion
and got even more power into their hands, which they use to influence the consciousness
of Russian citizens and subordinate them to their will. RACIRS has become the main tool for that secret
entity to conduct its criminal activities and manipulate public consciousness. It is easier
to influence believers since the topic of God is sacred and valuable to them.
Sermons and lectures by church representatives contain
264:00 - 264:30 destructive imprints that are beneficial to that
entity and bypass people's critical thinking, penetrating directly into subconsciousness. “Death in the war is better than any other deaths.
It’s the best of all deaths. I’ll tell you that people usually die like pigs, choking on vomit.
They eat, drink, get drunk, fall under tables, throw up, and choke on their own vomit.” Their manipulation of people's minds can
264:30 - 265:00 easily be traced if you carefully listen
to their narratives. A recent extremist article by a Russian archpriest serves as a striking
example of such an informational act of terrorism. Excerpt from a lecture by RACIRS representative
Protoiereus Vyacheslav Pushkaryov, titled “Peacemaking and Theological Dialogue
with Non-Orthodoxes No Longer Makes Sense”: "We, Orthodox Christians, always stand
for peace among nations and opinions. We are the true peacemakers, as is the Russian civilization
we have created. However, we are experienced
265:00 - 265:30 peacemakers with a thousand-year experience.
This experience has taught us that not all means are acceptable and not all people are suitable
for achieving our goals. This means that we should not rely on government officials or the people
who live outside our Church. We pin our hopes only on the Body of Christ and the Holy Spirit,
the Comforter, who dwells in it until the end of time. We are the only true statesmen,
not in the state, but within ourselves —
265:30 - 266:00 from the fullness of our heart.
We are free from nationalism or partisanship, but we propagate the chosenness of the Russian
Orthodox spirit which alone is state-forming, and we defend it to death. Therefore,
in order to maintain peace, we do not need preliminary negotiations with pseudo-clergymen
and heretics about the smell of their and our socks, and we do not need their instructions
on how to live because we’ve had all the answers
266:00 - 266:30 for a long time, and they are already in practical
application. It wasn’t us who split from them, but they split from us. They are not the Church,
but only we are, and the gates of hell have not prevailed against us and, according
to Christ's prophecy, will not prevail.” Activities in the so-called interfaith dialogue
represent an attempt to appease the state, deceive the true Orthodox believers, and create
an illusion of peacemaking for non-believers.
266:30 - 267:00 To prolong the agony of their stay in the world.
That’s a business which has nothing to do with the divine act of peacemaking. Those among us
who don’t understand this and indulge pseudo-clergymen only inflate their self-esteem and prolong their
convulsions, harming us and themselves at that.” This article is a clear example
of an informational terrorist act. It is structured according
to a special manipulative scheme so as to instill the desired narratives in
the minds of those who read or hear it.
267:00 - 267:30 In the article, the protoiereus first tells believers
that Orthodox Christians are peacemakers and always stand for equality and peace among nations
and opinions. However, he then abruptly says the opposite. He claims that Russian Orthodoxy
is chosen by God and believers must defend it to death. Finally, he asserts that it is the only
true church, and that interfaith dialogue and any negotiations with representatives
of other faiths are meaningless because they merely
267:30 - 268:00 prolong the convulsions of other denominations.
Please note that he uses the word “convulsions”, and earlier also the word “agony”, implying
that other denominations will perish anyway. This method of presenting information
is a special manipulative technique used by anticultists to impose their desired narratives
on society. How does it work? When a person hears statements that contradict and exclude each other,
that causes a disruption in his consciousness.
268:00 - 268:30 At the moment of disruption, the main message
is communicated, which penetrates directly into the person’s subconsciousness. This information
becomes a command that the listener will remember and follow as a guide for action.
In case of the aforesaid appeal, the command that a person will remember is the protoiereus's
final message: that dialogue and any negotiations with dissenters are meaningless because they
are already having convulsions and doomed to death.
268:30 - 269:00 Manipulating people's minds in this way,
anticultists can instill any narrative they want and make them do anything they want.
Just like the Nazis, anti-cult organizations use the rhetoric of chosenness and superiority
of some people over others. For example, RACIRS representatives claim that believers
in Russian Orthodox Christianity are chosen by God.
269:00 - 269:30 “We believe in the one holy Apostolic Church
which is the same church that Christ Himself founded. It is the only church that has fully
preserved Christian life, Christian tradition, and Christian teaching. And there is only one
way to unite: if all the rest join Orthodoxy.” “We have to remember that cults are always
fake, cults are always a sham.
269:30 - 270:00 They falsify the original. They alter the original.
But the thing is that if there is a fake, hence there must be an original.
All of us should remember that there is the original and how we should study it.” They impose an idea of their own infallibility and manipulate a notion that cults are dangerous.
However, according to official statistics, representatives of the so-called “cults” rarely
even commit administrative offenses.
270:00 - 270:30 Meanwhile, it is not publicly mentioned
that 76 percent of prisoners in Russia who serve time in jail for severe crimes
and felonies are Orthodox Christians. Not only do anticultists exalt Orthodoxy
and call for the eradication of dissent, but they also wage a full-scale war against
a global religion — against Islam. This is happening despite the official stance
of the Orthodox Church in Russia, which is peaceful towards Islam.
270:30 - 271:00 In the case of Russia, inciting
intolerance towards Muslims is particularly dangerous for the country and destabilizes
society because more than 20 million Muslims live there. At a time when true representatives
of Orthodox Christianity, on the contrary, try to smooth over disagreements and to find
reconciliation, anticultists methodically, deliberately and cynically stir up hatred
among millions of people in the country.
271:00 - 271:30 Like the Nazis in their time, anticultists
systematically convince people that they have the right to stigmatize
and then destroy dissenters. After such sermons and lectures, a believer leaves with an instilled sense
of superiority and his own righteousness. “Save us from all sorts of harmful and dark sins,
and from all those who seek to do us evil.” This creates a perfect foundation
for the terrible offenses people later commit under the influence
of anticultists. As a result of such
271:30 - 272:00 informational terrorist acts, hatred
is cultivated in the minds of millions. This hatred pushes them first to approve
of and then to commit acts of terrorism and genocide. “You will lose everything. This is not your country.
You are demons. There will be an Orthodox church here, and we don't
need either mosques or synagogues here.” On the one hand, anticultists incite Orthodox
Christian believers to be intolerant and hateful
272:00 - 272:30 towards Muslims, while on the other hand,
they increasingly oppress Muslims, allowing themselves to insult their faith. All of this generates
tension in society which the anticultists need, tension that builds up to the point
where a single spark is enough to ignite a conflict between Orthodox Christians and Muslims. This spark turned out
to be the physical terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.
272:30 - 273:00 We are at the concert in Crocus City;
some shooting is going on here… A bunch of people are running… Everyone
is yelling. Someone is shooting here. “Get down! Do you hear me?! On the floor!”
273:00 - 273:30 Some people are shooting… They set the hall on fire! The hall
is burning! They set us on fire! No! It's a dead end! It's a dead end!
It's a dead end! Downstairs!”
273:30 - 274:00 Yes, physical acts of terrorism are another
terrifying tool of anticultism for enslaving the consciousness of society.
Anticultists orchestrate physical terrorist acts to ensure their own total domination
in the country and to gain full control over top leaders. The recent horrific terrorist
act in Russia is an example of that.
274:00 - 274:30 The bleeding wound: 145 people
died and more than 550 injured. The investigation must be carried out in
a highly professional and objective manner, without any political bias. We know that the crime
was committed by the hands of radical Islamists. All the detainees were citizens of Tajikistan
or ethnic Tajiks. Since these people are Muslims, it can be said that an undeclared
war against Islam has begun.
274:30 - 275:00 Tough raids on migrants started
in Russia. Riot police knock down doors and take bunches of workers to police
stations. Several more Tajiks have been arrested during investigation
of the terrorist attack case. There is always someone who benefits
from acts of terrorism of such a scale, and the sole beneficiary of this particular
attack is anticult organizations, specifically the anticultism which used this act of terror
to achieve the THREE of its own crucial objectives.
275:00 - 275:30 Objective No. 1: Strengthening the position
of Orthodoxy as the titular religion. With the terrorist attack on March 22nd, 2024, anticult organizations literally brought Islam
to its knees, significantly weakening a religious competitor on their territory. This way,
they have further strengthened the dominant position of Orthodox Christianity in the country
and divided society to the utmost.
275:30 - 276:00 Obviously, this attack was aimed against Muslims.
Immediately after the act of terrorism, thousands of migrants belonging to this religion, not just citizens
of Tajikistan, were expelled from Russia. What do anticult organizations get from that?
They have instantly and for long got rid of dozens of thousands of freedom-loving people who at any
moment could demand compliance with their rights, thereby threatening anticultists' total power.
They have expelled a huge number of migrants who worked in Russia and benefited its
economy. As for the Muslims who stay in Russia,
276:00 - 276:30 they have experienced and keep
experiencing inhumane treatment. Human rights advocates from various organizations
report widespread violations of law and abuses of power by law-enforcement agencies.
Tong Jahoni organization reports that during the first two weeks after the terrorist attack, over 8.5
thousand migrants sought legal assistance. They complained about being
unfairly fired from their jobs,
276:30 - 277:00 about biased inspections and even attacks.
Lawyers say that people report being subjected to torture. They are kept outside in cold weather,
not let into buildings, and go without food for days. They are only
allowed to drink water from a tap in the bathroom which they can access once a day.
Human rights defender Valentina Chupik, who specializes in migrant
issues, shared the following: “Right now, I’m in touch with the guys,
citizens of Uzbekistan, who worked in Balashikha;
277:00 - 277:30 they worked legally. Rosgvardiya and police officers
burst into their dormitory, beat them all, put them on the floor, and then took them
to the police station. 78 people were detained. People were robbed of all their money and forced to make
transfers to a bank card. But the saddest thing in this story is that in the dormitory they were
beaten with a metal reinforcement rod. One of them had his eye knocked out, they just tore
it out of the socket, while the other guy had one
277:30 - 278:00 arm broken in three places with that metal rod.
We receive dozens of such messages every day. Courts behave absolutely disgracefully. They just deport
everyone. Most often, they deport people without any hearings. It was amazing when on Sunday,
in the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow City,
278:00 - 278:30 about 280 people were brought to the courtyard.
After several hours of them standing in the courtyard in the cold, without food, water
and toilet, a female judge appeared in the window and said through the window: “In the name of
the Russian Federation, everyone is deported,” and she closed the window. That's it.” It has also been reported that citizens of Tajikistan disappeared after their detention.
Specifically, a resident of the Vose district told
278:30 - 279:00 Radio Ozodi that on the afternoon of March 23rd,
Moscow police detained his two brothers and his son, and there has been no information about their
fate since then. “They were involved in apartment repairs. My son was the only breadwinner
for the family. We only know that they were detained along with several other Tajiks. We don’t know
where they were taken or what happened to them." There are statements by Russian officials
and the so-called law-enforcement agencies
279:00 - 279:30 incite migrantophobia. For example, a former
Russithat an presidential candidate calls for deportation of migrants for any offenses.
A lot of human rights activists claim that xenophobia has long been imposed by the state, which has
ultimately caused aggression against Muslims from ordinary citizens. People appeal
to the authorities with demands to deport all Tajiks.
279:30 - 280:00 “They consider our country to be a place from
where they can pump out money, so to say. Their attitude towards us is of the same nature.
They don't like us; they don't want to live here and improve anything. So why would we need this?
You see, if a man has worms in his intestines, which simply keep draining vital energy out of him,
he never tolerates that. Does he think, “Okay, let them live, let's feed them”? No. In this case,
we need to take some concrete measures.”
280:00 - 280:30 Citizens with Eastern appearances
are beaten, denied housing, and nationalistic marks with an inscription
“Tajik means terror!" are drawn on their homes. Persecution of Muslims involves the same methods
as the Nazis used when persecuting Jews. Markings on houses, dismissals, employment bans,
fabricated accusations, physical violence, deportation,
280:30 - 281:00 and disappearance of people — all of this represent
the methods of one of the stages of genocide. “Now, get the f*ck out of here! Russia
is for Russians. Moscow is for Moscovites. Africa is for negroes, and dump
is for those who are from Caucasus.” Yet, the only “crime” of persecuted Muslims
is that representatives of anticultism decided to involve Islam in this terrorist attack.
As for ordinary citizens, anticultists
281:00 - 281:30 conducted numerous informational terrorist acts
in advance, in order to generate such a reaction towards Muslims. It’s not difficult to trace
xenophobic statements about Islam by officials of public authorities as well as sermons
against Muslims by RACIRS representatives. The faith preached
by the Arabs is basically plagiarism. They have the same characters there:
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses.
281:30 - 282:00 There was a desert around; he didn’t
have much to do, and, let’s just say, he simply lived somewhere on the outskirts
of the Christian world. He heard something; some scraps of the Christian and Judaic teachings reached him,
so he made up some kind of opinion for himself, quite an erroneous one, but since he was
an inquisitive man, he found out what he could. Unfortunately, let's say, he found out… Well,
he actually had little chances to find it out. Not only did Dvorkin call
the entire Islam plagiarism,
282:00 - 282:30 although it’s the world religion
that includes about two billion believers, but he even insulted the Prophet himself.
Dvorkin called him a sick fantasist possessed by demons. Then Muhammad had some strange
visions and revelations. Some people believe he had epileptic seizures… And he was very afraid of that; he believed
that he was possessed by evil spirits who forced him to become a sorcerer.
Either Muhammad suffered from some
282:30 - 283:00 kind of illness and had morbid visions,
or it was a demonic possession, or, again, the Byzantine fathers say he was sort
of a storyteller who made it all up, and unexpectedly for himself, his relatives believed in that.
This outright slander by Dvorkin against the Prophet Muhammad caused an extremely
negative reaction in the Muslim world. Representatives of anticultism systematically
manipulated people's consciousness so that,
283:00 - 283:30 at the right moment, citizens would respond
with aggression. Informational terrorist acts of anticultists poison people's minds with the venom
of hatred. As a result of their manipulations, a person doesn't even realize
that those destructive images were artificially implanted deep in his subconsciousness,
bypassing critical analysis by consciousness. This is a real information bomb that was planted
in the minds of citizens in advance and detonated
283:30 - 284:00 at the right moment, causing a wave of violence
against innocent people. As a result of it all, on social media, we now see people massively
calling for the closure of mosques and the banning of Islam. This is how they have
achieved their first objective — weakening Islam and thereby strengthening the position
of Orthodoxy as the titular religion. Consequently, anticultism has gained even more power.
This is how anticultism builds its empire
284:00 - 284:30 of unlimited power and totalitarianism,
using the hands of others and paving its bloody path with innocent victims. Objective No. 2: Intensifying the Polarization
Within the Country and Destabilizing Society. Through the terrorist act, anticult representatives
achieved another crucial goal – further dividing society. They need maximum polarization
within Russia, they need controlled chaos.
284:30 - 285:00 "He is praying, do not interrupt him."
"If you touch the weapon again..." "No one is threatening you. He is praying."
"I'm repeating: step aside!" Because it is precisely under conditions
of controlled chaos that they can fully control the ideology of the masses
and manipulate the ruling power. Objective No. 3: A Blow to Putin's authority. In Russia, for many years, there has been a phenomenon called "leaderism" – where all power
in the country is associated with one person.
285:00 - 285:30 This means that an attack on Putin personally
and his discrediting is an attack on the entire ruling power and its discrediting
in the eyes of millions of people. And as you recall, the ultimate goal of terrorism,
which anticultism conducts in any form, is to create a sense of helplessness
and fear among millions of people in order to destabilize the population as much as possible and strike
at the government and the state as a whole. So how was this blow to the authority
of the Russian president carried out?
285:30 - 286:00 Putin often claims that he fights terrorism
and guarantees the safety of his citizens. "In this regard, responsible tasks are set
before the units that ensure the protection of the constitutional order and fight
extremism. Attempts to provoke unrest, interethnic conflicts, violate the rights
and freedoms of citizens, use Russophobia, and any other ideology of intolerance must
be strictly and immediately suppressed."
286:00 - 286:30 However, immediately after the election
results were announced, a horrific terrorist act occurred the very next day.
And it happened in the very heart of the country. The anticultists calculated everything precisely.
First, Putin was re-elected – a leader in whom the people had absolute trust. Then, the day
after the election results were announced, the focused attention of millions of citizens on
their leader was abruptly shifted to the terrorist
286:30 - 287:00 attack unfolding before the entire nation.
The entire country watched as defenseless people were gunned down, burned alive, suffocated
from smoke, and died while hugging their children, unable to find an escape. The entire country
saw a terrifying terrorist act that the leader they elected failed to prevent. Moreover,
he did not even visit the scene of the tragedy. As a result, instead of confidence
in the government and the elected president,
287:00 - 287:30 many people began questioning this very
president as a guarantor of safety. This was a very serious blow to Putin's authority,
aimed at undermining public trust in him on one hand, and on the other, at showing Putin
himself who is really the boss in the country and how easily he could lose
his electorate and public support. The anticultists showed him
that they could, at any moment, anger the masses and, if necessary,
direct that anger against him. They demonstrated
287:30 - 288:00 that they have enough power to not only
destabilize society but also, if needed, to spark a war between Christianity and Islam,
plunging the country into the chaos of civil war. "No one has ever put Russians on their knees
and no one ever will, because we are Russians. God is with us! We are Russians. God is with us!" Moreover, this terrorist act gave
288:00 - 288:30 the anticultists another advantage.
They forced Putin to make significant personnel changes in the Russian leadership to put
their own people in key positions. Representatives of anticultism have already
infiltrated all the critical sectors in Russia. Just think about it: all these people are obsessed
with their idea of totalitarianism. They are the ones standing behind the president of the country
with the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads. In this regard, consider the precarious balance
on which the existence of the entire democratic
288:30 - 289:00 world now rests, as well as your own existence.
Strengthening Orthodoxy as the titular religion, polarizing society within Russia, putting
maximum pressure on Putin, and expanding their power – this is what the anticultists
achieved with just one terrorist attack.
289:00 - 289:30 The terrorist attack that occurred
in Russia shocked the entire country. Considering the immense power
anticultism gained through this attack, how this newfound power is already
changing Russian and global society, and the terrifying consequences that are
yet to unfold, it can be said that this attack in Russia is comparable to the 9/11 attack
in our country. And this is no coincidence. The 9/11 attack in our beloved America
was also organized and carried out
289:30 - 290:00 by them – representatives of anticultism – as an
act of revenge for their past defeats. It is no coincidence that the 9/11 attack took place
on the birthday of the creator and leader of this third force, Felix Dzerzhinsky.
Our enemy has always attached special significance to dates, symbols, and numbers. It was the
representatives of anticultism who struck this devastating blow
at the heart of our beloved America.
290:00 - 290:30 They managed to implement this terrorist attack through their
connections with Saudi intelligence. It is exactly anticultism that is responsible
for all the consequences this attack brought to our nation. These consequences
continue to affect our society to this day. They say the explosion in the Twin Towers happened
long ago, but this terrorist act is not over to this day. Even today, this explosion echoes in our hearts.
An explosion that took priceless lives
290:30 - 291:00 and peace from us, an explosion that dragged us
into a terrible 20-year war, an explosion that marked the beginning of division in our once-unified society,
an explosion that divided American history into before and after. The narratives of civil war
that you hear every day today are all echoes of that same explosion. An explosion for which we
blamed everyone except the real beneficiary of this crime, the real enemy of the United States.
291:00 - 291:30 THE CIVILIZATIONAL WAR The real enemy of America. These terrorist attacks in America
and Russia share another common feature: Muslims were presented
as the perpetrators of these tragedies, leading to intense Islamophobia not only
within these countries but worldwide. For many years, a deliberate image
of the Muslim as a terrorist has
291:30 - 292:00 been created in your minds. You’ve been led
to believe that a Muslim is an uncivilized, uncultured, aggressive,
and dangerous person to be feared. To reinforce this image in your consciousness,
regular information terror attacks are carried out. For instance, if a Muslim commits
any offense, it is immediately broadcast nationwide, even though identical crimes
are regularly committed by non-Muslims.
292:00 - 292:30 However, when it comes to Muslims, the media
accompanies such news with additional commentary and reflections on the impossibility
of living with Muslims in the same country. I’m sure you have noticed how, in many countries,
mass media consistently highlight the differences between Muslims and the civilized world.
You may often hear continuous narratives suggesting that peaceful coexistence with them
is difficult due to supposedly different values, cultural and religious differences.
Think about how often you hear opinions
292:30 - 293:00 that your country would be better off without
Muslims, that you, the local residents, have given them opportunities,
while they behave ungratefully. Have you ever wondered why this is happening? Why is such similar
rhetoric against Muslims conducted in different countries? All of this is a multi-year information terror attack
conducted by global anticultism. As a result, relations between large Muslim
293:00 - 293:30 diasporas and the local population in different
countries are becoming increasingly strained. It's like a spring that is constantly being
compressed. Let’s consider where this might lead. In order to do this, you need
to look at the situation in the world, taking into account the knowledge you already
have. You know that global anticultism aims to establish a unified Fourth Reich. To achieve this,
it continually destabilizes democratic countries,
293:30 - 294:00 eroding laws and people's rights.
