Overcoming Addictions and Reclaiming Life

You’ll never want to watch P*RN again after hearing my story…

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    Jak Piggott shares his poignant personal story about the struggles and consequences of porn addiction and how it can negatively impact self-perception and life experiences. During his early teenage years, Jak stumbled upon pornography, leading to a years-long addiction that affected his self-confidence, interpersonal relationships, and quality of life. Through resilience and a determination to change, he found freedom and happiness by ultimately overcoming his addiction, a journey filled with setbacks, realizations, and emotional growth. His story serves as a testament to the power of self-control and the positive transformations possible when letting go of harmful addictions.


      • Jak shares his first encounter with explicit content and its unforeseen impact on his life. 🚶‍♂️
      • The story takes us through his years-long battle with addiction and its effects on his social interactions and self-image. 🤯
      • A pivotal moment arrives when Jak realizes the adverse influence porn has had on his life decisions. 💡
      • His journey to recovery involved battling urges, relapses, and a transformative realization about self-worth and growth. 🌄
      • The narrative closes on the positive changes and peace Jak discovers once overcoming his addiction and committing to self-improvement. 🌟

      Key Takeaways

      • Porn addiction can start innocently but quickly spirals into a significant life disruption if not checked. 🔄
      • Avoiding harmful content can lead to improved self-esteem and better personal connections. 💪
      • It's crucial to recognize the impact of pornography on mental and physical health early on. 🌱
      • Strengthen your resolve by setting firm, personal goals to prevent regression when facing temptations. 🎯
      • Support systems and speaking openly about struggles can be beneficial for recovery and accountability. 🤝


      Jak Piggott recounts a compelling narrative that begins with what seemed like an innocent introduction to pornography, which gradually morphed into a much deeper addiction affecting various facets of his life. His initial curiosity turned into a habit, creating challenges in his personal life, relationship dynamics, and self-confidence. This eye-opening experience led Jak to reflect on the pervasive influence of pornography on young minds and the subtle ways it erodes self-respect and interpersonal relationships.

        As Jak's story unfolds, he openly discusses the vicious cycle of addiction, withdrawals, and the struggle to break free from reliance on explicit content. In particular, he stresses the mental and physical ramifications of indulgence, including increased anxiety and a declining interest in real-life activities. His candid observations bring to light the deceptive allurement of porn and its potential to hijack personal growth and social engagement.

          Despite numerous challenges, Jak's story is ultimately one of redemption and hope. He vividly describes his turning point and the mental fortitude required to renounce pornography. He underscores the importance of setting tangible goals and finding inner motivation, highlighting the role of support and self-belief in achieving meaningful change. Jak’s story is both a cautionary tale and an uplifting reminder that resilience and inner transformation are possible.


            • 00:00 - 01:30: Discovering Pornography (2016) The narrator recounts an event from 2016 when they were walking down the hallway of their father's house and were called into their stepsister's room. The stepsister was excited to show something explicit she had discovered for the first time. The narrator reluctantly takes a look and is horrified by what they see, realizing that this moment leads to what they describe as their 'absolute downfall.' Despite their disgust, they recall asking their stepsister something about the situation.
            • 01:30 - 03:00: First Experiences and Curiosity (2016) The chapter explores a young person's first encounter with pornography and their growing curiosity. In 2016, the narrator recalls asking an acquaintance about something called 'porn,' which piqued their interest despite not feeling compelled to explore it further at first. Later, while using a family iPod, an explicit popup appears, reminding the narrator of previous similar images. This leads to visiting a questionable website and casually browsing through its intriguing content, marking a turning point in their exposure to such materials.
            • 03:00 - 04:30: Developing a Habit (2017) The chapter 'Developing a Habit (2017)' explores the speaker's journey into discovering new interests and routines. Initially unaroused and unaware of their potential, the speaker begins to delve into niche topics that were initially disgusting. Over time, despite being bored with the niche topics, they recall other types of videos that they found intriguing, though not 'normal.' This leads to a developing habit, where the speaker engages in watching these videos twice a week for about 20 minutes, finding them very stimulating and interesting.
            • 04:30 - 06:00: First Relationship and Breakup (2018) The chapter Chronicles a personal experience involving the narrator's first relationship and breakup in 2018. The narrator talks about a girl named R, who is described as having a very feminine and bold spirit. The narrator, at 12 years old, is attracted to her not just for her looks but because of her personality and spirit. The chapter hints at a secretive habit or routine that the narrator engaged in for about a year, which they learned a lot from but never got caught doing. Eventually, the narrator finds out that R likes them as well, leading to them becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.
