This 1980s Strategy Will Change How You Work FOREVER

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    This video by Tiago Forte delves into the transformative power of the Theory of Constraints, a methodology developed in the 1980s by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt. Forte explains its applicability beyond traditional industries like manufacturing, to personal productivity in today's digital world. By following a five-step process, anyone can identify and improve constraints or bottlenecks to enhance overall performance. Forte shares personal examples to demonstrate how this method can help work smarter, not harder, emphasizing the adaptability of the theory to various personal and professional contexts.


      • Discover how the Theory of Constraints, a 1980s strategy, can transform personal productivity. 🕰️
      • Tiago Forte explains Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt's revolutionary method to improve performance by addressing bottlenecks. 📈
      • The methodology is versatile, applicable to both industries and personal productivity in the digital age. 🌐
      • Learn the five-step process to identify and improve constraints for better outcomes. 🔍
      • Tiago shares his personal journey of managing energy constraints to highlight the method’s effectiveness. 💪
      • Applying the theory helps in working smarter rather than harder across diverse areas of life. 🤓

      Key Takeaways

      • The Theory of Constraints helps identify and address system bottlenecks. 🔄
      • Developed by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, it is a versatile tool for productivity. 📚
      • You can improve outcomes with a simple five-step process. ✔️
      • This technique applies to both business operations and personal life. 🌍
      • Understanding and applying this can enhance your efficiency and effectiveness. 🚀


      Tiago Forte introduces the Theory of Constraints, a groundbreaking concept from the 1980s by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt. Originally used in industries like manufacturing, this theory can be seamlessly adapted to improve personal productivity. Forte walks viewers through the process, demonstrating its timeless relevance and practicality in the digital era.

        The core of the Theory of Constraints is about identifying and optimizing the 'bottleneck' in any system, whether it's a business operation or personal workflow. Forte brings the concept to life with relatable examples, explaining how even individual productivity can benefit from this structured approach. He shares how he applies it to manage his energy levels, crucial for his writing and research tasks.

          By following the theory's five steps—identify the constraint, exploit, subordinate, elevate, and repeat—you can systematically improve productivity. Each step is designed to maximize efficiency by refining or removing constraints. Forte encourages viewers to adapt these principles personally, demonstrating that working smarter is achievable for everyone.


            • 00:00 - 00:30: Introduction to Theory of Constraints In the chapter titled 'Introduction to Theory of Constraints', the transformative impact of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) is discussed. This methodology has been instrumental in revolutionizing operations across various sectors such as the military, medicine, and software development. The chapter suggests that TOC can also enhance personal productivity. The key content includes an explanation of what TOC is and a walkthrough of five straightforward steps designed to significantly improve desired outcomes. The theory was initially developed by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt, highlighting its esteemed origins.
            • 00:30 - 01:00: Origin of Theory of Constraints In the 1980s, an Israeli physicist and management consultant introduced the revolutionary Theory of Constraints through his book 'The Goal'. The core concept of the theory is that every system has at least one bottleneck or constraint that limits its performance. Thus, the performance of the entire system, whether it be a company, country, economy, engine, or individual, is limited by this bottleneck.
            • 01:00 - 01:30: Application in Modern Context The chapter 'Application in Modern Context' discusses the theory of constraints, a concept that has been applied to improve various industries, including auto manufacturing, for decades. The author explains that this theory is equally applicable in today's digital-centric world. It highlights that individuals can also be viewed as systems that take inputs, process and transform them, and produce outputs in daily life. This underscores the broader definition of productivity as the act of creating or producing consistently.
            • 01:30 - 02:00: Software Engineer and Project Manager Scenario The chapter describes scenarios for both a software engineer and a project manager, illustrating their roles and outputs. It introduces the theory of constraints as a universal tool applicable to improving personal productivity. It references Goldratt’s five steps for identifying and improving constraints.
            • 02:00 - 02:30: Five Steps of Theory of Constraints - Step 1 Chapter Title: Five Steps of Theory of Constraints - Step 1 Summary: The first step in the Theory of Constraints is to identify the constraint or bottleneck. This is the weakest link in your system, which could be a task, habit, or mindset affecting overall productivity. Common personal constraints include energy levels, available time, motivation, mental well-being, skills, knowledge, and available tools and resources. The author's personal constraint is their energy level.
            • 02:30 - 03:00: Five Steps of Theory of Constraints - Step 2 In this chapter, the author discusses the second step of the Theory of Constraints, which is to exploit the constraint. The focus is on making the most of the existing capacity of a constraint so that it operates efficiently before investing in expanding its capacity. The author uses their personal experience as an example, highlighting the importance of scheduling focused work, like writing a book, during times of peak energy to maximize productivity.
            • 03:00 - 03:30: Five Steps of Theory of Constraints - Step 3 This chapter discusses Step 3 of the Theory of Constraints, which is about subordinating everything else to support the main constraint. The speaker explains their personal approach by blocking 2 or 3 hours every weekday morning for focused work. They also use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to enhance productivity during writing sessions. The main idea is to align all activities, habits, and routines to support the main objective, which, in this case, involves creating a distraction-free environment.
            • 03:30 - 04:00: Five Steps of Theory of Constraints - Step 4 The chapter discusses the fourth step in the Theory of Constraints, emphasizing the importance of eliminating distractions during focused tasks like writing sessions. The author shares personal strategies for minimizing interruptions, such as turning off notifications, closing unnecessary tabs, and delegating tasks. This chapter highlights treating important sessions as non-negotiable appointments to maintain focus and productivity.
            • 04:00 - 04:30: Five Steps of Theory of Constraints - Step 5 The chapter discusses the fifth step of the Theory of Constraints, which involves elevating the constraint. This means increasing the capacity of the constraint or eliminating it entirely. The author uses the example of having more energy for focused writing as a constraint. They suggest methods to elevate this constraint, such as improving overall health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Additionally, incorporating more breaks and physical activity into the routine is proposed as a way to recharge and increase energy levels.
            • 04:30 - 05:00: Conclusion and Call to Action The chapter provides techniques such as meditation to enhance focus, suggesting an experimental approach to self-improvement throughout the day. It introduces a five-step framework for addressing bottlenecks in personal productivity. The emphasis is on repeating the process to continuously identify and overcome new constraints in one's workflow. The chapter concludes with a call to action, encouraging the audience to like and share the content if they found it beneficial.