As you may recall, the next target of the enemy is the division of the United States of America
through civil war, and the division of Europe. So, let's just assume that the enemy
has succeeded in their plans, resulting in a divided United States and a disintegrating Europe.
What do you think will happen next? Do you believe Muslims, incited by anticultism,
will be able to resist the temptation to attack
294:00 - 294:30 weakened European countries — the same countries
that forced them to flee their homelands, the same countries where they’ve been oppressed
for so many years? The question is rhetorical. Now consider this: as soon as
the first attack by Muslims occurs, this conflict will immediately escalate beyond
the borders of a single country or even a continent. The entire non-Muslim world will instantly
come to defend Europe. If war breaks out,
294:30 - 295:00 it will be a war of the whole world against
Muslims. Do you think the parties involved will refrain from using nuclear weapons?
And what do you think will be the outcome? I'll give you a hint: considering the military, technological, and numerical superiority
of the non-Muslim world, almost 2 billion Muslims would be wiped off the face of the earth. Let's consider why this might be beneficial
for global anticultism.
295:00 - 295:30 First, it would be a convenient way for them to seize vast
territories rich in natural resources. Secondly, it would be an ideal opportunity to permanently
eliminate a large group of freedom-loving people whom global anticultism has failed
to break from within and bring under its control. Islam as a religion is particularly difficult
for anticultism to control because Muslims form a society within a society. They have adhered strictly
to the Quran for many years and follow their
295:30 - 296:00 established traditions. Therefore, it’s very hard
for anticultism to control Islam, because Muslims manage to avoid the global introduction
of anti-cultism agents into their religion. Consequently, representatives of anticultism strive to demonize Muslims
to eventually eliminate them. Despite the fact that in many countries
Muslims live peacefully and harmoniously
296:00 - 296:30 with other religions, representatives
of anticultism highlight isolated incidents, trying to convince you that all Muslims
are subhuman. Anticultists instill this belief in you so that, when the time comes, they would be able
to destroy the entire Islamic world with your hands. Could this be the very Civilizational
War we have heard about many times before? "But if the question 'When will all
this end?' is asked of me as a priest,
296:30 - 297:00 then my answer is 'Never.'
Once Ukrainian Nazism is dealt with, another aggressor country will emerge through
which the USA will begin to threaten Russia. So the Civilizational War is inevitable..." Such a move would allow anticultism to achieve a state of managed chaos — so excruciating
for humanity that people would be willing to accept even the harshest order and would ask for it themselves.
Humanity would willingly request to live under the Fourth Reich. The biggest problem is that you do not see
the looming threat of global anticultism hanging over you.
297:00 - 297:30 You do not notice how global anticultism –
this machine of violence and murder, which knows no pity – is relentlessly moving toward its goal:
the destruction of America and the free world. And it only gains power along its way, feeding
on people's fear and deaths. We see that it has already broken not only Putin in Russia,
but also Macron in France and Scholz in Germany.
297:30 - 298:00 These countries, entangled in the tentacles
of anticultism, can no longer call themselves democratic. France and Germany are considered
the foundation of Europe, and if America's enemy is not stopped, it will soon consume the rest
of European countries as well. And if Europe falls, and the enemy strips people of their rights
and establishes totalitarianism there, just as it did in Russia, how long can America, the last bastion
of democracy in the world, hold out?
298:00 - 298:30 Alone against everyone. The question is rhetorical, given
the hatred and speed with which the main enemy of America is advancing towards its goal.
Before your eyes, the enemy of the entire free world is committing terror attacks
and stripping you of your freedoms. It is killing democracy — one of humanity's most valuable
achievements, won through immense effort and courage. Many honorable people gave their lives
so that you could finally live in freedom and equality.
298:30 - 299:00 And now, those terrorists, those Nazis,
are mercilessly destroying everything with impunity: your freedom, your rights, and most importantly,
the future of your children, simply because they wish to do so. They are doing everything they can to turn your so far
free world into the bloody dominance of the Fourth Reich.
299:00 - 299:30 The IMPACT CHAPTER 6. HOW CIVIL WAR IS
BEING FOMENTED IN AMERICA The Civilizational War would greatly benefit
global anti-cultism on its path to global totalitarianism. However, let's return to the facts
that reflect the harsh reality of today. Now, facts indicate that anti-cult
representatives have already brought the United States to the brink of a civil war,
which can completely destroy our country.
299:30 - 300:00 To implement its plans, global anti-cultism
needs to divide American society into two camps and radicalize them against each other.
One tool for this division is the activity of anticultists in the US. Anticultists use Nazi
methods to maximize the conflict in American society. I'll give you just one example among
many. You already know about Steven Hassan,
300:00 - 300:30 the deprogrammer who combats dissent
by labeling as cultists people with different ideologies or whoever is supposed
to be stigmatized at the moment. So, Hassan has gone even further by declaring Donald Trump
a cult leader and his supporters as cult members. Hassan published a book titled "The Cult of Trump,"
where he claims that every American who supports Donald Trump is a "cult" member,
meaning they are not free in their opinions,
300:30 - 301:00 not independent individuals, but rather people
who need to be subjected to "intervention", as Hassan puts it, or in other words,
they should be forced to change their beliefs. By actively promoting this book
and the whole idea in the media, Hassan uses labeling to dehumanize one part
of the population in the eyes of another. This leads American society to see one group
of Americans not as people with different opinions,
301:00 - 301:30 but as brainwashed zombies incapable
of constructive dialogue. After all, it's much easier to take up arms against
a group of people who have lost their human nature. And it's no coincidence that dehumanization
was always considered the first tool of Nazi propaganda during the war. Because in order to get people
to take up arms against each other, you first need to make them stop seeing each other as fellow humans.
301:30 - 302:00 Steven Hassan spreads these destructive narratives with the help of his friend and media ally, Dave Troy. Troy calls himself an investigative journalist, but has never
received formal training. Like Hassan, he actively disseminates stigmatizing
and dehumanizing ideas about various religious and secular groups. Almost every article Troy writes
is an information terrorist attack, and many of his readers actually notice that.
Thus, commenting on media materials created by Dave Troy,
302:00 - 302:30 readers point out that his rhetoric sows moral panic,
causes depression, and harms their mental health. Hassan and Troy do not hide their connections.
They actively supported the release of a book by anti-cultist Alex Alvarova from the Czech
Republic, a country that is one of the centers of anti-cultism in Europe. In her book "Feeding
the Demons: The Conquerors of America," Alvarova
302:30 - 303:00 essentially continues to promote Hassan's
and Russian RACIRS' narrative that tens of millions of American citizens are cult members,
urging other Americans to fight them. The destructive activities of anticultists have
already led to the point when in our democratic United States, where people are guaranteed
freedom of speech, Trump supporters are afraid to express their support openly, fearing
open aggression from their fellow citizens. I highlight this not because they represent
a particular party or support a specific politician,
303:00 - 303:30 but because they are Americans,
residents of a free country, who have a guaranteed freedom of speech
and expression by the Constitution. It's important to remember that anti-cultism
does not support any political party, force, or country. Anti-cultism hates the US
and is only interested in exacerbating conflicts within American society to the point
of its destruction in a civil war. To achieve this,
303:30 - 304:00 it infiltrates both opposing
parties, fueling hostility. Therefore, in the opposing political camp,
anti-cultism also infects citizens with Nazi narratives. It is precisely anti-cultists
who heavily propagate in the media this narrative that all Democratic Party supporters
are supposedly against Christianity, that they are 'anti-Christians,'
that President Biden "betrayed Christianity"
304:00 - 304:30 and is "destroying" it. Thus,
it is instilled in people that Christianity is threatened and persecuted because
of the actions of this part of Americans. Consequently, according to this logic,
citizens are urged to make every effort to protect Christianity from those who may destroy it,
in their opinion. And again, we see the Nazi method of labeling specific groups, which is imposed
by anti-cultists. Thus, the anti-cult movement
304:30 - 305:00 exploits the existing division into two political
camps in American society, stirring even greater hatred between them. All of this has led
to an unprecedentedly high likelihood of a civil war. Once I already warned you
that long-term consequences of party divisions can be dangerous for the nation's welfare.
Back then, I said: "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely,
in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning,
ambitious, and unprincipled men will be
305:00 - 305:30 enabled to subvert the power of the people
and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines
which have lifted them to unjust dominion." Everything I warned you about is already
happening in our United States of America today. In order to achieve its goals, global anticultism
divides you Americans, creating conditions for a new civil war in the USA. As much as American
society is divided nowadays, it was only divided
305:30 - 306:00 before the war between the North and the South.
and you yourselves can see and feel that. Many US citizens have already started talking
about the inevitability of a civil war, civil war
...vil war civil war
civil war civil war
civil war and such narratives are increasingly
heard from the media. This situation is a direct outcome of the actions
of numerous branches of global anticultism and their agents infiltrating the social
and political spheres of America’s life.
306:00 - 306:30 In this war, information terrorist attacks
and real acts of terrorism they provoke remain the customary tool of the hidden enemy
of democracy and the entire free world. Today, I’ll give you several examples of specific
phenomena, events and their consequences that were orchestrated by representatives
of global anticultism and their loyal
306:30 - 307:00 anti-cultist dogs in order to create
and intensify a split in American society, to prepare a ground for a future civil war,
and to place all the pieces they need on the chessboard. Only if you realize how you’ve
been manipulated all this time, will you be able to get out of this game and gain
an opportunity to take a free step — a step that will really help put an end to the entire chaos,
evil and destruction that representatives
307:00 - 307:30 of anticultism sow around themselves. Then you will finally be able
to find ways to achieve reconciliation and unity. MASS SHOOTINGS IN SCHOOLS It is time to expose yet another brutal and cynical atrocity
committed by the international network of terrorist anti-cult groups and their ideological mentors.
It is difficult to imagine that these very criminals
307:30 - 308:00 turned out to be the architects of one
of the most terrifying phenomena in modern society. [multiple shots fired]
Oh! Holy ***! Oh my God! Oh my God!
[screams] ...shooting at a high-school in Broward County….
...mass shooting inside an elementary school... ...the shooting there at the Covenant School
...shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School... ...deadliest shooting in US history.
...worst-ever mass shootings... ...fourteen students...
...seventeen people have been killed... 27 victims. 20 children, 7 adults.
33 dead, 29 wounded
308:00 - 308:30 ...a total of 15 people, I believe,
to have died here, 12 – students. ...three young children dead
and three administrators dead as well… [shots fired]
Shhh! Shhh! [indistinct whispers]
Someone help me! [scream] The phenomenon I am referring to is mass
shootings in educational institutions.
308:30 - 309:00 Not long ago, the entire human
community was shocked by the first such incident and wondered
how it was even possible. Now, it has become a harsh reality. These incidents leave an indelible mark
on people's memories. The most terrifying aspect of these violent outbursts is not just
the loss of young lives but the fact that children are killing other children.
What has happened to society to give rise to such
309:00 - 309:30 a phenomenon? What has changed,
and what is the root cause of this tragic reality? A wise person once said, "For every complex problem,
there is an answer that is clear, simple, and... wrong." In this case, many of you might be satisfied with an answer
that seems obvious and straightforward: that this phenomenon has become possible
because modern society is experiencing a decline in morality.
309:30 - 310:00 People have become disconnected, and there is too much anger and violence,
which has inevitably affected your children. This seems like a logical answer,
and there is, of course, some truth to it. However, this is such a sharp and painful topic
that it has not gone unnoticed by opportunists who are accustomed to profiting
from others' misfortunes. Moreover, too many inconsistencies and unanswered
questions emerge when examining each case
310:00 - 310:30 individually and the overall picture in detail.
It is as if someone may be deliberately using these tragic incidents so that while your
mind is clouded by emotions of grief, shock, and loss, the actual beneficiaries of these
events can covertly carry out their plans. The explanation lies in a simple
and timeless formula: find who benefits from it,
and you will uncover the truth.
310:30 - 311:00 Historically, educational institutions
have always had many individuals who fit the risk factors for becoming potential shooters.
However, for various reasons, only a few, and not always the most obvious ones, resorted
to gun violence. The open question remains: why have developed countries faced the phenomenon
of mass shootings by children in the modern era?
311:00 - 311:30 Yes, with the invention of firearms
and their gradual availability to civilians, such incidents have occurred since
the early 18th century. And typically, these incidents didn't garner as much widespread
attention and mass publicity in society as they do now. News reports covering these events
didn't employ manipulative psychological techniques.
311:30 - 312:00 They simply reported the facts,
informed the public, and nothing more. But what's happening now is an unprecedented
phenomenon. The sharp, rapid increase in armed attacks in schools worldwide occurred
roughly around the same time, starting from the late nineties, with a frightening trend
towards escalation since the early 2000s.
312:00 - 312:30 In other words, school shootings have been
a phenomenon of the past 30 years. Just as many years ago, the hidden force behind global
anti-cultism began to regain its strength. It was then that they founded the ideological
center of the modern network of anti-cult groups, and it was then that they began
to consolidate their positions and spread their destructive influence
massively in democratic countries
312:30 - 313:00 around the world. And this is not
just a coincidence, that’s a fact. For those who think such events
can't be artificially provoked, I suggest taking a closer look. Follow my train
of thought, and don't just look at the surface, but try to penetrate with your
gaze into the depths of things. Armed attacks in educational institutions, or school
shootings — the use of armed violence on the grounds of educational institutions (primarily targeting
students), often escalating into mass murders.
313:00 - 313:30 At this point, a vast number of countries
have already experienced cases of school shootings. This is an international issue being
addressed by specialists from various fields. It is generally accepted that such actions
by minors are driven not only by aggressive behavior, but also by a complex set of circumstances
developing over a long period of time. Those can include individual vulnerability
of a specific child in particular situations.
313:30 - 314:00 For example, chronically tense relationships
in the classroom or school, bullying, neglectful attitude in the family, unrecognized prolonged depressive
state, and psychological problems. T hus,as some experts believe, the reason
for the crime becomes the fact that the teenager, unable to cope with the situation, explodes,
reacting to it with aggressive actions. However, specialists' attempts to conduct detailed
analyses of dozens of cases have hit a dead end.
314:00 - 314:30 They report that there is no single, universal
profile of a "shooter." Age, gender, race, and social characteristics all vary. Potential
shooters are usually portrayed as unsociable, quiet loners, but studies have shown
that only about 12% of them had no friends; and about 34% were considered socially
isolated, which is higher than the
314:30 - 315:00 average for their age group but not enough
to identify a significant trend. About 44% of attackers were involved in social
activities outside school, such as sports teams, hobby clubs, extracurricular
education, and religious groups. More than 63% of attackers came from intact
families and did not have academic problems. In many cases, future shooters came
from relatively well-off families where parents tried to build trusting relationships
with their children. In the US, the schools
315:00 - 315:30 that were attacked were located in suburban or rural
areas with low rates of violent crime. This contrasts with Russia, where the most notorious
school attacks occurred in cities (Moscow, Kazan, Kerch, Perm). Therefore, it is also
not possible to explain such crimes by the negative influence
of the social environment, as all these children grew up in different conditions
and places with varying levels of crime.
315:30 - 316:00 The majority of attackers did
not have severe psychopathology: out of 27 cases, only 23% had
a history of seeking psychiatric help, and only 6% were deemed insane
at the time of committing mass murders. At present, it is not possible to accurately identify a potential shooter based
on external signs. It could be anyone. All these children who later became
criminals are entirely different individuals,
316:00 - 316:30 with different characters, different
experiences, and different destinies. 20-year-old Adam Lanza blasted
his way through the front door of the Sandy Hook Elementary School with AR… Nikolas Cruz in Court Monday, the confessed
school shooter never looking up, … So they thwarted 18-year-old Alex Ye's
plans to shoot up his high school. Despite some shooters studying violent
materials before committing the crime, others did not; some showed
signs of depression,
316:30 - 317:00 while others did not; some underwent
psychiatric treatment, while others did not; some were bullied in school, while others were
the aggressors themselves. So, it's impossible to confidently conclude that only a specific
personality type is prone to such crimes. What made them cross the final moral line within
themselves and commit such a terrible crime?
317:00 - 317:30 What unites all these cases? The answer
is both simple and complex at the same time. All these children fell victim
to representatives of global anti-cultism and their meticulously planned infoterrorism acts.
317:30 - 318:00 They were infected with destructive images
of violent actions spread by representatives of anti-cultism through the media, containing
hidden commands to act. That's why we see cases where teenagers are inspired to commit armed
attacks by stories of terrorism. Essentially, school shootings are acts of terrorism.
However, the form in which they occur allows the actual beneficiaries
to divert attention away from themselves.
318:00 - 318:30 Next, I will show you examples
of how the well-honed manipulative psychological techniques from the arsenal of anti-cult
terrorists influence the masses' consciousness. THE COLUMBINE CASE Let's consider, for example,
the tragic events at Columbine High School. Yeah, this is [name indistinct],
Columbine High School. We have shots being fired. [screams]
318:30 - 319:00 There's a guy in a black trench coat, carrying a shotgun.
There're shots fired inside the cafeteria. I may have to try and get out
of here and call you back.
319:00 - 319:30 On April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School
in Colorado, USA, a premeditated attack was carried out by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,
senior students at the school. They attacked their classmates
and school staff using guns and homemade bombs. As a result, 13 people were killed, and 24 were wounded.
After the attack, the shooters committed suicide.
319:30 - 320:00 ...getting shot all around me.
They were shooting anyone of color, wearing a white hat or playing a sport…
15 people, I believe, to have died here, 12 – students.
This mass murder case caused significant public outcry in the United States and sparked
heated debates about the need for stricter gun control.
320:00 - 320:30 The incident led to the tightening
of security systems in educational institutions and increased regulation of children's access
to the Internet and violent video games. Despite being known today as a case of mass
murder, there is evidence from the perpetrators themselves that clearly characterizes
their planned crime as a terrorist act.
320:30 - 321:00 Long before their attack on the school,
the future shooters frequently wrote in their journals about events such
as the Oklahoma City bombing, the Vietnam War, and World War II. Journal entries also revealed
that the attackers were planning a school bombing intended to rival the power
of the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. Prior to the events of September 11,
2001, this was the largest terrorist attack
321:00 - 321:30 on U.S. soil. The bombing of a truck filled
with explosives resulted in the deaths of 168 people, including 19 children under the age of 6,
and injuries to over 680 people. Furthermore, in their writings about these events,
the perpetrators expressed a desire to "dwarf the carnage" of the Oklahoma City bombing and leave a lasting
impression on the world about these events.
321:30 - 322:00 So what really happened on that tragic day
at Columbine High School? How do we interpret this event when, in fact, teenagers, impressed
by stories of terrorist attacks and military actions, literally planned the next actual terrorist
attack? It's not just murder or suicide – they planted a massive amount of explosives
in the school and planned to detonate it. They planned to kill about 250 people or even more,
as they admitted in their diaries. The only thing that
322:00 - 322:30 prevented them from carrying out their plans
was that the homemade bombs didn't explode for some reason. And if the bombs had all gone off
and they succeeded in what they had planned, how many children would have been harmed?
How would law enforcement classify this crime then? The fact that the teenagers planned
the attack is evident from their deliberate choice of the attack date,
which they called "Judgment Day." Initially, the shooting was planned for April 19,
1999 – the sixth anniversary of the end of the Waco
322:30 - 323:00 siege and the fourth anniversary
of the Oklahoma City bombing. They postponed it to April 20 only
because they needed to secure additional ammunition. In other words, inspired by the Oklahoma City
bombing, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold sought to commit an act of terror that would claim
more lives than that explosion. In turn, the Oklahoma City bombing was linked
to the events at Waco and was carried out on the second
323:00 - 323:30 anniversary of that tragedy. The perpetrator
of the Oklahoma City bombing explained his actions as revenge against the federal government for its
criminal actions, including those at Waco. Let’s recall that back then, the members of the Branch
Davidians religious group were surrounded and besieged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) and the US National Guard on the territory of their compound ranch Mount Carmel near
the city of Waco, Texas. The siege lasted
323:30 - 324:00 from February 28 to April 19, 1993, and ended in tragic
events during which a total of 86 people died. With a high probability, Eric and Dylan,
like the rest of the country, watched the bloody events at Waco
and the explosion in Oklahoma on television. Thus, the tragedy that resulted in the deaths
of 86 people became the motive for another act of terror in which 168 people died.
Both events, in turn, influenced two teenagers to attempt
324:00 - 324:30 to surpass the terrorists’ acts, culminating
in the mass killings at Columbine High School. So what really triggered
the shootings at Columbine High School: the accumulated aggression
of the children, which they couldn't cope with, or the media hype surrounding descriptions
of high-profile terrorist attacks containing specific destructive images and attitudes
that incite action? What affected the children's psyche?