            • 06:00 - 07:30: Relapse and Binge-Watching (2018-2019) The chapter "Relapse and Binge-Watching (2018-2019)" explores the emotional journey of a young individual during and after a relationship. Initially, the protagonist shows no inclination towards binge-watching while being in a 6-month relationship. However, after the breakup, which causes a brief period of sadness lasting around two weeks, the emotional turmoil leads them back to binge-watching during the summer holidays. This chapter captures the fluctuating emotions typical of a young adolescent navigating heartbreak and coping mechanisms.
            • 07:30 - 09:00: Impact on Self-Esteem (2019) The chapter titled 'Impact on Self-Esteem (2019)' begins with a narrator recalling visits to their grandmother and grandfather's farm in Australia during the summer, which is from December to February. This visit was part of their experiences in the period of 2018 to 2019. Describing a typical day there, the narrator mentions enjoying the wide-open spaces, playing in the extensive property, and having fun with the dogs. However, the narrative takes a turn as they recount lying in bed at night, feeling bored, which led to visiting certain websites that had not been accessed for 7-8 months, resulting in binge activity. The narrative suggests internal struggles and possibly hints at issues concerning self-esteem, though the transcript primarily focuses on the setting and the actions of the narrator.
            • 09:00 - 10:30: Social Influence and Increased Consumption The chapter delves into the topic of social influence and its impact on increased consumption. It begins with a personal anecdote of the author spending hours consuming content late into the night, experiencing a feeling of exhilaration unlike anything before. This prompts a feeling of unease, leading the author to question what was wrong. Through subsequent research, the author discovers that the compulsive behavior is actually a part of human nature. The chapter sets the stage for exploring how social factors can drive individuals to consume more than intended.
            • 10:30 - 12:00: Realization and Attempt to Quit The chapter titled 'Realization and Attempt to Quit' explores the beginning of a personal journey where a young person starts to watch pornography once a week after normalizing it in their mind. This habit affects their confidence with women, as it provides a false sense of deep connection without emotional attachment or risk. This realization leads to an attempt to quit this behavior.
            • 12:00 - 13:30: Revival of Old Habits and Struggle In this chapter titled 'Revival of Old Habits and Struggle,' the author reflects on personal experiences with addiction or harmful habits, particularly focusing on the consumption of pornography. They discuss how easy access via technology led to heavy use and how it negatively impacted their mental state and interests. The narrator admits the realization and shock upon understanding how it manipulated their behaviors and thoughts, even to the point of losing interest in activities they once enjoyed, such as playing basketball with friends. This introspection highlights the struggle of recognizing and overcoming manipulative habits that disturb one's lifestyle and mental health.
            • 13:30 - 15:00: Commitment to Change and Progress The chapter discusses the theme of personal growth and the struggles associated with social interactions and confidence. The narrator reflects on past experiences where activities such as going for walks, talking to friends or engaging in conversations with women seemed uninteresting and challenging due to a lack of confidence. The narrative also touches on natural human desires and maturation, suggesting these are effects rather than causes of the issues faced. The narrator mentions dealing with low energy and anxiety, impacting their ability to engage with others, ultimately affecting their well-being.
            • 15:00 - 16:30: Friends' Role and Continued Journey The narrator reflects on their struggles in class, feeling hesitant to ask questions when they didn't understand something due to the fear of appearing ignorant. This hesitance carried over into their social interactions, particularly as their friends began discussing a particular topic more openly. The narrator felt pressured to conform but simultaneously struggled with the internal conflict of feeling wrong about it. Despite their friends admitting to engaging in this activity, the narrator couldn't bring themselves to do the same, highlighting their internal moral conflict. Within three years, their stance and possibly circumstances started to evolve, but the excerpt ends leaving the outcome open-ended.
            • 16:30 - 18:00: Self-Discovery and Emotional Growth The chapter delves into the narrator's journey of self-awareness and emotional development, using personal anecdotes. The narrator describes a significant shift from a strong dislike for pornography to an overwhelming preoccupation with it by the age of 13, particularly emphasizing a vivid memory from early 8th grade. This memory is tied to a family outing for lunch, which involved various family members such as aunties and uncles, indicating the narrator's intricate balance between private feelings and public family interactions.