            This 1980s Strategy Will Change How You Work FOREVER Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 this method has helped countless organizations transform their operations from the military to medicine to software development and you know what it can do the same for your personal productivity in this video I'll explain what the theory of constraints is and walk you through five simple steps using these five steps you can radically improve any outcome that you're trying to create the theory of constraints was first developed by Dr eliyahu gut in the
            • 00:30 - 01:00 1980s gut was an Israeli physicist and Management Consultant who introduced this revolutionary philosophy through his book The Goal the core concept of the theory is that every system has at least one bottleneck or constraint that limits its performance so the performance of the system as a whole whether we're talking about a company a country an economy an engine or even a single person is limited by the output
            • 01:00 - 01:30 of that one constraint this concept has been used for decades to improve manufacturing including auto manufacturing and many other different kinds of businesses but I've been studying the theory of constraints for many years and it's been amazing to find that it's just as useful in our digital Centric World it even applies to you and me yes you are a system too you take inputs you process them you change them and then you use them to create outputs every day of your life that's what it means to be productive Ive to produce
            • 01:30 - 02:00 let's say you're a software engineer you take specifications requests you process them and out comes code ready to deploy if you're a project manager you take deadlines and requirements and user needs organize them and out comes say a project plan with Milestones the theory of constraints really applies to everyone and it can help us work smarter instead of harder let's apply the theory of constraints to your personal productivity goldra developed five steps to find and then improve any constraint
            • 02:00 - 02:30 or bottleneck step one identify the constraint you have to pinpoint the weakest link also known as the bottleneck in your system this could be a particular task or habit or a mindset that is limiting your overall productivity here are a few common personal constraints your energy levels the time you have available your motivation your mental well-being your skills and knowledge the tools and resources that you have available my personal constraint is the energy I have
            • 02:30 - 03:00 specifically for deep focused work each day in my case that deep work is needed to research and write my next book let's see how we can go about improving that constraint of mine step two exploit the constraint you want to make the most of its existing capacity so it operates as efficiently as possible before you invest a lot in expanding that capacity in my case this means making the most of my available energy for focused writing I do that by scheduling my writing sessions during the time of day when I have the most energy for me that's in
            • 03:00 - 03:30 the morning that's so I block off 2 or 3 hours every weekday morning just for that I also sometimes use tools like the Pomodoro Technique where I work for 25 minutes and then I take a 5 minute break using a timer to maximize my focus and my productivity during my writing sessions step three subordinate everything else what it means is you align all the surrounding activities and habits and routines to support that constraint for me that means creating a distraction free environment for my
            • 03:30 - 04:00 writing sessions I turn off notifications I close unnecessary tabs I let my family know not to disturb me during this time or get a babysitter if needed in other words instead of treating my writing sessions as sort of these optional nice to haves I treat them as non-negotiable appointments in my daily schedule there's also other things like eliminating or automating or delegating tasks that I don't necessarily have to do myself to preserve as much of my time and energy as possible for that focused writing only now at step four are we going to
            • 04:00 - 04:30 elevate the constraint itself what it means to elevate is to increase its capacity or alternatively to eliminate it all together in my case that has me pose the question how can I have more energy in general how can I Elevate the constraint which is my energy to do focused writing I could work on improving My overall health for example through more regular exercise eating a balanc diet getting more sleep I could also incorporate more breaks and physical activity into my routine to give me these moments to recharge
            • 04:30 - 05:00 throughout the day I can and do experiment with techniques such as meditation to boost my focus as well step five repeat the process once you've addressed the initial constraint continue to monitor your workflow it's likely that a new constraint in some other part of your workflow will now pop up and then you can repeat the whole process there you have it a powerful framework to identify and address the key bottlenecks that limit your personal productivity if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up share it with
            • 05:00 - 05:30 someone who you think might benefit and don't forget to subscribe and if you'd like more tips on living your best most productive life subscribe to our weekly email newsletter just follow the link in the description