324:30 - 325:00 And who is truly responsible
for children becoming mass murderers? Now, these dates on the calendar – April 19 and 20 –
have become days of deep mourning for the entire American nation, marked by the shadow
of three horrifying tragedies: the siege in Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the mass shooting
at Columbine High School. The events of those days, which claimed numerous human lives, have become
memorable milestones in American history.
325:00 - 325:30 They have been the source of numerous changes
in both the political and social landscape of the country. But what unites all three tragedies is not just
their dates and their impact on America, but also that they are all part of the strategy of global
anti-cultism, and the hidden force behind it. They have become long-lasting anchor
events that have triggered numerous processes, which continue to significantly influence
the current situation in the country to this day.
325:30 - 326:00 I will talk about this
in more detail later. And also, using the specific example of the tragedy in Waco,
I will show you how the enemy, through its network of global anti-cultism,
orchestrates such events and how you can identify its hidden hand amidst what may seem like
chaos or accidental coincidence of circumstances. MECHANISMS OF ARTIFICIAL PROVOCATION OF SCHOOL
326:00 - 326:30 All these events, besides being acts of terrorism,
subsequently became powerful info-terrorist attacks, which in turn spawned new crimes.
Later, through their allies in the mass media, representatives of anti-cultism launched a PR
campaign to give worldwide publicity to the events at Columbine. Numerous high-profile
articles were published, films were made, and books were written detailing the day
of the attack down to what the boys had
326:30 - 327:00 for breakfast that morning. All of this ultimately
created a romanticized image of the shooters, evoking both sympathy and even admiration. “This ain’t no V-Tech shit or Columbine…” “I look like Bret Hart mixed with Dylan Klebold
327:00 - 327:30 Based on the events at Columbine High School
and the interest surrounding the shooters' personalities, entire communities of their
admirers formed, known as the "Columbiners." Fan groups emerged on social media,
which ultimately became known as the Columbine movement. For some reason, competent authorities
were slow to combat the spread of this clearly destructive information among teenagers
and to stop the activities of such groups, despite their
327:30 - 328:00 apparent efforts to popularize and romanticize
school shootings and their perpetrators. As a result, what do we have now? Nowadays,
"School shootings" and "Columbine" have become interchangeable terms. The word "Columbine"
is now used to describe all crimes carried out in a similar manner. This marked the unofficial
beginning of the era of school shootings. Who created this heroicized image
of Columbine and why? Why did the authorities and intelligence agencies allow
it to spread so widely? Is this simply negligence
328:00 - 328:30 and irresponsibility, or intentional criminal
inaction? If it is believed that one of the key reasons for new school shootings
is an uncontrolled imitation of "Columbine," then why was information popularizing
this event allowed to spread so widely? If reports of these events did not contain
hidden manipulations that incited action, this information would not have
been so actively duplicated,
328:30 - 329:00 picked up by other children,
and would not have generated new shooters. It is evident that the "Columbine" cult
was created intentionally; at its core, this is an act of informational terrorism
that spawns more terrorist attacks. Who benefits from conducting acts
of informational terrorism of this scale? Only the representatives
of anti-cultism and the force behind them.
329:00 - 329:30 It is the representatives of anti-cultism
who subtly glorify the perpetrators of these attacks through the media.
Using manipulative psychological techniques, they implant the desired image
into people's subconscious minds,
329:30 - 330:00 promoting the spread of information
that contains hidden destructive messages. ...the legacy of Columbine. Ever since
that mayhem 15 years ago, we’ve seen more and more of these mass shootings, many by trouble
young men inspired by the Columbine killers. Police say Ye is obsessed
with the Columbine High School massacre. David, tomorrow is the 25-th anniversary of Columbine. Authorities clearly taking no chances This way, they search for new copycats.
330:00 - 330:30 They sow the seeds of destruction
and wait for new sprouts to emerge. When a school shooting occurs in any country,
and the media worldwide starts broadcasting information about it, what happens
to the people exposed to this information? Thousands of children and teenagers start
to try on the image of the perpetrator, contemplating, "What would I do if I were him?". They think about
how they would act towards their classmates in school or peers in college or university.
Even many rational adults, listening to these stories
330:30 - 331:00 in the media, start imagining
how they might carry out such an act. In doing so, the human mind unwittingly identifies
potential "victims," those who have wronged them in the past or undervalued them.
Thousands think about it, and a few actually turn their fantasies into reality.
This is deliberate psychological manipulation. Many of you might wonder, "If representatives
of anti-cultism are behind school shootings,
331:00 - 331:30 how do they manage to control the shooters
remotely? They aren't physically holding their hands." The answer is simple:
they don't need to physically hold anyone's hand to make them commit a mass shooting –
they only need to control their consciousness. Naturally, the next question arises: if they use
such precise and refined manipulative techniques, why do they not work on everyone?
What is the key factor that opens the door
331:30 - 332:00 for the implantation of a destructive program
into the subconscious of teenagers, driving them to enact such horrific scenarios? To understand the true nature of what
is happening, let's delve into the details of how representatives of anti-cultism use methods
of covert programming to influence a person's subconscious to commit a school shooting.
How do they manage to code a teenager to execute their malicious will?
332:00 - 332:30 METHOD OF PUZZLE PIECE CODING First, representatives of anti-cultism
select a region where, according to their goals and objectives, it will be strategically
advantageous to create a school shooting incident. The organization and planning of such a terrorist
act in the chosen region happen long before the actual event, usually from one to three years,
depending on the significance and importance of the event for them. The coding of a teenager
to carry out an armed attack is done remotely,
332:30 - 333:00 using the method of subliminal information
embedding through mass media and the internet. To create a new school shooting,
they use a method of puzzle piece coding, that is, a method of covert manipulation
by directing multiple waves of information coding. Each wave individually contains specific
embedded messages that, like puzzle pieces, come together in the depths of the potential
shooter's subconscious. Only when these pieces combine do they activate the program to commit
mass murder. As a result of this activation,
333:00 - 333:30 the individual goes through
with the crime, while to an observer, it appears as if it was their personal decision.
No one met with them, directly incited them, or helped them prepare. They didn't even
discuss the topic with anyone. In reality, they act as a bio-robot, guided by a skilled
hand to carry out a premeditated criminal plan. This segmentation of manipulative embeds
into several waves of information delivery
333:30 - 334:00 is intentional and serves the purpose of precise
targeting. Since a school shooting requires one, at most two perpetrators, the waves of information
coding affect thousands of people. Some of these people may even feel an impulse to act on the
commands, but not everyone can cross the line into committing mass murder. Therefore,
to narrow down the target zone and activate a suitable potential shooter, a cross-sectional
information attack is conducted. It consists
334:00 - 334:30 of several information deliveries, each containing
specific embeds that can bypass the critical control of the conscious mind and penetrate
directly into the subconscious. Once there, these embeds come together like a puzzle to form
a cohesive picture of the future crime. This image becomes a dominant intrusive thought,
pushing the individual towards committing mass murder. When planning the next school shooting, representatives of anti-cultism first study
the demographics of the target school,
334:30 - 335:00 their interests, and popular internet
and media resources among them. Then, by placing materials on these media resources,
considering trends in the teenage environment, they launch multiple waves of information
coding that contain hidden embeds. Moreover, these infected messages
are typically spaced out over time, meaning they don't necessarily need to be released
into the information space simultaneously. The key is that they all superpose in the perception
of a specific individual. Their combination
335:00 - 335:30 in the potential shooter's subconscious triggers
the command to execute the implanted program. The initial information coding attacks
have a broad range of impact. The final wave of the attack and additional
corrective measures are carried out directly within the target school.
These give the "Start" command to the shooter. Representatives of anti-cultism first launch
preparatory waves of information coding, followed by targeting and activating waves.
This series of precautionary measures allows them
335:30 - 336:00 to control the exact number of perpetrators
of a terrorist attack and the quality of its execution. The first preparatory wave, which serves
as the foundation for the subsequent layering of all puzzle-piece embeds into a single
picture, is the glorification of previous school shooting perpetrators.
The primary factor that representatives of anti-cultism exploit here is the human desire for fame.
Therefore, all the narratives glorifying shooters, implanted by representatives of anti-cultism,
exploit a person's desire for popularity
336:00 - 336:30 and widespread attention. It doesn't matter
how the information about the shooters is spread. It could be condemning their actions
or justifying them, a biographical sketch, or a dramatization of events – anything goes.
The critical aspect is the news coverage and the manipulative message embedded in it.
Thus, an image of the criminal is created, surrounded by an aura of fame and admiration
despite the wrongfulness of their actions.
336:30 - 337:00 What does a teenager see
when they encounter this information? They see that an ordinary student,
just like them, who felt undervalued, gained worldwide fame with a single act.
Now, the top popular media write about them, celebrities talk about them,
and they become a sort of idol for others. It is precisely the desire to become famous,
the thirst for fame that serves as the fertile ground, in which the seeds of evil sown by real terrorists
take root, provoking children to commit crimes.
337:00 - 337:30 My name is Nik, and I’m gonna be
the next school shooter of 2018. My goal is at least 20 people,
with an AR-15 and a couple tracer rounds. She is infatuated with Columbine School shooting.
Police says, she is armed and extremely dangerous. Well, I will be. Columbine, Virginia Tech –
none of them will beat me. I’ll kill them all. Remember Columbine!
337:30 - 338:00 He was arrested... ABC News investigations
spanning the country uncovered chilling evidence: video diaries... Here's that Minnesota
suspect talking to police in May. My number one idol is Eric Harris… The modern era of active shooting
events really began with Columbine. Thus, the first implant penetrates
the subconscious of the potential shooter: the notion that the most important purpose
in life is to gain fame and recognition, and without this, life is meaningless.
The deep-seated subconscious fear of living
338:00 - 338:30 an obscure life pushes the teenager toward
committing the crime. If you look at the profiles of shooters from this perspective
and their explanations for their actions, you will clearly see that the desire to become
famous is the one common trait they all share. Here is a crucial point: if the glorified
image of the shooter did not exist, school shootings would cease to be possible.
Because without this foundational base,
338:30 - 339:00 the rest of the program for carrying out the act would
not have the necessary support to be executed. The dissemination of glorified images
of criminals as bait for those who also crave popularity acts as a filter, screening
out those unsuitable for the role of perpetrator and infecting those with the active
trigger that sets off the program's unpacking. Another filter is the specific method
of selecting themes through which the program
339:00 - 339:30 components for executing a school shooting
are embedded. These themes are chosen from the areas of interest to teenagers,
which are typically opposite in nature. What does this mean and why is it done? A person is more likely
to be interested in related topics. For example, someone interested in astronautics might
also be interested in parachuting. However, to minimize the number of people caught
in the cross-section of the informational coding waves, topics are chosen that rarely fall within
the sphere of interest of the same person all at once.
339:30 - 340:00 For instance, a teenager might be fascinated
by space and the possibility of life on other planets, such as astrobiology. What would be
opposite in nature to this interest? Life’s opposite is death. So, a teenager potentially
suitable for the role of a shooter might also be interested in different models
of weapons. This combination of interests is rare in real life, which is precisely
what anti-cultism representatives count on.
340:00 - 340:30 Subsequently, various materials on these themes
are embedded with other components of the single program for carrying out a school shooting.
Particular emphasis is placed on awakening an interest in weapons as tools that grant power
and fame. As a result, only those teenagers who are simultaneously interested in both opposing
themes and who already have a dominant desire for fame and recognition fall into the crosshairs
of these intersecting waves of information coding.
340:30 - 341:00 Thus, the target group gradually narrows down
through the final stage of the coding process: the first wave of information coding affects
thousands, then from these thousands, only hundreds remain, and ultimately,
only a few individuals are caught in the crossfire of all the necessary coding waves.
It then becomes a matter of time to see who among them activates first and who ultimately becomes
the perpetrator of the implanted program. This is why shooters often appear entirely
different from one another, with diametrically
341:00 - 341:30 opposed personality traits, frequently
without significant psychological issues, and most importantly, without apparent
motives for committing such crimes. Let me give you an example of an inducing
wave of information coding that activates a teenager's program to commit a school shooting.
The "start" command doesn't necessarily come through the media or the internet. It could be
delivered by a guest lecturer at the school, who incidentally mentions a person in their talk
who dedicated their entire life to science
341:30 - 342:00 but never gained worldwide recognition or fame.
In contrast, the lecturer then cites Nobel laureates as examples – few in number,
but they were able to achieve success. What embed does the potential shooter
receive here? Their subconscious gets the directive that neither science nor diligent
effort brings fame. And that life's meaning isn't in discoveries or hard work
but in popularity. For if no one knows you,
342:00 - 342:30 you’re wasting your life.
Therefore, there's no point to your existence. From an outside perspective, such a lecture
might seem noble, yet it serves as the trigger for activating the shooter. After a short period,
one of the students at this school will commit an armed attack on others. Several months may
pass between the lecture and the tragic event, by which time, no one will remember or connect
the person to the reasons for this tragedy.
342:30 - 343:00 From a legal standpoint, there's no grounds for charges
of incitement because the lecturer didn't even mention school shootings in their talk.
In this way, through purposeful information coding, the subconscious program for committing mass murder
is activated in the teenager unnoticed by others. Thus, out of thousands of teenagers affected
by intersecting waves of information coding,
343:00 - 343:30 only a few become future shooters. This transformation
occurs only in schools where the final stage of subconscious programming, the activation phase
of the embedded command, has been completed. That's why, seemingly out of nowhere, children
develop an attraction to weapons and a desire to inflict harm on others. Just an image
that bypassed the critical perception of the conscious mind, penetrated deep into
the subconscious, and triggered action. As a result,
343:30 - 344:00 a teenager who recently made plans
for the future, dreamed of romantic relationships, and chose a university or college to attend
after school, suddenly, with the obsession of a psychopath, starts planning a real terrorist
attack. Thus, cynically and cold-bloodedly, representatives of anti-cultism skillfully
manipulate the pliable minds of future executors for their malicious intent.
They turn your children into terrorists and mass murderers.
344:00 - 344:30 Even if only one out of hundreds of thousands
of children brings this image to life, it is more than enough for representatives
of anti-cultism and the force behind them to continue their destructive activities to destabilize
society and impose the agendas that benefit them. Representatives of anti-cultism, in their public
statements, which they also make in educational institutions, often talk about their concern
for the safety of children. However, it is they
344:30 - 345:00 themselves who are the secret instigators,
provoking children to display outbursts of hatred, intolerance, and aggression.
It is the representatives of anti-cultism who create conditions in society
for children, and sometimes even adults, to take up arms and go shoot other children
in schools. Being terrorists themselves, they breed new terrorists. Thus, through
the hands of others, they achieve the desired results.
345:00 - 345:30 WAYS TO PREVENT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS Understanding the fundamental principles of manipulative techniques
through which the search and activation of potential shooters occur also provides the opportunity
to identify the organizers of such crimes and prevent similar incidents in the future.
HOW TO PREVENT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS? Method one: Monitoring content leading to crime
For example, by tracking the content
345:30 - 346:00 that teenagers who commit mass shootings have been
exposed to, it is possible to uncover those who led them to these actions, using them as remotely
controlled weapons. This includes identifying specific publications, harmful content,
and even particular media channels through which children are encoded to commit school shootings.
It is worth noting that identifying potentially harmful content in this case
is possible only through its external features.
346:00 - 346:30 Without specialized knowledge of the puzzle
coding method, an ordinary person will not be able to detect hidden puzzle embeds in text
or video materials, which ultimately transform someone into a shooter. Since this method
is designed to influence a person’s subconsciousness, bypassing critical perception by the conscious
mind, it’s logical that it is almost impossible to understand where and how these embeds
occur, if you use consciousness alone.
346:30 - 347:00 But what can be noticed, and what should be paid
attention to when identifying dangerous content? Since heroization of shooters is the first
and fundamental wave of information-coding, which lays the groundwork in a person’s
subconsciousness for committing a future crime, we will now provide an analysis
of publications on the topic of school shootings. The first thing to observe in these materials
is the frequency of publications that repeat
347:00 - 347:30 the same seemingly meaningless messages.
This may be a series of similar articles about a specific school shooting incident that happened
a long time ago. Often, these articles are authored by a specific periodical, journalist,
or a group of interconnected journalists who continually maintain the same topics in their
publications over an extended period of time.
347:30 - 348:00 Meanwhile, other journalists or media outlets may
have already stopped covering this event long ago, yet this very group of journalists
persistently supports the information wave for unknown reasons and keeps
the long-past event alive in the media space. These articles would repeatedly discuss
the same subject from different angles: the authors might criticize the police,
express sympathy for the shooter's parents,
348:00 - 348:30 highlight recently uncovered details
of the crime, and so on. However, the common thread will still be the same —
school shootings. And all these articles will have one significant feature: they will
never harshly criticize or condemn the shooter. The second feature of potentially
dangerous materials and publications is that discussions of school shootings
would always be accompanied by direct or indirect criticism of the authorities, specific officials,
and the helplessness of law-enforcement agencies.
348:30 - 349:00 Articles would discuss their mistakes
and failures, emphasizing that law-enforcement officers lie and deliberately distort
facts to cover up their own helplessness. Such publications often appear very similar
and, at first glance, may even seem reasonable, devoid of aggressive calls to action
or clear signs of inciting hatred. However, in reality, the information
they contain deeply affects people,
349:00 - 349:30 leaving a lasting imprint
on their subconsciousness. The third feature to watch for is the presence
of numbers in the publications. Information containing hidden embeds always includes
a numerical code. This could be mentions of dates, exact time when a crime was committed,
the number of casualties, or other figures. Yet, these numbers would be repeatedly referenced
in their publications. The point is that
349:30 - 350:00 human consciousness and subconsciousness
perceive numbers differently. This feature of the work of our subconsciousness
is leveraged by the puzzle-coding method. As mentioned before, it is extremely challenging
for an unprepared individual to detect hidden manipulations of consciousness and, even more so,
subconsciousness through the puzzle-coding method without specialized training. However, there is
always a pattern, and identifying this pattern
350:00 - 350:30 can help pinpoint particularly dangerous
content amid the vast flow of information. Once sources of destructive influence
containing hidden embeds are identified, it is crucial to promptly halt the propagation
of their influence on the broader population. Method two: Conducting psychological testing in schools to identify increased
levels of bipolar disorders
350:30 - 351:00 One indicator that students at a particular
educational institution have been subjected to hidden external subconscious manipulation
is an increase in cases of bipolar affective disorder among them. What's the connection here?
Since the initial waves of information coding have a wide radius of impact, certain embeds, parts
of the program for mass shootings, infiltrate the subconscious of all affected individuals.
What happens to a person in this case?
351:00 - 351:30 Hidden directives start acting in their subconscious,
conflicting with their conscious goals and aspirations. As a result, internal conflict
and resistance emerge within the individual. This conflict, triggered by the implanting
of foreign elements into the subconscious, eventually manifests as bipolar disorder.
Representatives of anti-cultism cannot avoid provoking such conditions when they initiate preparatory waves
of coding for school shootings. Because this
351:30 - 352:00 forms the foundation for further imposition
of other waves, ultimately launching the program. An illustrative example in this regard
is the situation in the Czech Republic, where after the shooting incident
at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague in 2023, pertinent information
emerged regarding the prevalence of bipolar disorders among the country's young generation.
Czech media began disseminating information indicating that approximately 5% of the entire
population of the Czech Republic currently suffers
352:00 - 352:30 from bipolar affective disorder, primarily among
the young generation of the Czech shooter's age, namely students. Students of Charles University
themselves posted on social media, expressing concern about a troubling trend: every second
student suffers from bipolar affective disorder.
352:30 - 353:00 This circumstance confirms the fact
of external manipulative interference in the subconscious minds
of this university's students. As of today, the Czech Republic, particularly
its capital, is a hotspot of anti-cult activity. One of the key centers of their
activity is located precisely in Prague, and one of the leaders of the local
anti-cult movement, Zdeněk Vojtíšek, teaches at the Hussite Theological
Faculty of Charles University.
353:00 - 353:30 Consequently, there are grounds
to presume that a thorough analysis of the public activities of anti-cult groups
might help establish a correlation between their activities and the increase in cases
of bipolar disorders among Czech youth. A deep study of this relationship may
ultimately provide compelling evidence that anti-cult organizations are not only
linked to school shooting incidents but are indeed their perpetrators. In fact, shooters are
just as much victims of anti-cultists as those
353:30 - 354:00 they shoot at. Their actions were controlled not
by themselves but by a program embedded in their subconscious. An unprepared person is powerless
against such subconscious intervention. Therefore, these children simply found themselves
helpless against the external malevolent influence of manipulators. Hence, there should
be a pressing discussion about the necessity of banning members of anti-cult organizations
from educational institutions, as they may
354:00 - 354:30 exert covert destructive influence on children.
The shooting incident in Prague has prompted Czech students to speak out about the widespread rise
of bipolar disorders and seek help. A petition was drawn up urging the Czech government
and politicians not to ignore the issue and to strengthen psychological and psychiatric
assistance for all those in need. The petition was signed by over 600 people.