            • 18:00 - 20:00: Encouragement and Final Thoughts The narrator describes a moment of being deeply attracted to a woman who resembles someone he's seen in adult videos. This encounter leaves him feeling overwhelmed by desire and unable to focus on anything else, affecting his interactions with family.

            You’ll never want to watch P*RN again after hearing my story… Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 it's 2016 I am walking down the hallway of my dad's house and I walk past my step sister's room now my steps sister calls me into her room because she has just discovered something very explicit for the first time that she wants to show me so I walk in and she's very very excited first time ever seeing this stuff she's she's litting up and she tells me to take a peek so I do and little did I know what I'm about to viiew is going to be my absolute downfall and I am disgusted I can't even look at it but I remember asking her
            • 00:30 - 01:00 what is this stuff what's it called and she says porn so that word porn is on my mind for about a year I don't have no urge to watch it then I'm playing on the family iPod one day and a popup pops up a very explicit popup that I have seen something similar similar to this before so I click on it and it's an extremely dodgy website but there's a lot of interesting content on there so I start scrolling through the content
            • 01:00 - 01:30 and I'm starting to get arous now I wasn't arous before but I'm aroused now I don't know my potential yet but we'll get to that and I start discovering like the niche topics the very very Niche topics now these are disgusting to me now and to me then and I remember about a week goes past I'm bored and I remember the videos that I saw that weren't the niche ones they were just the normal ones even though I wouldn't even call them normal so I'll get in the habit of watching these around two times a week for 20 minutes it's very interesting to me it's very stimulating
            • 01:30 - 02:00 I had no really reason to watch it I was just learning a lot from this topic on so I do this for about a year no one knows about it I never was caught I don't think I was anyway and then I start liking a girl a very very feminine girl R she's a very bold Spirit I'm not in love with her that's even the right word to use I'm 12 years old for her body I am I am attracted to her because of her personality her spirit I found out this girl likes me so we've become boyfriend
            • 02:00 - 02:30 girlfriend for about 6 months I have no urge to watch it at all none I went a year watching it maybe twice a week no urge to watch it then we break up around 6 months in break up and 12-year-old I'm a little sad for about 2 weeks nothing crazy but you know get you get your heartbroken for around two weeks I was a little sad but as 12year olds our emotions are always fluctuating so I always back to normal soon and then in the summer holidays
            • 02:30 - 03:00 of 2018 to 2019 because if you're in Australia summer is December to February I went over to my nun's house M and Pop's house who live around 3 hours away it was a normal day got there played in their Farm cuz I had a massive property played with the dogs I just having a really good time then I get into bed and I'm bored so I think of this I haven't been on these websites in like 78 months now let's do it again and I start binge
            • 03:00 - 03:30 watching the content for hours I stay up extremely late and then I discover what I can do holy [ __ ] that was a feeling like unlike any feeling before this video might sound a little cringe to some people but you will understand why I'm making this video in a minute but I remember after doing it I thought something was wrong with me I didn't know what it was right had no idea what it was so I started doing research don't really know what research I did but I ended up finding out it was a part of human nature and it
            • 03:30 - 04:00 was completely normal so you implant someone like a 12-year-old in his mind that watching pornography is normal I start doing it maybe once a week nothing crazy I have really no time and energy to do it every day but I start doing it once a week and I go into high school and my confidence with women has dropped because I'm already pedestalize them just a little bit and porn became a way for me to experience deep connection with somebody without actually attaching myself to them and maybe risking getting
            • 04:00 - 04:30 rejected by somebody I could just experience it on my phone no risk it just took 10 seconds to type up I didn't know it was bad for me I thought it was a part of human nature I remember around I'd say 3 or 4 months of heavy consumption I can look back at it now and I can genuinely say that I was manipulated by porn like it had it had screwed over my mind it had completely rewi my mind I didn't know this at the time but if I look back at it now it definitely did 100% I would find it boring playing basketball with the boys in the weekend I couldn't do it I
            • 04:30 - 05:00 couldn't do that for more than an hour now going for walks down the beach boring talking to my friends boring talking to a girl couldn't do it but I'd love to if I was confident and of course this is part of pu as well men become I guess a little bit more lustful or more desirable for sex because we're maturing right it's it is it's part of human nature but it's just the it's the effect not the cause that was the issue my grain started to go down because I had very very little energy and cuz I was very very anxious I wouldn't put my hand
