Setting the Right Psychedelic Intention

What Not to Do When Setting an Intention for a Psychedelic Trip

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    Setting an intention for a psychedelic journey is crucial but should be approached with ease and spontaneity. The aim is not to overthink or force an intention, but to allow it to naturally emerge from within. By engaging in reflective practices like meditation and dialogues with trusted confidants, one can refine their intention. It’s important to not worry if the initial intention feels vague. Remarkably, intentions can silently prime the mind, and insights aligned with these intentions may manifest unexpectedly, sometimes weeks after the actual journey. The key is to stay open to where the journey takes you.


      • Intentions for psychedelic trips should arise naturally and not be forced. 🌟
      • Meditation and talking with friends help refine your journey intention. 🗨️
      • Vague intentions are okay; they still guide your psychedelic experience. 🌈
      • Intentions silently prime the mind, leading to unexpected revelations. 🧠
      • Insights may surface weeks later, tied to your set intentions. 🔄

      Key Takeaways

      • Let intentions arise naturally without overthinking 🌱
      • Engage in meditation to refine your intention 🧘‍♂️
      • Discuss with friends who offer open dialogue 🗣️
      • Being vague initially is perfectly fine 🌈
      • Intentions can prime your mind for unexpected insights 🌟


      Setting an intention for a psychedelic journey is like planting a seed in fertile soil. It needs time, space, and the right conditions to sprout naturally and grow into a guiding force. Rather than forcing a decision, let your intention emerge from within, nourished by introspection and open dialogues with supportive friends.

        Meditation can be a powerful tool to bring clarity to your intentions, allowing you to sit with them and let them evolve. Talking to someone you trust can also mirror your thoughts back to you, helping you discover new perspectives without the pressure of having all the answers immediately. Don’t stress about the clarity of your intention—sometimes ambiguity is part of the process.

          Once set, your intention silently goes to work, priming your mind to receive insights and revelations related to your intended focus. These insights might not come during the journey itself, but can manifest in the days or weeks to follow, often surprising you with their connection to your original intention. Stay open to where your journey takes you, even if it detours through unexpected territory.

            What Not to Do When Setting an Intention for a Psychedelic Trip Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 I always advise that you do journey with an intention. But intentions can vary widely, can be quite abstract, as I want to learn to act and live more from my heart. Or an intention can be really like I want to find out what my next steps in life are like a vision quest.
            • 00:30 - 01:00 Or I want to deepen certain relationships. Or I want to get to know myself better. Or why I have certain fears or doubts. Or learn to love yourself more. But to set an intention is really in the preparation towards a psychedelic journey.
            • 01:00 - 01:30 It's just to sit with it and let it come from inside. And don't break your head over it. You know, you don't have to do a SWOT analysis to find your intention. It's more about letting it arise from within. And then sometimes they can be quite vague in the beginning. So you do a couple of meditations with it, you sit with it, and maybe talk to a friend
            • 01:30 - 02:00 about it. Somebody that can mirror you And that you allow to ask yourself some difficult questions without stepping on your toes. Just having an open dialog can help to find your intention. But don't stress over it. If it's vague, it's also fine still.
            • 02:00 - 02:30 And then when you set an intention somehow, and research still needs to be done, the mind gets primed and it will give you answers in the direction that your intention has been set. And often you don't even realize it's going just straight out of a ceremony or a journey back. It may take weeks,
            • 02:30 - 03:00 you know. It may be a completely different subject or different persons that arose during your journey. But my experience personally and also with the people that I've guided throughout the years is that somehow it comes back.