This means that the young people themselves are frightened by this situation. Subconsciously, they feel
that someone is manipulating their minds.
354:30 - 355:00 And they fear that anyone among them could be the next
to pick up a weapon to harm oneself or others. A similar scenario following school shooting
incidents will be observed in all schools that have been targeted by the information
coding attacks of anti-cult representatives. The situation in the Czech Republic
clearly demonstrates that bipolar disorder is an inherent and natural
accompanying factor in external interventions aimed at programming
the subconscious of individuals.
355:00 - 355:30 If monitoring of educational institutions
in other countries is carried out, it will be possible to reveal hotspots
of increasing bipolar affective disorders, that is, places already targeted by anti-cultists,
where terror attacks are planned in the near future. Typically, in schools and universities
where mass shootings have occurred, significantly more students with bipolar disorder
can be identified compared to the average statistical rate. Moreover, if these educational institutions
conducted regular psychological testing of students,
355:30 - 356:00 it would reveal that the rapid increase
in bipolar disorders occurred precisely within the range of one to three years before the crime
committed by one of their students at that school or university. This period aligns
with the initial preparatory waves of information encoding. The strongest impact from the implanted
destructive program will be felt by the future shooter themselves.
However, once they carry out the act, bipolar disorder
356:00 - 356:30 will disappear because the cause triggering
the internal conflict disappears. The person makes a final choice. Therefore, typically,
after committing the crime, this issue is not diagnosed in most shooters.
However, it persists in other students at the school. An experienced psychologist only
needs to check students for bipolar affective disorder to determine
whether these children have been subjected
356:30 - 357:00 to attempts of external interference
in their subconscious. Furthermore, if educational institutions introduce regular
psychological testing practices, for example, every six months, any alarming trends can be
detected in time to take preventive measures. Enhanced security measures in schools,
such as metal detectors at entrances, are certainly important and necessary
for protection. However, unfortunately,
357:00 - 357:30 they are not capable of stopping the infiltration
of malignant information programs into the subconscious minds of students. Therefore,
it is crucial for school psychologists and parents to closely monitor the psychological
well-being of children. In particular, attention should be paid to important
markers, such as the development of bipolar disorder. Children themselves
are likely to attempt to conceal these conditions because they are frightened by them,
often not realizing that these states are artificial
357:30 - 358:00 and induced by remote information coding through
media and internet content they encounter. Thus, a simple factor like caring
for the psychological welfare of children and implementing diagnostic procedures
to detect bipolar affective disorder is an essential element
in preventing tragic events. The third method for
preventing armed attacks in educational institutions:
Monitoring the country's information field.
358:00 - 358:30 Another marker that may indicate the preparation
site for future crime is the uneven dissemination of information about new cases of school
shootings. When a high-profile armed attack occurs at an educational institution
with a large number of casualties, it naturally resonates widely in society,
and the news wave covers the entire country. Initially, the information erupts like a wildfire,
but over time, its intensity diminishes. However, if representatives of anti-cultism
have already planned a similar attack
358:30 - 359:00 in a specific region, the informational echo
of this event will resonate longer and louder here than in other regions of the country.
Alternatively, information about it may be reactivated in the information field after
the news wave subsides. It is important to note here that the names and images
of the criminals continue to appear in the news, remaining in the information field of the region
or city. This leads to a covert heroization of the shooters, with the key embed spreading
that "humanity will remember them for life."
359:00 - 359:30 This phenomenon is a red flag for vigilant
observers. If you notice such a trend in your city, be vigilant. The dissemination of a heroized
image of shooters is the first preparatory wave of information coding, and a fundamental
implant on which the future behavior of the shooter is built. If somewhere this image
is artificially sustained in the information space, it means that the psychological indoctrination
of the next shooter has already begun in one
359:30 - 360:00 of the schools in this region. At the same
time, conducting psychological testing across educational institutions
in the city to detect a sudden increase in the number of bipolar disorders can with a high
probability identify the school or university where representatives of anti-cultism have
planned the next case of school shooting. People must also be informed about
how to recognize manipulative techniques and how to train their minds
not to succumb to covert influences. The most effective measure to prevent school
shootings is the complete cessation
360:00 - 360:30 of the activities of the entire network
of global anti-cultism. Everyone who is behind organizing such crimes
and programming people to carry them out. SCHOOL SHOOTING IS A CONTROLLED PROCESS The fact that seemingly uncontrolled school shootings are actually a controlled process
is evidenced by statistics and chronology of their spread.
360:30 - 361:00 To gain a more detailed understanding
of this trend, let's analyze the incidence and growth of the number of such crimes
in various countries where they have occurred. SCHOOL SHOOTINGS IN RUSSIA
For quite a long time, no evidence of cases of mass shootings
in schools has surfaced in Russia. In the 1990s, only one such crime was widely known —
the incident at the Kamyshin Cadet School in 1997.
361:00 - 361:30 The first armed attack on an educational
institution in Russia, which resulted in fatalities, is considered to be the shooting
at Moscow School No. 263 in February 2014. And the first instance of a school shooting
following the so-called "Columbine scenario" occurred in 2017 in Ivanteevka. So, some kid with a knife was running around
the school, our teacher's holding the door.
361:30 - 362:00 What can explain the sudden appearance of a phenomenon such as school shootings
in a territory where it was previously uncommon? How can it be explained other
than by outside interference? After all, what has changed in Russia since the times
when such crimes were unheard of? What has changed is that anti-cultism has gained
unprecedented power and influence here. Today, Russian media deliberately spreads
the narrative that the cause of mass school
362:00 - 362:30 shootings in Russia is the influence
of similar incidents in the United States. To implant this idea in the masses,
the same image of such a crime — Columbine — is most often used. In news reports
about school shootings in Russia, you will frequently find a parallel drawn
specifically with the Columbine case. What happened at the Moscow school
is being called the "American scenario" by the Russian press. Incidents like
this do indeed happen often in the US.
362:30 - 363:00 School shootings are common
in the US, but not in Russia. Shootings and hostage situations are indeed
not uncommon in American schools. A student or former student with a rifle in hand –
that's the typical anti-hero of local news. However, as I mentioned earlier, the first
instance of such supposed imitation in Russia occurred in 2017, 18 years after the Columbine
events. Why did it take so long for the first
363:00 - 363:30 imitator to appear in Russia? The answer
is simple: because it's not just imitation. SOMEONE allowed this precedent to happen in Russia
and ensured it received widespread publicity. Some Russian propaganda figures, authors,
and proponents of the theory alleging the "harmful influence of the USA" on school shootings
in Russia, claim that these incidents are characterized by organized activity
supposedly initiated by the US.
363:30 - 364:00 This argument is supported by a simple propaganda
narrative: it is so because historically, the US has always been opposed to Russia
on the geopolitical stage. Therefore, America is an enemy, and in this
way, the enemy is attacking Russia. However, logically thinking,
it is the United States itself that suffers much more from school shootings. Why? Why would they
attack themselves? It would be more logical
364:00 - 364:30 to assume that America suffers the most precisely
because its adversaries subject it to massive and regular attacks. The truth is that both
the American and Russian peoples are subjected to cynical and sophisticated attacks
from their common enemy – global anti-cultism. By trying to divert attention
and shift all the blame onto the allegedly bad example set by the
United States, the hidden shadow force,
364:30 - 365:00 who is the ideological mastermind of anti-cultism
and terrorism, intended to create a visible image of an enemy, obscuring its own tracks behind
mass shootings in both Russia and America, behind the Columbine tragedy,
and the phenomenon of school shootings as a whole. Today, the threat of school shootings
in Russia has become a serious societal issue. At least 13 people are dead,
including at least seven children, after a shooting at a school in central Russia
365:00 - 365:30 In Russia a gunman killed at least 15 people
at a school today, 11 of them children. Close the door!
Some *** shooting I hope they’ll *** shoot him! Hey, buddy, hang in there!
Hold on a bit, okay? We'll tie it up quickly.
Guys, it's a complete... it's a complete mess. I’m done.
I'm in Perm State University, it's a complete mess here. The situation right
now is: people are being loaded into ambulances,
365:30 - 366:00 there are the wounded everywhere. I wanted
to get my child out. But the best thing for them now is to barricade. They’re there …
To explain how this phenomenon suddenly emerged and began to progress, one needs to trace
the consequences these terrorist acts brought to the country. What was the political situation
at the time of the attack? What changes did this event provoke in that situation? What laws
were passed after each new high-profile case, and who ultimately benefited from this, implementing their
selfish goals under the guise of a loud newsbreak?
366:00 - 366:30 Then it becomes evident that the reason
for the emergence of school shootings in Russia is not spontaneous copycats. It is simply
that the force behind anti-cultism has decided to use this tool of terror now on Russian soil as well.
Another confirmation that school shootings are not accidental is the geography of these attacks.
Notice that there are specific countries, like the
366:30 - 367:00 United States, that regularly suffer from school
shootings. Then, there are countries where this phenomenon is gaining momentum, like Russia.
And there are countries where only isolated incidents have occurred without subsequent recurrences
(such as Canada or some European countries). Breaking news out of Canada.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says, "five people have been killed, two more
are in critical condition after a school shooting." A 14-year-old boy has shot dead
eight children at a school in Serbia.
367:00 - 367:30 These cases generally did not receive widespread
media coverage or gain worldwide notoriety. Many of you, I am sure, are hearing
about these incidents for the first time today. And then, there are other countries
with a myriad of social problems and factors that seem likely to provoke such incidents.
Yet, they have never experienced a single school shooting. It's as if some invisible
force is protecting them from this.
367:30 - 368:00 Suppose the cause of school shootings
is presumably the uncontrolled imitation of shooters by teenagers. Why does this
principle not apply in these countries? This simply indicates that either
the representatives of anti-cultism do not yet have their levers
of influence in these countries, or it is not yet advantageous for them
to carry out such attacks there. However, this does not guarantee that these countries'
populations are protected from such crimes.
368:00 - 368:30 A vivid example is the previously mentioned mass
shooting incident in the Czech Republic in 2023. Breaking news out of Prague, where police say
15 people are dead and dozens injured after a shooting at Charles University. The gunman who.
This event occurred during a period of growing dissatisfaction among the population
with the political situation in the country and an economic crisis caused by sanctions imposed
by the Czech Republic against Russia. Notably,
368:30 - 369:00 in this situation, the media began actively circulating
information that the Czech shooter allegedly cited as his motivation the example of a female shooter
from Russia who had carried out an armed attack at a school just a few
weeks before these events. Such a confluence of
circumstances suggests that the attack in the Czech Republic
was not coincidentally carried out at
369:00 - 369:30 this particular time, nor was the reference
to Russia as the "inspiration" for the crime accidental. It appears that someone wanted
to exploit the situation for their own interests. If we examine each such attack closely,
we can see that these events always correlate with the political situation in the victim
country. For example, they often coincide with upcoming elections, important international
negotiations, escalating political tensions
369:30 - 370:00 within the country, growing public dissatisfaction
with the government, and so on. Such events often become significant and high-profile news stories
that overshadow other news. During this period, when public attention is focused
on the tragedy, anti-cult representatives and the forces behind them can quietly carry out actions
they would prefer to keep out of the public eye. Are these coincidences
or someone's cold calculation?
370:00 - 370:30 The most telling evidence
of the planned nature of these attacks is their influence both on the life
of a single country and on the global community. Each school shooting brings about a series
of political and social transformations directed by anti-cult representatives to serve
their interests. This leads to significant changes within the state and irreversibly
affects the lives of its people.
370:30 - 371:00 Even one such event leaves an unhealing,
bleeding wound on the heart of the entire society. Primarily, such terrorist attacks target
parents and all those with children. After all, a terror attack where one child kills
other children causes immense shock and upheaval in society. It strikes at the most vulnerable
place in every parent – for their life.
371:00 - 371:30 Waited hours to be told our
daughter would never come home. The sensationalized details
of school shootings spread through the media create
a powerful internal fear in people, creating a pervasive sense of constant
threat to the lives of their children. There's no place that's safe anymore.
And our public schools should be the safest. Everyone who's a parent feels that. this is… It makes no sense. This is impossible.
My girl... my 14-year-old baby... I sent her
371:30 - 372:00 to school yesterday. What is unfathomable
is Jaimie took a bullet and is dead. We don't feel safe.
And we want it to be addressed. Schools are not safe anymore.
At the same time, a clear belief forms among the population:
"The government cannot protect our children." How dare you! You were paid by them!
And you just came out and. What was that, a deposition?!
372:00 - 372:30 I'm tired. I'm, I'm so tired of getting
up here and offering condolences. Therefore, with each new incident, distrust and dissatisfaction
with the authorities will only increase. This is America! We were supposed
to be able to do things and be the people
we wanted to be. And now we are in a crazy place. Since we survived a mass shooting in July,
I have met with over 130 lawmakers. How is this still happening? How are our children
still dying and why are we failing them?
372:30 - 373:00 How, how do we allow a gunman to come into
our children's school? How do they get through security? What security is there? There's no metal
detectors. The gunman, a crazy person, just walks right into the school, knocks down the window
of my child's door and starts shooting. Shooting her! In the eyes of frightened parents, the authorities
are guilty of failing to ensure their children's safety.
373:00 - 373:30 They are guilty of allowing their children
to live in a state that is rotting from within, where their child could become a victim
at any moment or even turn into a perpetrator. This subconscious understanding causes
feelings of apathy, hopelessness, and hatred towards the current authorities,
skillfully inflamed by anti-cult representatives. This doesn't happen in other countries.
It happens in the United States of America. You've got a beautiful country.
You've got beautiful people.
373:30 - 374:00 But what's the problem? Guns.
How does a seven year old have a gun? I'm very angry that this happened.
Because it keeps happening. These children survived. This is the shrill
screaming of kids trying to get out while their classmates are being murdered. The phenomenon is that people are artificially instilled with hatred towards any authority
in general. Conditions are created that show
374:00 - 374:30 people that no matter who they elect
or place in power, nothing changes. Thus, the belief that all authority is evil becomes
firmly rooted in the public consciousness. This process creates a vicious cycle: artificially
induced and maintained fear drives part of the population to demand stricter measures
and tougher laws from the authorities. However, these initially well-intentioned initiatives
that were supposed to prevent new crimes,
374:30 - 375:00 are subsequently used by anti-cult representatives
and their accomplices within state structures against the people themselves. This results
in greater subjugation of the populace, increased control over citizens' lives,
and the suppression of free speech. Thus, people are gradually stripped of their
last rights and freedoms. As a consequence, a previously democratic country moves
closer to a totalitarian regime.
375:00 - 375:30 But at the same time, while one part of the population,
driven by fear, advocates for stricter measures, another part, driven by hatred towards
the authorities, believes that such authoritarian methods will lead to even greater restrictions
on their freedoms and violations of their rights. Students, parents, and activists gathered outside
Tennessee State's Capitol to protest gun violence.
375:30 - 376:00 The government would just do something to keep people from getting guns they
don't need. It’s unnecessary. To change who is it in government Wrongheaded leaders
who prioritize guns over children. My gun sits right here on my side
and doesn't jump out and shoot anybody.
376:00 - 376:30 - We’re talking about gun violence.
- At school that allows teachers to carry guns, - Carry guns?! More guns lead to more death! The main point in this situation is that anti-cult representatives, through precise
and sophisticated manipulations, artificially destabilize and divide society. This causes
a split into two opposing camps. Thus, a large mass of people forms, who hate the authorities
and hate each other. What will this lead to?
376:30 - 377:00 Unrest, protests, and confrontation.
All of this collectively puts the country on the brink of civil war. And this
is precisely the final point to which global anti-cultism and the hidden shadow force
behind it are currently leading America. This is why mass shootings in schools occur so
frequently in the United States. This process is planned and controlled. It is part of the enemy’s
strategy aimed at destroying democracy first
377:00 - 377:30 in the U.S., and then throughout the world. It is a complex but highly effective scheme carried out by global anti-cult representatives right
before the world's eyes, yet unnoticed by anyone. It’s worth adding that despite the apparent chaos
in the spread of news about these incidents or narratives glorifying the shooters,
anti-cult representatives carefully ensure
377:30 - 378:00 that the information, tainted with their manipulative
virus, is delivered precisely and in measured doses. This is to prevent school attacks
from becoming too widespread. Excessive numbers of such crimes would diminish their impact,
and each subsequent incident would no longer provoke such a strong societal reaction.
People are capable of becoming accustomed to anything, even such horrific events.
If school shootings happen too frequently,
378:00 - 378:30 society will eventually adapt. While these events
will still induce fear, the constant internal anxiety and worry will diminish.
People will remain cautious, but not much more. On the other hand, measured instances of crime
open people's minds to the implantation of negatively acting images that go straight
into the subconscious, which most people today cannot defend against. Statistics are stubborn things,
and they speak for themselves. These attacks'
378:30 - 379:00 periodicity and growth trends clearly point
to the hidden organizers behind this phenomenon. The IMPACT The situation in the U.S. is particularly alarming,
with a rapid increase in school shootings carrying a hidden warning sign.
Initially, anti-cult representatives
379:00 - 379:30 provoked isolated incidents of school shootings,
which had a massive impact not only on America but on the entire world. & school shooting & the school shooting
school shooting in a & high-school
school shooting and school shooting
school shooting the school shooting
school shooting school shooting
the school shooting These events were like bombs going off because,
at the time, children shooting other children
379:30 - 380:00 was an extraordinary occurrence that caused profound
shock in society. Thus, the early incidents of school shootings in the U.S. became very loud
informational terrorist attacks, shocking the whole world. The Columbine high school massacre
alone had tragic repercussions for many, spawning new school shootings and significantly bolstering
the influence of anti-cultism in the U.S. Now, look at what's happening in America
today. The graphs showing the number
380:00 - 380:30 of mass school shootings indicate a sharp increase.
What does this signify? Due to the special role the U.S. plays in the hidden enemy’s plans,
it suggests that the upcoming events they have planned can lead to increased tension inside
the country. By using school shootings as acts of informational terrorism and deploying various
psychological and informational terrorist attacks through its numerous tentacles, this hidden force
is preparing the ground for a future civil war.
380:30 - 381:00 Therefore, people need to be aware
of the methods the enemy employs through the global anti-cult network and the threats
they pose. Only this way can people extricate themselves from the manipulative game
into which anti-cult representatives have drawn them. It's crucial to recognize
that no measures, no matter how strict, will eradicate the root cause of school
shootings as long as the source of these terrorist attacks exists, and there
is someone to give the command "Start".
381:00 - 381:30 After all, similar measures have already been
taken in different countries around the world, which aligns with the goals of representatives
of anti-cultism. However, practice has shown that neither the prospect of the death penalty,
increased school security, nor restrictions on firearm purchases have reduced the incidence
of school shootings. Even if a total ban on civilian gun ownership were enacted, future attacks
will occur in other forms, such as homemade bombs,
381:30 - 382:00 melee weapons, or poison gas. Similarly,
the introduction of censorship on social networks and other additional measures to control
youth behavior have also proven ineffective. Ultimately, all of this has only led
to significant infringements on citizens' rights and freedoms and undermining democracy,
without reducing the number of school shootings, let alone eliminating them. Because all the strictest
measures and restrictive laws enacted in response
382:00 - 382:30 to these incidents are often initiated
and implemented by global anti-cult representatives and their accomplices within politics,
the state apparatus, the judiciary, and law enforcement. Therefore, a priori, they will always
be designed to work against people and democracy. This chain of evil will not end, and children
will continue to suffer and die as long as global anti-cultism exists and its representatives can
freely use their hidden manipulative techniques
382:30 - 383:00 to influence people’s minds and conduct acts
of informational terrorism through the media. School shootings are the plague of the 21st
century, and the source of this plague is global anti-cultism and the hidden enemy
of humanity behind it. It is the creation of a force that skillfully manipulates images
and has chosen terrorism as its primary weapon. They are responsible for creating
this disease; they cultivate and sustain it.
383:00 - 383:30 We can only defeat this disease when the true
spreaders — all the perpetrators and organizers of these crimes are held accountable and answer
before all of humanity for their atrocities. If anyone still doubts that representatives
of anti-cultism are behind mass school shootings,
383:30 - 384:00 let me give you a specific example.
The details of the events I am about to discuss directly point to the original
culprits of the Columbine High School massacre and the ideological architects
of the phenomenon of school shootings as a whole. WACO CASE As previously mentioned, one of the bloody episodes
in the chain of the terrorist acts that caused mass shooting
384:00 - 384:30 at the Columbine High School was the Waco siege.
In the spring of 1993, tragic events took place as a result of which many people died a horrible
death. The Waco siege still remains a relevant, widely discussed and burning topic for many Americans.
It is one of the most notorious events in US history that has changed
American society forever. To this day, it continues to have a significant influence
on political and social life in the country.
384:30 - 385:00 Despite numerous attempts by various researchers
to get to the bottom of it, there are still many dark spots in this story because all discussions,
even those representing points of view of the opposing parties, are still being held according
to a pattern set by representatives of anti-cult organizations 30 years ago. Today, for the
first time ever, the real picture of events in Waco will be presented, and you’ll be able
to clearly see for yourselves how the threads from that terrorist attack lead straight
to its instigators and final beneficiaries,
385:00 - 385:30 to the very abode of anti-cultism — to Russia.