            • 05:00 - 05:30 up in class anymore if I didn't know something I wouldn't I wouldn't ask question on it meaning I would probably get it wrong and as we grow old my friends start talking about it you know they start talking about how they watch it and that makes you want to do it even more because I now I know it's even more normal I'm not the weird [ __ ] anymore you know and but I could never admit that I watched it all my friends admitted it but I could never admit it I don't know why I couldn't I could never admit I watched it at the back of my mind I knew was wrong within 3 years I went from
            • 05:30 - 06:00 completely despising pornography couldn't even look at it to now when I'm 13 years old in seventh grade that's the only thing on my mind but I remember a year goes past it's early 8th grade and this is a very very significant event because I remember it just like it was yesterday my family and I going out uh for lunch I think it's lunch it's not dinight it's lunch there's probably maybe 10 of us there yeah the whole family aunties uncles and I get sat
            • 06:00 - 06:30 around 10 m away from a really physically attractive woman and she looks like the woman I watch on these porn videos looks exactly like one of them and I've never experienced that in real life before so my soul just gets killed all I'm thinking about is last all I'm thinking about is this girl my family asks me questions how's school going how's Basketball going right
            • 06:30 - 07:00 all the questions you ask and I just give one word answers because I'm constantly looking at this girl I wasn't that damn bad that I was going to go boss one off in the bathroom I was never that damn bad luckily but I was very close to it and I remember that day after we finished lunch I'm on the way home and all I'm thinking about in my head is just women women women I want a girl bro I want to lose my VC card I'm 14 years old at this point I just want to that's all I want to do so I have completely gone I have completely gone
            • 07:00 - 07:30 from an innocent kid or sem semi an innocent kid to a literal MPC who craves lust 24/7 and this caused me to do it anytime I went out in public so anytime I'd go out in public I would do it beforehand especially before my basketball games because I would usually get distracted in my basketball games from someone sitting on the sidelines or something like that so I did it before
            • 07:30 - 08:00 that and I didn't realize this at the time but it was playing a lot into my performance I was getting more tired I was I felt less athletic I didn't know this but I realized this when I started to realize it was bad for me which I'll get to in a minute so I'm increasing the amount of times I'm doing it now went from maybe once a week to maybe three or four times a week I wouldn't do it before school because school was kind of a familiar environment i' only do it when I went out somewhere where I wasn't really familiar with if that makes
            • 08:00 - 08:30 sense but I remember I started feeling extremely tired during the middle of year eight like very very tired and very very anxious as well so I went to the doctor now he didn't prescribe me any medicine or whatever my diet was kind of [ __ ] my my my sleep was [ __ ] basically everything in my life was bad and I had very very low self-confidence which I guess contributed to that issue a little bit but I'm no doctor I don't know but if I look back at it today I think the root cuse of all that was my porn consumption
            • 08:30 - 09:00 I might be wrong but this is just from my experience now this is probably the biggest part of Jack fot law that my real fans will know I tried out for a bigger team that would get me I guess access to Scouts that would allow me to play college basketball D1 college basketball one day now I try out for this team I don't watch porn I don't do it I I think it's like two or three days before the try I don't even want to do it I'm just I'm just constantly thinking
            • 09:00 - 09:30 about what I can do to impress the coaches so I don't even have an urge to but I go there do pretty well on the first try out I'm not going to go very deep into it if you want to go deeper into this specific story I will leave this video in the description because I go into it pretty uh in detail there but basically after the four triy outs I get cut I haven't done it for about 2 weeks so I have maybe the biggest urge ever when I get home
            • 09:30 - 10:00 ever I have I've decided to give up on BB at this point I'm not going to do it I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm not good enough I'm never never going to make the NBA so I start watching it every day and I start watching it twice a day now I start watching it three three or four times a day now we're in lockdown so I stick with that three or four times a day porn has become my purpose I get up I do it I go play some more video games I do my school workk and Ed do for the day which is maybe 2 or 3 hours in lockdown
            • 10:00 - 10:30 I do it again video games do it again video games do it again before I go to bed constant cycle for I think around 3 months 3 or 4 months and I start noticing that me skin starts getting really pale not lot of pimples i' maybe get a pimple or two cuz I think that's mostly I guess your diet and how much water you drink and your hygiene and I'm no doctor though don't listen to me but I felt extremely I looked extremely pale and I felt extremely drained because I was doing it
            • 10:30 - 11:00 so much and I think everyone wants to look attractive so I started looking up online how can I get my skin more smooth and maybe more taned and look more attractive look more vibrant because I go I wanted women attention so I could naturally do it with somebody I didn't want to just do it on pornography so I started researching ways drink more water get more sun not too much need a bit of diet all this top new skin care all this very very simple things right