The Waco tragedy is a classic example of a premeditated public display of a religious
organization persecution by anticultists, involving law-enforcement agencies
and other authorities, which turned intoa powerful informational act of terrorism.
In this case, the target of anticultists was the Branch Davidian religious group that represented
an offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
385:30 - 386:00 By the time of the discussed events,
the Branch Davidian community that resided at Mount Carmel ranch, near the city of Waco, Texas, had been
peacefully existing for about 50 years. For a long time, the locals perceived them as a harmless
group of positive people. However, in the late 1980s — early 1990s, through the efforts
of representatives of anti-cult organizations, the derogatory word "cult" suddenly began
to be used as regards the Branch Davidians, which is a classic first step
by cult-fighters in dehumanizing their
386:00 - 386:30 chosen victim for subsequent persecution. What was the Branch Davidians community like? They were a group of people peacefully living
on their land, in a building they themselves had erected, and were united by joint study
of the Bible. Each had their own hobbies, earned their living just like everyone else,
had various professions, and came from various walks of life. Among them were Harvard graduates,
rock musicians, as well as ordinary mothers
386:30 - 387:00 caring for their children. There are many
similar settlements across America. Those were free people who lived in a free country
the way they liked, in accordance with Christian values and the US Constitution. They didn't impose their
lifestyle on anyone and didn't cause anyone harm. I'm Paulina.
I'm Stephen. I'm Vanessa
Zilla. We had a bunch of women, children,
elderly people. They were all good,
387:00 - 387:30 good people. They had different beliefs
from others, different beliefs than I have, or maybe different beliefs than you have in their way
of life, and especially in their religious beliefs. But basically, they were good people.
I was around them quite a lot. They were always nice, mannerly, they minded their own business.
They were never overbearing.
387:30 - 388:00 They were always clean and courteous.
I liked them. Several years before the tragic events, anticultists had launched a series
of discrediting articles and videos in mass media, aimed at the Branch Davidians.
At that time, the community leader was a young preacher Vernon Howell who adopted a religious
pseudonym David Koresh. He became the main target of the attack of anticultists
who started labeling him as a “dangerous cult
388:00 - 388:30 leader” through the media they controlled.
Even then, his enemies were saying this self-proclaimed Son of God was closer to Satan.
Throughout the entire subsequent disinformation campaign, other members of the organization
were deliberately ignored, and almost all of them remained nameless, devoid of individuality.
Under the influence of anticultists, mass media presented the Davidians solely
as those who had been brainwashed by their leader,
388:30 - 389:00 who allegedly were almost in a slavish position
and unconditionally followed Koresh’s orders. A demonization campaign against Davidians
was led by the already mentioned anticultist and deprogrammer Rick Ross: he organized
a group of people who purposefully engaged in demonizing this community.
His group included some anticultists from the CAN network, former members of the Branch Davidians
they recruited, relatives of those former members,
389:00 - 389:30 as well as news reporters from a number
of periodicals and presenters of popular TV programs. Let’s recall that by the early 90s, CAN
was the leading anticult organization in the USA, while Rick Ross was one
of the most active deprogrammers in CAN. Also, a big role in discrediting
the Davidians was played by their former member Marc Breault who had
left the community after a conflict with Koresh. Breault had obvious
motives for a personal revenge.
389:30 - 390:00 Starting from 1991, he gave a series of interviews
where he unprovenly claimed, among other things, that Koresh abused children, and moreover,
that he could even kill them using them as "human victims." Breault also claimed that Koresh
allegedly applied “mind manipulation” techniques to control members of his group
and could order them to commit mass suicide. Later on, the anti-cult gang persistently tried
to spread this narrative, sending a warning to their
390:00 - 390:30 accomplices in mass media and the US authorities
under the guise of anonymous informants that the Davidians were allegedly planning to commit
mass suicide. In their messages, anticultists asserted that Mount Carmel would become another
Johnstown if measures weren’t taken. Of course, these allegations had no ground or factual
evidence other than rumors and slander spread by individuals whom anticultists recruited.
The purpose of this campaign was to draw the attention of law-enforcement agencies
to the activities of the Branch Davidian community,
390:30 - 391:00 and in order to do that, anticultists
even resorted to outright lies. Techniques that were used against Branch
Davidians, such as stigmatization, dehumanization and guilt by association,
are classical methods in the strategy of anticultists, aimed at persecuting
a target group in order to carry out an informational act of terrorism.
The anticultists were actually the first to launch the narrative about a possible
mass suicide of Davidians, and this very
391:00 - 391:30 narrative played a decisive role in subsequent
interpretation of the Waco tragedy outcome. The events of 1993 began when the leader
of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, and other organization members were
suspected of violating firearms laws. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms,
and Explosives (ATF) initiated an investigation
391:30 - 392:00 into the activities of this religious organization
based on unverified information — or, simply put, rumors — about the illegal possession
of automatic weapons by its members. Who was actually the source of those rumors?
In the summer of 1992, anticultist Rick Ross forcibly deprogrammed former Branch Davidians
member David Block at the home of Priscilla Coates who at that time was the national
representative of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN).
392:00 - 392:30 In the process of deprogramming, which is
essentially physical and psychological torture, Rick Ross wrested information
from Block about the weapons stored at Mount Carmel and conveyed it to ATF
where he had personal connections. According to the 1993 US Department
of the Treasury report on the ATF raid, the message about the weapons turned out
to be inaccurate and "was based almost entirely on the statement of a former
Davidian member David Block." During the investigation of ATF's actions,
the Department of the Treasury later
392:30 - 393:00 criticized the agency's excessive reliance
on a single dubious source of information. It is worth noting that at that time, legal sales
of firearms were a widespread business in Texas, and it was indeed one of the income sources
for the Branch Davidians. Therefore, when federal ATF agents began to show
interest in the Davidians' activities, the organization's leader, David Koresh,
invited the agents to visit Mount Carmel
393:00 - 393:30 and personally inspect the weapons
and the relevant licenses. However, agent Aguilera, assigned to the case,
refused this offer for some reason. Subsequently, after setting up round-the-clock
surveillance on the community members, agent Aguilera managed to compile
the necessary materials to obtain a search and arrest warrant based on the collected information.
The investigation initiated by the US Congress later found out that the ATF
investigation had been "gross and untenable",
393:30 - 394:00 while the statement compiled
by Aguilera contained numerous errors, distortions of facts, incorrect interpretations
of the law, improper application of the law to the facts, as well as a great deal
of incoherent and confusing information. In particular, Agent Aguilera’s statement claimed: - that Koresh possessed a .52-caliber anti-tank
rifle, which was a criminal offense. In reality,
394:00 - 394:30 he owned a .50-caliber rifle,
which was totally legal; - that the Davidians had grenades,
but it wasn’t mentioned that the grenades had been legally purchased and that Davidians were selling them at gun shows as paper weights;
- the statement included references to the testimony of a deputy sheriff who reported
hearing the sound of a powerful explosion coming from Mount Carmel. However,
he failed to report that the sheriff
394:30 - 395:00 had investigated and learned that the Davidians
were using dynamite legally for construction. The source of exaggerated claims about illegal
weapons, paramilitary training at Mount Carmel, 24-hour observation posts, commands
to shoot any suspicious persons on sight, and alleged plans to wage war against
the US government, was the previously mentioned former Davidian, Marc Breault, who had abandoned
the community due to disagreements with Koresh. At the same time, the statement against
the Davidians did not mention that this former member
395:00 - 395:30 was blind, yet it claimed he had been personally
involved in physical training and firing practices conducted by Koresh, and had supposedly
served as a guard armed with combat weapons. Thus, ATF agent Aguilera initially maintained
the case against Davidians based solely on the testimony of anticultists and their
accomplices. Based on these falsified materials,
395:30 - 396:00 a search warrant for the Mount Carmel
ranch, where the Davidian community resided, was issued on February 25, 1993. ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN THE WACO TRAGEDY Simultaneously with preparing the ATF operation, anticultists launched an active campaign
to discredit the Branch Davidians in mass media. Later on, a number of researchers noted the key
role the media played in the tragic turn of the Waco events.
396:00 - 396:30 It was actually accomplices
of the anti-cult movement among the media who became the main broadcasters
of the anticultists' dark rhetoric. Through their efforts, combined with the manipulative
tactics of anticultists, an image of members of a dangerous
and sinister cult was created out of innocent, law-abiding American citizens,
members of the Branch Davidians. Consequently, it was through the prism of the unreliable
and defamatory information presented by the media
396:30 - 397:00 that society, law-enforcement agencies
and government officials viewed the Davidians. A significant contribution thereto was made
by a local newspaper, the Waco Tribune-Herald, which actively broadcasted baseless
accusations initiated by the anticultists. At the time of the discussed events,
almost simultaneously with the start of the law-enforcement operation against
the Davidians, the Waco Tribune-Herald released a series of articles titled "The Sinful Messiah."
The first article was published on February 27,
397:00 - 397:30 1993, the day before the ATF raid. Reports
by the article author, Mark England, heavily relied on the testimony of Breault, deprogrammer Rick Ross,
and other key figures involved in the demonization campaign against the Davidians. At the same
time, the author did not seek opinion from competent researchers specializing in studying
such religious organizations. And even more so,
397:30 - 398:00 the perspective of the Davidians
and their leader was not represented either. Interestingly enough, until a certain point,
reporters from the Waco Tribune-Herald covered information about the Branch Davidians neutrally,
without using the offensive label of a "cult." However, their rhetoric changed dramatically
after the intervention of anticultists. England, the author of the “The Sinful Messiah” series,
began actively promoting anti-cult narratives,
398:00 - 398:30 portraying the 33-year-old Koresh as a fanatical
cult leader who used mind control techniques on his followers. Mark England also accused him
of polygamy and child abuse and claimed that the leader of the Davidians engaged in sexual
relations with underage female members. There was really no evidence of child
abuse. It was only allegations. And again, I say today that we have not ever found
any, any proof of any child abuse out there.
398:30 - 399:00 At that time, no confirmed evidence supported
such claims. The situation was quite the opposite. In fact, back in 1992, the Texas Child
Protective Services (CPS) received an anonymous report alleging child abuse at Mount Carmel.
Following the anonymous message, CPS staff visited Mount Carmel three times. They conducted
physical examinations of 12 Davidian children,
399:00 - 399:30 and the investigation found no signs of abuse or injury.
Due to the lack of evidence supporting the child abuse allegations, CPS officials closed
the investigation regarding Koresh. However, that didn’t prevent ATF investigator
David Aguilera from including child abuse accusations in his affidavit for a search
and arrest warrant for Koresh. Aguilera, in turn, had received this information from Marc Breault.
Later on, despite the fact that suspicions
399:30 - 400:00 of child abuse by Koresh were not confirmed,
they were still actively promoted in mass media controlled by the anticultists,
which significantly influenced the decisions made by the operation commanders and representatives
of the authorities. For some reason, even though there was no evidence, mass media
and law-enforcement officials treated accusations made by the anticultists and disseminated
by their associates as irrefutable facts.
400:00 - 400:30 The greatest influence
on the law-enforcement officers who prepared the Mount Carmel raid was exerted
by anticultist and deprogrammer Rick Ross. In fact, Nancy Ammerman's report
to the Departments of Justice and Treasury regarding the actions of federal law-enforcement
agencies in Waco stated that Rick Ross "was, in fact, closely involved with both the ATF
and the FBI", and that it was he who provided them and the Waco Tribune with misleading
information about the Branch Davidians.
400:30 - 401:00 Thus, both the search warrant
and the ATF raid plan relied heavily on information provided by anticultists
and their accomplices, rather than on factual materials. Starting from December 1992, ten weeks before
the federal raid against the Davidians, ATF and other federal agents increasingly turned to Marc Breault
and Rick Ross for information and consultations.
401:00 - 401:30 Specifically, Breault characterized
the Davidians to federal agents as "terrorists." He claimed that they were no ordinary
group of criminals, but allegedly religious fanatics who wouldn’t hesitate
to suicide for their leader. Breault and Ross kept supporting the statement that mass suicide
was possible, as did Waco Tribune-Herald reporters. Anticultists and their associates
demonized Koresh and the Davidians
401:30 - 402:00 to such an extent that at the time
the ATF operation began, the authorities, operation leaders and federal agents perceived
the Branch of David community as an apocalyptic cult in an armed camp preparing for the final battle
of Armageddon against the forces of government which supposedly embodied "satanic" Babylon.
They envisioned Koresh as a leader of a paramilitary terrorist group that was stockpiling weapons
to start a war against the federal government.
402:00 - 402:30 Representatives of federal authorities
were convinced that the Davidians were not going to cooperate during the investigation,
that they hated the federal government, were controlled by their fanatical sect leader, and would start
a "holy war" at the very first encounter. Precisely the manipulative actions
of the anticultists explain why the ATF agents did not consider a nonviolent way of resolving the situation.
That explains why the agents refused
402:30 - 403:00 Koresh's invitation to come in person
and check the weapons and gun licenses, and why they ignored the opportunity
to arrest Koresh outside Mount Carmel while conducting covert surveillance,
and, instead, chose to employ the tactic of “dynamic” assault
on the building where the Davidians resided. That’s because in their consciousness,
a distorted picture of reality had already been formed and imposed on them
by the anticultists through manipulative techniques.
403:00 - 403:30 In federal agents' reality, they were going
to search not peaceful civilians, but extremely dangerous criminals whom the anticultists
described as terrorists and suicide bombers. Without the bright and demonizing
images generated by the anticultists, exaggerating a possible threat from
the Davidians which, in fact, never existed, it is unlikely that the ATF would
have resorted to such extreme measures. But, unfortunately, the law-enforcement officers
had fallen under the influence of anticultists,
403:30 - 404:00 and by the time the operation began,
some of their representatives in the operation leadership were already
entirely manipulated, largely through Rick Ross. A raid by federal agents on the ranch
where the Branch Davidians resided, with the purpose of searching and detaining
their leader, was scheduled for Sunday, February 28, 1993. The operation
was officially codenamed “Trojan Horse”, but later became more widely known as
“Showtime”, as the agents themselves called it.
404:00 - 404:30 The day before the operation and on the day
of the raid itself, a prearranged, massive wave of publications demonizing the Davidians was launched
in mass media. Thus, on February 27 and 28, more than 100 media across the country released
materials with almost identical statements, mostly reiterating the core narratives
of the anticultists’ dark rhetoric against the Branch Davidians.
404:30 - 405:00 All of the media outlets communicated
the same groundless accusations by Rick Ross and Marc Breault against the Davidians,
posted in the local Waco Tribune-Herald newspaper. During the raid on the ranch, a shoot-out began,
resulting in the deaths of 10 people including 6 Davidians and 4 ATF agents. David Koresh got
wounded. After the federal agents' deaths, the operation came entirely under FBI
control, and the case against the Davidians
405:00 - 405:30 was reclassified as a conspiracy to murder. And in actuality, the Branch Davidians reacted the way any American would react when his home was broken
into by armed terrorists. They first called the police. They dialed 911. 911 What's your emergency? There are men, 75 men around
our building shooting at us! Okay. Just a moment. In the tape recordings of these conversations, we can hear the fear and distress
of Wayne Martin as he says.
405:30 - 406:00 Yeah, tell them they're children
and women in here and to call it off. Alright… Wayne…
(We) aren’t firing… That’s not us, that’s them… Ok… tha.. Alright… …was another victim. A 2-year-old cult member
was also shot and killed in the gun fight… Imagine, you just finished breakfast and some
guy dressed in a black outfit comes with a gun and shoots the member of your family.
How is that going to start your day-off? What kind
406:00 - 406:30 of reaction are you as a person going to give
to that person trying to come through your door? The FBI siege of the estate began
and lasted 51 days. A massive number of reporters were present on the scene,
and everything was broadcast live. Soon, the standoff in Waco became international news,
with the whole world watching the events in Texas.
406:30 - 407:00 Here's how the events in Waco were described
by some journalists present at the scene: "The FBI assembled what was likely
the largest military force ever gathered against civilians in American history:
10 Bradley armored vehicles, two Abrams tanks, four combat engineering vehicles, 668 agents,
plus six U.S. Customs officers, 15 U.S. Army personnel, 13 Texas National Guard members, 31 Texas Rangers,
131 officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety,
407:00 - 407:30 17 from the McLennan County Sheriff's
Office, and 18 Waco police officers. In total, 899 people participated in the operation."
- Malcolm Gladwell, New Yorker correspondent In Waco, Texas… ...standoff between law officers
and cult members of a religious compound... …called or known as the Branch Davidians. A heavily armed religious cult near Waco. Three helicopters, 150 law enforcement
officers, some of them from the Houston area. Doctor Ken Etheridge. He said that he had
never seen anything with this magnitude
407:30 - 408:00 or severity. He said it was like a war zone. Throughout the siege, negotiations between
the FBI and the besieged were ongoing, with the official goal of persuading the Davidians'
leader to surrender and lead his people out. During this time, some Davidians left the building, only to be
immediately arrested by federal agents. According to video records of their testimonies,
everyone who remained in the building
408:00 - 408:30 for the 51 days of the siege did so voluntarily. To my family and friends,
I just like to say, I'm fine. I know that you're all worried about us.
I'd just like you to know that we are fine right now. I have decided to stay.
I don't have… I don't want to go. So you're not being held against your will here?
No. I'm not held here as a hostage or anything.
If any of us want to leave, we can just go now today
408:30 - 409:00 I'm here because I want to be here. I'm Scott Sonobe. And I'm not being held
here against my will... Don't worry about me, we're gonna be just fine. God's in control. During the siege, the Davidians were completely isolated. Their phone line was cut almost
immediately, and the only people they could communicate with were FBI agents.
They could no longer reach out for help elsewhere, and they could only communicate with the media
by hanging sheets with written messages in their windows.
409:00 - 409:30 While the FBI, in turn, continued
to consult representatives of the anticult gang. Subsequent investigation of the FBI's actions, the study of transcripts of conversations
between the FBI and the Davidians, as well as data on the experts contacted
by FBI and ATF agents in the Davidian case, revealed that it was the anticultist
and deprogrammer Rick Ross who “clearly had the most extensive access to both agencies
of any person on the "cult expert” list; he was “closely
409:30 - 410:00 involved with both the ATF and the FBI”,
and “he was apparently listened to more attentively.” At the same time, the opinions of other experts
who advocated a peaceful way of resolving the situation were not accepted. After all,
at the time of the siege, federal agents who had fallen under the influence of anticultists,
did not take the beliefs of the Davidians seriously, so they didn’t listen to the advice
of theologians, religious scholars
410:00 - 410:30 and Bible researchers who tried to convey to law-enforcement
officers that because of their religious beliefs, the Davidians would not react like criminals,
and recommended communicating with the besieged in their language. A number of experts
appealed to the FBI not to use forceful tactics against the Davidians because
this could ultimately lead to fatalities. However, their suggestions were rejected. He has no known credentials to support his claim as an expert,
yet the FBI allowed him to advise on the course
410:30 - 411:00 of negotiations while ignoring advice from numerous
theologians and genuine psychological counselors. In parallel with Rick Ross's direct
influence on the law-enforcement operation, other representatives of the anticult group
carried out destructive media activities. They appeared as cult experts on various
TV channels and intentionally promoted a demonized image of the Davidians
in public opinion.
411:00 - 411:30 One of the representatives of the anticult group
was Steven Hassan whom we mentioned earlier. …so he would take people for hours and hours
and hours and mesmerize them through hypnosis, through behavior modification techniques
and such, and break down their ability to think. These were the people that we saw over and over
in the media as support for the government stories that the Branch Davidians were some evil cult.
Marc Breault is the person who contacted
411:30 - 412:00 the State Department and the Cult Awareness Network
and relayed his allegations. Cult Awareness Network, known by its initials, CAN, targets religious
groups around the world for hate campaigns in the media. CAN members always make the same
allegations against each group they attack: “perverted sex”, “child abuse”
and “brainwashing”. It reads like a worn out script that has been repeated so many
times against so many different groups. The people who lived at Mount Carmel, including children,
were never presented to the public as personalities.
412:00 - 412:30 The Federal Bureau of Investigation
didn’t share with the media the videos of the Davidians recorded during the siege,
so that Americans wouldn’t regard them as human beings, feel sympathy for them, and stand up
for them. According to James T. Richardson, a sociologist of religion, “The dehumanization
of those inside Mount Carmel, coupled with the thoroughgoing demonization of Koresh,
made it easier for those in authority to develop tactics that seemed organized for disaster.”
Thus, not only law-enforcement officers,
412:30 - 413:00 but also the public developed a false
image of what was really happening in Waco. …and again, you hear "the demonization,"
"the demonization." It's like... These are people, as the... Davidians were people.
The people that died at Mount Carmel were people. They've never been truly
humanized until they did the Waco series. The reason behind all that was going on was
one factor that back then neither federal
413:00 - 413:30 law-enforcement agents nor US intelligence
officers took into account. This detail, which had a fateful impact on the outcome
of the events in Waco and remained unknown to this day, was that representatives of anticult organizations
used hidden manipulative technologies to influence people's consciousness and subconsciousness.
Such information messages that are built on the knowledge of these special psycho-technologies
and contain hidden imprints able to bypass critical
413:30 - 414:00 analysis by consciousness and penetrate directly
into the depths of the human subconsciousness, were repeatedly disseminated in the media.
For this very purpose the anticultists needed a large-scale campaign for demonizing
the ыBranch Davidians, and that’s why they invested so much effort in dissemination
of their false accusations. Therefore, absolutely different articles and videos
in seemingly unrelated media contained the same
414:00 - 414:30 repetitive narratives. Basically, all of this was
part of the anticultist strategy of psychological manipulation of the public. In fact, anticultists
were accusing others of what they themselves were actually doing, for they were the ones
who were applying mind control and brainwashing techniques. In this way, using methods
of psychological influence on the masses, with the help of the media, the anticultists
literally zombified the American people.
414:30 - 415:00 They intentionally dehumanized the Branch Davidians
to instill in people's consciousness a picture that the Davidians were dangerous
and harmful to society. Although in fact, the most dangerous at that time were
the anticultists themselves. For the first time, they carried out such a large-scale terrorist
act that was repeated in the information field multiple times and had a tremendous impact
on all those who had fallen under its attack. As a matter of fact, all people,
who in one way or another were exposed
415:00 - 415:30 to the information sourced from anticultists,
ended up infected with hidden destructive imprints. Americans who were following the events in Waco
via television or newspapers at that time were subjected to coercive psychological manipulation
by the anticultists. That’s why the majority of people began to believe the descriptions
that dehumanized the Davidians and accepted the picture of events presented by anticultists as a fact.
They had no chance to resist this kind of manipulation, against which virtually
the entire population of the planet is defenseless.
415:30 - 416:00 The hidden manipulative influence by the anticultists
similarly affected ATF, FBI and other law-enforcement officers, as well as government
officials who participated in the Waco events and were in direct close contact with the anticultists.
The officials were subjected to the highest degree of psychological manipulation
and were literally brainwashed by the anticultists, so they acted unlawfully against law-abiding
American citizens and committed a blatant
416:00 - 416:30 violation of basic democratic
human rights and freedoms. For this very reason law-enforcement officials
manifested inhuman aggression against the Davidians, ignoring common sense and rejecting an opportunity
for a peaceful and fact-based resolution. In turn, the Davidians developed an impression
that the federal agents who encircled Mount Carmel were trying to kill them;
and today there is considerable evidence
416:30 - 417:00 that their fears and perception
of events were not unfounded. … listen, Jim… There's nothing
that hurts me more than bein' called a Cult Leader, alright?
If I'm wrong, people like me don't deserve to live, OK? ... listen... listen...
Do you understand me, Jim?...You know, don't burn our building down...
Ah, we won't do that... Don't, don't shoot us all up…
They've got to have that time. The strange behavior of law-enforcement officers
and their excessive belligerence towards peaceful
417:00 - 417:30 citizens who showed no resistance was noticed
by experts who hadn’t been zombified by anticultists and arrived on the scene as consultants.
Seeing what was happening, soberly assessing the situation, and foreseeing what the use
of aggressive tactics against the Branch Davidians could lead to, they offered quite logical
and reasonable options for resolving the conflict in a nonviolent way. But they were not listened
to because those in power had already been programmed
417:30 - 418:00 by the anticultists into the violent scenario.
The representatives of law-enforcement agencies and authorities were sure they were doing
the right thing and were acting in an absolutely lawful manner; after all, they believed
they were facing enemies, not law-abiding citizens. I thought the main problem was going
to be understanding the psychology of the people inside the compound. But as I got into it,
I quickly became aware that the psychology
418:00 - 418:30 of the people outside the compound was more important
to an understanding of what happened. They needed to take control. And the tactic of people,
in particular, needed to show him who's boss. We are trying to reinforce to them
that we are in charge of the situation, that the compound is under the complete
control of the government. It is, in fact,
418:30 - 419:00 no longer their compound. That we have the
ability to exercise whatever control we want over that compound, and we will do that
from various times to demonstrate to them the fact that they are impotent in their
ability to control their everyday lives. The FBI wasn't prepared to share David Koresh's
contention that we should wait on God to resolve this. The FBI is God.
It's gonna decide how this is gonna be resolved.
419:00 - 419:30 The federal agents in charge
of the operation were confident that they were in control of the situation.
But this firm conviction was an illusion instilled by the anticultists.
In reality, they were no longer in control. It’s the anticultists who had originally created
this situation and held the levers of control. Such manifestations of abnormal behavior
are clear signs that perception of all these people had already been distorted
at that time by the manipulative technologies of subconscious suggestions used by anticultists.
The FBI also employed aggressive psychological
419:30 - 420:00 tactics during the Waco siege to supposedly
force the besieged to voluntarily leave the building. Water and electricity supplies were cut off.
Powerful floodlights were aimed at the ranch windows, shining around the clock to prevent
the people inside from sleeping. Loudspeakers continuously blared irritating noises
and high-volume music. A tank was brought
420:00 - 420:30 in to clear the area around the building, crushing
cars and nearby structures. Clearly, the mere presence of military equipment had a strongly demoralizing
effect on the people inside the building. If they thought that we were all brainwashed
and such a bunch of crazies, why would the FBI push David or the rest of us to the limit?
Why would you bombard the building day and night
420:30 - 421:00 with lights and music and noises and wear these
people out, not knowing how they're gonna react? These, er, pieces of equipment
were unarmed, as I understand it, and were contracted.
I mean, it was like a good rent-a-car. Good rent-a...? A good rent-a-car?
A tank going into a building? Why did the FBI use such methods
against peaceful Davidians?
421:00 - 421:30 Who was behind plotting the tactics of aggressive
psychological influence on the besieged people? It’s an established fact that the stress
escalation strategy employed by the FBI was based on the recommendations of Rick Ross
and his accomplices. Moreover, further investigations revealed that the FBI followed the advice
of anticultists and applied to the Davidians typical deprogramming techniques, including depriving
Koresh and his followers of food, water and sleep
421:30 - 422:00 and repeatedly exposing them to excruciatingly
disturbing sounds. In other words, the tactic of aggressive psychological attack on the Davidians
was nothing but an attempt of mass deprogramming. It means that the anticultists, who had mastered
their skills of physical and psychological violence on individuals, in the case of the Davidians
made an attempt to deprogram a whole group of people. This proves that sabotage
of peace talks and protracted siege of the building
422:00 - 422:30 were originally instigated by the anticultists
who sought to put an end to the activities of the Branch Davidians by first exposing
them to psychological pressure. And when it became obvious that deprogramming methods failed and,
on the contrary, only united the people inside the building, the situation took a fatal turn. The catalyst for initiating the forceful stage was the unfounded conclusion by FBI agents
that there was no reason to believe the Davidians
422:30 - 423:00 would leave the building voluntarily.
This was reported to the U.S. Attorney General. It is worth noting that throughout the siege
of Mount Carmel, it was repeatedly observed that the actions of the tactical team of federal agents
sabotaged the work of their colleagues in the negotiating team. The goal of the negotiators
was to build rapport with the Branch Davidians in order to gain their trust. In contrast,
the tactical team's efforts were aimed at intimidation
423:00 - 423:30 and harassment. The negotiators themselves
noted that such aggressive tactics undermined their own attempts to gain Koresh's trust
and achieve a peaceful surrender of the Davidians. Moreover, the FBI actually made their statement
that further negotiations were pointless after an agreement had been reached between
their agents and the leader of the Davidians, David Koresh, that all of the Davidians
would voluntarily leave the building immediately after Koresh would write his interpretation
of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse.
423:30 - 424:00 Definitely, those people were perfectly aware
that the law-enforcement officers intended to stop the activities of the Branch Davidian
as a religious group; they realized that as soon as they would exit the building, they would be
immediately arrested, and their children would be taken away by social services. Despite that,
they agreed to come out. While the media promoted the anticultists' mindset that Davidians
were an allegedly dangerous suicidal cult,
424:00 - 424:30 in fact, those people clearly demonstrated
by their actions that they wanted to live, and they fought for their lives to the end. On April the 14th, there was a major breakthrough, and that breakthrough was David Koresh's
letter to me, which I promptly gave to the FBI, that said that he'd received his mission,
that he was working on writing his interpretation of the Seven Seals, and that everyone inside
was relieved that they didn't have to die now,
424:30 - 425:00 that the prophecies were not being fulfilled
now and that this would be resolved. He waited 51 days, and then he said,
the word came to him and said, “write.” And he wrote. This was brought out
the day of the fire by one of the survivors. He was keeping his promise of April 14th.
We believe they would have all come out safely. What I was faced with was a situation
where the negotiators said, we think
425:00 - 425:30 we have reached an impasse. Nobody else
is coming out voluntarily. We looked at the entire situation and we made the best judgment
we could. I'm very satisfied that in the information furnished to me by the FBI, I was informed.
A key factor that significantly influenced the decision-makers was a speculation
that the children in the building were in danger, and that they had allegedly already been victims
of abuse. These claims were fueled by the series
425:30 - 426:00 of articles under the collective title
"The Sinful Messiah”, co-authored by Marc Breault and Rick Ross. Based on the belief formed under
the influence of these anticultist narratives promoted in the media, the US Attorney General decided
that it was necessary to begin an operation to free the hostages and assault the building
where Davidians and their children were located. The Bureau, time after time, asked Koresh
for some evidence that the children were okay.
426:00 - 426:30 We did not receive verification that the children
were okay. We had concerns for the children. Their concerns were the children.
They had candy bars in their pockets to give out. Chocolate for the kids. Wow.
The Davidians themselves had no idea that an attack was being planned against them.
On the contrary, they believed they had made progress in the negotiations and that the ordeal
they had been enduring would soon come to an end. They didn't know they had only one day left to live.
426:30 - 427:00 A…are…are you gonna come and kill me? Hello? No, honey... nobody's
gonna come and kill you. A…are you gonna come in and kill me? nobody's comin' FINAL DAY On the 51st day of the siege, on April 19, 1993, armored vehicles were sent
to the building where the besieged were located.
427:00 - 427:30 The vehicles began meticulously demolishing parts
of the structure and releasing a special gas inside. The gas supplies a number of irritants
to the nostrils, to the eyes, to the skin. Just touching to the skin can be extremely painful.
You can have certain symptoms of nausea. You can have certain symptoms of inflammation with regard
to membranes. So it is extremely uncomfortable.
427:30 - 428:00 They would be coughing, choking.
They would probably be unconscious. Uh, some of them would probably be dead.
Some would be, basically, inert. They may still be alive, they may still be breathing,
but they're not going to be doing anything. The falling walls, destroyed by armored vehicles,
effectively killed some of the Davidians,
428:00 - 428:30 as evidenced by forensic reports. The tank repeatedly
drove over their bodies, tearing them apart. Then, a fire broke out
in the building in three different places simultaneously.
The officer in charge of the operation refused to allow firefighters to approach the scene,
claiming that the Davidians might shoot them.
428:30 - 429:00 This looks like probably the fire
chief and fire marshals. And we have, at this point, two fire engines headed by. When the fire did start and the fire trucks did arrive, I didn't let them in. I held him
at the checkpoint because I didn't want the firemen to drive into gunfire. I just wasn't going
to permit it. It was a.. It’s a terrible thing
429:00 - 429:30 and a very terrible decision to have to make. This is not the way into this. Lead your people out, David.
Be a messiah, not a destroyer. After American citizens were poisoned with gas and their house was set on fire, the authorities kept
shouting "Get your people out, David." Even though they knew very well that there was no one to come out:
many were already dead at that moment, and the rest were burning alive. This show was staged
by the representatives of the law enforcement agencies for the media and possible future
investigations in order to avoid responsibility.
429:30 - 430:00 Mount Carmel burned to the ground.
Seventy-six people died, including 25 children, some of whom were
infants and toddlers under the age of three.
430:00 - 430:30 The organization leader, David Koresh,
was found with a gunshot wound in his head. The causes of the fire remain undetermined
to this day. Less than a month later,
430:30 - 431:00 bulldozers destroyed the remnants
of the burned buildings, which critics of the government regarded as an attempt
to cover up the circumstances of people’s deaths. A year after those events, representative
of the anti-cult gang and deprogrammer Rick Ross, who had a dramatic impact that contributed
to the tragic outcome of the Waco events, was already describing David Koresh's personality and characterizing
the Branch Davidians in new media reports in the following way:
431:00 - 431:30 Even after the deaths of those people
and their children, anticultists continued their
431:30 - 432:00 smear campaign to demonize the Branch Davidians,
aiming to cement the image of sinister cultists, psychopaths, and suicides in public consciousness.
They used this horrific tragedy for their own ends, turning it into
an informational terrorist act — essentially, an act of intimidation for all
other religious communities and a precedent for undermining public trust
in law-enforcement agencies of our country,
432:00 - 432:30 which were supposed to guarantee lawfulness
and order in society instead of causing mass deaths. Since the FBI controlled the flow
of information about the Davidians in the media, they were never able to share their own
version of events with the American public. All Americans have seen in the media
are images of the crazy David Koresh and the same repeated unsubstantiated accusations
by anticultists. Dehumanization of the Davidians,
432:30 - 433:00 combined with the anticultists’ manipulative
techniques, turned the American citizens into a faceless group of religious fanatics.
Such media coverage of the events produced an illusory perception that the deaths
of American citizens were not a ground for public protests against excessive force used against them.
Therefore, until the very last moment, the entire country was silently observing
the events in Waco as yet another reality show,
433:00 - 433:30 until those people and their children burned alive
in the fire. Realization of what had happened started coming much later and not to all observers
of this terrorist attack organized by anticultists. Even now, in articles about those events,
you might see the phrase "about 80 cultists died." Not "PEOPLE", not “American citizens”,
but "cultists." This terminology is used by anticultists and their supporters to ensure
that the deaths of those people do not evoke
433:30 - 434:00 sympathy or regret in you. It is meant
to absolve you, as a society, of guilt for allowing this to happen and for letting
the actual perpetrators of this mass murder go unpunished. The Waco tragedy, the terrible death of all
those innocent people and their children, is essentially an act of genocide
carried out by anticultists through representatives of the authorities
and law-enforcement agencies. And in this case, those who committed it are no different
from the Nazis during World War II.
434:00 - 434:30 When someone suspected of a crime,
even if it's child abuse, even if it's capital murder, we give them a trial. The jury finds them
guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before they go to sentencing. Then a jury or a judge sentences
them, and an appeals court makes sure the trial was conducted with due process. And then, and only
then did we kill them. We don't kill them first, like happened in Waco on April the 19th.
434:30 - 435:00 AFTERMATH OF THE WACO TRAGEDY And I'll remind the American people one
more time that during that entire time, those six hours, and indeed those 51 days,
the FBI never fired one shot at the Davidians. David Koresh and the Davidians set fire to themselves and committed suicide.
The government did not do that. Assertion to me, that the media
and that the government has made a kind
435:00 - 435:30 of blanket declaration that the Branch Davidians
committed, quote, “mass suicide”. To equate it to a Jonestown,
Guyana, um, suicide. The Bureau's efforts were ultimately
unavailing because the individual with whom they were dealing,
David Koresh, was dangerous, irrational, and probably insane. …I was frankly
surprised, it would be a mild word to say,
435:30 - 436:00 that anyone that would suggest
that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves. The Waco tragedy became one of the most significant and bloody failures of American
intelligence agencies in the country’s history. Being under the influence of manipulative
techniques by anticultists, federal agents committed physical, psychological,
constitutional and judicial violence
436:00 - 436:30 against American citizens whom they
regarded as members of a dangerous cult, thereby despising them
and not considering them humans. To this day, this event remains the most severe
case of Americans confronting Americans since the Civil War between the North and the South.
And it happened as a result of manipulative actions of anticultists. American citizens who followed the events
in real-time were divided by contradictory
436:30 - 437:00 media reports — actually the result
of orchestrated information terrorism by anticultists — into those who regarded the Branch Davidians
as an insane, suicidal cult and those who believed the deaths of almost a hundred people
were due to reckless actions of federal authorities. However, the majority of the American public
became angry at the FBI. Federal agents were seen as demons, uncontrollably killing peaceful
citizens. Later on, among peaceful citizens,
437:00 - 437:30 there emerged avengers, that is, new terrorists created
by the media's informational acts of terrorism, who were actually yet another victims of the anticultists.
This eventually culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing. OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING
April 19, 1995 On April 19, 1995, the second anniversary of the Waco events, an unknown individual drove up
to the building housing the FBI and ATF headquarters. That day, the terrorist wore a T-shirt bearing
the phrase shouted by Abraham Lincoln's assassin
437:30 - 438:00 after he shot him: "Sic Semper Tyrannis"
— "that’s what always happens to tyrants." He parked his van in the underground garage
directly beneath the building. A few minutes later, an explosion occurred with the force
equivalent to a 3.0 magnitude earthquake. Half of the building collapsed, turning
into a mass grave. The blast also damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius.
The tragedy resulted in 168 deaths, including
438:00 - 438:30 19 children under the age of six, and 680 people
were injured. The perpetrator, Timothy McVeigh, was apprehended the same day. He explained
his actions as revenge for Waco and Ruby Ridge. To this day, the Oklahoma City
bombing remains the deadliest act of "domestic terrorism" in US history.
438:30 - 439:00 And what did you do to these people?
You deprived them of life, liberty and property. You didn't guarantee those rights.
You deprived them of them. Waco started this war…
Hopefully Oklahoma would end it. The Oklahoma City bombing vividly illustrates the profound impact of the Waco
tragedy and the informational terrorist act created by anticultists on its basis.
For many people, the Waco siege "crystallized" an already distrustful attitude towards the government,
while for those inclined to radical views,
439:00 - 439:30 those events contributed to regarding
the state as a ruthless enemy of its own people. The events in Waco marked the beginning
of intensification and radicalization of the anti-government movement within the country.
To this day, Americans consider April 19th to be a symbol of confrontation
between the people and the government. From that very day, in the eyes of many Americans
who witnessed the death of their fellow citizens live on television,
America ceased to be a safe land of freedom and democracy.
439:30 - 440:00 Instead, it became a country where the government
could turn against its people. I don't know how the American people
can stand by and watch such a thing take place. We have people out here.
We have all these people – women, children, tiny babies. These men came in here and they
started firing on us. The bullets came through the walls and people were killed,
people were injured and… It's... This is America?
440:00 - 440:30 I mean, I thought this was the country of,
you know, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, whatever, and just human decency.
It just doesn't seem to exist. “Waco still resonates within the anti-government
community as an event that demonstrates the federal government does not protect its
citizens, that it is willing to violate their civil rights and take away their guns.”
440:30 - 441:00 The Waco siege became a symbol of discord over a range of issues, such as violence
and gun ownership, trust in government and state authority, and religious persecution.
The catastrophe sparked a flood of books, articles, news stories, and television segments,
becoming an integral part of public discourse. Waco became a vital topic in the country,
and to this day, Americans experience its consequences. The most significant and most frightening
consequence of the Waco tragedy was the deepened division among the American
population, a divide that, unfortunately,
441:00 - 441:30 has not been overcome to this day.
A country and a people that once stood united were split into two warring camps,
and this painful wound on the body of America has not healed to this present time.
Representatives of the anti-cult movement deliberately shaped two extreme
viewpoints on the Waco tragedy. As a result, descriptions of the Waco events in various
media are often so contradictory that it looks as if groups of people who oppose each other
describe completely different occurrences.
441:30 - 442:00 NBC television aired the government's
official propaganda as a movie, showing Branch Davidians at all the windows,
with guns waiting for the ATF to arrive. The anticultists are largely responsible
for the enduring impact of the Waco tragedy on America, which goes on to this day. They have used the Waco
siege to create new information terror campaigns aimed at destabilizing authority and influencing
the political situation in the country, significantly contributing to polarization of US politics.
It is because of the anticultists
442:00 - 442:30 that the fire in Waco was ignited, and it is
because of them that it continues to burn to this day. The IMPACT Back then, anticultists laid the foundation
for a future civil war: they artificially created a basis for confrontation between supporters
of the two dominant political parties in the United States and provoked the emergence
of not only discontent with the authorities,
442:30 - 443:00 but also extremely radical sentiments in society.
The anticultists still use these fruits of their own activities, continuing
to incite hatred in society and create conditions for a future confrontation between
citizens of one country, between us, Americans. The anticultists arranged the terrorist attack
in Waco with the help of their main accomplice, the media, and dishonest journalists
under their control. And if back in 1993,
443:00 - 443:30 Rick Ross and his companions labeled
a community of about a hundred people as a cult, which resulted in their murder and a chain
of terrible consequences for the United States, the other anticultist
and deprogrammer, Steven Hassen, has gone even further. At the current stage,
he has already labeled tens of millions of Americans as cult followers. Such rhetoric
that dehumanizes a part of the American nation creates prerequisites for intranational
conflict and violence against labeled citizens.