            • 11:00 - 11:30 and I try these out and they do work a little bit but I still feel pale and drained it feels like I'm sick all the time I don't feel sick but I look it now this is where this video gets a little bit I guess not controversial but it's it's not completely fact it's just from my experience I looked at these people this is no disrespect to anyone by the way I looked at these people who are giving me enice on clear skin and they had clear skin but they didn't have glowing skin their skin wasn't vibrant I see some people and their skin is vibrant their
            • 11:30 - 12:00 skin wasn't that no one ever mentioned Seaman retention so because my feed on YouTube is mostly this skin care type of stuff self-improvement now I come across this video from a YouTuber called Gabe got that glow he doesn't make content anymore or you might haven't really checked out his channel for a while but this guy is the definition of a giga chat jacked the smoothest skin I've ever seen in my life
            • 12:00 - 12:30 and the title of his YouTube video is no fap plus cold showers for 30 days equals Next Level glow now the ogs will remember when I saw this video I click on it I don't know what noof fap is at this point I discover that it's no porn and no jacking off so I'm like this is the cheeko this is what I've been doing so much this is why I haven't been able to get vibrant clear skin now some people believe that se retention doesn't do anything some people believe it does I'm not saying I'm right not at all I believe it did a
            • 12:30 - 13:00 little bit it may be more confident and my skin cut started to get better but I'll get to that so I have this surge of motivation to quit I'm never going back to this [ __ ] ever again but I haven't discovered how hard it is going to be to actually quit this stuff and then I do it the next day cuz I can't beat it it's at night it's really strong urge again I'm doing it four times a day like no joke three or four times a day at the minimum because it's my purpose and I do it again the next day and I just can't beat that urge at night always CS I can't beat it and after
            • 13:00 - 13:30 around three or four months of this constant cycle I'd get to maybe day four and I just relapse after three or four months of this of this cycle this is another part of Jack bigot law I did it eight times in a single day now again this is going to sound really cringe to some people but I don't look at it as cringe because it was an effect of a really deep cause Within Myself some people who don't understand you know what corn addiction can do we're just cringe at that number but if
            • 13:30 - 14:00 you're watching this far you understand how dangerous it can be all right so I did that I just after I did it the eighth time I just I I felt like I didn't have a body burn you know you drain everything out of here you know but the positive to that was that I knew I was never going back never I planted that image in my mind that I
            • 14:00 - 14:30 was never going to go back like the image of my mind of how regretful and how [ __ ] I felt the last time I did it I couldn't even get to sleep that night right and I made the promise I was never going to do it again so I go a week without it haven't even viewed it haven't touched me Willie haven't done it in a week I feel very productive I'm very more I have more energy not a lot of energy but more energy than I used to have and I should be on top of the world cuz I've beaten my four days I used to
            • 14:30 - 15:00 always relapse on but I feel very lonely extremely lonely the most lonely I've ever felt in my life even though this is the time where I should be the most confident the most connected the most in love with like self love right but I feel the least of them because I'm my my mind has been corrupted by porn to Crave that urge of connection I don't feel connected I've never built a connection with with myself I've always needed someone
            • 15:00 - 15:30 external from these porn websites that are fake to fill that void Within Myself and I battle this demon for the next week so I'm two weeks off it I'm I'm I'm proud of myself but I can't let it go away I'm not going to compare this to a drug addiction because I never have one but people mention like the withdrawals that you have I don't know if that's if that's what I'm referring to here but I guess it's similar I don't know if any expert in the comments if any expert in is watching this video let me know if th
            • 15:30 - 16:00 those were withdrawal symptoms because I believe they were but I might be completely wrong I'm just a [ __ ] guy yapping on the internet but that was it was that strong that I caved in I gave in couldn't I couldn't do it I was so lonely bro I was so lonely and I only felt more lonely after I did it I was extremely regretful I made it two weeks but the ying and the Yang I had a lot of confidence that I could go further I made it two
            • 16:00 - 16:30 weeks I can do this for the rest of my I know I can I just got to get through these initial stages I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'm going to do it so I battle these demons every day and I just call them lies I just keep calling them lies lies and lies and lies giving into this urge is not going to solve the issue it is only going to delay it it's only going to make it stronger it's only going to delay it further I'm just going to feel it next week if I do it now I have to go through this if I want to grow so I make it a month and I start to see some of the