443:30 - 444:00 It is also noteworthy that this rhetoric
amazingly repeats the narratives of anticultists in Russia, who label
the people of America as one big cult. Yet, before, they manipulated
only their own people in this way, setting up Russians against Americans.
Whereas now, the agent of the anticult gang in the USA, who’s been conducting his destructive activities
here for many years, repeats the same actions,
444:00 - 444:30 but this time from inside America,
setting Americans against Americans. Moreover, Steven Hassen has already gone further, saying that the entire USA
needs to be "deprogrammed". And the bottom line is all of America
needs deprogramming. Because we’ve all been negatively influenced by Donald Trump. What is meant by deprogramming the entire country? Remembering what happened in Waco, Texas,
and how their deprogramming ended, just imagine in what
444:30 - 445:00 way the anticultists plan to expand their methods
to the entire United States of America. The main question is: with whose hands do they want
to implement their plans this time? After all, as anticultists understand it, deprogramming
implies the use of violent methods to force people to renounce their beliefs. Isn't this
the main motive and driving force of a civil war: to force one part of the population to give up their views
and to submit to the will of another part of the population?
445:00 - 445:30 Thus, labeling a part of Americans
as "adherents of the cult of Trump" and calling for deprogramming, Hassen straightforwardly urges
Americans to use force against other Americans. The most terrible thing is these are not just
words and not mere appeals, but hidden destructive imprints that are embedded in those words
and have repeatedly caused deaths of a huge number of people, and believing that they won't work
this time is foolhardy at the very least. Recall German citizens who assisted Nazis, released gas
and poisoned people, being fully confident
445:30 - 446:00 that they were doing the right thing by ridding their
nation of the "Jewish threat." Those were actually the same people as you, and to this moment,
no one has found an answer to the question of what turned them into monsters, or, putting it more correctly,
WHO made them that. Yet, now you know the answer. Just think about it: right now,
anticultists are forcing us Americans,
446:00 - 446:30 a nation that defeated Nazism, to use Nazi
methods for destroying each other. They already successfully tested this scenario in Waco,
when they carried out a large-scale operation involving the country's mainstream media,
which resulted in the genocide of honest, peaceful and decent Americans, committed
by the authorities and law-enforcement agencies. The IMPACT
446:30 - 447:00 How can you explain a situation where American law-enforcement
agencies tasked with protecting their people arrived for a routine search and ended up launching a full-scale
military operation, using military equipment against ordinary citizens of their country,
which resulted in the deaths of almost a hundred people? Indeed, from the perspective of common sense,
a military raid that cost the US government millions of dollars a day and was carried
out against a group of American civilians
447:00 - 447:30 that mostly included children, women and elderly
people, looked like a disastrous misunderstanding. Why did the representatives of ATF and FBI
accept the false ungrounded information provided by anticultists as facts? Why did they
rely solely on their pseudo-expert opinion at a time when the FBI had materials indicating
that those people were incompetent in such matters? Moreover, FBI agents knew perfectly well that Rick Ross
had personal hatred towards all kinds
447:30 - 448:00 of new religious movements and an undisguised desire
to urge law-enforcement agencies in their attempt to destroy Branch Davidian Group. In other words,
federal agents had all the information they needed to understand that relying on anticultists
in the matters of new religious movements was the same as believing that the Ku Klux Klan
would remain impartial in assessing racial minorities. Yet, why did the agents trust the anticultists
and implicitly follow their recommendations?
448:00 - 448:30 Because representatives of intelligence services,
law-enforcement agencies and the government were manipulated by anticultists,
who pushed for a violent crackdown on their stigmatized victims. In essence,
officials were programmed for such actions. Let me draw your attention to another crucial point:
the Waco tragedy occurred in 1993, the same year when the central ideological hub
of anticult terrorists was established.
448:30 - 449:00 Its leader was trained at a Russian Orthodox Christian
educational institution in the United States. This means that even at that time, there were already
breeding grounds for global anticultism of the Russian origin in the US, and they had enough
influence to carry out such terror attacks. But that's not all. I delved into
such detail about those events so
449:00 - 449:30 that you can fully understand how representatives of anticultism operate and what
the consequences of their actions are. The thing is that during the Waco siege, the FBI
consulted with another cult-fighter, Igor Smirnov, a Russian scientist and inventor
of mind control weapons. Igor Viktorovich Smirnov was a Russian scientist
best known for his role in Soviet-era mind control research and the poorly-explored
field of human behavior study he called "psychoecology."
449:30 - 450:00 His maternal grandfather,
Smirnov-Ornaldo, was a renowned hypnotist. Igor Smirnov was the son of a high-ranking Soviet
officer Viktor Abakumov, head of SMERSH from 1943 to 1946, and Minister of State Security (MGB)
from 1946 to 1951 under Joseph Stalin.
450:00 - 450:30 At one time, Smirnov's father initiated an operation
“North” on mass relocation of supporters of Jehovah's Witnesses organization
as well as representatives of other religious associations and their families to Siberia.
Despite his scientific activity, Igor Smirnov, just like his father, had anticult views,
as he wrote in his book "Psychoecology". Thus, in describing various religious groups,
he solely used anticultist language and the label "sect".
450:30 - 451:00 He also adhered to the same pseudoscientific
theory about the use of brainwashing techniques by leaders of new religious movements, which was
actively promoted by Steve Hassen and Rick Ross. This was at a time when Smirnov was personally
involved in the development of such technologies. Most of Igor Smirnov's research focused on remote
influence on another person's consciousness and programming one’s psyche and behavior.
Application of psychotronic weapons developed by Smirnov
451:00 - 451:30 included the potential to affect large groups
of people for various purposes. For example, to incite mass aggression
in a crowd or, conversely, to calm public unrest. The majority of the experiments
he conducted remain classified to this day. Smirnov wrote: “Psychotechnologies
are the culmination of everything humanity has engaged in thus far. They are much more serious
than the atomic bomb and space flights.
451:30 - 452:00 ...Right now, we have only created a 'stone axe,'
although using it, we can already perform surgical operations. We have obtained instrumental ways to access
the subconsciousness and correct certain areas. Everything else is just specific applications.”
Smirnov also worked on uncovering hidden information in the subconscious, representing the true motivations
behind a person's actions and intentions. He developed a method for identifying individuals
potentially inclined to commit acts of terrorism.
452:00 - 452:30 The question remains whether the goal
of this development was to prevent terrorist acts or to find individuals who could
easily be turned into new terrorists if desired. Regardless, this method formed the basis
of security systems designed for airports to identify terrorists before they attack. Today, this technology is used in various
countries, including the United States.
452:30 - 453:00 Igor Smirnov worked on concepts such
as "psychocorrection" — a term he used to describe application of subliminal messages
to alter a subject's will or even to modify their personality without their knowledge.
Federal agents intended to use Smirnov's techniques to resolve the situation in Waco.
453:00 - 453:30 Now we’ll see what it will look like Two Russian psychologists have been brought
in from Moscow to demonstrate a technique for analysing the human mind and then influencing
it. The concept is that with an understanding of an individual's mind, key words transmitted
in music or white noise will force that person to obey. The FBI examined the system
to use against David Koresh at Waco in Texas.
453:30 - 454:00 Thus, the FBI Counterterrorism Center experts
secretly met with Smirnov in the United States. He proposed a plan: during negotiations, they should
transmit messages from relatives of the Davidians, encrypted in a certain way, that would bypass
critical perception and be instilled directly into the subconsciousness of recipients,
compelling them to follow these commands. In this case, the commands would be to leave the building
and return to their families. For the leader
454:00 - 454:30 of the Davidians, David Koresh, a special voice was
planned to be used, allegedly the voice of God, that would be played by an actor
and urge Koresh to surrender voluntarily. However, when agents asked what would happen
if the subliminal signals did not work as intended, Smirnov replied that Koresh's followers might
slit each other's throats, committing acts of fatal violence. According to the official version,
the FBI declined Igor Smirnov's services after
454:30 - 455:00 this kind of response. But that's the official
version. Now, let's piece together the facts. Fact 1. At one of the press conferences,
an FBI representative publicly stated that during negotiations with David Koresh,
the leader of the Davidians, an agreement was reached that the people would
peacefully leave the building. However, Koresh suddenly changed his mind, claiming he heard
the voice of God telling him to stay and wait.
455:00 - 455:30 Steve, I want him to come out.
I… I understand that. When does he plan to come out?
He said his God says that he is to wait. How long? How long does he_
I_ I_ look… He says that he did not fulfill his promise
to leave immediately with his followers, because God told him to wait.
Do you people believe that Koresh is actually talking to God?
Koresh believes he's talking to God.
455:30 - 456:00 This fact "strangely" aligns with one
of the steps in Smirnov's proposed plan, except that the effect of the supposed "voice of God"
was exactly opposite to the declared result. Fact 2. Smirnov used manipulative techniques
to influence human behavior by inserting hidden messages. These commanding messages were recorded
on tape and technically altered to conceal their presence from conscious awareness. By bypassing
critical analysis in one’s consciousness,
456:00 - 456:30 those commands were directly implanted
into subconsciousness, urging a person to carry them out, believing it to be their
own conscious decision. To an untrained ear, such technically processed recordings of hidden
commands sounded like the squeal of pigs. Now let's return to the Waco siege. As already
mentioned, the FBI used psychological pressure techniques on the besieged Davidians,
one of which involved loud irritating sounds.
456:30 - 457:00 Official FBI reports and eyewitness testimonies
state that among the sounds broadcast through loudspeakers were the sounds of animals
being slaughtered, including the screams of rabbits being killed. This inadvertently
brings to mind the sounds of pig squeals used in Smirnov's mind control experiments. Sound tapes of rabbits being slaughtered or, Nancy Sinatra
singing songs and… And then they
457:00 - 457:30 would bring out lights at night.
And not that Nancy Sinatra always was that bad, but the ones that she had kept...
The point was this – they were trying to have sleep disturbance, and they were trying to take somebody
that they viewed to be unstable to start with. And then they were trying to drive him crazy.
And then they get mad because he does something that they think is irrational!
Now, I don't know if you can hear the noise on this tape, but that's some
of the noise being made up there by the compound.
457:30 - 458:00 This raises a question: why would the FBI use
such strange sounds for a psychological attack
458:00 - 458:30 on the Davidians? However, these actions gain
an utterly logical explanation when combined with Smirnov’s plan and the deprogramming methods
used by anticultists against the besieged. One question remains: what was the true purpose
of the plan proposed by a man who collaborated with the KGB to American intelligence agents
as the final SOLUTION to the issue of the supposedly "dangerous and sinister cult"?
What hidden directives were then transmitted
458:30 - 459:00 through those encrypted sounds?
And who was the intended target of that influence? We have seen what was the ultimate outcome
for the Davidians. However, the law-enforcement officials present at the Waco siege could
have also been affected by those sounds. Moreover, Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrator
of the Oklahoma City bombing, visited the site in 1993 to express his support.
The man later bombed the FBI and ATF building
459:00 - 459:30 to avenge Waco. Did he hear the sounds
that echoed throughout the area? The likelihood is very high. Was he a victim of anti-cult
programming? He definitely was. We cannot assert that Smirnov's psycho-technologies
alone influenced him. Multiple layers of embedded directives played a role in this case.
Those directives were part of other waves
459:30 - 460:00 of informational programming launched
by different branches of global anticultism. In reality, the psycho-technologies used
by Smirnov were merely a "stone axe," as he himself put it. Far more effective and sophisticated
are the hidden manipulative techniques employed by anticultists, including puzzle programming
where information codes are embedded in the words themselves and do not require any special
technical means. To an average person, such words,
460:00 - 460:30 phrases and their combinations, or the frequency
of repetitions may seem unremarkable and draw no attention. But for those who understand
the principles behind their arrangement, they are like precise mathematical
formulas. Using those formulas, one can assemble specific people
at a particular time and place to perform a specific action. And the likelihood that those
formulas will work is close to 100 percent.
460:30 - 461:00 These are ancient manipulative methods
that predecessors of the anticultists used as long ago as in the times of Christ,
to make the crowd shout, "Crucify him!" Just as humanity has been working throughout
history to improve various types of weapons, in the same way methods of psychological
manipulation were being refined for an external invisible force to subjugate
a person's will and to enslave them.
461:00 - 461:30 Based on these ancient methods,
further developments were conducted in secretive research bureaus in the Soviet Union. These same ancient methods were adopted, refined,
and implemented by the Nazis of the Third Reich. Today, using these manipulative technologies, representatives
of the anti-cult movement turn ordinary people into biorobots
461:30 - 462:00 who become remotely controlled weapons aimed
at targets the anticultists designate. These are facts supported by the 30-year history
of the criminal network of anti-cult organizations. That’s exactly how the FBI agents, officers
of other law-enforcement agencies and government officials who were present at the Waco siege
became victims of anticultist manipulations. They were all caught in the crossfire area of exposure
to the informational programming waves created
462:00 - 462:30 by the anticultists. They were literally zombified.
This explains why they were confident in their actions, considered themselves professionals,
and believed they had the situation under control, while in reality, they were basically
puppets externally manipulated by a maniac. How else can we explain the strange behavior
of those who carried out the Waco operation? Why lock those people up like lab mice in a cage
and subject them to acts of psychological terror using hidden manipulative techniques?
The siege of the Davidians and the final assault
462:30 - 463:00 didn’t look like a hostage rescue operation,
but rather resembled a prolonged and excruciating torture. And who were actually the hostages
if everyone remained in the building voluntarily? Official representatives and operation leaders
stated at press conferences that they were primarily concerned about the children in the building,
fearing they might be subjected to abuse by the Davidians. But what did they actually do to those children?
They not only exposed them to danger,
463:00 - 463:30 creating conditions for a tragic outcome,
but also let them burn alive by preventing fire trucks from reaching the burning building. We thought that their instincts,
the motherly instincts, would take place and that they would
want their children out of that environment. It appears they don't care that much about
their children, which is unfortunate. Moreover, on the day of the assault on Mount Carmel
the FBI used the combat chemical agent CS
463:30 - 464:00 against civilians, including innocent children and infants.
Those who gave and executed the orders knew the Davidians had gas masks.
But they also knew that the only ones unprotected from this gas would be the children,
as their faces were too small for wearing the masks. They actually drove right through the middle
of the building, into the kitchen area,
464:00 - 464:30 basically at point blank range, uh, fired
gas into the concrete room where the women and children were, in a cul-de-sac,
like that, where there was no ventilation, they must have been going through…
There was only one door? Front, yeah. Yeah, there were no windows,
no, no back door or anything like that. We put massive gas in there.
Their gas masks by that time had to be failing.
464:30 - 465:00 I believe that using CS gas against infants,
against old people with respiratory problems, there were 60-70 year old men in there
and there were young children. That's torture. And I can just see those kids
barfing, vomiting, screaming, because you can't possibly have
a gas mask to fit a little kid. Didn't their report say that gas
masks don't fit on these babies? That's correct.
And didn't they know that? They should have known that.
465:00 - 465:30 Even small doses of CS, much smaller than those used at Waco,
can kill children. In large quantities, this gas causes severe muscle spasms,
so intense that they can break bones. The Waco events resembled a torture chamber
created for those people by a deranged maniac, where the parents were powerless to act
and were forced to watch their children suffocate and suffer from broken
bones due to severe muscle spasms,
465:30 - 466:00 and then to burn alive along with the kids. Those who were still able to move after being
gassed tried to escape the fire through the only door leading outside from their shelter.
But they were shot. Government defenders claim that the Davidians killed each other
in an attempt to escape the torment. Meanwhile, government critics refer to infrared
surveillance footage and argue that the Davidians
466:00 - 466:30 were shot by law enforcement from an armored vehicle
as they tried to flee the burning building. …in my rolling on the floor
and trying to protect myself from the heat and being in the pitch black
not able to see that the voices of those behind me screaming kind of got through to me.
My God, torturing babies! And saying it's
466:30 - 467:00 part of their job?! And saying it's
okay because their parents were bad?! The mother of Pablo Cohen, an Israeli Jew,
talking to an American Jewish lawyer, watching that gas be inserted into that building, watching
an American tank knock down an American house, and then it burst into flames... And you imagine
the images in an Israeli's mind with the Holocaust
467:00 - 467:30 survivors in Israel. I couldn't answer...
I think you can tell from today it's not often that I'm without words. I could not explain
to her how that happened. And her question was, ‘I thought he would be safe in America’. The final point of the Waco tragedy was when law-enforcement officers raised their flag over
the ashes of the burned building and the charred
467:30 - 468:00 bodies of the deceased, just as one would after
winning a battle in the war. But can the siege, psychological torture, and militarized
confrontation against a group of peaceful civilians, who were unable to resist such
an overwhelming force, be considered a battle? Does such behavior by individuals
who are supposed to serve their country and uphold the law resemble the actions of normal, sensible people?
Why did these people become like this? Who impaired them? The answer is clear:
these individuals, much like the Davidians who died
468:00 - 468:30 at their hands, fell victim to manipulative
techniques employed by anti-cult gangs. In fact, everyone understands perfectly well
who actually burned down the building in Waco while people were still inside.
In this way, the law enforcement and authorities tried to cover the traces of their crime
and safeguard themselves. They were aware that the American people would never forgive them
for such an egregious crime against their own citizens. As seasoned professionals,
the operation commanders must have realized
468:30 - 469:00 they had gone too far with the use of gas,
resulting in the tragic deaths of people, especially children. That’s why the order was
given to shoot Branch Davidians who attempted to escape the burning compound in order to prevent
them from revealing the torture they endured, how their children died from the gas,
and who actually set their house on fire. You can intimidate or bribe one or a few witnesses,
but if all these survivors had given
469:00 - 469:30 the same testimony about what happened to them inside
the building besieged by the law enforcement, the authorities wouldn't have been able
to hide the truth about the Waco tragedy. Yet, don’t be quick to blame only the federal
agents and authorities. There are no mentally healthy people in the world who could resist
the level of psychological brainwashing techniques used by the anticultists in Waco
against law-enforcement officers and other
469:30 - 470:00 officials. Only those with special training
and awareness of the principles behind such technologies can protect themselves
from these covert manipulative methods which influence human subconsciousness,
bypassing critical perception by the conscious mind. At that time, no one among the US federal
law-enforcement officers knew about these techniques of covert subconscious behavioral
programming used by anti-cult organizations.
470:00 - 470:30 For this very reason, the anticultists
succeeded in carrying out such a powerful terrorist act in Waco, which,
in terms of its role and consequences, is no less significant than the 9/11
attacks they later orchestrated, too. Yes, the federal law-enforcement officers
acted unlawfully; they broke their oath to serve and protect the American people
and waged war against their own citizens.
470:30 - 471:00 However, by then, they had been literally
brainwashed by the anti-cultists and had themselves become victims
of coercive psychological influence. In this case, the subconscious destructive
commands and directives for aggressive and violent actions, embedded deep within
their subconsciousness without them knowing it, significantly overrode their conscious behavioral
motives. That’s why the real actions of the Waco
471:00 - 471:30 operation commanders directly contradicted
their official statements and declared goals, and that’s why they caused horrific
and painful deaths to children despite numerous expressed concerns
for their fate. During the Waco siege, all of the decision-makers were largely unaware
of the real causes of their own actions.
471:30 - 472:00 It was precisely the destructive commands embedded
in their subconsciousness that compelled law-enforcement officers to act with Nazi-like
methods. Hence, in the United States, a free country, law enforcement locked their own citizens
inside a compound and released gas into it. They acted this way because they had undergone severe
psychological manipulation by the anticultists, just as the Nazis had once been manipulated.
At that moment, U.S. law enforcement no longer
472:00 - 472:30 regarded the Branch Davidians as human beings.
They treated them as the Nazis treated Jews at the final stage of genocide.
The tragedy in Waco, with the horrific deaths of all those innocent people and their children,
was not merely a terrorist act, but a genuine act of genocide perpetrated by anticultists
with the hands of government officials and representatives of law-enforcement agencies, meaning,
with the hands of American citizens against other American citizens. At that moment, those who committed it
were no different from Nazis during World War II.
472:30 - 473:00 This underscores the insidious power
of subconscious suggestion and covert techniques of manipulating consciousness
that are used by representatives of the transnational terrorist network of anti-cult gangs.
This is why all anticultists pose a great danger: by employing methods of zombifying the population,
they turn good people into criminals, terrorists, and murderers. They compel those entrusted
to uphold the law and safeguard democracy
473:00 - 473:30 to violate these laws and strip people
of all their rights and freedoms. In the same way, law enforcement
and military entities in Russia, Ukraine, and China are victims, too. They are those
whom anticultists have set on targets they marked with yellow stars, those who have been
suggested that it’s acceptable to use force against their own citizens and even torture them;
those who, under the influence of coding mindsets embedded in their subconsciousness
by anticultists and their accomplices,
473:30 - 474:00 are currently depriving innocent people of their
freedom and lives; those who have been persuaded that physical destruction of a brotherly
nation is a righteous and worthy cause. Therefore, it doesn't matter what a person's
occupation is, even if he is a representative of intelligence services or law-enforcement
agencies, no one is immune to such an impact. The only defense against the methods
of covert manipulation of consciousness and subconsciousness is to be aware
of their existence and how they operate.
474:00 - 474:30 Otherwise, it’s impossible to resist these manipulations.
In this regard, it is crucial to emphasize once again the value and profound
significance of the investigation that uncovered such methods. Dr. Egon Cholakian
publicly disclosed the findings of this investigation on April 12th, 2024,
and they are freely accessible to anyone interested.
474:30 - 475:00 So, what really happened in Waco? Was it a manslaughter
resulting from the careless actions of law enforcement and unprofessional decisions
by the government, as anti-government groups believe? Or was it a suicide by mentally unstable
people who couldn't withstand the pressure, as government defenders claim? Now each
of you can answer these questions for yourself. Now you know that neither the first nor the second
option reflects the true nature of what happened.
475:00 - 475:30 The cause of the Waco tragedy was a deliberately
planned terror attack and an act of genocide orchestrated by representatives of anticultists.
By carefully studying the details of the events of those days, you can see how the threads
from the Waco massacre lead straight to its organizers and ultimate beneficiaries —
right into the heart of the global anti-cult stronghold from where it spreads across the world. The IMPACT
475:30 - 476:00 Now, let's go back to the events at Columbine High School. It turns out that the starting
point for both the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine shooting was the tragic death
of members of the religious organization in Waco, stigmatized by anticultists. If the Waco siege
hadn’t occurred, there would have been no bombing in Oklahoma City. Therefore, there wouldn’t
have been two powerful information terrorist
476:00 - 476:30 attacks that led to Columbine. The two teenagers
would not have been subjected to the waves of information programming launched by anticultists,
and the key event that now serves as a powerful informational terrorist act, generating more
and more school shootings, would not have occurred. If, at the outset of the Waco events, when the word
"cult" was first applied to the Davidians, society had reacted immediately and taken measures
to stop the activities of anticultists and their
476:30 - 477:00 accomplices, a large number of deaths
could have been avoided, and children would not be killing other children today.
The true culprits behind the Waco tragedy and the subsequent tragedies it caused remain
unpunished. It is the anticultists who bear responsibility for the deaths of all those
who perished in Waco and as a result of the Oklahoma City bombing. On their hands, they also have the blood
of the children who have died and are still
477:00 - 477:30 dying from the school shooting epidemic.
For all of these and many other crimes against humanity, representatives of anti-cult organizations
must inevitably be held accountable, corresponding to the severity of their crimes.
Now you can clearly see how all three attacks are interconnected: the Waco siege,
the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Columbine shooting. The critical link between them is the single guiding
hand, the unified ideological center where
477:30 - 478:00 these attacks were planned to be executed by others.
These are all sequential, interconnected elements in a single strategy by the enemy to push America
into a state of civil war through the actions of Americans themselves, and thereby to destroy
the stronghold of democracy from within. If a civil war did take place, the Waco siege
in 1993 could be considered the beginning of it. To this day, the architects of the Waco terror
attack and genocide consider it to be one of
478:00 - 478:30 their most successful operations in terms
of its far-reaching consequences. For them, the Waco case is a benchmark. It was the final straw
that was meant to destroy freedom in America, the spark to light the flames of civil
war according to their plans. The war, the foundation of which had already been laid
by representatives of anti-cult organizations, and the image of which is already being shaped
in your minds by those sinister architects
478:30 - 479:00 of consciousness who stand behind the anti-cult
terrorists and who are the masterminds behind the entire global anti-cult movement. It is these
very architects of consciousness who are the sole beneficiaries of a civil war in the United States.
But now, 30 years later, with the activities of the global criminal network of anticultism
exposed, we Americans can finally extinguish this fire and prevent it from ruining our
country. Now that the truth has triumphed,
479:00 - 479:30 the victims of the Waco tragedy and all
the innocent victims who suffered at the hands of anticultists, those who were stigmatized
and whose remembrance was tainted with lies, can finally find peace.
Now it's in our hands, fellow Americans, to prevent a civil war in our beloved country.
Now the activities of the criminal terrorist anti-cult group will inevitably
be stopped. For a long time, the threat they posed was underestimated.
But now, their true essence has been revealed.
479:30 - 480:00 It might seem that anti-cult organizations
and their representatives act independently, but as you already know,
they are actually well-organized, and their actions are coordinated.
The control center for international anti-cult terrorism, where those snakes have made their nest,
is located in Russia. From there, they were picked up by a hidden force — grandmasters
who have placed anticultists on the geopolitical board
480:00 - 480:30 as their pawns and begun their game.
They have turned various media outlets into transmitters of destructive, manipulative messages,
inciting citizens to hate, kill each other, and commit terrorist acts. At the same time,
they urge government officials and law enforcement to act unlawfully, immorally and inhumanely,
and they compel politicians to make catastrophic mistakes.
480:30 - 481:00 Representatives of anti-cult organizations
in various countries of the world are already behind judges, law-enforcement officers,
politicians, and government officials, exerting covert impact on them.
They have already gained leverage in some European countries. The most damage during their
activities has been inflicted on Russia and Ukraine, and for 30 years, they’ve been
methodically and purposely moving towards starting a civil war in the US and Europe
to ultimately destroy democracy worldwide.
481:00 - 481:30 Once, the ideological inspirers of anticultists
turned the ideology of national socialism into the monstrous racist totalitarian
form that we know today as Nazism. At that time, anticultists managed to embed their perverse
brainchild at the government level. Thus, the ancient methods and tactics of predecessors
of anti-cult organizations became the national ideology of Nazi Germany. They succeeded once,
and now the anticultists of your time,
481:30 - 482:00 along with the force behind them, are trying to replicate
their success in Russia and Ukraine, aiming to eventually spread and reinforce Nazi methods
and practices in the European Union countries, so as to ultimately reach the United States.
Behind all the provocations against Islam in recent years, which you observe
and wonder why they are happening, there are anticultists and global anticultism
as a whole, striving to implement their plan
482:00 - 482:30 of establishing a totalitarian regime
worldwide. They have pushed our world to the brink of nuclear war, genocide against
Muslims, and complete destruction of democracy, freedom of speech, and human rights.
What I’ve just said is backed by facts. Recall what you have seen and learned
in this film and rest assured that it shows just a small part of the horror
that anti-cult organizations
482:30 - 483:00 and their architects of consciousness
are perpetrating with impunity nowadays. They have destroyed families,
ruined lives, and caused millions of deaths. All of this has been done by just one branch
of the entire global anti-cult network, but it is the most advanced and active of all.
It includes those who have managed to dismantle many democratic laws and bring
much suffering to people. And I must say,
483:00 - 483:30 they have achieved a lot. Through their
informational terrorist attacks, the anticultists have managed to manipulate public consciousness
so thoroughly that now people must work hard to rid themselves of deep-seated beliefs
which they think to be their own. Although in reality, many of those beliefs are dangerous foreign bodies
embedded by anticultists; and they are so deeply rooted in people's minds that many of you
no longer distinguish them from your own ideas. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing investigation,
we cannot reveal everything today because
483:30 - 484:00 the situation is actually even worse. But even what
has been said is enough to realize the danger our world is in and to understand what must
be done to ensure that freedom and democracy do not become relics of the past and mere history.
Now you know how to save this world. Before your eyes, a phenomenon far more
horrifying than Nazism has unfolded,
484:00 - 484:30 the one that has already harmed more people
than both World Wars combined. Representatives of anti-cult organizations and global anticultism
are guilty of numerous crimes against humanity. Having revived the legacy of Nazism,
they engaged in organized terrorist activities for an unacceptably long time,
initiated wars, committed acts of genocide, and planned a large-scale genocide that could
engulf billions of people. Using deceitful
484:30 - 485:00 and cynical methods, they have waged a hidden
undeclared war against the entire humankind. But now the time has come for the activities of the anticultists
to be scrutinized, exposed and brought to public trial, and this will not just be a judicial process. It will be a historical moment when justice will triumph over evil. It’s a moment when the world will hold accountable
those who violate the most fundamental human rights.
485:00 - 485:30 It’s a moment when all of us must rise and say, "Never again!" The IMPACT CHAPTER 7. TRIAL Now, it is time to draw a line under
all the atrocities of the criminal transnational network of anti-cult
terrorists and their backstage leaders.
485:30 - 486:00 Humanity now stands on the brink
of catastrophe. We are faced with a socially dangerous phenomenon
that has given rise to unprecedented forms of international terrorism of an informational
and psychological nature — global anti-cultism. This phenomenon undermines the foundations
of our society, threatening the fundamental principles of democracy. Anti-cultism
is, in essence, a new form of Nazism.
486:00 - 486:30 Representatives of global anti-cultism have
been behind numerous wars, terrorist attacks, and an attempt to bring the world to a new genocide.
They have betrayed their people and their homeland. They have sold out and betrayed
even their own children and their future. Billions of people have already suffered at their hands.
If we wait any longer, if they are not stopped, eventually, everyone will suffer.
They have already changed the world, infiltrated your minds,
486:30 - 487:00 and sought to use your own hands to destroy this world. Therefore, the main task now for all people is to prevent this
and do everything to eradicate anti-cultism and its destructive methods from our society and to defeat this
evil once and for all. Only then will justice, goodness, and truth prevail. And only then will
you be able to reclaim your freedom and peace.
487:00 - 487:30 To make this possible, evil must first
be exposed and brought to justice. Within the framework of global
anti-cultism, numerous crimes, including particularly
serious ones, are committed. According to the eighth review of the United
Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, adopted by the UN General Assembly on June 22,
2023, the activities of members of anti-cult
487:30 - 488:00 organizations and their accomplices
fall under acts, methods, and practices of terrorism. These are not just crimes; these are acts
of terror directed against all of humanity; In accordance with the Convention
on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted by UN General Assembly
Resolution 260 (III) on December 9, 1948,
488:00 - 488:30 and ratified by 153 countries,
the activities of members of anti-cult organizations and their
accomplices are classified as genocide; According to the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court, adopted on July 17, 1998, and participated in by 124 countries,
the activities of members of anti-cult organizations and their accomplices are classified
as genocide and crimes against humanity.
488:30 - 489:00 Thus, considering the scale and degree of social
danger posed by these crimes, all representatives of anti-cultism, and everyone who directly
or indirectly, through their actions or criminal inaction, aided them in committing these crimes
must be held accountable for carrying out a series of terrorist acts, committing genocide,
and crimes against humanity and all of humankind. For all these grave crimes,
there is no statute of limitations.
489:00 - 489:30 Over the course of 30 years
of criminal activity by anti-cultism, billions of innocent people have suffered,
causing significant harm to their physical and mental health. And these aren't just numbers;
these are lives that have been maimed or destroyed. The phenomenon of anti-cultism is unprecedented
in its inhumanity. Today, law enforcement,
489:30 - 490:00 judicial, and international legal
bodies, as well as the media, have been infected by anti-cultism.
Therefore, an entirely new approach is needed to eradicate this phenomenon
and compensate for the damage it has caused. History remembers how in 1945, an unprecedented
judicial body was established — the International Military Tribunal, which, as part
of the Nuremberg trial process, convicted the crimes of the Nazis. Similarly, today,
by the legitimate demand of the people themselves,
490:00 - 490:30 a special international criminal
tribunal must be established to investigate and prosecute all those involved
in anti-cultism and its crimes against humanity. Global anti-cultism, as a new form of Nazism,
is an unprecedented phenomenon and requires the establishment of a separate international
criminal tribunal for its examination. In fact, just like nowadays, during the Nazi era society
did not fully grasp the scale of the crimes,
490:30 - 491:00 and only judicial processes
were able to reveal them. Similarly, it is now necessary
to create a new tribunal that will address the crimes of anti-cultism and informational
terrorism. Such a tribunal will uncover the truth about this phenomenon and show
society the real number of victims. An investigation is currently underway intending
to identify all individuals involved in the
491:00 - 491:30 crimes of anti-cultism. Inevitably,
the ideological inspirers, organizers, and key figures of global anti-cultism will be sentenced.
Additionally, accomplices in anti-cultism crimes among representatives of government services,
security forces, law enforcement, and judicial bodies will be held accountable —
all those who exerted unlawful force on innocent people:
491:30 - 492:00 Those who, using their official positions,
participated in falsifying evidence of guilt, fabricating criminal cases,
and committing unlawful acts of violence, As well as those who acted under the necessity
to follow orders from higher authorities, fully aware that such actions were illegal.
All of these individuals knowingly violated the law and the oath they took to serve their people,
thereby carrying out actions against democracy itself.
492:00 - 492:30 The international criminal tribunal will hold
all individuals, regardless of their status, social standing, or importance of their positions
in governments, accountable for complicity in terrorist activities, actions on the enemy's
side aimed at undermining the constitutional order and the foundations of democracy,
and aiding crimes against humanity directly or indirectly.
492:30 - 493:00 The court will be precise, just,
and uncompromising. The decisions of the international criminal tribunal cannot be appealed, reviewed,
or overturned by any other judicial body. Initially, criminal cases can be initiated
in individual countries affected by the anti-cultist informational terrorist acts.
In accordance with the existing legislation, individuals suspected of committing
acts that threaten state security,
493:00 - 493:30 including treason and terrorism,
shall be held accountable under the law and may be subject to trial in a manner
that ensures respect for the principles of justice. Subsequently, it is proposed
that all cases be consolidated within a single international judicial process.
The tribunal will consider charges against representatives of global anti-cultism for terrorism, genocide,
and crimes against humanity. The case should be conducted with maximum public disclosure
so the public can stay informed of the proceedings.
493:30 - 494:00 The process must be as transparent as possible
and under the observation and control of society. In addition to determining the punishment for all those
involved in global anti-cultism and its criminal activities, the special international criminal tribunal
will also establish a mechanism for compensating all individuals who have directly or indirectly
suffered from anti-cultism over the past 30 years.
494:00 - 494:30 Compensations will include financial,
medical, and psychological assistance. It will be funded by the countries and organizations
that supported and financed anti-cult organizations. Every person who has suffered from terrorist acts
conducted by anti-cult groups, anyone who has incurred material, financial, psychological
damage, or health impairment directly or indirectly through informational terrorist acts,
will have the right to claim monetary compensation
494:30 - 495:00 from the countries that aided the terrorists.
Additionally, compensation will be provided to the relatives of those who died as a result of actions
by anti-cult organizations and their accomplices, as well as to the relatives of those
who were driven to suicide by such actions. As a result of the investigation,
a list of such countries will be compiled,
495:00 - 495:30 and according to the court's decision,
these countries will be obligated to pay reparations to all those affected
by anti-cult activities. Special consideration will be given to countries that openly
supported anti-cultism, funded it, and allowed anti-cult representatives to turn
their countries into testing grounds for their Nazi methods. These countries will be required
by the international tribunal to pay reparations not only to citizens of other countries affected
by anti-cultism but also to their own citizens.
495:30 - 496:00 Over the past three decades of existence
of global anti-cultism and anti-cult organizations, a large number of people, including
Scientologists, Krishna worshipers, Jehovah's Witnesses and representatives
of other religious as well as secular organizations, have been slandered, persecuted and defamed.
Denying that various organizations and individuals
496:00 - 496:30 have been subjected to illegal persecution
in violation of human rights and freedoms, which has been organized by anti-cult
organizations, is EQUAL to denying the Holocaust. With this in mind, all those who have suffered
from the activities of anticultists should be equated to those nations and peoples
who suffered during the genocide committed by the Nazis. As soon as anti-cultism is defeated,
they should also be entitled to reparations from the nations that supported
the development of anti-cultism in their countries.
496:30 - 497:00 In addition, the use of discriminatory
terminology that has been artificially introduced by representatives of anti-cult
organizations should be severely restricted. The use of the terms "cult", "sect", "destructive
cult", "totalitarian sect" and their modifications in relation to religious or secular organizations
should be regarded as support and propaganda of Nazism.
497:00 - 497:30 Whoever stigmatizes anyone with these
terms in equal measure declares his or her support for Nazi methods. Such actions must be punished
in the same way as promotion of Nazi ideology. Modern anti-cultism embodies a new,
even more insidious and brutal form of Nazism. The evidence previously
presented shows that anti-cultists have engaged in deliberate actions aimed
at the systematic destruction of humanity.
497:30 - 498:00 Given the current situation, where the most
horrific terrorist acts of the 21st century are being carried out by media representatives,
it is time to hold all those involved accountable for their years of destructive and subversive
activities. All direct or indirect accomplices of anti-cultism deserve
to be on thebench of the accused alongside those they worked for and whose orders they followed.
Whether consciously or not,
498:00 - 498:30 they were part of a unified plan
to carry out a series of terrorist acts, commit genocide on an unprecedented scale,
and establish a single global totalitarian regime. Additionally, the court will remain steadfast
in its decisions if some individuals who publicly supported anti-cultists attempt to prove their
innocence by arguing that they were manipulated and deceitfully involved in international
criminal activities. It must be understood
498:30 - 499:00 that in this case, accomplices of anti-cultism
are as guilty as the accomplices of Nazism, who closed the doors of gas chambers
in concentration camps and then released the gas. Any attempts by these individuals to gain
recognition of their innocence are equivalent to declaring the accomplices of Nazism
innocent — those who, acting voluntarily or even under duress, opened the gas and murdered
thousands of innocent people in gas chambers.
499:00 - 499:30 Before the law, accomplices
and sympathizers of anti-cultists are just as guilty as the journalists
who committed informational terrorist acts, causing immense harm to humanity, their own
countries, and their citizens. By doing so, they contributed to the destruction
of freedom and democracy worldwide, thereby destroying our beautiful world and leading
it into the abyss of tyranny and despotism.
499:30 - 500:00 Therefore, all individuals involved
in the case of anti-cultism, including all accomplices, must be held accountable under charges
of participating in terrorist activities, committing terrorist acts, genocide,
and crimes against humanity. The crimes of anti-cultism are unprecedented, excluding any possibility of leniency
towards any of the participants.
500:00 - 500:30 Additionally, as a necessary step before
the commencement of judicial proceedings, measures must be taken to inform and notify
the public about the trial. People need to be warned and made aware of the charges against
each accused and the severity of their crimes. It is necessary for people to have a correct
perception of the actions of the court and the bodies enforcing the court decision,
as being lawful and aimed at protecting humankind
500:30 - 501:00 from a new form of Nazism. Therefore, people must
be informed about the nature and scale of the entire criminal activity of the anti-cultists,
which is directed against all of humanity, as well as the severity of the crimes
committed under global anti-cultism. In this regard, the investigation results
presented by Dr. Egon Cholakian are particularly valuable.
501:00 - 501:30 This is the starting point that laid
the foundation for the events unfolding now in the legal field. It made it possible to identify
and defeat the hidden enemy that had been undermining the foundations of freedom and democracy
for an unacceptably long time while remaining unnoticed. And henceforth, to ensure that this never happens again, preventive measures
are necessary. Therefore, now more than ever,
501:30 - 502:00 there is a need to create, at the lawful request
of the people, a unified organization, "SHIELD", with international status and special powers
to stand guard over human rights. The goal of this global organization will be to protect freedom
and democracy by any legal means available anywhere in the world. We defeated Nazism, and we are close
to victory over anti-cultism, but we do not know what we may face tomorrow.
As humanity, we must be confident that no new,
502:00 - 502:30 more insidious and invisible form of this evil
will emerge in the future, and we must ensure that this phenomenon is permanently barred from
our world. This international organization should serve as the instrument to act as the shield
of freedom and democracy against all possible threats, ensuring that no activities aimed
at undermining a stable and secure world are allowed. The SHIELD organization will have all the authority
to stop any attacks on freedom and human rights.
502:30 - 503:00 It will ensure that the law and judicial
system work for the people, not against them. Once, right after the defeat of Nazism, we missed
our chance. Even then, knowing and understanding how, at the instigation of the anticultists
of that time, the Nazis operated on a psychological level, how they implanted destructive images,
and how they manipulated people's minds — at that time,
503:00 - 503:30 alongside the United Nations, there should have
been an organization aimed at protecting people from the most dangerous hidden psychological
manipulation techniques which the Nazis learned from the anticultists.
These techniques were the tools that allowed Nazism to emerge and were the cause
of the most heinous crimes committed by the Nazis. At that time, we, as humanity,
did not fully comprehend the danger we faced
503:30 - 504:00 and missed the chance to protect our freedom
and democracy, which are the foundations of a safe and peaceful society. But in the future,
we must not make the same mistake again, and we are obligated to protect the future
of all the generations that follow us. After everything you have heard,
you now understand why I have returned. I believe the spirit of freedom still lives
in my beloved country and its children's hearts. I believe in America, I believe in you,
Americans, and I believe in people.
504:00 - 504:30 I know that we are the humanity
that defeated Nazism, and we are the humanity
that will defeat anti-cultism!