            • 16:30 - 17:00 benefits that Gab got that glow has been talking about increased energy I'd say increase confidence because I've gone 30 days off something that I was heavily addicted to but I'm yet to see clearer skin I can see a little bit of it but not much I'm not glowing yet which was the main reason I was doing this so if I didn't get that benefit honestly I probably would have gone back to it and now this is the biggest challenge ever I ever had
            • 17:00 - 17:30 I it was around I'd say day 4050 I'm not too I'm not too sure I can't really remember but it was in between 30 and 60 days I remember that I go up to my n and Pop's house again I don't think anything of it I think it's just going to be normal I've completely I've got rid of this addiction now the the smooth skins starting to maybe come in a little bit but I'll hop into that bed again that same bed where I discovered what I could do my potential and it hits me bro I remember the
            • 17:30 - 18:00 feeling the first time ever how it felt so good and I was ready to do it so I opened up the Hub and I was scrolling through the videos my heart was beating a million miles an hour me Willie was rock hard and my and I was just sweating I was like cuz I went from doing it so many times to not doing it at all right the urge is going to be so big but I couldn't get myself to do it I
            • 18:00 - 18:30 couldn't get myself to do it I'm not going back to Day Zero because I know the pain of regret is going to be so much stronger than the pain of discipline I know it this pain of not giving in is going to be so much better than the pain of regret I ble that urge all night I can't go to sleep I I don't even think I slept that night I can't but I'm not doing it I am not doing it I promise myself I'm never doing it again I made that promise to myself and if I break this promise I don't know where I'll
            • 18:30 - 19:00 be so I wake up the next morning wake up I get up I can't remember but I remember the urge slowly fading away I get up I go for a walk I go play some basketball I talk to me grandparents and I get little urges from here on in but they start getting a lot smaller now and my skin starts getting a lot better I start really glowing now if I have any pictures I'll put it up here and I want to get back to that my
            • 19:00 - 19:30 sleep's been very [ __ ] the last couple of years I've just realized it so Prime Jack's coming back give me two months and hopefully I'll be glowing again so I start telling my friends about how I've quit it how I've quit poring and I don't know if that was a good decision to make or not but I told him and I want him he M it's just for fun or I don't know if he was being serious or not he showed me it in class was like a kind of a test to see if I was going to enjoy it or not not want want to watch it but I look at
            • 19:30 - 20:00 it and I don't want to look at it again this might I don't want to tear up bro this won't be tears of sadness this will be just tears of emotion but I felt like a get again I felt like my 10-year-old self again bro and I realized when when when that came when that moment came I realized i' da her I realized I daen her and I was extremely proud of myself I was cuz I come I'd come a long way my confidence
            • 20:00 - 20:30 wasn't there with women yet I was still very very nervous cuz I'd never really talking to girls talk to girls I've built that confidence up over the last I'd say a few months 100% but the most important part of the video is now most important part of the story and this generally might make me tear up row honestly cuz it's and this might sound really cringe to some people but it means a lot to me man and hopefully it can mean someone to someone watching this video I
            • 20:30 - 21:00 remember around maybe 6 months after I was off it I was sitting outside of my at my nun's house that I discovered what I can do at at their house and I was just sitting out there looking at the sunsets nature just having a conversation with her just about [Music] life I could never do that bro never I could can never connect with someone
            • 21:00 - 21:30 like that because of my point addiction because I was doing it so much I sat there for 3 hours genuinely just not not stop smiling because of that and I it might be another reason why that was the case but I from my own experience it was because I wasn't addicted to Born anymore everyone who is watching this video and you can relate to me and you don't find this cringe you understand that porn is playing a a role in your
            • 21:30 - 22:00 life negatively it's worth it it's worth it to quit I know that you if you're anything like me you have these withdrawal symptoms especially if you've been addicted to it for a long time and it hurts by you don't have someone next to you right you maybe don't have the confidence to go off and call approach girls yet to get a girlfriend or however you want to get a
            • 22:00 - 22:30 girlfriend it hurts bro it does but it's worth it 100% every single time you get Nerge remind yourself that the pain I feel today is the strength I feel tomorrow if I let go of this pain right now by giving in I'm not going to feel that strength tomorrow it's worth it bro 100% I'm back to this video whenever you need to I'll say it one more time
            • 22:30 - 23:00 it is worth it all right hopefully hopefully this wasn't too cringe but I have to say what's on my mind much love brother I believe in you sometimes you just got to believe in yourself all right much love my man peace